Tekken: Blood Vengeance

What happens when a video game producer gets angry enough from the Adaptation Decay of his video game?
He makes the adaptation itself, of course.
Tekken: Blood Vengeance is a CGI film based on the Fighting Game series Tekken. It is produced by Digital Frontier and written by Dai Sato (Cowboy Bebop). The film was directed by Youichi Mouri, the same person who directed the Tekken 5 and Tekken 6: Blood Rebellion opening cinematics. The soundtrack is composed by Basiscape. Unlike the somewhat decent live action movie that come in 2010, this one was more directly supervised by Namco themselves.
The plot follows Ling Xiaoyu as she is tasked by the G Corporation to infiltrate an international school in Kyoto to gather information on a mysterious student named Shin Kamiya. Not so long after that she makes friends with Alisa Bosconovitch while Shin gets kidnapped by an unknown assailant. Now it's up to Xiaoyu and Alisa to find Shin and solve the mystery behind him.
The film was released on a special Tekken Hybrid Blu-ray Disc in November 2011. The Blu-ray also includes an HD remake of the original Tekken Tag Tournament which can be run on PlayStation 3 along with a demo version of the upcoming Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Nintendo 3DS owners also get to join in the fun, as Namco is bringing Blood Vengeance in the same package as Tekken 3D as part of the Tekken 3D: Prime Edition bundle.
- Absolute Cleavage: Nina Williams' catsuit, unsurprisingly.
- Action Girl: Every single one of the female characters.
- Anti-Villain: Kazuya Mishima (Type I), which is pretty ironic since in games, he'd be the Complete Monster while Heihachi is more the occasional Anti-Villain. Perhaps because in the movie, at least, his concern was beating the crap out of Jin rather than the tortures committed to Shin (and he's at least shown not to be a Bad Boss to Anna). Doesn't quite excuse him for some Kick the Dog moments, though.
- Moreso with Jin (Type III), if his parting words to Xiaoyu are any indicator. Xiaoyu herself falls under Type IV during her stint as a Villain Protagonist in the first half.
- Artistic License Martial Arts
- Badass Adorable: Xiaoyu, Alisa, and Panda.
- Badass Grandpa: Heihachi. The guy is in his 70s, yet he can hold his own against Kazuya and Jin.
- Batman Gambit: Shin deliberately let himself get captured so he can lure the one who mutated him, Heihachi, out of hiding.
- Big Fancy House: Lee's mansion.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: The Mishima Clan, full stop. Nina and Anna are a close second.
- Big No/Say My Name: Xiaoyu after Shin is killed.
- Call Back: In the ending, Xiaoyu reveals to Alisa that she wants to make the world into one big amusement park so everyone can smile and be happy. This was her original goal for entering The King of Iron Fist Tournament in the first place, as seen in Tekken 3.
- Calling Your Attacks: Rocket Punch!
- The Cameo: Various other Tekken characters (Bob, Bruce, Lili, King, and Raven among others) were seen in a list of possible spies for the G Corporation before Anna settles in on Xiaoyu. Makes sense, as it wouldn't be the best idea to send a Masked Luchador to capture a supposedly-immortal high-school student.
- Lei Wulong also sent an phone message to Nina at one point.
- Chainsaw Good: Alisa, who else?
- Can't Catch Up: Xiaoyu and possibly the rest of the characters against the Mishima family. They can fly and shoot Wave Motion Guns from their eyes. Even Heihachi, who has no superpower, has an Eleventh Hour One-Winged Angel mode here.
- Car Fu: Anna attempts to ambush Nina by running her over with a truck!
- Catch Phrase: Lee's "Excellent!", of course.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Xiaoyu's skill at martial arts allows her to be kicked through a concrete wall, fall three stories, and have a robot's head explode in her hands, all without a bruise.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Alisa.
- Combining Mecha: Mokujin Megazord sequence, initiate! Heihachi's way of keeping up with Kazuya and Jin's devil forms is to call on the spirits of the Mokujin, combining all of them into a giant demon-looking version of himself.
- Continuity Snarl: Despite taking place between 5 and 6, several events seem to disregard pre-existing canon.
- Cool Teacher: Lee Chaolan, without a doubt. For starters, how many teachers let you spend the night in their Big Fancy House?
- Covers Always Lie: Although the scene on the cover does happen in the movie, Alisa's lower body is not intact by that moment.
- Dark Action Girl: Anna.
- Decoy Protagonists: Xiaoyu and Alisa.
- Despair Event Horizon: Xiaoyu nearly crossed it after witnessing the Mishima family feud, swearing off that humanity is better off disappearing if all they do is fight [1]. Luckily for her, Alisa managed to set her straight, as well as Jin's final words that maybe humanity has a hope if they're the one to fix themselves.
- Disney Death: Alisa, twice, both in the very same scene. Shin wasn't as lucky...
- Doomed by Canon: No one from the game is dead per se. But since we know that most characters will survive in Tekken 6, it might be jarring by how much Genre Blindness Jin (and Xiaoyu to some extent) has.
- Dying as Yourself: Shin.
- Enhance Button: Alisa has one built in and can determine any hidden contents of a photo just by looking at it.
- Evil Sounds Deep: The Mishimas, who else? Especially Jin Kazama, and he's not as evil as Dad and Grandpa.
- Fan Service: Including...
- Modesty Towel: Courtesy of Xiaoyu.
- She's Got Legs: The film clearly loves to focus on the ladies' legs.
- Shower Scene: Courtesy of Xiaoyu and Shin.
- Foreshadowing: Lee's blackboard drawings foreshadow the final battle.
- Also, the mentions of the Mokujin exhibit throughout the movie.
- While at Lee's mansion, Alisa decides to mimic an attack from a TV show which involves shooting her arms like missiles. She ends up using said attack for real against Heihachi in the final battle.
- Genre Blindness: Jin, did you really think that Heihachi and Kazuya would die just by falling from a very high place?
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Though "good" is a relative thing, Jin's perfected Devil form has wings that are more feathery than Devil Kazuya's batlike ones.
- Half The Woman She Used To Be: Alisa, courtesy of Kazuya.
- Heel Face Turn: Surprisingly, pulled by a hero. Xiaoyu is gangpressed into the service of G Corp by Anna and is only in it because she likes her target, Shin. Then, when Alisa, who's supposed to be her enemy, goes out of her way to save her life, the two decide to investigate on their own why their superiors are targeting Shin.
- Hero Antagonist: Alisa is revealed to be this after Shin gets kidnapped. She later drops the "antagonist" part and sides with Xiaoyu so they can start their own investigation of what their superiors want with Shin.
- Just a Machine: Anna and Kazuya's opinion of Alisa. Xiaoyu does not take this well.
- Kick the Dog: After Jin orders Alisa into standby mode, Kazuya, in Devil form, responds to his coaching her in such a manner by taking the opportunity to stomp her in half.
- Kung Shui: Better hope that castle's insured. Three generations of Mishimas together for a family reunion will not end well.
- Masquerade: A variation: Ganryu expels Xiaoyu from Mishima Polytechnic and transfers her to KIS. When Anna reveals herself and assigns Xiaoyu her mission immediately afterwards, it becomes clear that the whole "expulsion for property damage, bad grades, and [{{[[[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]] a really crappy attitude}}" thing was just a cover for Xiaoyu's new assignment.
- Melee a Trois: The three-way battle between Kazuya, Heihachi, and Jin.
- The Mole: Xiaoyu and Alisa, both for opposing evil corporations. They soon go on their own together to find out what their superiors are really up to.
- Wouldn't that make them Reverse Moles?
- Neutral Female: Xiaoyu turns into one at the end.
- Not So Different: Alisa has a moment of this about Shin, when she and Xiaoyu find out that he also has a sort of unusual body.
- Oh Crap: Xiayou, during her fight with Alisa, once she finds out that her opponent is a robot.
- Shin, when Heihachi shrugs off his punch and proceeds to murder him.
- One-Winged Angel: Naturally, Jin and Kazuya's devil forms; both of whom have been redesigned to represent their true power (also noteworthy for being the first appearance of Jin in control of his devil form). Heihachi also has one, using the power of the Mokujin spirits under the Kyoto castle to transform himself into a giant demon-looking version of himself. He is however held back by said spirits, who are impressed by the bonds between humans (read: Alisa and Xiaoyu), and is defeated by Devil Jin and a wounded Alisa.
- Only In It For The Guy: The only reason why Xiaoyu (unwillingly) serves as a Villain Protagonist for the first half is because the target Anna set her up to capture is a hottie.
- Pet the Dog: Lee offering shelter to Xiaoyu, Alisa and Panda.
- Punch! Uh Oh...: Shin attempts to lay Heihachi out with a powered-up punch to the gut. Heihachi is not amused.
- Qipao: Worn by Xiaoyu at one point, along with Modesty Shorts. Also worn by Anna.
- Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Heihachi is not quite dead. He is most definitely hard to kill.
Heihachi: It feels good to be back. Hiding in the shadows after faking your own death is a bore. In fact, it's downright tedious.
Kazuya: I thought I've thrown you into the depths of Hell.
Heihachi: Ha! If you thought that was enough to kill me, you are gravely mistaken.
- Rides Like Crazy: How we are introduced to Ling Xiayou and Panda in the movie.
- Rocket Punch: Courtesy of Alisa.
- Rule of Cool: Quite possibly sets the bar for future Rule of Cool entries. All sorts of insanity from start to finish, though it goes Up to Eleven when the three Mishimas start going at it (Heihachi actually pulls off a juggle combo during the battle)... and then it gets even crazier once Kazuya and Jin start tapping into the Devil Gene's power.
- Shout-Out: Contains several to various action movies.
- To The Matrix: The first scene is set on a highway with high walls like the car chase scene of The Matrix Reloaded, the first character we see is a woman dressed like Trinity, who rides a motorbike like she did in said scene, and who jumps off the motorbike like Trinity did in the first scene of The Matrix Reloaded.
- To Total Recall: Xiaoyu kicks Alisa in the head after discovering her to be a robot. Alisa's head lands in Xiaoyu's hands, says something and then it explodes.
- To Transformers: The truck we see in the first scene looks like and has the same paint job as Optimus Prime.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: For nearly much of the movie, the story follows Xiaoyu and Alisa as they try to keep tabs on Shin with occasional run ins with Lee and the Williams sisters. Then for the last final act, Heihachi, Kazuya and Jin, who have barely even been in the movie take over by that point for the climax.
- Spy Catsuit: Nina's costume of choice.
- Stalker with a Crush: Alisa, though she might have lied about that to cover the fact that she was gathering intel as well.
- 3D Movie
- Villain Protagonist: Xiaoyu at first, though not by her own volition (she never was with Anna from the start).
- Unwitting Pawn: Anna manipulated her.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Shin.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Anna, who is more extremist than well-intentioned. Her sister Nina is more well-intentioned than extremist and definitely more heroic than her sister, who orders her men to kill Xiaoyu and Alisa in their sleep only to discover that Nina had indirectly helped them flee. And let's not go into the Mishima family's problem with the patriarch.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Holy hell, Heihachi. Torture Rack on Shin.
- Considering his English voice actor, this could count as an Actor Allusion as it visually look similar to GIGANTIC TAGER!
- As Jin Kazama can bear witness, Heihachi has added a German Suplex to his movelist. He also breaks out a Power Bomb From Hell on his grandson as well.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Alisa, since she's wearing her Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion outfit.
- Also, Xiaoyu.
- ↑ of course, basing all of humanity off of a Big Screwed-Up Family isn't exactly the brightest idea