3.5e Optimized Character Builds

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SRD Rules Only

These optimized character builds use rules only found within the System Reference Document.

NameSummaryFinal Class ProgressionStarting Race SMW::off
3.5e Optimized Character Build Preload
Abe *Core Only* blind-fighting Dragon Disciple
All Stats Are AC
Arcane doesn't mean weak Fighter 2/Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 3
Battle Blesser
Debuff Bard / Dread Necromancer (3.5e "Optimized" Character Build)
Disciple of Yeenoghu
Echo Fighter
Epic Griffon rider
Epic Rogue of Seven Sneak Attacks a Round a Creature
Fencer of the Kanahebi clan A Lizardfolk that can slice people in many fancy ways. Pretty impressive AC bonuses.Humanoid 3/Ranger 3/Monk 3/Duelist 10Lizardfolk
Frenzied Berserker
Gestalt /Warrior generic class
Gnome Loremaster "Divine Scrolls Reader" A small illusionist that can use Bardic knowledge like abilities, and can read any kind of scrolls thanks to the Use Magic Device skill.Bard 2, Wizard 10, Loremaster 8Forest Gnome
High Arcana double spelldagger striker rogue A rogue striker skill monkey how have access to high level caster level, spells and is epic readyRogue 1/ Wizard 4/ Daggerspell Mage 10/ Unseen Seer 2/ Arcane Trickster 3
High Threat Range
Lich Tank
Little Dagger Wielder A backstabbing halfling whose tools of destruction are small daggers.Rogue 16/ Fighter 2/ Ranger 2
Loadsamoney At 1st Level
No-One The Mad
Paladin Striker (4e Optimized Character Build)
Rogue Ideas
Rounded Defender
SRD Warlock This Build uses various high arcanas from the archmage prestige class to blast things a lot of times per day (more than you will probably need). who said only warlocks could blow everything up constantlySorcerer 14, Archmage 4Human
Scary and Dangerous (3.5e Optimization Build)
Scroll user - Max UMD like a boss
Southern Dread Necromancer Incantatrix
Spellcasting Powerhouse
Spiked Chain Freak
Sunder Anything
Swift Disarmer
Technical Fighter
The Untouchable Monk
The ultimate narcicist
Two-Weapon Crit Specialist This is an attempt to optimize critical hits while still giving the character plenty of options and defenses.Ranger 4, Barbarian 11, Fighter 4, Horizon Walker 1Half-Orc
Ultimate Defender (4e Optimized Character Build)
Ultimate Monk (SRD) This is a hard-hitting, fast-moving monk/psionic fist whose ki (via his psionic abilities) allows him to shapeshift. A cousin of the original Ultimate Monk using SRD rules only.
Warforged raging frenzied Juggernaut
Wildshaping One Punch Man SMW::on

WotC Rules Only

These optimized character builds use rules only found within WotC source books.

NameSummaryFinal Class ProgressionStarting Race SMW::off
(Epic) Ultimate Dervish
3.5e Optimized Character Build Preload
5e Optimized Character Build Preload
9−20 Crit Specialist Fighter 3/Psychic Warrior 2/Weapon Master (Kensai) 7/Disciple of Dispater 8Human
Abe *Core Only* blind-fighting Dragon Disciple
Ability Tank
Absolute Stealth (5e Optimized Character Build)
All Stats Are AC
Almost 20 levels Mystic Theurge
Angry Bear Monk
Another Dancing Build Fighter 6, Dervish 10, Tempest 4Human
Anti-Critter Scout Cannon
Arcane Archer Fighter9/Sorceror1/Arcane Archer10Wild Elf
Arcane Tank (4e Optimized Character Build)
Arcane Tank AND THIS ONE WORKS! Mage 4/Fighter 1/Spellsword 1Human
Arcane doesn't mean weak Fighter 2/Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 3
Arcane tank, real tank Wizard 4/Fighter 2/Spellsword 1Any
Arcane that that works best Wizard 4/Fighter 2/Spellsword 1Any
Archer w/ 250 Dmg in one turn (5e Optimized Character Build)
Armor Class Guide: w/ or w/o Items, Spells and More (5e Optimized Character Build)
Armoured Dwarven Gish - Full arcane casting, Heavy Armour In the first half of the build, a quasi-prepared pure caster, from the second half you are a rushing metal bulwark of arcane death without losing a single caster level before level 9 spells.Sha'ir 4 / Geomancer 4 / Dragonslayer 1 / Runesmith 2 / Abjurant champion 5 / Spell Sword 4Draconic Gold Dwarf or some other Dwarven options, see Variants
Atheist Bard Mystic Theurge
Awesome Sneak Attack/Skirmish Greater Manyshot Archer Move and stack Sneak Attack and Skirmish damage to every arrow fired from Greater Manyshot volleys each round! Can get 8 shots per round with the right equipment!Rogue 5/Scout 4/Ranger 4Any
Bard swiftblade of sublime chord Handsome Fight Bard, good saves and attacks. Using swiftblade class.Bard 7/ Swiftblade 10 / Sublime Chord 5/ SRD:Paladin 2Human
Basic Combat Rogue Guide Your basic combat rogue build with many variants to show off the possibilities.Rogue 4 / Swashbuckler 16Halfling
Battle Blesser
Battle Knight Bard of Sublime Chord Handsome Fight Bard, to show the bard can be useful, and he not only needs to give bonus to your party friends. A good fighter, with nice stats and maximized CHA, and 9th level spell slots, to be epic read. A non-break game build.Bard 4/ Paladin 2/ Eldritch Knight 9/ Sublime Chord 1/ Abjurant Champion 4Elf
Beat Down (4e Optimized Character Build)
Bladesinger Boost your whole party's damage to impressive heights using your bardsong while being a formidable foe yourself.Bard 3 / Warblade 17Draconic Human
Bladestorm Weapon Thrower
Boomerang Factotum with full spellthief and wizard casting
Captain Sneaky Booming Zephyr Strike: The ultimate hit & run (5e Optimized Character Build)
Champion of the Forest
Clericzilla a massively powerful character capable of fighting on the front lines at least as well as a typical martial character, and extremely deadly to undead foes.Cleric 7/Radiant Servant of Pelor 10 Human
Combat pure sorcerer (5e Optimized Character Build)
Complete Scoundrel
Critical Master
Daggerspell Master
Damage Reduction Master
Dancing Samurai
Daring Outlaw
Darkblade Warlock (5e Optimized Character Build)
Death Knight (5e Optimized Character Build)
Debuff Bard / Dread Necromancer (3.5e "Optimized" Character Build)
Dervish AOO/TWF
Diplomat This build allows for a ridiculously high Diplomacy score early on.
Disciple of Yeenoghu
Divine Coffeelock (5e Optimized Character Build)
Do you want to build some NOVA? (5e Optimized Character Build)
Dragonfire Ninja
Druid Touch AC Tank Live forever or die trying! Huge Touch AC, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, and good Saves... with ALL the healing and defensive spells of a Druid! This variant from Unearthed Arcana effectively combines Monks, Rangers, and Druids, which allows you to add your Wisdom to AC. You'll become virtually invincible with the full arsenal of the Druid spell list behind you.Druid 16/Divine Oracle 4
Echo Fighter
Eldrich Gatling Gun (5e Optimized Character Build)
Eldritch Cleaver A strong striker capable of doing damage to everyone around him while providing some battlefield control. .Human
Epic Griffon rider
Epic Rogue of Seven Sneak Attacks a Round a Creature
Eternal Blade of the Revenant Use Revenant Blade to treat both sides of a double scimitar as two-handed, pouncing for massive damage.Warblade 7 / Psychic Warrior 1 / Revenant Blade 5 / Eternal Blade 7Wild Elf
Fencer of the Kanahebi clan A Lizardfolk that can slice people in many fancy ways. Pretty impressive AC bonuses.Humanoid 3/Ranger 3/Monk 3/Duelist 10Lizardfolk
Feral Shifter The ultimate in shifter savagery, your twin daggers become a part of your body as you tear through foes.Swordsage 10 / Bloodclaw Master 5 / Weretouched Master 5Swiftwing Shifter
Fiend-Slayer Build
Finding The Greatest Steed! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Fire Truck? (5e Optimized Character Build)
Fireball Filled Death
Flame Fetish (4e Optimized Character Build)
Flying Firecaster (5e Optimized Character Build)
Frenzied Berserker
Gate Keeper melee movement controler (5e Optimized Character Build)
Gestalt /Warrior generic class
Gestalt Knifefighter
Gestalt Warlock Artificer Hellfire Warlock
Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance
Glaive of the Dungeon Crasher Using the Dungeon Crasher variant from Dungeonscape along with the Eldritch Glaive invocation from Dragon Magic and Large and In Charge from Races of the Dragon you can have a great hybrid defender/striker who combines damage with zone control.Goliath (or Human, see Variants)
Glaive of the Hellfire Warlock Use the eldritch glaive to deal massive damage to foes while locking them in place in addition to great mobility and battlefield control.Bloodline 3 / Warlock 12 / Hellfire Warlock 3 / Chameleon 2Human
Gnome Loremaster "Divine Scrolls Reader" A small illusionist that can use Bardic knowledge like abilities, and can read any kind of scrolls thanks to the Use Magic Device skill.Bard 2, Wizard 10, Loremaster 8Forest Gnome
Goliath Dwarven Defender
Grappler (5e Optimized Character Build)
Halfling Hurler
Healing Personified
Heckin spoopy half orc
Hero of Time The Hero of Time excels as an adventurer, insightful in his knowledge of both combat and puzzles. (Based loosely on Link from the Zelda series.)Factotum 3 / Warblade 8 / Eternal Blade 9Fire Elf
Hidden warlord (4e Optimized Character Build)
High Arcana double spelldagger striker rogue A rogue striker skill monkey how have access to high level caster level, spells and is epic readyRogue 1/ Wizard 4/ Daggerspell Mage 10/ Unseen Seer 2/ Arcane Trickster 3
High Threat Range
High-Defense Wizard This build is intended to maintain maximum caster level while making a Wizard untouchable by anything short of a critical hit. It is the supreme defensive caster build with virtually no dependance on defensive spells.Monk 2/Ranger 1/Wizard 2/Divine Oracle 10/Abjurant Champion 5
Holy Bearbearian
Holy Warrior
Huge Touch AC Cleric Monk 2/Cleric 3/Divine Oracle 4/Contemplative 1/Soulguard 10
Hulking Warlord
I will have my horse! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Infinite Rage
Inhuman AoO-er
Intimidating Mage (4e Optimized Character Build)
Invincible Monk
Invisible (4e Optimized Character Build)
Jack of All Trades, Ace of (Almost) All (5e Optimized Character Build)
Kalashtar Fireknife
Knightly Charger Charge for massive damage, and once in the thick of things use excellent zone control to keep enemies in place.Knight 5 / Fighter 1 / Pious Templar 4 / Cavalier 10Human
Kung Fu Fury: Barbarian/Monk Multiclass (5e Optimized Character Build)
Lich Tank
Little Dagger Wielder A backstabbing halfling whose tools of destruction are small daggers.Rogue 16/ Fighter 2/ Ranger 2
Loadsamoney At 1st Level
Lots and lots of minions
Lucky Daggersage
Lycan tank
Machine Gun Assassin Throw up to 16 shurikens every 6 seconds as touch attacks while adding Sudden Strike to each one.Ninja 15 / Master Thrower 5Halfling
Mage Tank
Mage-Thief (Without losing any caster levels!)
MageBuckler (5e Optimized Character Build)
Magic Missile Stormer
Mary Sue (Character Concept)
Master Linguist (5e Optimized Character Build)
Master of Illusion
Master of Magic Wizard (5e Optimized Character Build)
Master of the Force
Max Damage Rogue Edition (5e Optimized Character Build)
Max Healing
Maximum Persuasion (5e Optimized Character Build)
Melee Arcanist
Melee Specialized Dread Necromancer
Melee theurge
Mindspider Infiltrator Keep enemies in their place while stunning them and dealing decent damage. Also serves as a master infiltrator.Warlock 6 / Mindbender 1 / Cabinet Trickster 5 / Mindspy 5 / Fighter 1 / Warshaper 2Changeling
Mjolnir Bloodstorm - Thor Thor throws his mighty greathammer dealing godly (300 hp) damage.Warblade 7 / Crusader 1 / Barbarian 1 / Bloodstorm Blade 4/ Master Thrower 5Dragonborn Water Orc)
Move like the wind! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Negative Levels
Never-Engaged Warlock (5e Optimized Character Build)
No-One The Mad
Not So Fragile Glass Cannon Gish (5e Optimized Character Build)
Nude Nonlethal Bard/Heartwarder Hippy
Odd super companion/familiar
Oh, you think I missed? Nope! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Optimized Shadow Sorcerer (5e Optimized Character Build)
Optimized saves for evil Maximized save bonuses using charisma oriented evil and non-good classes. Strong combat.Monk 2 / Paladin of Tyranny 2 / Hexblade 3 / Blackguard 2
Orc Smash!
Orc with Level Drain
Paladin Striker (4e Optimized Character Build)
Paladin of Sorrow
Pious Crusader This build focuses on trying to build out a melee paladin with better saves and a lot of combat focus.Monk 2 / Paladin 5 / Kensai 5 / Pious Templar 8Lesser Aasimar
Power Attack/Combat Expertise Combo Tactics Fighter
Praise the Suns Light! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Priest of Lyrics and Chords
Pushing the Speed Limit (5e Optimized Character Build)
Quick-Draw Samurai (5e Optimized Character Build)
Radiant Geo-Paladin
Random Choice: Cavalier
Random Choice: Factotum
Random Choice: Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries
Ranged Rider (WotC) Wanting to make the ultimate ranger character riding a mount with WotC rulesFighter 8 / Beast Heart Adept 10 / Uncanny Trickster 2any
Rebreather (4e Optimized Character Build)
Righteous Rager Scare your foes into running every time you charge into combat.Barbarian 10 / Champion of Gwynharwyf 10Desert Orc
Rogue Ideas
Rounded Defender
SRD Warlock This Build uses various high arcanas from the archmage prestige class to blast things a lot of times per day (more than you will probably need). who said only warlocks could blow everything up constantlySorcerer 14, Archmage 4Human
Sacrilegious Fist
Savage Arm
Saves Man
Scary Barbarian (4e Optimized Character Build)
Scary and Dangerous (3.5e Optimization Build)
Scimitar Crit-Hitter
Scroll user - Max UMD like a boss
Shower of Arrows Shoot a barrage of arrows every round, adding Skirmish damage to each of them all the while keeping full skirmish damage and a high BAB.Scout 4 / Ranger 16human
Skewer sphere (5e Optimized Character Build)
Slashing Fury (TWF Scimitar Build)
Sorcadin (5e Optimized Character Build)
Sorlock (5e Optimized Character Build)
Sorlockadin (5e Optimized Character Build)
SoulGrappler Fun tank built with soulmelds. Try to reach grapple as high as possibleTotemist 2/Bear Totem Barbarian 3/WarBlade 5/Totem Rager 10
Soulknife Undead Hunter
Soultank Fun tank built with soulmelds. Useful in campaigns when money is an issue.Soulborn 20
Southern Dread Necromancer Incantatrix
Speedy Monk/Rogue (5e Optimized Character Build)
Spellcasting Powerhouse
Spellshooting Swordmage (4e Character Optimization)
Spellsword - The Warrior Mage
Spiked Chain Freak
Spontaneous Gnome Shadow Illusionist
Sublime Ur Lyrist
Sun elf invoker
Sunder Anything
Survivor Monk
Swashbuckler with better-than-rogue Sneak Attack This is a Swashbuckler build with better than Rogue Sneak Attack and full BAB, and the ability to feint every attack. Until level 9 you operate as a Swashbuckler who two weapon fights. At level 9, you turn into a sneak attack monster.5 Swashbuckler/5 Invisible BladeHuman
Swashorlockadinster: 984 damage in one turn (5e Optimized Character Build)
Swift Disarmer
Sword and Shot's Melee Assassin 611 dmg in one turn (5e Optimized Character Build)
THE BFSD (5e Optimized Character Build)
Tanky Striker Cleric (5e Optimized Character Build)
Technical Fighter
Teh Frenzy Powa!!!
Thasar's Shapechanging Invincible Druid Show them all the true power of Nature's Wrath ith this incredibly detailed build!Druid 20Human
Thaumaturge: Melee Rogue/Sorcerer (5e Optimized Character Build)
The Agilomancer
The Arcane Tank that actually works
The Closest thing to Jesus a player character can get
The Debuff Monk (5e Optimized Character Build)
The Griffon Knight The Griffon Knight is a mounted warrior with a good amount of damage, a health pool and to support himself and allies. The key in the build is that you gain a combined health pool with your mount and both get maximum advantage of charging.Fighter 1/Cleric 4/Prestige Paladin 4/Cavalier 10
The Lancer
The One Shotter (5e Optimized Character Build)
The Psionic Monk
The Tankvoker (4e Optimized Character Build)
The Thing That Goes Bump In The Night
The Untouchable Monk
The Wish and the Word
The Wiztank (5e Optimized Character Build)
The ultimate narcicist
Thri-Kreen Sneak Attacker
Tinkering Artificer
Tool Time With Tim The Toolman Taylor (5e Optimized Character Build)
Triple Critfish-Smiter (5e Optimized Character Build)
Two-Weapon Crit Specialist This is an attempt to optimize critical hits while still giving the character plenty of options and defenses.Ranger 4, Barbarian 11, Fighter 4, Horizon Walker 1Half-Orc
Ultimate Area Attacker
Ultimate Buffer
Ultimate Damage Dervish
Ultimate Defender (4e Optimized Character Build)
Ultimate Huge Divine Battle Sorcerer
Ultimate Mind Domination (Highest possible Spell Save DC) (5e Optimized Character Build)
Ultimate Mindhunter
Ultimate Monk
Ultimate Monk
Ultimate Monk
Ultimate Monk
Ultimate Monk
Ultimate Monk (SRD) This is a hard-hitting, fast-moving monk/psionic fist whose ki (via his psionic abilities) allows him to shapeshift. A cousin of the original Ultimate Monk using SRD rules only.
Ultimate Ranged Touch Wizard This build is intended to maintain maximum caster level while making a Wizard untouchable by anything short of a critical hit. It is the supreme defensive caster build with virtually no dependance on defensive spells. Offensively, it focuses on one of the most reliable, consistent forms of damage: Ranged Touch Attacks.Monk 2/Ranger 1/Wizard 2/Divine Oracle 4/Abjurant Champion 5/Rogue 1/Spellwarp Sniper 5
Ultimate SAD Build (5e Optimized Character Build)
Ultimate Undead Hunter
Unkillable (5e Optimized Character Build)
Untouchable (5e Optimized Character Build)
Untouchable Fighter/Wizard/Cleric (5e Optimized Character Build)
Untouchable fighter
Ursa Major
Vow of Poverty Forsaker
Wand User Monk
War Hulking Hurler
War Wizard (5e Optimized Character Build)
Warblade Dualwield
Warforged raging frenzied Juggernaut
Warlock sential (5e Optimized Character Build)
Whirling Eater of Souls Elan
Wilderness Encarnate
Wildshaping One Punch Man
Wondermount There are a number of ways to have a compatriot with your character. The most common are the druid's animal companion, the paladin's special mount, the wizard/sorcerer's familiar, and the Leadership feat's cohort. This build aims to maximize the effectiveness of such a compatriot.Druid 14/ranger 2/ranger knight of Furyondy 1/beastmaster 1 with special mount 20/animal companion 21Celestial human
Xbow Sniper
Yet Another Monk Build Optimize that unarmed damage.ranger 4/monk 4/warshaper 1/fist of the forest 3/initiate of the draconic mysteries 8changeling SMW::on

Third Party Rules

These optimized character builds use any rules; some found within the System Reference Document, WotC source books, third party source books, the internet, and, of course, here on D&D Wiki.

NameSummaryFinal Class ProgressionStarting Race SMW::off
"Impoverished" but Mighty
13th level ultimate one shot build (5e Optimized Character Build)
3.5e Optimized Character Build Preload
5e Optimized Character Build Preload
Abe *Core Only* blind-fighting Dragon Disciple
Arcane light tank Bard 6/Battle Howler of Gruumsh 3/Sublime Chord 2/Spellsword 1/Eldritch knight 8Any
Avengers Iron Man
Bard swiftblade of sublime chord Handsome Fight Bard, good saves and attacks. Using swiftblade class.Bard 7/ Swiftblade 10 / Sublime Chord 5/ SRD:Paladin 2Human
Battle Blesser
Battle Knight Bard of Sublime Chord Handsome Fight Bard, to show the bard can be useful, and he not only needs to give bonus to your party friends. A good fighter, with nice stats and maximized CHA, and 9th level spell slots, to be epic read. A non-break game build.Bard 4/ Paladin 2/ Eldritch Knight 9/ Sublime Chord 1/ Abjurant Champion 4Elf
Black Lion (4e Optimized Character Build)
Boomerang Factotum with full spellthief and wizard casting
Booming Blades (5e Optimized Character Build)
Can't Touch This! (Monk/Warlock Multiclass Build)
Combat pure sorcerer (5e Optimized Character Build)
Critical Master
Daggerspell Master
Damage Reduction Master
Dark Summoner, Variant
Debuff Bard / Dread Necromancer (3.5e "Optimized" Character Build)
Diplomacy and Blackmail Gestalt
Disciple of Yeenoghu
Divine Coffeelock (5e Optimized Character Build)
Do you want to build some NOVA? (5e Optimized Character Build)
Dragonfire Ninja
Echo Fighter
Eirika FE8 (5e Optimized Character Build)
Epic Griffon rider
Fighter AoO'er
Firearm Focus
Frenzied Berserker
Functotom Fun build that combines Factotum with SwiftBlade
Gestalt /Warrior generic class
Gestalt Warlock Artificer Hellfire Warlock
Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance
Goliath Dwarven Defender
High Arcana double spelldagger striker rogue A rogue striker skill monkey how have access to high level caster level, spells and is epic readyRogue 1/ Wizard 4/ Daggerspell Mage 10/ Unseen Seer 2/ Arcane Trickster 3
High Threat Range
I will have my horse! (5e Optimized Character Build)
Illithid Optimized Thralls (5e Optimized Character Build)
Insightful Strikers You hack people down with inherent awesomeness.
Killaura (5e Optimized Character Build)
Level 10 Gargantuan Swordsman
Lich Tank
Lycan tank
Mage-Thief (Without losing any caster levels!)
Martial Arts Raptor (5e Optimized Character Build)
Massive Damage Striker
Master of Illusion
Master of Magic Wizard (5e Optimized Character Build)
Necromancer (5e Optimized Character Build)
Niten Master
Nude Nonlethal Bard/Heartwarder Hippy
Orc with Level Drain
Pathfinder Optimized Character Build Preload
Ranged Rider Wanting to make the ultimate ranger character riding a mountRanger 4 / Prestige Ranger 6 / Easy Rider 10any
Sacred Fist of the Silver Flame Combining the Monk and Paladin with a hint of psionics for a wisdom-based character.Monk 2 / Paladin 4 / Shiba Protector 1 / War Mind 5 / Argent Fist 8Elan
Scary and Dangerous (3.5e Optimization Build)
Scroll user - Max UMD like a boss
Southern Dread Necromancer Incantatrix
Spellcasting Powerhouse
Staff Tripper As good as a chain tripper! ™Monk 2 / Warblade 4Human
Sunder Anything
Teef, the toothy half ogre
Teh Frenzy Powa!!!
Thasar's Psionic Nuker
The Forever Mage
The Living Chariot
The One Shotter (5e Optimized Character Build)
The Ultimate Munchkin
The Untouchable Monk
The Wisdomancer
The Wiztank (5e Optimized Character Build)
The ultimate narcicist
Thri-kreen Dervish
Ultimate Undead Hunter
Ursa Major
WD-54-10-4 "Murphy" Warforged Warblade Juggernaut
Warforged raging frenzied Juggernaut
Werebear Monk
Wildshaping One Punch Man SMW::on


These optimized builds are too short to be considered full optimizations, however they encompass useful and interesting tricks can be added to certain characters in a matter of levels. These use any rules; some found within the System Reference Document, WotC source books, third party source books, the internet, and, of course, here on D&D Wiki.

NameSummaryFinal Class ProgressionStarting Race SMW::off
Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale, Feral (3.5e Optimized Build)
Anthropomorphic baleen puppeteer
Arcane Gish Chassis Arcane Cleric: Same BAB at level 9, full arcane casting, proficiency with all the fighter weapons and armour.Sha'ir 4 / Geomancer 4 / Dragon Slayer 1any
Assassin of Shar
Battle Priest
Fast Movment Hard Hits
Foundling Monk
Grapplemancer A wizard that's so much better at grappling than any "traditional" grappler it blows them out of the water.Wizard 3Human
Hero-Bard of Awesomeness
I can USE shurikens
Low Level Nova An example of a low-level nova-er, dealing 11d6+12 damage at level 3.Duskblade 3Human
Lycanthrope Melee Optimization
Monk Ease Use
Persist Time Stop
Quick and Dirty Soul Eater Bestowing negative levels before 4th-level spells? Sure, why not?Fighter 5/Soul Eater 1Warforged
Summon Zombies at Level One
The Ultimate Duelist
Transmuter Gish
True Battle Sorcerer
Undead Controller SMW::on

Flavorful Optimizations

These builds aren't really optimized too much as far as mechanics goes, instead attempting to come as close as possible to certain concepts, flavors, or gimmicks.

NameSummaryFinal Class ProgressionStarting Race SMW::off
Armoured Dwarven Gish - Full arcane casting, Heavy Armour In the first half of the build, a quasi-prepared pure caster, from the second half you are a rushing metal bulwark of arcane death without losing a single caster level before level 9 spells.Sha'ir 4 / Geomancer 4 / Dragonslayer 1 / Runesmith 2 / Abjurant champion 5 / Spell Sword 4Draconic Gold Dwarf or some other Dwarven options, see Variants
Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance SMW::on

Class Guides

Class Guides deal with the ins and outs of a certain class, showing what their strengths and weaknesses are. The rules they use depend on the class they outline.

View recent changes for all optimized character builds

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