List of villages in Canada

A village is a type of incorporated municipality within the majority of the provinces and territories of Canada.

Memramcook is the largest village in New Brunswick with a population of 4,831
Casselman is the largest village in Ontario with a population of 3,626[1]

As of January 1, 2012, there were 550 villages among the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, the Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon. Since then, Kedgwick in New Brunswick changed to rural community status[2] and New Norway in Alberta dissolved to become an unincorporated hamlet,[3] while both Hepburn and Pense in Saskatchewan changed to town status.[4] Saskatchewan has the highest amount of villages at 264.[4][5]


Alberta had 93 villages as of September 1, 2013.[6]

Villages of Alberta
Name Rural
date (village)[8]
(per km²)[9]
AcmeKneehill CountyJuly 7, 1910653656−0.52.47263.9
Alberta BeachLac Ste. Anne CountyJanuary 1, 1999865884−2.11.98436.7
AlixLacombe CountyJune 3, 1907830851−2.53.15263.4
AllianceFlagstaff CountyAugust 26, 191817415810.10.64270.1
AmiskProvost No. 52, M.D. ofJanuary 1, 195620717220.30.76272.2
AndrewLamont CountyJune 24, 1930379465−18.51.23308.7
ArrowwoodVulcan CountyMay 13, 1926188221−14.90.66286.1
BarnwellTaber, M.D. ofJanuary 1, 198077161824.81.49517.2
BaronsLethbridge CountyMay 6, 191031527614.10.68462.2
BawlfCamrose CountyOctober 12, 19064033679.80.96418.5
BeisekerRocky View CountyFebruary 23, 1921785804−2.42.84276.8
BerwynPeace No. 135, M.D. ofNovember 28, 19365265161.91.66316.7
Big ValleyStettler No. 6, County ofMarch 9, 19423643513.71.84198.3
Bittern Lake[N 1]Camrose CountyNovember 2, 1904224225−0.46.6433.7
BoyleAthabasca CountyDecember 31, 19539168547.37.28125.8
BretonBrazeau CountyJanuary 1, 1957496550−9.81.73286.5
CarbonKneehill CountyNovember 18, 19125925703.92.00295.6
CarmangayVulcan CountyMarch 4, 19363673369.21.86197.1
CarolineClearwater CountyDecember 31, 1951501515−2.71.98252.8
CerealSpecial Area No. 3August 19, 19141341266.30.95141.6
ChampionVulcan CountyMay 27, 19113783643.80.88429.7
ChauvinWainwright No. 61, M.D. ofDecember 30, 19123343088.42.32143.9
ChipmanLamont CountyOctober 21, 191328425312.39.6129.5
CliveLacombe CountyJanuary 9, 191267556220.12.12318.3
ClydeWestlock CountyJanuary 28, 19145034707.01.36370.7
ConsortSpecial Area No. 4September 23, 1912689739−6.82.83243.3
CouttsWarner No. 5, County ofJanuary 1, 1960277305−9.20.98283.3
CowleyPincher Creek No. 9, M.D. ofAugust 16, 19062362197.81.40168.8
CremonaMountain View CountyJanuary 1, 1955457463−1.31.71267.8
CzarProvost No. 52, M.D. ofNovember 12, 1917167175−4.61.18141.6
DelburneRed Deer CountyJanuary 17, 19138307658.53.92211.5
Delia[N 2]Starland CountyJuly 20, 1914186207−10.11.31142.5
DewberryVermilion River, County ofJanuary 1, 19572011962.60.84238.5
DonaldaStettler No. 6, County ofDecember 30, 191225922415.60.99262.3
DonnellySmoky River No. 130, M.D. ofJanuary 1, 19563052934.11.27239.9
DuchessNewell, County ofMay 12, 19219929781.41.89526.2
EdbergCamrose CountyFebruary 4, 19301681558.40.36470.9
EdgertonWainwright No. 61, M.D. ofSeptember 11, 1917317373−15.01.89168.1
ElnoraRed Deer CountyJuly 22, 192931328011.81.48210.9
EmpressSpecial Area No. 2February 5, 191418813638.21.75107.6
ForemostForty Mile No. 8, County ofDecember 31, 19505265240.41.89277.8
ForestburgFlagstaff CountyAugust 21, 1919831895−7.22.75302.0
GadsbyStettler No. 6, County ofMay 6, 19102535−28.60.8230.5
GirouxvilleSmoky River No. 130, M.D. ofDecember 31, 1951266282−5.70.58461.2
GlendonBonnyville No. 87, M.D. ofJanuary 1, 195648642115.41.98245.1
GlenwoodCardston CountyJanuary 1, 19612872802.51.46197.2
HalkirkPaintearth No. 18, County ofFebruary 10, 19121211137.10.65185.7
Hay Lakes[N 3]Camrose CountyApril 17, 192842536217.40.58730.1
HeislerFlagstaff CountyJanuary 1, 1961151153−1.30.76199.9
Hill SpringCardston CountyJanuary 1, 1961186192−3.11.11167.2
Hines CreekClear Hills CountyDecember 31, 1951380430−11.64.3786.9
HoldenBeaver CountyApril 14, 1909381398−4.31.70224.3
HughendenProvost No. 52, M.D. ofDecember 27, 1917230231−0.40.78296.6
HussarWheatland CountyApril 20, 1928176187−5.90.99177.8
HytheGrande Prairie No. 1, County ofAugust 31, 1929820821−0.14.12198.8
InnisfreeMinburn No. 27, County ofMarch 11, 1911220233−5.61.27172.6
IrmaWainwright No. 61, M.D. ofMay 30, 19124574442.91.11410.7
KitscotyVermilion River, County ofMarch 22, 191184670919.31.54549.8
LindenKneehill CountyJanuary 1, 19647256609.82.56283.3
LomondVulcan CountyFebruary 16, 1916173175−1.11.28134.9
LongviewFoothills No. 31, M.D. ofJanuary 1, 19643073002.31.09282.1
LougheedFlagstaff CountyNovember 7, 19112332177.41.92121.5
MannvilleMinburn No. 27, County ofDecember 29, 19068037822.72.15373.6
MarwayneVermilion River, County ofDecember 31, 195261252117.51.68364.5
MiloVulcan CountyMay 7, 193112210022.01.04116.9
MorrinStarland CountyApril 16, 1920245253−3.20.82298.9
MunsonStarland CountyMay 5, 1911204217−6.02.6078.5
MyrnamTwo Hills No. 21, County ofAugust 22, 19303703622.22.76134.2
NampaNorthern Sunrise CountyJanuary 1, 19583623600.61.86194.9
Paradise ValleyVermilion River, County ofJanuary 1, 1964174183−4.90.57306.9
RockyfordWheatland CountyMarch 28, 1919325349−6.91.08300.0
RosalindCamrose CountyJanuary 1, 19661901900.00.59322.2
RosemaryNewell, County ofDecember 31, 1951342388−11.90.56607.8
RycroftSpirit River No. 133, M.D. ofMarch 15, 1944628638−1.61.69372.5
Ryley[N 4]Beaver CountyApril 2, 19104974588.51.97251.9
Spring Lake[N 5]Parkland CountyJanuary 1, 19995335016.42.12251.5
StandardWheatland CountyApril 29, 1922379380−0.32.34162.1
Stirling[N 6]Warner No. 5, County ofSeptember 3, 19011,09092118.32.64413.6
VeteranSpecial Area No. 4June 30, 1914249293−15.00.84297.0
VilnaSmoky Lake CountyJune 23, 1923249274−9.10.90277.5
WabamunParkland CountyJanuary 1, 198066160110.03.24203.8
WarburgLeduc CountyDecember 31, 195378962127.12.70292.6
WarnerWarner No. 5, County ofNovember 12, 19083313077.81.15288.5
WaskatenauSmoky Lake CountyMay 19, 1932255278−8.30.60427.6
YoungstownSpecial Area No. 3December 31, 19361781704.71.00177.7
Total villages 37,091 35,739 3.8 159.38 232.7


  1. Bittern Lake was formerly known as Rosenroll prior to December 16, 1911.[10]
  2. Delia was formerly known as Highland prior to December 9, 1915.[11]
  3. Hay Lakes was formerly known as Hay Lake prior to January 1, 1932.
  4. Ryley was also known as Equity in 1909.[12]
  5. Spring Lake was formerly known as Edmonton Beach prior to January 1, 1999.[13]
  6. Stirling is designated a national historic site.

British Columbia

British Columbia had 42 villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Villages of British Columbia
Name Corporate name[14] Status[14] Regional
Incorp. date
Alert BayAlert Bay, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageMount WaddingtonJanuary 14, 1946445456−2.41.73257.3
AnmoreAnmore, Village ofVillageGreater VancouverDecember 7, 19872,0921,78517.228.2474.1
AshcroftAshcroft, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageThompson-NicolaJune 27, 19521,6281,664−2.250.9032.0
BelcarraBelcarra, Village ofVillageGreater VancouverAugust 22, 1979644676−4.75.50117.1
Burns LakeBurns Lake, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageBulkley-NechakoDecember 6, 19232,0292,107−3.76.59307.7
Cache CreekCache Creek, Village ofVillageThompson-NicolaNovember 28, 19671,0401,0370.310.25101.5
Canal FlatsCanal Flats, Village ofVillageEast KootenayJune 29, 20047157002.110.8665.8
ChaseChase, Village ofVillageThompson-NicolaApril 22, 19692,4952,4093.63.77662.5
ClintonClinton, Village ofVillageThompson-NicolaJuly 16, 19636365986.47.8980.6
CumberlandCumberland, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageComox ValleyJanuary 1, 18983,3982,76223.029.00117.2
Fraser LakeFraser Lake, Village ofVillageBulkley-NechakoSeptember 27, 19661,1671,1134.94.07286.9
FruitvaleFruitvale, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageKootenay BoundaryNovember 4, 19522,0161,9523.32.71745.3
Gold RiverGold River, Village ofVillageStrathconaAugust 26, 19651,2671,362−7.010.78117.5
Granisle[lower-alpha 1]Granisle, Village ofVillageBulkley-NechakoJune 29, 1971303364−16.841.867.2
Harrison Hot SpringsHarrison Hot Springs, Village ofVillageFraser ValleyMay 27, 19491,4681,573−6.75.57263.5
HazeltonHazelton, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageKitimat-StikineFebruary 15, 1956300[17]2932.42.80107.1
KasloKaslo, Village ofVillageCentral KootenayAugust 14, 18931,0261,072−4.32.48413.6
KeremeosKeremeos, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageOkanagan-SimilkameenOctober 30, 19561,3301,2893.22.09635.4
Lions BayLions Bay, Village ofVillageGreater VancouverDecember 17, 19701,3181,328−0.82.53520.2
LumbyLumby, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageNorth OkanaganDecember 20, 19551,7311,6345.95.74301.6
LyttonLytton, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageThompson-NicolaMay 3, 1945228235−3.06.5434.8
MassetMasset, Village ofVillageSkeena-Queen CharlotteMay 11, 1961884940−6.020.6142.9
McBrideMcBride, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageFraser-Fort GeorgeApril 7, 1932586660−11.24.64126.4
MidwayMidway, Village ofVillageKootenay BoundaryMay 25, 19676746218.512.2455.0
MontroseMontrose, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageKootenay BoundaryJune 22, 19561,0301,0121.81.46704.6
NakuspNakusp, Village ofVillageCentral KootenayNovember 24, 19641,5691,5243.08.05194.8
New DenverNew Denver, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageCentral KootenayJanuary 12, 1929504512−1.60.87579.6
PembertonPemberton, Village ofVillageSquamish-LillooetJuly 20, 19562,3692,1928.110.89217.5
Port AlicePort Alice, Village ofVillageMount WaddingtonJune 16, 1965805821−1.97.04114.4
Port ClementsPort Clements, Village ofVillageSkeena-Queen CharlotteDecember 31, 1975378440−14.113.0429.0
Pouce CoupePouce Coupe, The Corporation of the Village ofVillagePeace RiverJanuary 6, 1932738739−0.12.06358.5
Queen CharlotteQueen Charlotte, Village ofVillageSkeena-Queen CharlotteDecember 5, 2005944948−0.435.6226.5
Radium Hot SpringsRadium Hot Springs, Village ofVillageEast KootenayDecember 10, 19907777355.76.34122.5
SalmoSalmo, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageCentral KootenayOctober 30, 19461,1391,00713.12.44466.2
SaywardSayward, Village ofVillageStrathconaJune 27, 1968317341−7.04.5170.3
SilvertonSilverton, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageCentral KootenayMay 6, 19301951855.40.35550.5
SlocanSlocan, Village ofVillageCentral KootenayJune 1, 1901296314−5.70.78381.7
TahsisTahsis, Village ofVillageStrathconaJune 17, 1970316366−13.75.2660.0
TelkwaTelkwa, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageBulkley-NechakoJuly 18, 19521,3501,2954.27.04191.9
ValemountValemount, Village ofVillageFraser-Fort GeorgeDecember 13, 19621,0201,0180.25.17197.4
WarfieldWarfield, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageKootenay BoundaryDecember 8, 19521,7001,729−1.71.89900.7
ZeballosZeballos, The Corporation of the Village ofVillageStrathconaJune 27, 1952125189−33.91.5680.3


  1. Granisle was founded as a company town by Granisle Copper Ltd. prior to its incorporation in 1971.[16]


Manitoba had 19 villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Villages of Manitoba
Name Population
Total villages 1,933 1,795 7.7 5.4 358.0
Name Dissolved Currently part of
BenitoJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Swan Valley West
BinscarthJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Russell – Binscarth
BowsmanJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Minitonas – Bowsman
CartwrightJanuary 1, 2015Cartwright – Roblin Municipality
Crystal CityJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Louise
ElkhornJanuary 1, 2015Rural Municipality of Wallace – Woodworth
EthelbertJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Ethelbert
FoxwarrenJanuary 1, 1967[19]Prairie View Municipality
GarsonJanuary 1, 2003[20]Rural Municipality of Brokenhead
GlenboroJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Glenboro – South Cypress
Great FallsJanuary 1, 1973[21]Rural Municipality of Alexander
McCrearyJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of McCreary
NapinkaJanuary 1, 1986Municipality of Brenda – Waskada
Notre Dame de LourdesJanuary 1, 2015Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba
PowerviewMay 1, 2005[22]Town of Powerview-Pine Falls
RivertonJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Bifrost – Riverton
St. ClaudeJanuary 1, 2015Rural Municipality of Grey
St. LazareJanuary 1, 2015Rural Municipality of Ellice – Archie
SomersetJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Lorne
WaskadaJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Brenda – Waskada
WawanesaJanuary 1, 2015Municipality of Oakland – Wawanesa
WinnipegosisJanuary 1, 2015Rural Municipality of Mossey River

New Brunswick

New Brunswick had 65 villages as of July 1, 2012.[5][2]

Villages of New Brunswick List of municipalities in New Brunswick
Name Municipal type Incorporation
2016 Census of Population[24]
Land area
AlmaVillage1966213 232 −8.2%47.604.5/km2
AroostookVillage1966306 351 −12.8%2.23137.2/km2
AtholvilleVillage19663,570 3,778 −5.5%119.6029.8/km2
BalmoralVillage19721,674 1,719 −2.6%43.3938.6/km2
Bas-CaraquetVillage19661,305 1,380 −5.4%31.0142.1/km2
BathVillage1966476 532 −10.5%2.00238.0/km2
BelleduneVillage19681,417 1,548 −8.5%189.477.5/km2
BertrandVillage19681,166 1,142 +2.1%57.4420.3/km2
Blacks HarbourVillage1972894 982 −9.0%9.0698.7/km2
BlackvilleVillage1966958 990 −3.2%21.1345.3/km2
Cambridge-NarrowsVillage1966562 620 −9.4%107.195.2/km2
CanterburyVillage1966336 336 0.0%5.3363.0/km2
Cap-PeléVillage19692,425 2,256 +7.5%23.36103.8/km2
CentrevilleVillage1966557 542 +2.8%2.67208.6/km2
CharloVillage19661,310 1,324 −1.1%31.3041.9/km2
ChipmanVillage19661,104 1,236 −10.7%19.0258.0/km2
DoaktownVillage1966792 793 −0.1%29.0727.2/km2
DorchesterVillage19661,096 1,167 −6.1%5.79189.3/km2
DrummondVillage1967737 775 −4.9%8.9082.8/km2
Eel River CrossingVillage19661,953 2,032 −3.9%65.4829.8/km2
Fredericton JunctionVillage1966704 752 −6.4%23.8529.5/km2
GagetownVillage1966711 698 +1.9%49.4714.4/km2
Grand MananVillage19952,360 2,377 −0.7%152.7715.4/km2
Grande-AnseVillage1968899 738 +21.8%24.3337.0/km2
HarveyVillage1966358 363 −1.4%2.45146.1/km2
HillsboroughVillage19661,277 1,350 −5.4%12.8399.5/km2
Lac BakerVillage1967690 719 −4.0%37.1818.6/km2
Le GouletVillage1986793 817 −2.9%5.49144.4/km2
MaisonnetteVillage1986495 573 −13.6%12.9038.4/km2
McAdamVillage19661,151 1,284 −10.4%14.2880.6/km2
MeducticVillage1966173 228 −24.1%6.6725.9/km2
MemramcookVillage19954,778 4,831 −1.1%187.6725.5/km2
MillvilleVillage1966273 307 −11.1%12.1522.5/km2
MintoVillage19662,305 2,505 −8.0%31.6872.8/km2
NeguacVillage19671,684 1,678 +0.4%26.7563.0/km2
New MarylandVillage19914,174 4,232 −1.4%21.33195.7/km2
NigadooVillage1967963 952 +1.2%7.65125.9/km2
NortonVillage19661,382 1,301 +6.2%75.3518.3/km2
PaquetvilleVillage1966720 706 +2.0%9.2677.8/km2
Perth-AndoverVillage19661,590 1,778 −10.6%8.97177.3/km2
PetitcodiacVillage19661,383 1,429 −3.2%17.2180.4/km2
Petit-RocherVillage19661,897 1,908 −0.6%4.49422.5/km2
Plaster RockVillage19661,023 1,135 −9.9%3.04336.5/km2
Pointe-VerteVillage1966886 976 −9.2%13.7664.4/km2
Port ElginVillage1922408 418 −2.4%2.66153.4/km2
RextonVillage1966830 818 +1.5%6.18134.3/km2
Riverside-AlbertVillage1966350 353 −0.8%3.35104.5/km2
Rivière-VerteVillage1966724 744 −2.7%6.70108.1/km2
RogersvilleVillage19661,166 1,170 −0.3%7.20161.9/km2
Sainte-Anne-de-MadawaskaVillage1966957 1,002 −4.5%9.19104.1/km2
Saint-AntoineVillage1966[lower-alpha 1]1,733 1,770 −2.1%6.32274.2/km2
Saint-IsidoreVillage1966764 748 +2.1%22.9433.3/km2
Saint-LéolinVillage1978647 684 −5.4%19.7332.8/km2
Saint-Louis de KentVillage1966856 930 −8.0%2.01425.9/km2
Sainte-Marie-Saint-RaphaëlVillage1986879 955 −8.0%15.9055.3/km2
St. MartinsVillage1966276 314 −12.1%2.35117.4/km2
SalisburyVillage19662,284 2,208 +3.4%13.54168.7/km2
StanleyVillage1966412 419 −1.7%17.1124.1/km2
Sussex CornerVillage19661,461 1,495 −2.3%9.34156.4/km2
Tide HeadVillage1966938 1,036 −9.5%19.4348.3/km2
TracyVillage1966608 611 −0.5%29.4620.6/km2
  1. Incorporated as St. Anthony but the name was changed to Saint-Antoine in 1969.[23]

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador did not have any incorporated villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories had one village as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Name Population
Fort Simpson1,2381,2161.878.3215.8

Nova Scotia

In November 2014 Nova Scotia had 22 incorporated villages according to the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities. The County of Kings had the largest number (7). In a draft fiscal report a recommendation was made to phase out all villages.


Nunavut did not have any incorporated villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]


Ontario had 11 villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Villages of Ontario
Village[1][26] Municipal
Geographic area[27] Population
Burk's FallsSingle-tierParry Sound9819671.43.07319.2
CasselmanLower-tierPrescott and Russell3,5483,626−2.25.12693.4
Hilton BeachSingle-tierAlgoma17114517.92.6265.2
Merrickville-WolfordLower-tierLeeds and Grenville3,0672,8507.6214.5514.3
Oil SpringsLower-tierLambton648704−8.08.1979.1
Point EdwardLower-tierLambton2,0372,0340.13.28620.6
South RiverSingle-tierParry Sound1,1141,0496.24.15268.3
SundridgeSingle-tierParry Sound961985−2.42.30417.6
WestportLower-tierLeeds and Grenville590628−6.11.68350.8
Total 13,695 13,558 3.1 253.32 54.06

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island did not have any incorporated villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]


Quebec had 44 villages as of January 1, 2013.[5]

Villages of Quebec
Village municipality Regional county
Ayer's CliffMemphrémagog11.151076
HemmingfordLes Jardins-de-Napierville0.85771
KingsburyLe Val-Saint-François6.2692
La GuadeloupeBeauce-Sartigan31.671740
LawrencevilleLe Val-Saint-François17.40659
MarsouiLa Haute-Gaspésie182.95331
MassuevillePierre-De Saurel1.29504
Mont-Saint-PierreLa Haute-Gaspésie60.45220
North HatleyMemphrémagog3.23731
PriceLa Mitis2.351782
Roxton FallsActon5.251342
Saint-André-du-Lac-Saint-JeanLe Domaine-du-Roy157.75461
Saint-NoëlLa Matapédia45.68477
Sainte-MadeleineLes Maskoutains5.302240
TadoussacLa Haute-Côte-Nord74.59872
Val-DavidLes Laurentides43.174284
WardenLa Haute-Yamaska5.28376


Saskatchewan had 264 villages as of October 24, 2012.[5][4]

Villages of Saskatchewan
Name Incorporation
(per km²)[30]
AbbeySeptember 2, 1913Miry Creek No. 229142 115 +23.5%0.77184.4/km2
AbernethyJuly 26, 1904Abernethy No. 186204 196 +4.1%1.03198.1/km2
AlbertvilleJanuary 1, 1986Wise Creek No. 7786 140 −38.6%1.1276.8/km2
AlidaFebruary 19, 1926Reciprocity No. 32120 131 −8.4%0.37324.3/km2
AlvenaJuly 1, 1936Fish Creek No. 40260 55 +9.1%0.43139.5/km2
AnnaheimApril 1, 1977St. Peter No. 369210 219 −4.1%0.78269.2/km2
ArcherwillJanuary 1, 1947Barrier Valley No. 397166 200 −17.0%0.83200.0/km2
ArranSeptember 21, 1916Livingston No. 33125 40 −37.5%0.6936.2/km2
AtwaterAugust 12, 1910Fertile Belt No. 18330 31 −3.2%1.7916.8/km2
AvonleaFebruary 10, 1912Elmsthorpe No. 100393 398 −1.3%0.96409.4/km2
AylesburyMarch 31, 1910Craik No. 22240 42 −4.8%1.2831.3/km2
AylshamAugust 4, 1947Nipawin No. 48765 71 −8.5%0.48135.4/km2
BangorJune 8, 1911Fertile Belt No. 18338 46 −17.4%1.6523.0/km2
BeattyMarch 31, 1921Flett's Springs No. 42960 63 −4.8%0.8273.2/km2
BeechyMay 11, 1925Victory No. 226228 239 −4.6%1.06215.1/km2
Belle PlaineAugust 12, 1910Pense No. 16085 66 +28.8%1.3463.4/km2
BethuneAugust 2, 1912Dufferin No. 190399 405 −1.5%2.38167.6/km2
BjorkdaleApril 1, 1968Bjorkdale No. 426201 199 +1.0%1.39144.6/km2
BladworthJuly 27, 1906McCraney No. 28265 60 +8.3%0.8477.4/km2
BordenJuly 19, 1907Great Bend No. 405287 245 +17.1%0.76377.6/km2
BrackenJanuary 4, 1926Lone Tree No. 1820 30 −33.3%0.633.3/km2
BradwellDecember 26, 1912Blucher No. 343166 230 −27.8%0.42395.2/km2
BriercrestApril 17, 1912Redburn No. 130159 111 +43.2%0.62256.5/km2
BrockJuly 7, 1910Kindersley No. 290142 127 +11.8%0.74191.9/km2
BroderickSeptember 13, 1909Rudy No. 28485 71 +19.7%0.9193.4/km2
BrownleeDecember 29, 1908Eyebrow No. 19355 50 +10.0%2.4222.7/km2
BuchananJune 11, 1907Buchanan No. 304218 225 −3.1%1.29169.0/km2
Buena VistaNovember 18, 1983Lumsden No. 189612 524 +16.8%3.61169.5/km2
BulyeaMarch 9, 1909McKillop No. 220113 102 +10.8%1.2888.3/km2
CadillacJuly 2, 1914Wise Creek No. 7792 78 +17.9%1.0587.6/km2
CalderJanuary 18, 1911Calder No. 24190 97 −7.2%0.75120.0/km2
CanwoodJuly 18, 1916Canwood No. 494332 348 −4.6%2.56129.7/km2
CarievaleMarch 14, 1903Argyle No. 1240 236 +1.7%0.88272.7/km2
CaronportJanuary 1, 1988Caron No. 162994 1,068 −6.9%1.9523.2/km2
CeylonSeptember 26, 1911The Gap No. 39111 99 +12.1%0.75148.0/km2
ChamberlainJanuary 31, 1911Sarnia No. 22190 88 +2.3%0.7128.6/km2
ChaplinOctober 8, 1912Chaplin No. 164229 218 +5.0%1.26181.7/km2
Christopher LakeMarch 1, 1985Lakeland No. 521289 281 +2.8%4.5663.4/km2
ClavetJuly 1, 1978Blucher No. 343410 386 +6.2%0.84488.1/km2
ClimaxDecember 11, 1923Lone Tree No. 18195 182 +7.1%1195.0/km2
CoderreAugust 26, 1925Rodgers No. 13330 30 0.0%0.8535.3/km2
CodetteMarch 9, 1929Nipawin No. 487198 205 −3.4%0.37535.1/km2
ColevilleJuly 1, 1953Oakdale No. 320305 311 −1.9%1.87163.1/km2
ConquestOctober 24, 1911Fertile Valley No. 285160 176 −9.1%1160.0/km2
ConsulJune 12, 1917Reno No. 5173 84 −13.1%0.65112.3/km2
CravenApril 11, 1905Longlaketon No. 219214 234 −8.5%1.21176.9/km2
CreelmanApril 6, 1906Fillmore No. 96113 115 −1.7%1.1499.1/km2
DebdenJune 7, 1922Canwood No. 494337 358 −5.9%1.39242.4/km2
DenholmJune 25, 1912Mayfield No. 40688 76 +15.8%0.33266.7/km2
DenzilMay 3, 1911Eye Hill No. 382143 135 +5.9%0.55260.0/km2
DilkeDecember 30, 1912Sarnia No. 22198 77 +27.3%1.2876.6/km2
DinsmoreNovember 3, 1913Milden No. 286289 318 −9.1%2.59111.6/km2
DisleyJune 24, 1907Lumsden No. 18967 75 −10.7%0.65103.1/km2
DodslandAugust 23, 1913Winslow No. 319215 212 +1.4%2.9373.4/km2
DorintoshJanuary 1, 1989Meadow Lake No. 588134 147 −8.8%0.88152.3/km2
DrakeSeptember 19, 1910Usborne No. 310197 202 −2.5%0.72273.6/km2
DrinkwaterJune 7, 1904Redburn No. 13070 65 +7.7%2.6426.5/km2
DubucMay 29, 1905Grayson No. 18461 70 −12.9%0.6396.8/km2
DuffMay 28, 1920Stanley No. 21530 30 0.0%0.22136.4/km2
DuvalDecember 21, 1910Last Mountain Valley No. 25083 97 −14.4%0.75110.7/km2
DysartApril 6, 1909Lipton No. 217200 218 −8.3%1.19168.1/km2
Earl GreyJuly 27, 1906Longlaketon No. 219246 239 +2.9%1.31187.8/km2
EbenezerJuly 1, 1948Orkney No. 244185 175 +5.7%0.62298.4/km2
EdamOctober 12, 1911Turtle River No. 469480 444 +8.1%1.19403.4/km2
EdenwoldOctober 3, 1912Edenwold No. 158233 238 −2.1%0.68342.6/km2
ElbowApril 6, 1909Loreburn No. 254337 314 +7.3%3.9286.0/km2
ElfrosDecember 1, 1909Elfros No. 30790 96 −6.2%2.5235.7/km2
EndeavourApril 29, 1953Preeceville No. 33465 94 −30.9%0.9965.7/km2
EnglefeldJune 13, 1916St. Peter No. 369285 247 +15.4%0.65438.5/km2
ErnfoldDecember 4, 1912Morse No. 16515 30 −50.0%1.1912.6/km2
EyebrowJanuary 8, 1909Eyebrow No. 193119 139 −14.4%2.744.1/km2
FairlightOctober 5, 1909Maryfield No. 9140 40 0.0%2.7114.8/km2
FenwoodJune 30, 1909Stanley No. 21530 40 −25.0%1.7417.2/km2
FillmoreJune 10, 1905Fillmore No. 96311 255 +22.0%1.33233.8/km2
FindlaterSeptember 27, 1911Dufferin No. 19045 50 −10.0%1.237.5/km2
FlaxcombeJune 4, 1913Kindersley No. 290124 117 +6.0%1.4983.2/km2
ForgetNovember 21, 1904Tecumseh No. 6555 35 +57.1%1.3939.6/km2
FosstonJanuary 1, 1965Ponass Lake No. 36745 55 −18.2%0.5976.3/km2
Fox ValleyAugust 30, 1928Fox Valley No. 171249 260 −4.2%0.6415.0/km2
FrobisherJuly 4, 1904Coalfields No. 4160 166 −3.6%1.35118.5/km2
FrontierJuly 10, 1930Frontier No. 19372 351 +6.0%0.93400.0/km2
GainsboroughMay 25, 1894Argyle No. 1254 291 −12.7%0.87292.0/km2
GeraldMarch 25, 1953Spy Hill No. 152136 114 +19.3%0.8170.0/km2
GlaslynApril 16, 1929Parkdale No. 498387 397 −2.5%1.97196.4/km2
Glen EwenMarch 24, 1904Enniskillen No. 3154 144 +6.9%2.7755.6/km2
GlenavonApril 13, 1910Chester No. 125182 176 +3.4%1.32137.9/km2
GlensideMarch 30, 1911Rudy No. 28476 84 −9.5%0.7798.7/km2
Golden PrairieApril 15, 1942Big Stick No. 14130 35 −14.3%0.4173.2/km2
GoodeveAugust 18, 1910Stanley No. 21540 45 −11.1%2.6215.3/km2
GoodsoilJanuary 1, 1960Beaver River No. 622282 281 +0.4%1.98142.4/km2
GoodwaterMay 8, 1911Lomond No. 3730 25 +20.0%0.5950.8/km2
GraysonApril 19, 1906Grayson No. 184211 184 +14.7%1.87112.8/km2
HalbriteFebruary 26, 1904Cymri No. 36119 108 +10.2%1.299.2/km2
HarrisAugust 10, 1909Harris No. 316193 213 −9.4%0.72268.1/km2
HawardenJuly 16, 1909Loreburn No. 25452 50 +4.0%1.2441.9/km2
HazenmoreAugust 20, 1913Pinto Creek No. 7570 50 +40.0%0.7395.9/km2
HazletJanuary 1, 1963Pittville No. 169106 95 +11.6%0.55192.7/km2
HewardNovember 21, 1904Tecumseh No. 6544 40 +10.0%0.9944.4/km2
HodgevilleJune 22, 1921Lawtonia No. 135172 172 0.0%1.35127.4/km2
HoldfastOctober 5, 1911Sarnia No. 221247 169 +46.2%1.29191.5/km2
HubbardJune 11, 1910Ituna Bon Accord No. 24635 46 −23.9%1.2528.0/km2
HyasMay 23, 1919Clayton No. 33370 114 −38.6%1.1759.8/km2
InvermaySeptember 1, 1908Invermay No. 305273 247 +10.5%1.22223.8/km2
JansenOctober 19, 1908Wolverine No. 34096 126 −23.8%0.85112.9/km2
KeelerJuly 5, 1910Marquis No. 19115 15 0.0%1.0214.7/km2
KelliherApril 27, 1909Kellross No. 247217 216 +0.5%2.8177.2/km2
KenastonJuly 18, 1910McCraney No. 282282 285 −1.1%1.17241.0/km2
KendalFebruary 17, 1919Montmartre No. 12683 77 +7.8%0.65127.7/km2
KennedyNovember 5, 1907Wawken No. 93216 241 −10.4%1.56138.5/km2
Kenosee LakeOctober 1, 1987Wawken No. 93234 258 −9.3%0.35668.6/km2
KillalyApril 28, 1909McLeod No. 18565 74 −12.2%2.5925.1/km2
KincaidJuly 19, 1913Pinto Creek No. 75111 114 −2.6%0.82135.4/km2
KinleyJanuary 7, 1909Perdue No. 34660 45 +33.3%1.1850.8/km2
KisbeyMay 8, 1907Brock No. 64153 217 −29.5%2.7755.2/km2
KrydorAugust 25, 1914Redberry No. 43515 15 0.0%0.8218.3/km2
LairdMay 4, 1911Rosthern No. 403267 287 −7.0%1.29207.0/km2
Lake LenoreApril 28, 1921Lake Lenore No. 399284 297 −4.4%0.97292.8/km2
LancerSeptember 11, 1913Miry Creek No. 22969 61 +13.1%1.3351.9/km2
LandisMay 17, 1909Reford No. 379152 139 +9.4%0.8190.0/km2
LangJuly 27, 1906Scott No. 98189 200 −5.5%0.64295.3/km2
LeaskSeptember 3, 1912Leask No. 464399 413 −3.4%0.75532.0/km2
LebretOctober 14, 1912North Qu'Appelle No. 187216 199 +8.5%1.31164.9/km2
LeovilleJune 26, 1944Spiritwood No. 496375 366 +2.5%1.11337.8/km2
LerossDecember 1, 1909Kellross No. 24746 37 +24.3%1.2138.0/km2
LibertyJanuary 23, 1912Big Arm No. 25178 88 −11.4%1.3756.9/km2
LimerickJuly 10, 1913Stonehenge No. 73115 115 0.0%0.79145.6/km2
LintlawDecember 14, 1921Hazel Dell No. 335172 162 +6.2%1.23139.8/km2
LiptonMay 15, 1905Lipton No. 217345 372 −7.3%0.75460.0/km2
Loon LakeJanuary 1, 1950Loon Lake No. 561288 314 −8.3%0.66436.4/km2
LoreburnMay 20, 1909Loreburn No. 254107 107 0.0%0.62172.6/km2
LoveJune 2, 1945Torch River No. 48850 65 −23.1%0.46108.7/km2
Lucky LakeNovember 23, 1920Canaan No. 225289 287 +0.7%0.66437.9/km2
MacNuttFebruary 22, 1913Churchbridge No. 21165 65 0.0%0.8180.2/km2
MacounOctober 16, 1903Cymri No. 36269 246 +9.3%1.68160.1/km2
MacrorieFebruary 8, 1912Fertile Valley No. 28568 65 +4.6%0.7788.3/km2
MajorSeptember 29, 1914Prairiedale No. 32135 61 −42.6%2.7812.6/km2
MakwaJune 1, 1965Loon Lake No. 56184 97 −13.4%0.66127.3/km2
MankotaFebruary 3, 1941Mankota No. 45205 211 −2.8%1.42144.4/km2
ManorApril 15, 1902Moose Mountain No. 63295 322 −8.4%2.79105.7/km2
MarcelinSeptember 25, 1911Blaine Lake No. 434153 158 −3.2%1.32115.9/km2
MarengoNovember 5, 1910Milton No. 29267 47 +42.6%0.8777.0/km2
MargoApril 24, 1911Sasman No. 33683 100 −17.0%0.8103.8/km2
MarkinchFebruary 16, 1911Cupar No. 21858 72 −19.4%0.6885.3/km2
MarquisMarch 21, 1910Marquis No. 19197 92 +5.4%0.63154.0/km2
MarsdenApril 24, 1931Manitou Lake No. 442297 284 +4.6%0.94316.0/km2
MaryfieldAugust 21, 1907Maryfield No. 91348 365 −4.7%2.69129.4/km2
MaymontJune 24, 1907Mayfield No. 406138 146 −5.5%0.66209.1/km2
McLeanSeptember 1, 1966South Qu'Appelle No. 157405 304 +33.2%1.33304.5/km2
McTaggartOctober 5, 1909Weyburn No. 67121 125 −3.2%0.69175.4/km2
MeachamJune 19, 1912Colonsay No. 34299 84 +17.9%1.2778.0/km2
Meath ParkMay 23, 1938Garden River No. 490175 205 −14.6%0.77227.3/km2
MedsteadApril 23, 1931Medstead No. 497130 120 +8.3%0.67194.0/km2
MendhamApril 1, 1930Happyland No. 23130 35 −14.3%0.560.0/km2
MeotaJuly 6, 1911Meota No. 468304 307 −1.0%1.55196.1/km2
MervinMarch 17, 1920Mervin No. 499159 160 −0.6%0.73217.8/km2
Middle LakeJanuary 1, 1963Three Lakes No. 400241 242 −0.4%1.26191.3/km2
MildenJuly 20, 1911Milden No. 286167 181 −7.7%1.19140.3/km2
MintonJanuary 1, 1951Surprise Valley No. 955 60 −8.3%0.3183.3/km2
MistatimJuly 1, 1952Bjorkdale No. 426101 73 +38.4%0.47214.9/km2
MontmartreOctober 19, 1908Montmartre No. 126490 476 +2.9%1.7288.2/km2
MortlachJanuary 1, 1949Wheatlands No. 163261 289 −9.7%2.7694.6/km2
MuensterAugust 18, 1908St. Peter No. 369430 422 +1.9%1.33323.3/km2
NeilburgJanuary 1, 1947Hillsdale No. 440379 448 −15.4%1.22310.7/km2
NetherhillApril 28, 1910Kindersley No. 29025 25 0.0%0.7334.2/km2
NeudorfApril 25, 1905McLeod No. 185263 272 −3.3%2.05128.3/km2
NevilleJuly 5, 1912Whiska Creek No. 10687 83 +4.8%1.179.1/km2
North PortalNovember 16, 1903Coalfields No. 4115 143 −19.6%2.4946.2/km2
OdessaMarch 14, 1911Francis No. 127205 239 −14.2%1.18173.7/km2
OsageMay 8, 1906Fillmore No. 9620 20 0.0%0.5933.9/km2
PaddockwoodJanuary 1, 1949Paddockwood No. 520154 163 −5.5%0.65236.9/km2
PangmanMay 17, 1911Norton No. 69232 214 +8.4%0.73317.8/km2
Paradise HillJanuary 1, 1947Frenchman Butte No. 501491 515 −4.7%2.56191.8/km2
ParksideFebruary 21, 1913Leask No. 464121 125 −3.2%0.92131.5/km2
PayntonMay 2, 1907Paynton No. 470148 151 −2.0%0.85174.1/km2
PellyMay 4, 1911St. Philips No. 301285 283 +0.7%0.96296.9/km2
PennantJuly 29, 1912Riverside No. 168130 120 +8.3%0.65200.0/km2
PerdueJuly 15, 1909Perdue No. 346334 362 −7.7%1.1303.6/km2
PiercelandJanuary 1, 1973Beaver River No. 622598 551 +8.5%2.69222.3/km2
PilgerJanuary 1, 1969Three Lakes No. 40065 65 0.0%0.52125.0/km2
PleasantdaleJanuary 1, 1987Pleasantdale No. 39876 76 0.0%0.56135.7/km2
PlentyMarch 25, 1911Winslow No. 319164 131 +25.2%0.65252.3/km2
PlunkettDecember 28, 1921Viscount No. 34160 75 −20.0%0.6493.8/km2
PrelateOctober 25, 1913Happyland No. 231154 124 +24.2%0.87177.0/km2
Prud'hommeNovember 15, 1922Bayne No. 371167 172 −2.9%0.84198.8/km2
PunnichyOctober 22, 1909Mount Hope No. 279213 246 −13.4%0.68313.2/km2
Quill LakeDecember 8, 1906Lakeside No. 338387 409 −5.4%1.3297.7/km2
QuintonMarch 1, 1910Mount Hope No. 279101 111 −9.0%0.96105.2/km2
RamaDecember 18, 1919Invermay No. 30580 75 +6.7%0.67119.4/km2
RheinMarch 10, 1913Wallace No. 243170 158 +7.6%1.09156.0/km2
RichardOctober 11, 1916Douglas No. 43620 30 −33.3%0.7327.4/km2
RichmoundMay 5, 1947Enterprise No. 142147 154 −4.5%0.47312.8/km2
RidgedaleDecember 15, 1921Connaught No. 45755 80 −31.2%0.7276.4/km2
RiverhurstJune 22, 1916Maple Bush No. 224130 114 +14.0%0.91142.9/km2
Roche PercéeJanuary 12, 1909Coalfields No. 4110 153 −28.1%2.8338.9/km2
RuddellMarch 18, 1914Mayfield No. 40620 20 0.0%0.4742.6/km2
Rush LakeOctober 16, 1911Excelsior No. 16653 65 −18.5%0.7471.6/km2
SceptreApril 30, 1913Clinworth No. 23094 97 −3.1%1.2376.4/km2
SedleyAugust 3, 1907Francis No. 127358 337 +6.2%1.33269.2/km2
SemansDecember 14, 1908Mount Hope No. 279196 204 −3.9%1.14171.9/km2
SenlacOctober 11, 1916Senlac No. 41141 46 −10.9%0.668.3/km2
ShamrockJanuary 1, 1960Shamrock No. 13420 20 0.0%0.7925.3/km2
ShehoJune 30, 1905Viscount No. 341105 130 −19.2%1.9553.8/km2
Shell LakeOctober 18, 1940Spiritwood No. 496175 152 +15.1%1.23142.3/km2
SiltonJuly 2, 1914McKillop No. 22071 95 −25.3%1.0766.4/km2
SimpsonJuly 11, 1911Wood Creek No. 281127 131 −3.1%1.4190.1/km2
SmeatonMarch 7, 1944Torch River No. 488182 181 +0.6%1.48123.0/km2
SmileyNovember 26, 1913Prairiedale No. 32160 60 0.0%0.6493.8/km2
SpaldingMarch 11, 1924Spalding No. 368244 242 +0.8%1.18206.8/km2
SpeersDecember 24, 1915Douglas No. 43660 65 −7.7%0.6987.0/km2
Spy HillApril 22, 1910Spy Hill No. 152168 204 −17.6%1.19141.2/km2
St. BenedictJanuary 1, 1964Three Lakes No. 40084 82 +2.4%0.54155.6/km2
St. GregorMarch 26, 1920St. Peter No. 36997 98 −1.0%0.91106.6/km2
St. LouisMay 19, 1959St. Louis No. 431415 449 −7.6%1.08384.3/km2
StenenAugust 14, 1912Clayton No. 33390 79 +13.9%0.7128.6/km2
Stewart ValleyJanuary 1, 1958Saskatchewan Landing No. 16791 76 +19.7%0.86105.8/km2
StockholmJune 30, 1905Fertile Belt No. 183352 341 +3.2%1.65213.3/km2
StorthoaksJune 5, 1940Storthoaks No. 31108 93 +16.1%0.49220.4/km2
StrongfieldMay 3, 1912Loreburn No. 25440 40 0.0%0.850.0/km2
SuccessOctober 25, 1912Riverside No. 16845 40 +12.5%1.3832.6/km2
TantallonJune 17, 1904Spy Hill No. 15291 105 −13.3%0.84108.3/km2
TessierAugust 24, 1909Harris No. 31625 25 0.0%125.0/km2
TheodoreJuly 5, 1907Insinger No. 275323 345 −6.4%1.73186.7/km2
TogoSeptember 4, 1906Cote No. 27186 87 −1.1%1.557.3/km2
TompkinsJune 2, 1910Gull Lake No. 139152 170 −10.6%2.6557.4/km2
TorquayDecember 11, 1923Cambria No. 6255 236 +8.1%1.35188.9/km2
Tramping LakeApril 10, 1917Tramping Lake No. 38060 55 +9.1%1.3943.2/km2
TugaskeMay 7, 1909Huron No. 22375 92 −18.5%0.7698.7/km2
TuxfordJuly 19, 1907Marquis No. 191113 91 +24.2%0.62182.3/km2
Val MarieSeptember 13, 1926Val Marie No. 17126 130 −3.1%0.42300.0/km2
ValparaisoJuly 18, 1924Star City No. 42815 15 0.0%0.6921.7/km2
VanguardJuly 8, 1912Whiska Creek No. 106134 152 −11.8%1.8672.0/km2
VanscoyJune 17, 1919Vanscoy No. 345462 377 +22.5%1.49310.1/km2
VibankJune 23, 1911Francis No. 127385 374 +2.9%0.73527.4/km2
ViscountDecember 17, 1908Viscount No. 341232 252 −7.9%1.18196.6/km2
WaldeckDecember 23, 1913Excelsior No. 166277 297 −6.7%2138.5/km2
WaldronJuly 17, 1909Grayson No. 18415 20 −25.0%1.4510.3/km2
WasecaMarch 15, 1911Eldon No. 471149 154 −3.2%0.68219.1/km2
WebbJune 18, 1910Webb No. 13850 58 −13.8%1.4135.5/km2
WeekesJanuary 13, 1947Porcupine No. 39540 42 −4.8%0.5967.8/km2
WeirdaleApril 1, 1948Garden River No. 49050 75 −33.3%1.3636.8/km2
WeldonJanuary 24, 1914Kinistino No. 459197 196 +0.5%1.1179.1/km2
White FoxJuly 21, 1941Torch River No. 488355 364 −2.5%0.85417.6/km2
WilcoxApril 20, 1907Bratt's Lake No. 129264 339 −22.1%1.48178.4/km2
WindthorstAugust 21, 1907Chester No. 125211 215 −1.9%1.43147.6/km2
WisetonSeptember 23, 1913Milden No. 28679 88 −10.2%0.77102.6/km2
Wood MountainMarch 4, 1930Old Post No. 4320 25 −20.0%0.6132.8/km2
YarboJuly 1, 1964Langenburg No. 18157 53 +7.5%0.8368.7/km2
YoungJune 7, 1910Morris No. 312244 239 +2.1%2.5197.2/km2
ZelmaAugust 10, 1910Morris No. 31235 35 0.0%0.7248.6/km2
Zenon ParkJuly 28, 1941Arborfield No. 456194 187 +3.7%0.56346.4/km2
Total villages 41,514 41,945 −1.0% 295.11 140.67/km2


Yukon had four villages as of January 1, 2012.[5]

Name Population
Haines Junction5935890.734.4917.2
Total villages 1,444 1,403 2.9 74.42 19.4
gollark: Also, I think it includes instruments.
gollark: You also have worse microphones than a studio, and probably worse autotune software and whatever.
gollark: I see. That would probably be worse.
gollark: What, sing it yourself...?
gollark: But what was the answer‽

See also


  1. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses (Ontario)". Statistics Canada. May 28, 2012. Retrieved January 3, 2013.
  2. "New Brunswick Regulation 2012-18". New Brunswick Attorney General. March 15, 2012. Retrieved January 5, 2013.
  3. "Order in Council (O.C.) 328/2012". Province of Alberta. October 17, 2012. Retrieved January 5, 2013.
  4. "Urban Municipality Incorporations". Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations. Archived from the original on February 25, 2012. Retrieved January 5, 2013.
  5. "Interim List of Changes to Municipal Boundaries, Status, and Names" (PDF). Statistics Canada. 2012. p. 6. Retrieved January 4, 2013.
  6. "2012 Municipal Codes" (PDF). Alberta Municipal Affairs. August 30, 2013. Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  7. "Communities Within Specialized and Rural Municipalities" (PDF). Alberta Municipal Affairs. April 9, 2013. Retrieved May 21, 2013.
  8. "Municipal Profiles: Summary Reports (Towns)" (PDF). Alberta Municipal Affairs. May 17, 2013. Retrieved May 21, 2013.
  9. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses (Alberta)". Statistics Canada. August 9, 2016. Retrieved November 5, 2016.
  10. "Order in Council (O.C.) 979/11" (PDF). Alberta Municipal Affairs. December 16, 1911. Retrieved July 26, 2010.
  11. "Change in Name of Village Municipality - Highland to Delia" (PDF). Alberta Municipal Affairs. December 9, 1915. Retrieved July 26, 2010.
  12. "The Village of Ryley - Equity". Village of Ryley. Archived from the original on February 22, 2012. Retrieved April 13, 2010.
  13. "Order in Council (O.C.) 517/98". Alberta Municipal Affairs. December 9, 1998. Retrieved July 26, 2010.
  14. "British Columbia Regional Districts, Municipalities, Corporate Name, Date of Incorporation and Postal Address" (XLS). British Columbia Ministry of Communities, Sport and Cultural Development. Archived from the original on July 13, 2014. Retrieved December 8, 2012.
  15. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses (British Columbia)". Statistics Canada. May 28, 2012. Retrieved December 8, 2012.
  16. "Name Details: Granisle". GeoBC. Retrieved July 5, 2013.
  17. "Corrections and updates: Population and dwelling count amendments, 2011 Census". Statistics Canada. March 21, 2013. Retrieved January 1, 2015.
  18. "Foxwarren (Unincorporated Village)". Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved May 19, 2020.
  19. "Garson / Lyall (Unincorporated Village)". Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved May 19, 2020.
  20. "Great Falls (Unincorporated Village)". Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved May 19, 2020.
  21. "Powerview (Village)". Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved May 19, 2020.
  22. "Provincial Archives of New Brunswick". Government of New Brunswick. 2015. Retrieved March 6, 2015.
  23. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2016 and 2011 censuses – 100% data (New Brunswick)". Statistics Canada. February 8, 2017. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  24. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses (Northwest Territories)". Statistics Canada. May 28, 2012. Retrieved January 4, 2013.
  25. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2016 and 2011 censuses (Ontario)". Statistics Canada.
  26. "List of Ontario Municipalities". Ontario Municipal Affairs and Housing. September 21, 2012. Archived from the original on February 28, 2013. Retrieved January 3, 2013.
  27. "Urban Municipality Incorporations". Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations. Archived from the original on October 15, 2014. Retrieved June 7, 2020.
  28. "Search for Municipal Information". Saskatchewan Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Archived from the original on March 10, 2014. Retrieved December 16, 2012.
  29. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2016 and 2011 censuses – 100% data (Saskatchewan)". Statistics Canada. February 8, 2017. Retrieved June 7, 2020.
  30. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses (Yukon)". Statistics Canada. May 28, 2012. Retrieved January 4, 2013.
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