United States Academic Decathlon topics

The United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) is an academic competition for high school students in the United States. The Academic Decathlon consists of 10 events: Art, Economics, Essay, Interview, Language and Literature, Math, Music, Science, Social Science, Speech and Super Quiz. Each year, one of the ten subjects is chosen as the Super Quiz, which uses a different format than the other events. The topics and theme of the competition are released in March of every year, giving students time to prepare for the competition season which runs from November to April.[2] The events are split up into two groups: the seven objective tests (Art, Economics, Language and Literature, Math, Music, Science and Social Science) and the three subjective events (Essay, Interview and Speech). They are designated as such because the former seven are multiple choice tests, whereas the latter three are graded by judges. Students are given half an hour to answer each multiple choice exam. These exams consist of 50 questions, with the exception of Math and Super Quiz which have 35 and 52 questions respectively.[3]

Section from the Book of the Dead of Nany from the 2004–05 curriculum. Students were to memorize facts including that the whole scroll is 17 feet long, Nany was a ritual singer for Amen-Ra and that her coffin was a hollow wooden sculpture of Osiris.[1]

Topics used


Fine Arts
Language and Literature
Social Science
Super QuizProfits and the free Enterprise System; Emphasis on Today's Housing Crisis[4][5]
Fine Arts
Language and Literature
Social Science
Super QuizOlympic Games[5][6][7]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens
Social Science
Super QuizFuturism—Megatrends[5][6][8]
Fine Arts
Language and Literature
Social Science
Super QuizImmigration to the United States[5][6][9][10]
Fine ArtsRenaissance
Language and LiteratureHamlet, Heart of Darkness
Social Science
Super QuizWe The People: The Constitution of the United States[5][6][11]
Fine Arts
Language and Literature
Social Science
Super QuizHistory of Flight: From Daedalus to Kitty Hawk to Voyager[5][6][12][13]
Fine ArtsImpressionism
Language and Literature
Social ScienceUrban planning
Super QuizThe U.S. Presidency[5][6][14][15]
Fine Arts
Language and Literature
Social Science
Super QuizAmerican Indians: Our American Heritage[5][6][16][17]
Fine ArtsArt and music after World War II[18]
Language and LiteratureNova, by Samuel R. Delany, Science fiction[18]2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick (director)
SciencePhysics and Astronomy
Social Science
Super QuizSpace Exploration[5][6][6][19][20]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureWoman in the Mists, biography of Dian Fossey, by Farley Mowat
Social Science
Super Quiz"Habitat Earth"[5][6][6][21][22]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Social Science
Super Quiz"A Diversity of Achievers"[6][6][23][24]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureOne Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,[25] A Tale of Two Cities
Social ScienceEastern Europe
Super QuizDocuments of Freedom[5][6][26][27]
1994–1995ThemeHealth, Wellness, and Biotechnology[6][28]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureArrowsmith[29]
Social Science
Super QuizBiotechnology: The Next Frontier[5][6][6][30][31]
1995–1996ThemeCompetition and Cooperation[6]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureThe Odyssey and Selected Works by Ralph Waldo Emerson[32][33]
Social Science
Super QuizThe United Nations[5][6][6][34][35]
1996–1997ThemeCommunication and Culture[6]
Fine Arts
Language and LiteratureWilliam Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion[36]
Social ScienceWorld Geography[37]
Super QuizThe Information Revolution[5][6][38][39]

Since 1997


Looking Outward:
Forces Shaping Society[40][41]
ArtFundamentals of art and selected art objects from the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Language and LiteratureJane Eyre[40][42] by Charlotte Brontë
MathAlgebra, geometry, trigonometry and differential calculus
MusicMusic of the twentieth century
ScienceThe structure and behavior of matter
Social ScienceWorld events and new developments of the 1980s
Super QuizGlobalization: The New Economy[6][42][43]


Looking Inward:
Developing a Sense of Meaning[44]
Art20th century American and European Art (entirely from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art collection)
EconomicsFundamentals of economics, macroeconomics, and investment methods and strategies
Language and LiteratureSiddhartha by Herman Hesse and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro[45]

Shabanu by Suzanne Fisher Staples replaced Siddhartha for the junior varsity competition.

MathGeometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus
  • Monteverdi: L’Orfeo, Favola in Musica, “Ecco pur ch’a voi ritorno”
  • Monteverdi: L’Orfeo, Favola in Musica, “Possente spirto”
  • Mozart: Don Giovanni, “Il Catalogo e questo”
  • Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, “Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja”
  • Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia, “Largo al Factotum”
  • Rossini: Giullaume Tell, Overture
  • Verdi: Rigoletto, “La Donna è Mobile”
  • Verdi: La Traviata, “Libiamo”
  • Verdi: La Traviata, “Sempre Libera”
  • Verdi: Aida, “The Grand March”
  • Bizet: Carmen,”Seguidilla”
  • Bizet: Carmen, “Toreador Song”
  • Wagner: Die Götterdämmerung, “Brünhilde’s Apostrophe”
  • Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana, “Easter Hymn”
  • Puccini: La Bohème, “Quando m’en vo”
  • Puccini: Madama Butterfly, “Un Bel Di”
  • Puccini: Turandot, “Nessun Doma”
  • Gershwin: Porgy and Bess, “Summertime”
Social ScienceAncient Civilizations
Super QuizThe Brain[6][45][47]


Looking Forward:
Creating the Future[48]
Art[48]Art focused on innovations in the Fine Arts. Featured pieces:
Economics[48]Fundamentals of economics, microeconomics, and environmental economics
Language and Literature[48] Novel


Selected poems

Math[48]Fractals, fractal geometry, and algorithms in the complex plane
Music[48]Music focused on breakthroughs in American Jazz. Featured pieces:
Social Science[48]Infrastructures Around the Globe: Suez Canal, Transmerican Railroad, Panama Canal, Alaska Pipeline, Channel Tunnel, Glen Canyon Dam, Three Gorges Dam, and the International Space Station
Super QuizSustainable Earth[6][50]


Understanding the Self Art[51]Art focused on images of the self. Featured selections:



  • Portrait of a Man from Rome (c. 50 BCE)
  • Guanyin from China (c. 580 CE)
  • Walking Woman (Femme qui Marche) and Annette, both by Alberto Giacometti


Economics[51]Fundamentals of economics, business organizations, and profiles in individual enterprise
Language and Literature[51] Novel


Math[51]Logic and set theory, numbers, combinatorics and probability, and application
Music[51]Music focused on sacred music from around the world. Featured songs:
  • "El Melej" by Alia Musica
  • "Al-'Ada" by La Sulamiyya
  • "Wir setzen uns mit Tranen nieder" by Netherlands Bach Society
  • "Bluebird Song" by Lena Clark
  • "Quen a Virgen Ben Servira" by Ensemble Alcatraz
  • "Nyamaropa yeVana Vava Mushonga" by Muchatera
  • "Arrullo San Antonio" by BMOSA
  • "Ngoma ra Mrongo" from Kenya & Tanzania
  • "Kriti: Ninnadanela" by Ramnad Krishnan
  • "Kecak" by Music for the Gods
  • "Move on up a Little Higher" by Mahalia Jackson
  • "O Magnum Mysterium" by Choir of Westminster Cathedral
Science[51]The Biological Self: biology of the cell, molecular genetics, and the immune system
Super Quiz[6][51][53]Concepts of the Self: Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion


Understanding Others[54] Art[55]






  • Nulhaku (Na Drama Robe) from Japan (Momoyama period)

Mixed Media

Economics[56]Economics basics, relationships, taxation, labor markets, and behaviors. Also included a feature on several prominent historical economists.
Language and Literature[57]



Math[59]Algebra, geometry and statistics.
Music[60]Music focused on the country music genre (1920's to the present). Featured songs:
Science[61]Light, sound and waves.
Super QuizE-communication: The Internet & Society[6][62]


Understanding the Natural World[6]ArtRomantic, Realist, Impressionist, and Asian Art, including
EconomicsFundamentals of economics; micro- and macro-economics; a special section on "The Economics of the Natural World"
Language and LiteratureNovel


MathGeneral math, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry
MusicMusic of the Romantic Era, featuring the following works:
Social ScienceThe Natural World as it Shapes Human History: early cultures in the Americas, technology and the natural world, the impact of natural disasters in U.S. history, and the preservation of nature.
Super QuizThe Blue Planet: Beneath the Surface[64]


America: The Growth of a Nation[65]Art[66]

Early American Art

Native American Art

  • Bowl (Sikyatki Style) - Sikyatki Cultural Group
  • Taos Pueblo - Pueblo Nation
  • Scenes of Plains Indian Life - Cadzi Cody
  • Cape - Anishinabe Cultural Group


  • Pimos Indians, Arizona - Elias Bonine
  • Grand Canyon of the Colorado - William Henry Jackson
  • Pueblo Scene - Forman Hanna
  • Winter Sunrise, Sierra Nevada from Lone Pine, California - Ansel Adams
Economics[67]Fundamentals of economics; micro- and macro-economics; The U.S. Economy in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century
Language and Literature[68]


Shorter Selections

Math[69]General math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus


  • Botany as a Science
  • General Characteristics of Plants
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Reproductiona and Life Cycles
  • Plant Phyla
  • Plants of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Plant Ecology
  • Plant Genetics
Super Quiz[72]The Lewis and Clark Expedition


Exploring the Ancient World[73] Art[74]

Ancient Near Eastern Art

Ancient Egyptian Art

Art of Ancient Aegean Civilizations (Cyclades, Minoa, and Mycenaea)

  • Statuette of a Woman - Cylcades
  • Palace at Knossos - Minoa
  • Stirrup jar with octopus - Mycenaea

Ancient Greek Art

  • Statue of a kouros (youth) - Archaic period
  • Amphora (jar), Side A: Kithara Player - Classical period
  • Grave stele with a family group - Classical period
  • Statuette of a veiled and masked dancer - Hellenistic period

Ancient Etruscan and Roman Art

  • Fundamentals of economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International trade and Global Economic Development
  • The Economies of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations (Egyptian, Greek, and Roman)
Language and Literature[76]

Plays by Sophocles

Shorter Selections

  • General Math
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Differential Calculus
Music[78]Music focused on the Classical Era with the following selected pieces:
  • "Voi che sapete" from Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • String Quartet in D Major, op. 64, no. 5, "The Lark" finale: vivace - Joseph Haydn
  • String Quartet in G, K. 387, molto allegro - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516, adagio non troppo - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Symphony no. 44 in E Minor, "Trauersinfonie" allegro con brio - Joseph Haydn
  • "Son imbrogliato io già" from La Serva Padrona (The Maid as Mistress) - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
  • Symphony no. 104 in D, finale, spiritoso - Joseph Haydn
  • Die Schöpfung (The Creation), Recitative and Chorus: "In the beginning" - Joseph Haydn
  • Piano Concerto in A Major, K. 488, allegro - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • "Ah taci ingiusto core" from Don Giovanni - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major, "Eroica" allegro con brio - Ludwig van Beethoven
  • String Quartet in C-sharp Minor, op. 131 Presto (scherzo) - Ludwig van Beethoven
  • String Quartet in C-sharp Minor, op. 131 Allegro (finale) - Ludwig van Beethoven
Social Science[79]Emerging Empires in the Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome
Super Quiz[80]From Empty Space to Incredible Universe: The Sky Is Not the Limit


The European Renaissance: Renewal and Reform[81] Art[82]

Early to Mid Fifteenth-Century Italian

Mid to Late Fifteenth-Century Italian

Sixteenth-Century Italian

Renaissance Outside of Italy

  • Fundamentals of economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International trade and Global Economic Development
  • The European Economy During the Renaissance
Language and Literature[84]


Shorter Selections

  • General Math
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Differential Calculus
Music[86]The music in this year's curriculum was broken up into two sections:

Music in the Early Renaissance ( c. 14501520 CE)

  • Quam pulcra es (Motet) by John Dunstaple
  • "Gloria" from Missa Se la face ay pale (Mass) by Guillaume Dufay
  • Absalon, fili mi (Motet) by Josquin des Prez
  • "Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys" (Chanson) by Guillaume Dufay
  • "Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen" (Lied) by Heinrich Isaac
  • "El grillo" (Frottola) by Josquin des Prez

Music in the High Renaissance ( c. 15201600 CE)

  • Anatomy Overview
  • Principles of Support and Movement
  • Human Control Systems
  • Maintenance of the Human Body
  • Endocrine System and Medical Imaging Techniques
Super Quiz[81]The European Renaissance: Renewal and Reform


China and Its Influence on the WorldArt[88]
  • Tripod Ritual Vessel
  • Pendant in the Form of a Dragon
  • Female "Long-Sleeve" Dancer
  • Spirit Jar (Hung Ping)
  • Exalted Gathering in the Green Woods
  • Boy Leading an Ox Along the Farm Path
  • Boddhisttva Kuan-Yin
  • Verse in Cursive Script
  • Bamboo and Rocks
  • Book of Sudhana from the Garland Sutra
  • Taihe Dian
  • Imperial Throne
  • Empress's Twelve Symbol Robe
  • Blue-and-White Dish
  • Pillow
  • Official Seal
  • Cricket Container
  • Cosmetic Case and Mirror Stand
Economics[89]Fundamentals of economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, areas, international trade and development, and the development of the Chinese market economy.
Language and LiteratureThe featured novel was The Good Earth.[6][89] Shorter selections included I Watered My Horse, Sent to My Two Little Children, The Terrace in the Snow, Half of Me is Aching, Kubla Khan, and The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter[90][91]
Math[89]General math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential calculus.
Music[89]There were 18 selected pieces on the Music of China.
Social Science[89]Introduction to the People's Republic of China
Super QuizAn Introduction to Climatology[6][89]


History of the Civil WarArt[92]There were 18 selected works chosen from museums in Washington, D.C.

Traditions and Innovations in Painting

Memorializing the Civil War


  • Frederick Douglass by an unidentified photographer
  • The Sick Soldier by Mathew Brady
  • Cañon de Chelle, Walls of the Grand Cañon about 1200 Feet high (Wheeler Survey) by Timothy H. O'Sullivan

African-American Art


  • Oak Alley Plantation, Louisiana, 1837–39
  • Lyndhurst for George Merritt, Tarrytown, New York by Alexander Jackson Davis (architect)
  • Shotgun House, New Orleans, nineteenth century
Economics[93]Fundamentals of economics, including general topics in macro- and microeconomics and international trade and global economic development, slavery, and the economics of the U.S. Civil War.
Language and Literature[94]Featured Novel

Shorter Selections

Math[93]General math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential calculus.
Music[93]There were 14 selected works that focused on music from the Civil War era:

Public Performances and Private Amusements

Music in African-American Life

  • "Ain't I Right" by unknown
  • "Live Humble" by unknown
  • "Follow the Drinking Gourd" by unknown

Music of the Conflict

Science[95]Infectious disease
  • An Introduction to Epidemiology
  • The Natural History of Disease and the Transmission of Disease
  • The Infectious Disease Process and Agents of Disease
  • Disease Prevention and the Treatment of Disease
  • Case Study: Disease and the Civil War
Super Quiz[93]The Civil War


Latin America with a focus on Mexico[96]Art[97]There were 18 or 19 selected works: "Olmec Figure Sitting with Spread Legs, Standing Female (Jalisco) and Standing Female (Ancient Michocán), View of the Street of the Dead Showing the Plaza of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun, Tikal: Temple of the Giant Jaguar, Mosaic Skull and Jaw, Codex Huejotzingo (Painting 5), Untitled (Our Lady of Guadalupe), Don Juan Joachín Gutiérrez Altamirano y Velasco, From Spaniard, Black, and Mulatto, Shawl, Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, Valley of Oaxaca, La Calavera Catrina, The Flower Carrier, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, and Figure in Illuminated Doorway
Economics[98]Fundamentals of economics, including general topics in macro- and microeconomics, international trade, global economic development, and Mexican economic history
Language and LiteratureThe featured novel was Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya. Also featured were six short works: Sonnets 27 and 28 by Sor Juana de la Cruz, The Ruby, La Extranjera, United Fruit Co., The Switchman, and Painting To Survive.[99]
Math[100]General math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential calculus.
Music[101]There were fourteen featured selections: Copal Offering to the Four Directions, Kyrie, Sol-fa de Pedro, Campo, Sinfonia India, Sensemayá, Las Mañanitas, Jocotan - Small Marimba, Aria, Scherzo, Verano Porteno, Samba Urbano, Los Jilacatas, Brand New Cha Cha Cha
Social Science[102]History of Mexico, from the Olmecs to modern day.
Super QuizEvolutionary Biology[6][103]


The French Revolution[104]ArtThe 17 featured selections included:
Economics[104]Fundamentals of economics, including general topics in macro- and microeconomics, international trade, global economic development, and the economic history of France during the French Revolution
Language and Literature[104]The novel was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Also featured were six shorter works:
Math[104]General math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential calculus.
Music[104]18th and 19th century French music. The fourteen selected works were:
Science[104]Introduction to Chemistry, history of chemistry with a focus on Antoine Lavoisier.
Super Quiz[104]History of the French Revolution


The Great Depression[105]Art[106]Art fundamentals as well as 17 selected works from the art of the Great Depression. The selected works were:
New Deal
  • South Wall of a Mural Depicting Detroit Industry, by Diego Rivera
  • Aspects of Negro Life: Song of the Towers, by Aaron Douglas
  • Tenement (Mural Study, Department of Justice Building, Washington, D.C.), by George Biddle
  • The Riveter (Mural Study for the Bronx, New York Central Postal Station), by Ben Shahn
  • Muse of Music, Dance, Drama, by George Stanley
Documentary Photography of the 1930s
Architecture of the 1930s
American Regionalism/American Experiences
Economics[107]Fundamentals of economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and the economic history of the Great Depression
Language and Literature[108]
Featured novel
Shorter selections
Math[109]Algebra and trigonometry.
Music[110]Basic elements of music theory and American music of the 1930s, including blues, jazz, popular songs, and classical music. The 14 listening sections were:
Blues and Jazz
Popular songs
Classical music
Social Science[111]Origins of the Great Depression, the New Deal, and the legacy of the New Deal.
Super Quiz[112]Geology


The Age of Empire[113]Art

Africa and Europe

Commodities and Trade

Architecture and Power

Europe Envisions the Empire

Economics[113]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. The economics curriculum also included a thematic section focused on the economics of imperialism.
Language and Literature[113]

Featured Novella

Shorter Selections

Math[113]The mathematics curriculum covered topics in general mathematics and geometry and included a brief introduction to differential calculus.
Music[113]The music curriculum covered basic elements of music theory and focused on music of the Romantic era. The 14 selections were:

Program Music

Nationalism in Music

Science[113]The science curriculum presented an introduction to physical science and included discussions of significant scientific advances made during the nineteenth century.
Super Quiz[113]The Super Quiz™ topic was The Age of Imperialism: The Making of a European Global Order. The Super Quiz Resource Guide included readings on such topics as mercantile empires, the Atlantic economy, motives for imperialism, the role of technology in the age of imperialism, New Imperialism, tactics of colonial rule, and decolonization and postcolonial immigration.



Christian Art and Architecture in Russia

Art and Architecture of the Russian Empire

Intersections: Literature, Dance, and the Visual Arts

Modern Art and Architecture

Economics[114]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. The economics curriculum also included a thematic section focused on the economy of communist and post-communist Russia.
Language and Literature[114]

Featured Novel

Shorter Selections - two poems and two short stories

Math[114]The mathematics curriculum covered permutations and combinations, algebra, and statistics.

Introduction to Russian Folk Music

  • “The Day was Breaking", traditional folksong
  • "Akh Ty Step", traditional folksong

Russian Music of the Nineteenth Century

Russian Music of the Twentieth Century

Science[114]The science topic was space exploration, and the Science Resource Guide included a section on the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Social Science[114]The social science curriculum presented an introduction to the history of Russia.


World War I[115]Art[115]Developments in Early Twentieth-Century Modernism

Art and World War I

American Identities in the Early Modern Era

Economics[115]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. The economics curriculum also included a thematic section providing an economic history of World War I.
Language and Literature[115]

Featured Novel

Shorter Selections - two poems and two short stories

Math[115]The mathematics curriculum covered algebra and trigonometry.
Music[115]Classical Music and Modernism

Early Twentieth-Century "Popular" Music

Musical Responses to "The Great War"

Science[115]The science topic was an introduction to genetics and included a discussion of some of the significant advancements made in the field of genetics in the early twentieth century.
Social Science[115]The social science curriculum covered the history of World War I.


New Alternatives in Energy: Ingenuity and Innovation [117]Art[117]Art Fundamentals

Artistic Innovations In The Ancient World

  • "First Sarcophagus of Tutankhamun" Egypt, Eighteenth Dynasty
  • "Poseidon/Zeus" Greek, Early Classical Period
  • "Pont du Gard" Nîmes, France, c. First Century CE
  • "The Pantheon" Rome, Italy, c. 126 CE

Artistic Innovation Of The Renaissance

  • "Ghent Altarpiece" by Jan Van Eyck
  • "Ornithopter Wings" by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • "The School of Athens" by Raphael
  • "Dome of Florence Cathedral" by Filippo Brunelleschi
  • "Decorated Pages Intended for a Koran" Central Asia/Turkey c. 1500

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Artistic Innovations

Artistic Innovation Of The Twentieth Century

Economics[117]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. The economics curriculum also included a thematic section on the economics of energy.
Language and Literature[117]

Featured Novel

Selected Poetry And Short Works

Math[117]The mathematics curriculum covered general mathematics, geometry, and an introduction to differential calculus.
Music[117]Basic Elements of Music Theory

Music And The Middle Ages

  • "Dies Irae" Anonymous, Thirteenth Century
  • "Sumer Is Icumen In" Anonymous, c. 1250

Music And The Renaissance

Music And The Baroque

Music And The Classical Era

Music And The Romantic Era

Music And The Modern Era

Science[117]The science topic was an introduction to energy conversion and included a discussion of traditional energy generation as well as nuclear energy and renewable sources of energy.
Social Science[117]The social science curriculum covered energy policy, the environment, and the new energy economy.


India [118]Art[118]Art Fundamentals

An Introduction to the Art of India

  • "Bust of a Man, Possibly a Priest" Mohenjo-daro, Indus Valley Civilization, c. 2000 BCE
  • "Seated Buddha" c. 200-300
  • "The Great Stupa" Sanchi, Third Century BCE
  • "Nataraja, Shiva as the Lord of Dance" Tamil Nadu, Chola Period, 1000s
  • "Detail of a Wall Painting in the Rajah’s Palace", Kerala, Seventeenth Century

Indo-Islamic Art and Architecture

  • "The Emperor Shahjahan Riding, with the Aftabi or Sunshade Held Over His Head", Seventeenth Century
  • "Indo-Persian Carpet with Medallions" c. 1680
  • "Base for a Water Pipe", 1650-1700
  • "Taj Mahal", Agra, Seventeenth Century

Colonial Art and Architecture

  • "The Viceregal Lodge", by Henry Irwin, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, 1888
  • "Studio Portrait of Ram Singh of Jaipur ", by Samuel Bourne and Charles Shepard
  • "Englishman on tiger hunt" Kalighat, c.1830
  • "Robe", Netherlands, Mid-Eighteenth Century
  • "St. Andrew’s Church", by Major Thomas de Havilland and Colonel James Caldwell, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 1821

Postcolonial Art and Architecture

  • Indian Currency, 1000 Rupees with image of Mahatma Gandhi
  • "PK Kelkar Library", Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, by Achyut Kanvinde, 1959–66
  • "A Holy Man in the Forest (Shiva as Lord of the Animals)" by Jogmaya Devi
  • " The Tables Have Turned", by Nalini Malani
Economics[118]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics and also included a thematic section on the Indian economy.
Language and Literature[118]

Featured Novel

Shorter Selections

Math[118]The mathematics curriculum covered permutations and combinations, algebra, and statistics.
Music[118]Introduction To Music Theory of India

India's Regional Music Traditions and Devotional Music

  • Hymns for the Chathi Fast, "Chathi Mata"
  • Manganiars of Rajasthan, “Kachi Ghuldalo”
  • Temple Musicians of Kerala, "Maddalam Chenda Keli;Kombu Patu"
  • Mira Bhajan, "Manade ra Mohan"
  • Baul Song, "Ekdin Matir Bhitar Hobe Ghar”
  • Qawwali, "Allah Hoo" by "Warsi Brothers: Sufi Qawalli

Indian Classical Music

Film and Classical Music

Science[118]The science topic was an introduction to ecology and will include case studies and examples relevant to India.
Social Science[118]The social science curriculum covered the history of modern India.


World War II[115]Art[115]Art Fundamentals

World War II Propaganda

European Art of the World War II Era

American Abstract Expression

World War II Memorialization

Economics[115]The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. The economics curriculum also included a thematic section providing an economic history of World War II.
Language and Literature[115]

Featured Novel

Shorter Prose Works


Math[115]The mathematics curriculum covered algebra and trigonometry.
Music[115]Basic Elements of Music Theory

Listening Examples

Science[115]The science topic covered an introduction in quantum mechanics, with an emphasis on nuclear physics, and also discussed the historic background related to the development of nuclear weapons in World War II.
Social Science[115]The social science curriculum covered the history of World War II.



The art curriculum included a section on art fundamentals and largely focused on African art.[119]

Art Fundamentals Southern and Eastern Africa

Central Africa

  • Nkondi "Nail Figure", Konga Culture
  • Head (The Great Bieri) by the Fang Peoples
  • Mask: Female (Pwo) by the Chokwe Peoples
  • Finial of a Royal Scepter by the Yombe People
  • Royal Palace of Foumban, Bafoussam

Western Africa

  • Nok Sculpture, Nok Culture
  • Bowl, Igbo Ukwi, Nigeria
  • Brass Head, Yoruba, Ife, Nigeria
  • Plaque by the Edo Peoples
  • Kente Cloth by the Ashanti People

Contemporary African Art and Art of the African Diaspora

(Single drawing from movie)

  • Spirit of Sisterhood by Aida Muluneh
  • Coffin by the Workshop of Paa Willie

(Fantasy coffin of a Mercedes Benz)


The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics and also included a thematic section on African economic history and development.[119]


The literature curriculum included critical reading, one long work of literature, and selected shorter works.[119]

Featured Novel

Selected Shorter Works


The mathematics curriculum covered general mathematics, geometry, and an introduction to differential calculus.[119]

General Mathematics

  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • The Multiplication Rule of Probability
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Binomial Distribution


  • Pythagorean Theorem and Pythagorean Triples
  • Special Right Triangles
  • Coordinate Geometry in 2 and 3 Dimensions
  • Areas and Properties of Polygons
  • Surface Areas and Volumes of 3-D Figures
  • Similarity
  • Angle Measures in Circles (Tangents, Secants, Chords)

Introduction to Differential Calculus

  • Average Rate of Change of Basic Polynomial Functions
  • Basic Limits and Continuity
  • First Derivative of Basic Polynomial Functions and Graphical Interpretation
  • Equations of Tangent Lines

The 2017–18 mathematics curriculum and materials are the same as they were used for the 2014–15 U.S. Academic Decathlon.[119]


The music curriculum provided an introduction to the music of Africa.[119]

Basic Musical Concepts and Terminology

Traditional Music

  • "Konkoba" by Toumani Diabate
  • "Moussolou" by Oumou Sangare
  • "Kalagala Ebwembe" recorded by Hugh Tracey
  • "Hindewhu Solo" by the BeBenzele pygmies
  • "Song of Rejoicing after Returning from a Hunt" by the BeBenzele pygmies
  • "Nhemanmusasa" by Cosmas, Alexia, and Simon Magaya
  • "Nhemanmusasa" by Beauler Dyoko and Cosmas Magaya
  • "Mbube" by Solomon Linda's Original Evening Birds
  • "El Ward Gamil" by Umm Kulthum

Modern Music

Current Issues

  • Pan-African Festivals
  • The African Diaspora

World Music


An introduction to the biology of infectious diseases, with an emphasis on diseases that have had a significant impact on Africa.[119]

Overview of Infectious Disease

  • Types of Microorganisms
  • Transmission of Infectious Disease


  • HIV
  • Malaria
  • Ebola
Social Science

The social science curriculum provided an introduction to the history of Africa, with an emphasis on West Africa.[119]

Human origins Early African Civilizations

  • Ghana
  • Mali
  • Songhay
  • Kanem-Bornu

Islam, Christianity, and Traditional African Religion

The Atlantic and West African Slave Trade

Imperialism, Colonialism, and Revolution

The Rise of Independent West Africa


America in the 1960sArt

The art curriculum included a section on art fundamentals and largely focused on art of the 1960s.[119]

Setting the Stage for the Art of the 1960s

Early Sixties

Art and Politics

Minimalism and Conceptualism



The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics and also included a thematic section on the US economy in the 1960s.[119]


The literature curriculum included critical reading, one long work of literature, and selected shorter works.[119]

Featured Novel

Selected Shorter Works


The mathematics curriculum covered permutations and combinations, algebra, and an introduction to statistics.[119]

Overview of Permutations and Combinations

  • Multiplication Principle
  • Permutations
  • Combinations


  • Sequences and Series
  • Polynomials
  • Binomial Expansion Theorem
  • Compound Interest
  • Euler's Constant


  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Measures of Variation
  • Basic Probability
  • Probability Distribution
  • The Binomial Distribution
  • The Normal Distribution

The 2018–19 mathematics curriculum and materials are the same as they were used for the 2015–16 U.S. Academic Decathlon.[119]


The music curriculum provideed an introduction to the music of the 1960s.[119] Basic Elements of Music Theory

  • Sound and Music
  • Pitch, Rhythm, and Harmony
  • Other Aspects of Musical Sound
  • Form in Music
  • Which is the Real Music? Scores, Recordings, and Performance

The Early 1960s

The Heart of the 1960s

The End of the 1960s


An introduction to laser technology, and applications of lasers.[119]


  • Properties of Light
  • Visible Light and Color


  • Geometric Optics
  • Mirrors and Lenses
  • Wave Optics
  • Optical Instruments


  • Light Emission and Absorption
  • Lasers
  • History of the Laser

Applications of Lasers

  • Scientific Applications
  • Medical Applications
  • Industrial Applications
  • Other Applications
Social Science

The social science curriculum provided an introduction to US history of the 1960s.[119]

The Days of Camelot

  • American in the 1950s: The Origins of Transformation
  • A New Frontier: Kennedy and the World
  • New Frontiers at Home

The Apex of American Liberalism

  • Indomitable Will: The Johnson Presidency
  • From Civil Rights to Black Power

The Center does not Hold

  • Social and Cultural Dissent in the Early 1960s
  • The United States and the World, 1964-1968
  • Social and Cultural Dissent in the Late 1960s

The Rise and Undoing of a Law-and-Order President

  • The Age of Aquarius
  • The Nixon Presidency


In Sickness and in Health: An Exploration of Illness and WellnessArt

The art curriculum included a section on art fundamentals and largely focused on an exploration of illness and wellness in art.[120]

Art Fundamentals

Art and the Plague

The Rise of Modern Medicine

Women, Sickness, and Portraiture

Neurasthenia and Vitality in Turn of the Century Art

Art and Mental Health


The economics curriculum covered fundamental economic concepts, microeconomics, and macroeconomics and also includes a thematic section on health economics.[120]


The literature curriculum included critical reading, one long work of literature, and selected shorter works.[120]

Featured Novel

Selected Shorter Works


The mathematics curriculum covered algebra and trigonometry.[120]


  • Basic Properties of Real Numbers
  • Linear and Quadratic Equations
  • Polynomial Equations
  • Functions
  • Graphing
  • Non-polynomial Equations
  • Inequalities
  • Coordinate Geometry


  • Trigonometric Functions

The 2019–20 mathematics curriculum and materials are the same as they were used for the 2016–17 U.S. Academic Decathlon.[120]


The music curriculum introduced students to various musical works from across the centuries, allowing them to examine the role of mortality in Western art music.[120]

Basic Elements of Music Theory

  • Sound and Music
  • Pitch, Rhythm, and Harmony
  • Other Aspects of Musical Sound
  • Form in Music
  • Which is the Real Music? Scores, Recordings, and Performance

Church, Home, Stage: Death Knows No Boundaries

Music of the Romantic Era: Death as Drama

Music as Mockery, Music as Memorial


An introduction to the biology of cancer.[120]

Cells and the Development of Cancer

  • An Introduction to Cells
  • The Development of Cancer

Causes of Cancer: The Role of Genetics and the Environment

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Diseases
  • Environmental Exposure

The Prevention, Detection, and Progression of Cancer

  • Early Detection and Prevention
  • Diagnosis

Types and Treatment of Cancer

  • Types of Cancer
  • Cancer treatments
Social Science

The social science curriculum provided an introduction to the history of healthcare.[119]

Healthcare in the Ancient World

  • Patterns of Life and Death in the Past
  • Early Textual Traditions of Medicine
  • Hippocratic Medicine as Greek Natural Philosophy

Healthcare from the First Century CE to the Scientific Revolution

  • The Greco-Roman Tradition
  • Medieval Medicine
  • The Black Death and Epidemic Plague

Medical Theory and Practice During the Scienfic Revolution

  • The Origins of the Scienfitic Revolution
  • Medical Reformers during the Scientific Revolution

The Age of Exploration to the Late Nineteenth Century

  • The Columbian Exchange and Life and Death in the Americas
  • The Plague and Public Health in Europe
  • The Rise of Organized and Scientific Medicine

The Rise of Modern Laboratory Medicine

  • Germ Theory and the "New" Public Health
  • The Progessionalization of American Medicine
  • The Golden Age of Medicine


The Cold WarArt

Art fundamentals, art of the Cold War[121]

Art Fundamentals

An Introduction to Cold War Art and Culture

Abstraction and Figuration

Consumerism and Ideology

  • It's a Psychological Fact Pleasure Helps Your Disposition, Sir Eduardo Paolozzi (1948)
  • Our Goal is Communism!, Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid (1972)
  • Insertions into Ideological Circuits: Coca-Cola Project, Cildo Meireles (1970)

Art and Technology

The Body in Action

  • Cut Piece, Yoko Ono (1964)
  • Untitled: Silueta Series, Mexico from Silueta Works in Mexico, Ana Mendieta (1973-77, 1976)
  • I Am Glad If I Can Look At the Wall and I Would Be Glad If I Could Write Something On the Other Side Of the Wall, Endre Tot (1979)
  • No+, Art Actions Collective (CADA) (1983-present)

Economics fundamentals; economics of the Cold War[121]


Featured work: Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.[121]


General math, geometry, and an introduction to differential calculus[121]


Music of the Cold War era[121]

Basic Elements of Music Theory

War and Postwar: Reaction and Remembrance

The Propaganda War (Music on the Move)

Both Sides of the Iron Curtain


Astronomy and the Space Race[121]

Social Science

History of the Cold War[121]


1^ The two Standing Females are two different sculptures, but are in the same location.
gollark: No.
gollark: The best thing I can think of *now* is some sort of toggleable indicator for "potentially uncomfortable topics" in channel names or something.
gollark: That's post-decrement, *is* it one less?
gollark: > it might not be portable to other places.I have explained why I think this.
gollark: It's interesting to actually look at the ethics and underlying causes and whatever instead of just "no discussing this"? We have a cool and rare thing here and it might not be portable to other places.


  1. Art Resource 2004–2005. United States Academic Decathlon. 2004. p. 19.
  2. "United States Academic Decathlon : Curriculum Topics and Theme". United States Academic Decathlon. Archived from the original on 2009-04-03. Retrieved 2008-06-07.
  3. "United States Academic Decathlon : Essential Information". United States Academic Decathlon. Archived from the original on 2008-06-03. Retrieved 2008-06-07.
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  8. Graham, Nancy (April 14, 1985). "Loses to Texas School Twice in 2 Years Beverly Hills 2nd in Academic Bout". Los Angeles Times. p. Westside; 12.
  9. Billiter, Bill (November 11, 1985). "Countywide 57 Schools to Compete in Academic Decathlon". Los Angeles Times. p. Metro; 2.
  10. Billiter, Bill (1985-11-11). "Countywide 57 Schools to Compete in Academic Decathlon". L.A. Times. p. Metro; 2.
  11. "California Team Named 1987 U.S. Academic Decathlon Champions". PR Newswire. 1987-04-27.
  12. Moreland, Pamela (March 5, 1988). "Taft Scholars Cramming for Decathlon of the Brain" (fee required). L.A. Times. p. 11 (Metro 2). Retrieved October 7, 2008.
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