List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family

The following is a list of widely known trees and shrubs. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species. The list currently includes 1351 species.



Araucariaceae: monkey-puzzle family

Cupressaceae: cypress family

Pinaceae: pine family

Podocarpaceae: podocarp family

Sciadopityaceae: umbrella pine family

  • Sciadopitys – sciadopitys trees
    • Sciadopitys verticillata – umbrella pine

Taxaceae: yew family


Cycadaceae: cycad family

Maidenhair trees

Ginkgoaceae: maidenhair family



Aceraceae: maple family

Agavaceae: agave family

Anacardiaceae: cashew family

Annonaceae: custard apple family

Apocynaceae: dogbane family

Aquifoliaceae: holly family

Araliaceae: ginseng family

Arecaceae: palm family

Asphodelaceae: asphodel family

Asteraceae: composite family

Berberidaceae: barberry family

  • Nandina – nandina shrubs
    • Nandina domestica – heavenly bamboo; sacred bamboo

Betulaceae: birch family

Bignoniaceae: trumpet creeper family

Bombacaceae: bombax family

Boraginaceae: borage family

  • Bourreria – strongbarks
    • Bourreria ovata – Bahamian strongbark
    • Bourreria radula – rough strongbark
  • Cordia – cordia trees

Burseraceae: bursera family

Buxaceae: box family

  • Buxus – box shrubs
    • Buxus austro-yunnanensis – Yunnan box
    • Buxus balearica – Balearic box
    • Buxus colchica – Georgian box
    • Buxus hainanensis – Hainan box
    • Buxus harlandii – Harland's box
    • Buxus henryi – Henry's box
    • Buxus humbertii – Humbert's box
    • Buxus hyrcana – Caspian box
    • Buxus macowanii – Cape box
    • Buxus madagascarica – Madagascan box
    • Buxus microphylla – Japanese box
    • Buxus natalensis – Natal box
    • Buxus sempervirens – common box; European box
    • Buxus sinica – Chinese box
    • Buxus vahlii – Vahl's box; smooth box
    • Buxus wallichiana – Himalayan box

Canellaceae: wild cinnamon family

  • Canella – wild cinnamon
    • Canella winterana – pepper cinnamon; cinnamonbark; winter cinnamon

Cannabaceae: hemp family

Capparidaceae: caper family

  • Capparis – caper bushes
    • Capparis cynophallophora – Jamaican caper
    • Capparis flexuosa – limber caper
    • Capparis spinosa – caperbush; caper bud; caper berry; prickly caper

Caprifoliaceae: honeysuckle family

Caricaceae: papaya family

  • Carica – papaya
    • Carica papaya – papaya

Casuarinaceae: casuarina family

Celastraceae: bittersweet family

Cercidiphyllaceae: katsura family

Chrysobalanaceae: coco plum family

Clusiaceae: St. John’s wort family

Combretaceae: combretum family

Cornaceae: dogwood family

Cyrillaceae: titi family

  • Cliftonia – cliftonia trees
    • Cliftonia monophylla – buckwheat tree; cliftonia
  • Cyrilla – cyrilla trees
    • Cyrilla parvifolia – little-leaf cyrilla
    • Cyrilla racemiflora – titi; swamp cyrilla

Davidsoniaceae: Davidson’s plum family

Ebenaceae: ebony family

Elaeagnaceae: oleaster family

Ericaceae: heath family

Euphorbiaceae: spurge family

Fabaceae: legume family (peas)

Fagaceae: beech family

Grossulariaceae: gooseberry family

  • Ribes – currants and gooseberries
    • Ribes alpestris – hedge gooseberry
    • Ribes alpinum – alpine currant
    • Ribes aureum – golden currant
    • Ribes cynosbati – prickly gooseberry
    • Ribes grossularioides – Japanese gooseberry
    • Ribes hirtellum – North American gooseberry
    • Ribes nigrum – black currant
    • Ribes rubrum – red currant; cultivated currant
    • Ribes sanguineum – flowering currant; red-flowering currant
    • Ribes uva-crispa (Ribes grossularia) – common gooseberry

Hamamelidaceae: witch hazel family

Hippocastanaceae: buckeye family

Illiciaceae: anise-tree family

Juglandaceae: walnut family

Lauraceae: laurel family

Lecythidaceae: lecythis family

Lythraceae: loosestrife family

Magnoliaceae: magnolia family

Malpighiaceae: malpighia family

Malvaceae: mallow family

Melastomataceae: melastome family

Meliaceae: mahogany family

Moraceae: mulberry family

Moringaceae: moringa family

Muntingiaceae: strawberry-tree family

  • Muntingia – muntingia trees
    • Muntingia calabura – strawberry tree

Myoporaceae: myoporum family

Myricaceae: bayberry family

Myrsinaceae: myrsine family

Myrtaceae: myrtle family

Nothofagaceae: southern beech family

Nyctaginaceae: four o’clock family

  • Guapira – blollies
    • Guapira discolor – longleaf blolly; beeftree
  • Pisonia – pisonia or mapou trees
    • Pisonia brunoniana – parapara; birdcatcher tree; pāpala kēpau
    • Pisonia grandis – Indian pisonia; catchbird tree; birdcatcher tree
    • Pisonia rotundata – smooth devil's claws; Florida pisonia

Nyssaceae: sourgum family

Olacaceae: olax family

  • Schoepfia – schoepfia trees
    • Schoepfia chrysophylloides – graytwig; Gulf graytwig

Oleaceae: olive family

Oxalidaceae: wood sorrel family

Pandanaceae: screwpine family

Papaveraceae: poppy family

Phyllanthaceae: gooseberry tree family

Pittosporaceae: pittosporum family

  • Pittosporum – pittosporums
    • Pittosporum rhombifolium – Queensland pittosporum; diamond pittosporum

Platanaceae: sycamore family

Poaceae: grass family

Polygonaceae: knotweed family

Proteaceae: protea family

Punicaceae: pomegranate family

  • Punica – punica trees
    • Punica granatum – pomegranate

Rhamnaceae: buckthorn family

  • Colubrina – nakedwoods
  • Krugiodendron – krugiodendrons
    • Krugiodendron ferreum – leadwood; black ironwood
  • Reynosia – reynosia trees
    • Reynosia septentrionalis – darling plum; red ironwood
  • Rhamnus – buckthorns
    • Rhamnus caroliniana – Carolina buckthorn; polecat tree
    • Rhamnus cathartica – common buckthorn; European buckthorn
    • Rhamnus frangula – glossy buckthorn
    • Rhamnus lanceolata – lance-leaf buckthorn
    • Rhamnus purshiana – pursh; cascara buckthorn
  • Ziziphus – ziziphus trees
    • Ziziphus jujuba – jujube

Rhizophoraceae: mangrove family

Rosaceae: rose family

Rubiaceae: madder family

Rutaceae: citrus family

Salicaceae: willow family

Sapindaceae: soapberry family

Sapotaceae: sapodilla family

Simaroubaceae: quassia family

Solanaceae: nightshade family

Staphyleaceae: bladdernut family

Sterculiaceae: sterculia family

Strelitziaceae: bird-of-paradise family

Styracaceae: storax family

Surianaceae: bay cedar family

  • Suriana – suriana trees
    • Suriana maritima – bay cedar

Symplocaceae: sweetleaf family

Tamaricaceae: tamarisk family

Theaceae: tea family

Theophrastaceae: theophrasta family

thymelaeaceae: mezereum family

Tiliaceae: basswood family

Ulmaceae: elm family

Verbenaceae: verbena family

gollark: Also, I'm thinking this might be good for the login page snazziness™?
gollark: You know, in the UK, they arrested a 12-year-old for vaguely racist threats to a celebrity.
gollark: No.
gollark: * DICTIONATOR™™
gollark: Hold on while I hack into the dictionary.
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