Fairy Tail/Characters/New Members
As the series progresses, the Fairy Tail guild sees a number of new recruits (beware, spoilers abound).
Juvia Lockser
A former member of Phantom Lord's elemental magic specialist group, Element 4, where she was also known as "Juvia of the Great Sea." Her entire body is made of water, and she has the power to create and manipulate water as she chooses. She develops a huge crush on Gray while fighting him as a member of Phantom Lord, which is the main reason why she joins Fairy Tail after her old guild is disbanded.
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
- Action Girl
- Anime Hair
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Erza in the anime.
- Badass Adorable
- Battle in the Rain: Her battles with Gray and Meldy. It seems that pushing her Berserk Button can activate one.
- Berserk Button: Do not even so much as think of harming a hair on Gray's head in her presence, or you will be very, very sorry.
- To be fair, she can at least tell the difference between an actual threat and a pointless scuffle. She's never attacked Natsu for his and Gray's constant fighting, because she knows that for all their bluster, they'd never actually hurt each other.
- Blue Eyes
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Gets possessed by Vidaldus Taka in the Tower of Heaven arc.
- Captain Ersatz: Her relationship with Lucy and Gray was awfully similiar to Sherry and Lyon.
- Character Development: Starting midway through the Tenrou Island arc, she occasionally drops the Third Person Person bit. Come the Tournament Arc, she's lost it entirely, and is capable of talking to Gray without gushing over him like a lovesick schoolgirl. She even has the guts to tell him that she isn't going to throw the first event to him. If anything, it works for her, as Gray actually seems interested in her now.
- Fridge Brilliance: Juvia acts like a child because she had very few opportunities to interact with people due to the constant rain. Once she gets rid of it and joins Fairy Tail, she becomes more socialized.
- Chewing the Scenery: Whenever she gets pissed, she tears whatever scene she's in to shreds.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Flew into a rage when she first thought Gray was in love with Lucy and subsequently attaches herself to Gray whenever Lucy shows up. Still, as far a jealousy goes it's much more good-natured than the norm Clingy Jealous Girl standard—bragging to Lucy whenever Gray praises her is about the extent of it.
- Clothing Damage/Bare Your Midriff: In her battle against Meredy.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Comically Missing the Point
- Covert Pervert: In one of her word-twisting moments, she mixes up "heated battle" with "heated grappling." She needs a dictionary.
- Cue the Sun: When she finally sees the sun, she takes it as a sign that she has been freed from her past.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark Is Not Evil: A bit of a sore spot for her until Gray defeats her.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Quite fast thanks to her crush on Gray.
- Delinquents: In the OVA
- Dogged Nice Girl
- Emotionless Girl: In her very first appearance. Then Gray stepped into the picture...
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: She gained a French accent in both the Tagalog and the Animax-English dub.
- Evil Costume Switch: While being brainwashed by Vidaldus.
- Gratuitous Spanish: Her name comes from the word "lluvia," which is Spanish for "rain."
- Heroic Sacrifice: Pulls one off for Cana in the Laxus arc to prove that she really loves everyone in Fairy Tail. Of course, she survives. Doubles as her Crowning Moment of Awesome and heartwarming.
- Heel Face Turn: Joins Fairy Tail in the hopes of becoming closer to Gray.
- Hopeless Suitor: Thinks she is this.
- Implied Love Interest: Started out as a Gray's Stalker with a Crush, but eventually evolved into this.
- Important Haircut: Gets one of these shortly after joining the guild to signify her happiness, but interestingly reverts it directly after finding out that in Edolas Gray was in love with her and she was not.
- Lady of War
- The Lancer: On Fairy Tail's B Team in the Tournament Arc.
- Leitmotif: Jean-Sébastien Bach - Air on G String. Plays nearly every time she appears at first, less frequently after she joins Fairy Tail.
- Let's Get Dangerous: She often acts and speaks like a young child. When she hears someone threatening Gray's life, she sounds downright scary. She even drops the Third Person Person bit.
- Badass Alto: It was brief, but it was there.
- Creepy Monotone
- Limp and Livid: After Meldy threatens to kill Gray.
- Lonely Doll Girl: Juvia had no friends as a child because it would always rain when she was around. As a result, she's shown making a doll, which is specifically a teru teru bozu. In Japanese folklore, these dolls are supposed to stop or prevent the rain, which suddenly makes the scene in the anime where she's crying while mass producing these all the more woobifying.
- Love At First Sight: With Gray in the Phantom Lord arc.
- Love Chart: She makes one after Lyon falls in love with her.
- Making a Splash
- Murder the Hypotenuse/If I Can't Have You: When she mistakes a comment from Gray as him saying he loves Lucy, she does not take it well.
- Nice Hat
- Nigh Invulnerable: She can make her body become water.
- Ocular Gushers: Nearly drowns everyone with them.
- Odd Friendship: With Aquarius; they get along swimmingly.
- Parasol of Prettiness:
- Power Incontinence: At first it rained where ever she was.
- Pretty in Mink: She wears a distinctly Russian fur getup when first introduced.
- Proper Lady
- Redemption Demotion: Was originally an S-Class wizard.
- The Rival: Sees Lucy as this, and flaunts any possible advances in her relationship with Gray in her face. When Lisanna volunteers to be Juvia's partner in the S-Class wizard exam, Juvia worries that she might be after Gray too.
- Shipping Goggles: In universe example. She suffers from such a bad case of this that she's absolutely convinced that she's in the middle of a Love Dodecahedron.
- Shrinking Violet
- Single-Target Sexuality: Gray-sexual, oh so much.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it "Juvia" or "Lluvia"? Word of God says the former.
- Quite obvious since the latter would be pronounced "Yubia". The Katana and anime pronounciation are clearly a "Ju".
- Also her last name. Is it "Lockser" or "Loxar"?
- Stalker with a Crush: Started out as this and played for laughs, of course.
- Thinks Like a Romance Novel: When it comes to Gray.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Demanded that she should be punished by Gray after failing to retrieve Zeref.
- Third Person Person: Dropped virtually in its entirety in the Funimation dub.
- Woolseyism: It has a completely different connotation in America (where it's supposed to portray someone as self centered and arrogant) than it does in Japan (where it signifies youth and/or immaturity).
- Twisting the Words: Often, to the point that Lucy can't mention "Gray" and herself ("Lucy") in the same sentence without Juvia getting suspicious and then jealous. She also has a moment with Lisanna.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend
- Yandere: Revealed to have at least a minor degree of this when she rises from defeat after hearing that Meldy wishes to kill Gray, with a look on her face that chills Erza's blood.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Gajeel Redfox
The Iron Dragon Slayer, also known as "Black Steel Gajeel." He was raised by the dragon Metalicana, who taught him the power to transform any part of his body into metal. He starts out as a member of Phantom Lord and Jose's right-hand man, but joins Fairy Tail after his old guild disbands. However, it takes a long time for the guild to accept him since he is responsible for destroying their old guildhall and injuring Team Shadow Gear while a member of Phantom Lord. He is also a Double Agent spying on the dark guild Raven Tail for Fairy Tail.
Voiced by: Wataru Hatano (JP), David Wald (EN)
- Anime Hair: Probably the worst offender on this page. It almost makes him an Expy of Raditz!
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Arc Villain: In the Fairy Academy omake/OVA.
- The Atoner: Ever since he joined the guild.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Levy.
- Badass: Definitely. See Crazy Awesome.
- BFS: Karma Demon Iron God Sword.
- Big Damn Heroes: Sent by Mystogan to help save the guild, at which point he turned Erza and Gray back to normal. And then they pulled their own with Lucy. He also saved Natsu twice during their battle against Laxus, and was willing to put aside their differences to fight. He also saved Levy from certain death at the hands of Grimoire Heart.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: A standard attack for him. In the anime, he takes it up to Chainsaw Good.
- Blood Knight: He has a bit too much fun knocking people around, especially in the Phantom Lord arc.
- Breath Weapon: Par for the course for Dragon Slayers; his shoots metal shrapnel.
- Chewing the Scenery: His song "Best Friend"
- Chrome Champion: His Iron Dragon Scales
- Clingy Jealous Guy: Gets like that sometimes about Pantherlily, his cat.
- Covert Pervert: If his team wins the Magic Games, they can ask the losing team to do anything for the winning team for a day. Gajeel's plan? Lucy in a Bunny Girl outfit, dancing for him while he plays the guitar.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Delinquents: In the OVA.
- Determinator: Almost as big an example as Natsu.
- Double Agent: Against Raven Tail, under Makarov's orders. He's really on Fairy Tail's side.
- The Dragon: Originally introduced as Master Jose's right hand man in Phantom Lord.
- Easily Forgiven: Despite the stunts he pulls during the Phantom Lord arc, he quickly becomes a member of Fairy Tail. Apart from some initial unease at how he doesn't really fit in, he is accepted fairly quickly. But it turns out to be a subversion. Makarov doesn't forgive him at all, but invited him because without proper guidance he would just get even worse.
- Evil Counterpart: Originally introduced as Natsu's.
- Evil Laugh: Gajeel's laugh is freaky. Interestingly enough, it stays creepy after he becomes one of the good guys.
- Expy: many have claimed him to be This Generation's Vegeta.
- Extra Ore Dinary: As the Iron Dragon Slayer, he has some of the same abilities that Natsu does, and many that he doesn't.
- Fangs Are Evil: All Dragon Slayers have them, but Gajeel comes closest to playing it straight due to his Jerkass and Sociopathic Hero nature.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Subverted; Gajeel has only switched sides once, despite numerous hints of otherwise.
- The Hero: On Fairy Tail's B Team in the Tournament Arc.
- Heroic Willpower: He gets stabbed in the arm and keeps fighting. By stabbed in the arm, I mean from the middle of his palm to the end of his shoulder.
- Toned down in the anime, but still there: he manages to turn his arm into an iron pole before the sword pierces it, and you still see it crack to the point that it almost breaks, and it's obviously painful for him.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Him and Levy. He's tall enough that he can use her head as an elbow rest.
- Image Song: "Metallic Kiss"
- I'm Taking Him Home With Me: Towards Pantherlily.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: After his Heel Face Turn and subsequent Character Development.
- Kick the Dog: In his Phantom Lord days, he attacked Shadow Gear, Lucy, and even his own teammates if they got in the way of his attacks. Not quite Moral Event Horizon, because he never used lethal force.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Yes, really. Though, it may be just because it's Pantherlily.
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Lightning Bruiser: He's impressively fast for someone who's literally Made of Iron and hits like a tank.
- Made of Diamond: This is the proper trope, despite the fact that he has a technique that makes him quite literally Made of Iron.
- Opposites Attract: With Levy. It is currently debatable if his feelings for her are romantic or not, but he definitely has a soft spot for her.
- Manly Tears
- Tears of Joy: Anytime he reunites with Pantherlily.
- Only Sane Man: At times.
- Parental Abandonment: Metalicana just disappeared one day, like every other dragon.
- Power Perversion Potential: A bit. Besides being able to turn his arms and legs into swords and his skin into scales, Gajeel can make giant iron rods and various metal bindings. He has used the latter ability on Jet, Droy, Levy, Lucy, and Mirajane.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Same reason as Natsu.
- Red Baron: In Phantom Lord, he was known as "Black Steel" Gajeel.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: They were originally green.
- Reverse Mole: Ivan thinks that he's using Gajeel to spy on Fairy Tail for him, but it turns out he's a Double Agent spying on him for Fairy Tail.
- Rival Turned Evil: Inverted. He starts out as Natsu's Evil Counterpart and is currently his rival.
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- Ship Tease: With Levy!
- Sixth Ranger: If Wendy is becoming the Tagalong Kid to Team Natsu, then he also certainly seems to be slowly becoming this.
- Slasher Smile: Smiles from Gajeel always show teeth. Big teeth.
- Sociopathic Hero: More or less.
- Spam Attack: His Iron Dragon Lance: Demon Logs.
- Sword and Sorcerer: With Levy. He's the sword, despite being a wizard as well.
- Taking the Bullet: Well, lightning bolt. Right before Laxus almost kills Natsu and hits Levy.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: A fairly mild example when it comes to the snark but he does have his moments, especially with Natsu. He's definitely tall and dark, though.
- The Nicknamer: Among other things, he's been noted to call Natsu "Salamander", Lucy "Bunny Girl", and Lily "Black Cat".
- Justified with Natsu; the first chapter makes it clear that his nickname was actually "Salamander" before the two ever met.
- This Is a Drill: Karma Demon: Iron Spiral
- Token Evil Teammate: Even after joining Fairy Tail and being marginally accepted, he still seems to be the guild's resident Ax Crazy.
- Tsundere: Some fans think that this is an apt description of his relationship with Fairy Tail and Levy.
- The anime seems to agree.
- The Worf Effect: In the second Ova/Fairy Academy, Erza whacks him with an iron pipe.
- Weaksauce Weakness: All dragon slayers seem to suffer from Natsu's aversion to transportation.
- Would Hit a Girl: As Levy and Lucy can attest to.
- The anime takes this Up to Eleven. In the manga, when Lucy is captured Gajeel ties her to the wall and chucks knives near her head. Harsh, but intimidating rather than damaging. In the anime, he just straight-out wails on her.
- Genre Savvy: He claims he did this deliberately to make Natsu angry when he found them.
- You Shall Not Pass: To Yomazu and Kawazu.
Wendy Marvell
The Sky Dragon Slayer, also known as the "Sky Maiden." She was raised by the dragon Grandine in the art of healing magic, though she can also use her magic for combat purposes such as breathing gusts of wind. She is introduced as a representative of the Cait Shelter guild during the alliance against Oración Seis, but joins Fairy Tail after learning her old guild doesn't actually exist. Seems to have become a permanent, though unofficial, member of Team Natsu by time.
Voiced by: Satomi Sato (JP)
- A-Cup Angst: Her reaction to Reedus' future drawing of her. It doesn't help when she met her Edolas version of herself.
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable
- Blow You Away: Just started learning her offensive spells.
- Child Mage
- Combat Medic: Is shaping up to be this.
- Cute Little Fangs: Comes with being a Dragon Slayer. See here!
- Doesn't Like Pickled Plums: Loke and Gray used this to defeat her in the anime version of the S-Class exam.
- Dojikko
- Glass Cannon/Lightning Bruiser: She's still too inexperienced for us to differentiate yet but one thing's certain: Wendy packs a punch.
- Healing Hands
- Image Song: "Amazing Blessings"
- Little Miss Badass
- Mystical Waif: Has elements of this, including a mysterious past, bad guys wanting her (in the case of Brain), non-action status, bit of a Damsel in Distress, purehearted and kind, and The Medic.
- Meaningful Name: Wendy can sound like Windy
- Originally, she was going to be the Water Dragon Slayer, with her name becoming a pun on Wensday (In japanese, Mizuyobi or "Water Day").
- Older Than They Look: She is 12 and not 6 or 7 as her picture might imply. Especially in her introduction arc, she has the body proportions of a very young child. That changes later on due to Art Evolution, and she gets a more long-legged stature, but she keeps her child-like face. Proportions aside, she is also very short, only reaching teenage girls Lucy and Erza to the waist.
- Parental Abandonment: Like Natsu and Gajeel, the dragon Grandine left her without a word.
- Poke the Poodle: She can't be scary no matter how hard she tries. Gajeel has to do it for her.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Baron: She's known as the "Sky Maiden."
- Shout-Out: She bares some resemblance to Azu-nyan when she gets into her Edolas clothes, complete with pigtails.
- Shrinking Violet: Is introduced this way, but once she joins Fairy Tail, she starts to grow out of it.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Status Buff: Her Sky Dragon Slayer magic is very practical because of this.
- Tagalong Kid: Seems to be becoming this to Team Natsu.
- Tender Tears
- The Medic: One of very few, and probably the best.
- Shoot the Medic First: What Hades tries doing to her, though she's thankfully protected by Horologium... minus her clothes.
- Token Mini-Moe
- Tomato Surprise: Cait Shelter is just an illusion created by the long-dead master, Roubaul. This leads to her joining Fairy Tail.
- What Could Have Been: At first she was stated to be the Water Dragon Slayer.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: In the entire Edolas arc, along with Girlish Pigtails.
Wendy's caretaker. She is of the same species as Happy, a talking cat who can grow wings and fly. Unlike Happy, she was born with knowledge of what she and Happy really are--Exceeds sent from the parallel world of Edolas--thanks to her ability to foresee the future.
Voiced by: Yui Horie (JP)
- Accidental Truth: in the Edolas arc, she claimed to be the Exceed Princess to prevent Edolas!Erza from arresting her and Happy. Turns out that she really is Queen Shagot's daughter
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Until the Edolas arc.
- Bond Creatures: To Wendy. It's actually implied that all Dragon Slayers should have one.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Once she sees Happy's Heroic Resolve. She finally even calls him by his name!
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: With Happy, Carla manages to destroy Hades's heart during his battle with the rest of team Natsu. This action nearly defeated Hades just by itself and saved the lives of the entire team.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Happy.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Five-Fingered Paw
- Grumpy Bear
- Heroic BSOD: When she finds out that everything she's done was to unwittingly accomplish her mission and not to protect Wendy. Though it wasn't a mission in the first place.
- Jerkass: Also to Happy.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She gets better.
- Little Miss Snarker: Despite being a cat.
- Ms. Exposition: Explains Edolas to Natsu, Wendy, and Happy.
- Only Sane Man
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Psychic Powers: The power of foresight.
- Prophetic Fallacy: Much to her dismay
- Spell My Name with an "S": There has been a huge debate over how her name (pronounced Sharuru in Japanese) should be spelled. For the longest time, people have settled on "Charle," though the OVA opening spells it as "Charles," meaning it would have the gender-neutral French pronunciation. However, Word of God says that the name was translated to the more feminine "Carla" since people would likely mistake "Charles" as a male name.
- Straight Man
- Strong Family Resemblance: To her mother
- Talking Animal
- Tsundere: Is later this towards Happy.
- Tyke Bomb: Along with Happy and 98 others of their kind. Subverted in that this was never the intention of Queen Chagot when she sent her away.
- Winged Cat
- Wise Beyond Their Years: One of the more collected and observant guild members, and she's only six.
Magic/Weapons: Learning Take Over Guild Mark: Unknown
A young girl and a minor character who recently joined the guild. She used to be Cobra of Oracion Seis' pet snake, Cuberos, who was turned into a snake many years ago by an evil mage. After Oracion Seis fell to Natsu and friends, Makarov found the snake and, realizing it was under a spell, transformed her back into a human. She doesn't have any memory of her past, and only occasionally hears someone calling out to her in her dreams.
- All There in the Manual: Where just about everything we know of her so far comes from.
- Ascended Extra: Was just a background character in the manga put in there as a joke by Mashima (see below) but the recent filler seems to feature her a bit more.
- Baleful Polymorph: Used to be Cobra's pet snake, Cuberos.
- Brought Down to Normal
- Irony: After being Brought Down to Normal, she's now learning Take Over.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Shrinking Violet: With purple hair to boot.
- Verbal Tic: She used to end her sentences with -kina before the Time Skip.
- Write Who You Know: Her initial design was based off of one of Mashima's assistants.
An Exceed who, unlike Happy and Carla, was born and raised in Edolas. He was exiled from his home country for aiding an injured human, Mystogan, leading him to side with the humans as Captain of the 1st Magic War Division in the Edolas Royal Army. Gajeel later claims him as his cat partner, much like Happy is to Natsu and Carla is to Wendy.
Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi (JP)
- Afraid of Lightning: And it's adorable.
- Anti-Villain: Before his Heel Face Turn.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: He's just. So. Huggable. Half of the time.
- Badass Baritone
- BFS/Cool Sword: Wielded the gigantic "Buster Marm" in Edolas, which was adjustable in size, but usually many times larger than Pantherlily himself. Unfortunately it was shattered in his fight with Gajeel. His new Musica Sword, acquired from a Grimoire Heart member, has the same size shifting capabilities, which allows him to carry it around even when he's in his chibi form.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Has no actual magic besides his Battle Mode Shift, yet he can punch hard enough to break rock and wield a massive BFS.
- The Comically Serious
- Expy: Somehow he looks like Eugene from Tales of Rebirth...
- He also bears a striking resemblance to Blacksad, which is very likely intentional, as the author has admitted to being a fan of the latter, even having a signed copy.
- Fluffy the Terrible: Why does his name sound so cute?
- Fun Size: After going to Earthland.
- Funny Animal: In the same vein as Komamura.
- Genius Bruiser
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: One going on the side of his left eye.
- Heel Face Turn
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The first hint should have been that he's more or less the sole recipient of Coco's admiration. The next was when he saves a young Mystogan's life in a Flash Back. He also catches Queen Chagot when she nearly falls from the sky.
- Manly Tears
- Non-Human Sidekick: To Gajeel.
- Only Sane Man: Is absolutely bewildered by the guild's antics.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Redemption Demotion: Since his Heel Face Turn he has become much less effective in fights, mostly because of the limited amount of time he can spend in his battle form since coming to Earthland.
- Shipper on Deck: For Happy/Carla.
- The Stoic: Next to Carla, he may be among the most serious of the Fairy Tail guild.
- Not So Stoic: Gajeel managed to break through to the Blood Knight underneath in their fight, judging by Lily's smile.
- Also he's afraid of thunder
- Not So Stoic: Gajeel managed to break through to the Blood Knight underneath in their fight, judging by Lily's smile.
- Talking Animal
- Vocal Dissonance: He has a deep, gruff voice befitting his big, muscular form. In his chibi form, he sounds exactly the same.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: After going to Earthland, he displays the ability to temporarily transform, with all of his strength and sword fighting skills, into his hulking, regular body.
- Winged Humanoid: He's an Exceed.
Romeo Conbolt
Magic/Weapons: Rainbow Fire Guild Mark:Top of left shoulder
Macao's son. After spending the first portion of the series dreaming about it, he becomes a member of Fairy Tail following the time skip. His magic is called Rainbow Fire, which lets him conjure flames of different qualities based on their color (blue flames are cold, orange flames are foul-smelling, purple flames are sticky, etc.).
Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Kayla Carlyle (EN)
- All of the Other Reindeer: Bullied by other kids because his dad is in Fairy Tail.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Before the Time Skip.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears to become far more important after the Time Skip. Also, his future self first appears at the end of chapter 234.
- Continuity Nod: Appears in the background of some panels.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Punches Makarov after he refused send someone to help Macao
- Missing Mom: She divorced Macao.
- Mouthy Kid
- Perpetual Frowner: He hadn't smiled once during Natsu and the others' seven-year-long absence.
- Playing with Fire
- Fireballs: Not as strong as Natsu's, though.
- Technicolor Fire: Thanks to Totomaru's lessons.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Take Up My Sword: Even though Natsu's still alive, he seems to be imitating him in looks and in magic after the 7 year timeskip.
- Took a Level in Badass: Seems to have done so over the seven year timeskip.