< Tekken < Characters


A list of characters introduced in Tekken 4.

Steve Fox

Adopted from near birth with a strange mark on his arm. Steve became a Boxer and quickly became one of the best in the business. After he refused to throw a fight for the mob, Steve entered the fourth tournament as one last hurrah before the hitman caught up to him. After failing to win the tournament, he busted up the mob boss after him with the help of Lei Wulong. Later they both found out that the hitman hired to kill Steve was Nina Williams, his biological mother. Later Steve entered the 5th tournament, and after finding out the Mishima Zaibatsu facility were they were making "monsters like him" burst in there and wrecked the place, burning it to the ground. He later decided to train with Law and Paul for the sixth tournament.

Tropes associated with Steve Fox:

Christie Monteiro

... Goodnight!

The grand-daughter of a Capoeira master. She became acquainted with her grandfather's prison mate Eddy Gordo who was released before him and from Eddy, she learnt Capoeira. They became friends, but Eddy suddenly vanished trying to allocate his parents murderer. Worried about him, Christie entered the fourth tournament to find out what happened to him. They succeeded in reuniting, and shortly thereafter her grandfather was released from prison, though he's terminally ill and an operation would not be possible without advanced technology from the Mishima Zaibatsu. Christie entered the 5th tournament, but loses. When she returned home, not only was her grandfather missing, but Eddy as well. Her only clue was in the 6th tournament.

Tropes associated with Christie:

Craig Marduk

Get your cameras ready folks, this ain't gonna last long.

A huge, brutal Vale Tudo fighter, at the top of the world. Then he gets in a drunken brawl with Armor King, and killed him. He pled guilty to second-degree manslaughter and was put in prison. Then someone managed to buy him out of prison, and gave him tickets to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Curious, he visits.

He then meets his benefactor: King II. Or at least his knuckles, elbows, knees, boot soles, and of course the cold hard ground. King puts poor Craig in the hospital and just barely stopped himself from murdering Marduk in his bed.

When he recovers, Craig calls out to King, in the worst way: by wearing Armor King's mask and taunting him. This pisses off King, and they meet. Before their match, Craig announces that they'll fight 'fair and square'. Craig... loses again, but this time he's helped up by King, and they become friends.

And then gets beat up by what appears to be Armor King.

Tropes associated with Craig:

  • Attention Whore: Tying in with his Blood Knight tendencies, his Tekken 5 ending had him leaping into the middle of a high-profile boxing match, challenging both boxers, curbstomping them, and showing off for the cameras. All while a very agitated Steve Fox watches in the audience...
  • Badass Beard
  • Bald of Evil --> Bald of Awesome
  • Blood Knight
  • Carpet of Virility: A far cry from the waxed chest look any other shirtless male has. Hell, Marduk is the only male character with any visible body hair.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: In his (non-canon) ending from 4, he returns to the Vale Tudo circuit where he was one champion for private reflection in the arena. He's approached by the current champion who mocks and taunts him, and challenges him to a fight. Marduk lays him out with a single headbutt.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Defied at first, and then subverted in 5, when the two fight to a draw and then become friends.
  • Easily Forgiven: With King. Armor King, on the other hand, is not going this route.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Heel Face Turn: After being defeated by King II in Tekken 5.
  • I Have a Family: Subversion. Marduk doesn't get a chance to say this (seeing as King had just finished using Marduk's body to paint the town red), but when King sees a picture of Marduk's family, he decides to relent and spare him.
  • John Dimaggio: His voice actor since 5.
  • Land Down Under
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: He's Australian, yet sounds American.
    • Retcon: He was originally American; he was retconned to Australian after Nathan Jones (an Australian actor/wrestler who he was originally modeled after) was cast as him in the live action movie. Granted, they didn't bother getting an Aussie voice actor after the switch.
  • Shout-Out: His physique, taunts, catchphrases, moves... Everyone chant with me: Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg...
  • Take That: An in-universe example. While challenging King before the fifth tournament, he's seen wearing a black jaguar mask like that of Armor King. King is not amused.
  • The Worf Effect: Read the above blurb. Let's just say that the King family has been taking turns beating his ass after the death of Armor King.
  • You Killed My Father: He instigates this with King II and Armor King II, though King II easily forgave him.


Combot is a robot designed by Lee Chaolan's robotics firm. It is programmed to be able to mimic any human motion it can detect with its motion-capture matrix. Intended for a spectrum of tasks, Lee opts to use its ability to copy human movement to enter it as a contestant in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, believing that it would be unbeatable as it would learn every combatant's skill over the course of the tournament. However, due to flaws in its design caused by the abrupt development timetable, it is only able to capture a single entity's movements each time it is activated.

Tropes associated with Combot:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: In both Lee's story and Combat's ending, it goes haywire and decides to target Lee. In the former, this prompts Lee to give an apt reply: "Damn it."
  • The Bus Came Back: Combot hasn't been seen since Tekken 4 but the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 brings him back as a teaching tool in the game's Fight Lab mode. You can also use Combot in other modes, programming him with different moves from other fighters.
  • Ditto Fighter
  • Hand Wave: Combot, unlike Mokujin, is incapable of switching styles between rounds. This is explained in its story that the robot can only use a single fighter's style every time it is powered on.
  • Punny Name
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