Fairy Tail/Characters/Guilds
This page lists the other official guilds besides Fairy Tail, as well as their prominent members.
- For the members of the Fairy Tail guild, go to Characters
- For the dark guilds, go to Characters/Two
- For everyone else, go to Characters/Three
Phantom Lord
Phantom Lord is the guild that was considered the single most powerful guild in Fiore before Fairy Tail came to prominence. An entire story arc is dedicated to a war that breaks out between the two guilds, which ends with Phantom Lord's defeat and ultimate disbandment for breaking guild rules and starting the war in the first place.
- Five-Bad Band
- Arc Villain: Jose
- The Dragon: Gajeel (fittingly enough)
- The Brute: Aria
- Evil Genius: Totomaru and Sol
- Dark Chick: Juvia
- Heel Face Turn: Juvia, Gajeel and, to a lesser extent, Totomaru
Jose Porla
The master of Phantom Lord, and one of the Ten Wizard Saints. He is Makarov's self-fashioned rival, and is jealous of Fairy Tail's quick rise to fame. Upon learning of Lucy Heartfilia's membership in Fairy Tail, he decides to kidnap her and take control of her family's fortune, waging war against Fairy Tail.
Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (JP), Ed Blaylock (EN)
- Arc Villain: Of the Phantom Lord arc.
- Bad Powers, Bad People: He uses Shade magic, which creates tons of Mooks.
- Beard of Evil
- Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes turn black when he fights Makarov in the anime.
- Casting a Shadow
- Dark Is Evil
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He assumes Fairy Tail is protecting Lucy from him because she is rich.
- Evil Is Petty: Yes, very petty.
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Sorcerer: His greatest flaw is even Pride.
- Green-Eyed Monster: He may deny it, but he is clearly jealous of Fairy Tail's rise to fame.
- Guyliner: Wears purple lipstick
- Noodle Incident: Jose's personal grudge with Makarov began with an event that somehow involved alcohol.
- Obviously Evil: A witch's hat and bat wings are just the start.
- The Rival: To Makarov and Fairy Tail as a whole. Also a Rival Turned Evil, in a sense.
- Smug Snake
Gajeel Redfox
For more information, see New Members
Element 4
A team of four elemental magic specialists with power equivalent to that of Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Theme Naming: Each of them is named after their respective elements, except for Totomaru.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language:
- Odd Name Out: "Totomaru" has nothing to do with fire.
Juvia Lockser
For more information, see New Members
Magic/Weapons: Air Magic, Airspace
The leader of Element 4, also known as "Aria of the Great Sky." He wears a blindfold and constantly cries over everything. He specializes in a form of air magic called Airspace, which allows him to drain his opponents' strength.
Voiced by: Katsui Taira (JP), Chris Rager (EN)
- Blow You Away: Interestingly, Aria's magic isn't so much "wind" as it is "air".
- Curb Stomp Battle: Aria at his strongest was one-shotted by Erza, who was even injured at the time.
- Fat Bastard
- Hellish Pupils
- Nice Hat
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Magic/Weapons:Earth Magic, Sand Magic
A creepy man with a French accent, also known as "Sol of the Great Earth." He is Element 4's earth magic specialist who is able to combine his body with the ground.
Voiced by: Eiji Sekiguchi (JP), Barry Yandell (EN)
- Curb Stomp Battle: Sol is at the wrong end of it when Elfman finally transforms completely.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Averted hard. He is much closer to Nightmare Fuel than Fetish Fuel.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Big time. Okay, breaking the wall where his sister just happened to be held was out of his control. We'll buy that. But then, you proceed to Mind Rape the guy in front of said sister by reminding him of his other sister?!?! You fail. You fail HARD.
- Oh Crap: Yep Sol, that's a full body Take Over for you.
- Smug Snake
- Taken for Granite: Sol's most powerful spell in the anime transforms his opponent in a rock (while additionally forcing said opponent to relive the worst moments of their life for all eternity). Didn't work with Elfman though.
- Training from Hell: Parodied in the anime; after witnessing Elfman's transformation in a huge monster, he affirmed that all that psychological torture he put on him was done in order to unlock his Take Over, just so he could weasel his way out of a beating. It didn't work.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Magic/Weapons:Rainbow Fire, Katana
He is Element 4's fire magic specialist, also known as "Totomaru of the Great Fire." He is able to conjure multi-colored flames that have different properties based on their color.
Voiced by: Daisuke Endou (JP), Justin Cook (EN)
- Chekhov's Gunman: Totomaru becomes Romeo's teacher after the Time Skip.
- Genre Savvy: After watching Natsu eat his fire attack, Totomaru shoots one that smells (and tastes) like burning garbage.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Totomaru has one, just in case his usual method isn't enough. In the anime, Natsu used it to shatter the lacrima he was guarding.
- Playing with Fire: Totomaru shows just how varied fire magic can be, as he claims he has absolute mastery over it.
- Technicolor Fire: Totomaru's magic allows him to wield flames with a variety of effects, each one distinguishable by its color, which he later taught to Romeo.
Blue Pegasus
This guild is mostly made up of pretty boys and women, as well as people who think of themselves as such when they really aren't. Following the Time Skip, they become the third most powerful guild in Fiore.
- The Beautiful Elite: Except Ichiya and Bob.
The master of Blue Pegasus and an old friend of Makarov's. He's a man, by the way.
Voiced by: Hiroki Goto (JP), Antimere Robinson (EN)
- Agent Peacock: He is, after all, a guild master
- Ambiguously Gay
- Beware the Nice Ones: He doesn't get upset very often, but when he does, he can be quite imposing.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Gonk
- I Was Quite a Looker: No, really. Think Hibiki but with dark hair.
- Wings Do Nothing: They're very tiny, too.
Karen Lilica
A famous celestial wizard known to have been cruel to her contracted spirits, which included Aries and Leo. She was killed by Angel of Oración Seis while on a mission.
Voiced by: Chie Sawaguchi (JP), Stephanie Young (EN)
- Alpha Bitch: Has shades of this.
- Asshole Victim: Killed By Angel.
- Berserk Button: Disobeying her.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She's a celebrity in the Fairy Tail world who's admired by many, but she treats her spirits horribly.
- Laser-Guided Karma: treated her Celestial Spirits terribly, killed when essentially defenseless because one of her Celestial spirits wouldn't desummon which also makes her
- Too Dumb to Live, yeah abuse your Spirits, the only thing keeping them in line was one being an Extreme Doormat prompting the other to get his revenge through Loophole Abuse
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Posthumous Character
- Summon Magic
- Walking Swimsuit Scene
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki
The ace of Blue Pegasus. He has a mysterious past with Erza, who would much rather forget about it. He uses perfume magic.
Voiced by: Show Hayami (JP)
- Abhorrent Admirer: To Erza
- Big Brother Mentor: Only to the rest of his team.
- Bishie Sparkle: A major offender, though it's played for humor. Hilariously, even his text bubbles have sparkles.
- In the anime, he actually says "sparkle".
- Catch Phrase: Men!!
- Chivalrous Pervert: Seems to have a crush on Erza.
- Cowardly Lion: Despite avoiding fights and being afraid of everything, he does help out in the end.
- Fan Disservice: His "Power Perfume" beefs him up, but doesn't change that face of his.
- Fiery Redhead
- Gonk: Perhaps the only member of Blue Pegasus other than Master Bob that isn't good looking.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Likes Erza.
- Hulking Out
- Informed Ability: Said by Erza to be the most powerful mage of Blue Pegasus, but he is the only person who gets captured by an enemy guild. Also, when the stats of all competitors of the Magic Tournament were given, his were pitifully low.
- Insistent Terminology: Not that he cares but Lucy, Gray and Happy notices that the rest of the trimens are always calling him something different like "master" or "boss."
- Large Ham
- The Nose Knows: Has a great sense of smell.
- Overly Long Name
- Red Baron: To go along with the others, his name means "One Night".
- Redheaded Hero
- The Medic: At least, he can numb pain with his perfume.
- Super Strength: The only effective thing we see him do is use perfume to drastically strengthen his muscles to destroy the lacrima in Nirvana's legs.
- Ted Baxter
- Verbal Tic: "Men~!"
- Vocal Dissonance: Gonk with Show Hayami's voice.
- Younger Than They Look: 29 years old before the timeskip.
The Tri-men
Ichiya's personal entourage of lady-swooning pretty boys.
- Bishonen: Hibiki and Ren.
- And Eve, after the Time Skip at least.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Gender Blender Name
- Large Ham
Hibiki Lates
A popular wizard ranked high on the "Most Eligible Wizard Bachelors" list in the Sorcerer Weekly magazine. His magic is called Archive, which is pretty much like using a supercomputer.
Voiced by: Takashi Kondo (JP)
- Magitek: His magic deals with this.
- Neural Implanting: He can download coordinates into others' brains.
- Mission Control
- Mr. Fanservice: Said to be the reason why so many women join Blue Pegasus in the first place.
- Non-Action Guy: Since his magic primarily deals with the transfer of information, he acts as The Smart Guy for the entire operation.
- Red Baron: "Hundred Nights".
- Revenge Before Reason: Subverted for when he found that Angel killed his lover Karen, he was almost overtaken by Nirvana.
- Telepathy
- Tsundere: Nice to women, mostly rude to men, like the rest of his team.
- The Worf Effect: Seems very confident and ready for some show during the MPF test... only to score 92, the second lowest score of that day.
Eve Tearm
A recent recruit to Blue Pegasus. He uses snow magic.
Voiced by: Fuyuka Ooura (JP)
- An Ice Person
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Dumb Blond: After the time skip he mistakes Elfman for Wendy, and is quite disapointed.
- Hair of Gold
- He's All Grown Up
- Jail Bait Wait: Decides that Wendy is going to grow up to be a looker.
- Likes Older Women
- Red Baron: "Holy Nights".
Ren Akatsuki
A wizard who uses air magic.
Voiced by: Masaya Matsukaze (JP)
- Ambiguously Brown: Justified: Due to tanning lacrima.
- Blow You Away: Like Aria, his powers are more based on air and space than wind.
- Official Couple/Relationship Reveal: Becomes engaged to Sherry during the timeskip.
- Red Baron: "Hollow Nights".
- Ship Tease: With Sherry "I Love Lyon-sama" Blendy of all people.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tsundere: Just like the rest of his team, though in his case he's like this to everyone, while the others only act 'tsun' towards men.
- Would Hit a Girl: Arania assumes that he won't. He proves her wrong by one-shotting her with a vortex of sand and air.
Jenny Realight
Magic/Weapons: Transformation Magic
A member of who joins in commentary for day one of the Magic Games.
- Combat Commentator
- Designated Girl Fight: Fights against Mira in the fights of the second game, and loses.
- Didn't See That Coming: During the last part of the fight, she makes a bet that the loser will have to get photographed naked, based on the knowledge that both main judges of their swimsuit contest like younger women (like Mira) and the guest judge would like the sales that having Mira naked would give his magazine. However, she didn't take into account that Mira would actually challenge her to a clash of strength, in which Jenny is clearly outmatched. Whoops.
- Flower in Her Hair
- Ms. Fanservice: Used to be Miss Fiore.
- Ocular Gushers: After losing to Mira.
- Stripperiffic: Her battle uniform against Mirajane is part bikini part plate mail.
Lamia Scale
Another prominent guild. A handful of defectors from this guild first appear in the Galuna Island arc. They hold the honor of being the second strongest guild after the Time Skip.
Ooba Babasaama
The master of Lamia Scale, an old, foul-tempered lady.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: During the battle between Ren and Arania she makes a random guy whirl around with her finger.
- Never Mess with Granny: Considering she's the master, she's probably powerful.
- Punny Name: Her name sounds similar to "ooba" and "baba-sama", which are both Japanese for "grandmother."
Lyon Vastia
A former student of Ur alongside Gray. He is an Ice Make wizard but, unlike Gray and Ur, can use his power to create living ice golems. Introduced as the villainous Cold Emperor Lyon, he is obsessed with surpassing his late teacher by resurrecting and defeating Deliora, who Ur sacrificed herself for to seal away. He is eventually beaten by Gray and convinced to move on with his life by joining Lamia Scale.
Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji (JP), Jerry Jewell (EN)—Young Lyon is voiced by: Sayaka Narita (JP), Leah Clark (EN)
- An Ice Person: Has the ability to create creatures out of his ice which move on their own.
- Arc Villain: Of the Galuna Island arc.
- Battle Strip
- Evil Counterpart: To Gray, at first.
- Fake Defector: Pretends to attack Gray to focus Racer's attention on him, so he can get Gray out of Racer's magic field and land a killing blow. It fools even Sherry, his ally.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice: When Racer pulls a Taking You with Me with explosive lacrima, Lyon pulls one of these to save Gray and Sherry. He manages to survive, though.
- Hypocritical Humour: Tells Gray to put a shirt on despite not wearing one himself.
- Love At First Sight: With Juvia, of all people.
- Pretty in Mink: When he is wearing a jacket, anyway. The hood and cuffs are furred.
- Revenge Before Reason: He wishes to destroy Deliora in order to prove that he's better than Ur, later on.
- The Rival: To Gray.
- Shaggy Dog Story: Goes through all the trouble of unsealing Deliora to destroy it himself. When it finally happens, he is dismayed to find that Ur already killed the demon.
- Shirtless Scene: During the fight with Racer.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A light tone.
Sherry Blendy
A young wizard with the power to control non-humans like dolls using her Doll Play magic. She is madly in love with Lyon, and acts as one of his loyal followers to take revenge against Deliora, temporarily leaving Lamia Scale. She later cleans up her act and returns to her guild.
Voiced by: Yuka Iguchi (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Her pet rat Angelica is huge and terror-inspiring—for people other than Natsu and Gray, that is.
- Cat Eared Headband: After the timeskip.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Sherry, though she gets better about it later on.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Went from Girlish Pigtails to Letting Her Hair Down sort of as a coming of age thing.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hoist by His Own Petard: During their battle, Lucy tricked her into taking control of Aquarius, who washed both her and Lucy away with her attack.
- Love Freak: A villainous example at first.
- Love Makes You Evil: Her dark feelings after Lyon's Heroic Sacrifice, combined with Nirvana's Instant Allegiance Artifact powers, nearly send her on a killing spree. She gets better once she sees that Lyon survived.
- Marionette Master: Her Doll Play magic lets her control trees, rocks, and even carpets and celestial spirits
- Official Couple/Relationship Reveal: Becomes engaged to Ren during the timeskip..
- The Rival: To Lucy, though the feeling isn't mutual on Lucy's side.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Well, more of magenta.
- Ship Tease: Mostly with Lyon, but surprisingly also got some with Ren.
- Show Some Leg
- Team Pet: Angelica, Sherry's giant pet mouse.
- Underboobs: Her outfit after the timeskip.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: At the end they admit they were victims of Deliora and were hoping Lyon would be able to defeat it. They crossed the line when they affected and almost killed the demon village inhabiting the island just based on their looks.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Where'd her giant pet rat Angelica go?
- Yandere: After Nirvana takes a hold of her.
Yuka Suzuki & Toby Horhorta
Magic/Weapons:Wave (Yuka), Moon Drip, Paralysis Powder: Mega Jellyfish (Toby)
Yuka is a young man with large eyebrows who can negate magic with magic wave pulses from his hands. Toby is a dimwitted man who dresses and behaves like a dog. They both leave their guild to follow Lyon take revenge against Deliora, but return once they learn the error of their ways.
Yuka is voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Anthony Bowling (EN)
Toby is voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (JP), Chad Halbrook (EN)
- Anti-Magic: Yuka's brand of magic.
- Berserk Button/Hair-Trigger Temper: Toby gets mad rather easily, even though he's usually relaxed to the point of not even speaking properly.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Yuka.
- Dumb Muscle: Toby is...rather dimwitted, though he has bouts of random intelligence when he gets mad. That said, he doesn't really use magic, just poison fingernails, which he's stupid enough to scratch himself with on a reflex.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Toby sometimes gets mad for no apparent reason.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Toby was defeated this way.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Yuka is rather offended that Natsu wouldn't even bother to listen to their tale of woe.
- Sphere of Power: Yuka.
- Too Dumb to Live: Toby is the only guy that Natsu defeated without lifting a finger. Post timeskip, he spent three months searching for a missing sock hanging on his own neck all the time.
- Took a Level in Badass: Yuka actually did fairly well in the Chariot challenge.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: At the end they admit they were victims of Deliora and were hoping Lyon would be able to defeat it. They crossed the line when they affected and almost killed the demon village inhabiting the island just based on their looks.
Jura Neekis
The ace of Lamia Scale, and one of the Ten Wizard Saints. Among other things, he has the power to create indestructible columns of solid rock from the earth.
Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (JP)
- The Ace
- Badass
- Badass Beard: After the timeskip.
- Badass Long Robe: Also after the timeskip.
- Bald of Awesome
- Big Damn Heroes: A few times during the Nirvana arc.
- Chekhov's Gunman: His name was brought up as early as the Galuna Island arc.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Beats Brain silly.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Does Not Like Peas: Because when he was eating some, a worm got into his mouth.
- Gentle Giant
- Humble Hero: He is one of the Ten Wizard Saints, but dismisses it as only a title granted by the Magic Council and states that he is the weakest of the ten. Suffice to say, weakest doesn't mean weak.
- Lantern Jaw of Justice
- Let's Get Dangerous: Jura is hyped as one of the Ten Wizard Saints, but it doesn't really show at the start, which isn't helped by the fact he calls himself the weakest of the group. However, when he faces Brain, he shows exactly why he has that title.
- Red Baron: Iron Rock Jura.
- Simple Staff: He has one, but he is never shown using it.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: His reaction to Hoteye's change.
- Unusual Eyebrows
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Until after the timeskip.
Chelia Blendy
Sherry's cousin.
- Dojikko: Very clumsy.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Love Freak: Though, as she admits herself, not as much as her cousin.
Quatro Cerberus
- Embarrassing Nickname/Fluffy the Terrible: Elfman and Bacchus make a wager during the Grand Magic Games that if Elfman wins, then Quatro Cerberus will be renamed "Quatro Puppy" for the rest of the tournament. Elfman wins.
- Four Is Death/Dark Is Not Evil: Their name can be translated as "Four-Headed Guard Hound", but they're more neutral characters.
- Hot-Blooded
- Testosterone Poisoning: The members in the Magic Games exhibit a heavy dose of this.
The master of Quatro Cerberus and an old friend of Makarov's.
Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP), Steve Summers (EN)
- Collared by Fashion: A spiked dog collar.
- Cool Shades
- Mr. Exposition
- Nice Hat
Magic/Weapons: Palm Magic, Drunken Chop-Hanging Fist
The ace of Quatro Cerberus, equivalent in rank and power to Fairy Tail's S-Class. He had a few brushes with Erza in the past and is something of a rival to her.
- The Alcoholic: Outdrinks CANA!!!!
- Badass
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: "My soul is shaking."
- Charles Atlas Superpower: The guy is obscenely powerful.
- Facial Markings
- Drunken Boxing
- Drunken Master: The more he drinks, the stronger he hits.
- Graceful Loser: Upon losing to Elfman, he calls Elfman a "real man" and collapses with a huge grin on his face. He even takes his guild being renamed "Quatro Puppy" in stride.
- The Hedonist
- Jerkass: He's a bit of a rude pervert, as he takes Cana's bra as a reward after beating her and proclaims that if he wins his battle against Elfman, he'll spend a night alone with both his sisters.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: However, he does seem to have some good traits, such as honestly congratulating Elfman for beating him during their fight, and also being good natured about honoring his bet to rename his guild if he lost.
- Kung Fu Wizard: His magic involves extremely powerful blasts of energy shot from his palms.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Meaningful Name: Bacchus is the Latin name for Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and drunkenness.
- The Rival: Erza's, to an extent.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Magic/Weapons: ???
- Anime Hair
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Collared by Fashion: A spiked dog collar.
- Hotblooded Sideburns
War Cry
Magic/Weapons: Tear Magic
- Meaningful Name
- Nemean Skinning
- Tear Tropes:
- Berserker Tears: Possibly inverted. It's because he cries that he's able to go berserk. Not that we get to see it to know for sure.
- Crocodile Tears
- Inelegant Blubbering
- Ocular Gushers
- Swiss Army Tears
- The Worf Effect
Magic/Weapons: Man Eating Plant (Unnamed)
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Collared by Fashion: A spiked dog collar.
- Man-Eating Plant
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted, he's not a bad guy.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Except he's not a pretty boy.
Magic/Weapons: ???
- Collared by Fashion: A spiked dog collar.
- Expy: He looks like Usopp with that Gag Nose and hairstyle...
- Gag Nose
- The Worf Effect: His magical scores in the M P F test is quite disappointing.
Magic/Weapons: ???
- The Big Guy
- Blade on a Stick: Seems to carry a large spear with him.
- Gonk
- Mighty Glacier: He's yet to fight, but judging by the stats he's given, he's got maxed out offense and defence, but pitifully low speed.
Cait Shelter
A guild whose members are descended from an ancient tribe that developed the ancient magic Nirvana...or so they claim. Most of its members are actually just an illusion created by its master for the sole purpose of caring for Wendy.
Magic/Weapons:Though projection, Nirvana
The master of Cait Shelter. He is actually the ghost of the last remaining member of that tribe, refusing to rest until Nirvana is destroyed.
Voiced by: Kazuya Tatekabe (JP)
- Cool Old Guy
- Dead All Along
- Large Ham: "Nabura!"
- Master of Illusion: Probably the strongest illusionist in the series, since he was able to maintain the illusion of a guild for a full seven years. Jura even comments on this.
Wendy Marvell
For more information, see New Members
For more information, see New Members
A guild that rises through the ranks and dethrones Fairy Tail as the strongest guild in all of Fiore over the Time Skip.
- Anti-Hero: The ones that we've seen enough to guess at their personalities have shown themselves to be rather unpleasant, but as a legal guild who isn't fighting dirty they're still the good guys.
- Bait the Dog: Chapter 281 officially labels them as Type V, when Guild master Jemma forces Yukino to strip before kicking her out, for ONE failure!
- Five-Man Band: The team in the tournament seems to fit so far.
- Mass "Oh Crap": Other than Jemma, everyone seems to get hit with this when Natsu storms their hotel lodging and curbstomps a bunch of their guildmates.
- Second Place Is for Losers: They seem to have an obsession with being number one.
Magic/Weapons: ???
The master of the guild. He is a HUGE believer in the idea that Second Place Is for Losers.
- Badass Boast: "To make skies roar... to make earth boil... to make the seas silent. That is Sabertooth."
- Establishing Character Moment: The first action we see him do was berating the entire guild for losing, then embarrasses Yukino before expelling her. This is all you need to see to get a good summary of him.
- Gag Nose: Despite being pretty large and bulky, he has a surprisingly thin, long nose.
- Jerkass: After throwing a wine glass at Yukino, he then has her strip naked in front of the entire guild before tossing her out, all the while belittling her and calling her trash, not just for the crime of losing but for being pitied by her enemy.[1] What a kind and loving Master.
- Large and In Charge
- Light Is Not Good: Looks kinda like a Buddhist god with his robes, rosary necklace and crown-like hat, but he seems to lack any "good" qualities.
- Made of Iron: Took several Lightning and Fire enhaced attacks from Natsu without any visible injury. Course that could have been to Minerva's intervention
- Prophet Eyes: His eyes are white, round and surrounded by a black shade. They make him look a lot creepier.
- With My Hands Tied: During his fight with Natsu, he only uses his right arm while his left is in his coat and still manages to hold his own.
- You Have Failed Me...: Poor Yukino
Sting Eucliffe
Magic/Weapons:Dragon Slayer (Element unknown)
One of the aces of the Sabertooth guild along with Rogue, they are also known as the Dragon Slayer Duo. Sting is the White Dragon Slayer.
- Anime Hair
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He and Rogue call themselves true Dragon Slayers since they actually killed a dragon. The two also mock Natsu for failing to kill Acnologia despite not knowing the details behind the incident. Nor, you know, having actually seen the dragon in action.
- Arrow Catch: Then he eats it and shoots it back with his breath attack.
- Expy: Sting is incredibly reminiscent of Lucia. He's a blond with a scar by his right eye and a clear rivalry against hero. While not recognized as a wizard saint he his is one of the strongest members of the most powerful guild, and he values strength above relationships. He's just missing the Ax Crazy.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Sting has one on his forehead.
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero: Sting is a darker version.
- Hypocrite: Despite simply giving up when he gets bad motion sickness, Sting still laughs at how weak Yukino was when she got matched against one of the more powerful competitors in the tournament.
- Jerkass: Though he doesn't say it to her face, Sting mocks Yukino's lack of strength and claims that Sabertooth's better without her.
- Opera Gloves
- Self-Made Orphan: He and Rogue killed the dragon who raised them.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Automatically assume that they could beat Acnologia despite never having seen it in action.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Weaksauce Weakness: According to Rogue, all Dragon Slayers suffer from motion sickness.
- Worthy Opponent: After witnessing Natsu's assault on their lodge, he sees him like one.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: According to him and Rogue, they are called "Third Generation" Dragon Slayers due to the fact that they learned magic from a dragon, and also had lacrima placed in their body combining the two variations.
Rogue Cheney
Magic/Weapons:Dragon Slayer (Element unknown)
One of the aces of the Sabertooth guild and the Dragon Slayer Duo along with Sting. He is the Shadow Dragon Slayer.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Slightly on par to Sting.
- Badass Cape
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: After mocking Natsu for what happened on Tenrou Island, revealing he killed the dragon that raised him, and despite simply being a member of Sabertooth, Rogue proves to be a pretty decent person, comforting Frosch and expressing distaste for how Yukino was handled.
- The Lancer: In contrast to the rest of his team's open arrogance, Rogue is more quiet and contemplative. Still just as arrogant, but not nearly as obvious about it.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Self-Made Orphan: He and Sting killed the dragon who raised them.
- The Stoic: Rogue barely ever talks or shows interest in anything.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Token Good Teammate: After Yukino's kicked out, he openly questions whether or not this is how a guild's supposed to be. He then comforts Frosch when the latter starts to question his right to be in the guild.
- And also when Natsu tells Sabertooth to treat its members better, Rogue is the only one shown actually contemplating it.
- Weaksauce Weakness: According to Rogue, all Dragon Slayers suffer from motion sickness.
- When He Smiles: Here.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: According to them, they are called "Third Generation" Dragon Slayers due to the fact that they learned magic from a dragon, and also had lacrima placed in their body combining the two variations.
Lecter & Frosch
Magic/Weapons: Aera (by proxy)
A pair of Exceeds who are teamed up with Sting and Rogue, respectively.
- Bilingual Bonus: Frosch is German for "frog".
- Cats Are Mean
- Deadpan Snarker: Lecter
- In-Series Nickname: Fro
- Jerkass: Lecter is very blunt in his dislike for Happy. Frosch agrees.
- Frogs and Toads: Frosch is dressed in a frog costume.
- Third Person Person: Frosch
- Yes-Man: Frosch, to Lecter.
Yukino Aguria
Magic/Weapons: Celestial Spirits
- Badass Cape: Quite an impressive one.
- Bob Haircut
- Break the Cutie: When she's defeated by Kagura. Happens again when Jemma makes her strip down before kicking her out. "Harsh" is an understatement.
- Captain Ersatz: Bears a bit of a resemblance to Angel.
- Though colored pictures show that her outfit was blue and she actually cares for her spirits.
- The Chick
- Didn't See That Coming: As with Jenny, she made a bet with Kagura, this one on the life of the loser, practically goading her into accepting despite Kagura preferring not to. No sooner then the bet was accepted she was positive she would win the battle easily, what with summoning two Celestial Spirits and a third, ultra-rare one, Ophiuchus. Kagura not only deflected the attacks with ease, but takes down Ophiuchus with not so much a struggle before taking out Yukino. Ouch.
- Fatal Flaw: Not literally fatal but she shares her team's arrogance. She also has no other abilities beyond summoning.
- Flower in Her Hair
- Fluffy Fashion Feathers
- Gravity Screw/Temporary Bulk Change: Libra.
- Idiot Ball: There's absolutely no reason for her to have made that wager against Kagura other than because she could.
- I Gave My Word: Yeah turns out making that bet wasn't the brightest of ideas.
- Infinity+1 Sword: Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac key. It doesn't help.
- Oh Crap: See here.
- Shameful Strip: Victim of it by Jemma, who then ejects her from the guild.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: She was so sure she was going to win that she put her life on the line in a wager with Kagura. The fact that she prompts it so causally from the get go is what makes it disturbing. That she did it during her first match of this nature against an opponent who she's never seen fight makes it downright dumb. Justified considering how Sabertooth is. She wanted to make a good impression.
- Summon Magic: Libra, Pisces and Ophiuchus.
- Token Good Teammate: After her excommunication she goes to Lucy and offer her her two Golden Keys, so that she'll have the complete set. She's also revealed to be quite a nice person after all.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
Orga Nanagear
Magic/Weapons: Black Lightning
- Anime Hair
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Seen in the third day's challenge. While he performed very well in the MPF test, he still was overshadowed. Twice.
- Antagonistic Counterpart: Not really evil, but definitely a counterpart for Laxus.
- The Big Guy
- Dreadful Musician: Invoked purely for laughs. It's because of his terribad singing that he's so popular.
- Shock and Awe
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Rufus Lohr
Magic/Weapons: Memory Make
- Awesome By Analysis: His magic allow him to analyze opponents right down to their heartbeats.
- Badass Long Hair
- Domino Mask
- Doppelganger Spin: His Memory Make magic allows him too make intangible copies of himself.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Nice Hat
- Superpower Lottery
- The Smart Guy
Magic/Weapons: Unknown
- Action Girl
- Badass: One of the top 5 members of Sabertooth.
- Barrier Warrior: Seems to be this, as she blocked Natsu's punch with some colored aura around her hand.
- Braids of Action/Odango
- Daddy's Little Villain: She's Jemma's daughter.
- Lady of War: Her outfit and refined manner suggest this.
- Opera Gloves
- Qipao
- Replacement Goldfish: For Yukino.
- Show Some Leg: Her qipao dress exposes her leg up to her thigh.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Unusual Eyebrows
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She even talks in a very archaic way to boot.
Magic/Weapons: Unknown
- Curb Stomp Battle: Natsu smash him with one punch.
- Elite Mook
- Lightning Bruiser: Shown to be very fast.
- Ninja: His clothing style.
- The Worf Effect: Jemma thinks he's more than a match for Natsu. He's wrong.
Mermaid Heel
An all-female guild that came to be over the Time Skip.
Kagura Mikazuchi
Magic/Weapons: Sword of Hatred "Archenemy", Gravity Magic
- Badass: Effortlessly Curb Stomps Yukino and her Celestial Spirits, including Ophiuchus, who apparently outstrips the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys completely.
- Badass Boast: "Sometimes, mermaids can devour tigers."
- Expy: Of Ikaruga from Senran Kagura, down to appearance and personality, also her namesake. Possibly Erza as well.
- Game Face: Normally appears with a smiling face and closed eyes. She turns much more angry-looking in battle.
- Gravity Screw: Risely taught her a bit. It basically turns Libra into useless baggage during their fight.
- Hair Decorations
- Hime Cut
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: It was capable of dicing Ophiuchus, the supposed strongest Celestial Spirit besides the King, without leaving the scabbard.
- Cherry Tapping: Didn't even need to unsheathe Archenemy to beat Yukino. Lord knows what will happen when she finally does.
- Evil Weapon
- Katanas Are Just Better: Are you surprised?
- Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana: Technically averted, as it's called "nodachi" or longsword if you prefer.
- Person of Mass Destruction: What will apparently happen if the "Archenemy" is ever unsheathed.
- I Gave My Word: And unfortunately, you gave yours, too, Yukino.
- It's Personal: She holds a grudge against Jellal, who evidently "stole everything away from her". She crafted Archenemy for the sole purpose of killing this one target, and plans to only ever unsheathe it when the two come face-to-face.
- Lady of War
- Proper Tights with a Skirt
- Serious Business: Technically it is just a tournament and should be a friendly match. She utterly curbstomps Yukino and states that now her life "belongs to her". It should be noted, however, that it was also Yukino's idea in the first place. Kagura decides to hold her to her promise.
- The Stoic
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Arania Web
Magic/Weapons: Web Magic
- Animal Motifs: Of a spider.
- Anime Hair
- Genre Savvy: Fights Ren thinking that a chivalrous member of Blue Pegasus like him Wouldn't Hit a Girl. Sadly, Ren decides to break the stereotype.
- My Breasts Are Down Here: She has a web motif on each of her boobs. How could you possibly miss them?
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Beth Vanderwood
Magic/Weapons: Carrot Magic
- Braids of Action
- Farmer's Daughter: Seems to have a bit of this trope going on for her—at least visually, with the way she dresses practically in overalls, wears her hair in braids and has a quite innocent look. She even uses carrots as weapons.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hartman Hips
- The Noseless
- Youthful Freckles
Risely Law
Magic/Weapons: Gravity Transformation
- Acrofatic: She does, however turn into a far slimmer and more attractive self after using her powers.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Beautiful Woman: At the very least, she isn't Gonk, and she seems pretty self-confident in general.
- Catch Phrase: "Don't look down on _______!"
- Gravity Screw
- Temporary Bulk Change
Magic/Weapons: Kitty Restraint Tube
For more information, see Fairy Tail.
Raven Tail
A guild formed specifically to rival Fairy Tail. Introduced as a dark guild that acts outside the Balam Alliance, it becomes an official guild over the Time Skip.
- Deliberately Bad Example: Sabertooth doesn't seem so bad compared to these guys, At first.
- Evil Counterpart: To Fairy Tail.
- Evil Is Petty: Considering they seem to want to make Fairy Tail look bad just because Ivan told them too. Yeah, thats pretty petty.
- The Hyena: They are the only ones in the whole stadium who cheer and laugh after Kurohebi tears Toby's sock.
- It's Personal: Towards Fairy Tail. The feeling becomes mutual when Fairy Tail finds out that they attacked Wendy before the games even started.
- Jerkass: A trait, that the guild shares.
- Obviously Evil
- Slasher Smile
- Smug Snake: It's a trait that seems to run strongly in this guild.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: Their basic way of fighting when the tides turn against them.
- Would Hurt a Child: They attacked Wendy as their way of saying hello to Fairy Tail.
Ivan Dreyar
The master and founder of Raven Tail, as well as Makarov's son and Laxus's father. He seeks revenge against his father after being expelled from Fairy Tail for bad behavior.
Voiced by: Masaharu Sato (JP), Bruce Carey (EN)
- Abusive Parents/Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Put Dragon Slayer lacrima in Laxus, which was said to save his sickly body as a child. Then we learn Ivan plans to remove it from his body to sell it when it becomes more powerful as Laxus grows older.
- Bad Boss: He violently beat Flare offstage for her "poor performance" against Lucy. Possibly due to the fact she needed outside help to win.
- Beard of Evil
- Gratuitous Russian: Similar to his dad, "Ivan" is a Russian-sounding name, as is "Alexey".
- Master of Illusion: He uses a magical projection of himself to sit in the rafters while he participates in the Grand Magic Games disguised as Alexey. He also uses illusion magic to trick the entire audience that he is curb-stomping Laxus just so he can have a moment to reveal his plans to his son.
- Oedipus Complex: He is on both sides of this trope.
- Our Souls Are Different: From the little bit seen of his magic, he seems to be able to turn souls into shikigami, which are small pieces of paper.
- Villainous Demotivator
- Would Hit a Girl
The leader of the team of wizards sent out to represent Raven Tail in the Grand Magic Games. He is actually Ivan in disguise.
- Bling Bling Bang: Dressed from top to toe in a gilded armor.
- The Dragon: Appears to be one to Ivan, until he take his helmet off.
- Malevolent Masked Man
- Scary Impractical Armor
- Villainous Demotivator
Magic/Weapons: ???
- Anti-Magic: It appears that he is capable of doing this.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is gray.
- Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes are pitch black, like those of a bird.
- The Evil Genius
- Gag Nose
- Gonk: If he's even a human being! He's certainly very much unlike a normal human.
- Let's Get Dangerous: He's said by his teammates to only fight well when he's forced to be. And until that happens, aside from his Anti-Magic powers, he's pretty weak.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Actually hard to tell because of his mantle, but he seems to have extra arms.
- Nice Hat
- Right Hand Attack Imp: Is shown using a small, black imp to use his magic.
- The Stoic: Nothing can seemingly faze him.
- Not So Stoic: In the last pages of Chapter 285, he sports a rather creepy Slasher Smile.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: He hasn't even fought yet, and he's already done this--attacking Wendy before the competition even started, and draining Lucy's magic just before she can use Urano Metria.
- The Voiceless
- The Worf Effect: An actually justified and willing example: Obra decides to go for an awful performance rather than showing his powers.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And that's one of the least weird-looking things about him.
Flare Corona
Magic/Weapons: Hair Magic
- Absolute Cleavage: It helps that her guild tattoo is on her right breast.
- Animal Motifs: A wolf, apparently, which she can transform her hair into.
- Ax Crazy
- Berserk Button: Hates getting her hair damaged.
- Braids of Action: Though she undos her braids whenever she gets in action.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dark Chick
- Designated Girl Fight: Her first fight in the Grand Magic Tournament is a battle against Lucy.
- Dirty Coward: See Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty below, and tack on the fact that once her teammate saves her as she cringes before Lucy's attack, Flare proceeds to gloat about it as her opponent collapses simply from lack of magical power.
- Evil Redhead
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: An X-shaped scar on her shoulder.
- Ms. Fanservice: Though the general idea is spoiled by that creepy gaze of hers...
- The Nicknamer: She calls Lucy "Blondie."
- Oh Crap: When Lucy's about to throw Urano Metria on her. Very similar to the one she has later when her teammate threatens to beat her again.
- Opera Gloves
- Prehensile Hair
- Shaping Your Attacks: A wolf made out of hair. So well done that it seems more like a living creature than a hair golem.
- Psychopathic Womanchild
- Psychotic Smirk
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: Once Lucy started to gain the advantage, she had to resort to targeting Asuka just to stand a chance. Natsu catches on and destroys the hair, and Lucy resumes to putting a massive load of hurt on Flare even more and is about to use Urano Metria, but Obra drains her magic as she activates it.
- Would Hurt a Child: If her threatening to hurt Asuka is anything to go by.
Magic/Weapons: Mimicry Magic
- Animal Motifs: Snake
- The Comically Serious: After hearing Toby's secret and pointing out the sock around his neck.
- Guyliner: Also wears black lipstick.
- Kick the Dog: Almost literally to Toby. Though considering all he does is tear up a sock... It comes off as more of a Poke the Poodle. However it can also be considered a Establishing Character Moment, as he mentions he loves to take away what people hold dear. No doubt this is a set up for much serious matters down the line.
- Meaningful Name: It translates into "Black Snake", though apparently it's not his real name.
- Power Copying: He used Max's Sand Magic against Toby, though how his power works is yet to be seen.
- Snake People
Magic/Weapons: Pufferfish Magic
- Animal Motifs: A pufferfish. He can grow spikes or bloat his body parts.
- Anime Beard
- Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is purple
- Beard of Evil: Has a double spiked goatee.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Brute: Unlike many examples he's possibly the smallest of his team.
- Evil Cripple: He seems to be hunchbacked.
- Fat Bastard
- Genius Bruiser: Certainly smarter than he looks.
- Gonk
- It's Personal: Technically, the participants to the Hidden event can attack whoever they want. He focuses his attacks almost exclusively on Gray.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Spikes of Villainy: His magic seems to allow him to cover parts of his body in spikes.
- Your Size May Vary: Capable of inflating his body parts at will, like a pufferfish.
- ↑ After one failure mind you