Fairy Tail/Characters/Two
This page lists the Fairy Tail series's villainous dark guilds, which are all criminal organizations that act without the council's consent.
- For the members of the Fairy Tail guild, go to Characters
- For the other official guilds, go to Guilds
- For everyone else, go to Characters/Three
Oración Seis
One of the three most powerful dark guilds that make up the Balam Alliance, which unites the dark guilds. Though it is the smallest guild in the series, comprised of only six members, it lives up to its strength, forcing Fairy Tail to team up with three other official guilds just to fight it. This guild seeks Nirvana, an ancient magic rumored to switch light with darkness.
- Gratuitous Spanish: "Oración Seis" literally means "Six Prayers."
- Shout-Out: To Rave Master's Oración Seis (in name only, though).
- What Could Have Been: Hiro Mashima only reused the name Oración Seis from his other work, Rave Master, as a mere placeholder for another title he was trying to come up with, but ended up going with it when the deadline came too close for comfort.
Brain / Zero
The master of Oración Seis. He seeks the legendary magic Nirvana to destroy the official mage guilds in the world and create a new world order. He has a split personality named Zero, who just wants to destroy everything.
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP)
- Ambiguously Brown
- Color Failure: Zero is pale. Played for Drama.
- Arc Villain: Of the Nirvana arc.
- Ax Crazy: Zero.
- Badass Longcoat
- Dark Is Evil: His magic fires ghostly apparitions.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Disk One Final Boss: Brain. Zero is the real Big Bad.
- Evil Albino: As Zero.
- Evil Mentor: To Jellal.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Zero has no motivation or plans beyond destroying anything and everything he encounters.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As Zero.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Zero can only come out if every other member of Oración Seis is defeated.
- Simple Staff: Which isn't so simple after all--turns out to be the seventh member of the Oración Seis, named Klodoa, whose main role is being Mr. Exposition and a bit of a Dirty Old Man before being offed quickly by Zero.
- Slasher Smile: As Zero.
- Spell My Name with an "S": A good number of scanlations call him "Blaine".
- The Stoic: Until he turns into Zero.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When the six main members are defeated, Brain's other personality, Zero, takes control.
- Tattooed Crook: Has tattoos all across his face.
- Turns out their what's sealing his Super-Powered Evil Side.
- You Have Failed Me...: To Cobra. A very odd example given that Cobra didn't actually fail, but Brain acts like he did.
- How do we know that Zero wasn't already trying to assert himself over Brain's personality even then?
Brain's right-hand man who keeps a giant flying snake named Cubelios as a pet, and has ultra-sensitive hearing. He is also the Poison Dragon Slayer whose magic was implanted in him by Brain.
Voiced by: Atsushi Imaruoka (JP)
- A Boy and His X: A man and his giant purple snake.
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Longcoat
- Catch Phrase: "I can hear you."
- Dropped a Bridge on Him/In the Back
- The Dragon: Quite literally.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His relationship with Cubelios is a prime example.
- Evil Redhead
- Finger-Licking Poison: He eats poison, because he's the Poison Dragon Slayer, albeit a "New Style" one.
- Heel Face Turn: Cubelios is actually a human named Kinana who is turned back into her original form and joins Fairy Tail as a waitress.
- Ignored Enemy: When Natsu and Happy stop to squabble for a moment. Talking isn't a free action here, but in the anime, possibly to make the Alas, Poor Villain moment more effective, he noticeably pauses in his attacks and has a sort of soft expression while looking at Cubelios.
- Manly Tears: After being shot by Brain.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: The Dragon Slayer most closely associated with reptiles, for obvious reasons, is also the most evil one shown up until his arrival. Gee, who'dathunkit?
- Samus Is a Girl: Cubelios is actually a girl named Kinana.
- Slasher Smile
- Snakes Are Sexy
- Technicolor Toxin: Cubelios is violet and her bitten victims turn purple. Later, the scales of Cobra's Dragon Slayer mode are violet, but the poison he creates is crimson.
- Telepathy: Cobra can read minds because his hearing is good.
[[File:OracionSeisRacer_6071.jpg|frame|Magic/Weapons:Slowing Magic]], Dead Grand Prix, Knife
A speed-obsessed mage who uses magic to move faster than the eye can see. At least, that's what he makes his opponents think: his magic actually lets him slow down time for everything around him.
Voiced by: Junji Majima (JP)
- Badass Biker
- Catch Phrase: "Fast is good"
- Cool Bike: His other magic, "Dead Grand Prix," can produce them out of thin air.
- Fragile Speedster: Catch him off guard and he's a vulnerable as any normal human.
- Gag Nose
- Knife Nut
- Sinister Shades
- Spared by the Adaptation: In the manga, he quite clearly kills himself with the bomb, but fails to kill Lyon. However the anime has Lyon cut the bomb off of him and defend them both from the blast with ice magic before it could explode, saving his life in the process. It also gives a better explanation for how Lyon could have survived.
- Super Speed: Though his power is really the exact opposite.
- Taking You with Me: To Lyon. It didn't work.
Hoteye / Richard Buchanan
A greedy man who believes that money can solve all the world's problems. His Heaven's Gaze ability allows him to see through solid objects, and he can transform the ground around him into liquid. He's forced into making a Heel Face Turn by Nirvana early on. It's eventually revealed that he is the older brother of Erza's old friend Wally.
Voiced by: Kazuya Ichijo (JP)
- Dishing Out Dirt: Hoteye's magic deals with softening the ground. It's a lot more powerful than it sounds.
- Expy: His powers and voice have something in common with a previous Quirky Miniboss Squad member, Sol.
- Evil Eye
- Evil Redhead
- Expy: When he first appears he bears an uncanny (and probably coincidential) resemblace to Bartholomew Kuma.
- Gonk: At least his brother Wally's appearance is justified through his magic. But him? Nothing of the sort.
- Heel Face Turn: With the combined force of Nirvana and The Power of Love.
- Money Fetish: But before that, he was a Love Freak. He goes back to being one after he makes his Heel Face Turn.
- Strong Family Resemblance: With Wally.
- Verbal Tic: Ends all of his sentences with "yes!/desu ne!"
A very skilled celestial mage who controls spirits such as Gemini to read the minds of her enemies.
Voiced by: Fuyuka Ooura (JP)
- Absolute Cleavage: The first real example in the series.
- BFG/BFS: Caelum can be both.
- Clothing Damage: After her defeat, and arguably the most extensive case so far.
- Cute and Psycho: This should tell you all you need to know.
- Dark Action Girl
- Hair Decorations: A blue ribbon to be precise.
- Evil Counterpart: Serves as a nice contrast to Lucy.
- Idiot Hair: In the shape of a halo.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Hard to tell until the Clothing Damage, but she definitely fits.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: She's the one who killed Karen.
- Light Is Not Good: She wears a white dress, has white hair, is named "Angel" and uses celestial magic. She's also one of the cruelest characters in the series.
- Manipulative Bitch: It's hard to understate this.
- Mini-Dress of Power: It's even made of feathers.
- Opera Gloves: Bonus points for being the same color as the Zettai Ryouiki.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: As sexy as the Absolute Cleavage.
- Shape Shifter: Her favorite combat tactic.
- Slasher Smile
- Summon Magic: Angel is a celestial mage with three Golden Keys (Aries, Gemini, Scorpio).
- Tattooed Crook: Has two angel wings tattooed above her breasts.
- The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female in Oración Seis, but don't let that fool you. She's just as sadistic as the rest.
- Vapor Wear
- Villainous Breakdown
- White-Haired Pretty Girl with White-Haired Pretty Boy Characteristics
- Woman in White
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.
Brain's adoptive son who is almost always shown sleeping. He uses Reflector magic to evade his opponents' attacks and create illusions.
Voiced by: Kouki Uchiyama (JP)
- Attack Reflector: His primary power.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Expy: He bears a striking resemblance to Albel Nox from Star Ocean 3
- Fighting a Shadow: He pulls this on Hoteye.
- Master of Illusion: His secondary power.
- Multicolored Hair: He looks like he has two sets of hair at the same time--a black "spiky lump" commonly used on males, and white chin-length hair with decorations that would look perfectly fitting on a girl.
- One-Winged Angel: Transforms into a hideous large beast once it becomes midnight, against Erza. It's actually just an illusion, which doesn't work for long on Erza.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Ship Tease: Believe it or not, with Jellal!
- Superpower Lottery: He's basically Accelerator and Aizen rolled into one, toned down of course. Subverted in the end, however, when all that power fails to keep him from suffering a pretty humiliating defeat.
Grimoire Heart
The strongest of the three dark guilds that make up the Balam Alliance. The members of thus guild hope to awaken the power of the black mage Zeref for their own selfish desires. Their search leads them to war against Fairy Tail on Tenrou Island, where Zeref lives.
The master of Grimoire Heart. He wishes to uncover the origins of magic, and believes that awakening Zeref will give him that power. He is actually Purehito, the second master of Fairy Tail who named Makarov his successor.
Voiced by: Masashi Hirose (JP), John Swasey (EN)
- Arc Villain: An unusual one, as he was the Bigger Bad throughout the previous arcs, but he never shows up after Tenrou Island since he gets killed.
- Bigger Bad: Of half of the pre-Time Skip arcs. Jellal becoming Brainwashed and Crazy? All part of his plan to create a distraction to allow him to find one of the keys to unseal Zeref. Deloria's attempted revival on Garuna Island? It would have failed outright without Ultear, leader of his Quirky Miniboss Squad. Oración Seis? Brain formed it while he was Jellal's mentor. He also played a part in Ultear's Start of Darkness, if not being outright responsible for it.
- Big Bad: Seems to be a contender for this. Subverted at the end of the Tenrou Island Arc, where it's implied that Zeref killed him.
- Bigger Bad: Of half of the pre-Time Skip arcs. Jellal becoming Brainwashed and Crazy? All part of his plan to create a distraction to allow him to find one of the keys to unseal Zeref. Deloria's attempted revival on Garuna Island? It would have failed outright without Ultear, leader of his Quirky Miniboss Squad. Oración Seis? Brain formed it while he was Jellal's mentor. He also played a part in Ultear's Start of Darkness, if not being outright responsible for it.
- Badass
"The mistakes people make will eventually be labeled as experience, but with true mistakes there will be no experience gained. Because the mistake you made taking me on as your opponent will leave you no future."
- Broken Pedestal: To Makarov.
- Casting a Shadow/Unholy Nuke: Grimoire Law, the Evil Counterpart to Fairy Law. For bonus points, something really bad is supposed to happen should the two ever clash.
- Chain Pain
- Evil Counterpart: To Makarov. He even has "Grimoire Law", to counter Fairy Law.
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Old Folks
- Eyepatch of Power: He's had it since before he left Fairy Tail.
- In the literal sense too, as once he takes it off he goes One-Winged Angel
- Face Framed in Shadow: Until the Tenrou Island arc.
- Face Heel Turn: He was the second master of Fairy Tail and the one who nominated Makarov as his successor.
- Fallen Hero: Revealed to have been the second master of Fairy Tail before he left 48 years ago.
- Finger Gun
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Details haven't been given, but he decided to create a dark guild after learning the "true nature of magic".
- Gone Horribly Right: His actions awakens Zeref, but...
- Laser-Guided Karma: ...he gets killed by him because of it. Zeref really wanted to remain sealed.
- Hero-Killer
- Instant Runes: His Amaterasu spell seals, which are supposed to be ridiculously hard to do so quickly, if Makarov's reaction is any indication.
- Karmic Death
- Killed Off for Real
- Knight of Cerebus
- The Man Behind The Woman Behind The Man: He's Ultear's boss..
- Made of Iron/Won't Work On Me: After being hit by consecutive, brutal attacks from Erza, Gray, Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy, during which he exhibited several highly-visible Oh Crap moments, the five warriors hit him with a massive combination attack, apparently crushing him. When the dust settles, Hades stands in full view, not a single scratch on him.
- Even a lighting-powered Natsu hardly scratches him despite Natsu flinging him around like a ragdoll.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Defeated Makarov without breaking a sweat. Then, in the fight against Team Natsu, after they finish their "Warm up" he utterly trashes the group.
- Oh Crap: He's several shades of surprised after seeing the teamwork the aforementioned five members of Fairy Tail show in their battle against him, and even has a Oh Crap moment of his own when they pull the Triple Unison Raid. However, Hades returns the favor when he reveals he is completely unharmed from their attacks when the dust settles, to the point that he makes them actually shiver in shock and horror.
- He gives the group and even bigger one when Natsu super powered upgrade hardly does a damn thing against him. What's more, with the group now out of power, he reveals his trump card to him.
- After the source of his power is destroyed, his face is practically frozen in an Oh Crap expression for an entire chapter.
- After Zeref appears again his face is frozen.
- One-Winged Angel: Yeah, thats not good.
- Orcus on His Throne: After defeating Makarov, he was perfectly content to just sit around in his ship not doing anything, even after every single one of his subordinates was defeated, until "Makarov's kids" waltzed right to his door.
- Punny Name: His original name, Purehito, can almost be pronounced "pure heart".
- Shoot the Medic First: What he would have done to Wendy at the end of one of the many Oh Crap moments mentioned above had Horologium not appeared at the last second and saved her.
- Sorting Algorithm of Evil: He's the strongest character in the series so far, bar Zeref.
- Soul Jar: His "heart" powers both himself and the Grimoire Heart guild ship. Unfortunately, it leads to his defeat, by Carla and Happy, no less.
- Tin Tyrant
- Variable-Length Chain: One of his magic types is creating chains of light, which seem to have a draining ability when it latches on to his foes.
Bluenote Stinger
Magic/Weapons:Gravity Magic, Black Hole
The deputy commander of Grimoire Heart. Despite his rank, he couldn't care less about Zeref and just wants to find the powerful Fairy Glitter spell sealed within former Fairy Tail master Mavis's grave. He uses gravity magic to immobilize his opponents.
Voiced by: Shiro Saita (JP)
- A Twinkle in the Sky: How he is defeated by Gildarts.
- Badass: Anyone who can engage a severely pissed-off Gildarts in a protracted battle more than deserves the title.
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass Longcoat/Coat Cape.
- Shout-Out: From behind, it looks like an Admiral's coat.
- Battle Aura: Like Gildarts's, it could be felt across the entire island. And it had enough physical presence to deflect the rain falling down on him.
- The Dragon
- Co-Dragons: Along with Ultear.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Cares little for Fairy Tail and Zeref, the latter of which is goal of his guild. He seeks the grave of the first Fairy Tail master, Mavis Vermillon, in order to acquire the magic "Fairy Glitter".
- The Dreaded: As Lahar puts it:
"Not even a weed remains in the roads he's walked... that's the level of magic user he is".
- Duel Boss: Once Gildarts shows up, everyone clears out to give them room to do battle. Natsu wants to stay and watch, but they drag him off anyway.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Said battle quickly devolves into this for both Bluenote and Gildarts. Until Azuma takes control of the Tenrou Tree, that is.
- Evil Counterpart: For Gildarts.
- Face Framed in Shadow: Until he steps in.
- Gag Nose
- Gonk: His face makes him look similar to a monkey.
- Gravity Master
- Chunky Updraft: A deliberate use of his power.
- Gravity Sucks
- Dark Is Edgy & Power of the Void: Can make black holes.
- Oh Crap: When he realizes Gildarts is strong enough to pose an actual threat to him.
- He has an even more epic one when he uses his black hole move against Gildarts and finds that, not only does it not affect Gildarts, but Gildarts uses his magic to crush it before promptly handing Bluenote's ass to him.
- One-Man Army: According to his reputation.
- The Worf Effect: Yes, Gildarts is said to be the strongest mage in Fairy Tail, and yes, Gildarts is Badass, but Bluenote was defeated in one hit once Gildarts' magic was returned. And this was supposedly when Bluenote "stopped playing around".
- To be fair Bluenote's ultimate move was a freaking black hole. If it wasn't Gildarts, any other mage that went against him would be long dead. Also, keep in mind none of the other Fairy Tail members could touch him, not even Cana after she received Fairy Glitter.
Seven Kin of Purgatory
A group of mages who were all taught by Hades to learn a form of Lost Magic, ancient spells that are rarely practiced out of fear of their power.
- Hoist By Their Own Petards: Almost all of the Kin were defeated as a result of having their own magic turned against them in one way or another. Zancrow by his flames, Caprico by his body snatching, Kain by his doll, Meredy by her sensory link, Azuma by his decision to use the Tenrou Tree's magic, and Rustyrose by defeating Elfman and allowing him to be used as Bickslow's trump card. Even Ultear's defeat was a result of having helped melt Ur's ice back in the Galuna Island arc.
- Lost Magic: All of them use some kind of Lost Magic, which are stated by Hades to be the magics closest to the source of magic.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Tyke Bomb: All of them are said to have been raised and trained by Hades himself, with Caprico as the exception.
Ultear Milkovich
For more information, see Fairy Tail
A man who uses the Great Tree Arc to control trees and harness the power of magic hidden deep within the earth.
Voiced by: Hiroshi Shirokuma (JP)
- Ambiguously Brown
- Anti-Villain: Type 1, compared to the other six [1].
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Becomes a replacement Tenrou Tree before Ultear restores the old one.
- Badass: While the rest of the Kin were defeated by non-S Class mages, Azuma fights two of them and is beaten by one. However it should be noted with the exception of Meredy and Ultear it took multiple of said non S-class mages
- Blood Knight
- Death Seeker: Possibly. He seems just a smidge too happy Erza beat him.
- Even Evil Has Standards: During his fight with Erza, he admitted that he's uncomfortable with the methods of his compatriots, and the only reason he's doing so here is that he was ordered to by Master Hades.
- Expy: Possesses a strong resemblance to Amarant/Salamander Coral from Final Fantasy IX.
- Facial Markings: A stripe from the top of his forehead to the middle of his left cheek.
- Foe Yay: With Mirajane and Erza.
- Graceful Loser: He calls the members of Fairy Tail "magnificent," openly admiring their bonds and the strength of their conviction, when he is defeated by Erza.
- Green Thumb: His brand of Lost Magic: the Great Tree Arc. He uses it to take control of the magical power of Tenrou Island through the Tenrou Tree, which had given Fairy Tail immortality and a boost to their magic.
- Having a Blast: The explosions shown as his primary attacks are created by condensing the magic of the earth into the fruit of his trees.
- When Trees Attack
- Hero-Killer: He doesn't really want to kill anyone, but fits the trope otherwise. In just this arc he defeated Wendy, Mest, Pantherlily, Charle, Lisanna, Mirajane while she was using Satan Soul[2] , and took a full-powered Erza to the limit.
- My Master, Right or Wrong
- Pragmatic Villainy: He just wants a good fight, and will do whatever it takes to get it.
- Kick the Dog: He places a timed explosion on Lisanna, saying that Mirajane has that long to defeat him before her sister dies.
- Pet the Dog: Very slight, and directed at the same people he had a Kick the Dog moment with(!), but he shows some sadness/regret when he sees Lisanna cry over Mirajane's body. He then leaves them instead of finishing them off.
- Punch Clock Villain: Unlike several of the other Kin, Azuma doesn't have a bone to pick with any of the Fairy Tail mages besides being told to attack them by Hades and fighting strong people.
- Shirtless Scene
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: He grins maniacally in his fights against Worthy Opponents.
- Worthy Opponent: He considers Erza his.
A poetic young man who uses the Arc of Embodiment to create any object he desires from his imagination.
Voiced by: Kazuma Horie (JP)
- Anime Hair: Good lord, look at it.
- Arrogant Mage Guy: Thinks of his magic as invincible and this attitude gets worse after he beats Elfman and Evergreen, leading him to think that all of Fairy Tail is weak.
- Ass Pull: A very rare in-universe version that is both enforced and Played for Drama. By definition, his powers are this: allowing him to fight with literally anything he can imagine, from pegasus shoes to impenetrable shields to giant towers of magical energy and even glasses without any need for resources or with any noticeable side-effects. Because there's no obvious way to counter someone who can fight with anything he can, Evergreen and Elfman are utterly curb stomped by him once he stops playing with them and it takes some seriously creative uses of magic for the guild to finally beat him.
- Bishonen
- Evil Counterpart: Arguably, to Fried. Both are stoic bishonen with a nigh-unbeatable power (and understandable pride in such) with EPIC hair. But while Fried is quiet and mostly a nice guy when he's not on the attack, Rustyrose is a douche who loves to talk.
- Hero-Killer
- Informed Flaw: We're told there are serious side-effects of his incredibly powerful magic... we never see what those side effects are, nor are we even told what they are, and they don't stop him kicking serious amounts of ass.
- Jerkass
- Large Ham: Even while being The Stoic, he acts highly overdramatic. Once he becomes less stoic, it gets worse.
- Nice Shoes
- Oh Crap: When he winds up fighting both Fried and Bickslow and experiences fear for the first time. It doesn't last long though, as he uses the fear as more inspiration for his powers.
- He has an even more epic one when, once Asuma restored the magical power of Fairy Tail, he gets his ass handed to him by the combined effort of Fried, Bickslow, Lisanna and Elfman
- Personality Powers
- Psychotic Smirk: Once he starts being Not So Stoic.
- Reality Warper: Through his brand of Lost Magic, the Arc of Embodiment, which allows him to summon just about anything from his imagination.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Summoned into his left hand.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: Transformed his right arm into an extendable claw.
- Summon Magic: Apparently of the "Guardian Saint" variety.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Turns out that they make him immune to Evergreen's petrification powers.
- Shipper on Deck: He seems to be one for Elfman and Evergreen in a very weird, twisted sort of way.
- Smug Snake: So utterly arrogant and so utterly despicable.
- Squishy Wizard: His body isn't particularly strong nor is he particularly agile. Once his magic is disrupted long enough and one gets past the defenses he's layered himself with, he's out.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: He laughs crazily at the prospect of living in a world where non-magic users cannot survive.
- Superpower Lottery
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
For more information, see Fairy Tail
Kain Hikaru
A childish and obese man who uses a voodoo-like cursing magic called "Visit at the Ox Hour."
Voiced by: Ryou Sugisaki (JP)
- Acrofatic: He fights like a sumo wrestler, but is very agile.
- Beware the Silly Ones/Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When he shuts up and uses his voodoo doll the right way, he's pretty damn strong.
- Butt Monkey: The guy doesn't get any respect.
- Dumb Muscle
- Fat Bastard
- Gonk
- Hollywood Voodoo: Or more accurately, Japanese curse magic. His primary magic requires the hair of his opponent and a curse doll (Mr. Cursey) which he then uses to control his opponent's movements. He can also use his own hair.
- The Juggernaut
- Lightning Bruiser
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Is very pale.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Speech Impediment: Stutters a lot.
- Status Buff: When Kain uses Mr. Cursey on himself, it seems to give him the consistency of whatever attribute the doll is emulating.
- In a Single Bound: When he turns the doll to cotton.
- Light'Em Up
- Made of Iron
- Stout Strength
- Tears of Fear: Zeref appears on Grimoire Heart's plane, freezing everybody.
- Verbal Tic: "Woo-wee". Also, his stuttering.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Underneath that cape of his. Unfortunately.
Caprico / Zoldio
Magic/Weapons:Human Possession, Celestial Spirits
A goat-like being who uses Human Subordination magic to summon humans in a manner similar to a celestial mage summoning spirits. He is actually a human who fused with the celestial spirit Capricorn after using said magic on him.
Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda (JP)
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Bare Your Midriff
- Benevolent Boss: In a direct contrast to Zancrow, when he sees that his henchmen are hopelessly outclassed, he simply teleports them away and says that he'll fight Lucy, Cana, Gray and Loke by himself.
- Body Snatcher: What happened when Zoldio used his Human Subordination techinque of the non-human Capricorn. Later does this to Leo, which leads to his undoing: after he abandons Capricorn's body to take over the body of Leo, the newly freed Capricorn takes him out.
- Cultured Badass: He comes across as being rather erudite.
- Duel Boss: Invoked. Loke fights him alone, calling it a duel between celestial spirits.
- Evil Counterpart: Acts as one to Loke.
- Funny Animal
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Zoldio possess a Glasgow Smile like scar
- Grand Theft Me: Zoldio possesses Capricorn and later switches to Leo, but is eventually forced out
- Greed: Kept Capricorn's key for himself
- Jet Pack: He took it off after he got on the island, though.
- No Body Left Behind: What eventually happens to Zoldio when he's beaten.
- Obviously Evil: Zoldio has a Glasgow Smile
- Power Nullifier: His magic dampens the magical and physical combat abilities of humans.
- Sinister Shades
- Summon Magic: Except instead of other spirits, he summons humans he has kidnapped and forced to be his subordinates.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Flies into a frothing rage once he realizes that Lucy is Layla's daughter.
- Three-Point Landing
- We Hardly Knew Ye
A psychotic Flame God Slayer who uses fire magic on a much higher level than Dragon Slayer magic to destroy anything and everything in his path.
Voiced by: Tetsu Shiratori (JP)
- A God Am I: Zancrow claims to be a God Slayer the same way Natsu is a Dragon Slayer.
- My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours: His Battle Aura is capable of overpowering Natsu's, and while Zancrow can eat Natsu's flames, Natsu can't eat his. At least until Natsu nullifies his own power.
- Arrogant Mage Guy
- Asshole Victim
- Ax Crazy: The obligatory one of this arc.
- Badass Long Hair
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Dies Wide Open
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Appears to be making a comeback after his loss to Natsu, only to be killed by a wave of death magic from Zeref when he tries to recapture him.
- Evil Counterpart: To Natsu. His last one (Gajeel) didn't last in the evil department, but Gajeel didn't have a habit of killing his own teammates.
- Evil Laugh: Uhahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!
- Fangs Are Evil: And so is he.
- Feed It with Fire
- Hellish Pupils
- Kick the Dog: Just in case he didn't look enough like a crazy asshole already, he torches his own allies as they retreated from Natsu because they weren't strong enough. Then he attacks Wendy and the cats because they were in the vicinity.
- Later, he finds Meredy trying to carry Zeref off the island, and blasts her with his fire for betraying Grimoire Heart. He then prepares to take Zeref away, and reveals that Ultear was the one who destroyed Meredy's home.
- Laughing Mad: He even laughs when Natsu manages to beat him in the anime.
- Peaceful in Death: Considering his usual demeanour, and the manner of his death it's actually a bit jarring.
- Perpetual Smiler
- Pet the Dog: He did comfort Meredy after Ultear scolded her. But that's rendered moot when he later reveals to her the truth about her Doomed Hometown.
- Playing with Fire
- Kill It with Fire: His own allies, at that.
- Won't Work On Me: Can eat any fire, including Natsu's. If they're combined, on the other hand....
- Pyromaniac
- Technicolor Fire: Black. After all, he is a mage.
- Psycho for Hire
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Shaping Your Attacks: Can make a giant Sinister Scythe out of flames, and his ultimate attack looks like a pair of jaws.
- Shounen Hair
- Slasher Smile: How can you say "No" to a face like this?
Kawazu & Yomazu
A pair of animal-like mages who serve under Caprico. Kawazu is a rooster who fires magic eggs from his mouth. Yomazu is a camel who uses Eastern Solid Script, writing kanji instead of English letters like Levy.
Kawazu is voiced by: Yuuichi Iguchi (JP)
Yomazu is voiced by: Daisuke Kageura (JP)
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Yomazu, when combining his katana with his Solid Script magic phrase "pierce" is able to stab clean through Gajeel's arm, despite him being literally Made of Iron.
- Alliterative Name: Theirs.
- Elite Mook: Which leads to an Oh Crap from Levy and Gajeel...
- Evil Counterpart: Yomazu to Levy
- Everything's Better with Samurai: Yomazu.
- Face Framed in Shadow/Foreshadowing: It's easily overlooked, but Kawazu and Yomazu first appeared in Chapter 131.
- Fangs Are Evil: Yomazu.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: Yomazu.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Yomazu.
- Killer Rabbit: Kawazu is a humanoid chicken whose magic revolves around spitting eggs. Said eggs can turn into deadly albumen fists midway through.
- Magic Samurai: Yomazu.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Yowazu's "Gou" (Roar) creates a deafening noise.
- Oh Crap: Kawazu has one when his eggs are burned to a crisp by Levy. Yomazu has a bigger one when Gajil snaps his sword in half.
- Petting Zoo People: Kawazu (chicken) and Yomazu (camel).
- Razor Wind: "Zan" (Slice) and, in a stabbing variation, "Kan" (Penetrate).
- Samurai: Yomazu.
- Verbal Tic: Kawazu.
- Words Can Break My Bones: Yomazu, whose spells are written in kanji. They're also much powerful than they look as he manages to keep up with Fried's runes in a filler.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Their fate is unknown. In the anime they try another attack on Fairy Tail with Kain's help, but are trounced by Fried, Bickslow and Elfman.
One of the dark guilds controlled by Oración Seis. The members of this guild seek out the demon flute Lullaby and try to use its deadly music to launch an assassination plot against the guild masters of Fiore.
The ace and acting leader of Eisenwald. He is skilled at using wind magic to attack, defend, and trap opponents.
Voiced by: Koichi Tochika (JP), Jonathan Brooks (EN)
- The Ace: Of his guild.
- Badass Longcoat: Wears one when he reappears in the anime, which is also the one that Jellal wears later on.
- Blow You Away: An extremely competent wind-mage.
- Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud: The whole point of his Wind Wall magic is that the visible part is definitely not something you want to touch. His Storm Mail works under a similar principle, but as a partial subversion there's still a great deal of wind blowing around the funnel itself.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Holds this in Natsu's face when they fight. Backfires spectacularly in the end.
- Flight: One of the few characters who can do so unaided by wings.
- Sinister Scythe: Part of his death motif.
- Sobriquet: Earned the title "Shinigami" due to his only taking requests to kill people. Ironically, he looks more like The Grim Reaper.
- Tattooed Crook
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- What Happened to the Mouse?: After his defeat, Lucy fears that Erigor will come back to take revenge. However, he's never seen and barely even mentioned again after that.
- The anime rectifies this: he reappears in the Nirvana arc as part of one of the many dark guilds controlled by Oración Seis, and has a rematch with Natsu. However, the drastic differences in their power are made apparent, and he's taken out in less than half an episode.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Erigor's right-hand man. He uses shadow magic to blend into his surroundings.
Voiced by: Anri Katsu (JP), Chad Cox (EN)
- Casting a Shadow: He is an accomplished shadow mage, and can use shadows for a variety of purposes, including Combat Tentacles and transportation.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He is unable to bring himself to actually kill the Guild Masters, especially after Team Natsu helps him out, leading to his Heel Face Turn.
- Expy: He is essentially an evil, older Shikamaru, though he is definitely his own character.
- Heel Face Turn
- Meaningful Name: "Kage" means "shadow".
- The Smart Guy: Is hinted to be highly intelligent due to his mastery of sealing magic.
- You Have Failed Me...: Has this pulled on him before he can possibly betray Eisenwald. Natsu was not amused.
Naked Mummy
One of the dark guilds controlled by Oración Seis. They try to rob the Love & Lucky merchants' guild (where Lucy's father works after he loses his fortune) to pay off a debt to their superiors.
Zato & Gato
A pair of monkey-like brothers who always refer to each other as the older brother, making it impossible to determine who is really older.
Zato is voiced by: Tomayuki Higuchi (JP)
Gato is voiced by: Hiroki Goto (JP)
- Animal Motifs: Monkeys.
- Bullying a Dragon: Zato spreads plenty of rumors about Fairy Tail being a weak guild and tries beating Laxus to the ground. The results are predictable.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Funny Afro: Zato
- Harmless Villain: Fights Fairy Tail three times and gets curb stomped every single time.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When they prepare to fight Natsu and Gray. They still get their ass handed to them.
- Noodle Incident: Their fight against Natsu and Gray, offscreen. They were apparently strong enough to cause them some trouble.
- Running Gag: The fact that they call each other "Big Brother". Gato has also the habit of repeating himself several times.
- ↑ However Ultear was a type II and III
- ↑ To be fair she jump on the bomb that held her sister hostage