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Fairy Tail/Characters/Three

This is the page for all the other characters of Fairy Tail who aren't part of any official or dark guild.

Magic Council

A major ruling body in the world of magic, the Council is what keeps all the wizard guilds in Fiore in check. For this reason, many of its members have an intense hatred of Fairy Tail for the damages they cause. As the series progresses, the council is manipulated into helping Jellal complete the Tower of Heaven without them knowing, which proves costly for the council's reputation and leads the council to replace most of its members.

  • Berserk Button: Fairy Tail in general.
  • Kill Sat: They own one for their more dangerous enemies.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: A few of them.
  • Oh Crap: Their reaction to the possibility of Zeref's revival.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: A little with the first Council, but definitely with the new one.
  • Out-Gambitted: Their plan to stop Zeref's resurrection fails horribly.
    • It turns out that Zeref was never dead in the first place.
  • Ungrateful Bastards: One of the offenses the new council puts against Fairy Tail is that they stopped Oracion Seis without their consent. Never mind the fact that their forces didn't get there till after FT destroyed Nirvana after it was activated.
    • Granted, had Fairy Tail not been involved Wendy would not have volunteered. Had Wendy not gone to face the Oracion Seis they would not have made her heal Jellal, and had that not happened the Oracion Seis would still have been searching for Nirvana by the time the council arrived. Still, it's not like the council had any way to know all that.


One of the few members of the Magic Council who puts up with Fairy Tail's destructive antics. He is registered as one of the Ten Saint Wizards. "Siegrain" is actually an alias Jellal uses to infiltrate and manipulate the council into helping him complete the Tower of Heaven.

Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Robert McCollum (EN)

Ultear Milkovich

Shitou Yajima

The sixth seat on the council. He is an old friend of Makarov's, and thus one of the few who stick up for Fairy Tail on the council. He retires from the council and opens a restaurant after the other members are tricked by Jellal into helping him complete the Tower of Heaven.

Voiced by: Masafumi Kimura (JP), Steve Powell (EN)


The second seat on the council, and a candidate for Chairman before being manipulated and shamed by Jellal killed his chances. He is the only member of the old council to remain on the new one. He has an intense dislike for Fairy Tail, but gradually rethinks his opinion of them with every heroic act the guild takes.

Voiced by: Daisuke Endou (JP), Greg Dulcie (EN)


Head of the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit of the reformed Magic Council. Whenever wizards who prove to be a major threat to the peace are present, he is usually there to arrest them.

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hayami (JP)

Dranbalt / Mest Gryder

Head of a division of the Rune Knights, the Magic Council's military force. He infiltrates the guild to dig up dirt on Fairy Tail to disband the guild by using memory-altering magic to disguise himself as Mystogan's disciple.

Voiced by: Shuuhei Sakuguchi (JP)

  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Becoming the Mask: Was very disturbed by the fact that the Council would most likely use their Kill Sat again, this time to eliminate what have been called the three biggest threats: Zeref, Grimoire Heart, and...Fairy Tail. And lo and behold, he finally breaks from the council and goes back to Fairy Tail to warn them of the danger.
    • Debatable: His intention was to disband Fairy Tail. He never wanted to kill any of them.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Later revealed to be an act. He's actually more like an Only Sane Man.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
  • Fake Memories: He rewrites the memories of every member of Fairy Tail present during the S-class trail, including Makarov's.
  • Heel Face Turn: When he hears about yet another threat to Fairy Tail on the island, that does it; he steals the crystal ball before Lahar can make the call to the council, and goes to Fairy Tail to offer egress from the island.
  • The Mole: He pretends to be a member of Fairy Tail to dig up dirt on it.
  • Only Sane Man: For both Fairy Tail, opposing their reckless charge on Hades and recommending a sensible retreat, and for the council by rejecting the possibility of obliterating Fairy Tail.
  • Pet the Dog: Saving Wendy from Azuma's attack. This goes a long way, considering he was approaching Memetic Molester status in regards to her. There's also his objections to the possibility of the Council firing Etherion on the island the S-Class Trial is held.
  • Red Herring: We are first led to believe that he is a newly-introduced member of Fairy Tail, and then given heavy hinting that he's a dark wizard working for Grimoire Heart to revive Zeref. It turns out, though, that he's just a member of the Magic Council who now has plans to get dirt on Fairy Tail, expose that they're hiding Zeref, and get rid of Grimoire Heart at the same time. Still bad for our protagonists though...
    • Word of God says that he really was considering making him a member of either Fairy Tail, Grimoire Heart, or even Tartaros before deciding to make him a council agent.
  • Remember the New Guy?: His debut in the manga is the same chapter, nay, the same page his candidacy was announced. It turns out that he really is a new guy, and he's just using magic to make everyone in the guild "remember" him.
  • Teleportation: One of his magics.
  • Tomato Surprise
  • X Marks the Hero: Or not.

Gran Doma

The new chairman of the reformed Magic Council. He runs the council with an iron fist, and has absolutely no tolerance for Fairy Tail.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Shirokuma (JP)

Crime Sorcière (SPOILERS)

An independent wizard guild that's neither official nor dark, making them perfect for taking down dark guilds under the Magic Council's radar following the time skip. It is made up of only three members, each of them a former villain who wants to atone for their actions.

Jellal Fernandes

A childhood friend of Erza's. Once a slave in the Tower of Heaven, he was corrupted by Ultear into becoming a servant of Zeref. Acting as a member of the Magic Council, he sets in motion a plot to revive the black wizard, but is defeated by Natsu and Erza. He returns without his memories after being revived by Oracion Seis, but decides to atone for his past actions and dedicates himself to suppressing evil wizards wherever he finds them.

Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Robert McCollum (EN), Terri Doty (EN - young)

  • Actor Allusion: Azuma mentions that he walks the path of nihilism.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: He gets a moment to wallow in Angst after being called out by Erza when they meet up during the Nirvana arc.
  • Arc Villain: Of the Tower of Heaven arc. Though he's being manipulated.
  • Bad Liar: According to Erza, he has always been a terrible liar.
    • Though he seems to have been rather skilled at lying during his eight years at the tower, considering that he was able to convince the council not only of his good nature but that they needed to fire etherion, faked being under control to keep Erza from killing him, tricked her into believing he had a twin, and got everyone that Erza knew as a child to believe Erza had gone mad with power.
  • Badass Longcoat: In the Nirvana arc. Sure he went from shirtless to fully clothed, but at least he looked dang good in it!
  • Beleaguered Childhood Friend: Sometimes is this for Erza.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy
  • Broken Aesop: Want to save your friend from unspeakable acts? Run and save her. You'll succeed, but you'll be tortured and end up Brainwashed and Crazy. Then you'll enslave all of your other friends, murder at least one of them, and try to resurrect the most terrible wizard ever. Then someone who is better at the shounen archetype punches you in the face, freeing you from your insanity.
  • Captain Ersatz: The average Rave Master fan will take one look at him and say "Holy crap! It's Sieg Hart!" There's absolutely no physical difference between the two, and he even has similarly-named spells and occasionally makes the same two-finger gesture Sieg always did when using his magic. It's supposedly just Fan Service though...
  • The Chessmaster: During the Tower of Heaven arc. He even had a chess board to represent the characters.
  • The Comically Serious: He joins Fairy Tail's B team and when Erza calls him, he tells her to shush.
  • Cover-Blowing Superpower: Defied by Urtear.
  • Dark Is Evil: When Jellal was casting Altairis, Natsu said the magic in the atmosphere was making him sick.
  • Deader Than Dead: Had this happen to him at the end of his arc. He came back anyways.
  • Death Seeker: Carries this tendency after being told of his villainous deeds by Erza. It's usually Erza's duty to snap him out of it.
  • Evil Gloating: Mocked Simon's death. Natsu's response was to punch him in the face.
  • Facial Marking: Has a pretty Badass tattoo around his right eye.
  • Fallen Hero: His childhood personality is actually the most hero-like of any character. Unfortunately for everyone, It Got Worse.
    • Made even more tragic when you realize that what he lost were any true semblance of freedom and a lifetime of happiness with Erza.
  • Guest Star Party Member: Of Fairy Tail's B team.
  • Heel Face Revolving Door: Starting with Chapter 138, it's easier to predict who will end up with who than which side Jellal is going to be on in three pages. Granted, he doesn't switch sides nearly as often as he seems to.
    • Finally ends up with what appears to be a permanent Heel Face Turn after the time skip.
    • Confirmed to be a face by Mavis Vermillion.
  • Hero-Killer: The only one in the series so far to have killed a named heroic character outside of a flashback.
  • Interrupted Suicide: After he casts a self-destruction spell on Nirvana, he casts the same one on himself. It took time to work though, and Erza talked him out of it.
  • Gambit Roulette: His plan to revive Zeref included using his psychic projection as one of the Council members to manipulate them into firing Aetherion and then having the R System, the titular Tower of Heaven, absorb the enormous energy, which would provide enough to commence the ritual. Seriously, did Light Yagami teach him or something?
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: After his reunion with Erza, he makes up a story about a fiancée so she'll give up on him because he believes he has no right to fall in love with someone who "walks in the light" and he only wishes for Erza to be happy.
  • Kissing Discretion Shot: He maybe kisses Erza after the timeskip, or was about to before he changes his mind, making it an Almost Kiss instead.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While the preceding Phantom Lord arc might have been the first to shift the series to Darker and Edgier overtones, Jellal remains the only villain to conclusively kill a heroic character outside of a flashback.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: In the Nirvana arc. He gets his memories back over time, though.
  • Light'Em Up: His primary magic is Heavenly Body Magic, which revolves around astronomical objects, but he also has spells that produce beams of light and can surround himself with light to achieve Super Speeds.
  • Made a Slave: Some fans consider it an ironic Tear Jerker that the only time he was truly free was when he didn't know the value of it.
  • Meaningful Name: "Jellal" is a verbal variation of the Arabic word (Jalal) for "greatness".
  • The Messiah: Saw himself as this...
  • Mistaken Identity: Wendy "remembers" the time he saved her life, but it was actually Mystogan.
    • Which makes it particularly sad if you recall that Jellal was happy to have learned he supposedly saved someone, in spite of all the pain he caused...
    • Chekhov's Gun: Later joins Fairy Tail B team dressed as Mystogan.
  • Mr. Fanservice: There's actually a reason for this picture [dead link] but still, NICE!! Sadly, when that scene was finally animated, he had a T-shirt on...
    • Overall he seems to be acknowledged both in and out of universe as one of the more attractive guys, particularly after he loses the crazy. At any rate the mangaka really likes drawing him.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After getting amnesia and being told by a very pissed off Erza about his past deeds.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His Abyss Break and Self destruction spell.
  • Really Dead Montage: Except since they Never Found the Body, he gets to come back.
  • Redemption Equals Death: They pull this on him twice, and he's still alive, too.
  • Reformed but Rejected: After developing amnesia and deciding he was a good guy, it takes several chapters to convince Erza he's on her side, and being shot in the gut to convince Natsu to accept a power-up from him. After helping save the day he's promptly arrested.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Since his magic lets him move fast enough to outpace even Natsu's keen senses, but when not activated he rather spectacularly fails to dodge an attack of Erza's, there's probably a sharp increase in reaction time involved in the "Meteor" spell.
  • Ship Tease: He gets so much with Erza that even after personally trying to sink the ship they're still the most strongly hinted couple.
  • Shirtless Scene: During the Tower of Heaven arc his shirt is destroyed. When he wakes up he's still half naked.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Turns out that the key Grimore Heart went after while he was running rampant did nothing. He spent eight years as a puppet and was doomed to stay in prison with a death sentence so he could be a momentary diversion for gathering a useless trinket. Ouch.
  • Slasher Smile: For pretty much for the entirety of the Tower of Heaven arc.
  • Slouch of Villainy
  • The Smart Guy: On Fairy Tail's B Team in the Tournament Arc, disguised as Mystogan.
  • Soap Opera: In Jellal alone we have clones, a twin (for a short period of time), the mysterious look-alike, brainwashing, a coma, and amnesia. There's also the convoluted relationship with Erza. How about you just take a shot every time he pops up with yet another common Soap Opera plot?
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Before the official Del-Rey translation, everyone though his name was "Gerard".
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Apparently, with Erza.
  • Start of Darkness: He was a child slave who was brainwashed in a single moment of weakness.
  • Superpower Lottery: His magic can make black holes!
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend
  • Unwitting Pawn: Ultear's before his Heel Face Turn.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: See below.
  • Vigilante Man: Becomes this after the time skip. He forms Crime Sorcière (whose only other members are Ultear and Meldy) that purposely deals with and eliminates dark guilds (an act prohibited by the Magic Council). Also, he's on the hunt for Zeref.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The reason he was trying to revive Zeref was because he thought it would create a world where everyone could be free.
    • IF by free you mean he had total control and no one else in the world would have free will, because he believed that the only way to grant people freedom was to take it away.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He's trying to bring back Black Wizard Zeref and is willing to kill just about anyone who tries to stop him with power that got him counted as one of the Ten Wizard Saints (oh, and it was Siegrain who qualified, who Jellal made appear more real by giving half his power to). All because he spent his entire childhood as a slave and someone came up to him and said "Hey, want to make sure that you never go through this again?"
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Ultear Milkovich[1]

A former member of Grimoire Heart and leader of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. She uses the Arc of Time, which gives her control over time for inanimate objects. She is also the daughter of Ur, who she initially believes to have abandoned her. She manipulates a good number of villains throughout the series (Lyon, Jellal, and even Hades) to achieve what she wants. After finally realizing the truth of her abandonment, however, she turns over a new leaf.

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Lydia Mackay (EN)

Siegrain: That certainly is a Delayed Reaction!

  • An Ice Person
  • Bare Your Midriff: Thanks to Clothing Damage
  • Berserk Button: Being called "Ur". No doubt this is connected to her disdain for her mother.
  • Broken Ace: She's beautiful, intelligent, and very powerful with several magical disciplines under her belt. She's also a bitch with Mommy Issues.
  • Broken Bird
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
  • Clothing Damage
  • Cool Big Sis / Onee-Sama: For Meldy apparently.
  • Crystal Ball: Also her weapon of choice.
  • Dark Action Girl: She played pinball with Natsu's head.
  • Detached Sleeves
  • The Dragon: Every time we see her, she's working for some new Arc Villain trying to bring back Zeref or one of his creations.
  • Easily Forgiven: Subverted. The reason Meldy forgave her was thanks to her "emotional connection", letting her know how devastated she was from her action and her honest love she had for her. The fact that she tried to kill herself before letting Meldy "stain her hands" also helped.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Ultear went from the Miko-like costume she wore as a member of the Magic Council to her current Stripperific outfit when it was revealed that she was the one manipulating Jellal. After the time skip, she has a somewhat more modest fashion statement.
  • Evil Gloating: Tried it on Gray. His response was to punch her in the face.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Her clothes cling to her body rather well, and in just the right ways.
  • Freudian Excuse: The reason why she so hateful to her mother and is doing what she doing. She thought she had been abandoned by her mother after seeing her with Gray and Lyon; in truth she was kidnapped and Ur was told she was killed. She also trying to create the Great World of Magic so she can go back in time and be with her mother again.
  • Furo Scene: In the manga, after Jellal was defeated, we are treated to a scene of Ultear taking a bath, talking to the one really pulling the strings.
  • Ghost Memory: After she falls into the ocean while fighting Gray, Ultear experiences Ur's memories since Ur's body was turned into water and drifted out to sea. This finally allows Ultear to realize that she was never abandoned in the first place, and just how much Ur cherished her.
  • Giant Waist Ribbon: To help show off the hips.
  • Going Commando: Her dress' leg slit is high enough to tell she's not wearing anything under there.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Later gets on in the shape of an X
  • Green Thumb: Just a part of what she can do with her time magic.
  • Heel Face Turn: After finally cluing in that she was loved by her mother all along, Ultear helps Fairy Tail defeat Hades by restoring the destroyed Tenrou Island, and Fairy Tail's magic along with it. She later joins Crime Sorcière.
  • Hair Decorations: There's an emerging pattern here.
  • Hime Cut: When she used to dress similar to a Miko before she changed her outfit to the Evil Is Sexy one.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her weapon of choice is a Crystal Ball.
  • Interrupted Suicide: She tries killing herself to avoid having Meldy stain her hands by killing her in revenge for destroying her town, but Meldy saves her.
  • Lady of War: She may be a bitch, but damn if she isn't beautiful doing it.
  • Leotard of Power: Her new attire after the Time Skip
  • Love Redeems: Both her genuine love for her mother and Meldy change her for the better.
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • Meaningful Name: Ur named her "Ultear" because she was so overwhelmed with happiness at Ultear's birth that she cried tears of joy. It's for this reason that some people insist Ur should be named "Ul."
    • Let's not try to elaborate on the possible meaning of Milkovitch...
  • Mommy Issues
  • Morality Pet: As a corollary to her Jerkass Woobie status, she has one in Meldy.
  • Nice Shoes
  • Parental Abandonment: Played with. Ultear was taken by Ur to a magical research lab because she had too much magical power in her body and it was killing her. The lab people, being less than moral, told Ur that Ultear died, then continued their cruel research on the girl. When she managed to escape, she saw Ur together with Gray and Lyon and assumed that she was abandoned and replaced by her mother, leading her aspirations to go back in time to before she hated Ur and reclaim the happiness she thought she was denied. What she failed to realize was that her mother thought she was dead. We have no idea who her father is or what happened to him, though.
  • Parental Substitute: To Meldy.
  • Pet the Dog: Randomly restores the village of Galuna Island with her time magic after it is destroyed. Even Jellal points it out.
    • Also, she spared Meldy as a child and treats her fairly kindly.
    • Gets another one to Meldy in chapter 239. Once she has Zeref she declares Hades "expendable", but goes out of her way to collect Meldy so she can come with her.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Not to the extent of being covered in jewels, but it's pretty fancy. In the manga it's even animal print.
  • Pinball Projectile: Her preferred method of fighting.
  • Poor Communication Kills: If what she says is true about escaping the lab the first time, her whole dilemma would've been solved if she had bothered to actually reveal herself to Ur instead of assuming everything.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Her primary goal, although in this case what is "wrong" is her relationship with her mother.
    • This gets her into trouble later when she decides that since she's going to fix the past anyway, she has carte blanche to do whatever evil acts necessary to get there since those actions would also be set right via time travel.
  • Power Perversion Potential: There's not exactly anything stopping her from aging her opponents' clothes out of existence...
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
  • Sensual Spandex: She uses it to sprout Time Arc bubbles. And yes, it looks amazing.
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: Some of her outfits. Her guild symbol is on her back as well for extra fetish points.
    • Her new scar don't make it any less appealing
  • Shape Shifter: She is quite proficient with transformation magic, though not to the point that she can fool a Dragon Slayer's nose.
  • She's Got Legs: Long, sleek, and toned. She almost always has one of them bared to mid thigh at a minimum.
  • Showgirl Skirt
  • Show Some Leg: Her dress has a slit that goes all the way up to her hip.
  • Sideboob: Because Absolute Cleavage just isn't enough.
  • Slave Collar: Wears what looks like a belt around her neck both before and after her costume change. Ironic once you learn of her past...
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Because they spelled her mother's name as "Ur," the FUNimation dub makes sure not to waste the meaning of her name (Ur's tear) and calls her "Urtear."
  • Superpower Lottery: She can control time, after all.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Tears of Remorse: Sheds them upon learning the truth about her "abandonment."
  • Time Master: Her primary magic, the Arc of Time, lets her rewind, slow down, fast forward, or completely stop the "time" of an object. It's useless on people though, like so many other spells in this setting that would be completely broken otherwise.
  • Yandere: Appears to be one for Zeref.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: She didn't say it to Jellal's face, but she did admit as much to Hades, her guild master.
    • Subverted later for she broke him out of jail.
    • And now it even applies to Hades himself, as shown when she tried to get Gray to kill him.
  • Vapor Wear: Seriously, hasn't [2] heard of a bra?
  • The Woman Behind The Man: For Lyon and Jellal. There is a Man behind her.
  • Woman in White: Before her costume change.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A


Another former member of Grimoire Heart's Seven Kin. She has power over people's physical and emotional senses using her Maguilty Sense magic. She's been very attached to Ultear ever since she saved her from her destroyed hometown, which Ultear ironically destroyed without Meldy knowing. Even after learning the truth, her love for Ultear leads her to leave Grimoire Heart with her.

Voiced by: Saori Goto (JP)

Tower of Heaven

A structure constructed by a cult of evil wizards for the purpose of resurrecting the black wizard Zeref. It was made using slave labor, among the slaves being Erza and Jellal. After being corrupted by a being claiming to be the spirit of Zeref, however, Jellal took over construction of the tower.

Jellal Fernandes

Erza's old friends

A group of slaves in the Tower of Heaven who befriended Erza and Jellal as children. They were turned against Erza by Jellal, who they assist in building the tower as workers with benefits rather than slaves.

  • Heel Realization: Simon realized it for the others longer than they do.
  • Made a Slave
  • More Than Mind Control: Jellal tells them that Erza has gone mad with her newfound magical power and tried leading them into a trap, and keeps feeding them lies for years to ensure they remain faithful to him. The English dub tweaks things a bit by saying that Jellal ensured their loyalty with a mind control spell that only works after tricking them all the same (which Simon resists thanks to the The Power of Trust), making more sense out of their almost insane hostility towards Erza despite their earlier love for her, and their swift return to their original friendliness once they realize they were being manipulated.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: To Jellal during the Tower of Heaven arc.
  • True Companions: They were this to Erza as a child.
  • What Could Have Been: They were meant to have a much larger role in the arc and even fight Team Natsu, but Word of God says he felt so bad about them while writing their past that he gave them all a Heel Face Turn and created the Trinity Raven.


A young man who uses card magic. He views Erza as an older sister even when he believes she had betrayed them.

Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP), Greg Ayres (EN)


A large man with a missing jaw who uses shadow magic. He has a long-standing crush on Erza, and is the only one of her friends who doesn't believe Jellal's lies of her betrayal.

Voiced by: Yasuyuki Kase (JP), J Michael Tatum (EN), Kim Foster (EN - young)

Wally Buchanan

A gunslinging man who can separate his angular body into blocks.

Voiced by: Kazuya Ichijo (JP), Chris Cason (EN)
Young Wally is voiced by: Kazuya Ichijo (JP), Shelley Osterberger (EN)


A girl who has an unhealthy obsession with cats. Over the time skip she joins Mermaid Heel.

Voiced by: Yukiyo Fujii (JP), Alexis Tipton (EN)

Trinity Raven

A trio of assassins from the Death Head's Caucus guild. They replace Erza's friends as Jellal's minions once the others switch sides.

  • Animal Theme Naming: They're all named after birds: "Ikaruga" is a Japanese grosbeak, "Fukurou" is a type of owl, and Vidaldus's last name, "Taka," is Japanese for "hawk".
  • Blood Knight: Vidaldus' the Ax Crazy type, Fukuro's the one with the facade of justice and Ikaruga's the more reserved type.
  • Career Killers: They are group of assassins who participate in killing of others.
  • Fusion Dance: Either they commonly inhabit Vidaldus' body for the majority of the time, or they are summoned when he activates his power.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: Quirky, but deadly.
  • Spared By Adaptation: Implied to have died when the Tower falls apart in the manga (what with all the debris), but manage to escape in the anime


The leader of Trinity Raven who wears a kimono and speaks in haiku. She possesses a sword that can cut through anything.

Voiced by: Naomi Shindo (JP), Jennifer Seman (EN)

Vidaldus Taka

Introduced as Jellal's stoic personal attendant, he reveals himself as a hyperactive punk rocker with hair that can absorb liquid.

Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Mike McFarland (EN)


A large man with an owl's head and a jetpack, with a very warped view of justice who can eat people to absorb their power.

Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP), Daniel Penz (EN)


A former member of Fairy Tail and an old friend of Makarov's. He taught Erza everything there was to know about Fairy Tail, and sacrificed himself to protect her during an escape attempt.

Unknown (JP), Grant James (EN)


A world parallel to Earthland (where the bulk of the series takes place). It is inhabited entirely by counterparts of characters throughout the series. However, magic is limited in Edolas and treated as a precious resource.

  • Acting for Two
  • Bizarro Universe
  • Not So Different: Although superficially the Edolas counterparts seem to be completely different than the Earthland ones, it turns out they are really quite similar. We see this most prominently with Lucy, Jellal, Erza, and Gajeel, and then with Fairy Tail as a whole.


The king of Edolas, and Mystogan's father. He is obsessed with bestowing an infinite supply of magic on his kingdom, and tries to do so by stealing magic from Earthland through interdimensional portals that transform wizards into lacrima.

Voiced by: Shinpachi Tsuji (JP)

Edolas Royal Army

Faust's court responsible for upholding the law in Edolas.


For more information, see New Members

Erza Knightwalker

Erza's Edolas counterpart, and Captain of the Second Magic War Division in the Edolas Royal Army. She has hunted down a great number of magic guilds in Edolas.

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP)


Captain of the Third Magic War Division in the Edolas Royal Army.

Voiced by: Eiji Miyashita (JP)

Sugar Boy

Captain of the Fourth Magic War Division in the Edolas Royal Army.

Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP)


Chief of Staff of the Edolas Royal Army.

Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (JP)


Assistant Chief of Staff in the Edolas Royal Army.

Voiced by: Rie Murakawa (JP)

  • Animal Motifs: Has the appearance of a dog and her constant running around is often compared to an excitable puppy.
  • Blush Sticker
  • Break the Cutie: She protest when she finds out Faust plans to sacrifice Pantherlily for his own ends. Faust response is to fry her legs.
  • Does Not Like Shoes
  • Easily Forgiven: Unlike her fellow Royal Army companions, who are sentenced to help rebuild the city destroyed by their actions, Coco is let off the hook without so much as a slap on the wrist by Mystogan in the anime adaptation, mainly due to her early Heel Face Turn.
  • Foot Focus: Especially when Faust shoots her in the legs.
  • Genki Girl: Has a tendency to run around the room when she's talking to people, shouting as she does it.
  • Heel Face Turn: With a dash of Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal (way to go there, Faust and Byro). She loves her friends more then sacrificing them for eternal magic. She agrees to give the key that powers the weapon to destroy Magnolia Town's lachryma to Lucy after Lucy saves her life from Byro. And later comes to help the group flee from the Edolas army.
  • Human Hummingbird
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: She's just as afraid that the loss of magic in Edolas will lead to the death of their world as anyone else, but she also loves her companions, especially Pantherlily. So when she learns that Lily will be killed as part of her king's plan to achieve eternal magic, she's understandably torn between living without her friend and dying happily with him.
  • Nice Hat
  • Perky Female Minion: Before turning.

Edolas Fairy Tail

A Bizarro Universe version of Fairy Tail exists in Edolas as a dark guild since the use of magic outside the capital was outlawed in Edolas. It is constantly on the run, and the only magic guild left standing in Edolas.

Natsu Dragion

Natsu's Edolas counterpart. Unlike his Earthland self, this Natsu shines while riding vehicles, and is Fairy Tail's transportation expert. Once he steps out of a vehicle, however, he turns into a sniveling coward.

Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (JP)

Lucy Ashley

Lucy's Edolas counterpart. She's tough-as-nails and masculine, and garners a lot of respect in her guild through intimidation. She's also fierce rivals with Edo!Levy.

Voiced by: Aya Hirano (JP)

Gray Sorouge

Gray's Edolas counterpart. He wears layers upon layers of clothing, and has a very one-sided attraction to Edo!Juvia.

Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura (JP)

Other members


A race of winged cat-like creatures from Edolas, and the species Happy and Carla come from. They live in the floating island city of Extalia and are revered by the humans of Edolas as holy beings due to their ability to contain magic in their bodies, which humans from Edolas cannot do. This is really just a story fabricated by the rulers of Extalia to hide their race's weakness and keep them from being bullied. The entire Exceed race is sent to Earthland together with the magic power stored in Edolas.

Tropes Shared between the Exceeds


The ruler of Extalia and queen of the Exceeds, revered as a god in Edolas. However, her divinity is just a ruse to keep the humans of Edolas in check. She is also Carla's mother.

Voiced by: Yui Horie (JP)


Captain of Extalia's Imperial Army. He is Ichiya's Edolas counterpart, despite being an Exceed.

Voiced by: Show Hayami (JP)


Extalia's long-necked Minister of State. He was in charge of the program that sent Happy and Carla to Earthland.

Voiced by: Kazuma Horie (JP)

  • Cats Are Mean: He claims to kill humans on command, but this is just a lie to keep humans in check which, considering Faust, is not that bad of an idea. Even his "plan" to send Exceeds to Earthland in order to kill Dragon Slayers is a lie. All in all, he's a pretty nice guy.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He smiles cheerfully while talking about how humans are inferior and how the Exceeds kill them when their population grows too much. Of course, this is just part of the Jerkass Facade.
  • Going Through the Motions: For some reason he just doesn't stop pumping his right fist into the air. It's so contagious that Team Natsu picked it up temporarily.
  • Jerkass Facade: He pretends to be an arrogant bastard who looks down on humans and wants to kill humans, just so he can maintain peace among his people.
  • Only Sane Man: Given how he's one of the few Exceeds to know the truth about the queen, he's also the first one to realize Wendy and Carla are telling the truth when they say that the humans are rebelling against them.
  • Smug Snake: Subverted.

Lucky & Marl

A pair of Exceed farmers who shelter Happy and Carla while they're on the run in Edolas. They are Happy's parents, unbeknownst to him.

Lucky is voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP)
Marl is voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP)


Dragons in Fairy Tail are rarely seen by human beings, and are thus considered mythical creatures. However, they have existed since ancient times. Three dragons—Igneel, Metalicana, and Grandine[3]—took in three human children—Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy, respectively—and taught them the ways of Dragon Slayer magic before mysteriously disappearing.


The Fire Dragon, is a typical western dragon with red scales. He's Natsu's foster father, as well aw the one who taught him the Dragon Slayer magic and gave him the scaled scarf. Disappeared mysteriously, but shown to be still alive in volume 13.

voiced by: Hidekatsu Shibata (JP), Bob Magruder (EN)


The Iron Dragon who raised Gajeel. Not much is known about him.


The Sky Dragon who raised Wendy. She's the only female dragon so far. She also has an Edoras double in the form of Porlyusica.

voiced by: Shoko Tsuda (JP), Pam Dougherty (EN)


The Black Dragon who flies around the world, bringing destruction to wherever dark thoughts gather.

Celestial Spirits

Celestial spirits are beings from another world who are summoned specifically by celestial wizards such as Lucy using a set of magic keys (called Gatekeys) to summon them.

Celestial Spirit King

Exactly What It Says on the Tin.

Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (JP), Cole Brown (EN)

Silver Keys

Spirits who are summoned using common silver keys are not typically summoned for combat purposes, but are rather done for casual reasons.


The Harp. She is typically summoned for her phenominal singing voice.

Voiced by: Megumi Nakajima (JP), Kristin Sutton (EN)

Nicola / Plue

The spirit of Canis Minor. This is a popular "dog"-like spirit who celestial wizards like to summon as pets.

Voiced by: Saori Goto (JP), Majken Bullard (EN)


The Southern Cross. This cross-shaped spirit has an encyclopedic knowledge of celestial spirits and their owners, which he searches for by sleeping.

Voiced by: Masafumi Kimura (JP), Bill Flynn (EN)

  • Cool Old Guy: Has the ability to gather information on other celestial spirits and their owners by sleeping.


The Clock. He is a large, talking grandfather clock who Lucy tends to summon to use as shelter from hazardous environments.

Voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Ben Bryant (EN)

  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Lucy from the collapsing Nirvana and from being sucked through the Anima, and Wendy from one of Hades's attacks.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: His ability to conceal people inside his body comes in handy (see above).
  • Verbal Tic: "...he/she says." Justified in that the inside of his body is totally soundproof, and he must relay the words of whatever people say inside him to everyone else.
    • The English dub takes this a step further: he not only says what people say, but how they say it, such as "...he/she yells furiously" or "...he/she asks tearfully," just to make good with the lip-locking.


The Chisel. It is one of Angel's contracted spirits that acts more like a weapon than a sentient being.


The Compass. He is a large penguin with a compass on top of his head.

Zodiac Keys

Golden Zodiac keys are much rarer than their silver counterparts, and can be used to summon one of the twelve spirits of the Zodiac. Incidentally, all the gold keys introduced in the series come into Lucy's possession.


The Ram.

Voiced by: Sayaka Narita (JP), Didi Duron (EN)


The Golden Bull.

Voiced by: Eiji Sekiguchi (JP), Jeremy Inman (EN)


The Twins.

Gemi is voiced by: Yukiyo Fujii (JP)
Mini is voiced by: Kanami Satou (JP)


The Giant Crab.

Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP), Will Short (EN)


The Lion. He is the true identity of Loke. For more information, see Other Members.

Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (JP) Eric Vale (EN)


The Maiden.

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP) Terri Doty (EN)


The Scorpion.

Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (JP)


The Horseman.

Voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Wilbur Penn (EN)

  • The Archer
  • Captain Obvious
  • Expressive Mask: The horse part reaction also changes according to the situation
  • Literal-Minded / Genius Ditz: Possibly a combination of the two of these, or at least an innocent version of the first. When asked if he could produce fire for Natsu, he stated that he could not. Only later did he realize that the issue at hand was if fire could be produced. Granted, it's partly a case of Poor Communication Kills, but it seems like a weird thing to distinguish.
    • Considering there was a fight going on, it's logical to assume he thought Lucy was asking him to shoot fire, which he can't do.
  • Verbal Tic: "Moshi, moshi!" (Hello, hello)
    • In the Funimation dub, he just says a multitude of weird-sounding greetings, goodbyes, and conjunctions. ("Yes sir-ee!" "See you later, alligator.")


The Goat.

Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda (JP)


The Water Bearer.

Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (JP) Jessica Cavanagh (EN)

  • Action Girl: Usually whenever Aquarius shows up, someone's about to get hurt. Badly.
  • Elemental Baggage: One of the few aversions in the series. Lucy can't summon her without an existing body of water.
  • Jerkass
    • Hidden Heart of Gold: However, she does care for Lucy as seen after Hughes negated her attack she screams at Lucy to get out of there.
  • Making a Splash: Just look at her name.
  • Odd Friendship: With Juvia.
  • Official Couple: With Scorpio.
  • Reliable Traitor: Despite her tendency to berate, mock, and even attack Lucy, the latter can almost always count on her destructive power as a last resort.
  • Tsundere: Though her dere only shows around (and for) her boyfriend.
  • Unfriendly Fire: Not just because she's a Jerkass around Lucy, her power is inherently just so destructive.
    • In fact this is used to Lucy's advantage when Aquarius was being controlled by an enemy.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair


The Fish.


The Scales.


The Serpent-Bearer.



The most evil wizard who ever lived. He is known to have used magic to create demons and kill everything around him, and is responsible for most of the world's problems, directly and inderectly. Many evil wizards have hoped to resurrect him since his defeat 400 years ago. In reality, he has been living all this time on Tenrou Island, where he's had plenty of time to think about all the trouble his magic causes.

Voiced by: Akira Ishida (JP)

  • Walking Spoiler: It's virtually impossible to talk about him to someone who hasn't gotten to the point where he shows up without ruining something.
  • Walking Wasteland: He loathes being this.
  • Wham! Line: The S-Class Trials arc started out on a relatively light note, but the moment Hades reveals and exclaims "The Black Wizard Zeref," the arc takes an abrupt turn and becomes far more serious.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: You gotta feel a little bad looking at him crying and all.
  • You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry: His expression has been enough to make people cry when he's pissed off.


A fire wizard who kidnaps young girls while posing as Salamander of Fairy Tail. As the first villain of the series, he tries to do the same to Lucy before she becomes a member.

Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN)

  • Continuity Nod: We see him again in the Phantom Lord arc. He's the guy Juvia remembers breaking up with her because he can't stand the constant rain.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In the anime only, he really straightens up his act after being defeated, and has Natsu to thank for it. He goes on to act relatively chummy with Fairy Tail by wishing them luck before they put on a play, and appearing during their annual Fantasia parade as a spectator.
  • Jerkass
  • Lighter and Softer: In the manga, he goes as far as attempting to brand Lucy as a slave with a scorching hot iron, which was removed entirely from the anime. This is given a Hand Wave in the anime later on, with him saying he was actually just scouting for glamour models in an overly-aggressive fashion.
  • Playing with Fire: His is purple.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Uses the illegal charm magic to make women fall to his charms.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: It's only for a split second in the anime, but he lets out a high-pitched shriek upon seeing Natsu eat his flames for the first time.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Duke Everlue

A corrupt and unsightly aristocrat with a warped sense of beauty. He is in possession of Daybreak, a book he had blackmailed its author into writing. He uses Diver magic to literally dive through the ground, and is also a celestial wizard.

Voiced by: Katsui Taira (JP), Chris Ayres (EN)

  • Collector of the Strange: He hires maids he deems to be extremely beautiful. His opinion of "beauty" varies from most everybody else's. He also coerced an author into writing a book with himself as the main character so he could own a one of a kind book.
  • Dirty Old Man
  • Evil Counterpart: Kind of, to Lucy. He is a summoner, he has a completely different opinion on what makes a woman sexy, and he doesn't care one bit about an author's pride.
  • Gonk: Look at him.
  • Summon Magic: His giant gorilla maid? Yeah, she's a Stellar Spirit.
  • Tunnel King: In addition to his Summon Magic, but it's unknown whether he learned it from Virgo or if it was the other way around.

Vanish Brothers

A pair of mercenaries and martial artists hired by Duke Everlue to guard his mansion. They look down on wizards for being physically weak.

The older brother is voiced by: Jun Konno (JP), Phil Parsons (EN)
The younger brother is voiced by: Daisuke Endou (JP), Brandon Potter (EN)

Kaby Melon

The son of Daybreak's author, who considered the book to be the worst he had ever written. He wants to destroy the book to protect his father's honor as an author.

Voiced by: Shirou Gou (JP), Dave Trosko (EN)


A powerful ice wizard who taught Lyon and Gray magic. She is also Ultear's mother, but believed her daughter to have died. She sacrificed her life to freeze the demon Deliora and protect her students.

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Kira Vincent-Davis (EN)

  • Action Mom
  • Adult Fear/Iron Woobie
  • An Ice Person: Strongest of these seen in the series.
  • And I Must Scream: She uses the Iced Shell spell on Deliora, which transforms her entire body into the ice freezing the demon. And she stays alive in this form. Makarov states that melting the ice would be the equivalent of killing Ur, but as both Lucy and Gray believe, she continues to watch over them as water once Lyon melts her.
  • Artificial Limbs: Makes a temporary leg out of ice during her battle with Deliora.
  • Badass
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Deliora eventually dies from being sealed in her ice.
  • Ghost Memory: After her body gets turned into ice, melted into water, and washes out to sea, Ultear is able to experience her memories of when she was told that Ultear had died, and just how much she loved her daughter, by falling in the ocean.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Hot Mom: Gave Gray his habit of stripping in the cold and is Ultear's mom.
  • Informed Ability: Though she is stated to be the strongest in the country, apart from Iced Shell, which both Gray and Lyon can use, we haven't seen her do much, fighting-wise.
  • Missing Mom: She left her daughter with researchers in hopes that they could help her cope with her abnormally large magical power. Unfortunately, the researchers were of the Complete Monster kind and told Ur that her daughter was dead, all while experimenting on the girl. So Ultear believes that Ur abandoned and replaced her, and Ur has to deal with the guilt that she couldn't do anything for her precious daughter.
  • Not Quite Dead: Her body is actually the ice that sealed Deliora, and she is watching over her two students.
    • The fact that her ice flows into the ocean becomes a plot point when her daughter fights Gray.
  • Posthumous Character: Not quite, but close enough.
  • Sexy Mentor: Yes, yes she is.

Galuna Island villagers

A group of people who claim to be afflicted by a curse that transforms them into demons. They've actually been demons all along, and the curse of which they speak only affects their memories of it.


A crabby old hermit who lives in the woods outside of Magnolia, and an old friend of Makarov's. She is a skilled healer, but dislikes other humans. She is actually the Edolas counterpart of the dragon Grandine, though she herself is an ordinary human.

Voiced by: Shouko Tsuda (JP), Linda Young (EN)

Jude & Layla Heartfilia

Lucy's parents. Jude is the owner of a railroad company who puts his business before his daughter. Layla is a celestial wizard who died on the same day the dragons disappeared seven years ago.

Jude is voiced by: Banjo Ginga (JP), Bill Jenkins (EN)
Layla is voiced by: Aya Hirano (JP)

Asca Connell

The daughter of Alzack and Bisca Connell. She was born sometime during the seven year timeskip.


Chief of a squadron of the Fiore Kingdom's Holy Knights who is loyal to Zeref.


A reporter from Weekly Sorcerer Magazine who often visits Fairy Tail to interview them. He is also a commentator for Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games.


Bozu & Sue

Two members of Phantom Lord who act as Gajeel's lackeys.

Bozu is voiced by: Hiroki Goto (JP), Dave Cain (EN)
Sue is voiced by: Kyoko Namekawa (JP), Kia Fulton (EN)


A young woman who saw a dragon as a child, and resolves to take revenge on the people who didn't believe her by creating an artificial dragon powered by Dragon Slayer magic.

Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi (JP)


An escaped convict with a bounty of 2 millions Jewels, also known as the "Guild Hunter Velveno". He's actually deeply in love with Aceto, the rich heir of the Balsamico family.

Voiced by: Eiji Miyashita (JP)

Michelle Lobster

A girl claiming to be a distant relative of Lucy's. She shows up at Fairy Tail one day with a mysterious object in her possession, which Lucy's father supposedly wanted to give to his daughter as his dying wish.

Voiced by: Yukana


One of the 100 Exceeds sent to Earthland, and the leader of Zentopia's Legion Corps.

Voiced by: Yuuya Uchida (JP)

Byro Cracy

The Earthland counterpart of Byro. Seems to be the leader of the Zentropia Church's Legion Corps.

Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (JP)

Mary Hughes

The Earthland counterpart of Hughes, and a female.

Voiced by: Shiori Izawa

Sugar Boy (Earthland)

The Earthland counterpart of Sugar Boy.

Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP)

Coco (Earthland)

The Eartland counterpart of Coco.

Voiced by: Rie Murakawa (JP)

Dan Straight

The spearman of the Legion Corps.

Voiced by: Yasuyuki Kase (JP)

  1. "Urtear Milkovich" in the Funimation anime dub
  2. but Lucy
  3. "Grandeeney" in the Del Ray manga translation and Funimation anime dub
  4. "Grandeeney" in the Del Ray manga translation and Funimation anime dub
  5. Ebi is Japanese for Shrimp despite him being supposedly a crab.
  6. "Porlyusica" in the Del Ray manga translation and Funimation anime dub
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