Index of biology articles

Biology is the study of life and its processes. Biologists study all aspects of living things, including all of the many life forms on earth and the processes in them that enable life. These basic processes include the harnessing of energy, the synthesis and duplication of the materials that make up the body, the reproduction of the organism and many other functions. Biology, along with chemistry and physics is one of the major disciplines of natural science.


ABO blood groups – abscisic acid – absorption spectrum – abyssal zoneacetylcholine – acetyl CoA – acid – acid precipitation – acoelomateacrosomeactinaction potentialactive siteadaptive radiationaddress-message conceptadenosine 5’-triphosphateadenylyl cyclase – adrenal glands – adrenodoxin – aerobic organism – age structure – agonistAIDSalbuminaldehydesaldosteronealgaeallantoisalleleallometric growthallopatric speciationallosteric binding site – allosteric effector – allosteric enzyme – allosteric site – allozymealpha helixamino acid – aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases – amino group – amniocentesisamniotesamphipathic moleculeanabolismanaerobic organismanaerobic respirationandrogensanemiaaneuploidyangiospermantheranthraxantibioticantibodyanticodon – antidiuretic hormone – antigenapical dominance – apical meristem – apolipoproteinapoplastapoptosisaquaporinsArchaeaarchegoniumarteriosclerosisarteryarthritisascusasexual reproductionatomic numberATPATP synthase – atrioventricular valve – atriumautoimmune diseaseautonomic nervous systemautosomeauxinsaxillary budaxon


bacteriabacteriochlorinbarkBarr bodybasal bodybasal metabolic ratebasebase pairbasement membranebasidiomycetesbasidiumB cellbenthic zonebeta sheet – binary fission – binding sitebioassaybiodiversitybioenergetics – biogeochemical cycles – biological magnification – bioluminescencebiomebiopolymersbiosphereblood – blood-brain barrier – blottingbond energy – book lungs – bottleneck effect – Bowman capsule – brain stem – bronchiole – Brønsted acid – Brønsted base – Brownian movement – bryophytesbubonic plaguebudding – bulk flow


C3 plant – C4 plant – calcitonincalmodulincalorieCalvin cyclecancercapillarycapsidcarbohydratecarbon fixation – carboxyl group – cardiac musclecardiac output – cardiovascular system – carotenoidscartilagecatabolismcatabolite activator proteincatalystcatecholamine – celiac disease – cellcell cyclecell-mediated immunitycell membranecellular respirationcellulosecentral nervous systemcentriolecentrosomecerebellumcerebral cortexcerebrumchaperoninchemiosmosischemoautotrophchemoheterotrophchemoreceptorchirality – chi-square test – chitinchlamydosporechlorophyllchloroplastcholeracholesterolchromatinchromophorechromosomechytridcircadian rhythmcloning vector – closed circulatory system – cobalamin – codominancecodoncoenzymecofactorcollagen – collecting duct – commensalismcompetitive exclusion principle – competitive inhibitor – complementary DNAcomplement systemcondensation reactionconidiumcork cambiumcorpus luteum cortexcotransportcotyledonscovalent bondcrossing overcuticlecyanobacteria – cyclic AMP – cyclincyclin-dependent kinasecytochrome – cytochrome-c oxidase – cytochrome P-450 – cytokinescytoplasmcytotoxic T cell


dalton – Darwinian fitness – Darwinismdecomposersdehydrogenasedeletiondenaturationdendritedenguedenitrification – deoxyribonucleic acid – deoxyribosedepolarizationdesmosomedeuterostomes – diabetes mellitus – diastolediffusiondigestiondihybrid crossdikaryondikaryoticdisaccharideDNA ligaseDNA methylationDNA polymerase – double circulation – double helix – Down syndromedrupeduodenumdynein


ecdysoneecological nicheecologyecosystemeffector cellelectrochemical gradientelectronelectron acceptorelectronegativityelectron-transport chainenantiomer


facilitated diffusionFADHFADH2fat – feedback inhibition – Fehling solution – female – fermentation (biochemistry) – fetus – Fick's law of diffusion – fitnessfitness landscapeflagellumflavin adenine dinucleotideflavineflaviviridaeflowerfluid mosaic modelfood web – foot and mouth disease – fossilFrancis CrickFrancis Galtonfree energy – fundamental niche – fungi


G3Pgall - gall-inducing insect - gametegametophytegastrulagel electrophoresisgenegenetic driftgene duplicationgene poolgenetic codegenetic equilibrium – genetic fingerprint – genetic recombinationgeneticsgene regulatory networkgenetic carriergene therapygenomegenome projectgenomicsgenotype – geologic time – George W. Beadle – glucoseglycolipidglycolysisglycomeglycomicsglycoproteinglycoprotein – Gobind Khorana – Golgi apparatusGondwanagradientgravitational biologygravitropismGregor Mendelground tissuegrowth curve – Guthrie test


habitat – HACEK organism – halobacteriahaploidHardy–Weinberg principleheart – Hela cell – helper T cell – Hepadnaviridaehepatitis Bherbivoreheredity – hereditary disease – hermaphroditeherpetologyHershey–Chase experimentheterochromatinheterotrophheterozygoteHfr cellhibernation – hierarchy of life – Hill reaction – His tag – histonehomeoboxhomeostasishomologous recombinationhomologyhomoplasyhomozygotehomunculushorizontal gene transferhormonehost – household gene – humanHuman Genome Projecthumoral immunityhybrid (biology)hybridizationhydrolysis – hydrolytic enzyme – hygienehyperpolarization (biology)


ichthyology – immune cell – immune systemimmunologyinbreeding – inducibility – infectious disease carrierinfertilityinner matrixinsectinsectivoresinsulinintermediate filamentintermembrane spaceinterphaseintestineintroninvasive speciesion channelisoenzyme – isotonic (exercise physiology)


James Watson – Jean-Baptiste Lamarckjoint


K-selectionKary Mulliskaryoplasmkaryotypekeratinkeystone specieskidneykinesiologykinetic energyKlinefelter syndrome – knock-out mouse – Konrad Lorenz – Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) – kwashiorkor


Lac repressor – lactic acid autotroph – lagging strand – lambda phagelarva – leading strand – leaf – White blood cells – lichenlife formlife – light reactions – limbic systemlimnologyLineweaver-Burke-diagramlipaselipidliverlocuslong-term potentiationLouis PasteurlungLynn Margulis – Lyon hypothesis – lysislysozymelytic cycle


macroecologymacroevolutionmacromoleculesmajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) – malariamale – Malpighi layer – monophyleticmarburg virusMarcello MalpighiMarfan syndromemarine biology – mass extinction – mathematical biology – matingMax Delbrückmeiosis – membrane transporter – memorymemory cellMendelian inheritancemeristemMesowearmetabolismmetaphasemetapopulationmetazoa – Michaelis-Menten kinetics – microbemicrobiologymicroevolutionmicrofilament – microsatellite – microscopemicrotubulesMiller–Urey experimentmimicry – Mitchell hypothesis – mitochondrial membrane – mitochondrionmitosis – mitotic spindle – modern evolutionary synthesismolecular biologymolecular clockmolecular evolutionmolecular genetics – molecular phylogeny – molluscmonoclonal antibodymorphogenesismorphometricsmorula – MRI – MTT assayMuller's ratchetmultiresistancemusclemutagenmutationmutational meltdownMutualism (biology)mycologymyosin


NADNADHNADPHnatural environmentnatural selectionnephronnervous systemneural plateneural tubeneuronneuroscienceneurospora crassaneurotransmitterneurulaneutral theory of molecular evolutionnichenitrogen cyclenon-competitive inhibition – non cyclic electron flow – nondisjunctionN-terminusnuclear laminanucleolusnucleonnucleosidenucleosomenucleotidenutrition


Okazaki fragment – olfactiononcogene – operator (biology) – operonorganorganelleorganism – origin of life – Oscar HertwigosmosisosmoregulationOswald Averyoutbreak – outline of biochemical techniques – ovalbumineovaryovumoxidationoxidative decarboxylationoxidative phosphorylation


Pangaeapaleontologyparallel evolutionparaphyleticparasitismparasitologyparthenogenesispassive transportPatau syndromepaternity testPCRPCR mutagenesispentose phosphate pathwaypeptidepeptide bond – peripheral protein – peroxisome – Pfeffer cell – phagephagocytosisphenotypephloemphospholipid – phospholipid bilayer – phosphorylationphotobiologyphotolysisphotonphotophosphorylationphotorespirationphotosynthesisphotosynthesisphotosystem Iphotosystem IIphycobilinphycobiliproteinphycocyaninphycologyphylogeneticsphylogenyphylogenetic treephysiologypigmentplacentaplanktonplantplantaeplant physiology – plant sexuality – plasma membrane – plasmidplasmolysisplastidplate tectonicspoint mutationpollenizerpollinationpollinatorpolymerase chain reactionpolypeptidepolyploidypolysaccharidepopulationpopulation dynamicspopulation ecologypopulation geneticspotential energypredationpregnancyprimary nutritional groups – primary structure – primerprionprokaryoteprometaphase – promoter – prophageprophaseproprioceptionproteasomeprotein biosynthesisprotein – protein translocation – proteolysisproteomeproteomicsprotistprotistaproton pumpprotozoapseudopodpteridophytePunnett squarepurinepunctuated equilibriumpyrimidine – pyruvate oxidation –


quaternary structure


r-selectionradiobiologyreceptor (biochemistry) – receptor (immunology) – recombination – Red Queen – redox reaction – redox system – reductionreflexRenal corpuscle – repeats – replication bubble – repressorreproductionreproductive systemrespiration (physiology)restriction enzymeretrovirusreverse geneticsRFLPRh blood group systemribosomeRNARNA virusRobert Kochroot – rough ER – RuBPRudolf Steiner – resendes vasco


saprobesarcoplasmic reticulum – scientific classification – secondary metabolite – secondary structure – second messenger – seed – seed plant – selection – sequencingserumsemenSewall Wrightsexual reproductionsexual selectionshigellashootsignal transductionsilk – Sir Charles Lyell – sister chromatid – skeleton – skin cell – sleep – smooth ER – sociobiologyspeciationspeciesHans Spemannspermspermatidspermatogenesisspermiogenesisspliceosome – splicing – sporesporophyteSSRIstarchstemstem cellStem cell chip – sticky end – stomastomachstreptomycinstructural biologystructural gene – substrate – substrate-level phosphorylation – surface area-to-volume ratio – symbiosissymbiogenesissynapomorphysynapsesyngamysystematicssystems biology


T celltaphonomytaxistaxontaxonomytelomeretelophase – tertiary structure – testate amoebaetestesTheodor BilharzTheodor BoverithermoclinethermoregulationThomas Hunt Morgan – Thomas Malthus – thylakoidTobacco mosaic virustobacco mosaic virustorpor – Trait (biological) – transcription – transcription factortranscriptional regulationtransformation – transgressive phenotype – transport vesicle – transposonTraube celltrophic leveltropismtubulintumorturgorTurner syndrometwin


urea cycle


vaccinevacuole – varicella-zoster virus – vascular cambiumvascular tissueveinvertebrate – vesicle – vesicular stomatitis virus – vestibular systemvicariancevirology – viral classification – virusviral evolution – visible light – visionvitamin


water cyclewavelengthwelfare biologyWobble base pairwood


xanthophyllX chromosomexenobiology – X-ray diffraction – xylem


Y chromosomeyellow fever


zona pellucidazoologyzygote

gollark: Not my meme, though.
gollark: Because all proofs of God which I've seen mostly consist of attempting to argue God into existence, and with some fiddling can be applied to Eric.
gollark: Become a follower of Eric.
gollark: Almost.
gollark: A wild steamport seen on reddit.

See also

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