The list of characters who were introduced in Tekken 1.
Kazuya Mishima
The apparent stoic hero of the series. Ignored by his father Heihachi, Kazuya plans to defeat his father and take over his company through defeating him in the King of Iron Fist Tournament. He succeeded, and it looks like he'd take the Zaibatsu in the right direction.
He didn't, and ended up using it as a means for his own purposes. You see, he completely hates his father for throwing him off a cliff and into a ravine when he was only 5 years old. He just so happened to inherit the Devil Gene, however, and he survived the fall, but by the time Tekken 2 rolls around he has been completely corrupted with evil. During the second tournament, he got intimate with Jun Kazama, and later was defeated in his rematch against Heihachi and thrown into a volcano instead of a ravine to ensure his death.
However, a certain group of scientists of the G Corporation gathered his remains and revived him. When Heihachi trashed the lab where he resided, Kazuya struck back and entered the 4th tournament. Unfortunately, Heihachi beat him and then he got beaten by his own son Jin Kazama. Soon before Tekken 5, a squad of Jack robots ambushed Kazuya and Heihachi, and Kazuya temporarily teamed with his father to repel it, only to stab him in the back and retreat. He found out that G Corporation betrayed him and slayed everyone in that division. When Jin rose as the tyrannical leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Kazuya retaliated and amassed people's popularity by leading the G Corporation to rival the Zaibatsu, which culminates to the 6th tournament.
Tropes associated with Kazuya:
- Abusive Parents: Heihachi threw him off a cliff.
- Not that he's any better to his own son, though.
- Anime Hair
- Archnemesis Dad: In both senses.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Heihachi in the intro to 5. It doesn't last long, as Kazuya uses Heihachi to ensure his escape.
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit: That pimpin' purple suit of his, which becomes a Badass Longcoat in 5.
- Bait the Dog: You thought he's The Hero...
- He provides the trope picture and is one of the greatest examples of this trope in modern times. Face it; Namco got you good.
- Fallen Hero: Literally. In a cliff to be exact.
- 'Cept he was never really the hero...
- Back from the Dead
- Big Bad: In 2.
- The Bus Came Back: As of Tekken 4.
- And you could see sense that the Tekken Force members were in need of a new pair of underwear after seeing Kazuya bust through a wall to greet them.
Heihachi: "You're still alive?"
- Perhaps as an earlier example, the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament was promoted as Kazuya's "He's Back" moment, using his image heavily in promotional images and the game's opening.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Subverted. He hates his dad for everything he ever did to him, but rather than call him out on it he prefers to just beat the crap out of him and take control of his corporate empire. Even if he did, it would be hypocritcal given he treats his own son just as bad, if not worse, and is nowadays more likely to be on the receiving end of this trope.
- Cool Shades: His 2P outfit in 4.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: In Tekken 2. After some putzing around (and spending some time being dead) for the next four games, he's CEO of G Corporation and just as evil as ever.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: As reimbursement for dropping Heihachi down the very same ravine Heihachi threw himself as a child, Heihachi climbs back out, beats the tar out of Kazuya, and then drops Kaz into a volcano that subsequently erupts. Subverted since despite all that, he was Not Quite Dead.
- Deal with the Devil
- Disappeared Dad: In hiding, cementing a power base and plotting revenge, for the first two decades of his only son's life. And when he emerges from the shadows, first thing he does is try to kill him and steal his power. He's worse than Dr Evil.
- Doing In the Wizard: His grand reappearance in 4 did this to a degree. Previously, it was believed that he bargained with Devil for the power to survive and eventually defeat Heihachi, losing half of Devil after being "killed" by the erupting volcano Heihachi dropped him into (the other half of Devil attempting to possess Jin but being warded off by Jun although it unknowingly succeeds and lies dormant until Jin's ending). With Kazuya's resurrection came the revelation that the cursed blood of the Mishima family made them susceptible to supernatural entities due to a genetic anomaly called the Devil Gene (Heihachi apparently received the short end of the stick, although he more than makes up for it).
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: At least in The Motion Picture, Kazuya always held a soft spot on his Missing Mom, who in his memories was a very loving woman. But since the mother was never mentioned in the game's canon, it may not be the case.
- Evil Counterpart: To his son, Jin.
- Evil Prince: Of a family-owned corporate empire, true, but otherwise fits this trope to a T, save that his dad is just as evil as he is.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Gone Horribly Right: Heihachi threw him off a cliff when he was a boy to see if he was strong enough to climb back up- he did it so Kazuya would grow up to be an evil Badass like him. Cut to the present where Heihachi just wants to kill him, because the plan worked perfectly.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The scar on his chest is the end result of being thrown down into a ravine by Heihachi. After being blown up in a volcano at the end of Tekken 2, his body is scarred further.
- Holding Back the Phlebotinum: Ever since the climax of 4, where Kazuya gains complete dominance over Devil, he's never used his Devil powers again (his prologue in 5 notwithstanding, where he becomes Devil Kazuya to escape Hon-Maru).
- Homage: His hairstyle and purple suit is partially inspired by Demitri Maximoff. His standard fighting outfit is deliberately emotive of Ryu from Street Fighter and the Fountain of Expies spawned from him, to trick you into thinking he's The Hero. He's really not.
- Hot Dad: To some.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: It's implied that his transformation into Devil is this. After unifying with Devil in 4, Kazuya can do this at will. And after Tekken Tag Tournament 2, the player can as well.
- Jerkass
- Kick Them While They Are Down: For T4, Kazuya gains a move like this.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: Kazuya is not The Hero, as the first game leads you to believe, and he doesn't stay dead after the events of the second game either.
- Missing Mom: His mother is never mentioned in the games proper. In The Motion Picture, his mother (Kazume/Kazumi Mishima) dies during childbirth.
- The Other Darrin: Averted. Contrary to what The Other Wiki and other sources tell you, Toshiyuki Morikawa has not been voicing Kaz since 4. It is Masanori Shinohara and it always has been Shinohara. According to the Japanese Wikipedia, Joji Nakata voiced Kazuya back in 1-2 and Tag.
- Seems to be happening again for Street Fighter X Tekken, until further trailers are out, and it's back to Shinohara once more.
- Psycho Electro: His battle aura.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Since 4. Coupled with Glowing Eyes of Doom when Devil possesses him.
- Rogue Protagonist: Variation- in the first game he was a Villain Protagonist all along, even if the player didn't realize it.
- Self-Made Orphan: If he gets his way. His progeny is also on his hit list.
- Shirtless Scene: For default. Otherwise, since 2, he's a Sharp-Dressed Man.
- Talking to Himself: Kazuhiro Yamaji, his seiyuu in The Movie, also voices Jin in the same movie.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Before Heihachi took over the Zaibatsu and threw him to a cliff, he was a very kind child and highly respected Jinpachi, who he even thought of as a real father. His Tekken 5 ending shows signs of this....and then he kills Jinpachi anyway, while wearing a Slasher Smile to boot. Bastard.
- Villain Protagonist
- Villain with Good Publicity: Him in Tekken 6.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: At first. When it didn't work... hoo boy.
- The Worf Effect: You've got to wonder if he got stronger after winning the first King of Iron Fist Tournament. Lost to Heihachi, revived, then lost to Heihachi again, then Jin, in consecutive order! Poor Kaz.
Paul Phoenix
Anytime! Any place! Bring it on, ya aliens!
Self-appointed "toughest man in the universe", and the only guy to ever fight Kazuya to a draw. Afterward, he has been eager to settle the score with Kazuya, but always encounters bad luck with the situation, especially with Kuma, who ends up as his true rival of all people. By the time of the 5th tournament he is highly in debt to the government, and in 6 he teams up with Marshall Law and Steve Fox to split the prize money 3-ways.
To be fair, though, he managed to defeat Ogre. But he wasn't declared the winner because he left without witnessing the birth of True Ogre, which Jin promptly beats. He also beat Heihachi, Jin (in the process of reaching Ogre), and tied with Kazuya. So far he is the only character to maintain a positive net victory against the Mishima clan.
Tropes associated with Paul:
- Alliterative Name
- Animal Nemesis: His rivalry with both Kumas. Against Kuma, 2-0. Against Kuma II, 2-1 per canon.
- Anime Hair: The only time it's not seen defying gravity is in his 2P outfit from 4. Seriously, he, Guile, and Benimaru should share their secrets.
- A customization option is to make it larger.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass Beard
- Badass Biker
- Boisterous Bruiser: Boy, is he ever.
- Demoted to Extra: While the original games saw him as a legitimate rival to Kazuya, and a formidable presence in the tournament, all of the games from 4 on have seen his story become more silly and less tied to the overall plot with each subsequent game.
- Eagle Land: Mixing both types.
- Expy: Not one per se, but the customization mode in 5 allows the player to turn him into a bearded Ken.
- With his hair down and in his biker outfit, he looks like Triple H.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: An interesting subversion. Paul went undefeated throughout the Third King of Iron Fist Tournament, but he left before Ogre transformed. Because of his swelling pride, Paul boasted about his actual accomplishment, but because he technically didn't win, his bragging annoyed more than a few of his fans.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Guest Fighter: In Urban Reign, a Beat'Em Up also by Namco.
- Idiot Hero
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In Tekken 5, in Law's story mode, if Law lost against him, Paul promises to share the prize money with him. Doesn't work quite well.
- Well, that's because you have to beat him to progress with Law. If you beat the game with Paul, it's inferred he's fulfilled his promise with Law (judging by the little shack he holes himself in).
- Kiai: His deathfist yell is certainly the longest and loudest Kiai in the game. It's a dang powerful Megaton Punch too.
- His Burning Fist can occasionally be a One-Hit Kill.
- Perma-Stubble
- Punched Across the Room: The Phoenix Smasher, his signature attack. Sends your opponent rolling back from the impact and one of the most painful moves in the whole series.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Law's Blue.
- Red Gi: His Martial Arts attire, which does not mean he's expendable, no sir. Just watch his fight with Bryan at the 6 opening cutscene.
- Unknown Rival: To Kazuya.
(jaguar noises)
A jaguar-masked wrestler who knew only fighting until he ends up half-dead near a church. Saved, he becomes the hero for the children at the church's orphanage, donating his wrestling money for the children. Also a friend to another Jaguar-masked wrestler named Armor King. Being unable to cover the orphanage's bills with his wrestling income alone, he attempts to win the first tournament's prize money, but fails.
In the second game, he fell into a Heroic BSOD and drunken haze over his failure (or, alternatively, after learning that a child on his orphanage died), but was snapped back by Armor King.
He ends up killed by Ogre after the 2nd tournament, and a new King takes his place.
Tropes associated with King:
- Badass Preacher: So Badass that he wrestles for the sake of orphans and will fight you in his own church!
- Religious Bruiser: Implied moreso than stated. He doesn't actually talk, y'know.
- Cool Mask
- Defeat Means Friendship: After their bout in Tekken, the bitter Armor King become King's friendly rivals.
- Expy: He's one big Shout-Out to the main character and series called Tiger Mask, and he also shares similarities with his story. One of his alternate masks in 6 is literally the Tiger Mask mask with a jaguar pattern.
- He also takes more than a few pages from Fray Tormenta, a Catholic priest who became a masked wrestler in order to support an orphanage.
- King himself (and by proxy, King II) has an expy in the form of F-Zero's Leon.
- Fingerless Gloves: In 2.
- Gentle Giant: Not THAT huge, but he's a wrestler.
- Heroic BSOD: Fell to it in Tekken 2.
- You would too if in his shoes. He saw an infant die in his arms shortly after his orphanage was completed and subsequently fell into a drunken stupor.
- Thought that's either Fanon or, possibly, a quirky Woolseyism. His Tekken 2 Japanese profile gives no reason for his Heroic BSOD, while official guides state he's depressed for failing to get the money the orphanage needed from the first tournament.
- You would too if in his shoes. He saw an infant die in his arms shortly after his orphanage was completed and subsequently fell into a drunken stupor.
- Jaguar Motif
- Killed Off for Real: To be replaced with King II in Tekken 3.
- Legacy Character: Just like his inspiration, Fray Tormenta, one of his orphans takes up his mask after he falls.
- Professional Wrestling: Specifically, Lucha Libre.
- The Rival: Armor King in Tekken.
- Send in the Clones: Armor King and the Rogers also borrow a lot. Try feeling proud of yourself after getting thrown across the room by a kangaroo.
- The Voiceless: Only growls.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Marshall Law
A fighting chef, with a son named Forrest, and best buds with Paul. At first Marshall plans to open his own dojo. He successfully did after the 1st tournament, but said dojo was shortly wrecked by Baek Doo San. Law beats the hell out of him, but forgives him. He later retires to resume his restaurant business, and is succeeded by his son Forest for the 3rd tournament.
By the 4th tournament, however, business was bad for his restaurant, and he was forced to declare bankruptcy. Law tried to boost his business again with the 4th tournament and horribly failed, now working as a dishwasher (illegally), until he learned that Forrest got in an accident (thanks to Paul). He tried to win the money in the 5th tournament for his son, but was deported after his illegal work activities were discovered. He finally teams up with Paul and Steve Fox for the 6th tournament.
Tropes associated with Law:
- Bruce Lee Clone
- Butt Monkey: He's either this, The Chew Toy, or The Woobie.
- Chef of Iron
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has three slashes across his chest.
- Guest Fighter: Much like Paul, Law makes a cameo in Urban Reign.
- Happily Married: Judging by Yoshimitsu's ending in 1 and his story in 5, we know that Mrs. Law is still around the household; we just haven't seen her in a while.
- Hot Dad
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Later on. At this point, he's somewhere between here and Nice Guy, closer to the latter.
- Martial Pacifist: At first he tried to be an Arrogant Kung Fu Guy, but after the incident with Baek, he mostly uses his fighting skills to support and help his family.
- The Other Darrin: His voice actor (not counting the high-pitched warcries) changed from Robert Clotworthy in 5 to Roger Craig Smith in 6.
- Perma-Stubble: Starting in 4. He's had the beard for some time though, as seen through Forrest's ending in 3.
- Ditched it for 6. He's back to being clean-shaven.
- Perpetual Poverty: He falls into this since the fourth game, and it's played for laughs.
- Punny Name: Marshall Law. Martial law. Get it?
- Put on a Bus: When Forrest Law took his dad's place in 3, many thought that Marshall would be going this route... which set up a double subversion of sorts when Forrest was relegated to the background after Tag Tournament and Marshall returned in 4.
- Roger Craig Smith: His voice actor in 6.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Starting in 2.
Nina Williams
Come on, baby. Show me what you got.
An assassin for hire, who has a REAL bad blood with her sister Anna. Nina is first hired to assassinate Heihachi. That failed. Later, she got hired to assassinate Kazuya, but her rivalry with Anna hindered her progress, and ended up getting her captured by Dr. Bosconovitch and put into cryogenic sleep. Years later, she was reawakened through Ogre's return, but suffered amnesia. She was then hired to assassinate Jin Kazama, but failed. Anna helped her regain her memories, but that triggers Nina's hostility toward her and she returns to her life of killing. She's later hired to assassinate the boxer Steve Fox, but found one shocking revelation: he's her son conceived in a test tube during her cryosleep. She ends up canceling her contract, and later meets up with Anna, whom she ends up defeating in the 5th tournament.
After Jin took over the Zaibatsu and started the war, Nina had practically run out of clients. Noticing her skills, Jin decided to hire her as his personal guard. She accepted and now leads the Tekken Force along with Eddy Gordo in the 6th tournament.
Tropes associated with Nina:
- Action Girl
- Aloof Elder Sister: Towards Anna.
- Amnesiac Dissonance
- Armor-Piercing Slap: As a move. In fact, if facing a female opponent, Nina and her foe can enter a potentially endless slapfest.
- Brainwashed: By Ogre's presence in Tekken 3.
- Breakout Character: To the point of receiving her own game (Death by Degrees).
- Cain and Abel: Her and Anna. The distinction of which one is actually the Cain is quite ambiguous at times, and seems to switch between the two at a moment's notice.
- Cat Fight/Sibling Rivalry/The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: With Anna. Happens a lot. The best example would be in her ending from Tekken 6, where the two fight in the ladies' restroom after preparing for a formal event, wrecking the entire room in the process. Nina wins, and draws on Anna's face with lipstick for added measure.
- However, it should be noted that Anna's ending in the same game has the two on good terms for a change, with the two playing a well-mannered game of pool before teaming up to beat the ever-loving crap out of some thugs. Nina even compliments Anna with a "wow".
- Christmas Cake: Due to the cyrogenic freezing process, Nina is actually 42 as of 6. Then again, Nina probably isn't the type of woman who cares about romance.
- Going into reasons outside the story, the decision to use cryogenic freezing on Nina was probably to avoid having her become a Christmas Cake to the fandom. Some 22 years later she's still as fresh-faced as when she participated in Tekken 2 and that is surely to the liking of many in the fandom.
- Combat Stilettos: She also uses them to dig into your skin if you're down.
- Deadpan Snarker: Just have her team up with Alisa at Christie's stage in Scenario Campaign, and listen to the beginning dialogue.
Nina: Nice place. I might have to go on vacation here sometimes.
Alisa: *Talking about the origins of the area and how she's collecting data*
Nina: Did I ask for a history? No.
- Disappeared Dad: Richard Williams died at some point between the first two games, attempting on his deathbed to reconcile both sisters. Neither could bring themselves to fulfill his last wish, though.
- Come to think of it, whatever happened to Mrs. Williams?
- The Dragon: In Tekken 6, she plays this role in Jin Kazama's organization.
- Bodyguard Babes
- Dragon Ascendant: Subverted. By the end of Scenario Campaign, Jin's status as a Fake Defector is discovered. Nina's words show that Jin trusted her enough to let her in on his plan and imply that she's the new leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu.
- Femme Fatale
- Foot Focus: In the first game.
- Foreign Fanservice: She's Irish, although it doesn't show.
- Groin Attack: The attack she's best known for using.
- Hot Mom: She is technically (in the genetic sense) Steve Fox's mother.
- Action Mom: Subverted, as she didn't know of her connection to Steve until the end of the fourth tournament and didn't even raise him.
- Human Popsicle
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: In Tekken 3, until she recovers.
- Notably, all it takes to restore her memory is seeing her father's grave. It didn't end well (for Anna, anyway).
- Mama Bear: An unusual example; she does take out the assailants who were about to take out Steve during her mission.
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn: Her voice actress in Death by Degrees and 6.
- Minami Takayama: Her seiyuu in The Movie.
- The Other Darrin: Her voice actress (in the main series) changed from Lynn Harris (Tekken to Tekken Tag Tournament) to Lisle Wilkerson (4 and 5) to Mary Elizabeth McGlynn in 6
- Relationship Voice Actor: Come the Japanese version of Tekken: Blood Vengeance, she's voiced by Atsuko Tanaka, who's voiced several roles also done by McGlynn.
- Musical Nod: Her and Anna's endings in 5 begin with a few notes from Raphael Sorel's theme in Soulcalibur III, "Endless Warfare".
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent
- Of Corsets Sexy: Her 1P outfit in 2, complete with Zettai Ryouiki.
- Oireland: Not stereotypically, though.
- Pet the Dog: Notably, her endings with Steve in 4, where she finds that she can't kill her own son and actually thanks him for allowing her getaway. This is a rare show of kindness for the icy and aloof Nina and makes you wonder about the kind of woman Nina would turn out to be if her life wasn't plagued by the death of her father, an intense sibling rivalry, losing her memory, and being manipulated by Ogre.
- If playing as her in Scenario Campaign, she warns Christie before her boss fight that going after Eddy will get herself hurt.
- Before Anna's boss fight, she comments on how ridiculous it was for her to go team up with Kazuya just to get another shot by fighting her.
- Professional Killer
- Cold Sniper: Mostly played straight, although she's unable to kill Steve despite allegedly feeling nothing for him.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Her 2P outfit in 5.
- Sexy Walk: One of her win poses, followed by a Noblewoman's Laugh.
- She's Got Legs
- Spy Catsuit: At least one of her outfits is one of these.
- Talking To Herself: Lisle Wilkerson voices both Nina and Christie in 5.
- In The Movie, Minami Takayama voices Nina and young Kazuya.
- Tall, Blond and Bishoujo
- Er...not quite at only 5'3" she's a pixie, she only looks tall because she's got a svelte body type and the male characters aren't that tall either
- Tomboy: To Anna's Girly Girl.
- Truce Zone: As seen in 2, despite their mutual hatred, the Williams sisters won't fight to the death if they're visiting their father's grave.
- Well Done Daughter Gal: At first she wanted to impress her dad.
An alien ninja cyborg that wields a soul-rending sword and oddly resembles a samurai much more than a ninja. He has a rogue-like highwayman's personality in that he steals from the rich (Heihachi) and gives to the poor (Marshall Law as confirmed in an official guide). While this was the extent of his characterization at the end of T1, his maiming by a security system while atempting to rob Dr. Bosconovitch's lab, and subsequent prosthetic spinning arm which was given to him by said doctor after he got him out of there, flowed into his purpose for the second tournament in rescuing the doctor again after his kidnapping by new Big Bad Kazuya.
Post-timeskip he's hunting Ogre for his blood in order to help Bosconovitch cure his ailing daughter, and then in Tekken 4 he returns to his Robin Hood ways to forge a Manji political party. During this tournament he gains a sworn enemy in Bryan Fury, and has to use a new sword later on due to his merciful ways getting in the way of the sword's desire to kill evil people. One of the most recognizable characters of the franchise. Oh, and his ancestor was in Soulcalibur.
Tropes associated with Yoshimitsu:
- Artificial Limbs: His mechanical left hand.
- The Bait: In both Tekken and Tekken 4, he enters as a distraction while his men ransack the Mishima Vault.
- Cast from Hit Points: Some of his attacks. It's a good thing he can heal.
- Cool Mask
- Cool Sword
- Empathic Weapon
- Evil Weapon: To a degree. The blade craves to taste the blood of evil-doers (here's looking at you, Bryan) and will suck out the soul of its owner if they do not make good on this promise. Apparently, the souls of the previous Yoshimitsu are a part of the sword, as the ascension ceremony for the newest leader requires being cut by the sword.
- Dual-Wielding: In 6, Yoshimitsu gains a new blade called Fumaken, which is able to seal the properties of his original sword. He can use both weapons in tandem or just rely on bare-knuckled beatdowns.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Laser Blade: Sometimes takes the form of one. It became one by default beginning in 3.
- Named Weapons
- Named After Somebody Famous: In-game variant. Going by his ancestor's story, the sword is named after the founder of the Manji party. All leaders of the party then take the name Yoshimitsu from the sword.
- Single-Stroke Battle: His Yoshimitsu Blade attack normally subverts this, as Yoshi simply slams his hilt into his foe's stomach. However, if they're running at you, he'll turn the blade upwards and slash right through them.
- Empathic Weapon
- Dark Is Not Evil: Without a doubt, he's one of the games' weirder looking characters. He's also one of the nicest.
- Everything's Better with Spinning
- Not Quite Flight
- Spin Attack: Be careful though, or Yoshi might become too dizzy and fall down.
- Spin to Deflect Stuff
- Fan Nickname: Yoshi, possibly as a Shout-Out to Super Mario Bros.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Via mediatation or draining the lifeforce from his enemies with a Face Palm of Doom. And he'll definitely need it.
- There's also an inverted version with the second method: he can transfer his energy to his opponent. "Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor", eh Yoshi?
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Dr. Boskonvitch
- Invisibility: As seen in his and Bryan's 5 endings.
- Just Like Robin Hood: No, really. He's essentially the modern day version of Robin Hood... IN SPACE!
- Legacy Character: This particular Yoshimitsu has been the same man in every game. However, his title and sword descend from the late 16th century.
- Nice Hat: Always have one. Except maybe during the third game where even his head looks like an alien hat...
- Ninja: Raven, a fellow shinobi, actually tries to teach Yoshimitsu proper ninja hand signs, and fails miserably.
- Progressively Prettier: In reverse. He's gone from a dude in a mask (most notably in 2, where you can easily tell that Yoshimitsu is a ordinary guy in a bodysuit with a sedge cap and sinister-looking mask) to more macabre and bizarre forms. In 3, he looks like an alien with a mushroom for a head (exacerbated by the fact that 3 was the first entry to make his katana look like a lightsaber). In 4, he resembles humanoid beetle with the face of a skeleton. 5 dials back the weirdness a bit, making Yoshi look like a skeletal samurai. His appearance in 6 looks like he's the walking dead. Only God knows how odd he'll look in 7... And that isn't even getting into some of his alternate costumes...
- Seppuku: Has this as an attack.
- Shout-Out: The bonus costume you get for preordering Tekken 6 is Yoshimitsu cosplaying as the Cardboard Tube Samurai.
- The Voiceless: In the Live Action Adaptation. Even Dragunov speaks more in it then he does.
Michelle Chang
Michelle is the proud as can be offspring of a Native American mother and Hong Kong born father, who was employed by Heihachi to locate a fabled treasure on Native American soil. When he failed, Heihachi promptly took him out, basically enraging Ms. Chang and becoming the catalyst of her entry into the Iron Fist Tourney to exact her revenge on Mishima.
Later, those pesky Mishimas screw her over again by kidnapping her mother and demanding the pendant she wears around her neck, as it is linked to find said treasure. And again, she vows to get rid of them once and for all.
Shortly after, she found a baby girl amongst a ruins. She adopted her and named her "Julia", training her in martial arts. Years later, she got caught by Heihachi who tried to use her pendant as one of the items to lure Ogre. She is rescued by Julia, and after that, she seems to have retired in fighting.
She finally returned as a playable character to the series for the console release of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 after a 10+ year hiatus.
Tropes associated with Michelle Chang:
- Bare Your Midriff: Her TTT2 outfit.
- Braids of Action
- Braids, Beads, and Buckskins
- The Bus Came Back: She's coming back to the series, albeit in non-canonically in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a console exclusive, like Jun, and other series staples that haven't appeared in a while.
- But Not Too Foreign
- Chekhov's Gun: You didn't think that amulet Kunimitsu tried to steal would pop up again, did you?
- Combat Stilettos
- Dangerous Eighteenth Birthday: It's when her mother informed her that Heihachi killed her father.
- Fan Service Pack: She appears roughly the same age as her adopted daughter Julia in her TTT2 appearance.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Hot Mom: A variation; she adopted Julia. Michelle actually cameos in Julia's ending in 3.
- Nature Hero
- Parental Substitute: For Julia.
- Retired Badass
- Wrestler in All of Us: Apparently her martial-arts training includes suplexes.
- You Killed My Father: And kidnapped her mother as well, so now It's Personal.
Jack Series
Everyone loves killer robots, and in the Tekken canon, these are commissioned straight out of Russia. In the first game, Jack has a task to kill Heihachi; as you can guess, it didn't work. In fact, he met his prototype and had a slugfest since Prototype Jack is Heihachi's anti-Jack plan. Still, the Russians liked the results enough to mass produce them, and the series (including Jack) were called "Jack-2". Then Jack, while helping other robots wipe out a city, finds a little girl. And befriends her for a while, right up until he's blown up by a Mad Scientist.
The little girl, Jane, subsequently dedicated her life to rebuilding her beloved killer robot. She succeeds partially and sends "Gun Jack" into the third tournament. They spend the fourth tournament fixing each other up, and then she has Jack 5 enter the fifth tournament.
Jack 4s are shown blowing up Heihachi; these are also helped out by Jane and her research. If it weren't for this, Jack would've been one of the few characters to appear in every Tekken game in some form.
Tropes associated with Jack:
- Akio Ohtsuka: Jack-2's seiyuu in The Movie.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: They wanted a killer robot, they got a babysitter.
- Ass Kicks You: Flying sitsplash.
- Blood Knight: Jack-6 will not hesitate to remind you in Scenario Campaign that he loves fighting.
- Bodyguard Crush, Rescue Romance, and Interspecies Romance: Jack-2 overcame his programming to project Jane until Dr. Abel's Kill Sat put him out of commission. Jane spends the next twenty years looking for a way to resurrect her beloved Jack (and grows up to become quite the intelligent beauty), her feelings intensify when Gun Jack pulls an Heroic Sacrifice to save her from Tekken Force members. When Jane finally installs Jack-5's missing memories of her, he initially goes haywire but then relents, scoops her up bridal-style like a Knight in Shining Armor.
- Cool Shades: Prototype Jack, after his T2 makeover.
- Distaff Counterpart: In Devil Within, there are female Jacks. Instead of sporting the bulky frame commonly associated with the linear models, they sport a sleek, feminine design (complete with Combat Stilettos). They do retain the trademark mohawk, which makes them look a bit weird.
- Divergent Character Evolution: Everyone in the series underwent this at some point, especially by the time of 5, but this was necessary in Tekken Tag Tournament, where Jack-2, P. Jack, and Gun Jack were all playable.
- Hulk Speak: How Jack-6 communicates in Scenario Mode in Tekken 6.
- Informed Ability: Gun Jack's story in 3 states that he has guns mounted in his arms. However, they are non-functional during the tournament. Later Jack models have functional firearms.
- Actually, they are functional, as seen in a few of his attacks. However, since he was rushed, Gun Jack simply lacks the ammunition.
- King Bob the Nth: Except for Gun Jack in Tekken 3, Jack (and his other production models) show up as "Jack X".
- Megaton Punch: Named as such, when it's not called Gigaton.
- And it's a case of Guide Dang It, as most mainstream players (and even a few Jack experts) don't know exactly what a "Lever Spin" is.
- Mecha-Mooks: Jack-4 serves this role story-wise. They are also used as this in both Devil Within and Scenario Campaign.
- Mighty Glacier and Husky Russkie: Epitomises this; his fighting "style" is "Brute Force". Although he's also The Voiceless.
- Morality Pet: Jane.
- Non Dubbed Grunts: They've been using the same voices since the series' debut in 1994. The voice was pitched up a bit for 3, but that's about it.
- Personality Chip: Jack-2 has a chip installed in his CPU which allows him to learn and become more human-like, prompting him to want to protect Jane.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Mostly subverted.
- The Rival: P-Jack to Jack and Jack-2, NANCY-MI847J (the Mishima Zaibatsu's own Jack model) to Jack-6.
- Robot Buddy: Every Jack (minus the first model, P-Jack, and Jack-4) serves as this to Jane, although there's Subtext on Jane's side that it's a bit more than that.
- Send in the Clones: Jack inspired not only his prototype, but fellow big guys Ganryu and Kuma. Later games would sometimes call them Jack clones.
- Shout-Out: In Jack's ending, he's attached to a machine codenamed "System 11". This is the name of the arcade cabinet hardware that ran Tekken and Tekken 2.
- Spank the Cutie: One of P-Jack's side throws. It can net you "interesting" results if performed on a female.
- Super Prototype: Prototype Jack was supposedly this to Jack and Jack-2, having been built to outpower them (he was also the first Jack to be able to fly, an aspect that would be carried over to all Jacks after Jack-2). It doesn't stop Jack-2 from scrapping him in 2.
- Taking You with Me: The Jack-4s attempt this on Heihachi. It doesn't work, although it does keep him down for the duration of 5.
- That Russian Squat Dance: As an attack.
- Third Person Person: Jack-6, according to Scenario Campaign.
- This Is a Drill: Prototype Jack's Tekken incarnation has a drill hand.
- Top-Heavy Guy: Jack, Jack-5, and Jack-6.
- We Can Rebuild Him
- Zerg Rush: Lacking the physical constitution of the other models, the mass-produced Jack-4s use their numbers to overpower Kazuya and Heihachi.
Lee Chaolan
The younger, adopted son of Heihachi Mishima. Originally Kazuya's rival, he becomes Kazuya's secretary/right-hand man/janitor in Tekken 2, then gets exiled from the Zaibatsu after Heihachi's stunning return and goes to live in the Bahamas. Comes back during Tekken 4 in disguise, but this time it's Kazuya's stunning return that throws him off his game. After Heihachi's seeming death in Tekken 5, he attempts to take control of the Zaibatsu. Most recently, after dropping out of the fifth tournament due to disinterest (as Kazuya had dropped out as well) he got wind of the sixth during the global chaos and military buildup of G Corporation, and as a preferential shareholder, acquired a ticket to the tournament.
Tropes associated with Lee Chaolan:
- Animal Motifs: His clothing usually has the insignia of a unicorn on it. Said animal is a symbol of purity, elegance, and charm. It's also known for courage and strength.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: That snazzy tuxedo of his.
- Big Fancy House: Implied, given the pool area alone is large enough to substitute for an arena.
- Tekken: Blood Vengeance confirms it. It has over sixty bedrooms.
- Bishonen: He's approaching his 50s, but it certainly doesn't show.
- Bring It/I Shall Taunt You: His Hitman stance. You'll regret it.
- Catch Phrase: "Excellent!" (Not to be confused with that other guy.)
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: More so in the OVA.
- The Dragon: To Kazuya in 2, more or less.
- The Fighting Narcissist
- Fingerless Gloves
- Gratuitous English: As well as his above-mentioned Catch Phrase, he likes to throw a few other English words into his sentences.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: In Scenario Campaign in 6, Alisa's dossiers note that Lee was "touchy-feely" with her, and she had to go into "self-defense" mode (one wonders if Lee can still reproduce after that...). "Lovable" because the small swarm of bikini-clad women attending him at his pool probably aren't so circumspect with him (notice that there's nary a man among them, excepting a humiliated Heihachi in Lee's 5 ending).
- It doesn't hurt that's got the air of The Charmer about him. In The Motion Picture, however, he's a straight-up Casanova, with both Nina and Anna wrapped around his fingers, something that backfires spectacularly on him.
- Pet the Dog: He helps fix Alisa at the end of the Scenario Campaign in 6, and, in Blood Vengeance, after he spots Xiaoyu, Alisa and Panda hiding in the forest, he takes them to his home to give them shelter and hospitality.
- Red Baron: The "Silverhaired Demon", referenced as early as the first game and makes a reappearance during the Abyss Gate stage of Scenario Campaign in 6.
- The Rival: Considers himself one to Kazuya. Kaz... really doesn't care.
- He's supposed to care. At least that was why Heihachi adopted Lee in the first place. Of course that whole business with the cliff and here we are today.
- Running Gag: Ever since 5, if something wacky or zany happens, and Lee isn't the focus of the scene, he always gives a thumbs up that is coupled with the cheesiest smile ever. See Kuma and Panda's endings in 5 and Anna's ending in 6 for starters.
- Ryotaro Okiayu: His seiyuu since 5.
- Secret Identity: Or, alternatively, Paper-Thin Disguise; both refer to Violet.
- Send in the Clones: Move-wise, he started as Law with some arts from Paul and Heihachi, and a few unique moves (Razor Edge Combo, Lee Sliding, Infinity Kicks).
- Shin'ichiro Miki: His seiyuu in The Movie.
- Silver-Haired Pretty Boy
- Smug Snake: If you're a Mishima, anyway. Except for Lars.
- The Unfavourite
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Result of the above.
- Wicked Cultured: While he's easily the least evil of the characters directly related to the Mishima, he still lands on the "bad" side of the morality scale almost as often as on the "good"... and he's always suave and sophisticated about it.
- Yes-Man: He's not above sucking up to whoever is in power. In the endings for Kuma (T5), Panda (T5), and Anna (T6), he's all to happy to approve of the situation with a stiff thumbs-up.
Heihachi's pet grizzly bear. He has trained with Heihachi throughout most of his life, and has a strange fondness for watching television. Is a constant pain in Paul Phoenix's ass, much to Paul Phoenix's dismay. After Tekken 2, the original Kuma passes away, allowing for his son (also named Kuma) to take his place from 3 onward. He loses to Paul in the events of Tekken 3, which leads the second Kuma to go back into the woods to train on his own. Later he would learn of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 by looking in some person's house and seeing it on the TV.
Tropes associated with Kuma:
- All Love Is Unrequited: For Kuma II, regarding Panda.
- Amplified Animal Aptitude: The first Kuma is labeled as a very intelligent animal capable of understanding the human language, "for unknown reasons". Kuma II is said to be smarter than him.
- To be fair, bears are exceedingly intelligent, having been estimated to have cognitive abilities comparable to great apes or even human toddlers. It certainly is conceivable that he could have learned how to understand human speech.
- Ass Kicks You: Flying sit-down splash.
- Cool Pet: For Heihachi. Notably, Heihachi gets a few Pet the Dog moments around Kuma.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Especially for Paul.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin and Species Surname: Kuma means "bear" in Japanese.
- Fartillery: Starting in Tekken 3, an unblockable move that's a One Hit KO with pitiful range and huge windup.
- Generation Xerox: The 20+ year Time Skip helps.
- I'm a Humanitarian: In-story, the original Kuma was rumored to be willing, able, and even a little delighted to feast on any humans who intruded on the Mishima Estate.
- Killed Off for Real: Okay, so passing away doesn't quite fit the mold, but the original Kuma still dies.
- Meaningful Name: Gee, I wonder why his name is Kuma.
- Mighty Glacier
- Send in the Clones: See Jack.
- The Unintelligible: Bear growls. Translated into English for cutscenes from 5 on.
Armor King
A wrestler wearing a black jaguar mask. He is good friend with the first King, and snaps him out of his depression in the second tournament. After Ogre killed King, Armor King tutored King II into a great wrestler on his own and told the secret of King's death, motivating him to enter the 3rd tourney.
Before the 4th tournament, Armor King retired and got caught into a bar brawl against Craig Marduk and got killed. King II set out to avenge him, and eventually succeed his legacy (though not by killing Marduk).
Tropes associated with Armor King:
- Armor Is Useless: He doesn't seem to need to fight with his armor on. And it certainly didn't save his skin against Marduk...
- Blood From the Mouth: He got this in King's ending in Tekken 3 as well as his own ending in Tekken 2.
- Incurable Cough of Death: It's actually a disease he caught around the time of Tekken 2, and which left him weak enough for Marduk to kill him.
- Cool Mask
- Defeat Means Friendship: Between him and King I, but only after their second fight at the First King of Iron Fist Tournament.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Did this to the 1st King in Tekken 2.
- Eye Scream: Slight subversion; he didn't lose his eye, King simply smashed his eye by accident, badly damaging it.
- Jaguar Motif
- Meaningful Name: Gee, I wonder why he's named Armor King.
- Subverted in most games with an additional costume that ditches the armor.
- Manly Tears: He broke down in tears as he told King II how his predecesor was murdered.
- Mentors: To King II.
- The Obi-Wan: To King II.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: His left eye, due to a mistake on King's part. Although Armor King II's appearance implies that the red eye is a feature of the mask.
- Shout-Out: Similar to King, the second Armor King takes several moves from well-known WWE wrestlers. These include: a flying forearm smash, a flying elbow drop, the Tombstone Piledriver, a scissors kick, and the Spear. One can add the Stunner to the list as of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
- One can argue that his Hades Drop throw has some similarities to CM Punk and his Go To Sleep. Both start from a fireman's carry and end with a kick to the head.
- Spikes of Villainy: Moreso with his 5:DR and onwards incarnation who isn't exactly a villain, but is more than willing to rip Marduk a new one.
- The Voiceless: Growls. The cutscenes from 6 do translate them into English though.
Wang Jinrei
Good friend of Heihachi's father, Jinpachi. Watched with dismay as the Zaibatsu sank into evil, and started training people to take them on. He test Law for this in Tekken, but finds him not good enough. In Tekken 2, he faces Jun Kazama and realizes she's the one and lets her proceed. Retires from the frontline afterwards until Tekken 5, where a letter of his Not Quite Dead friend Jinpachi forces him out of retirement. He's also a trainer and distant relative of Ling Xiaoyu.
Tropes associated with Wang:
- Badass Grandpa
- Determinator: He's a 105-year-old man fighting in an ultra-violent tournament. Surely, that is some willpower.
- Dirty Old Man: Really gets floozy when facing against girls, except Xiaoyu.
- Embarrassing First Name: Snicker, and he'll kick your ass.
- Killed Off for Real: Let's all hope that his ending in 6 isn't canon.
- Old Master
- Send in the Clones: With regard to his moves, he started in 1 as a souped-up version of Michelle.
- Student and Master Team: Tries to set these up with two characters.
Anna Williams
Come over here, let me talk to you real close...
Nina's sister. They still don't like each other. She has hated her father and sister ever since he disowned her for not taking the family's assassin career, preferring a normal lifestyle, and favouring Nina after she embraced it. Even after her father's death, her hatred of Nina only escalated in violence, until they tried to off each other with heavy weaponry. Determined to settle it at the 2nd tournament, they were interrupted and captured during their bout. After hearing Nina would be used as a guinea pig on a cryo-sleep experiment that'd keep her young, she demanded to be subjected as well.
20 years later, Anna awakened alongside Nina and discovered she was amnesiac. She got to her during the 3rd Tournament, but she eventually disappeared after recovering part of her memories, including how much she hated her guts. Anna gave up and went on her live until Nina came back to see her, recovering her remaining memories and setting their rivalry off once again.
Tropes associated with Anna:
- Action Fashionista: And how.
- Always Someone Better
- Ass Kicks You: Her new move in Tekken 6, "Aphrodite's Stomp", will send you flying.
- Berserk Button: Button #1 is generally getting in the way of her establishing her superiority over Nina, and pretty well known if you're even passingly familiar with the franchise. Button #2 was discovered by Miguel and Julia. Suffice to say that calling Anna an "old hag" is... not recommended.
- Bodyguard Babes: Opposite to Nina serving as a bodyguard for Jin, Anna rushes to Kazuya's side to counteract her.
- Butt Monkey: Adding to that, Anna has never defeated Nina once. In Scenario Campaign, before Anna's boss fight, Nina (if playing as her) herself even comments on how ridiculous it was for Anna to team up with Kazuya just to get another shot at defeating her.
- Cain and Abel: With Nina.
- Career Killers
- Cat Fight/Sibling Rivalry/The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: See Nina's entry.
- Christmas Cake
- Cleavage Window: One of her outfits is a red dress with the top closed around the neck to make this.
- Clothing Damage: Inflicts this on Nina in her in T5 ending. As Nina tries to cover up (and fails) a Sexophone plays. Oh my.
- Combat Stilettos: With the same secondary function as Nina.
- Cry Cute: Her ending in T1, were Nina slaps her and stole one of her high-heels, although the primitive character models (in retrospect; it was top-notch back in the day) kinda ruins it.
- Determinator: Nothing will stop her from going after Nina.
- Dominatrix: She does have that vibe, as her T5-6 victory has her sitting on her opponents. See Spank the Cutie below.
- Dragon Lady: Subverted. Anna sports the quipao (starting in 5), has killer legs, possesses a dangerous sexual aura, and (due to being an assassin) has more than enough killer instinct, but she's Irish.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: In The Motion Picture, she's mutilated by an Alex clone. Yeesh...
- Foreign Fanservice: Again, see Nina's entry.
- Girly Girl: To Nina's Tomboy.
- Hair Color Dissonance: In the first two games and the anime, Anna is raven-haired.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Meet Lenne Hardt, the woman responsible for the monstrosity that was Axl in Mega Man X7. Fortunately, she is decidedly sexy as Anna.
- Human Popsicle: Same as Nina. In fact, she subjected herself to the same studies as Nina, due to jealousy of Nina being able to keep her youthful looks, as well as the implications that she'd feel lonely without her sister.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Whilst not very nice in general, in Tekken 3 when Nina had lost all her memories, Anna tried her best to stop her from becoming an assassin again (unfortunately, she failed). On that topic, if she was willing to give herself up for cryogenics whilst her sister was undergoing them, she must care about her at least a little.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: If her trademark qipao has anything to say about it.
- Killed Off for Real: Only in The Motion Picture.
- Lady in Red: Her trademark red dresses, most notably her qipao, compliments this trope.
- Lady of War: Compared to her sister, her fighting style is much more graceful and rather flashy. It also helps that she's also pretty classy and lady-like.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nipple-and-Dimed: Averted in The Motion Picture with her Shower Scene.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent
- Oireland: Same case as her sister.
- Pet the Dog: Anna's rarely-seen compassionate side surfaces in 3 when she makes a legitimate effort to help Nina regain her memories and try to prevent her from becoming an assassin again.
- Powered Armor: For some odd version, Anna is seen wearing a combat suit in Death by Degrees.
- Pretty in Mink: She gains a fur coat as an alternate outfit in 3. Let's just say that PETA didn't approve...
- She receives another fur coat in 6, which is greatly toned down in audacity.
- Send in the Clones: As was the standard for midboss characters in 1, her movelist was basically someone else's (here, only Nina would do) with a few additions. Like other clones, her fighting style is differentiated more as time goes on.
- Spank the Cutie: In her Story Mode fight against Lee in 5, a victorious Anna will sit on his back and repeatedly spank him, wanting Lee to "squeal like a little piggy".
- Stripperific
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Just read her dialogue with Alisa (or just her dialogue in general) in Scenario Campaign.
- The Other Darrin: Anna is voiced by Debra Jean Rogers in Death by Degrees and 6. Tara Platt was her VA in Tekken: Blood Vengeance, while Lenne Hardt voiced her in Tekken 5.
- Took a Level in Badass: She's practically leading armies going by 6 and Tekken: Blood Vengeance.
- In this video, displaying her new moves as Tekken 6 came out, she's shown to be much more dangerous.
- The Vamp: Though we haven't really seen her seduce anyone. Unfortunately, the Fan Dumb sees her as a complete whore, let alone "Nina's slutty sister", despite the fact that we haven't seen her to do anything related to the sort.
- The Unfavorite: Oh, boy...
A sumotori. In the first game, he walks into the first tournament as a greedy corrupt man, looking out for riches and glory only. This is where we learn that Yoshimitsu is a big fan of good, clean sumo: and thus, Ganryu gets thrashed by him for his misdeeds in the tournament. He, however, falls instantly for another contestant he just saw: Michelle Chang.
When the second tournament rolls around, he's working for Kazuya, as a thug for hire. Rumors said he begged Kazuya to set things up so he can confess his love to Michelle. He fails to fulfill his orders. He then confesses his love to her. And that fails too.
Afterwards, looks like Ganryu finally learns his lesson, quits being a bad guy, and works his ass off to create and maintain a successful sumo stable in Hawaii. He then sees Julia Chang in the fourth tournament, and falls in love again. When he finds she's on a quest to revitalise her forests, he decides to come in and 'help', hoping he can get a chance to confess his affection. Unsurprisingly, that fails once again.
Tropes associated with Ganryu:
- Cowardly Lion: Manifests several times in Scenario Campaign. Makes sense when you realize he entered the tournament just to promote his restaurant, not expecting to be dragged into Lars and Alisa's battle against the Zaibatsu and G Corporation.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Definitely not to Michelle, but to Julia, he is.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a small scar on his forehead.
- Greed: At least in 1, he has a pretty strong gambling addiction.
- Though there's no actual official source about that, as far as its known.
- Heel: Acted as one while he was a rikishi (fire breathing &c). Thing is, unless we're talking comic sumo, you are not supposed to do that; ceremony is extremely important in sumo, and between this and his gambling addiction, you can see why the sumo federation denied him his Yokozuna promotion. He gets better.
- This is probably connected to Truth in Television; about the time the first Tekken was published, scandals were cropping up in the sumo establishment about fight fixing. Admittedly, the case there was to guarantee that rikishi in a certain type of match set would come out at least 8-7 (i.e. more wins than losses); the fixes were almost always of the sort where a rikishi with an 8-6 record (i.e. guaranteed to have the necessary win majority) would take a fall to a 7-7. Not so much about wealth as glory, but Ganryu in 1 can perhaps be thought of as this corruption's logical conclusion.
- May–December Romance: Has Ganryu really taken note of how much younger Julia is than him? Or that this might be a big reason why she isn't interested in him?
- Mighty Glacier: He's a sumotori.
- The Munchausen: In 5 and 6, he doesn't miss too many opportunities to gloat that his opponent is about to learn first-hand the kind of prowess needed to be a yokozuna, and why only 69 rikishi ever made it that far. One little problem: Ganryu never reached yokozuna as his actitude led to being denied the ascension. He'd been the youngest ouzeki to date, yes. But never yokozuna...
- Send in the Clones: Worked away from this as the games went on, but see Jack.
- Underwear of Power
Another ninja. She (yes, she) used to be part of Yoshimitsu's tribe, until she started stealing for herself and was thus kicked out. The first tournament saw her trying to steal Michelle's MacGuffin pendant, but Michelle smacked her away.
After working as an air conditioner repairninja, she heard about her grandfather's unfulfilled desire to replicate Yoshimitsu's katana. Knowing the old man has little time left, she enters the second tournament to snatch it out of Yo-man's hands. What happened to her afterwards is unknown as she has never returned (except for Dream Match Game Tag Tournament), but Yoshimitsu's ending in that one seems to imply her ultimate fate.
She will finally, finally return to playable action come the console release of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, following a 10+ year absence from the series.
Tropes associated with Kunimitsu:
- Beauty Mark: Her TTT2 redesign gives her one on the lower-left side of her face.
- Breath Weapon: One of the new tricks she picked up for TTT2.
- The Bus Came Back: AND HOW. Over 10 years of absence and finally she is set to see a return in 2012's console release of the Tekken Tag Tournament sequel, complete with a new kunoichi outfit that really brings out the sexy (see it here [dead link] ).
- Cool Mask: Always wears one. Amazing how she can see through it, it seems.
- Deceptive Disciple/The Starscream
- Evil Counterpart: To Yoshimitsu.
- Evil Redhead: However, both artwork and in-game models have her hair going anywhere from pink to brown.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Appears to sport some sort of burn marks on her face in TTT2, visible just below where her mask cuts off.
- Greed: The reason she was kicked out of the Manji.
- Knife Nut: Ok, more like daggers...
- Dual-Wielding: Subverted as her moveset in 1 is just Yoshimitsu's, so she doesn't use the second blade (or sickle). She drops the second weapon altogether in 2.
- The Rival: To Yoshimitsu in Tekken 2.
- Send in the Clones: Played almost exactly like Yoshimitsu in 1, only gained a few dagger attacks in 2. She diverged a lot more in Tag, but most of her new moves from there were adopted in some way by future iterations of Yoshimitsu.
- Statuesque Stunner: According to her bio, Kuni just makes the cut at 5'8".
- Talking To Herself: In 2, Kuni and Jun share a seiyuu: Shiho Kikuchi.
Heihachi Mishima
That felt good... Next!
Father of Kazuya, a Badass Grandpa extraordinaire. Has a pet bear named Kuma. Heihachi is a self-made man who owns the Mishima Zaibatsu... after toppling his father Jinpachi. He threw his son Kazuya to a ravine to see if his son is a worthy successor, and riles him up further by adopting Lee Chaolan. Then it came to bite his ass in the back, when he sponsored the King of Iron Fist Tournament, where Kazuya came and kicked Heihachi's ass, and threw him to the ravine where he was thrown before. Heihachi, however, survived and rose back up, entered the second tournament, beats Kazuya and threw him to a volcano.
For years, Heihachi built up a good reputation with his Zaibatsu while hiding his own ambitions. When he's approached with his grandson Jin Kazama to avenge his mother's death from Ogre, Heihachi used him to lure Ogre out and once Jin beats him, he betrayed Jin by shooting him on the head, only to be smacked back by Jin. Later he found out that Kazuya is still alive, and hosts the 4th tournament to lure his descendants for his plans. Jin foiled his plan, then he got ambushed by Jack robots, then Kazuya stabbed him on the back and the Jack robots self-destructed on him. Heihachi survived, being no ordinary man. But he was unconscious on the whole 5th tournament, by the time he wakes up, Jin already took over the company and he wants'em back.
Tropes associated with Heihachi:
- Abusive Parents: While his own dad was practically a saint (Demonic Possession aside), Heihachi thinks chucking your son off a cliff or adopting another son solely to forment sibling rivarly are sound parenting skills. Then he tries to kill them when the ungrateful brats don't appreciate all he's done for them.
- He also extends his abuse over the generations. Grandson? More like live bait to attract an ancient monster that feeds off fighting skill! Did he screw up your plan by killing the beast? Bullet between the eyes. Later on he ropes his son and grandson into being future subjects for his research.
- Anime Hair: The only hair he has left is just as farcical as that of his son and grandson.
- Archnemesis Dad: Like his son he's on both sides of this trope- his war with Kazuya is pretty much the central plot of the games, but in 5 it turns out he wasn't on good terms with his own dad either. The latter is an inversion, though- his father was a pretty decent guy; Heihachi turned on him because he wasn't.
- Badass
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Father and son team up to kick robot ass! Only in Tekken 5.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Mustache: Looks a bit like a Porn Stache, though...
- Badass Normal: Who needs Devil Gene to kick ass?
- As of Tekken 5, you can scratch the "normal" part. Can't think of anyone else in the game who is seemingly invincible.
- Bald of Evil
- Banjo Ginga: His seiyuu in the second game and in the Japanese-dubbed version of the Live Action Adaptation.
- Big Bad: Not so much since Tekken 5, but definitely in the earlier games.
- Black Sheep
- Boss Remix: The arcade version of his theme in 3 is a darker, more badass version of Jin's theme. The remixed version, on the other hand, sounds a bit like The Jimmy Hart Version of "Rollin With Kid N Play", thanks to that bass.
- Call Back: His endings in 2 and 3 are titled "A Son's Fall" and "A Grandson's Fall" respectively, referring to Kazuya's canonical ending in 1 (i.e. "A Father's Fall") where he drops Heihachi down the same ravine Heihachi threw him down as a child. Both of Heihachi's endings (the one in 3 is non-canonical) involve him dropping his relatives from a high altitude.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Daisuke Gouri: His seiyuu from 3 to 6, and the only seiyuu from the games to voice their character in The Movie.
- Determinator: Not even being blown up (point-blank) by a squadron of Jack-4s, shot through the air at breakneck speeds, and crashing into a monument in the middle of a forest miles away is enough to kill Heihachi!
- Degraded Boss: Happens to him twice, no less. After the first game, he is removed as Mishima Zaibatsu head by Kazuya and has to fight his way through Kazuya's King of Iron Fist Tournament two years later to get it back (he does). Later on, he hosts the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament and this time is declared the official winner but is ambushed at his Hon-Maru compound and presumed dead. He wasn't, and still wakes up in time to compete in the sixth tournament, hosted by his grandson.
- Didn't See That Coming: Let's just say that Heihachi didn't expect Jin to come Back from the Dead as Devil Jin, kill his Tekken Force Mooks (complete with one being Punched Across the Room into a wall with enough force that blood appears to gush out of his armor), drive him through the wall by his head, and then pounce on him from the sky. Heihachi's reaction to #2 on the list is a look conveying "Holy shit! Should I run or turn around?"
- Dodge the Bullet: Catches one in his teeth in 6.
- Egopolis: Played for laughs. In Tekken 3 he promises Ling Xiaoyu he'll give her an amusement park if she wins the tournament. In her ending when she does, he fulfills his promise... and opens up Heihachi Land. Which earns him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
- Evil Old Folks: Starting from, and specially, in Tekken 3.
- That is to say, thats when he starts getting old. He's been a dick most of his life.
- Expy: Of Edajima Heihachi from Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajima.
- Fan Disservice: The loincloth he wore in 4 was not exactly the thing people wanted to see...
- Though the bikini he is forced to wear during Lee's ending in Tekken 5 is just plain wrong.
- The best part? You can customize him in 6 to have the diaper from 4 in a different color.
- FYI, it's called a mawashi, and it's used by rikishi.
- Though the bikini he is forced to wear during Lee's ending in Tekken 5 is just plain wrong.
- Fan Nickname: Mystic Manly Heihachi Muthafuckin' Mishima Bentley, Jr., which is usually abbreviated as Mystic Man Bentley or MMB.
- Polish players reffer him as Heniek/Henio, which is a dimunitive form of Henry.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has an X-shaped scar across his chest, but a hero he is not.
- Greed
- Jerkass
- Kick Them While They Are Down: More like a stomp.
- Made of Iron: The intro of Tekken 5. In previous games he's a Badass Normal; from that moment onwards he's apparently Superman.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Miser: Seems to consider charity for its own sake extraordinary stupidity at best. In the Tekken 4 endings the only character he outright refused to hand over his company to (the prize for that tournament) was Yoshimitsu, specifically because he was a Robin Hood type who robbed the rich to help the poor (of course, Yoshimitsu expected that and was in the middle of robbing him anyway). While Heihachi can appear generous in public, this is always to pass of as a Villain with Good Publicity or to otherwise get something in return.
- Morality Pet: Arguably, Kuma.
- No One Could Survive That: Nuked by dozens of Jack robots? No problem.
- Offing the Offspring
- Pragmatic Villainy: While the Mishima Zaibatsu was more evil under Kazuya, thats more due to this trope than Heihachi being some kind of Anti-Villain. Heihachi wasn't as inclined to have people assassinated or make links with the criminal underworld, but he was still highly unethical at best. He was just smart enough not to do anything overtly criminal (or at least, to not get caught doing it). He's still a thoroughly selfish, power-hungry bastard through and through.
- Psycho Electro
- Real Life Writes the Plot: In the TTT2 trailer, a shot of a young Heihachi is shown from behind; given Daisuke Gouri's death, one can assume Banjo Ginga may be called on to reprise his role as Heihachi Mishima.
- The Christmas 2010 trailer for TTT2 reveals that young Heihachi does indeed show up in the game, but will be voiced by Unsho Ishizuka instead.
- Refuge in Audacity: In the first two games, being dropped off a cliff is enough to keep him out of action for roughly two years. In the fifth, though, he takes multiple miniature nuclear bombs to the face and isn't even scratched; instead he is thrown several hundred miles through the air and crash lands into the hard earth. He's mostly just annoyed.
- His way of taking care of Jin and Kazuya in his endings in 5 and 6. He straps them onto a rocket in 5, and sends them plummeting into Earth from a space station in 6. In the latter case, though, Kazuya is not about to go gently into the night, and successfully pulls Heihachi with him to burn up in the atmosphere.
- The Other Darrin: Daisuke Gouri has succeeded Banjo Ginga since 3. Hopefully, this trope will get zig-zagged in the future, due to the unfortunate suicide of Daisuke Gouri.
- The trope will persist as Unsho Ishizuka has taken up the mantle for the de-aged Heihachi for Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
- Self-Made Orphan: Attempted with his dad; he had to settle for sealing him away forever under the family home. Conversely, he is the target of his son and grandson (and those two want to do the same thing to each other).
- Smug Snake: Bar Tekken 2, his plans rarely go the way he wants them to. And he wouldn't have been in that situation if he hadn't lost to Kazuya in Tekken 1.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Founded the Tekken Force to promote world peace, repair the damage Kazuya had done to the Zaibatsu's public image, and hunt down and capture ancient demonic fighting gods to find out how to harness their power.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: If not clad in his dogi, he'll be shirtless. Unfortunately, 4 got a bit carried away...
- Wrestler in All of Us: Seriously. He has a powerbomb as a throw.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In Tekken 3 to his own grandson, whom he used to lure Ogre out of hiding and then tried to kill once the latter was defeated.
In order to survive being hurled into a ravine, a Kazuya made a Deal with the Devil (literally). Devil is implied to be the cause of Kazuya's descent into villainy, but doesn't appear until he's defeated, after which he ditches him and attempts to get Jun's still-unborn Jin unsuccesfully. In 4, Devil briefly possesses Kazuya before Kazuya forcefully causes the two to unify. Angel hasn't been seen since the second game. Of course, there's a good reason for that: Angel doesn't really exist. It's just a simulacrum created by Devil to mask its true nature from the spiritually savvy.
Tropes associated with Devil/Angel:
- Balance Between Good and Evil: Sadly, Angel seems to have lost this fight.
- Big Bad: Devil in Tekken 2.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Kazuya.
- Bigger Bad: Of the whole series.
- Extra Eyes: Devil has a third one on his forehead. It shoots lasers.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Those who didn't see the subtle Foreshadowing in (or even know about) Devil's cameo as an alternate costume for Kazuya in 1 were probably surprised to see this guy show up as the Final Boss in 2.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Devil sports the same scars as Kazuya.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: ...
- Hair of Gold: Angel, complete with a laurel wreath on her head.
- Lady of War: Going by her new look in TTT2, Angel may or may not be this. It could be a subversion, though, seeing that she does have the looks, laser beams, wild flying, and punches that send people soaring for the skies aren't very elegant.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Not so much with Angel, but Devil is called Devil for a reason.
- Our Demons Are Different/Our Angels Are Different
- Power Echoes: In the home ports of 2 and in TTT, Devil's voice (which is the same as Kazuya's) was distorted in order to achieve this effect.
- Put on a Bus: Angel hasn't made a canonical appearance since 2. Given that Kazuya has shown almost no redeemable qualities since his return and became one with Devil at the end of 4, Angel's bus might have been on a one-way trip to Hell.
- The Bus Came Back: Angel returned to the series in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, along with others like Kunimitsu, Michelle, and regular Ogre.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Devil. Coupled with Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- Satan: Yeah, pretty much.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: To Kazuya.
- Talking to Himself: In every appearance, Devil and Kazuya have shared a seiyuu. For all intents and purposes, they are the same person, especially after the end of the fourth game.
- True Final Boss: Of Tekken 2. Angel is there only if you play as Devil.
- Wings Do Nothing: Subverted, as Devil/Angel do make use of them for a few attacks.
- Woman in White: Angel, natch.