The list of characters who were introduced in Tekken 2.
Jun Kazama
An Animal Protection Officer for a group known as W.C.C.C., as well as The Chosen One. Raised among nature on a family line with powerful spiritual powers, she's the only one who notices Kazuya being controlled by mystical forces. While officially entering the tournament to arrest him for smuggling endangered animals, she's secretly wishing to release him. At the end, however, she ends making out and leaves pregnant with Kazuya's son. After fending off Devil from possessing her unborn child, she refuges herself and raises Jin alone 15 years, after which she's attacked by Ogre, and presumably killed by him.
Tropes associated with Jun:
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: Honestly, look at her in comparison to adult Jin!
- Badass: Let's see...
- Bare Your Midriff: Both outfits, surprisingly.
- Beach Episode: The game manual depicts this. See "Nice Hat" below.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Apart from the fact she is an absolute beast of a fighter and her Mama Bear qualities Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has her shaping up to be this. Her character redesign is darker. She reacts to Lili spying on her by telekenetically shattering her binoculars. And she is the final boss of the game, beat her in the first round and she turns into Unknown.
- The Bus Came Back: Non-canon as it is, the February 2011 trailer for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 shows what appears to be Jun. Upon first impression, Jun seems to have taken a turn into darker territory. Her return is being handled in a similar way as when Kazuya reentered the series with the original Tekken Tag.
- The Chosen One: Jun is specifically given this title among her family. Her abilities were considered special among the Kazama, and (unlike Asuka) she is fully aware of them and adept at using them.
- Darker and Edgier: Where her design for TTT2 seems to be going. Recently revealed to have been taken to its logical conclusion, with the reveal of "Junknown". Now, one must consider that this may allow Jun to return to the canon games (probably starting with Tekken 7, since Kazuya returned to the series in Tekken 4, the game succeeding the first Tag Tournament).
- One video has Ogre; who went after Jin and attacked and supposedly kill Jun, blinded by a flash of light before the boss battle against her, and when she appears she's wearing a really dark and angry scowl. Beat her and purple ooze covers her body, then she becomes Unknown and looks up with a slight smirk. The intro also has Lili spying on her, she reacts violently.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Yeah, she did at least once.
- Hair Decorations
- Fingerless Gloves
- Friend to All Living Things: Best seen in her ending in 2. She's even a member of the WWWC, a wildlife protection organization.
- Good Is Not Soft. Portrayed as the very definition of pure. Threaten her son however and she will kill you, or kill herself trying to kill you. Those moves arn't just for show. Best her in a fight and she'll go One-Winged Angel.
- The Hero: Officially this for Tekken 2, beating Devil and all.
- Heroic Sacrifice: It's believed that she enacted one of the You Shall Not Pass variety against Ogre, but nothing has yet to be confirmed.
- Hot Mom
- Hot Scoop: In The Movie.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Oh, so very much. Until she's made into Unknown, anyway.
- Even this is debatable...Unknown is shown as a Good Is Not Nice at worst, her ending is breaking free of the Wolf ghost and another ending has her saving Jin from Ogre.
- Jossed: The Tekken 3 intro, if you read into the Poison Oak Epileptic Trees that this is Jun's severed head, doesn't gel with the fact that she is alive and well according to the Tekken Tag Tournament games, if the details about her are to be taken as canon.
- Killed Off for Real: Possibly. According to 6, she was indeed murdered by Ogre. However, considering that this was told from Jin's perspective (he assumed that she's dead), this is debatable. Director Katsuhiro Harada says that the only characters that were absolutely confirmed to have kicked the bucket were King I and Armor King I. It doesn't help that there are still all of those Jun=Unknown fan theories...
- Not just a theory anymore, according to the new Tag game.
- Lady of War: Especially with the 3P costume she received in Tag Tournament.
- Hints of this are shown in the snippets we see of her in the newest game. Could she be following her son's Face Heel Turn?
- Mama Bear: Depending on your views, she fought off/was murdered by Ogre, turned into Unknown, and then goes on to fight Ogre again to save Jin's life.
- Canonically speaking, her run-ins with Devil and Ogre qualify.
- Meaningful Name: One of the many meanings of the name Jun is "pure". Jun is able to quell the presence of malevolent entities and is a peace-loving woman.
- Missing Mom
- Mixed Martial Arts: Kazama-ryu/Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts incorporates traditional Japanese martial arts such as Aiki-Jujitsu or Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu (primarily), Aikido, Judo, and Karate. Her armbar mirrors the type common in UFC/MMA and her German suplex is traditionally a wrestling move. For bonus points characters can run in, tackle an opponent to the ground then mount them for the signature UFC "ground 'n pound". Some female characters slap doing this move, our Jun throws proper punches.
- Morality Pet: A vision of Jun (or possibly her soul) is what prevents Jin from killing Heihachi in 4. Bless your lucky stars, Heihachi...
- In The Movie, she plays this role to Kazuya.
- Nature Hero: She works as a part of a wildlife protection organization. This is mixed in with Jun's status (among her family) as The Chosen One.
- Nice Hat: This piece of official artwork was used for the second game. [dead link]
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Spirit Advisor: Her father actually appeared to her in ghost form, which helped her retrain her spiritual awareness and powers after living on the city for a long time.
- It's assumed that Jun acts as this for her son. This is strongly hinted at in Jin's Tekken 4 ending where she stops him killing from Heihachi.
- Statuesque Stunner: Like Kunimitsu, she skirts the line at 5'7", which is impressive compared to the other Tekken girls, but if you take into account she's also Japanese this makes her almost a Hot Amazon.
- Strong Family Resemblance: In reverse. Originally, her son Jin resembled Kazuya moreso than her (not to a considerable degree, but there were some who mistook Jin for a teenaged Kazuya). As of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Jun's facial features look closer to that of Jin's.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Unknown.
- Talking To Herself: Both Jun and Kunimitsu are voiced by seiyuu Shiho Kikuchi. You might recognize her as Whip, Ayamo Nakamura, Hilary/Hikari Tachibana, and Miharu Tatebayashi.
- The Other Darrin: As of Tag Tournament 2 she will be voiced by Mamiko Noto.
- What Could Have Been: Jun was Dummied Out from Tekken 3. It's actually Jin's moveset and Nina's body, but the coding is Jun's, complete with Jun's voice and a Vs. portrait. The dev team most likely planned to include her, but then decided to go with the current plot.
- Woman in White: Not entirely, but her clothing is predominately light-colored. Most of the artwork from TTT does depict Jun clad in an elegant white dress.
- Wrestler in All of Us: We can accept Kazama style self defense martial arts incorporating wrestling/MMA-style arm bars, but Chris Benoit's german suplexes?
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Some artwork [dead link] paints her in this light.
- Yumi Touma: Her seiyuu in The Movie.
Lei Wulong
You are not good enough!
The man called "supercop" from Hong Kong, famous of taking down many criminals. Lei at first investigates the Zaibatsu to check the crimes of Kazuya. He continues to do so on the Zaibatsu years later in the 3rd tournament. In the 4th tournament, however, Lei got hammered with misfortunes where his girlfriend dumped him for being too Workaholic and his career plummeted. He got back on track by foiling the plan of a syndicate that planned to kill Steve Fox. Later, he investigates the issue about Feng Wei alongside Asuka Kazama, but doesn't produce good results. But before he can rest, he then starts another job: arresting Jin Kazama.
He looks like Jackie Chan too.
Tropes associated with Lei:
- Badass Back: It takes skill to produce an entire moveset around this.
- Badass Long Hair
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Confusion Fu
- Difficult but Awesome: Lei's stances are tough to master and need to be weaved in and out of combos to make the most of their effectiveness, but he's hard to predict if you learn them well.
- Drunken Master: One of his fighting stances.
- Faking the Dead: Played with. One of moves is called Play Dead and involves him lying down on the floor.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Hiroya Ishimaru: His seiyuu. Not coincidentally, he is also the voice actor for Jackie Chan in the Japanese dubs of his movies.
- The Inspector
- Jackie Chan Clone: And he pulls it off SO nicely...
- The Jimmy Hart Version: His theme in T3 (moreso the OST than the AST) sounds like a cover of "Steam" by Boy Band East 17, a song that preceded T3 by about two years. In turn, "Wipe Out", the theme of the Osaka Stage in Capcom vs. SNK 2 is the Jimmy Hart version of Lei's theme.
- Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot: His Tekken 5 story begins with hunting down a notorious dojo destroyer and ends with arresting/killing a Humanoid Abomination threatening to destroy the world.
- Miranda Rights: One of his intro quotes in TTT2.
- Real Men Wear Pink: In 5, his work uniform is now pink.
- Stance System: Well, he's not a master of Five Form Kung Fu because he only knows four moves, now is he?
- To elaborate, as of TTT2, Lei has no less than 8 different stances he can launch attacks from.
- Supercop: Of the Badass Normal variety. It's also a nod to the subtitle of Police Story III by... you guessed it.
- In-Series Nickname: It's actually "Super Cop/Police".
- Surprisingly Good English: In gameplay, Lei uses a Cantonese accent. However, his interludes and ending in 5 have Hiroya Ishimaru speak with a perfectly clear Hong Kong English accent.
- Tomokazu Seki: His seiyuu in The Movie.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: Ax Crazy cyborg? International dojo destroyer? Demonically possessed old man? Warmongering dictator? "I'm placing you under arrest."
- Workaholic: His problem in Tekken 4.
Baek Doo San
Poor Baek went through the unenviable experience of killing his alcoholic father in a training accident. He was only able to lift his despondency by challenging various dojo. Just before Tekken 2, the situation got worse. A rival of Marshall Law had somehow found out about Baek's tragedy, and threatened to go public with it unless he ransacked Law's dojo, hence setting up their rivalry. After the fight was over, Baek, having come to terms with himself and regained some semblance of sanity, returned home to Seoul, where he spent most of the next two decades training youngsters (of which Hwoarang is the only named so far). He was assumed to be killed by Ogre, but was only put into a coma, which he later woke up from.
Tropes associated with Baek:
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Berserk Button: It is stated he becomes crazy upon seeing blood, after the trauma of having killed his father.
- Convenient Coma
- Cool Old Guy
- Extremity Extremist: Slightly averted, as he does use punches.
- Game-Breaking Injury: Not him, but his father. Baek's father was originally a Taekwondo competitor, until he suffered an injury that ended that career. The resultant despondency was what lead to him becoming a drunkard, a general Mr. Nasty, and... you know the rest.
- La Résistance: In 6.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Subverted.
- Missing Mom: Baek's mother actually abandoned the family after his father got drunk and incarcerated, and the family plunged into poverty.
- My God, What Have I Done?: In his 2 ending, Baek sees a picture of his father and fondly remembers the time they spent together. This shocks him out of his semi-Unstoppable Rage and causes a "for-the-best" change in his characterization.
- Not Quite Dead
- If his ending in 6 is canon, then he's probably been Killed Off for Real. Poor, poor Hwoarang.
- Parental Substitute: He was raised by the policemen who found him after his father's death.
- In turn, he seems to function as this towards Hwoarang.
- Perma-Stubble: From 5 onwards.
- Self-Made Orphan: Of the utterly unintentional edition.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Seriously, he can go to school with your ass in a suit and a Nice Hat.
- Stern Teacher
- Student and Master Team: Him and Hwoarang starting in 5.
- Younger Than They Look: 48 years of age in 5 and 6? From his hair, you'd think he was in his mid-50s...
Bruce Irvin
I'm your worst nightmare.
Kickboxer with a bad childhood. Early on, he decided to make a name for himself after growing up alone, so he got better at doing the only thing he was good at—fighting—and scrounged up enough to go to a fighting tournament in Thailand a bit before Tekken 2. His skill proved to be enough to win, but he beat the favorite for the tournament so badly that a mafia group put a contract out on his head. The hitman who was sent to kill him, as well as a Hong Kong policeman (who ends up having been Lei Wulong's partner) end up bringing the plane home down, and Bruce ends up surviving. Kazuya's men, who had presumably been following the tournament Bruce was in, found him where the plane had crashed and employed him in the Zaibatsu's private army.
After Kazuya's defeat he leaves Japan and travels the world as a mercenary, and once he learns Kazuya's alive he goes back to Japan for Tekken 5. When Kazuya drops out of the tournament he offers Bruce the position of his captain, this time with G-Corp, and Bruce agrees.
Tropes associated with Bruce:
- Bald Black Leader Guy: He's almost completely bald, and he's the leader of Kazuya's forces.
- Black Best Friend: It's funny how Kazuya specifically sought him out both times.
- Crispin Freeman: His voice actor in 5.
- The Dragon: To Kazuya.
- No Party Like a Donner Party: How he survives the plane crash before Kazuya's forces find him.
- The Other Darrin: His voice actor changed from Crispin Freeman in 5 to Keith Silverstein in 6.
- Pet the Dog: His ending in 5, where he thrashes a trio of punks that just beat up a kid, messed up his punching bag, and stole his boxing gloves. He promptly returns the gloves to the kid, smiles, and says, "Keep it up, kid."
- His Tekken 2 ending also counts, as he's giving a kid who watched his kickboxing training a thumbs up. Essentially, Bruce is a pretty nice guy, especially to kids, if you disregard he's working for Kazuya.
- Scary Black Man
- Throwing the Fight: He refused to do this before the events of 2. The bettors didn't exactly take it well...
Roger Family (& Alex)
Kazuya makes off with Dr Boskonovich after taking over. The goal: good old-fashioned genetic engineering to make vicious killer animals. He partially succeeds: the animals are intelligent enough to be trained. They just don't get really vicious.
The first one was Roger, a kangaroo. With boxing gloves, of course. Trying for more vicious, he starts following the Jurassic Park route and comes up with Alex. Between the two of them, he got barely enough bloodthirstiness to swat a fly. It is said, however, that once Alex reach maturity he'd become real dangerous. If it will ever happen, however, is rather unlikely.
They enter the 2nd tournament, but anything they do there is largely unknown. Roger had a wife back then, and he became a father during his participation. Afterward, he left with his family to live in peace.
Years after, someone knew about where they lived, because Roger gets kidnapped shortly before the fifth tournament. Worried about him, his wife and son (Roger Jr.) enter the fifth tournament and find him. Things don't go well afterward.
Tropes associated with Roger and Alex:
- Action Mom: Roger Jr.'s mother, who actually drags her son with her into the ring.
- A Twinkle in the Sky: Roger Sr. winds up this way in Roger Jr.'s endings. He needs to learn how to not incense his family...
- Badass Adorable: Roger Jr.
- Badass Family: Consisting of boxing kangaroos.
- Boxing Kangaroo: Subverted with Alex. He's a boxing utahraptor.
- Happily Married: Until 6, where Roger Sr.'s wife divorces him.
- Legacy Character
- Palette Swap: On the select screen for Tekken 2, they share the same square—Roger is the Player 1 "costume", Alex is Player 2.
- Put on a Bus: Whereas Roger Sr. has shown up in later games in his son (and wife)'s ending, Alex seems to have fallen off of the face of the earth.
- He does make a cameo appearance in Tekken 6, however—as a set of Powered Armor costume options for Roger Jr.
- Red Boxing Gloves
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Again, Roger Jr.
- Send in the Clones: Of Armor King mostly. A persistent justification seems to be that Armor King trained them.
- Shout-Out: Alex's DNA was taken from insects trapped in amber.
- The Unintelligible: Like every other animal (and the Kings).