Hulk Speak

"wait, how thog's pants turn purple?"

"crong hope crong get to verb conjugation before end of week"
"gok look forward to first-person pronouns"

"capital letters intrigue mungu"
A horde of orcs, The Order of the Stick
Phineas: "Removing prepositions makes it more condescending."
Phineas and Ferb, "Tip Of the Day"

This is speak type for character what has more muscle than brain.

They substitute "Me" for "I", or else refer to themselves in third person. They put special emphasis on nouns and verbs, and most extra parts of the sentence are lost. If any name is too long, it gets substituted with a cruder name/description (often "(Descriptive adjective)-man or -lady"). They also skip any and all articles ("a," "an," and "the"). Favored words in the Hulk Speak include "Smash", "Puny", and "Blank-thing" (e.g. "HULK SMASH PUNY LIZARD THING!" when fighting a velociraptor). Yes, the all-caps is necessary. The primary differences between Hulk Speak and Baby Talk are usually at least six feet and 300 pounds.[1]

This is a common trait of Frankenstein's Monster, especially in adaptations of Frankenstein -- although, in the original novel, the monster spoke perfect French. This is also typical of cavemen. (The Hulkspeak, not the perfect French.)

There is also a version sometimes seen in Japanese works (albeit not quite as often as in those written in English), where a character (usually a Funny Foreigner or Raised by Wolves type) is shown to speak in a somewhat broken fashion. Although still retaining the use of pronouns, they will often miss words used to bridge sentences and come off as simple or uneducated. English translations (particularly those written by Trish Ledoux), have a tendency to render this "broken Japanese" as out and out Hulk Speak.

Sometimes this dialect will spoof itself, with the character referring to complicated issues. ("Mongo only pawn in game of life.")

Contrast with Genius Bruiser and Spock Speak: the former is when a big tough guy is highly intelligent, the latter is when someone speaks with an excessively stiff, formal language. The Genius Bruiser will sometimes use Hulkspeak to hide his intelligence. You No Take Candle is when a foreign character, usually as a result of poor grasp of English, speaks like this, often with Unfortunate Implications attached.

As with The Ditz, an easy way to derive humor from a character using Hulk Speak is to occasionally give them lines expressing more complicated concepts than their usual diction would imply they were capable of grasping. E.g. Thog's first line here and Drak's bit here.

And if it isn't obvious enough, the trope is derived from the speech pattern of Marvel's Hulk.

Examples of Hulk Speak include:

Anime & Manga

  • From the start, Dragonball Z's Majin Buu gained progressively better vocabulary until his final/original form of Kid Buu, whose complete lack of sanity is a major contributor to such gems as "Me Buu, not you!" and "Buu squish you like bugs!"
  • Parodied in one of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga extras, when Al tries this manner of speaking to become more popular, but stops after realizing how stupid it is.


  • The Incredible Hulk, for whom this trope is named, but only the animated version and the "savage" version from the comics. The 2003 movie version only spoke once, in Bruce Banner's dream sequence. (It was even a Mythology Gag: "Puny human.") In the 2008 movie, Hulk said "HULK... SMASH!" during the final fight scene with Abomination -- because it had to be said at least once. Aside from that, though, he mostly just roared as Hulk. For the most part, however, he speaks correct, if terse, English. The Hulk says "HULK SMASH!" pretty often in the comics, even in his more intelligent incarnations that are pretty smart and can actually talk perfectly fluent English. Then there was a partial Subversion in Peter David's apocalyptic far-future Hulk story The Last Titan; the Hulk was given ample space for his thoughts, which while being in Hulkspeak, were well-constructed and reasonable, though also mostly misanthropic and relating to various forms of violence.
    • The Bixby/Ferrigno The Incredible Hulk TV series from the 1970s likewise averts this trope. Lou Ferrigno mostly stands there and growls while he flexes.
    • Writing Hulk-related reviews or previews as if the hero did them occurs at times—and is mostly hilarious.
    • The animated adaptation of Planet Hulk subverts this, with Hulk talking like this for a few early sentences, but speaks fluent English for the rest of the film.
      • The Planet Hulk comics had that too, but it was explained as NEW version of the Hulk, one able to tap into Banner's intellect to some degree as far as basic intelligence and strategizing (necessary for his survival on the hostile world)
      • Hulk's new persona, Green Scar, is basically the classic Savage Hulk (who has the mind of a small child) all grown up.
    • Deadpool recently showed up in the Hulk books and his thought narration was in Hulk speak.
  • Oddly, DC Comics used to use Hulkspeak for toddler characters (most notably for Superbaby). This, along with many things about Silver Age DC, is probably better left unexplained.
  • Also in DC comics, Solomon Grundy tends to speak this way—mostly. However, he comes back from the dead different each time, sometimes subtly, sometimes with major differences. So it varies with each resurrection. Bizarro am not use variant of trope, too.
  • Eghad from Godland has an odd variation; He can't seem to form complete sentences, instead expressing key ideas or phrases in the message he's trying to convey... as well as some seemingly random pop culture stuff. "Master! Incoming. Sizzle. Leather bee-yotch. Prosecution. Film at eleven." = "Master, I saw on the news that Adam Archer took out Discordia, who is awaiting trial."
  • The crocs from Pearls Before Swine. "BINGO! We no can fly NUTHeeng!"
  • Grossout from Scare Tactics talked somewhat like this. He didn't refer to himself in the third person, but he did use the shortest words possible and left out bridging words. This was in large part thanks to his stutter.
  • Shape, from Squadron Supreme.
  • Mongrol, from ABC Warriors.
  • Ka-Zar, Marvel Comics' signature Wild Child, speaks in this manner... though in one of his earliest appearances an author's note clarifies that this is "merely a loose translation of the original gutteral swamp dialect, a tongue which very few of us majored in at college!" Of course, Ka-Zar's speech can't be expected to be very sophisticated to begin with, considering that at the time he was illiterate and had little human contact at all.
  • Jitterjack and Gloo from Astro City.

Fan Works

  • Goyle from A Very Potter Musical speaks this way about half the time.
  • This happens to Commissar Ciaphas Cain and to Hotaru in Lovehammer whenever they try to speak High and Low Gothic, respectively. Amberley and the PDF officers can traverse the language barrier better, but Hotaru tends to want to hang around Cain for some reason.
  • A surprising amount of Kingdom Hearts fanfics take Genius Bruiser Lexaeus and strip him of the "Genius" part, resulting in him speaking in Hulk Speak.
  • After seeing Krillin impaled by Frieza in Dragon Ball Abridged, Gohan descended into this mentally.

Gohan: Gohan smash effeminate alien! Gohan strongest there is!


  • The movie version of Tarzan usually speaks this way. (The original literary version, after meeting other white men for the first time, eventually learned to speak at least three human languages fluently, and possibly more.)
  • Sloth from The Goonies. "Sloth love Chunk!"
  • Mongo from the Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles, although a few of his lines cleverly subverted the trope.

"Mongo only pawn in game of life."

  • The foosa in Madagascar.
  • One (Ron Perlman) in The City of Lost Children.
  • An unusual inversion occurs in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome with the diminutive and technologically savvy Master, who often communicates in phrases like "Who run Bartertown?" and "Problem? You expert -- DISARM!" This may be a habit stemming from communicating with Blaster, however, and possibly a general disdain for anyone else.
    • His normal speech comes when Max defeats Blaster.

Master: No, no! Look at his face! He's got the mind of a child. It's not his fault...

Hulk: "Puny god."


  • The trolls in the Discworld books often speak like this. Since their brains are essentially superconducting computers, the colder they get the smarter they get, and they often engage in the "complicated issues" subversion when sufficiently chilled. It is implied that, in their natural environment up in the mountains, they're actually quite cunning and it's the smarter ones who seek better life in the cities. Makes you wonder why, if they're the smart ones, they don't realize they're going to turn into babbling idiots in the lowlands.
    • Completely justified with the superconducting computers fact. Troll brains in Discworld are made from silicon, and heat essentially makes them "lag" immensely. Detritus almost dies when they take him to the desert area of Klatch, presumably because his brain couldn't keep up with his own vital functions. They're not so much idiots as, quite literally, slow in the head.
    • It's not really a case of not realizing they'll be slow in hotter climates; it's more a matter that they consider it worth it to leave, because of the much greater opportunities for advancement and mate-finding in the cities. It's also possible that they just don't realize exactly how much it will affect them despite knowing it intellectually. Trolls have in fact adapted quite well to the city, even going so far as to seek out the coldest areas of the city—like the Pork Futures Warehouse—to hold meetings. And at least a few of them actively engage in Obfuscating Stupidity—like Chrysophrase and even, in the later books, Detritus.
      • Greatly aided, of course, by Cuddy's development of the first Discworld computer cooling fan ...
  • In the Animorphs books, the Hork-Bajir mostly spoke in Hulkspeak. In the earlier books, they also had a tendency to mix alien words into their sentences, but this decreased before long, and most of the things a Hork-Bajir says are pure English Hulkspeak. In the Hork-Bajirs' case, this is clearly an effect of Aliens Speaking English. We can tell, because in a book that takes place on their own world, The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, the Translation Convention is in effect and all their sentences are rendered with normal grammar.
    • The exception is Toby Hamee, since she is a Hork-Bajir seer, meaning she is much more intelligent than the rest of her race.
  • In Robert Lynn Asprin's Myth Adventures novels, Chumley the Troll is quite refined and erudite, while his professional persona is "Big Crunch", who uses Hulk-speak.
  • The giant Grawp in Harry Potter uses Hulk Speak, including simplified names like "Hagger" instead of "Hagrid" and "Hermy" instead of "Hermione".
    • Though, while little mention is made of giant intelligence, very few of them speak English, so it could just be Grawp not speaking enough English to speak properly.
  • "Danders Anders" (Andrew) in How to Ditch Your Fairy.
  • While all Gamorreans in Star Wars are Dumb Muscle, only Gartugg, one of Jabba's guards, has Hulk Speak, and is teased for it by other Gamorreans.
  • In Graham McNeill's Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines novel Dead Sky Black Sun, the Lord of the Unfleshed speaks like this. Though some of it may be his extremely limited practice in speaking.
  • The barbarians in the Kedrigern books speak like this. Kedrigern lampshades this in the first book, and ponders whether it's actually Obfuscating Stupidity, with the barbarians eloquently chatting when they're sure no one's listening.
  • The Ogres of Xanth supposedly speak very simplistic, crude rhymes. But it turns out this is a result of Fantastic Racism and people who approach ogres without prejudice discover that they're actually quite erudite.

Live Action TV

  • Kubiak from Parker Lewis Can't Lose, more so at the beginning of the series (when he was a violent, bullying thug) than at the end (when he was an almost-sympathetic near-ally of the leads).
  • Of course, the "Tarzan, Tonto and Frankenstein" sketches on Saturday Night Live make fun of the device, putting the titular three on talk shows and political round-tables. "Fire bad!"
  • Saturday Night Live memorably spoofed Hulk Speak in their "death of Superman" sketch. Hulk, taking the podium at the Man of Steel's funeral, announced "Hulk... not... good... with... words" to excuse his reliance on notes, from which he read quite eloquently: "Superman was that rarest of things..."
    • And played straight in another skit where Barack Obama Hulks out and turned into "The Rock" Obama (naturally played by the man himself, Dwayne Johnson). Made somewhat surreal by how close Johnson sounds to Obama when he speaks.

(to Olympia Snowe) "Put head in hand. I smash it now."

  • Parodied in Scrubs by the mighty Janitor -- "Me no understand! Can't eat soup!" while attempting to eat soup with a fork. JD accidentally implied he was stupid earlier in the episode, so the Janitor is mocking him. (Remove the "he was stupid" part by "something" and you basically have the set up for any given episode of Scrubs there.)
  • Animal from The Muppet Show also uses this style of speech when he isn't just panting pensively or screaming unintelligibly.
  • The Cookie Monster.
  • Though he doesn't talk like this usually, Jamie Hyneman of MythBusters fame gives us this famous line:
  • The 1960s sitcom It's About Time was about two astronauts landing in a village of cave people. They all spoke according to this trope, especially Clon, the chief's enforcer.
  • Giggerota the Wicked. Her names for others usually involved the words "meat," "food," or "skin."


  • Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey" does this throughout the whole song, in character with its general protagonist.

Pro Wrestling

  • Memetic Mutation gives this to wrestlers Khali and Umaga, who are only allowed to "speak" with inarticulate growls and screams (at one point Khali switched to speaking in regular English and it still came out gibberish). Khali wants cake, and Umaga just wants to be friends and refers to everyone as <descriptor of wrestler> Man, leading to "conversations" like:


Tabletop Games

  • Grond from Champions.
  • GURPS International Super Teams includes among its sample characters a hero known only as "Patchwork", who is a Frankensteinian hulk created by a would-be villain out of parts of dead supers. Although he is intelligent, well-spoken and even philosophical, in the field Patchwork affects a violent persona capable only of Hulk Speak as a psychological tactic.

Video Games

  • Gust from Hyperdimension Neptunia talks like this at times. However, she's actually quite smart and business-savvy, so it's mostly to make her act cutesy. It's toned down in Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2.
  • Similarly, Russell from the video game Bully starts out as a thug who only communicates in Hulk Speak, but after Jimmy impresses him by besting him in a one-on-one fight, he becomes both an ally and more coherent.
  • Borderlands features the bandit boss Sledge, a very large, slow fellow who refers to himself in the third person.
  • Final Fantasy X features the Ronso, a bipedal leonoid race who always refer to themselves by name and tend to speak in simple sentences.
  • Final Fantasy VIII has Fujin, one of Seifer's flunkies, who speaks in single words and ALL CAPS (single kanji in the Japanese version). When she and fellow flunky Raijin (who ends all his sentences with "ya know?") decide to ditch Seifer, she gives a long non-capped speech about how they can't follow along with his self-destructive behavior.
    • Her single word sentences carry over to her portrayal in Kingdom Hearts II. She at least doesn't shout her words.
  • Proving that this trope has been a part of Final Fantasy for a while, let's not forget that Final Fantasy II had Guy, who speaks this way in both English and Japanese, and fellow Wild Child Gau from Final Fantasy VI. But at least they both had the excuse of being raised by wild animals.
  • Many characters in the Banjo-Kazooie series, such as Gruntilda's assistant Klungo, Clanker the mechanical whale, and Mumbo.
  • Khajiit in Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind have the same linguistic condition. When they don't use their own name instead of a pronoun, they use "Khajiit" instead. Interestingly, this is not shared with the Khajiits of any other The Elder Scrolls game. It's Handwaved in that their are multiple species of Khajiit forming different tribes.
  • Gar from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is supposedly a "smart orc" who discusses some rather complex topics for an orc, all in Hulkspeak. It is revealed however that Gar is actually a human (called Garfield Thelonius Remington III) from wealthy heritage who was born with a horrid similarity to an Orc, and is far more intellectual than he seems; specially if you discuss tea with him.
    • Your own character adopts this trope with an intelligence stat of 4 or less, even in your written journal entries, e.g. "Law man wants me get rid of stinky thiefses on bridge".
  • The cavewoman Ayla (Get it?...) from the Squaresoft RPG Chrono Trigger, at least in the English text American version. In the Japanese version, she speaks in very simple sentences with plain-form verbs.
  • Ditto Yeto and Yeta, from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
  • Almost every Super Mutant in Fallout speaks that way. And if you play a character with less than 4 intelligence, he/she will, too. Amusingly enough, if a "Hulk" protagonist talks to another functionally retarded character (Torr in Klamath), their speech is subtitled. Example: "Me Torr. (Greetings, my name is Torr. How do you do?)" "You Torr. (Quite well, thank you. Do you know where I might find work?)"
    • Fawkes is a notable exception / subversion—he speaks in the same grunt-like fashion as the other super-mutants, but because he is intelligent and has managed to become well-read he is actually quite articulate.
  • Battalion Wars 2: Ubel.
  • Boomers and Grinders in Gears of War yell "boom!" and "grind!", respectively. Fortunately they do this before firing their weapons, giving you a little time to get out of the way of their horrific rocket launchers/miniguns.
  • The Warcraft series has (most) Ogres and Kobolds speak in this manner, and it is the Trope Namer for You No Take Candle to boot. It's particularly hilarious with some World of Warcraft bosses, since—unlike regular enemies—they get voices as well as text.

Patchwerk: Patchwerk want to play.

  • Grunk from the Interactive Fiction game Lost Pig speaks like this all the time, much to the consternation of a certain more erudite gnome.
  • If give your character in Neverwinter Nights even slightly below-average intelligence, he or she talks like this in conversations.
  • The Team Fortress 2 fandom tends to give the Heavy Weapons Guy Hulk Speak in fanfiction; in the official video his English isn't very good but it's nowhere near this level.
    • The Russian-language version of his Meet The Team video, meanwhile, reveals that he speaks perfectly fluently in his native tongue.
  • In Dynasty Warriors, Wei Yan
  • In Suikoden's defiled horribly localized second installment, certain characters would lapse in and out of this.
  • Dr. Mundo from League of Legends exhibits this to the point that one of his lines is "Mundo Smash". Fitting, since he's a Captain Ersatz of Hulk himself.
  • MadWorld features a massive Frankenstein (called Frank, imaginatively enough), whose only line of dialogue is a booming "FRANK SMASH!"
  • The Giant Blacksmith in Dark Souls takes the odd route of combining this with a smattering of Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe.

Giant Blacksmith: "I hath shiny-shiny."

Web Comics

  • Junpei from Megatokyo speaks like this. At first it appears to be justified by his limited knowledge of the English language, but his Japanese lines seem to be spoken in the same way. Then you realize that, as a parody of old movies with foreigners and ninja in particular, he should talk this way. An example from the issue #1012:

Junpei: If zombies crush and try eat, it real. Please excuse, Junpei need wipe goo off shoes before ruined.

    • Yuki speaks normal Japanese, but she also speaks English this way; this might be more because Magical Girl anime often runneth over with Gratuitous English.
    • Yuki's is justified; one of her first English phrases is "I don't speak good English."
  • Thog in The Order of the Stick. He refers to the twin brother of his boss, Nale, as "Not-Nale" and he has the classic line, "Thog not in this book. Thog sad." (Also, when breaking out of a prison, Thog becomes a darker green and yells "Thog smash puny prison!" as he obliterates the cell bars; once he goes back to his pale green, he wonders "How Thog's pants turn purple?") Apparently, this is a common trait for the orcish people, as seen (and lampshaded) here.
    • His most awesome (and also longest) line of dialogue so far was:
  • Parodied in Narbonic, by a giant robotic foot built by Professor Madblood. "A robot foot?" "MASTER INTEND TO CONSTRUCT ENTIRE GIANT ATTACK ROBOT, BUT MASTER RUN OUT OF FUNDING AFTER ONLY FOOT COMPLETED. *click* MASTER ALSO RUN OUT OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOOT WITH ARTICLES OR PAST TENSES." This attracts the attention of heroic grammar enforcer, Antonio Smith, forensic linguist. The Foot also brilliantly comments "FOOT FACE MANY PERSONAL DEMONS IN FOOT LIFE" and "IF FOOT NOT STOMP, WHAT IS FOOT PURPOSE?"
  • In the Fantasy plot of Irregular Webcomic, Draak (a lizard man in the party) is quite eloquent in his own language and arguably the smartest person in his party. However, his English is limited to monosyllables, though he's still able to occasionally express complicated thoughts.
  • The Clutter Monster in a number of January 2008 Sluggy Freelance strips.
  • Thomas, from UG Madness.
  • Schlock Mercenary has LOTA (acronym for "Longshoreman of the Apocalypse"); Lota is a robot designed to unload cargo at high speed, made from an old anti-grav tank and an overengineered, but underdebugged AI. When asked which gender pronouns to use, Lota replied "Lota is too large for your puny pronouns." Thus, Lota is only referred to as "Lota", never "he", "she", "it", or even "you". Other than the issue with puny pronouns, puny grunts and puny mob, however, LOTA speaks normally.
  • Grooona (the third "o" is silent) from WCI High is an orange-skinned reptilian monster created by one of the students in the science labs. She tries to mingle with the other girls, with mixed results.
  • Drowtales: Smashy Smash!
  • In Everyday Heroes, when Violet transforms into Shrinking Violent, her only comment is "ME HIT STUFF!" (a Shout-Out to another well-known Catch Phrase).
  • MSF High: Orcs, the main Redeemed race, tend to get this. In a subversion, however, in many cases they are just as intelligent as any other race. (See especially their card in the Card Game.)
  • In Eight Bit Theater, Berserker talks like this when he' The rest of the time, he's perfectly eloquent. The Sulk plays this straight.

Berserker: CRAP, PISS, KILL!
Red Mage: I hope that's not a declaration of intent.

  • The zombies in Bug talk like this:

Droid 06 sad.

Web Original

Western Animation

  • Surprisingly The Hulk doesn't speak like this in Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes, this makes him seem a hell of a lot more intelligent.
    • The closest we get is his Catch Phrase: Hulk is strongest there is! Everything else is normal, or sarcastic/cynical. However, the more pissed off he gets, the more likely you are to hear Hulk Speak. (This, by the way, is when you want to run for your life.)
  • Various Transformers characters:
    • Grimlock in Generation 1 and Animated. In the cartoons, this is apparently because he's stupid. In the Marvel Comics continuity, he is actually very intelligent, and the "Me Grimlock" speak is due to a faulty voice box.
    • Waspinator in Beast Wars—he refers to himself as 'I' exactly once, and Optimus Primal and Megatron are the only characters he refers to by name.
      • Waspinator's speech pattern is more of a Verbal Tic than this.
    • Tankor in Beast Machines. However, when he manages to unlock his spark's true intelligence, he begins speaking normally, but keeps up the hulk speak to deceive Megatron.
    • Abominus and Trypticon from the original cartoon suffer from similar problems, but unlike Grimlock and the Dinobots, "CRUSH METROPLEX" and "Computron think too much." is about the best than can do. Humorously in light of this, one comic series instead depicts Trypticon as an Affably Evil Genius Bruiser who spouts British Stock Phrases.
      • Trypticon does say a few lines that are more fluent. In "The Ultimate Weapon" he says "Trypticon is all powerful! Nothing can stand in my way!" and "Trypticon turn Metroplex into slum!".
      • Actually, that last one is Grimlock from the Shattered Glass Mirror Universe, who is colored like Trypticon. Long story. However, all comic book incarnations of Trypticon are of at least normal intelligence.
    • Devastator from Revenge of the Fallen; although he doesn't speak in the movie, there are large toys of the character with several pre-recorded phrases. Have fun with epic sayings such as "CRUSH AUTOBOTS!!!" and "I AM DECEPTICON!!!". We also get a shoutout to The Transformers The Movie from one toy, with "PREPARE FOR EXTERMINATION!"
    • Tidal Wave.
    • Most G1 giant bots and combination bots talk like this, and it's seen with the good guys as well as the bad. With the combiners, it's generally held to be the result of a gestalt's mind containing only what all five members have in common. That pretty much leaves little but "Crush Autobots!" However, Predaking's five members are on the same page to the point that even though beast-bots and giant-bots in G1 generally have half the IQ of a box of rocks, Predaking - a giant bot made of beast bots - is very intelligent, and has a Kraven the Hunter-like personality.
    • The comics generally give them full intelligence, though Devastator is the first combiner, made before the process is perfected, leaving him as the only Hulk Smash-y one. A Marvel UK story has the Decepticons work on fixing this.
  • Taz, the Tazmanian Devil, in the Looney Tunes shorts where he has any lines other than "Growl, spit". On Taz-Mania, his own show, the rest of his family speaks normally.
  • Futurama, "Amazon Women In The Mood": The Amazonians speak this way, with the "complicated issues" subversion.
    • Later, this is hilariously used with a real hologram of Attila the Hun is facing Zapp Brannigan with a laser cannon:

Attila the Hun: Stop! No shoot fire stick in space canoe! Cause explosive decompression!
Zapp: Spare me your space-age technobabble, Attila the Hun!

    • The people of earth talked like this when the Brain Spawn drained their brains and made them incredibly stupid.
    • And also in "Jurassic Bark", when the Professor gets tired of explaining that lava is not an appropriate medium for swimming.


  • Caveman Og from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, whose speech is a very subtle version of Hulk Speak in which he is soft spoken and somewhat refined, but can't seem to grasp speaking in the first person. "Look, me feel no agenda to meeting and vacuum in leadership position, so, me compose 10 points plan for good happy success."
  • The Infraggable Krunk from the Justice Friends Show Within a Show in Dexter's Laboratory. Not just a parody of Hulk Speak, but a parody of the Hulk himself... right down to the purple skin and green shorts.
  • Proto Clown from The Tick (animation) episode "The Tick vs the Proto Clown".
  • Used jokingly by Hawkgirl in Justice League in a conversation with Grundy. For extra points, her last two words were, "Hawkgirl Smash!"
  • Oonga boonga! How you forget Captain Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeemaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn?!?!
  • Edward The Less featured a hilarious spoof/LampshadeHanging with its requisite barbarian character. Edward asks "You ever consider using articles or personal pronouns?" and he responds with a speech that is completely lacking those elements yet is still very eloquent, explaining that he could speak the Queen's English if he wanted to but finds it a waste of time.
  • In Code Lyoko, William and other XANA-possessed humans are often quite monosyllabic (Polymorphic Clones even moreso). At least, once the influence has become obvious: strangely enough, they're just as verbose and natural-sounding as the person they're impersonating until their true nature is revealed. And sometimes, even using words is beyond their means: "YAAAAAAAAAR!"
    • After the episode "A Lack of Goodwill", XANA-possessed William starts talking more normally, though still in a distorted voice.
  • From the "Toy Palace" episode of Rugrats: "THORG HUNGRY! THORG WANT EAT!"
  • The cave-people in Super Mario World.
  • Homer's clones from a "Treehouse of Horror" talked like this, examples: "duh, me am good dad", "me not want chores, me want clone", and "duh, beer for me?"
  • As a Tarzan parody, there's always George of the Jungle.

"George not know meaning of word fear." (villain pokes a gun in his face) "But George consider learning."

  • SpongeBob SquarePants: YOU DOODLE, ME SPONGEBOB!
  • Princess Pony Apehands and Patricia, from Spliced. Notable in that the latter only does so when she's angry, and the former speaks in what can only be described as "Hulk Speak meets Baby Talk" (no, seriously).
  • Petrie from The Land Before Time and every single one of its sequels speaks like this. Somewhat of a subversion since he's very, very far from muscular.
  • The neanderthals in Cro. "That not funny! Not politically correct either!"
  • Done with a Hulk Expy in Static Shock, fitting called Tantrum.

Tantrum: No not Thomas! Thomas weak!

(from Shapshots 2: Wild Chalkzone!) Ohhh, Push stay in marshy-marsh, click-click buggy-blackies for tube-view, eh, clingy-Snap?

  • "Bigmouth want food!"
  • MAD has a Parody Commercial for "Hulked on Phonics", which helps kids learn to read better by applying the principles of Hulk Speak to the process. Yes, they skip over a lot of the unneccessary words, but don't bug them about it, because that makes them angry...


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