5e CR6 Monsters

These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.


CR6 Monsters

Accelgor 6 60 ft., climb 60 ft. Small monstrosity any alignment
Adamantine Skeleton 6 30 ft. Medium undead lawful evil
Aegislash 6 0 ft., fly 50 ft. Medium undead any alignment
Aggron 6 30 ft. Large elemental any alignment
Ajin 6 50 ft. Medium aberration true neutral
Alakazam 6 35 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment
Apocalocust 6 40 ft. Medium monstrosity neutral good
Aquado Protector 6 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Medium humanoid chaotic good
Arachnicid 6 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
Avatar Knight 6 30 ft. Large undead neutral evil
Baby Tarrasque 6 25 ft. Large monstrosity unaligned
Basilisk Matriarch 6 40ft Large Monstrosity Unaligned
Benthid 6 10 ft., swim 60 ft. Large beast neutral
Big Octo 6 40 ft., swim 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. Large beast unaligned
Black Moblin 6 30 ft. Large humanoid chaotic evil
Blastoise 6 30 ft., swim 40 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Blood Beast 6 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Large ooze neutral evil
Breathdrinker 6 0 ft., fly 80 ft. Medium elemental chaotic evil
Ceryneian Deer
Chaos Space Marine 6 30 ft. Large humanoid any evil alignment
Charizard 6 40 ft., fly 70 ft. Medium elemental chaotic neutral
Chesnaught 6 30 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Cinderace 6 35 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Cloth Golem 6 30 ft. Large construct unaligned
Copperajah 6 30 ft. Large elemental any alignment
Corpse Behemoth 6 30 ft. Huge undead neutral evil
Dalgyreth the Unholy 6 10 ft. Giant Monstrosity Chaotic Evil
Dark Hinox 6 40 ft. Huge giant chaotic evil
Decidueye 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Defender Heartless 6 25 ft. Large fiend neutral evil
Deku Toad 6 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Huge monstrosity unaligned
Diababa 6 20 ft. Huge plant unaligned
Dingonek 6 40 ft., swim 50 ft. Large monstrosity neutral evil
Disease Elemental 6 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) Medium elemental chaotic evil
Dodongo Snake 6 25 ft. Large construct lawful neutral
Dracotaur 6 50 ft., gets additional movement speeds based on type in features Large dragon lawful good
Duergar Ironskin 6 25 ft. Medium humanoid lawful evil
Duergar Theurge 6 25 ft. Medium humanoid lawful evil
Elefonte 6 50 ft. Huge monstrosity neutral good
Escavalier 6 20 ft. Small monstrosity any alignment
Espeon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Ether Elemental 6 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Large elemental neutral
Fiend Spider 6 50 ft., climb 50 ft. Huge monstrosity neutral evil
Flareon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Flygon 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Medium dragon any alignment
Fokka Knight 6 35 ft. Medium humanoid lawful evil
Gallade 6 30 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment
Gardevoir 6 30 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment
Gengar 6 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Medium undead any alignment
Ghoul Lord 6 30 ft. Medium undead chaotic evil
Giant Snow Golem 6 30 ft. Large construct unaligned
Giant Tardigrade 6 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Large beast unaligned
Giant Yensa 6 50 ft Large Beast Neutral
Glaceon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Golden Octorok 6 40 ft., swim 40 ft., burrow 5 ft. Medium beast unaligned
Golden Tektite 6 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Medium beast unaligned
Golem, Tentacle 6 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Large construct neutral
Golisopod 6 35 ft., swim 35 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Goron Hero 6 20 ft. Medium humanoid lawful good
Graveler 6 35 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Great Moldorm 6 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. Huge monstrosity unaligned
Green Nude Eel 6 5 ft, swim 35 ft. huge monstrosity lawful evil
Greninja 6 45 ft., climb 35 ft., swim 35 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Grimmsnarl 6 30 ft. Medium fey any alignment
Harvest Golem 6 20 ft. Large construct neutral
Hatterene 6 25 ft. Medium fey any alignment
Hawlucha 6 25 ft., fly 50 ft. Small humanoid any alignment
Heliolisk 6 60 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Hobgoblin Darkblade 6 30 ft. Medium humanoid lawful evil
Iceforged Golem Soldier 6 30 ft. Medium construct unaligned
Ichor Sticker 6 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) Large monstrosity lawful evil
Inteleon 6 30 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Ironclad Executioner 6 25 ft. Huge construct neutral
Ironclad Observer Unit 6 fly 50 ft. Medium construct neutral
Jolteon 6 60 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Kalkara 6 30 ft. Large aberration neutral evil
Kilkorn Hunter 6 30 ft. Medium humanoid lawful evil
Kirillion 6 40 ft. Huge fey neutral good
Kirre 6 60 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 20 ft. Large monstrosity neutral
Koleotrix 6 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Large monstrosity neutral
Larva Metroid 6 fly 40 ft. Medium aberration unaligned
Leafeon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Lucario 6 45 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Man-Serpent 6 40 ft. Large monstrosity neutral evil
Maramorian Sand Echo 6 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. Large undead lawful neutral
Megoosa 6 30 ft. Medium monstrosity chaotic neutral
Merfolk Stormbrewer 6 10 ft., fly 20 ft., swim 40 ft. Medium humanoid neutral
Mimikyu 6 30 ft. Small aberration any alignment
Moonbeast 6 30 ft., climb 10 ft. Large aberration lawful evil
Mordeo 6 30ft medium aberration Neutral Evil
Mulrak Mindbreaker 6 30 ft. Large humanoid neutral evil
Mulrak Stonebreaker 6 30 ft. Large humanoid neutral evil
Neptune's Harlot 6 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Large beast unaligned
Nidhogg 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Large dragon any evil alignment
Nightmare Wraith 6 60 ft., fly 90 ft. Large undead chaotic evil
Ninjask 6 30 ft., fly 90 ft. Small monstrosity any alignment
Ogre Mage 6 40 ft. Large giant chaotic evil
Palemane Minotaur 6 40 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
Palemane Seer 6 40 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
Preyton 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
Primeape 6 30 ft. Small humanoid any alignment
Rainbow Slime 6 30 ft. Large ooze unaligned
Rat Ogre 6 40 ft. Large monstrosity neutral evil
Red Widow 6 30 ft. (climb 30 ft. in spider form) Large monstrosity neutral evil
Redead Knight 6 20 ft. Medium undead chaotic evil
Rillaboom 6 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Medium plant any alignment
River Troll 6 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Large giant chaotic evil
Robot GCV 6 120 ft. Large construct lawful neutral
Sanguine Seeker 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Medium undead neutral evil
Scolipede 6 90 ft. Large monstrosity any alignment
Shantak 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Large dragon neutral evil
Shreech 6 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Medium monstrosity unaligned
Siren 6 20 ft., fly 40 ft. Medium fey neutral evil
Sivak Draconian 6 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Large dragon lawful evil
Snappergeist 6 15 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Large undead unaligned
Soul Scorcher 6 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Medium undead neutral evil
Soundwave 6 40 ft. Huge construct lawful evil
Space Marine, Apothecary 6 30 ft. Large humanoid any non-good alignment
Space Marine, Assault 6 35 ft. Large humanoid any non-good alignment
Space Marine, Devastator 6 25 ft. Large humanoid any non-good alignment
Spider Daedra 6 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Large fiend chaotic evil
Spidersnake 6 30 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 20 ft. Large monstrosity neutral evil
Stone Troll 6 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Large giant chaotic evil
Stonefin 6 0 ft., burrow 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Large elemental neutral
Sylveon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Tentacle Devil 6 25 ft., swim 60 ft. Medium fiend lawful evil
Tentacruel 6 0 ft., swim 30 ft. Medium elemental any alignment
Terminator, T-800 6 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Medium construct lawful evil
Thunder Elemental 6 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) Large elemental neutral
Ticktox 6 10 ft., climb 10 ft. Large plant unaligned
Toad Mother 6 30 ft., swim 10 ft. (30 ft., swim 40 ft. in toad form) Medium fey chaotic neutral
Topiary Sentinel 6 30 ft. Large plant lawful neutral
Toucannon 6 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Small beast any alignment
Tough Taros 6 30 ft. Medium fiend neutral evil
Troll Mystic 6 30 ft. Large giant chaotic evil
Tsareena 6 30 ft. Medium plant any alignment
Umbreon 6 30 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Unelemental 6 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Large elemental neutral
Vaporeon 6 25 ft., swim 50 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Venomax 6 60 ft., climb 60 ft. Large monstrosity any alignment
Venusaur 6 30 ft. Medium plant any alignment
Very Young Blue Dragon 6 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 70 ft. Medium dragon lawful evil
Vikavolt 6 25 ft., fly 30 ft. Medium monstrosity any alignment
Vile Artemion 6 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
War Centaur 6 60 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic neutral (50%) or chaotic evil (50%)
Wax Golem 6 20 ft. Large construct unaligned
Weavile 6 35 ft. Small elemental any alignment
Weeping Wolf 6 60 ft. Huge monstrosity unaligned
Weredragon 6 30 ft. (30 ft., fly 35 ft. in hybrid form) Medium humanoid any alignment
Wererhinoceros 6 30 ft. (40 ft. in rhinoceros or hybrid form) Medium humanoid chaotic neutral
White Pudding 6 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Large ooze unaligned
White Wolfos 6 50 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
World Feeder 6 20 ft., burrow 40 ft. Huge undead chaotic evil
Wu Jiangshi 6 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Medium undead neutral evil
Zappergeist 6 60 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Medium undead unaligned
Zombie Lord 6 30 ft. Medium undead neutral evil

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gollark: Weird. Someone else said red. Also, it is not in any way pizza. Those who claim it is pizza MAY be converted into arbitrary quantities of muon neutrinos if deemed necessary.
gollark: I haven't updated yet. By which I mean refreshed the page on my browser, as I use web discord.
gollark: It brands me as red.
gollark: Yes, I dislike it.
gollark: They have some control thing which lets you select the bucket you're in in the A/B tests they do.
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