Fairy Tail/Characters/Team Natsu
The main group of protagonists in the series. The team initially consists of Natsu, Happy and Lucy, but Gray and Erza join the team after tagging along a number of times. The team has no offical name, so Team Natsu is what the American fanbase has decided to call them.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Natsu
- The Lancer: Gray
- The Big Guy: Erza
- The Smart Guy: Lucy/Happy
- The Chick: Lucy
- Team Pet: Happy/Plue
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Natsu/Erza as the boke with Gray/Lucy as tsukkomi. Happy tends to zig-zag with the trope.
- Covert Perverts
- Dark and Troubled Past: Although the severity of each varies compared to each other.
- Destructive Saviors: Most of their missions' pay goes to the repairs of the place that they destroyed, much to Lucy's ire.
- Disney Death/Put on a Bus: After Acnologia blasts Tenrou Island they, along with those who participated in the S-Class exam and Laxus, go missing for seven years.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble Natsu and Happy are Sanguine, Gray is phlegmatic, Erza is choleric and, Lucy is supine.
- Heroic BSOD: Along with Levy, Juvia and Wendy after it's revealed that one day in the Celestial Spirit World is equal to three months in Earthland, which they should have spent training for the Great Magic Games.
- Honor Before Reason: A lot of the times they don't end up having to pay a huge repair bill, Natsu or Erza are usually refusing a payment for one reason or another.
- Parental Abandonment
- Older Than They Look: Courtesy of the Tenrou Island incided coupled with the Time-Skip, they are all 7 years younger than they're supposed to be and look.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Even in the arcs where the whole guild is involved, these guys get a disproportionately large amount of the action.
- Justified, in this case. They ARE the main protagonists.
- Three Plus Two: As mentioned above; Natsu, Happy & Lucy are the three, Gray & Erza are the two.
- Cast Calculus: Typically, another major Fairy Tail member will temporarily join the team for the duration of a story arc as the ensemble's Sixth Ranger. So far, these members have been Gajeel, Juvia, Wendy and Carla. For more information, refer to their own entries in the other tabs.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Natsu and Gray. Occasionally Natsu and Erza. Happy and Lucy have shades of it as well.
Natsu Dragneel
Guild Stamp: Right shoulder blade (Red)
The main male protagonist of the series, also known as "Salamander." He was raised by the dragon Igneel to become the Fire Dragon Slayer, giving him the power to breathe, attack with, defend against, and even eat fire. He was abandoned after Igneel mysteriously disappeared on July 7, 777, seven years before the series began. He has since joined Fairy Tail in the hopes of reuniting with Igneel and finding out what happened. He's generally regarded as Fairy Tail's problem child, but no one is more loyal to the guild than he is.
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (JP), Todd Haberkorn—Young Natsu is voiced by: MAKO (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: He has redder hair in the manga.
- Adult Child: Assuming he's over seventeen.
- Almighty Janitor: He's almost always the one to beat the arc's Big Bad, and even though Erza outranks him, she's admitted a few times that he's at least her equal, if not stronger. He was given the chance to escape this during the S-Class promotion exam, though that chance was ruined after the exam was interrupted and ultimately canceled thanks to Grimoire Heart. Justified in that S-Class requires more than just fighting ability; Natsu is very impulsive and frequently gets in over his head.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: Admit it.
- Badass Longcoat: In the first episode/chapter.
- Badass Nickname: "Salamander"; that's what some of his enemies who are familiar with him call him.
- Berserk Button: As a firm believer in the modern concept of True Companions, you had better hope Natsu never catches wind of you betraying your own. He also has a lot of pride in his guild, similar to how Luffy hates tarnishing the pirate flag.
- The Berserker: Holy shit.
- Blood Knight/Fearless Fool: Definitely qualifies, seeing how he loves to pick fights with Erza and Gildarts. He gets to fight the latter during the Tenrou Island Arc, which makes him ecstatic; however, it's thanks to that fight that Gildarts teaches him a much-needed lesson on feeling fear, which he takes to heart and ultimately subverts his Fearless Fool status. He's an unusual type of Blood Knight, though, because he doesn't really enjoy hurting people, he just loves challenging himself, and fighting is what he's good at. So technically more of a Spirited Competitor, really.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Chaste Hero: Most of the time, though he's been shown to try and peep in the hot springs... The number of times he's been noticing the ladies has gone up recently.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Overlaps with Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.
- Covert Pervert
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Deadly Upgrade: Eating any kind of magic besides fire, such as Etherion, activates his "Dragon Force" magic, making him far more powerful, but with severe after-effects. Activating it more naturally gets rid of the after-effects.
- Deadpan Snarker: Has a bit of this in Funimation's dub.
- Determinator: While a typical Fairy Tail trait, Natsu takes this to some rather extreme levels. Eventually, Gildarts calls him out on this.
- Designated Villain: Invoked in order to help Mystogan unite Edolas after everyone starts freaking out over what they think to be The End of the World as We Know It.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: His seiyuu sings the opening of the OVA.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Dragon Slayer magic. It can supposedly slay dragons. Not that we doubt it, seeing what Natsu can do. Oddly, he was taught this magic by a dragon, Igneel.
- Expy: Take Haru Glory, swap the sword for fire powers, turn Boisterous Bruiser Up to Eleven until it becomes Hot-Blooded, and replace "I need to find my dad" with "I need to find the dragon who is more or less my dad".
- Basically speaking it's turning Spring into Summer.
- Extreme Omnivore: While it's supposedly natural for him to try to eat fire, he has eaten a burning piece of paper, molten metal, lightning, and Etherion. The latter two have side effects that show that actually being an Extreme Omnivore is a bad idea for Natsu.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Post-timeskip.
- Fiery Redhead: Well, pink, actually, but other than that, he fits the trope to a T.
- Future Me Scares Me/I Hate Past Me: Used in practically the most literal sense possible in the third OVA. He claims to have met some kind of maniac and ended up getting a scar on his neck was he was a kid, which has forever traumatized him. Said maniac was actually his present self who was sent back in time and disguised beyond recognition, and was actually beating his past self up because he lost to Gray in a fight. Past!Natsu ended up scratching his own neck in the process.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine.
- Hair Color Dissonance: While his hair color in the manga might be best described as salmon pink (it's colored lightly in some instances, darker in others), at one point in an early chapter, one of the characters refer to him as a redhead.
- Heroic RROD: Natsu normally eats fire to keep his strength up in battle. But he achieves an even higher form of power called "Dragon Force" when he eats magical substances that contain elements other than or similar to fire, such as Etherion and Laxus's lightning. Once the effects wear off, he falls sick for up to a few days at a time.
- As of chapter 259, it seems that he can still use Laxus' lightning magic, though he claims that it is not as powerful as it was when he got it.
- The Hero
- Hot-Blooded: His fire magic feeds on his emotions, so it's only natural.
- Idiot Hero: Subverted. He's frequently shown to be quite intelligent, but the combination of being Hot-Blooded, Raised By a Dragon, and spending most of his time in a guild full of Chaotic Good wizards who sometimes have a strange way of viewing the world means that he can across as one rather frequently. He also has some problems with the idea of "think before you act".
- At one point, he actually stops thinking in order to defeat a mind-reading opponent.
- Image Song: Blaze Up.
- Kung Fu Wizard: To the dismay of a pair of regular martial artists.
- Large Ham: It was clear that Natsu was having a lot of fun when he acted as the terrible Great Demon Lord Dragneel.
- There are times in the Funimation dub when Todd Haberkorn actually out-hams Tetsuya Kakihara:
Natsu: Messin' with Fairy Tail is the biggest mistake you've ever made!!!
- Leeroy Jenkins: Is impatient and overly-enthusiastic, so he likes to chase off the enemies on his own.
- Lightning Bruiser: Very fast + Resistant to load of punishments + hits real hard.
- Manly Tears
- Me's a Crowd: He gets turned into an army of miniature versions of himself (all of whom even bicker with each other) as the result of one of Gildarts's attacks.
- No Social Skills
- Normally I Would Be Dead Now
- Parental Abandonment: In search of Igneel since he disappeared.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Destroys a town in the very first chapter/episode, and everything around him in general. All Fairy Tail wizards do this, but he is by far the worst.
- Playing with Fire: His magic's main ability.
- Battle Aura: When Natsu's emotions are at their peak in the midst of battle, his enemy can see the image of Igneel overlapping him. More normally, his flames can give him the appearance of this as well.
- Breath Weapon: The ever-classic fire breath.
- Fireballs: Two of his techniques, specifically, Fire Dragon's Roar and, in the anime, Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame make use of this.
- Feed It with Fire: Regains stamina from eating any flames he did not generate himself.
- Improbable Weapon User:
- Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: One of his many weapons in the second OVA.
- Incendiary Exponent: His spice of choice for his food is fire itself.
- Won't Work On Me/Infernal Retaliation: Any time anyone tries to shoot fire at him. Totomaru is so far the only one to figure out how to turn the tables on him, when he shoots fire that smells (and tastes) like burning garbage.
- Inverted against Zancrow. He can eat Natsu's flames, but Natsu can't eat his. At first.
- Ramming Always Works: Fire Dragon's Sword Edge
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His Guren Karyū Ken (Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist)
- Wreathed in Flames: His Flames of Emotion.
- Raised By A Dragon: He is rather ignorant of how the real world works sometimes, mostly in the "girls" department, due to his upbringing by Igneel.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Could be the reason why he couldn't leave the guild in the Laxus Arc (that or a stone statue), since a barrier was set around the building that wouldn't let anyone above the age of 80 to pass through. It would also explain how Zeref, a 400-year-old, knows him.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he gets dangerous.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Gray the ice-wizard. Guess which one's which. Forms one with Gajeel as well
- Running Gag: His severe motion sickness.
- Scarf of Asskicking: One of his trademarks. He received it from Igneel, and he is very attached to it.
- Scars Are Forever: Has one on his neck. According to the third OVA, he accidentally scratched himself as a child while trying to fend off his future (i.e. present) self).
- Screaming Warrior: Shounen protagonist, what do you expect?
- Shipper on Deck: Attempted to ship Erza/Jellal.
- Ship Tease: With Lisanna and Lucy.[1]]
- Shock and Awe: Laxus transfers all his magic power to Natsu.
- Signature Move: Karyu no Tekken (Fire Dragon's Iron Fist)
- Slasher Smile: He sports this on a occasions.
- Sleep Cute: Lampshaded by Lucy.
- Tears of Fear: He broke down after only being glared at by Gildarts during the Tenrou Island Arc.
- Theme Naming: Hiro Mashima's lead always gets a season-based name. His means summer.
- True Companions: He is a dead-serious believer in this.
- Unstoppable Rage: His magic increases in strength with the strength of his emotions; getting him entirely pissed off is not the best idea.
- Use Your Head: He did it once or twice.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Sadly subverted, then double subverted. The only girl who got close enough to even like him was supposedly killed some time before the series began. Then she's revealed in the Edolas Arc to be alive after all, and she gave no shortage of affection to him once they were reunited for real.
- Volleying Insults: Usually with Gray.
- Tsurime Eyes: One of Gray's many insulting nicknames for him.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: His trademark vest doesn't cover much, though he actually does wear shirts and jackets from time to time. Possibly Justified in that he doesn't get cold due to his magic.
- Weaksauce Weakness: His motion sickness, which is sensitive enough to activate if a human being carries him or a stationary raft. Only traveling by Happy seems to be able to circumvent this. Also that one Legion in Edolas. His reason being he considers Happy and the Legion to be friends, not transportation.
- It seems as though this is a problem for all Dragon Slayer users, as this page demonstrates.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: Many of his battles have him trying to figure out how to beat an opponent who can counter his usual style, and he ends up winning by new applications of the same style. Noticeably, he can use other spells, as shown in an omake chapter—he just doesn't.
- The Worf Effect: He often struggles/loses against the Big Bad's underlings and extremely powerful wizards, thus keeping him from becoming a Boring Invincible Hero, most notably against Fukurou and Aria. Laxus and Erza have also beaten him a few times. This may be because he doesn't fight quite as seriously as he should against these guys, but when much more is on the line, which especially happens against an arc's Big Bad, that's when he gets serious.
- Would Hit a Girl: After all, Natsu is a Blood Knight and if he thinks one of his rivals can give him a good battle, he probably doesn't even notice their gender. For example, Erza, the strongest female member of Fairy Tail, is the person he probably has challenged to a fight the most times. He also gave Ultear a good beating on Galuna Island though she was transformed into an old man at that time (when he fought her later on Tenrou Island, he didn't get the chance to beat her before the battle was interrupted). And the trope is sort of lampshaded in Fighting Festival where Natsu thinks it is just a tournament to find out who is the strongest and not a battle of life and death. He is disappointed of being let out of the festival, so when some of the girls of the Fairy Tail are de-petrified within his reach, he is more than eager to fight them. Happy reminds him that it's probably not a good idea to pick fight with girls, but Natsu says that guys or girls have nothing to do with that.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair (theatre): Though it's actually an Adaptation Dye Job, as in the manga his hair is a slightly duller, redder color (but still pink).
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
- Zero-Approval Gambit: Passes himself off as the Great Demon Lord Dragneel responsible for the loss of magic in Edolas, which causes its residents to mistake it for the end of the world, all so that Mystogan can defeat him and avert a mass panic.
Lucy Heartfilia
Guild Stamp: Right hand (Pink)
The main female protagonist of the series. She is a celestial wizard who uses magic keys to summon spirits from another world. She was born into a wealthy family, but ran away from home to join Fairy Tail. She gets her wish when she bumps into Natsu at the start of the series, though her new guild's insane antics prove to be more than she can handle at times.
Voiced by: Aya Hirano (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)
- Action Girl: No, really. She actually wins most of her fights. She's just not as itching to fight as some other folks are. She also relies less on her celestial spirits and more on her agility and whip than you might expect.
- Actor Allusion: She considered Siegrain/Jellal to be a good boyfriend material.
- Adult Fear: During her battle with Flare Corona, Flare uses Asca Connell as a hostage and tells Lucy not to do anything lest something happens to the little girl.
- Apocalypse Maiden: Maybe. She is apparently the key to the Eclipse Plan, except we don't know what that is and what that would mean.
- Badass Adorable: Lucy does have her moments, considering she is friends with 10 out the 12 most powerful summoned critters in the Fairy Tail universe, to say nothing of everything she's survived (relatively) unharmed. The Edolas version of her, however, most definitely qualifies.
- She is able to summon 5 of those "most powerful summoned critters" (and Plue) at once (granted they disappeared second later); in the anime, she even summons three more. To compare, another summoner has boasted how she herself is able to use 2 spirits at once.
- The "Fleuve d'étoiles" helps her to prove that she is.
- Bickslow beat Gray (who got taken down shielding an Innocent Bystander). Lucy beat Bickslow (with Loke's help).
- She would have won her battle against Flare had it not been for Obra's intervention.
- Badass Bookworm: She's actually pretty smart, the Daybreak arc being a good example. Also she's a writer.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bat Deduction: Somehow correctly deduces where Master Mavis' grave is located in the Tenrou Island arc, despite the fact that her logic involved a Wiki Walk through a series of extremely loosely related words (at one point she claims it is suspicious that the word "demise" has two e's).
- Bathing Beauty
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Celibate Heroine: Unlike Natsu, who is just clueless, Lucy avoids love as much as possible. In an omake, she actually chooses her friends over a possible relationship.
- Character Development: See Took a Level In Kindness.
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Defeats the Naked Mummy guild by herself.
- The Chick: Though she's far from useless.
- Clothing Damage: Often.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl/Instant Cosplay Surprise: A Running Gag is that she often ends up in a cosplay outfit at a most unfortunate moment, and so the magical world views her as this.
- Damsel in Distress: During the Phantom Lord arc. Noticeably, she's rescued rather quickly.
- Badass Damsel: Girl's got guts.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Her seiyuu sings the OVA's ending.
- Even the Girls Want Her: In the anime, Levy wouldn't mind seeing her butt.
- Erza as well.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: But just with her hair.
- Foot Focus: Whenever Mashima gets the chance, she'll usually go barefoot in most of the arcs.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Supine.
- Friend to All Living Things: The celestial spirits often make note of how kind she is to them, even going so far as to think of them as her fellow human beings, due to the rather harsh treatment they often get from their summoners. Four different Zodiac spirits have sought her out because their original contracts were broken and they knew how kind she was.
- Girlish Pigtails: Almost always after she changes her clothes.
- Gotta Catch Em All: Not in the traditional sense, but out of the (probable) thousands and thousands of summoning keys there are, only twelve of them are "Golden Celestial Keys." So far, she has ten of them; she has yet to collect Libra or Pisces. The interesting thing about this is, she had five when the series started, and only actively sought out ONE. The rest asked to join her. However, when Yukino tried to give her the keys she refused them.
- Groin Attack: Pulls this on Jose. He's understandably upset about it.
- Hair Decorations
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Lucy isn't nearly as confident in her fighting abilities as she should be, though she does manage to get over any doubts once the fighting actually starts.
- Hollywood Dateless: Aquarius constantly teases her on her lack of a boyfriend.
- I Have No Father: She pulls this on her own father, but after his fall from grace she takes it back.
- Image Song: Open the Gate.
- Just Friends: Poor Lucy has it hard. Mirajane teased Lucy about either being with Natsu or Gray in an omake, Juvia is convinced that Lucy is after Gray, and Happy teased Lucy about being with Loke during the "The Battle of Fairy Tail" arc. Ironically, she's a Celibate Heroine.
- Kamehame Hadoken/Wave Motion Gun: Urano Metria
- Kick Chick: "Lucy KICK!!!" and "Lucy Fire"
- Male Gaze: In the anime, when Gemini-Lucy seduces Taurus, we see the other part of Lucy that can be used for Fan Service.
- Ms. Fanservice: A large-breasted blonde who consistently wears skimpy outfits, carries a whip, is frequently subject to Clothing Damage, almost always fights other women, is often depicted in cosplay outfits and sometimes maid costumes, is occasionally captured and tied up, and is commonly drawn from provocative angles or with emphasis on suggestive body parts, most recently her feet. Basically, think of a form of Fetish. Lucy either embodies it or has had or will have it happen to her. Much to her great embarrassment (almost) every time.
- Most Writers Are Writers: She's writing a book, though she claims to be an amateur. She lets Levy read it due to her own book interests.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: She's treated this way by everyone but Gray.
- Narrator: She plays this role from time to time in the manga, with rectangular boxes exposing her point of view on the story and anticipating important events.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: With her father. Particularly tragic in this instance, as he had really cleaned up his act and tried to be a better father even while she was missing for seven years. Plus, even though she did make amends and leave on good terms with him the last time they met, Lucy never had the chance to actually say that she loved him until after reading his last letter to her.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Running Gag.
- Only Sane Woman: Though unlike most examples, she enjoys the sheer wackiness of her guild once she gets used to it. Most of the time, anyways.
- Not So Above It All: She has her moments. Her first moment was BEFORE Erza actually made an appearance.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Well, being a friend of the biggest badasses in series...
- Panty Shot
- Parental Abandonment: Her mom died seven years before the start of the story. Now, seven years after the story began, her father has also died. And the poor girl just made up with him...
- Plucky Girl: She's no Natsu or Erza but she's a lot braver and tougher than people give her credit.
- The Power of Love: Loke claims this is why their bond is strong enough that he can summon himself without using up her magic power. She denies anything of the sort.
- Reluctant Fanservice Girl: Well most of the time.
- The Runaway: Types 1 and 2 combined. Her father was none too pleased, though Fairy Tail is rather fond of her and refuses to let her leave, even if they get killed protecting her.
- Running Gag: Most gags in the series involve Lucy.
- A minor one involves her walking along the edge of the sidewalk near a river and being told by a fisherman that its dangerous. She nearly falls in a couple of times.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Has a tendency to do this. Early on she does this, and then complains when Natsu pulls a Screw the Money, I Have Rules when they are offered the reward they would've gotten anyways. Later on, she manages to convince the Celestial Spirit King that some rules are too harsh if they would allow an innocent person to die.
- Secretly Wealthy
- Shout-Out: She gets her name from The Beatles song "Lucy In The Sky"
- Shower of Angst: After being defeated due to Obra's interference. She starts feeling much better once she gets out.
- Shrouded in Myth: Many of Team Natsu's more spectacular deeds end up as being blamed solely on Lucy, and word gets out before she can shift the credit to someone else. The more badass things she does do are mostly only known to the celestial spirits she summons, though her defeating Bickslow and Angel are known to a select few wizards.
- Strong Family Resemblance: To her Hot Mom.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Most of her attire.
- Straight Woman
- Summon Magic: Apparently a very great summoner, though her magic reserves are low so summoning multiple spirits in a fight is more tiring for her than other wizards.
- Supporting Protagonist: Arguably the main character despite Natsu's heroic tendencies.
- According Word of God on whose the main female protagonist is, much to her and Erza's ire.
- Take Our Word for It: Apparently, Lucy's underwear is so sexy that it gets a Head-Tiltingly Kinky reaction from everyone who sees it, especially Erza.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: Raven Tail greets Fairy Tail by hospitalizing Wendy and subjecting Gray to a humiliating defeat at the Grand Magic Tournament. Lucy is not cool with stuff like that.
- Temporal Paradox: In the third OVA, Lucy goes back in time with her friends and stops a runaway horse-drawn carriage with a little girl inside. Unbeknownst to her, the little girl was her past self, who never notices it was her future self who saved her. The only glimpse she got of her savior was the Fairy Tail guildmark on her hand, ultimately inspiring Lucy to join Fairy Tail in the first place, and perhaps even to put the mark on her own hand.
- Tender Tears
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Erza's Tomboy.
- Took a Level in Badass: She's a competent enough fighter to hold her own in a fight at the start of the series, but gradually becomes more badass with each spirit she obtains. Her levels skyrocket when: she temporarily summons all her spirits at once to prove a point across to the almighty Celestial Spirit King; she gets her hands on the "Fleuve des étoiles" whip, giving her all sorts of mobility; and, as a result of getting powered up by Ultear, she gains the ability to not only summon two of her strongest spirits at the same time without getting tired, but also to combine their attacks, allowing her to put her enemies on the ropes in ways she was never able to do before.
- Took a Level In Kindness: It's subtle, but at the start of the series, she's something of a self-centered Jerk with a Heart of Gold who, while caring towards her spirits and friends, is more inclined to take jobs for the reward (mainly rent money) than actually helping people. Come the Grand Magic Games, when she's had plenty of experiences and collected ten of the twelve Zodiac keys, she becomes much more considerate of others. She even declines celestial wizard Yukino's offer to give Lucy the remaining two Zodiac keys until she feels Yukino is ready to part with them. In fact, Lucy acknowledges that if she were like the way she was when she first joined Fairy Tail, she would have taken the keys without question, just for the sake of having all twelve.
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter
- Weak but Skilled: She's not strong but she has the tendency to put whatever tools she has at her disposal to good use.
- Whip It Good: She carries a whip on her at all times in order to defend herself rather than using her spirits for the job instead. She is skilled at it though.
- During the Edolas arc, she received the "Fleuve des étoiles", a magical and extendable whip from Virgo, and showed that she could be quite awesome with it, even without a spirit at her side. As of the Tenrou Island arc, it appears to have replaced her regular whip.
- For those that don't speak French, that's "River of Stars"
- Making a Splash
- During the Edolas arc, she received the "Fleuve des étoiles", a magical and extendable whip from Virgo, and showed that she could be quite awesome with it, even without a spirit at her side. As of the Tenrou Island arc, it appears to have replaced her regular whip.
- Woman in White: Her attire towards the end of the Tenrou Island arc, courtesy of Virgo.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Lucy finishes off Sherry with a clothesline during the Galuna Island arc.
- Wreathed in Flames: Used by Natsu on Mr. Cursey with her hair attached to it to defeat Kain.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Usually after Virgo brings her clothes from the celestial spirit world.
Guild Stamp: Back (Green)
Natsu's animal partner, a happy-go-lucky talking blue cat who can grow wings and fly. Ever since Natsu hatched him from an egg he found, he's been inseparable from Natsu.
Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (JP), Tia Ballard (EN)
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: His sack that he usually carries.
- Actor Allusion: Mentions Equivalent Exchange when he describes Gray's magic.
- Badass: Can be very badass when needed.
- Blood Knight: He calls Erza's magic beautiful because of the blood that spills out. Kinda Narm in the anime.
- Blush Sticker
- Bond Creatures: After hatching from his egg, Happy flew around and landed on Natsu's head, and has been with him ever since. Noticeably, Happy can carry Natsu without Natsu getting sick. Lampshaded when Gajeel notices that he's the only Dragon Slayer without a cat at first.
- Cats Are Snarkers
- Catch Phrase: "Aye!" and "S/He lllikes you."
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In both languages.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: With Carla, Happy manages to destroy Hades's heart during his battle with the rest of team Natsu. This action nearly defeated Hades just by itself and saved the lives of the entire team.
- The Dulcinea Effect: For Happy, meeting Carla was Love At First Sight.
- Egg McGuffin: An entire omake (adapted in episode 20) is devoted to the children of Fairy Tail trying to hatch Happy's egg.
- Five-Fingered Paw
- The Gadfly
- Genius Ditz
- Hidden Depths
- Hypocritical Humor: Gets creeped at Lector and Frosh talking despite them being Exceed.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Played straight in that he never knew that he was an Exceed until he went to Edolas. Subverted in that it first appears he doesn't remember his mission from Edolas as Carla does, only for it to be revealed that Carla's "memories" are the result of her prophetic powers gone haywire; having no memories about Edolas is actually perfectly normal (after all, he was born and raised on Earthland).
- Image Song: Happy Day, and Have a Nice Day with Carla.
- Lamarck Was Right: Shares the same flying style as his father.
- Love At First Sight: Towards Carla. The supreme irony here is that the latter is a Tsundere; Rie Kugimiya is a Tsundere specialist voicing a non-Tsundere.
- Mr. Exposition: Knows way too much about magic and physics for being only six years old.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Is often not counted as a member of Team Natsu. He even does it to himself.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Obfuscating Stupidity: People are often surprised to hear Happy's detailed explanations for what is going on at the moment given how he acts most of the time. Given how he was raised by Natsu, however, his "stupidity" is probably not an act.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: There's no doubt he was when he just left his egg.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Lucy/Loke and a few others.
- He also ships Erza/Jellal.
- Strong Family Resemblance: To his mother.
- Talking Animal
- Team Pet: His only role on the team seems to be carrying around Natsu, although he shares the role of The Smart Guy with Lucy sometimes. And he can be quite useful in a fight; for example, Happy grabbed Kain Hikaru's voodoo doll when he was fighting Lucy and Natsu, which was essential in his defeat. He has some Team Dad elements as well.
- Trilling Rs: His second catch phrase.
- Token Non-Human: The only member of the actual team who is obviously not human, though Lucy's summons run the gamut between human and anything but.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Fish.
- Tyke Bomb: Part of his backstory...or not. It seems at first that he was sent to Earthland by the Exceeds to capture Natsu and bring him to Edolas, which he supposedly forgot about. Then it's revealed that this was never the Exceeds' intention; Carla created the mission for herself without realizing it.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Lucy
- Whale Egg: Happy can talk and grow wings...because he hatched out of an egg. Yeah.
- Wild Card Excuse: His answer to questions such as "Why are you blue?", "Why can you fly?", or "How come you can talk?" is always "Because I'm a cat!" cheerfully and likely intentionally ignoring the fact that these questions are because he is a cat.
- Winged Cat: His brand of magic, which is inherent in his species, the Exceeds.
Gray Fullbuster
Guild Stamp: Right pectoral (dark blue)
A wizard whose magic, Ice Make, lets him create ice and mold it into any form he desires. This magic is also the source of a fierce rivalry with Natsu, a fire wizard. He learned ice magic from the wizard Ur, who he also got his unhealthy stripping habit from. As a child, he tried taking vengence against Deliora, the demon that destroyed his hometown, but his overconfidence cost his teacher her life, and he's tried to remain level-headed ever since.
Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura (JP), Newton Pittman (EN)—Young Gray is voiced by: Eri Kitamura (JP), Ryan Reynolds (EN)
- Almighty Janitor: Like Natsu, he's much more powerful and skilled than his rank implies. The fact that he's not as prominent as either Erza or Natsu helps him, as opponents are often surprised at his abilities.
- Accidental Pervert: Desperate to in any way stop Juvia's attack, he reaches out an freezes her...only to discover his hand on her breast.
- An Ice Person: Noted to be a highly skilled ice wizard.
- Badass Biker: The two times he gets to ride one. See Chekhov's Skill below.
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Longcoat: Quite often seen wearing a white one. It's bound to disappear eventually.
- Battle Strip: Loses his shirt most of the time.
- Phrase Catcher: "Why did he strip?"/"Gray, your clothes."
- BFG: His Ice Make Cannon.
- Bloody Murder: Freezes his own blood in order to combat Ultear.
- Chekhov's Skill: Gray is known for stripping almost bare in a matter of seconds. This comes in handy against Sugarboy, when he slips out of his jacket to avoid being stabbed.
- During the same fight, one may wonder why Gray is so proficient at motorcycle riding. It's because he had to do it before against Racer.
- Covert Pervert: Usually a pretty level-headed and serious guy, but he can't help but offer to ice down Lucy's butt, gets distracted by Virgo's underwear, and in chapter 244 is the only one to actually think "Wendy's naked only ten feet away from me".
- He's not fooling anyone when protesting that he's only peeking in the baths because Natsu is.
- Expy: To Musica from Rave Master. Case in point, he manipulates a malleable element, and always wears a silver necklace (which also happens to look like the first Rave).
- Filler seems to enjoy driving this point home. He does a Unison Raid with Juvia to combine their powers, which is basically the same thing as Silver Bond, which Musica did with Reina.
- Fake Defector: In the anime-only Daphne filler arc.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The three scars on his forehead and abdomen.
- Scars Are Forever: He got the first one in the Galuna Island arc, and it's been there ever since. The second one was also from the Galuna Island arc, but seemed to appear and disappear before he gets the third one fighting Ultear, and from then on both of them are drawn consistently in an X-shape.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Attempted twice in the Galuna Island arc, before getting some sense literally punched into him.
- Image Song: Frozen Soul, True Pride.
- It's Personal: Multiple times, as a matter of fact. First is against Deliora, who destroyed his hometown and killed his family. Second is against Lyon, who tries resurrecting said demon, thus threatening to not only undo the sacrifice Ur made to seal it away, but also essentially killing Ur since it's her living body that had been keeping the demon sealed. Third is against Ultear, who is practically Gray's stepsister and has done plenty of evil stuff while badmouthing her mother Ur. Fourth is against both Raven Tail and Rufus of Sabertooth, both of whom subject him to a humiliating defeat at the start of the Grand Magic Games.
- The Lancer: To Natsu, since they rarely cooperate but Natsu is probably stronger.
- Magic Knight: While Erza fits more on the Knight side, Gray is a bit more magical, but his fighting style is different from Natsu's.
- Manly Tears
- Megane: In the crossover with Flunk Punk Rumble.
- Mr. Fanservice: Good looking and cool, in addition to his tendency to strip subconsciously. Possibly Lampshaded with his stalker, Juvia, and freely stated by his creator, who admits to covering Gray's past first to try and increase the number of female fans.
- Racer calls him a "lady killer" at one point, for no apparent reason but to highlight this.
- Multi Melee Master/Multi Ranged Master: Or more. His ice usually takes the form of different weapons, though it's not limited to that.
- Naked People Are Funny: His subconscious stripping is a Running Gag.
- Number Two: Serves as this for Erza, being the most level-headed member of the team, and often leads in Erza's absence while Natsu... runs off by himself.
- Oblivious to Love: He doesn't seem to notice Juvia's flirting too much, and when he does he ignores it. They do interact quite frequently but he treats her the same as Lucy or Erza. Unfortunately, Juvia thinks he's gay for Lyon. This might be going away after the Time Skip, however. When Lyon puts his arm around Juvia, Gray freaks out and says "Don't just take what's mine!" That's not the sort of talk you hear about a platonic friend.
- And in chapter 282 his reaction suggests that he isn't as oblivious to Juvia's feelings as he seems.
- Parental Abandonment: His parents were killed by Deliora.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the blue oni to Natsu's red oni.
- Reluctant Fanservice Guy
- Revenge Before Reason: The reason why he is now masterless.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Delivers one to Ultear by punching her in the face with ice magic.
- The Rival: Is a friendly one to Natsu. He also has Lyon, the old pupil of his mentor.
- Ship Tease: So far he's had some with Juvia, Erza, Lucy, Ultear, and even Cana if you squint. This was lampshaded in one chapter cover when a magazine reporter saw him drinking coffee with Mirajane and immediately assumed they were an item.
- Spontaneous Weapon Creation
- Straight Man: Not as much as Lucy, but it's there sometimes.
- Training from Hell: It was actually much colder than hell.
- Tsundere: A mild version, but the traits are there sometimes, especially towards Natsu. A prominent example is during the Lullaby arc where he quietly tells Natsu not to die and denying it a second later, cluing into the fact that the two of them don't really hate each other as much as they claim. Moments like that continue to occasionally pop up throughout the series.
- Volleying Insults: With Natsu.
- Tareme Eyes: One of the many insults Natsu has for him.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: He strips whenever he gets serious. He also strips when it would be funny. He doesn't even realize he's doing it, because he's so used to being cold.
- Would Hit a Girl/Would Hurt a Child: He clearly stated that it wouldn't matter if his opponent was a woman or even a child; he would show no mercy to those who hurt his friends. So far, the latter has never been applied, but the former has been played straight.
Erza Scarlet
Guild Stamp: Left shoulder (blue)
An S-Class wizard and the strongest female in Fairy Tail, also known as "Titania Erza, Queen of the Fairies." Her magic is called "The Knight," which lets her requip various weapons and pieces of armor instantly. Her traumatic childhood experience as a slave forced to build the Tower of Heaven has hardened her into a very serious young woman who doesn't tolerate her teammates fooling around and breaking the guild rules, though she slowly warms up to them over time.
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)
- Action Girl
- Armor Is Useless: Subverted Trope
- Aritficial Eye
- The Atoner: In the Tower of Heaven arc.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Was able to figure out the weaknesses of Midnight's powers after three exchanges.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Juvia in the anime.
- Badass: Probably the most badass character in the series.
- Badass Adorable: She has her moments.
- Badass Alto
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass With The Distress Ball: Whenever she so much as hears Jellal's name.
- Handicapped Badass: She lost her right eye in her days of slavery, but still led a rebellion in order to rescue Jellal. She got a replacement later.
- Little Miss Badass: Leads her fellow slaves in a revolt in order to save Jellal.
- Big Eater: Ordered 50 cakes—one was for Wendy.
- Also in the anime edition of the episode about Happy's birth, Mirajane kept on mocking her eating habits and calling her fat.
- Big Good: Was this initially until the other protagonists - mainly Natsu and Gray - caught up, and then she became The Big Guy. Makarov and Gildarts then took on the role as Big Good.
- The Big Girl
- Broken Bird: She gets better though.
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain: Despite Natsu being The Hero, Erza is the person who actually leads Team Natsu. Makes sense since she's an S-Class wizard.
- Chainmail Bikini: Her standard armor averts this, but most of her magical ones play it straight. She also has a literal chainmail bikini that she wears at the beach.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: In her first appearance alone she was carrying a giant monster horn nearly twice her size with one hand.
- Characterization Marches On: In her early appearances Erza was very fond of corporal punishment against Natsu and Gray due their constant bickering, and even against herself when she happened to slip into some quirky behavior, in both cases as a Running Gag to match Natsu's Team odd behaviors. She was also pretty much The Stoic and there were little to no cases of her being gentle towards someone. Later after her backstory was fleshed out, Erza grew out of beating Natsu and Gray around. They also mostly stopped picking on each other too, and her gentle side became much more apparent.
- Lucy lampshades this in the manga.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Color Failure/Heroic BSOD: After being rejected by Sieg/Jellal/Mystogan in the second OVA
- The Comically Serious: A lot of Erza's most hilarious moments involve her playing utterly absurd situations perfectly straight. Her deadpan seriousness makes it twice as funny when she goes along with whatever wackiness the rest of the guild is involved in.
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Her hardest mission was defeating 100 knights by herself.
- This counts as foreshadowing since she does it again during the inter-guild competition. Because we needed to be reminded of how awesome Erza is.
- Cool Big Sis: When she isn't beating the crap out of her teammates. And when she does, it's usually because they did something wrong and she's gone into Stern Teacher mode.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: More so than Lucy; that is, they cosplay about as much as the other, but Erza does it on purpose, and actually keeps such outfits in her Hammerspace, and some extras are on display in her dorm room.
- Covert Pervert: Hinted to be this by Levy, if her Stripperiffic cosplay outfits weren't enough of a hint. Pretty much confirmed as of chapter 236.
- In the extended anime version of the Fairy Hills, is seen holding Laki's chains and cuffs while blushing.
- Crazy Prepared: She has an armor for nearly every situation.
- Cry Cute: In one eye. At first
- Death in All Directions: Circle Sword: Blumenblatt.
- Death Glare
- Death or Glory Attack: Demon Blade Crimson Sakura.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Was at first very serious, but is now quite willing to socialize.
- Determinator: Every bit as much as Natsu. She said early on that if worse would ever come to wear and she were to run out of magic power, she would resort to picking up a stick to keep fighting.
- Disability Superpower: Her right eye is fake and immune to illusions.
- Ditzy Genius
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Unfortunately for Juvia during the S-Class exam.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Lucy has a slight crush, as do many female fans.
- Expy: Most likely she is either one or a shout out to Titania from Fire Emblem 9 & 10.
- May also be one to Signum.
- Eye Scream: Lost her eye while she was tortured after being accused to be the mastermind of an escape plan in the Tower of Heaven.
- The Fashionista: She loves to dress up, has over 100 outfits and, according to Word of God, once scared a major fashion designer into designing pretty armor for her.
- This come as Fridge Brilliance after her Flash Back. She was a slave forced to wear rags for most of her life, so it would make her desire to wear clothes of every fashion possible a normal reaction. It also explains her confusion with underwear, her non-chalant attitude towards Fan Service, Cloudcuckoolander personality and her constantly gorging massive quantities of food in a sitting, most of them sweets.
- Action Fashionista
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- Fiery Redhead: To a certain extent.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric.
- Genre Savvy: In the race episode: while Natsu, Jet, Gray and Gajeel were getting trampled, she quickly crosses the finish line to avoid being in last place. Lampshaded by the announcer, much to her embarrassment.
- Going Commando: At least in one of the omakes, when she claims to not know what a bra is and has an odd fascination with the concept of underwear.
- Justified considering her backstory.
- Hair Decorations: Most of her armors.
- Braids of Action: While she was younger, also in the Lightning Emperor and Armadura Fairy.
- Girlish Pigtails: Flame Emperess Armor and Armadura Fairy.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Her last resort pants.
- Hammerspace
- Absurdly Sharp Blade
- An Axe to Grind
- Blade on a Stick
- Blade Spam
- Cool Swords
- Dual-Wielding
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Pipe Pain: In the OVA
- Storm of Blades
- Sword Beam: Photon Slicer
- Technicolor Blade: Some of them anyway.
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- Hyperspace Wardrobe
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Multi Melee Master
- Multiform Balance: Due to Real Time Weapon Change with her armors.
- Powered Armor
- Absurdly Sharp Blade
- Heroic Sacrifice: Twice attempted, twice subverted.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
"It's not that I was protecting everyone...I was the one always being protected."
- Hidden Depths: Is a really good gambler.
- Hot Amazon: When she was presented in a showing of Fairy Tail's members and their capabilities, an audiance member actually said, "Marry me, Titania!"
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- If It's You It's Okay: When some of the boys try to peep on the girls bathing, Erza replies with this.
- Image Song: Wings of Liberty.
- Doubles as a do it yourself theme music power up in the second OVA
- Instant Armor
- Iron Lady
- Jeanne D'Archetype: Part of her Backstory. The chapter title even specifically references it.
- Justice Will Prevail: Why she joined Fairy Tail.
- Kissing Discretion Shot: Shares a silhouetted kiss with Jellal over the time skip... or maybe it's just an Almost Kiss. There's actually no way to tell.
- Lady of War
- Life or Limb Decision: Averted in the Oración Seis arc. Her arm gets infected with poison and she asked someone to cut it off. Lyon offered to do it but was stopped by Gray, and she was later healed by Wendy.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made a Slave: Her Backstory.
- Made of Iron: Holy Shit
- Magic Knight: Her magic is literally "The Knight".
- Marshmallow Hell: Played with; she will sometimes attempt to clasp people to her (ample) bosom as a gesture of affection, but tends to forget she's wearing steel plate armor.
- Meganekko: In the crossover with Flunk Punk Rumble and second OVA.
- Adjusting Your Glasses: By the corner
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- The Glasses Come Off.
- Mini-Mecha: Shown to have one in the first OVA; she says it's hard to move around in, which is why she never uses it.
- Ms. Fanservice: She is a red headed Tall, Dark and Bishoujo with large breasts, whose magic usually consists of Stripperiffic outfits.
- So far she cosplayed into/ invoked the following:
- Absolute Cleavage: Her Sea Empress Armor bares this.
- Bare Your Midriff: Some of her armors.
- Bound and Gagged
- Buxom Is Better: According to Wendy.
- Catgirl
- Clothing Damage
- Dominatrix: That one was missing, in Chapter 266 this injustice has been repaired.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita complete with Zettai Ryouiki
- Fan Service with a Smile combined with a Impossibly Low Neckline
- Godiva Hair
- Kimono Fanservice: The Robe Of Yuen.
- Leotard of Power
- Male Gaze
- Modesty Towel
- Naked Apron: Not quite, but her outfit here initially made some fans think this. Although it would be more accurately described as Bikini Apron. Played straight with the Seduction Armor, seen here.
- Twice she combined it with a School Swimsuit
- Naughty Nurse Outfit: Mentioned in the manga, shown in the anime.
- Playboy Bunny (Her favorite)
- Sarashi
- School Swimsuit: Twice in the anime.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: "Maybe I should walk around the guild naked."
- She has some skilled feet too.
- Shower of Angst
- Stripperiffic: Some of her outfits.
- Power Perversion Potential: See above quote.
- Vapor Wear
- Walking Swimsuit Scene: During the S-Class exam.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Flight Armor
- Zettai Ryouiki: A few of armors have but a special mention goes to her Flame Empress Armor we're she is a Grade A with pigtails as commented by Lucy and Mirajane in the question corner of Volume 12.
- So far she cosplayed into/ invoked the following:
- Mundane Utility: She can Requip into her pajamas, among other such non-armors.
- Near-Death Clairvoyance: After she attempts to sacrifice herself to stop the Etherion from killing Natsu.
- Noodle Incident: Something happened between Erza and Ichiya in the past, according to the latter.
- No One Could Survive That: During her duel with Azuma, she's the victim of his ultimate explosion spell, Terra Clamare, which is powered by the magic of the Tenrou tree. At that time, Erza discarded every mean of defense, which means that she wasn't protected at all when she took the attack full-blown. When she recovers after it, Azuma is understably shocked. Then she takes another Terra Clamare in the face... Except that this time, the spell protects and enpowers her, since the energy used to cast it belongs to every member of the Fairy Tail guild present on the island. Arguably, that may be the reason she wasn't annihilated the first time she was hit with it.
- Normally I Would Be Dead Now: During her Heroic Sacrifice in the Tower Of Heaven arc. Luckily, Natsu managed to save her.
- No Social Skills
- Not So Above It All: Despite generally having a more serious personality, in her own way Erza is just as wacky as every other member of the guild.
- Oh Crap: Tends to invoke this face when someone pisses her off.
- One Woman Army: Due to both her immense strength and her variety of armors. Chapter 284 takes it to a new level, where she defeated 100 monsters all by herself, one of which was so strong that one of the Ten Wizard Saints wasn't guaranteed a victory over it. She gets beaten bloody for the effort, but is still standing at the end.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Sometimes.
- Performance Anxiety: Played for laughs during the play.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Destroyed an island in a clash while fighting Erza Knightwalker.
- Punny Name: Her last name is her hair color. It's justified in that her name was actually picked for her by Jellal, rather than being her family's name.
- Red Baron: "Titania", aka Queen of the Fairies.
- Redheaded Heroine
- Serious Business: Erza takes everything seriously, even things that shouldn't be taken seriously.
- Which leads to the Disproportionate Retribution at times.
Happy: "That's Erza for you."
- Ship Tease: She gets a bit with Natsu and Gray, and a lot with Jellal. This page and this one are the worst examples. Some people could argue that she's got some with Lucy, but so does everyone else.
- As of Chapter 264, she would be an Official Couple with Jellal, if it wasn't for his issues with self-punishment. Still, they know they have feelings for each other, which for them is enough for now.
- Single-Target Sexuality: She has been in love with Jellal since she was a child and in spite of all what he has done, she still harbors feelings for him and never shows any romantic interest for anyone besides him.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Apparently, with Jellal.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: After seeing how utterly Badass she is, anytime she's not acting like a hardcore badass is comedy gold. That, or a moment of heartwarming beauty.
- Strange Girl
- Student Council President: In the second OVA.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Though she becomes less ice and more sugar throughout the series.
- Summon to Hand
- Sweet Tooth: So much that she will kick your ass if you disturb her.
- Hell she even carries loads of luggage full of ingredients with her everywhere.
- Tall, Red and Bishoujo
- Team Mom: Her and Mirajane share this role for the entire guild.
- Technicolor Blade: Two.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Lucy's Girly Girl.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Strawberry cake. Do not mess with her while she's eating it.
- Transformation Sequence: Type 1, but only in the anime. It's later dropped.
- Tranquil Fury
- Tsundere: Her way to show affection is... rough.
- Her younger self shows very straight traits of this trope in the third OVA.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: Weaponized
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Every time she is about to get a chance to be together with Jellal something will happen to take him away.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: In the omake/OVA, she pulls out a lead pipe from her dress. Lampshaded by Sol and Totomaru.
Sol: A lead pipe?!?
Totomaru: From where?
- When She Smiles: Especially as she's The Stoic when in battle mode.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Gives Gajeel a freaking German Suplex in the omake.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Her hair changes with every armor.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
- ↑ Especially Lucy. [http://i996.mangareader.net/fairy-tail/259/fairy-tail-2794323.jpg This isn't subtle.