Fairy Tail/Other Members
The Fairy Tail guild is made up of over a hundred members, though the following few really stand out:
Cana Alberona
Guild Stamp: Lower left side of abdomen (black)
One of the guild's veteran members, as well as Gildarts's daughter. She casts spells using a deck of magic cards. She is the guild's heaviest drinker, constantly drinking entire barrelfuls of alcohol at a time. She also suffers from low self-esteem due to her constant failures at becoming an S-Class wizard, which she thinks would impress her dad. However, she grows out of it.
Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (JP), Jamie Marchi (EN)
- Action Girl
- The Alcoholic: Mostly played for laughs, but she has no desire to stop. She drinks up to 30 percent of Fairy Tail's total alcohol.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Boisterous Bruiser: Not as strong as some of the other members of the guild, but she's always ready for a fight and responds to Natsu's challenges often.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Fridge Brilliance
- Buxom Is Better: Has the dubious honor of having the biggest breasts in the guild.
- Cry Cute
- Daddy Issues
- Death Dealer
- Delinquents: Dresses like one in the OVA.
- Disappeared Dad: Her mom died and she was sent to live with her dad, Gildarts, who didn't recognize her.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Invokes this with her cards when Fried "shows" that scantily-clad woman make him uncomfortable during the S-Rank exam.
- Failure Knight: She has tried the S-Class test four times before the series began, but never succeeded. Her fifth exam was cancelled before it could be finished.
- Fortune Teller: Though it's unclear whether this is her magic or just a standard magic trick.
- Giving the Sword to A Noob: Fairy Glitter. She got it only because she found Mavis's grave before the others in time of need, and it turns out that even with that magic in her possession, she's incapable of using it correctly. In the end, she's defeated and she loses the magic some time later, since it was a short time loan. Instead of an S-Class wizard wannabe, true S-Class wizards clearly would have been better choices for it.
- Subverted much later in the manga, when she manages to pull it off, and outdamages every others contestant during the tournament.
- Godiva Hair
- Good Bad Girl
- Hard-Drinking Party Girl/The Ladette
- Heel Realization/My God, What Have I Done?: Not a bad guy, of course, but she was starting to skirt close to the line when she betrayed the guild that raised her and the friend that agreed to help her and did all the work. Then she realized what she was doing and knew she had to go back and fight. She also prepared herself for the consequences of betraying the guild as well.
- Idiot Ball: During the S-Class arc, she believes the test is still going despite the island and her fellow guild mates being under attack. Thankfully, she comes to her senses.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure
- Luke, You Are My Father: Her motivation for becoming an S-Class wizard. She wants to be able to tell Gildarts that she is his daughter while standing on equal footing with him. Once she realizes she doesn't need to achieve the rank, she tells him anyway.
- Meaningful Name: Her's came from "Arcana" of tarot cards.
- Gratuitous Spanish: It's also a name of the Nicaraguan rum, Flor de Cana.
- Never Gets Drunk: Subverted when she's beaten in a drinking contest against Bacchus.
- Oh Crap: Upon realizing that even with Fairy Glitter, she doesn't stand a chance against Bluenote.
- Readings Are Off the Scale: Uses Fairy Glitter in the Power Levels challenge. Even lampshaded by the judges when it rated at a 9999.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Goes on one against Fried when he makes Juvia sacrifice herself, but doesn't manage to finish him off.
- Sixth Ranger: Of Team Fairy Tail B.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tears of Remorse: She cries her eyes out once she realizes that she had abandoned Lucy in favor of becoming an S-Class wizard.
- Took a Level in Badass: Obtains one of the three sacred magics of Fairy Tail, of which Fairy Law is a part of. Unfortunately, just because she gained the magic doesn't mean she knew how to use it. Bluenote beat her up before Gildarts stopped him. And now she knows how to use it for the Tournament.
- Walking Swimsuit Scene
- "Well Done, Daughter" Gal: She's this to her father Gildarts. Sadly, he never realized he even had a daughter, at least until she tells him. Once that happens, their relationship blossoms.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: A non-lethal variant to Lucy: Cana puts Lucy to sleep after Lucy plays Ms. Exposition for her.
Guild Stamp: Right side of his upper back (green)
A womanizing young man who is hardly ever seen outside the company of several young women. He tries to avoid Lucy at first because he is actually the celestial spirit Leo who was banished from the spirit world after causing the death of his previous master, but he has since been allowed to return thanks to Lucy, and now acts as one of her most trusted spirit partners. He draws magic from an enchanted ring called Regulus.
Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (JP), Eric Vale (EN)
- The Atoner: Spent three years anticipating his own eventual demise to compensate for indirectly causing the death of his former owner - before Lucy intervenes.
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit: In his spirit form.
- Big Damn Heroes: Has demonstrated the ability to break through his gate without Lucy having to summon him. Usually just in the nick of time.
- Bishonen: Top-ranked as Sorcerer Weekly's Mage you want to have as a boyfriend for a reason.
- Catboy: They can be kind of difficult to see, but he does have lion ears in his spirit form - or at least his hair is shaded that way (he still has human ears).
- Cool Shades
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Determinator: Survived for three years in the human world with his own strength. To add perspective, Lucy believed that even 1 year was out of the question, and just 1 week outside the Celestial Spirit World was considered torture to his fellow Zodiac spirit, Aries. Even if he was The Atoner during those three years, that still takes a lot of willpower.
- Grand Theft Me: Gets his body momentarily snatched by Zoldeo in the Tenrou Island arc.
- It's All My Fault: Blames himself for the death of his previous owner, Karen Lillica, when it was her own arrogance that caused her fate. He was just standing up for himself and Aries.
- Light'Em Up
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- The Power of Love: He comes out to help Lucy even when she doesn't call him, and he says this is the reason.
- Ring of Power: Regulus. He also used regular Ring Magic before becoming one of Lucy's spirits.
- Ship Tease: With Lucy and Aries.
- Shonen Hair: Again, in his spirit form.
- Significant Anagram: The name Loke contains the letters "l" "e" and "o".
- Slasher Smile: Sports a rather terrifying one when possessed by Zoldeo.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Loki, Loke, Locke, among others.
- You Shall Not Pass: Pulls this on Capricorn in the S-Class Trial arc.
Elfman Strauss
Guild Stamp: Left side of neck (black)
Mirajane's younger brother, also known as "Beast Arm Elfman." He strongly believes in pride through physical strength and manliness. He has the power to transform his arm into that of any monster he has defeated using his Beast Arm ability. He also has the power to perform a Full-Body Take Over, called Beast Soul, which he temporarily lost following a tragic incident with his sister.
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto (JP), Christopher Sabat, Mary Morgan (young) (EN)
- Anime Hair
- Shounen Hair: After Lisanna's death.
- Badass
- Big Brother Instinct: A single tear from Mirajane assures you that he is ready to kick some asses.
- A subversion--he's actually younger than Mirajane.
- Truth in Television: He's the only male sibling, one sister has already died except not really, and they're both adults, so the age doesn't really matter.
- A subversion--he's actually younger than Mirajane.
- Big Little Brother: As mentioned above, he is younger than Mirajane, but much larger. Averted with Lisanna, since he is older than her.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Bridal Carry: To Evergreen, after their defeat by Rustyrose.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Tends to be easily moved by displays of kindness.
- Curb Stomp Battle: After he finally completely transforms, Monsieur Sol doesn't last long. Must be a family tradition.
- Dead Little Sister: It's all his fault. Subverted since she's still alive.
- Deliberate Injury Gambit: Makes one against Rustyrose so that he can use his own right arm against him through Take Over, which actually proves to be a distraction so that he could crush his glasses. It doesn't work, due to Rustyrose's powers.
- Determinator
- Fluffy the Terrible: Invoked by Word of God; he thought the name sounded cute.
- Fundoshi: Wears one with a character meaning "honorable man" on it.
- Game Face
- Genius Bruiser: Maybe not genius, but he's certainly smarter than he seems and is capable of thinking up quick and clever plans. Notably his plan to take down Rustyrose and his clever use of his transformations against Bacchus.
- Gentle Giant: Before Lisanna's death. He's still pretty gentle with those he cares about.
- Hot-Blooded
- Hotblooded Sideburns: After the three month training for Grand Mage games.
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser: His Weretiger transformation.
- Manly Tears: After he saves Mirajane from being killed by Phantom Lord. Also, when he is reunited with Lisanna.
- My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Pulls this in order to save Mirajane from Phantom Lord. His newfound power isn't enough to do the same again against many other enemies, though.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: He's a pretty big guy, but gets (literally) thrown around easily by the likes of Natsu and Gray. In battle, however, he's not considered weak.
- Nigh Invulnerability: His Lizardman transformation gives him spiked scales that are Made of Diamond and virtually impervious to physical damage. It lets him win his fight against the heavy-hitting Bacchus when their battle turns into an Endurance Duel.
- Partial Transformation/Right Hand of Doom: Before he starts using his Full-Body Take Over.
- Powers Via Possession: Elfman is the first wizard to demonstrate this power, though both of his sisters once used this magic as well.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Concerning Evergreen.
- Ship Tease: Been getting some with Evergreen from the Tenrou Island arc onwards.
- Stone Wall: His Lizardman transformation.
- Testosterone Poisoning: Is always talking about the concept of manliness, refusing to believe that something unnatural could be attributed to anything but an awesome man.
- Verbal Tic: Usually ends a sentence with "like a man" or something similar.
- The Worf Effect: A victim of this after his victory over Sol. Though post-timeskip he gets to take on Bacchus, a man rivaling Erza, and wins!
Lisanna Strauss
Guild Stamp: Left Shoulder Blade (red)formerly, Left thigh (white) currently
The younger sister of Mirajane and Elfman. She is known to have used a form of Take Over magic called Animal Soul to transform her body into those of animals. She was killed in an accident while on a mission with her siblings two years ago...or not. She has actually been living in Edolas, but has since returned to her old guild and reunited with her siblings and friends.
Voiced by: Harumi Sakurai (JP), Carrie Savage (EN)
- Action Girl
- Blue Eyes
- Bob Haircut
- Catgirl: Due to her particular brand of Take Over, Animal Soul.
- Dead Little Sister: Subverted in her case. Played straight with her Edolas counterpart.
- Dead Person Impersonation: When she arrived in Edolas, she reluctantly took the identity of her Edolas counterpart (who by then was already dead) as soon as everyone in the Edolas Fairy Tail guild welcomed her (thinking she's their Lisanna) so as not to bring everyone needless grief, especially to Edolas' Mirajane and Elfman. Subverted by the end of the Edolas arc when Edolas' Mirajane and Elfman revealed that they knew who she really was all along but kept quiet about it.
- Genki Girl
- I Choose to Stay: Subverted. While this was her initial choice when Earthland's Natsu and Happy appeared at the Edolas Fairy Tail as she didn't want to upset Edolas' versions of her siblings, it was rendered moot once the Anima was reversed, forcing her to return to Earthland. Though the Edolas Mirajane and Elfman knew her little secret, they wish her well as she heads back.
- Hartman Hips: While her bust isn't as ridiculously large as some of her fellow guildmates, her hips seem very large and shapely by comparison.
- Kill the Cutie: Subverted.
- Not Quite Dead: She's been in Edolas all along.
- Partial Transformation: Though she is also adept at the Full-Body version.
- Perpetual Smiler
- Plot Hole: The fact that she is alive yet was declared dead. Supposedly, Mirajane was there when she was whisked away to Edolas by Anima, but why did it suck up her and not the more magically powerful Mirajane, who was right beside her when it happened.
- Posthumous Character. Or was, anyway.
- The Power of Love: Tried this to calm Elfman when he went on a rampage. The key word here is "tried".
- Powers Via Possession: Like her siblings, she also used transformation magic.
- She's Just Hiding: In-universe. It turns out she wasn't killed during Elfman's rampage, but simply knocked out and got caught in one of the Anima portals that transported her to Edolas. Though one has to wonder how Mirajane could mistake Lisanna's body suddenly disappearing as dying. She was right there when it happened.
- Shipper on Deck: Apparently for Natsu/Lucy.
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Lisanna" or "Lisana"? Word of God says it's the former.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Mirajane's tomboy. Not anymore.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Shadow Gear
One of Fairy Tail's three-wizard teams that make up the backbone of the guild.
- Ascended Extra: Word of God says that Shadow Gear, particularly Levy, were meant to be background characters. However, they started popping up more and more frequently until they rose to prominence.
- Love Triangle: Both Jet and Droy are in love with Levy, but she's rejected them both.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Jet and Droy are the guys, and Levy is the girl.
Levy McGarden
Guild Stamp: Left side of back (white with orange outline)
A member of Shadow Gear who is close friends with Lucy. Her magic is called Solid Script, which lets her transform anything she writes into solid objects.
Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Kristi Bingham (EN)
- A-Cup Angst: Dislikes Taurus because he compliments Erza's boobs.
- Action Girl
- All Girls Want Bad Boys/Opposites Attract: Her heavily hinted crush on Gajeel.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Gajeel, until she has to go warn everyone of what's going on.
- Badass Bookworm: She knows how to completely rewrite Fried's runes.
- Bookworm
- Brown Eyes
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While we haven't seen much of her in action, she still got chosen as a contender in the S-Class trial. Seeing who are the others, that means a lot.
- Badass may be pushing it but she's definitely more competent than she thinks she is.
- The Cutie
- Break the Cutie: The Phantom Lord arc.
- Detached Sleeves: Both her Festival arc and Tenrou Island arc outfit
- Genki Girl
- Glass Cannon/Squishy Wizard: Possibly. She's good enough to qualify for the S-rank trial, but comments that her body is weak.
- Hair Decorations
- Hartman Hips: Her strong point. They more than make up for her lack of breasts.
- Hot Librarian
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Her and Gajeel. She's short enough that he can use her head as an elbow rest.
- Meganekko: On occasion.
- Minored in Asskicking
- Narrator All Along: If the end of chapter 274 is anything to go by. One can only guess since when she is though.
- Neutral Female: During the Laxus fight.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Thanks to the dress she wears during the exam arc.
- Show the Forehead
- Stealth Pun: Levy McGarden. She's certainly a source of "levity".
- Sword and Sorcerer: With Gajeel. She's normally a Glass Cannon/Squishy Wizard, but with him she can also be The Medic, with her ability to create metal.
- Tsundere: Towards Gajeel.
- Words Can Break My Bones: Her main power, but they must be written down.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Jet & Droy
These two have a one-sided crush on Levy and follow her around everywhere. Jet uses High Speed magic to increase his speed, and Droy can control magic plants.
Magic/Weapons: High Speed (Jet), Plant Magic (Droy) Guild Stamp: Left side of back (Both)
Jet is voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Michael Chinnici (EN)
Droy is voiced by: Daisuke Endou (JP), Z Charles Bolton (EN)
Young Jet is voiced by: Kyoko Namekawa (JP)—Young Droy is voiced by: Natsue Sasamoto (JP)
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Butt Monkeys
- Eating My Sorrows: Droy got really fat after the Time Skip.
- Fat and Skinny: After the timeskip. Ironically, before the timeskip Droy was slightly lankier than Jet.
- Green Thumb: Droy, who uses plant-based magic.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Despite their feelings for Levy, Jet and Droy are aware that she likes Gajeel and are willing to move on if it makes her happy.
- Nice Hat: Jet before the Time Skip.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Jet, whose real name is Sarusuke.
- Super Speed: Jet.
- Those Two Guys
Macao Conbolt
Guild Stamp:Right shoulder (purple)
One of the guild's veteran members. He has a son named Romeo, who wants to follow in his father's footsteps. He uses a form of fire magic called Purple Flare, which lets him create flames that stick to objects instead of burning them. He temporarily replaces Makarov as the master of Fairy Tail during his seven-year disappearance over the Time Skip.
Voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Brian Mathis (EN)
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Good: Has to take over this role as a necessity during the Time Skip.
- Cool Old Guy: While not that old, he is certainly older than most of the other members in the guild, and is certainly a competent wizard.
- Perma-Stubble
- Playing with Fire: His fire is purple and immune to wind and water.
- Technicolor Fire: Purple, as mentioned above.
- Waistcoat of Style: Wears one under his Badass Longcoat after the timeskip.
Alzack Connell
Guild Mark: Not revealed
An immigrant from the West who specializes in wielding magic guns. He has mutual feelings for Bisca, who he marries over the Time Skip.
Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP), Austin Tindle (EN)
- Babies Ever After: He now has a daughter with Bisca.
- Battle Couple: With Bisca.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Until the timeskip.
- Does Not Like Spicy Food
- Doting Parent: To his daughter Asca.
- Everyone Can See It: His feelings for Bisca.
- The Gunslinger
- Abnormal Elemental Ammo
- Blow You Away: Tornado Shot
- Shock and Awe: Spark Shot
- Dishing Out Dirt: Mud Shot
- Light the Way: Sunlight Shot.
- Guns Akimbo
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Abnormal Elemental Ammo
- Happily Married: With Bisca after the timeskip.
- Hot Dad
- Love Makes You Crazy: When Laxus makes all the members of Fairy Tail fight each other. He does it for Bisca, who was turned to stone.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Shipper on Deck: Both he and Bisca like to watch how Juvia and Gray's relationship will turn out.
- Twice Shy: With Bisca.
Bisca Mulan-Connell
Guild Mark: Unknown
Another immigrant from the West who, similar to Erza, can requip various magical firearms using her magic called "The Gunner." She has mutual feelings for Alzack, who she marries over the time skip.
Voiced by: Satomi Arai (JP), Angela Chase (EN)
- Action Girl
- Action Mom: The first and only mother/wizard in Fairy Tail.
- Babies Ever After: She now has a daughter with Alzack.
- Battle Couple: With Alzack.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Until the timeskip.
- Does Not Like Sweets
- Everyone Can See It: Her feelings for Alzack.
- Expy: Bares a strong resemblance to Reina
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe
- Friendly Sniper
- Friend to All Living Things: Bisca has a zoo in her room in Fairy Hills.
- Gun Counterpart: Even though it's not necessarily implied, Erza and Bisca use the same type of magic. However, for the former (the stronger one) uses swords and the latter (who admires the former) uses guns.
- The Gunslinger
- Hammerspace: Bisca uses Requip, just like Erza. But she uses guns.
- Shotguns Are Just Better
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Has a Bazooka
- Happily Married: With Alzack after the timeskip.
- Hot Mom
- Nice Hat
- The Other Darrin: Mai Nakahara (Juvia's seiyuu) takes over for Satomi Arai in the Japanese version of episode 44 for unknown reasons. Arai returns to her role in all other episodes.
- Shipper on Deck: Both she and Alzack like to watch how Juvia and Gray's relationship will turn out.
- Twice Shy: with Alzack.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Wakaba Mine
Guild Mark: Left pectoral (yellow)
Another veteran of the guild who is close friends with Macao. He uses enchanted cigars and pipes to cast smoke magic. He acts as Macao's advisor during his time as Fairy Tail's master during the Time Skip.
Voiced by: Daisuke Kageura (JP), Charlie Campbell (EN)
- Casanova Wannabe
- Cool Old Guy: While not that old, he is certainly older than most of the other members in the guild, and is certainly a competent wizard.
- Dirty Old Man: Wakaba, while not all that old, is older than the majority of the guild and flirts heavily with Mirajane, even though he's married.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Smoke Out
The Raijinshuu[1]
A team of wizards who act as Laxus's personal bodyguard. They don't socialize much with the rest of the guild at first and support Laxus's desire to become guild master, but open up to them over time.
- Evil Eye: All three apparently have this. Bixlow and Evergreen can't control theirs, though.
- Five-Bad Band: They formed one with Laxus, despite there only being four of them.
- Arc Villain: Laxus.
- The Dragon/Evil Genius: Fried.
- The Brute: Bixlow.
- Dark Chick: Evergreen.
- Freudian Trio
- The Id: Bixlow.
- The Ego: Fried.
- The Superego: Evergreen, though she can also fit as the Id.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With extra emphasis on "quirky".
- Two Guys and a Girl: Though there's no hinting of any romantic interests.
Fried Justine[2]
Magic/Weapons: Dark Ecriture, Jutsu Shiki, Rapier Guild Mark: Left Hand (green)
The leader of the Raijinshuu, and arguably the member most loyal to Laxus. His magic, Dark Ecriture, lets him write runic enchantments to affect the environment around him to his liking.
Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe (JP), John Burgmeier (EN)
- The Atoner: Makes up for his actions during the Fantasia arc by letting Cana and Lucy win during their battle in the S-Class arc.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: With Bixlow in the S-Class trial arc.
- Bishonen: He even has a Beauty Mark.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's known as Darkness Fried and most of his spells are have a shadowy appearance to them. He's also the most sympathetic member of the Raijinshu and the one who was always objecting to Laxus's more extreme actions.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Which Cana and Lucy use to their advantage. And then it's revealed that it was just an excuse he used since he was intending to throw the fight. Bixlow just thought that was too silly of a way to lose.
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: His torture of Elfman in front of Mirajane.
- The Dragon: During the Fantasia arc while Laxus acts as the Arc Villain.
- Noble Top Enforcer: Subverted. Fried objects when Laxus orders him to use lethal force, but the only reason Laxus is telling his subordinates to kill people is because he doesn't have the necessary hatred in his heart to do it himself.
- Flight: He can give himself magical wings using his runes.
- Hair Antennae: They're even lightning bolt shaped.
- Important Haircut: He gets one after the Fighting Festival arc, but it returns to normal later on.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kick the Dog: Torturing Elfman right before he tries to kill him. His tearful apology to Mirajane after she knocks the daylights out of him stops it from being Moral Event Horizon.
- Hannibal Lecture: Gives one to Juvia, saying they will never accept her because she was a member of Phantom.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Manly Tears: The first time was after he was defeated by Mirajane.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Fried's objections to Laxus's plans don't stop him from following orders. It's debatable whether he loses this attitude or not. It could be that he's thinking more for himself, or that he doesn't have any issues following Laxus anymore now that he's dropped his Jerkass Facade.
- Not So Stoic: He cries like a baby after meeting Laxus again on Tenrou Island.
- One-Winged Angel: Fried pulls this off, but it's only a temporary transformation. Totally curb stomped by Mirajane.
- And again in his Big Damn Heroes.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Royal Rapier: He uses it to write his runes, although he can use his hands if he has to.
- Shipper on Deck: For Elfman/Evergreen, apparently.
- Shout-Out: Fried has a glyph that encases him in metallic armor with an expressionless faceplate. Said glyph is named Zetsui.
- Superpower Lottery: Especially if he is given time to put runes up beforehand since they are effective even against people as powerful as Makarov. Gray even lampshades it. Even without that the sheer number of things he can do with his magic is astounding.
- Words Can Break My Bones: Fried's power, but they can do so much more, both on him and his enemies.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Magic/Weapons: Figure Eyes, Seith Magic: Human Possesion Guild Mark: Tongue (black)
A wizard who uses seith magic to manipulate five souls, which inhabit dolls and follow him everywhere. He can also steal and control other people's souls by looking at them with his Figure Eyes ability, which he wears a mask to control.
Voiced by: Yoshihisa Kawahara (JP), Scott Freeman (EN)
- Beam Spam: One of his most common attacks with his "babies".
- Big Damn Heroes: With Fried in the S Class trial arc.
- Catch Phrase: "Let's go, babies!"
- Cool Mask
- Combat Pragmatist: He's not just a competent wizard, but also a very skilled acrobat, if his stunts during the Fighting Festival arc are anything to go by. Not to mention, even destroying his dolls isn't likely to slow him down as he can just stick their souls into any inanimate objects that happen to be lying around and continue from there.
- Creepy Good: He's apparently loyal to the Guild and not that bad a guy, but he still wears a sinister visor over his upper face and spends half his time leering at people and the other half with his (branded) tongue out.
- Evil Eye: His Figure Eyes, which literally rip a person's soul right out of them.
- Good Costume Switch: He loses the skull marks and gains a tuft on the back of his hood in his Big Damn Heroes moment, making him look more like a knight.
- The Hyena: It's very rare for him not to be laughing about something.
- Made of Iron: In the anime, he takes a surprise attack from Kowazu and gets right back up with a big grin on his face. For emphasis, this was the same attack that broke Gajeel's iron scales.
- Multicolored Hair
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Much to Lucy and Cana's dismay.
- People Puppets
- Power Incontinence: The reason why Bixlow wears a mask.
- Power Limiter: His mask since he can't control his eye power.
- Shipper on Deck: For Elfman/Evergreen.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Magic/Weapons: Stone Eyes, Fairy Magic Guild Mark: Above right breast (black, green in the anime)
A wizard who only joined Fairy Tail because she liked the guild's name. She can use her Stone Eyes ability to turn others into stone by looking at them, but must wear glasses to control it. She can also conjure fairy dust to create wings and fly.
Voiced by: Saori Seto (JP), Caitlin Glass (EN)
- Action Girl
- Expository Hairstyle Change: She lets her hair down after the Edolas arc.
- Flechette Storm
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Concerning Elfman.
- "We're not in love!"
- Letting Her Hair Down: After the Edolas arc.
- Light the Way
- Limited Wardrobe: Averted. She is very often seen in the background sporting a different outfit, but as of the latest arc she totally revamps her clothes and hairstyle.
- Meganekko
- Power Limiter: Since she can't control her eye power.
- Power Incontinence: The reason why she wears glasses.
- Ship Tease: With Elfman lately.
- Specs of Awesome
- Taken for Granite: Her power.
- Tsundere: To Elfman
- Vain Sorceress: A Heroic variant.
Minor members
- Action Girl: Every single female.
- Adaptation Expansion: Some of them are seen quite a lot more in the anime, getting some dialogue in and even having a few fighting scenes.
- All in The Manual: Most of the information on them comes from page covers.
- Art Initiates Life: Reedus' magic.
- Badass Crew
- Bald of Awesome: Mikuni Sin.
- Beast Man: Seems to be Nab Lasaro's power. He uses animal spirits.
- Brains and Bondage: Perhaps the nicest of this trope, Laki has various torture devices in her room.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Max
- Cool Shades: Wan Chanji.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Laki Olietta. She refers to sleeping as "whittling away the defenseless hours" and several other weird sayings. Tono Rabbits may also count, as well as some of Lucky's spells.
- Dark and Troubled Past: All members of Fairy Tail are said to have this, for different reasons.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Chico
- Dishing Out Dirt: Mikuni Sin and Max Alors. The latter deals with sand.
- Gender Blender Name: Chico.
- Giver Of WTF Names!!: Laki
- Green Thumb: Laki uses Wood Make magic.
- Heel Face Turn: Kinana, one of Fairy Tail's employees, was actually Cubelios, that giant purple snake that was seen with Cobra of Oración Seis.
- Important Haircut: Laki "chops her hair" to a bob sometime before the Fantasia arc.
- Limited Wardrobe: Several of the minor characters, but especially Vijeeter. It is stated that he has 100 copies of the same exact outfit.
- Loners Are Freaks: Max's backstory. His lively personality now makes up for it.
- Lucky Charms Title: Chico=C=Hammitt
- Meganekko: Laki
- Put on a Bus: The guild members who presumably left Fairy Tail after the timeskip.
- Mundane Utility: Laki, a wood wizard, wants to be a carpenter.
- Nice Hat: Jet and Chico.
- The Quiet One: Wan ChanJi. Once, he did not speak for more than one hour's time in one whole year.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Kinana with purple hair.
- Red Baron: "Demon Princess" Miki Chickentiger, who has a bird named Pii-chan, which functions as her Head Pet.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Soul Power: Chico's Legend of the City allows her to use the wandering ghosts in Magnolia. [4]
- Spell My Name with an "S": Many of these examples, as with the rest of the manga characters.
- Spoony Bard: Vijeeter Ecor, whose dances let him use Status Buffs.
- Straight Man: Lucy, Gray (at times), Warren and Max.
- Telepathy: Warren Rocko's main power.
- Took a Level in Badass: Most of the guild members are stronger after the Time Skip, notably Max, who can now mostly fight on par with Natsu. They just chose not to pick fights with the Twilight Ogre guild because they owe them money. That's legal trouble, not trouble-trouble.
- Waistcoat of Style: Max after the timeskip.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Joey Fullbun.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Laki's hair is lavender amd Kinana's hair is purple.