HexMonk (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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Think the monk moves too slow? Sure, only moving

gollark: Hmm, no, that's just unfathomable logic, not types.
gollark: Multiplayer type theory?
gollark: I am tempted to rewrite this with a less accursedly accursed stack, but beeoids.
gollark: Testbot is in JS.
gollark: ```pythonfrom gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, session, redirect, url_for, Responseimport subprocessimport randomfrom werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFixfrom flask_sockets import Socketsfrom datetime import datetime, timezonefrom mpd import MPDClientfrom gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServerimport threadingimport timeimport osimport youtube_dlimport jsonfrom datetime import datetime, timedeltaimport sqlite3import os.pathimport hashlibimport mathimport stringimport requestsimport urllib.parseimport queueimport base64import irc.clientimport psutilimport queueimport gevent```Fun challenge: guess what application this is/what it does from the imports!


Books Needed
Non SRD ItemBook Found In
Mage SlayerComplete Arcane
Pierce Magical ConcealmentComplete Arcane
Improved Combat ExpertiseComplete Warrior
Elusive TargetComplete Warrior
Elusive FighterComplete Warrior
Pierce Magical ProtectionComplete Arcane
Sun SchoolComplete Warrior
Cobra StyleUnearthed Arcana
HexbladeComplete Warrior

Game Rule Components

Race and Templates

Good ol' Human


Hexblade and Monk...that's about it. Do note that the Cobra Strike variation of the monk

Spells, Powers, Items

Boots of Striding and Springing


This class was built with the standard build: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

mkill's comment: Ok, but how do you actually distribute them? I see a huge problem here:
You need Str or you'll never hit anything
You need Dex or your AC and Init are in the dumps
You need Con or you're dead with d8 monk hit die
You need Int 13 for combat expertise
You need Wis or the monk AC bonus is wasted
You need Cha or the Hexblade save bonus is wasted and you can't cast any spell
To pull this build off, you need at least a 14 in everything
1stHexbladeBlind-Fight, Combat Expertise
3rdHexbladeMage SlayerMettle
4thHexbladeFamiliar, 1st Level Hexblade Spells Expeditious Retreat
5thMonkDodge (Cobra Style Monk)Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike
6thMonkMobility (Cobra Style Monk), Pierce Magical Concealment
7thMonkStill Mind
8thMonkKi strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft, Unarmored Speed Bonus (+10ft)
9thMonkImproved Combat ExpertisePurity of Body
10thMonkSpring Attack (Cobra Style Monk)Slow Fall (30 ft), Move Speed (+20 ft)
11thMonkWholeness of body
12thMonkElusive FighterSlow fall 40 ft.
13thMonkImproved Evasion, Base Speed (+30)
14thMonkDiamond body, Greater Flurry
15thMonkPierce Magical ProtectionAbundant step, Slow Fall (60 ft), Base Speed (+40 ft)
16thMonkDiamond Soul
17thMonkSlow fall (+70 ft)
18thMonk Improved Initiative or Sun SchoolQuivering palm, Base Speed (+50 ft)
19thMonkKi strike (adamantine), slow fall (+80 ft)


One of the more attractive features of this build is that you're going to be moving very fast. Your Base Speed is going to be 90 ft (120 after Expeditious Retreat). Amazing saves vs spells and spell like effects. Improved Evasion and Mettle (which is the ability to shrug off secondary will save effects). A really nice touch AC. The ability to ignore a BBEG tank with power attack.

If your DM isn't a fan of lots of level dips it utilizes only 2 classes. The reason it goes with Hexblade 4 is for BaB purposes (Going hex 3/ Fight 1/Monk: 16 with 2 flaws would allow for front loading of spring attack and then just use normal progression for monk but it will lose access to expeditious retreat which is handy for some spring attack situations and jumping situations)

JE's Note: Expeditious Retreat and The Monk's Unarmoured Speed Bonus are both Enhancement bonuses to speed. Thus they cannot be stacked.

This character's speed is 90 feet before Expedituos Retreat, and 90 feet after Exp. Retreat. Meaning that the levels of Hexblade cannot increase the character's speed beyond 60 feet until the character has enough monk levels that the monk derived increased speed exceeds the expeditious retreat spell speed increase.

Munchkin-Size Me

Taking the Quickness trait from the Unearthed Arcana ups your speed by 10 feet at the cost of one hp per level. Frankly, that's not a bad trade-off

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