List of FM Towns games
This is a list of games for the FM Towns computer system, organized alphabetically by name. See Lists of video games for related lists. There are currently 423 games on this list.
- 38 Man Kilo no Kokū
- 3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjyo
- 4D Boxing
- 4D Driving
- 4D Tennis
- The 4th Unit 1・2 Towns: Linkage
- The 4th Unit Act.3: Dual Targets
- The 4th Unit Act.4: Zerø
- The 4th Unit Act.5: D-Again
- The 4th Unit Series: Merrygoround
- The 4th Unit Series: Wyatt
- A-Train III
- A-Train IV
- Abel: Shin Mokushiroku Taisen
- Advantage Tennis
- Aeternam
- After Burner
- After Burner III
- Ai Shimai: Futari no Kajitsu
- Air Combat II Special
- Air Management: Ōzora ni Kakeru
- Air Warrior
- Alice no Yakata CD
- Alice no Yakata CD 2
- Alice no Yakata CD 3
- Alltynex
- Alone in the Dark
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Alshark
- Amaranth III
- Ambivalenz
- America Oudan Ultra Quiz
- Angel Halo
- Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi
- Asuka 120% BURNING Fest.
- Asuka 120% Excellent BURNING Fest.
- The Atlas
- The Atlas II
- Awesome
- Ayumi-chan Monogatari
- Azure
- Ballade for Maria
- Battle
- Battle Chess
- The Best Play Baseball
- Bible Master
- Bible Master 2: The Chaos of Aglia
- Big Honour
- Blandia
- Blue: Will to Power
- Bomberman: Panic Bomber
- Brandish
- Branmarker
- Branmarker 2
- Bubble Bobble
- Burai: Gekan Kanketsuhen
- Burai: Joukan
- Cameltry
- Can Can Bunny Extra
- Can Can Bunny Premiere
- The Case of the Cautious Condor
- Castles
- Castles II
- Centurion: Defender of Rome
- Chase H.Q.
- Chinmoku no Kantai
- Classic Road
- Collector D Bangaihen
- Columns
- Crescent Moon Girl
- CyberCity
- Cyberia
- D-Return
- Daikoukai Jidai
- Daikoukai Jidai II
- Daisenryaku III '90
- Dalk
- Darwin's Dilemma
- De-Ja II
- Dead Force
- Dead of the Brain
- Death Brade
- Deep
- Derby Stallion
- Desire
- Diamond Players
- Die Gekirin
- Dinosaur
- Doll Using
- Dōkyūsei
- Dōkyūsei 2
- Dracula Hakushaku
- Dragon Half
- Dragon Knight III
- Dragon Knight 4
- Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
- Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II
- Dragons of Flame
- Drakkhen
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Master: Chaos Strikes Back
- Dungeon Master II: Skullkeep
- Eight Lakes G.C.
- Eikan wa Kimi ni 2
- Eikan wa Kimi ni 3
- Elfish
- Elfish Lite
- Elm Knight
- Emerald Dragon
- EMIT Vol. 1
- EMIT Vol. 2
- EMIT Vol. 3
- Europa Sensen
- Evolution
- Excellent 10
- Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
- F29 Retaliator
- Final Blow
- Flashback
- Flying Shark
- Free Will: Knight of Argent
- Frog Feast
- Fujitsu Habitat
- Fushigi no Umi no Nadia: The Secret of the Blue Water
- Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure
- Galaxy Force II
- Game Jang+
- Garou Densetsu Special
- Gekirin
- Gendai Daisenryaku EX Special
- Genocide Square (a.k.a. Genocide²)
- Giga Mortion
- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu II DX+
- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu III SP
- Goh II
- Golf Links 386 Pro
- Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen
- Gulf War Soukouden
- Gunship
- Harpoon
- Harukanaru Augusta
- Heroes of the Lance
- Hiouden II
- The Horde
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-1 Wa (a.k.a. Jewel BEM Hunter Lime)
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-2 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-3 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-4 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-5 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-6 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-7 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-8 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-9 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-10 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-11 Wa
- Houma Hunter Lime Dai-12 Wa
- Idol Project
- Igo II
- Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidi
- Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidi 2
- Illusion City
- Image Fight
- The Incredible Machine
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
- Infestation
- Inindo: Datou Nobunaga
- Intruder
- Ishido: The Way of Stones
- Ishin no Arashi
- J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I
- J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II: The Two Towers
- Jangou 4
- Japan Professional Football League 1994
- Joshua
- Josikousei Shoujo Hatunetu
- Kamigami no Daichi: Kojiki Gaiden
- Kero Kero Keroppi to Origami no Tabibito
- Kigen: Kagayaki no Hasha
- Kikou Shidan
- Kikou Shidan II
- Kindan no Ketsuzoku (a.k.a. Fatal Relations)
- King's Bounty
- King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!
- Kiwame
- Kiwame II
- Kouryuuki
- Ku2++
- Kyrandia II: The Hand of Fate
- Kyukyoku Tiger
- L'Empereur
- Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos
- Last Armageddon CD Special
- Last Survivor
- Leading Company
- The Legend of Kyrandia
- Legends of Valour
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2: The Tribes
- Lesser Mern
- Libble Rabble
- Life & Death
- Life & Death II: The Brain
- Lipstick Adventure 3
- Little Big Adventure
- Loom
- Loop Eraser
- Lord Monarch
- Lunatic Dawn II
- Lupin Sansei: Hong Kong no Mashu - Fukushū wa Meikyū no Hate ni
- Mad Paradox
- Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force
- Mahjong Saikyou Musashi
- Mahou Daisakusen
- The Manhole
- Marble Madness
- Marine Philt
- Mega Lo Mania
- Mega Morph
- Megaspectre
- Menzoberranzan
- Metal Eye
- Metal Eye 2
- Microcosm
- Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
- Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen
- Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen
- Mirage
- Mirrors
- Misty
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Classic Operation
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Desert Operation
- Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
- Morita Shogi II
- Ms. Detective File#1: Iwami Ginzan Satsujin Jiken
- Ms. Detective File#2: Sugata-naki Irainin
- Mujintou Monogatari
- Murder Club DX
- Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion
- Necronomicon
- Network Q RAC Rally
- The New Zealand Story
- Niko² (a.k.a. Niko Niko)
- Ningyou Tsukai
- Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku
- Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden
- Nobunaga no Yabou: Sengouku Gunyuuden
- Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki
- Nostalgia 1907
- Oh! Pai
- Okuman Chouja II
- Operation Wolf
- Ougon no Rashinban: Shouyou Maru San Francisco Kouro Satsujin Jiken
- Oshiete Noobow
- Palamedes
- Planet's Edge
- The Playroom
- Ponkan
- Populous & The Promised Lands
- Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
- Power Dolls
- Power Dolls 2
- Powermonger
- Presence
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
- Princess Maker 2
- Pro Student G
- Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium '90
- Professional Mahjong Gokuu
- Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa
- Psychic Detective Vol. 1: Invitation
- Psychic Detective Vol. 2: Memories
- Psychic Detective Vol. 3: Aýa
- Psychic Detective Vol. 4: Orgel
- Psychic Detective Vol. 5: Nightmare
- Psychic Detective Series Final: Solitude Part 1
- Psychic Detective Series Final: Solitude Part 2
- Pu·Li·Ru·La
- Puppy Love (a.k.a. Tom Snyder's Puppy Love)
- Puppy Love 2
- Puyo Puyo
- Puzznic
- The Queen of Duellist
- Quiz De Let's Go!!
- Raiden Densetsu
- Rainbow Islands Extra
- Rance: Hikari o Motomete
- Rance II
- Rance III
- Rance IV
- Rance 4.1
- Rance 4.2
- Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession
- Rayxanber
- Record of Lodoss War: Haiiro No Majo
- Record of Lodoss War II: Goshiki No Maryuu
- Regional Power II
- Rejection: Den-No Senshi
- Return to Zork
- Rocket Ranger
- Royal Blood
- Ryuutouden
- Samurai Spirits
- San Goku Shi II
- San Goku Shi III
- San Goku Shi IV
- Sargon V: World Class Chess
- Scavenger 4
- Schwarzschild
- Schwarzschild IV: The Cradle End
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- Sekigahara
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow of the Beast II
- SHAMHAT: The Holy Circlet
- Shanghai
- Shanghai: Banri no Choujou
- Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
- Shisetsu Sangokushi
- Shisetsu Sengoku Jidai
- Shogi Seiten
- Shooting Towns
- Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon
- Silent Möbius - Case: Titanic
- SimAnt
- SimCity
- SimCity 2000
- SimEarth: The Living Planet
- SimFarm
- Soft de Hard na Monogatari
- Soft de Hard na Monogatari 2
- Sokoban Perfect
- Solitaire Royale
- Sotsugyou: Graduation '93
- Space Rogue
- Splatterhouse
- Star Cruiser II: The Odysseus Project
- Steepia
- Steepia Lite
- Strike Commander
- Strike Commander Plus (a.k.a. Strike Commander CD)
- Stronghold
- Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai
- Super Daisenryaku
- Super Odyssey
- Super Real Mahjong PII & PIII
- Super Real Mahjong PII & PIII+
- Super Real Mahjong PIV
- Super Shanghai: Dragon's Eye
- Super Shooting Towns
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
- Suzaku
- Syndicate
- T.D.F.: Terrestrial Defense Force
- Tactical Tank Corps DX
- Taikou Risshiden
- Tamashii no Mon - Dante Shinkyoku yori
- Tanjō: Debut
- Tatsujin Ō
- Teitoku no Ketsudan
- Teitoku no Ketsudan II
- Tenka Gomen
- Theme Park
- Titan
- Tokio: Tokyo-to Dai 24 Ku
- Toushin Toshi
- Toushin Toshi II
- Traffic Confusion
- Treeclub
- Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan
- Turbo OutRun
- Ultima Trilogy (Ultima I & Ultima II & Ultima III)
- Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
- Ultima VI: The False Prophet
- Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
- Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
- URM: M15 Wakusei ni Umarete
- Vain Dream
- Vain Dream II
- Veil of Darkness
- Viewpoint
- Viper GTS
- Viper V6 Turbo RS
- Viper V8 Turbo RS
- Viper V10 Turbo RS
- Viper V12
- Virtuacall
- Virtuacall 2
- Volfied
- Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe Edition
- Wing Commander
- Wing Commander: The Secret Missions & The Secret Missions 2 - Crusade
- Wing Commander II
- Wing Commander: Armada
- Winning Post
- Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
- Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
- Words Worth
- Wrestle Angels 3
- Wrestle Angels Special
- Yami no Ketsuzoku Special
- Youju Senki A.D.2048
- Yumimi Mix
- Yuwaku
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Zan II: Towns Special
- Zan III: Towns Special
- Zenith: Full Animation Adventure Series#1
gollark: It shows broken image icons.
gollark: seems to have stopped working.
gollark: I can sacrifice those xenowyrms I keep reflexively clicking.
gollark: The rarest dragon is XD. Nobody knows what it will become; we know only that it exists.
External links
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