OGC:Winter Domain (5e Subclass)
Winter Domain
Clerical Divine Domain Winter is a frightening time for most humans and humanoid peoples, who are terribly vulnerable to the effects of the cold, and so winter is often associated with the powers of death, as with the Algonkian Witiko, or Wendigo. This need not be universally true. Those who live in lands of perpetual ice and snow might view winter as neutral, or even a positive force, offering them the toughness that they need to survive anything life throws at them.
Winter Domain Spells
- 1st fog cloud, ray of frost
- 3rd hold person, gust of wind
- 5th sleet storm, slow
- 7th freedom of movement, ice storm
- 9th hold monster, cone of cold
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Also at 1st level, areas of snow, ice, and similar debris are never treated as difficult terrain for you.
Channel Divinity: Winterward
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to use your Channel Divinity to protect yourself from the effects of cold, and to extend that shielding to your allies as well. As a reaction, you can grant yourself and any other creatures that you choose within a 30-foot radius resistance to cold damage, which lasts until the end of your next turn, and permitting all creatures affected to automatically succeed on the saving throw to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion due to extreme cold for 1 hour.
Channel Divinity: Iceshape
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to shape ice into objects that obey your mental commands. This functions much like the spell animate objects, except that the animated ice sculptures you create have half of an animated object’s normal hit points and are vulnerable to fire damage. You can use this ability regardless of whether existing ice is present or not, as you are able to freeze moisture out of the air.
Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold damage to the target.
When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Heart of Ice
At 17th level, you can draw icy magic into your soul, infusing it with the essence of cold, warding you against outside influences, even emotional ones. As a bonus action, you can gain immunity to the charmed, frightened, and poisoned conditions, and end any such condition currently affecting you, with the immunity lasting until your next long rest. However, being unable to experience emotions has certain consequences, and you cannot benefit from inspiration or bardic inspiration while this immunity persists.
You must complete a long rest before you use this feature again.
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