Mande languages

The Mande languages are spoken in several countries in West Africa by the Mandé peoples and include Maninka, Mandinka, Soninke, Bambara, Kpelle, Dioula, Bozo, Mende, Susu, and Vai. There are "60 to 75 languages spoken by 30 to 40 million people",[2] chiefly in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Ivory Coast. The Mande languages have traditionally been considered a divergent branch of the Niger–Congo family; however that categorisation has been controversial.

West Sudanic
EthnicityMandé peoples
West Africa
Linguistic classificationNiger–Congo?
  • Mande
  • Manding–Kpelle (Central & Southwest)
  • Samogo–Soninke (Northwest)
  • Dan–Busa (East)
ISO 639-5dmn
Linguasphere00- (phylozone)


Valentin Vydrin concluded: "the Mande homeland at the second half of the 4th millennium BC was located in Southern Sahara, somewhere to the North of 16° or even 18° of Northern latitude and between 3° and 12° of Western longitude."[3]; being Modern day Mauretania and/or southern Western Sahara.


The group was first recognized in 1854 by Sigismund Wilhelm Koelle, in his Polyglotta Africana. He mentioned 13 languages under the heading North-Western High-Sudan Family, or Mandéga Family of Languages. In 1901, Maurice Delafosse made a distinction of two groups.[4] He speaks of a northern group mandé-tan and a southern group mandé-fu. The distinction was basically done only because the languages in the north use the expression tan for ten, and the southern languages use fu. In 1924, Louis Tauxier noted that the distinction is not well founded and there is at least a third subgroup he called mandé-bu. It was not until 1950 that André Prost supported that view and gave further details.

In 1958, Welmers published an article The Mande Languages where he divided the languages into three subgroups: North-West, South and East. His conclusion was based on lexicostatistic research. Joseph Greenberg followed that distinction in his The Languages of Africa (1963). Long (1971) and Gérard Galtier (1980) follow the distinction into three groups but with notable differences.

Various opinions exist as to the age of the Mande languages. Greenberg has suggested that the Niger-Congo group, which in his view includes the Mande language family, began to break up around 7000 years BP. Its speakers practised a Neolithic culture, as indicated by the Proto-Niger-Congo words for "cow", "goat" and "cultivate".[5]

The Mande languages are considered to be an independent language family by Dimmendaal (2011).[6]


Mande does not share the morphology characteristic of most of the Niger–Congo family, such as the noun-class system. Blench regards it as an early branch that, like Ijoid and perhaps Dogon, diverged before this morphology developed. Dwyer (1998) compared it with other branches of Niger–Congo and finds that they form a coherent family, with Mande being the most divergent of the branches he considered. However, Dimmendaal (2008) argues that the evidence for inclusion is slim, with no new evidence for decades, and for now Mande is best considered an independent family.[7]

Most internal Mande classifications are based on lexicostatistics, and the results are unreliable (see, for example, Vydrin (2009),[8] based on the Swadesh list).[9] The following classification from Kastenholz (1996) is based on lexical innovations and comparative linguistics;[10] details of East Mande are from Dwyer (1989, 1996), summarized in Williamson & Blench 2000.[11]

 East Mande 










Busa  languages 




West Mande 
Central West 
Central Mande


Jɔgɔ languages (Ligbi)


VaiKɔnɔ (and maybe Dama)


Manding languages

Mokole languages


 Southwest  Mande






 Northwest  proper





Samogo languages (partial: Duun–Sembla)


Paperno describes Beng and extinct Gbin as two primary branches of Southern Mande.

Languages in Nigeria

Mande languages spoken in Nigeria belong to the Busa subgroup. Below is a list of language names, populations, and locations (in Nigeria only) from Blench (2019).[12]

LanguageAlternate spellingsOwn name for languageEndonym(s)Other names (location-based)Other names for languageExonym(s)SpeakersLocation(s)
Sorko (extinct)Bozo (not recommended)SarkanciSarkawaMost Sorko now speak only Hausa. Mainly in MaliNiger, Kwara and Kebbi States; fishermen on Kainji Lake
BusaBoussaBìsã́sg. Busa, pl. BusanoBusagwe, Busanse, Boussanse, Busanci11,000 in Nigeria (1952 W&B); 50,000 in Nigeria, 50,000 in Benin (1987 UBS)Kwara State; Niger State, Borgu LGA; Kebbi State, Bagudo LGA; also in Benin Republic
KyengaKyangganyaKyanggani pl. KyangganaKenga, Tyengafive villages on Nigeria side which speak the language; 7,591 (1925 Meek); 10,000 including Shanga (1973 SIL)Niger State, Borgu LGA, north of Illo; also in Benin and Niger Republics
ShangaShonga10,000 including Kyenga (1973 SIL): language dying outKebbi State, Bagudo and Yauri LGAs
BokoBooBoko120,000 all populations (2004 est.)Niger State, Borgu LGA. Nikki–Kande area, Benin Republic.
Bokobarusg. Busa, pl. BusanoKaama, Zogbme, Zugweya, ZogbeyaKaiama30–40,000 (est. 2004)Kwara State. Kaiama town and surrounding villages


Mande languages do not have the noun-class system or verbal extensions of the Atlantic–Congo languages and for which the Bantu languages are so famous, but Bobo has causative and intransitive forms of the verb. Southwestern Mande languages and Soninke have initial consonant mutation. Plurality is most often marked with a clitic; in some languages, with tone, as for example in Sembla. Pronouns often have alienable–inalienable and inclusive–exclusive distinctions. Word order in transitive clauses is subjectauxiliaryobjectverbadverb. Mainly postpositions are used. Within noun phrases, possessives come before the noun, and adjectives and plural markers after the verb; demonstratives are found with both orders.[11]


Here are some cognates from D. J. Dwyer (j is [dʲ] or [d͡ʒ]):[13]

MandingKono-VaiSusuMandé (SW)Soninké SemblaBoboSanBusaManoDanGuroMwa
'mouth'*dadadalalaqqe jodoleleleDilele, di
'saliva'*da-yida-jida-sɛ-yela-yilaxan-ji jon-fagodibesele-ile-yiDi-lileriliri
'water'*yijeyiyiyaji joji, ziomuniyiyiyiyi
'breast'*n-koŋsinsususisiŋenikonbe kyeɲiŋiɲoɲoɲoŋɲoŋɲoŋɲoŋ
'milk'*n-kon-yinɔnɔsusu-jixin-yɛgen-iya-xatti kye-n-dyon-yan-niŋin-yo-n-yoŋ-yin-yoŋ-yi
'goat'*bo(re)babaɓolisugo bigwabweblebori
'buck'*bore-gurenba-korodiggeh gu-gurable-sabɔ-gonbɔ-gongyagyabɔ-guren
'sheep'*sagasagabara-wayexeɓarajaxe segasɛgeseresabaablaberabla
'ram'*saga-gurensaga-koro jaxampadekekyeresi-gulada-gubla-gonbra-gonbla-gure
'head'*Koun-kolo yin-kola

Note that in these cognates: 'saliva' = 'mouth'+'water', 'milk' = 'breast'+'water', 'buck (he-goat)' = 'goat'+'male', 'ram' = 'sheep'+'male'.


Comparison of numerals in individual languages:[14]

BissaBissa (Bisa)díípíjàkakʊ́sɪ̀sɔ́ɔ̀sòàtɪ (5 + 1)sáápra (5 + 2)síɲe (2 x 4) ?nɛfʊ̀ (10 -1) ?bʊ̀
BusaBokodoplaʔààɔ̃sííɔ̃sɔ́osoolo (5 + 1)sopla (5 + 2)swaàɔ̃ (5 + 3)kɛ̃̀okwi [ litː tear away 1 (from) 10 ]kwi
BusaBokobaru (Zogbẽ)dopláaʔààɡɔ̃sííɡɔ̃sɔ́ɔ́roswɛ́ɛ̀do (5 + 1)swɛ́ɛ̀pláa (5 + 2)sɔ́rààɡɔ̃ (5 + 3)kɛ̃́ndo (10 - 1)kurì
BusaIllo Busadopiaʔààkɔ̃ʃííkɔ̃sɔ́osóodo (5 + 1)soopia (5 + 2)swààkɔ̃ (5 + 3)kĩ́ṇdokwi [litː tear away 1 (from) 10]kwi
BusaBusadoplaʔààkɔ̃sííkɔ̃sɔ́ɔ́rosúddo (5 + 1)súppla (5 + 2)sɔ́rààkɔ̃ (5 + 3)kɛ̃́ndo (10 - 1)kurì
KyangaKyanga (Kyenga) (1)dúúfʸáāˀāàːʃíísɔ́ɔ́rūsɔ̄ɔ̄dū (5 + 1)sʷāhʸáā (5 + 2)sōōwà (5 + 3)sòòʃí (5 + 4)kōōrì
KyangaKyanga (Kyenga) (2)dūːfʲâːʔàːʃíːsɔ̂ːwûsɔ̂ːdū (5 + 1)sɔ̂ːfʲá (5 + 2)sōːuwà (5 + 3)sōwēʃíː (5 + 4)kōːlì
KyangaKyenga (3)dohia / fiaʔàʃísɔɔlusɔɔdu (5 + 1)sɔɔhia (5 + 2)soowà (5 + 3)sooʃí (5 + 4)korì
KyangaShangadoʍaʔàʃísɔ́ɔsɔbodo (5 + 1)sɔhia (5 + 2)sɔboʔà (5 + 3)sɔdoʃí (5 + 4)wókòì
SamoMatya Samoɡɔ̀rɔ́prátjɔwɔsɔ́rɔ́sɛ̀rɛ́ (5 + 1)tjʊ́sʊ́ (5 + 2)tjisí (2 x 4)ménaŋɡɔrɔ (10 - 1)flè / fʊ̀
SamoMaya Samodɛ́nɛ́fúrákàakúsíirísɔ́ɔrɔ́sɔ̀rɔ̀ (5 + 1)sɔ̀frá (5 + 2)cíɡísí (2 x 4 ) ?sóosí (5 + 4) ?
Guro-TuraGurofíéyaázĩ̀ɛ̃́sólúsʊɛdʊ / sʊɛlʊ (5 + 1)sʊlàyíé (5 + 2)sʊlaá (5 + 3)sʊlàzĩ̀ɛ̃́ (5 + 4)vu
Guro-TuraYaourétʊ̀fli̋yaaɡasĩjɛ̃ = sĩɟɛ̃ or sĩd͡ʒɛ̃sóoluʃɛ́dʊ (5 + 1)sɔ́ravli (5 + 2)sɔ́ra (5 + 3)sɔ́rasiɛ̃ (5 + 4)
Guro-TuraMann (Mano)doópèèlɛyààkayììsɛsɔ́ɔ́lisáláádo (5 + 1)sálápèèlɛ (5 + 2)sálàka (5 + 3)sɛ́lɛ̀ìsɛ (5 + 4)vũ̀
Nwa-BenBengdoplaŋŋaŋsiéŋsɔ́ŋsɔ́do (5 + 1)sɔ́pla (5 + 2)sɔ́wa (5 + 3)sisi (5 + 4)ebu
Nwa-BenGagufɪ́nyíaziésúusɛ́dò (5 + 1)sɛ́fɪ́n (5 + 2)sɛà (5 + 3)tízie (5 + 4)
Nwa-BenMwan (Muan)doplɛyaɡayiziɛsóósrɔádo (5 + 1)srɔáplɛ (5 + 2)srɔ́a (5 + 3)srɔáyiziɛ (5 + 4)vu
Nwa-BenWandopilɔŋʔã́sijásɔ̀lúwáŋ́séaʔã́ (5 + 2)séjãŋ́ (5 + 3)sɔlásijá (5 + 4)sɔ́jɔlú
Jogo-JeriJalkunandúlìfìlɑ̀siɡ͡bùnɑ̄ːnīsōːlōmìːlùmɑ̀ɑ́lɑ̀mɑ̀sīɡ͡bū (5 + 3)mɑ́nɑ̄nì (5 + 4)tɑ̄
Jogo-JeriLigbidíén / díyéfàlà / fàlásèɡ͡bá / siɡ͡bánáánè / náanisóólò / sóolomɔ̀ɔ̀dó / mooró (5 + 1)màúlà / mafála (5 + 2)másèɡ͡bá / masiɡ͡bá (5 + 3)màdááné / maráni (5 + 4)táàn / táa
MandingMarka (Dafing)kyen / kyerenfila / filasaba / sabanɛi / naaniluu / luuruwɔɔ / wɔɔrɔwəna / wonlasii / siɡikonon / kondontan / tan
MandingBambarakélen [kélẽ́]fìla [fìlá]sàba [sàbá]náani [náːní]dúuru [dúːrú]wɔ́ɔrɔ [wɔ́ːrɔ́]wólonwula [wólṍwulá]sèɡin [sèɡĩ́]kɔ̀nɔntɔn [kɔ̀nɔ̃̀tɔ̃́]tán [tã́]
MandingJula (1)kelen [ké.lẽ́]filà [fì.là] ~ [flà]sàbà [sà.bà]nàànìn [nàːnĩ̀]dùùrù [dù.ɾù]wɔ̀ɔ̀rɔ̀ [wɔ̀ːɾɔ́]wolon fìlà [wò.lṍ.fi.̀là]sieɡi [sí.é.ɡí]kɔ̀nɔ̀ndon [kɔ.̀nɔ̃.ⁿdṍ]tan [tã́]
MandingJula (2)kelen [kélẽ́]fila [fìlá] / fla [flá]saba [sàbá]naani [náːní]looru [lóːrú]wɔɔrɔ [wɔ́ːrɔ́]wolonfila [wólṍfìlá] / wolonflaseɡin [sèɡĩ́] / seeɡi [sèːɡí]kɔnɔntɔn [kɔ̀nɔ̃̀tɔ̃́]tan [tã́]
MandingSankaran Maninkakɛlɛnfilasawanaaniloolu / looliwɔɔrɔnwɔɔrɔn (fi)lasenkonondotan
MokoleKakabekélenfìlasàbanáanilɔ́ɔluwɔ́ɔrɔwɔ́rɔwila (6 + 1)sáɡinkɔ̀nɔntɔtán
MokoleKurankokelenfilasawa / sabananiloliwɔrɔwɔrɔnfila (6 + 1) ?seɡinkɔnɔnttan
MokoleLelekelɛŋfelasawananiluuliwɔɔrɔwɔrɔŋ kela (6 + 1)seŋkɔnɔndɔtaŋ
Vai-KonoKononcélen / ncéle, dɔ́ndofèasàwanáanidúʔuwɔ́ɔlɔwɔ́nfèa / ɔ́ɱfèaséi / séinkɔ̀nɔ́ntɔntán
Vai-KonoVailɔ̀ndɔ́fɛ̀(ʔ)ásàk͡pánáánìsóó(ʔ)úsɔ̂ŋ lɔ̀ndɔ́ (5 + 1)sɔ̂ŋ fɛ̀(ʔ)á (5 + 2)sɔ̂ŋ sàk͡pá (5 + 3)sɔ̂ŋ náánì (5 + 4)tâŋ
Susu-YalunkaSusukérén [kɛ́rɛ̃́]fìrín [fìrĩ́]sàxán [sàxã́]náánísúlísénní [sẽní] (5 + 1)sólófèré (5 + 2)sólómásàxán (5 + 3)sólómánáání (5 + 4)fuú
Susu-YalunkaYalunka (1)kèdéfìríŋsàkáŋnànìsùlùsènì (5 + 1)fòlófɛ̀rɛ́ (5 + 2)fòlòmàsàkáŋ (5 + 3)fòlòmànànì (5 + 4)
Susu-YalunkaYalunka (Jalonke) (2)kedenfidinsaxannaanisuulisɛnni (5 + 1)solofɛdɛ (5 + 2)solomasɛɡɛ (5 + 3)solomanaani (5 + 4)fuu
KpelleGuinea Kpelletááŋhvèèlɛ̌ / hvèèlɛ́hààbǎ / hààbánááŋ́lɔ́ɔ́límɛ̀í dà (5 + 1)mɛ̀ì hvéélɛ̀ (5 + 2)mɛ̀ì háábà (5 + 3)mɛ̀ì nááŋ́ (5 + 4)pòǔ
KpelleLiberia Kpelletaaŋ / tɔnɔ / dɔnɔfeerɛsaaɓanáaŋnɔ́ɔlu / lɔ́ɔlumɛi da (5 + 1)mɛi feerɛ (5 + 2)mɛi saaɓa (5 + 3)mɛi náaŋ (5 + 4)puu
Mende-LomaLooma (Toma) (1)ɡílàɡfélé(ɡɔ̀)sáwà(ɡɔ̀)náánĩ̀(ɡɔ̀)dɔ́ɔ́lù̀(ɡɔ̀)dòzìtà (5 + 1)dɔ́fèlà (5 + 2)dɔ́sáwà (5 + 3)tàwù̀(ɡɔ̀) (10 - 1) ?pù̀(ɡɔ̀)
Mende-LomaLoma (2)ɡilafeleɡɔsaaɡɔnaaɡɔdooluodɔzita (5 + 1)dɔfela (5 + 2)dɔsava (5 + 3)taawu (10 - 1) ?puu
Mende-LomaBandi (1)ìtá(ŋ), hítà(ŋ)fèlé(ŋ)sàwá(ŋ), sàá(ŋ)náánì(ŋ)ndɔ̀ɔ́lú(ŋ)nɡɔ̀hítá(ŋ) (5 + 1)ŋɡɔ̀félà(ŋ) (5 + 2)ŋɡɔ̀hák͡pá(ŋ), ŋɡwahák͡pá(ŋ) (5+ 4)tààwú(ŋ), tààvú(ŋ) (10 - 1) ?pû(ŋ), púù(ŋ)
Mende-LomaBandi (2)iitáfeelésaawánaánindɔɔ́lunɡɔhíta (5 + 1)nɡɔféla (5 + 2)nɡwahák͡pa (5 + 3)taávu (10 - 1) ?púu
Mende-LomaLoko (1)íla(ŋ)félé(ŋ), féé(ŋ)sáwá(ŋ), cáwá(ŋ)nááí(ŋ)ńdɔu(ŋ)ŋɡɔhita (5 + 1)ŋɡɔfɛla (5 + 2)ŋɡɔsaak͡pakaraabu, raabupuu(ŋ), kapuu(ŋ)
Mende-LomaLoko (2)ilafeleitʃawanaiŋndɔunɡɔita (5 + 1)nɡɔfla (5 + 2)nɡɔsaɡ͡ba (5 + 3)karabu (10 - 1) ?kapu
Mende-LomaMendeyilá / itááfelésawánáánilɔ́ɔ́luwɔ́íta (5 + 1)wɔ́fíla (5 + 2)wáyák͡pá (5 + 3)táálú (10 - 1) ?puú
SamogoDzùùngoosōː ́ / sōːrēfíː / fíːkíʒìːɡī ́nàːlẽ́nũ̀tsũ̀mɛ̃̄ ́ɲɛ̃̀ːnṹŋáːlõ̀kjèːrṍtsjéù
SamogoJowulu (Jo)tẽẽnafuulibʒeipʃɪrɛᶦtããtãmãnɪ (5 + 1)dʒɔ̃mpʊn (3 + 4)fulpʊn (2 x 4)tẽmpʊn (5 + 4)bʒĩĩ
Soninke-BoboKonabérétálɪ̄pálànìã̄kʊ̄kʊ̀tã́nɪ̀ (5 + 1)kʊ̀rʊ̀párá (5 + 2)kʊ̀rʊ̀sɔ̄ʊ̀ (5 + 3)kʊ̀rʊ̀nɔ̂ŋ (5 + 4)m̥ḿ̩
Soninke-BoboSouthern Bobo Madaretèléplásáànáàkóòkònálá (5 + 1)kòk͡pùrá (5 + 2)kórósɔ̃̌ (5 + 3)kórónɔ̃̌ (5 + 4)fʊ̃̀
Soninke-BoboHainyaxo Bozo (Kelenga)sâ:nàfíenùsí:yùná:nàkɔ́lɔ́hɔ̀tú:mìdʒíenìsɛ́kìkáfìtã̄
Soninke-BoboTièmà-Cièwè Bozosàn:ápẽ̀ːndésì:yénà:rákɔ̀lɔ́tù:mìdʒiènĩ́tʃèkíkìáwí
Soninke-BoboTiéyaxo Bozo (Tigemaxo) (1)sánáfẽ́:ndèsí:yòkɔ́lɔ̀kɔ́lɔ̀tú:mĩ̀dʒê:nìsɛ̄kīkìáwìtã́
Soninke-BoboTiéyaxo Bozo (2)sanna / kuɔnfendeen / pendeensiiyonnaarankɔlɔntuumijeenisekiinkiawitan
Soninke-BoboJenaama Bozo (1)sànːápẽ̀ndéːsíkɛ̃̀ũnàtã́kɔ̀ːɡṍtǔːmíyíènísèkːíkàpːítʃɛ́mí
Soninke-BoboJenaama Bozo (2)sannapendesikɛũ / siɡɛũnataũkɔɡõtuumiyeenisekikapitʃɛmi / tʃami
Soninke-BoboSoninkebàanèfíllò / filːisíkkò / sikːináɣátò / naɣatikáráɡò / karaɡitṹmù / tũmiɲérù / ɲeriséɡù / seɡikábù / kabitã́mú / tãmi
gollark: Rust, of course, has no GC in the stdlib whatsoever.
gollark: The standard library allocates things.
gollark: D? I don't think so.
gollark: Probably!
gollark: Rust compiles are *not* fun.

See also


  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Mande". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  2. Vydrin, Valentin. "Mande Languages". Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
  3. Vydrin, Valentin. "On the Problem of the Proto-Mande Homeland" (PDF). Journal of Language Relationship. Journal of Language Relationship.
  4. Delafosse, Maurice (1901). Essai de manuel pratique de la langue mandé ou mandingue ... Institut national de langues et civilisations orientales. OCLC 461494818.
  5. D.F. McCall, "The Cultural Map and Time Profile of the Mande Speaking Peoples," in C.T. Hodge (ed.). Papers on the Manding, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1971.
  6. Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. (2011). Historical Linguistics and the Comparative Study of African Languages. John Benjamins. ISBN 978-90-272-8722-9.
  7. Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. (2008). "Language Ecology and Linguistic Diversity on the African Continent". Language and Linguistics Compass. 2 (5): 840–858. doi:10.1111/j.1749-818x.2008.00085.x. ISSN 1749-818X.
  8. Valentin, Vydrin. On the problem of the Proto-Mande homeland. OCLC 798912747.
  9. "Mande language family". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  10. Kastenholz, Raimund (1996). Sprachgeschichte im West-Mande : Methoden und Rekonstruktionen. Köln: Köppe. p. 281. ISBN 3896450719. OCLC 42295840.
  11. Heine, Bernd; Nurse, Derek, eds. (2000). African languages : an introduction. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521661781. OCLC 42810789.
  12. Blench, Roger (2019). An Atlas of Nigerian Languages (4th ed.). Cambridge: Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.
  13. Dwyer, David J. Towards Proto-Mande phonology.
  14. Chan, Eugene (2019). "The Niger-Congo Language Phylum". Numeral Systems of the World's Languages.


  • Bimson, Kent (1976). Comparative reconstruction of Mandekan. In Studies in African Linguistics, Vol 7, No 3 (1976).
  • Delafosse, Maurice (1901) Essai de manuel pratique de la langue mandé ou mandingue. Paris : Leroux. 304 p.
  • Delafosse, Maurice (1904) Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de soixante langues ou dialectes parlés à la Ivory Coast et dans les régions limitrophes, avec des notes linguistiques et ethnologiques. Paris : Leroux. 285 p.
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