Triple H

Triple H, or Hunter Hearst Helmsley if you prefer (not Paul Levesque), is one of WWE's longest tenured performers. He is a multi-time WWE Champion (winning it eight times), and has been part of some of the biggest angles and matches in the company's history. Currently, he is the on-screen Chief Operating Officer (in real life he works in the backstage area of the business, as Executive Vice President of Talent Development and Relations, as well as a "Senior Advisor" to Vince McMahon).
Oh yeah, and he's married to Stephanie McMahon, the daughter of WWE chairman/CEO Vince McMahon.
As usual, That Other Wiki has a nice, long article on his career.
- Affably Evil: Both in-character and in Real Life. He's charming, funny, and when he dedicates himself to a cause, he really gives it his all. It's just that if that cause is himself (and it frequently is), he genuinely does not care how much damage he causes to others.
- Arch Enemy: The Rock, Chris Jericho, Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Cactus Jack and Batista. He tends not to make a lot of friends.
- Well, a few of those people are Real Life friends of Triple H, and Vince McMahon is his Real Life father-in-law. However, if rumors of his backstage politics are to be believed, Triple H probably has just as many enemies in Real Life, possibly even more
- The Artifact: The "Triple H" came from his original gimmick, a snooty blueblood by the name of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Likewise, the name of his finishing move, the Pedigree. He's also still billed as from Greenwich, CT despite that not sounding very tough (though he now actually lives there.)
- Ascended Fanboy: He started out as a huge fan of the 80s-era NWA, then became a WCW jobber, and then moved to the WWF, where he became one of the top stars. Now he's the COO of the company in kayfabe (although he's a "Senior Advisor" to Vince McMahon, helping run shows, and heading up Talent Development in real life).
- He's also been a huge fan of Motorhead ever since he was a kid, and when WWE brought up the idea to use the band for his new theme without knowing that, of course Triple H jumped at the chance. Since then, he and the band have been pretty tight, with Motorhead performing his theme live at a couple of Wrestlemanias and Triple H even growing out a Lemmy-style mustache/chop combination as an homage.
- Some say Triple H's 'stache/chop combo is just as much an homage to Harley Race (whom Triple H owes much more of his style to than Flair). Triple H even repeated an angle with Goldberg that Race and Flair did in the early 80s (note the very, very familiar moustache/chop combo).
- He's also been a huge fan of Motorhead ever since he was a kid, and when WWE brought up the idea to use the band for his new theme without knowing that, of course Triple H jumped at the chance. Since then, he and the band have been pretty tight, with Motorhead performing his theme live at a couple of Wrestlemanias and Triple H even growing out a Lemmy-style mustache/chop combination as an homage.
- Author Appeal: Triple H loves to make penis gags. Specifically, he loves to imply he has a giant one. Also, according to Mick Foley's Hardcore Diairies, he was the one to note ACDC's Brian Johnson's significant pants bulge to the other wrestlers during their time on Saturday Night Live. It really makes you wonder if he's compensating for something...
- Eh, Dwayne Johnson did the same stuff, Gag Penis is a pretty simple bit, and it fits his character pretty damn well.
- Though the Rock had more material. Triple H's comedy is roughly 80% penis-related.
- Just like his body is 80% penis!
- His use of Motörhead for his entrance theme counts, though it was incidental. WWE's music director asked if he'd ever heard of Motörhead when it came time to do a new theme; it turns out Trips has been a huge fan of the band since his youth.
- That's to the point where the band itself (or simply Motörhead frontman Lemmy) has appeared at WWE events, including one such Wrestlemania event.
- He also loves old school southern style wrestling with more of an emphasis on the wrestlers than other people, and has been trying to talk Vince into resurrecting the War Games match for years.
- Since becoming head of Talent Development, he's signed Sin Cara as well as IWC favorite Awesome Kong, and has focused on the old-school style of using promos to introduce new wrestlers before calling them up.
- Awesome but Impractical: The Pedigree, while very painful-looking and cool, takes a while to set up in comparison to other finishing moves and leaves him to be easily countered in a myriad of ways (usually either a back body drop or hooking the legs for a slingshot), making it very hard to pull off next to a move like the RKO or Sweet Chin Music.
- Badass
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair: Like his buddy Shawn Michaels, not to mention the rest of The Kliq.
- Badass Moustache: When he doesn't have a beard.
- Bash Brothers: With Shawn Michaels.
- Berserk Button: Learn from Paul Heyman and don't talk about his children, he's protective of them.
- Don't hit his wife. It's a sure fire way to get him to beating you down, even if you was tossed to her by another wreslter by chance.
- Don't even try to offer to take on his wife either, somebody tried in hopes of having challenge a match with him. How did Triple H and Stephanie handed this... get some get enforcement of course, though...
- It also pays to be careful when you think it's a good idea to mock the troubles any of his love ones ran into. Chris Jericho found this out when he decided to tease Stephanie McMahon because her "arrest" for battery. Hunter was none too happy about it.
- Black Comedy Rape: When he kidnapped, drugged and married Stephanie in Vegas. She also fell in love with him after that. Of course, it's entirely possible he was lying to mess with Vince's head.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: He plays this trope pretty damn straight. When he's heel, his hair is cleaner and pulled into a ponytail, making him look much more blond; when he's face, his hair is loose and unkempt, making his hair look darker.
- And during his heel runs in the early 2000s, he actually did dye his hair a much lighter golden blond than is his natural color.
- Blood Brothers: The Kliq, but especially Shawn Michaels. God help you if you mess with Shawn Michaels and Triple H is around to witness it.
- The Caligula: Along with Stephanie McMahon during the McMahon-Helmsley Era
- Call Back: The walkout isn't the first time that the WWE locker room threaten to boycott him.
- Also, the 2012 confrontation between the returning Undertaker and Triple H was a direct call-back to their 2011 confrontation with the roles reversed. The first time, everybody knew through the vignettes that the Undertaker was coming to RAW on 2 21 11, and before he could say much of anything (Not that he's much of a talker, anyways...) Triple H's music hit. In 2012, Trips - who had already been announced for RAW - was poised to fire John Laurinaitis and then Undertaker's music hit in exactly the same fashion. Also, both times, the two offered challenges by using their trademark gestures.
- Cannot Spit It Out: This happened to him on the 1/30/12 RAW with his attempt to fire John Laurinaitis. Instead of going with his father-in-law's classic "YOU'RE! FIIIIRRRRREEDDD!" yell, he tried to borrow Laurinaitis' "I wish you well in all your future endeav-" and was interrupted by Undertaker's DONG.
- Cool Old Guy: He's in his forties now. John Morrison and The Miz once sarcastically hinted that he looked old enough to be fifty.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: His heel character typically comes off as this. As a heel HHH cuts his hair to a shorter length (though it's still quite long) and keeps it pulled back in a ponytail, shaves, wears suits and frequently manipulates the system through politics, dirty tricks and outright bribery. Contrast this to his face persona who wears leather jackets, t-shirts and jeans, lets his hair grow wild and sports a beard.
- Many fans accuse him of being this in Real Life ever since he married the boss' daughter.
- Has inverted it in his new on-screen role as Chief Operating Officer. Wears suits, is a good guy. Maybe.
- Creator Couple: With Stephanie McMahon. Both work behind-the-scenes in WWE.
- Dark Is Not Evil: As a face he wears dark trunks with Creepy Cool Crosses and Dem Bones on them, wields a hammer, and does the right thing... eventually.
- He was also Light Is Not Good during most of his 2002-2006 heel run (going clean-shaven and famously wearing lily-white trunks and boots at WrestleMania XX, while playing a monster heel).
- Demoted to Extra: This occurred to him in 1996. He was a part of the infamous kayfabe-breaking Madison Square Garden "curtain call" (where Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Trips, and Shawn Michaels hugged each other in the middle of the ring following a match); since Hall and Nash were heading off to WCW, and Michaels was one of the top guys in the company at the time, Trips had to take the fall. His main event push was delayed for quite a while as punishment.
- Interesting side note: it's believed that Triple H was planned to win the 1996 King of the Ring tournament, and after the "curtain call", Stone Cold Steve Austin was booked to win the tournament as part of Trips' punishment, and it's that victory over Jake "the Snake" Roberts that gave us the Austin 3:16 phenomenon.
- Depraved Bisexual/Anything That Moves: In the original DX, this was a pretty important part of his character. He also kissed Shawn Michaels a bunch of times and gave this immortal response when asked if he spoke Spanish like Chyna:
"I'm bi- a lot of things, lingual ain't one of them."
- Determinator: In 2001, running forward to hit Chris Jericho with a forearm to the back of the head, Triple H ripped the quadricep muscle right off his kneecap in one of the most cringe-inducing sports injuries ever caught on film. You can actually see the muscle come loose under the skin of his thigh and he immediately falls out of the ring in agony. Somehow he managed to get back up and finish his role in the match.
- And did it again in 2007 in a tag-team match with Shawn Michaels against Edge and Randy Orton. Tore his other quad and managed to finish the match, even Pedigreeing Edge through the announcer's table.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Gave The Undertaker a crotch chop.
- Disappeared Dad: A fate he desperately wanted to avert in his kids' lives, so he bought stock in a private plane company and flies back to his house after every show to see them.
- Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming with things like this. It's clear he's crazy about his girls; just listen to any of his interviews about them.
- Discontinuity Nod: He and Shawn Michaels took shots at the infamous Katie Vick angle in a 2007 D Generation X promo.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Trope Namer. Triple H asks people to call him by his ring name, not his given name (Paul Levesque).
- Bizarrely inverted with WWE Studios, with Triple H being the first (and only to date) wrestler to be billed under his real name as opposed to his in-ring pseudonym.
- This was particularly highlighted in a recent in-ring segment when CM Punk, another wrestler who prefers not to be referred to by his given name, said, as a means of emphasizing how serious he was, that it was "Phil Brooks [Punk talking to Paul Levesque."]
- Strangely, when Brock Lesnar “vandalized” Triple H’s office, the plate that is shown on his office says “Paul Levesque”. One has to wonder when Paul Heyman is going to call Triple H “Levesque” at some point.
- The Dragon: To Vince McMahon after Vince's Face Heel Turn at Wrestlemania 16. Was also Co-Dragons with Stone Cold Steve Austin to Vince in 2001, until Triple H got injured. He seems to be becoming this in Real Life as well, as Vince recently made him his Senior Advisor.
- Triple H was also The Dragon to Shawn Michaels in the early days of D Generation X, until HBK got injured and HHH became the new leader.
- Drop the Hammer: His Weapon of Choice / Companion Cube is a sledgehammer.
- Epic Fail: His insistence that his WWE Undisputed Championship match against Chris Jericho going after the far more anticipated Hulk Hogan vs The Rock match at Wrestlemania X8. Interest was so low that people, absolutely drained by the preceding "dream match", actually started leaving during the match. After winning the Championship, he lost it immediately to the now revitalized Hogan at the next Pay Per View. It took years for him to admit he was in the wrong.
- Even The Game Has Standards:
- Triple H openly disapprove of JBL's racism towards Latinos while staying heel himself.
- No attack on children, he's strict on that.
- Evil Mentor: In Evolution, he was one to Randy Orton (echoing their Real Life relationship) and Batista. On the flipside, he had his own in Ric Flair.
- Evil Overlord: As a heel and even as a face he sometimes resembles a dark king out of a fantasy novel. The epic Viking mustache he has sported since 2005 certainly helps.
- His Conan the Barbarian, "King of Kings" entrance at Wrestlemania 22 is made of this trope.
- His Wrestlemania 27 and 28 entrances feature this trope in full force, 27 one in particular. Being accompanied by a masked army, striding out of a Dark Fantasy village left in ruins, wearing a Black Cloak and skull-faced crown, all while Metallica is blaring in the background? This may take home the award for most metal entrance ever.
- Fake Nationality: His father is French-Canadian, but his character in WWE is obviously a White Anglo Saxon Protestant American.
- Fan Nickname: Some critics call him "HGH" due to how overly muscular he has seemingly become, which was the result of his rumored steroid use. Also the fact that the quad tears he keeps having are rarely seen outside of heavy steroid use.
- Not to mention "Triple Haitch", courtesy of William Regal.
- And "The Nose of Noses" or "The Human Water Sprinkler".
- Crappers have taken to calling his several World Heavyweight Championship reigns between 2002 and 2005 the "Reign Of Terror."
- Which is sometimes called the "Reign of Terra, as a nod to his first character, Terra Ryzing.
- His finisher, the Pedigree, is called "the burial" by Smart Marks for obvious reasons.
- Trips.
- Finishing Move: The Pedigree - also an artifact from the Hunter Hearst Helmsley gimmick.
- Fleeting Demographic Rule: What his Wrestlemania 27 feud with The Undertaker was. They last fought each other at WrestleMania 17.
- Foe Yay: Has it with The Undertaker, most notably, as well as Shawn Michaels when they were feuding from '02-'05 and boatloads of it with Randy Orton in their 2009 feud.
- Fourth Wall Observer
- Gag Nose: One of the first things people use in a Triple H parody is a gigantic fake nose, hell, a Fan Nickname of his is "The Nose of Noses".
- He lampshaded it in his Hall of Fame induction for Shawn Michaels:
"The comedy stuff with us was just based on our giving personalities. I gave Shawn the comedy gift of my nose . . ."
- Game-Breaking Injury: Jokes aside, The Game tearing his quad left him out of action for eight months in 2001. Would he be considered lucky that he missed the Invasion angle?
- Garbage Wrestler: While his Wrestling Psychology is solid, his style is that of a brawler, and he just loves to hit people with sledgehammers.
- This is very much YMMV as most people in the industry would argue that having Wrestling Psychology automatically prevents one from being a Garbage Wrestler. If that was the case, every single brawler would be one.
- Genius Bruiser: In character he's a powerful and devious competitor, out of character he's a body builder and by all accounts a very smart man. One of his official nicknames is "The Cerebral Assassin."
- Genre Savvy: All the time. Especially the time he gave an entire lesson/LampshadeHanging to Shelton Benjamin on how to properly cut a promo and how the heel has to wait until the face has their back to the ramp before they jump him.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Guy Posse: From 2003 to 2005 he was accompanied most of the time by Evolution, a clique of three snobbish Superstars (Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton, to be precise) who interfered in Hunter's matches, bullied face Superstars, and were known as much for their custom-made suits, Rolex watches, private jets, and sexual escapades as for their wrestling skills.
- The idea for Evolution came from the Four Horsemen, a similarly-themed clique led by Flair in NWA and then WCW in the 1980s and '90s.
- Happily Married: To Stephanie McMahon.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- He's Back: He came back after about eight months on the shelf on 2/21/11, the same night The Undertaker made his return.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: He and Shawn Michaels are among the most famous heterosexual life partners in wrestling history. According to Hunter's actual wife, Shawn is Hunter's "road wife".
- Hijacked by Ganon: Triple H was revealed as the mastermind behind Stone Cold Steve Austin's attack in 1999.
- He also hijacked Test's (kayfabe) wedding to Stephanie McMahon (and subsequent push).
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Recently on the wrong end of a brutal beatdown by Kevin Nash, mainly using a sledgehammer.
- Hot Dad
- Iconic Wrestler: Has absolutely reached it, though it's kind of a sore subject how he got there.
- Informed Attribute: Was explicitly called a great technical wrestler ad nauseum in the '90s and '00s, despite being a brawler first and foremost, and uses far more strikes than he's ever used submissions. His one attempt at a real submission hold was a disastrous experiment with the ancient "Inverted Indian Deathlock". It was generally an attempt to push him as a "smart wrestler" (as smart guys are usually technical masterminds as well), which he really did better by cheating and manipulating others anyways.
- Insane Troll Logic: Claims responsibility for breaking "The Streak." Not because he actually beat the Undertaker, but because he was able to walk out of the arena on his own power and 'Taker wasn't.
- Tempting Fate: And after his Hell In A Cell rematch the following year, he was so badly beaten both 'Taker and Shawn Michaels had to carry him out of the arena together.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With his idol, Ric Flair.
- Irony as She Is Cast: He was in a string of beer commercials a few years ago. For the most part, he's a teetotaler in real life.
- The episode he guest-starred in on The Drew Carey Show had Triple H, going under the ring name "the Disciplinarian", becoming a sponsor of Buzz Beer and after over-indulging in Vegas, he ends up telling kids to never drink as the beer was the one thing that could kick his ass.
- It's Personal: Usually a hallmark of a really, really good Triple H feud. Notable examples are his 2002-2004 feud with Shawn Michaels, his 2007 feud with Randy Orton, and his 2011 feud with CM Punk.
- Jerkass: When he's a heel. To demonstrate how much of a Jerkass he can be, in 1999 the man turned Vince McMahon, the Big Bad and the same man who was the mastermind behind a satanic cult whom he had kidnap his own daughter as part of a plan to get the WWE title off of Stone Cold Steve Austin earlier that same year, into a FACE, and it even resulted in an Enemy Mine situation when Austin would help Vince, his hated Arch Enemy, win the WWE Championship from Triple H. And that's just one example.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Even when a face he's still insults everyone, beats people with a hammer, and is pretty arrogant to boot, but helps out his friends and does the right thing. In Real Life he's supposedly pretty arrogant and a bit uncouth, but he seems to be a genuinely kind person who mentors people, is nice to his fans, and adores his three daughters.
- The Kliq
- Large Ham: Hilarious. Give the man a live microphone and 20 minutes of free airtime, and you're guaranteed to be entertained.
- Loveable Rogue: As part of DX.
- Love Triangle: Between his then-kayfabe wife Stephanie McMahon and Kurt Angle in 2000.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Connecticut Blueblood and Evolution Variants.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Despite being one of the most controversial figures in professional wrestling, both on camera and behind the scenes, Triple H is actually friendly with the fans and is a noted mentor to many wrestlers, including Batista and Randy Orton.
- Misblamed:
- He was blamed for the infamous Katie Vick angle; that was created by Kevin Dunn, with approval by Vince McMahon.
- On the other hand, he probably could have gotten the storyline killed or at least retooled if he really wanted to. But given Vince's historical reluctance, if not outright refusal, to take "no" for an answer...
- Dennis Randazzo, author of Ring of Hell, accuses Triple H turning Austin into his lackey during the latter's 2001 Face Heel Turn, despite that fact that Austin held the WWF Title and Triple H held the Intercontinental Title, and thus, Austin was positioned as the more important member of the Two-Man Power Trip.
- Frankly, because of his pull backstage and his reputation of burying other wrestlers, it's almost standard operating procedure to blame him for anything. He was accused of forcing Chris Masters to continue his dreadful Master Lock Challenge long after it overstayed its welcome, and frequently takes the blame any time a wrestler seems to be stuck in a bad gimmick because he's "holding them back" because he's "threatened by them."
- In a possible case of Reality Subtext, this bled over into the 'walkout' story-line that took up a big chunk of late 2011, with Trips (as the kayfabe Chief Operating Officer) taking the fall for a lot of things that were frankly out of his control.
- He was blamed for the infamous Katie Vick angle; that was created by Kevin Dunn, with approval by Vince McMahon.
- Montreal Screwjob: On the Internet, he's actually hated/blamed by fans for the Screwjob more than either Vince McMahon or Shawn Michaels, due to his backstage influence with Vince and the fact that he's the one who suggested the possibility that Bret would pull an Alundra Blayze and trash the WWF belt upon going to WCW.[1]
- Hilariously, he claims in a response to a What Might Have Been interview that the Screwjob could never have happened in reverse: he and Shawn aren't that stupid.
- Nepotism: In Real Life, he's the "Senior Advisor" to Vince McMahon and the head of Talent Development.
- Noble Demon: As much as he talks about what a dangerous guy he is, he's not that different from any other face.
- No Fourth Wall: All the damn time.
It's like, 11:08, guys. We're off the air!
- Odd Friendship: The Kliq. While Michaels, Hall, Nash, and Waltman were established wrestlers at a near-equal level, Triple H was a newbie who didn't party. Now, things have changed, and it's still hard to believe that the massively successful HHH and one of the best wrestlers ever in Shawn Michaels are friends with the troubled X-Pac and Scott Hall, whose jump to WCW was a major turning point in their careers.
- Oh Crap: His epic reaction shot to being informed he'd be facing not Mankind, but Cactus Jack in the 2000 Royal Rumble. CMOA for Mick Foley, but Hunter's reaction just makes it.
- Old Shame: The Katie Vick angle, and his brief WCW stint as "Terra Ryzing".
- Even Triple H admitted in various interviews that the Katie Vick angle was awful to start with.
- Then there was the time that Ultimate Warrior no-sold the Pedigree and pinned him a minute later. Even worse? That was at Wrestlemania XII, about two months before the Curtain Call. He called it the worst moment in his career for a reason, though that statement could've been a Take That at the Warrior.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: "Triple H" is actually short for the name he used during his first major run in the WWF: Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He's still referred to as "Hunter" sometimes, though it's probably because Hunter is an awesome name, and he calls himself "Hunter" in real life.
- Parental Substitute: Him and Vince McMahon are quite close, and according to the nastier rumors floating out there, closer than Vince and Shane.
- All but confirmed by his Kayfabe-tweaking "I love you, Pops" to Vince upon "relieving [Vince] of his duties".
- Popularity Power
- Power Stable: D Generation X, The Corporation, and Evolution.
- Rated "M" for Manly: His singles competitor persona from 2005 to 2011, gone is the suits of Evolution, the sexual ambiguity and juvenile humor of D Generation X, instead he's a hammer-wielding badass with a Motorhead Villain Song and a bad attitude.
- Real Life Writes the Plot/Romance on the Set: Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were Kayfabe married in 1999 and divorced in 2002, but they got married in Real Life in 2003.
- And The Kliq. Never forget the Kliq. Who are they? A band of extremely influential wrestlers who banded together, responsible for D Generation X and a little group called the New World Order.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Amazingly enough, most backstage accounts seems to imply Trips is this whenever he's not trying to put himself in the spotlight.
- His current role as Chief Operating Officer seems to have him shaping up as one of these, giving certain heels their comeuppance, including letting Zack Ryder squash Michael Cole on live television, bringing back Jim Ross, and letting John Morrison get his hands on R-Truth.
- Red Baron: The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, The King of Kings.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Both in-character (as part of the McMahon-Helmsley Regime) and in Real Life (due to his marriage to Stephanie McMahon).
- Semi-Retired Badass: Triple H doesn't work nearly a full ring schedule anymore as he's in his 40s and growing used to his backstage role, but he can still throw a good beatdown or pound a guy to a pulp with a sledgehammer when the time calls for it.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: In Evolution and recently, in Real Life due to his corporate position.
- Shoot the Dog: The reason why he challenged The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 - he wanted to end The Streak as well as believing that Taker was way past his prime.
- The following year, Taker's Pride in refusing to accept a Pyrrhic Victory would lead Taker to persistently demand he try this again - persistently, because a little more time in his new position caused Triple H to see business and nostalgia as more important than another fight.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Especially during his 2003 run.
- Super-Deformed: Some DX merchandise has a chibi Shawn and Hunter on it.
- Particularly hilarious are the t-shirts of chibi Shawn and Hunter mooning people.
- Even funnier in that Triple H said in an interview that when shown the new shirts for approval, no one showed Shawn what was on the back (the chibi asses).
- Take That: His original incarnation as a stuck-up blueblood was because Vince McMahon recently purchased a new home in the posh Stamford, Connecticut, and his neighbors didn't take too kindly to the kind of "low-brow" entertainment the WWF put on.
- Hunter has also said numerous times in interviews that Goldberg is a terrible wrestler.
- Too many times to count in D Generation X, though of particular note is the time he asked Chris Masters what he could write a book about - "how to lose 30 pounds in a week?".
- The Mentor: To Batista and Randy Orton, both in Evolution and in Real Life.
- The Rival: The Rock, Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, and most, recently, Sheamus.
- This Is Sparta: Tv Tropes, are you ready? No, Triple H asked you ARE? YOU? REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAADY?!
- True Companions: The Kliq, which also included real-life friends Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman (X-Pac).
- Underwear of Power: He started wearing this when he was pushed to main event status.
- He had actually worn one in WCW, but switched to the long trunks in his "Blueblood" persona.
- Unkempt Beauty: His DX look, jeans and t-shirt with ruffled hair, earns him more fangirl love than his McMahon-Helmsley Sharp-Dressed Man, though it could just be the Shawn Michaels-related Ho Yay, and not being a heel.
- Or both.
- Villain Team-Up: In 2001, with Stone Cold Steve Austin (as the Two-Man Power Trip).
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Shawn Michaels. Anyone else mocks Shawn's receding hairline and new religion, they're headed for a beatdown.
- A perfect example is his Hall of Fame induction speech for Shawn. Height, fashion sense, receding hairline, all are legit targets - and then you get down to the end, where he talks about how close he and Shawn are.
"You know, the only reason Shawn asked me to do this tonight is to force me to say something nice about him."
- Weapon of Choice: The sledgehammer.
- We Used to Be Friends: With Kevin Nash in kayfabe.
- Wham! Line:
"Vince, you have been relieved of your duties."
- What Could Have Been: See Demoted to Extra above. One can only imagine what could have happened if HHH had won the '96 King of the Ring instead of Austin - no Attitude Era, no competition against WCW and the nWo...
- Had he not been injured in 2001, Triple H would have turned face and challenge a heel Austin for the WWF Championship throughout the summer. Which would mean that the InVasion angle would at least have been interesting to watch.
- His Crowning Moment of Funny response to the hypothetical question of "what if the Montreal Screwjob had happened to Shawn instead of Bret?"
Nothing. We're not that stupid.
- Wrestler Appearance Failure: Triple H's quad injury in 2001 forced him out of action until 2002 ... which allowed him to escape the universally-despised InVasion storyline.
- Worthy Opponent: Shawn Michaels stands out more than anyone else. Even after reforming DX, the two would still come to blows but still walk out as friends.
- The Undertaker as well. He actually stated that the reason he wanted to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 is because they are the last two prominent wrestlers from the Pre-Attitude Era days and he felt the need to put on one more era-defining match before they both retire.
- Chris Benoit. So much respect Hunter had for him, that he tapped out clean to the Crossface on three separate occasions within a year at a time when the IWC was vocal in thinking that Triple H was only looking out for himself.
- Would Hit a Girl: He beat the crap out of his Kayfabe-at-the-time ex-wife, of course, she did thoroughly deserve it.
- Which becomes major funny aneurysm territory when you remember that they were dating at that point in real life.
- Wrestling Psychology: Even his detractors will (usually) admit he's got quite the grip on this and can really use the crowd to build his matches.
- Xanatos Gambit: Sometimes skirts into Xanatos Roulette territory.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: The man has had to fight accusations of being a Creator's Pet and a Spotlight-Stealing Squad for years. When he began to work behind the scenes, smarks began to love him for defying WWE's apparent "Big Guys and Eye-Candy" policy by having his first major decisions be hiring lucha star Sin Cara (formerly Mistico) and Brawn Hilda Kharma (formerly Amazing/Awesome Kong). Unfortunately, both of those acquisitions have kinda blown up in his face, as Sin Cara has missed a lot of time between a Wellness Violation and injury, and Kharma is out of action for nearly a year due to a suprise pregnancy.
- ↑ He would confirm that on Shawn Michaels' Heartbreak & Triumph DVD and book.