< Tekken


Heihachi DOES have the Devil Gene

It's one thing to survive a fall from a cliff. It's another to survive getting blown up by several self-destructing Jack units without so much as getting burned all over.

Paul and Guile from Street Fighter have the same hair stylist

Self explanitory.

The P. Jack in Tekken 2 was a prototype for Jack 3

With the data of the original P. Jack in it. It could explain why he has as completely different appearance.

  • I think it's just a Hand Wave that Prototype Jack always had his Tekken 2 appearance (either that or Heihachi had the Zaibatsu scientists remodel/give P. Jack an upgrade between games). The part about it being a prototype to Jack-3 (read: Gun Jack) could be correct, as all of the Jacks following Jack-2 have the ability to fly, which originated with P. Jack.

Jin is a grown-up Lelouch

Let's see, there's a theory about Lelouch is still alive. Maybe he faked his death just in case the world is not in peace.

A Mishima has to be murdered to awaken their Devil Form

Let's review: Kazuya was chucked off a cliff as a child when his Devil awoke. Then, we first see Jin's Devil form after he gets gunned down, followed by Heihachi shooting him in the head. Finally, Jinpachi was locked underground of Hon-Maru and possibly starved.

The Armor King from Dark Resurrection is the original King

Think about it; he did not recognize the second King in his ending, Marduk killed the original Armor King, and he wore a black jaguar mask just to agitate the second king after his loss in the fourth tournament. It could very well be that the first King survived his encounter against Ogre, heard of Armor King's death and saw Marduk's ridicule of the character. Sounds like a viable reason to take up the mantle; so he could avenge his master.

  • May very well be. The time gap between Armor King's death and Dark Resurrection is quite short, thus in Armor King's Dark Resurrection's ending, after he threw King II around, if that was the real Armor King, King II would recognize it in instant. However, his comment was "I think I saw that move somewhere", which means it could refer to a distant past where he used to watch King I's matches. However, there is one problem though: This new Armor King is black as shown in his second costume. And neither King I nor the original Armor King are black.
    • That could be true, but if you look at King's costume in Tekken 2, he seems to be black, if not fairly well-tanned.
  • Well, that's been jossed by Tekken 6 (I'll let those who haven't played it yet discover his true identity by themselves).

Armor King isn't human, he's either an Eldritch Abomination or a shape-shifting alien

Alright, alright, before you start chucking rocks at me, here's why this makes some sort of sense.

  1. Armour King has never been known to take off his mask at all. We know that King wears a mask, because he inherited it from the first King, but Armor King never removes his, at all. Not to mention it has a horrible scar that's too organic-looking for fabric. Therefore, that mask could be his actual face, and he can't take it off at all. The scar came from a fight with some other warrior or being. It also explains why he can't talk - he's suffering from lockjaw or something.
    • "But wait!" I hear you cry. "How did Craig Marduck get hold of the mask, then?" It's simple, really. Dark Ressurrection has, for a customization option, a demonic skull "mask" for Armor King. Why is it there? Perhaps it hints at an ability to shed his own facial skin off, which is how he may have escaped the bar brawl with Marduk. Now, reach for the Brain Bleach
      • OBJECTION! Please recall King II's ending in Tekken 3. After winning the championship belt, King rushed to his room and saw Armor King, sitting down, unmasked. So I suppose, it's really a mask, eh?
      • Ah, but you didn't see his face, did you? From what I can tell, he seems to have no face, just a disfigured lump from what I could see. To me it seems that Armor King was going through the process of regenerating a new head, to prove his identity to King. The reason King hasn't said anything is because he's been scared witless by what he saw.
  1. No-one knows Armor King's nationality, not even the game manual. Also, his style of wrestling differs from what King knows, and includes a few below-the-belt techniques. My guess is that he's either from another dimension altogether or from outer space, and only mastered his techinques by assimilating local knowledge from what so coincidentally happened to be Mexico.
  2. All this would also explain why he attacked King II in his DR ending - in order to beat Jinpachi, he had to hype himself up on some sort of chemical either naturally produced by his own body or artificially. After-effects of this drug may include hallucinations due to its composition - he attacked King II because he though Jinpachi was still alive and trying to get him.
  3. Tekken 6 states that the current Armor King is, in fact, the younger brother of the first, whom Marduk "killed". But if my theory on the mask-shedding is correct, then how were there two Armor Kings? Simple - The second Armor King is a clone, created by bacterium-style fission or grown in a test tube. This second Armor King would have inherited the techniques and memories of the first Armor King, who would have passed on the name of his killer before he died.

Lars Alexandersson will become King of the World at the end of Tekken 6

Specifically, Lars will defeat Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, and Heihachi Mishima, become head of the Mishima Zaibatsu AND G Corporation, merge them, then turn it into something that is truly Lawful Good. Since he's the son of Heihachi, he is technically a legitimate heir to the Zaibatsu. Also, because he was raised away from the Mishima family, he did not pick up any of their evil habits. This would effectively end the Mishima storyline as well as finally redeem their family.

Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, and Heihachi Mishima all die at the end of Tekken 6

Another possible ending is that the entire Mishima main bloodline is wiped out when Jin suicides by either jumping off a very high cliff or into an active volcano, and dragging Kazuya and Heihachi with him, going full circle from the pre-timeskip Tekken games. This would also effectively end the Mishima storyline. G Corporation and the Zaibatsu would be inherited by Lars or Lee (or Asuka if you want a joke ending). The first scenario (a high cliff) would allow for any of the three to return should popular demand allow it.

The Devil Gene is the result of exposure to the Soul Edge

The Soul Series is known to have happened in the past of the Tekken series. When Siegfried was possessed by the Soul Edge, he turned into a demonic creature with vast physical power. With those two facts in mind, the obvious explanation is that a Mishima ancestor was exposed to the Soul Edge at some point, and unlike Ivy, had kids anyway.

  • Chipping in to say I like to think Mitsurugi is a distant ancestor to the Mishimas. The hair, the attitude, the scars; surely he's their forerunner.
  • I'd like to add to that by saying Taki is probably the ancestor of Kunimitsu. She shares some moves, stance and general attitude. Going by this logic, Taki's brother being Mitsurugi (according to the end of SC 4) means that she is part of the Mishima Bloodline. My logic here is that if Maxi and Taki were lovers, then this could have contributed to Kuni fighting with a weapon which more resembles sharpened nunchaku than a sword. Admittedly there isn't much connection between Yoshi and Taxi in Soul Calibur other than them being ninjas, but a lot could have happened during that time to cause it. Taki can even be customised with Kuni's mask in SC 4 which seems to fit her slightly too well to be a coincidence.

Steve Fox is the result of Artificial Insemination, Test-tube Baby, and a fragment of Soul Edge

...thus explaining the demonic-looking scar on his arm. It was supposed to be something like Nightmare's arm, only it didn't "mature" enough.

Sergei Dragunov is mute because he has a funny voice.

Dragunov has a voice actor, despite his complete lack of dialog. The only sound he makes is when he gets hit- but instead of merely grunting, he makes noises like he's vomiting up pudding. It's very likely that Sergei merely has a nasal Hollywood Nerd voice which he hides to keep up his creepy image.

  • Word of God states that he is a great singer. Since it is possible to tell if someone is a great singer from their speaking voice, my guess is that they couldn't afford a voice actor with that sort of talent, especially for a relatively minor character. For a more story-related reason, he could be clamming up to save his voice.

Kazama Jun died...but not at the Ogre's hands...er...claws...

Whenever Jin lapses into his Devil state, it ends with him (a) in normal phase; (b) waking up with little-to-no recollection of what Devil actually did; and (c) in the midst of some very impressive wreckage. Notice that this is exactly what he wakes up to after the Ogre's attack on his mother. This implies one very scary possibility. Namely, that Jun successfully drove off the Ogre, only to be obliterated by the newly-manifested Devil-Jin. Jin was essentially the weapon that slew his mother. Even better, since the Devil Gene doesn't take effect until its carrier first dies, there's the possibility that this was preceded by the Ogre succeeding at killing Jin. Of course, this means that Jin died twice as of the close of 3. Kazuya only revived from death #2 (the volcano) because of the G Corporation's agents—Devil wasn't able to restore him from that. So how did Jin revitalize from Heihachi's gunshot? Does the holy Kazama force have it's own one-time resurrection quality?

Ogre is a demonic or otherwise altered form of whatever alien race Yoshimitsu hails from.

They both have a very similar power set: teleportation, energy stealing, Super Speed, attack deflection and replication of techniques. They're both aliens...duh. And somehow, Bosconovitch (thinks he) knows how to use Ogre's blood to revive his daughter. Note that Yoshimitsu can heal his opponent as well.

Lili posesses the Devil Gene

Via character customisation, it is possible for her to gain black wings identical to Devil Jin's, albeit smaller. They are clearly not just decorations, you can see them move! Take a look at her character, a teenaged girl who, despite all efforts to raise her as a respectable young lady where not able to stop her uncovering an insatiable battle-lust and improbable fighting prowess. She takes out would-be kidnappers by accident (!), and is able to effortlessly adapt her gymnastics training into a competent streetfighting style, allowing her to go toe-to-toe with outright supernatural forces. The only reason she doesn't go axe-crazy is that she lacks the deep-seated hatred imbedded into the rest of the Mishima bloodline.

  • Which, if correct, adds even more layers to her rivalry with Asuka (who bears the same holy power that Jun does/did). Although I'm not seeing Lili learning the truth without...breaking down
  • Connecting to the Soul Edge theory above, Lili may be a descendant of Ivy. Maybe Ivy gave up on celibacy and instead instilled values of non-violence in her family to avoid being taken over by their tainted blood.

Tekken is the future of both the SimCity series and some fighting game series

think about hehachi is the owner of a huge buisness, however unlike Sim City, it has a miltia, robots, scientists, etc.

Leo is transgender.

Specifically, he is a FTM transgender.

The "newcomer" in Tekken Tag 2 is Julia Chang.

Not this troper's personal opinion, given how wildly different her character is, but it should be noted that her medallion is identical to Julia's.

  • And HOW is it possible? If that was Julia, when did she take lessons for Lucha Libre?
    • Simple: going by Tekken 5 and her attempts to dissuade King, they obviously know each other. It's simply a matter of saying something like King trained her. It's also a non-canon game that's also using a young Heihachi and human Jinpachi so luchadora Julia isn't that impossible.
  • It's probably safe to say you can stop speculating. The first footage that has emerged of Tekken Tag 2 during live gameplay has players using Jaycee and she's got Julia's moves (such as her signature elbow) while gaining a new stance system.
  • Confirmed by Harada. Apparently, Julia is filling in for an injured friend.

Nina is named after the 'No Irish Need apply' sign.

It may be possible...She is Irish.Although the signs never existed in America...Supposedly.

Jun was waiting for Duke Nukem to return before she did.

Tekken 2 and Duke Nukum 3D came out about the same time. Tekken Tag Tournament and Manhatten Project both came out the same time, the last time they were in a game. For the next nine years there's teases and suggestions of both returning. Then in 2010 there's the big news of Duke Nukem Forever developments, so Jun appears in the movie. Then the game becomes official for this year. Just who should happen to be one of the characters in TTT 2? Jun. She said that hell would freeze over before she was in a game again. Well Cue the Flying Pigs, Duke Nukum is back, and true to her word she makes her return as well.

Heihachi is a Jack series robot, or at least of a similar creation

In the first Tekken game, Heihachi had no unique and independant voice, and instead shared exactly the same grunts and cries as the Jack series (Jack, P.Jack). Admittidly Ganryu had this as well, and because of limited memory all the bosses shared voices with the main 8 characters (sans Wang). But more clues seem to hint: Heihachi cannot seem to infuse ogre blood into his being, he has unnatural strength for a human (just like the Jack robots), waves of Heihachi clones appear in Tekken 5's bonus game 'Devil Within', Heihachi seems unaffected by the effects of old age. Presuming he is one, an exoskeleton protected by a construct of realistic skin, blood and hair, this allows him to bleed blood and for his hair to grow and change like a regular human. No mention is ever made of Heihachi's mother/his father Jinpachi's wife... maybe she never existed? Maybe Jinpachi was so determined to rebel against his Mishima instincts when running the Mishima Zaibatsu as it's CEO, so that he ran it in a dignified and kind way, that it took up all his efforts and time. Maybe he never met the right woman, and instead ordered to have an heir 'manufacted' instead. But as expected, the creation rebelled against him. Jinpachi built it to be 'too durable', much to his misfortune. Most Mishimas, Jinpachi, Kazuya, Jin, they all started out as kind souls until the devil gene made it's move. Granted the youngest we ever see Heihachi is 50ish, so we never see a flashback of him when he debatably was a 'kind soul'. But then, maybe that was deliberate, because there was no need to show Heihachi younger, because his personality wasn't at all different. This seems to be bypassed as Heihachi being the 'black sheep' of the family, but maybe there is more to it. In addition, although non canon, Heihachi appears as a much younger (although admittidly still middle aged, just not bald on the top) self in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, rather than the aged version of him last seen in Tekken 6, with no mention of why this new Heihachi has appeared, or where the old one vanished to. Reason... a new model? So what about Kazuya? Who fathered him? Two things, Heihachi acts like a cyborg, and being part organic can still breed... or Kazuya's father is actually Jinpachi.

In Tag 2, Harada said Sure, Why Not? to the Jun = Unknown theories.

Ok, so the videos have been leaked and thousands of fans are triumphantly proclaiming I Knew It!. I'm not surprised either, given the circumstances, but I'm going to have to ask you all to hold your horses anyway. Compare Unknown in Tag to Junknown in Tag 2. If you look at the former, it's very clear that the intention of Unknown being Jun's sister was the angle the dev team was going with before Tag became a non-canonical spinoff. There are several discrepancies between the two, such as Unknown being two inches shorter than Jun, having tanner skin, a slightly different hairstyle (even before she was possessed by the wolf demon, as indicated by artwork), and dressing in dark clothes (as opposed to Jun's preference for white). Unknown's Mama Bear moment in Ogre's ending can still work if it's an aunt protecting her nephew, considering that we know little about Jin's childhood besides him living with Jun. Now, look at the latter. Throughout Tag 2's promotion, Jun has been hyped in the exact same way Kazuya was back in the original Tag. If I'm not mistaken, more focus has been placed on Jun's return than the appearance of Young Heihachi or characters like Jinpachi and True Ogre coming back. It was fan intervention that helped bring back Kazuya in 4 after Tag, and since Jun has this massive Ensemble Darkhorse thing going for her, it's possible that the same kind of publicity could work in Jun's favor. Thus, we have Junknown (who, unlike her original incarnation, looks exactly like Jun). Keep in mind that Jun's official status in the series is simply "missing", as opposed to the Killed Off for Real King I and Armor King I. Instead of trying of work in a plot point for a character who technically doesn't exist, Harada probably just went with the flow and confirmed what was most likely the most prolific Epileptic Trees in series history. After all, the man's been bombarded with messages asking for Jun to return to the series and Harada easily received the six thousand tweets for Jun's return here. Perhaps this was done in order to justify and lay down the groundwork for Jun should she come back for real in the next installment.

7 will extend the Devil Gene/Azazel elements to encompass a good chunk of the Nephilim legend

In some understandings of the Nephilim disaster as described in 1 Enoch and Jubilees, Azazel was one of the renegade Grigori (it may even be possible to equate him with Gadreel, depending on whether you think Azazel should be equated with the serpent of Eden, although that may easily be stretching on this troper's part). In addition, it seems to have been established that Azazel is the reason why the Mishima are afflicted with the Devil Gene. This parallels how 1 Enoch describes the Nephilim, as Half-Human Hybrid children of angels...and apparently Exclusively Evil. (Note: Genesis uses "Gibborim" not as a particular class of beings, but just to signify how powerful the Nephilim were. Various mighty and heroic humans also get called "gibbor".) While any series worth its salt is going to include some sort of Shrouded in Myth element, there shouldn't be much doubt to how much the Mishima lived up to that element of nastiness post-Jinpachi. There is the question of how Seth...er...Azazel could have mated with humans, though. A case of Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke?

Another element relating to Azazel in apocryphal lore is worth noting. According to the Sibylline Oracles, there are five angels who are tasked with bringing souls to God's judgement. Azazel's one of them. The others are Samael, Uriel, Ramiel, and Araqiel—the last two being counted among the renegade Grigori. Meanwhile, if playing Julia in the last area of Scenario Campaign, her dialogues strongly imply that Azazel is the same kind of being as the Ogre. Looking at the qualities associated with Samael (simultaneously good and evil) and Uriel (Mr. Playing with Fire, which isn't the Ogre's main schtick in-story), and recognizing that Ramiel may have been accepted back among the holy angels, elimination suggests that the Ogre is actually a heavily Shrouded in Myth Araqiel. So, with Araqiel and Azazel both out of the picture in this scenario, is there a chance that Ramiel will enter the equation, whether or not he wants to? (I'm looking at you, Heihachi...)

Meanwhile, echoing from this...

The Kazama are also angel-human hybrids.

The distinction here would be that whereas Nephilim like the Mishima's ancestors were genetically engineered to desolate the world, Gibborim like the Kazama's ancestors ("nephil" means "fallen", and it's pretty doubtful one could describe the Kazama that way; "Gibborim" is a good replacement term for now, despite its only-descriptive use in Genesis) came from natural, spontaneous love between human and angel. And not being engineered may make it that much more difficult for Azazel & Co. to influence them (think in terms of there being no blueprint to refer to). Of course, this also makes Jin even more of a prize for the Azazelic crowd (a Gibbor they can control?! PERFECT!)...

Jun was chosen, all right, but not for any holy plan.

There's a question of how the Kazama, particularly Jun's deceased father, came to the conclusion that she was chosen. One moment of carelessness could be all it took for some Devil-sympathetic person/entity to dupe the line into thinking someone like Jun was chosen by the holy. The point is not that she was designed for an unholy plan (maybe one should think of not Jun specifically, but the Kazama family in general as the genuinely chosen-by-the-heavens unit; the deceit was to the effect that instead, only one individual would ever classify as "chosen"), but rather that the infernal crowd was waiting for someone like her that they could aim towards a Nephil like Kazuya. Just make it look like their dummy prophecy was specifically anticipating her. Result: Super-powered living weapon that only the mating of the holy (Jun) and the unholy (Kazuya) could result in. Jun and her father were had.

Leo speaks English over German because German has gender specific personal pronouns

Hence why TTTT has her speaking it now that there is official confirmation. No idea on the in-universe explanation.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2's "story"

Since there is some form of story in TTT 2, I decided to make up a theory. Spoilers abound.

  • TTT 2 is set in as an alternate interpretation of Tekken 6.
    • Jin's motivation in 6 is to create as much chaos as possible to summon Azazel. However, in here, Azazel is either inexistant/was Put on a Bus. Besides, the roster is still the same as 6, with the additions of Jinpachi, Ogre, Jun and Jaycee, plus a younger Heihachi (thanks to whatever Fountain of Youth magic he has).
      • You mean, besides the whole Dream Match Game thing? I'm not sure if you should look into this more than "an Excuse Plot to get most of the old cast back together". By the way, the story has Heihachi creating some youth elixir drug that rejuvenates the body and testing it on himself, thus resulting in him de-aging.
  • Jun "died" or Ascended Into A Higher Plane Of Existance
    • This goes hand in hand with the below theory.
  • Jun, Jinpachi and Ogre were brought back from the dead, instead of Azazel.
    • We all know that Jin handed Jinpachi and Ogre their asses on a platter, but what about Jun? Her backstory states that Jun Hwas attacked and supposedly killed by Ogre before the events of 3. However, given her supernatural ability to repress the Devil Gene (hell, Asuka did it), she may have ended up ascending into some otherworldly realm (look at her stage in TTT 2). Given the fact that she's also Unknown, this might be the reason why she returned to the series.
      • Many have actually speculated something along of the lines of this, namely that the Junknown thing [1] was done to provide Jun with a backdoor of sorts back into the series, should the need arise.
  • Heihachi is the host.
    • The boss/sub-boss of the Tekken games have always been the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu CEO, so Heihachi must have decided to break that rule or overthrew Jin as CEO.
      • I think he's just a regular competitor this time around (like in 5 and 6), seeing as Heihachi hears word of the tournament instead of announcing it himself. He then decides to seek out a partner (which, as logic would dictate, would be Jinpachi).
  • Goals?
    • Considering the power-hungry natures of the Mishima clan, Heihachi must want to gain Unknown's power. Ergo, he sets the tournament to attract Jun (he knows she's Unknown for some reason) and decides to make it a team tournament so he can work with Jinpachi (and betray him) to gain her power.

Where did Kunimitsu go?

Kunimitsu's one of the few characters not to have made a comeback or received a true successor. In-universe, Yoshimitsu defeated and killed her during the events of Tekken 2, and the real-life reason for her non-return is that she was considered an unenjoyable character for the Tekken staff to work on.

  • Meh, let's not dwell on it. SHE'S BACK FOR TAG 2.
  1. keep in mind that Unknown was originally meant to be a character other than Jun (her sister, to be precise)
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