Fairy Tail/Characters/Former Members
Mavis Vermilion
The founder and first master of Fairy Tail. Her grave is located on Tenrou Island, Fairy Tail's holy ground. Her spirit protects the guildmates on the island from an attack by Acnologia, leading them to reawaken seven years later.
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP)
- A Mother to Her Men: She used Fairy Sphere to protect the guild members in Tenrou Island from Acnologia's attack.
- Badass
- Combat Pragmatist: Of sorts. She knows Jellal isn't a member of Fairy Tail but so long as either the A team or B team wins the guild tournament, she doesn't care.
- Played straight (and possibly for laughs) in Chapter 285, where she grants Cana the use of Fairy Glitter to win the Power Levels match, treating it like a toy than a dangerous weapon.
- Cute Ghost Girl
- Does Not Like Shoes: She has been barefoot in all her appearances so far.
- Genki Girl
- Green Eyes
- Hair Decorations: Those wings on her hair.
- Hair of Gold
- Idiot Hair
- Invisible to Normals: Only true members of Fairy Tail can see her since she's already dead.
- Light'Em Up: Fairy Glitter
- Not So Above It All: She is revealed to be just as weird as the rest of the guild.
- This was lampshaded by Jet and Levy when they said the reasons Mavis gave for allowing Jellal to fight for Fairy Tail probably didn't matter.
- Passing the Torch: Chose Purehito as master of Fairy Tail.
- The Power of Friendship: Weaponized: She used the power of the guild members' faith and bonds between themselves to cast Fairy Sphere.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sphere of Power: Fairy Sphere
- Strange Girl
- Walking on Water
The second master of Fairy Tail who named Makarov to be his successor. He eventually became obsessed with discovering the origins of magic, leading him to form the dark guild Grimoire Heart and lead it under the name Hades.
For more information on Hades, see Fairy Tail
Voiced by: Masashi Hirose (JP), John Swasey (EN)
- Eyepatch of Power
- Face Heel Turn
- Forgotten Friend, New Foe
- Go Mad from the Revelation: We don't quite know what it was about tracing the roots of magic back to Zeref that made him into the monster he became, but it was profound enough for him to forget the significance of his own teachings from when he was with Fairy Tail.
- Passing the Torch: To Makarov as master of Fairy Tail.
- Walking the Earth: What led him to discover what he believed to be the "One Magic" and turn evil.
For more information, see Fairy Tail
Ivan Dreyar
For more information, see Fairy Tail
Introduced as one of the guild's most powerful members, as well as its most mysterious, he refuses to let anyone see his face. He used to be one of Fairy Tail's five S-Class wizards. He is actually the prince of Edolas, and is that universe's counterpart of Erza's former childhood friend Jellal. He has since left the guild to become the King of Edolas.
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Robert McCollum (EN)
- Badass Cape
- Badass Normal: Being from Edolas, he has no magic of his own. It's all in his staves.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Wendy
- The Comically Serious: "Can I have another apple?"
- Expy: To Jellal, and thus Sieg Hart as well.
- Fluffy the Terrible: His name's been romanized as "Mist Gun" before. He sounds like he specializes in plant watering magic.
- And he happens to be the gardener in the OVA that wield said mist guns.
- Foil: To Laxus.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the blue one.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Puts everyone to sleep when he comes to collect a job.
- I Let You Win: Failed to take down Faust on purpose in order to save Pantherlily instead.
- Informed Ability: One of the most powerful wizards in the series. Even during his fight with Laxus, we didn't really get to see the full display of his power. Though we do see a sign of his power; during Fairy Tail's war with Phantom Lord, he managed to not only gather all of Makarov's magic, but took out all of Phantom Lord's sub-divisions during that time.
- We get to see more of his Magic through his Earthland counterpart Jellal copying it in the Magic Games. Judging by what was shown/implied, he's at least on par with Jura, one of the Ten Holy Mages, if not stronger. Just as a rough sketch of his power level, Jura is the weakest of the Ten.
- Mask Power
- Master of Illusion
- Put on a Bus: Became the King of Edolas.
- Tomato Surprise: Look at the spoiler tags involving him.
- Warrior Prince: The prince of Edolas.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: A nicer one than Earthland's Jellal, but his solution to Edolas' crisis is to drain Edolas of its magical power and subsume it into Earthland and be killed for it.