Fairy Tail/Characters/Master and S-Class
The strongest of the strong. Besides the guild's master, who calls all the shots in his or her guild, S-Class wizards are eligible to take on the toughest, highest-rewarding jobs offered.
Mavis Vermillion
For more information, see Former Members
For more information, see Former Members and Characters/Three
Makarov Dreyar
The elderly, miniscule master of Fairy Tail. The members of his guild often give him grief for the trouble they cause between him and the Magic Council, but he loves them as if they were all his children. His mastery over many forms of magic, including the self-size-increasing Giant magic, has earned him the title of one of the Ten Saint Wizards, regarded as the most powerful wizards alive.
Voiced by: Shinpachi Tsuji (JP), R Bruce Elliott (EN)
- A Father to His Men: He even considers every members of the guild as his children.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: His magic allows him to turn any part of his body into that of a giant's, and he can use it on his whole body if he so wishes--though when he's really ticked, he only uses it for intimidation.
- Badass Grandpa: Very much so.
- Badass Mustache
- Berserk Button: You can trash his guild however you like, but harming his subordinates? Not the best idea.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Good
- Brain Bleach: No one wants to see him naked, as the first OVA implies.
- Cool Old Guy
- Curb Stomp Battle: To Jose. Later on Makarov is on the receiving end, from Hades.
- Dirty Old Man: He has pretty girls in his guild and he knows it.
- Easily Forgiven: Subverted. He expels Laxus for his little stunt, though it is obvious he still cares about him very much. Also, he doesn't let Gajeel join Fairy Tail out of forgiveness, but because Gajeel needs guidance.
- Eccentric Mentor: Quirky, clumsy old man? Check. One of the series' strongest wizards who often guides or speaks to his wizards about what life and magic is? Check.
- Fridge Brilliance: In-universe example. Laxus's whole takeover attempt was just a teenage temper tantrum fueled by fear that he was seen as nothing more than the master's grandson. Makarov throwing him out of the guild publicly forced Laxus to take his own unique path.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Looked like a short, slender Laxus as a young man.
- Light'Em Up: In his fight against Jose in the anime, which showcases this more than the manga.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Fairy Law.
- Manly Tears: After he expels Laxus.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Subverted to the point of Running Gag.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: Makarov is extremely small, and it seems like he has been since at least when Laxus was a young child. His magic cures this problem, though.
- Nice Hat:
- Offhand Backhand: Delivers a pretty good one to Aria, topping off his Crowning Moment of Awesome versus Jose.
- Papa Wolf: Regards all of Fairy Tail as his children, and will go to great lengths to make sure they're safe.
- Passing the Torch: One of the Running Gags in the series is his inability to decide on a good successor, and just when he thinks he has one picked out, something happens that leads him to consider him being master until the day he dies. He finally does choose Gildarts, but Gildarts retires and shoves the position back on Makarov before anyone even has a chance to know he was the new master in the first place.
- Sizeshifter: Though unlike the standard, he's one of the strongest characters in the series.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: The entire guild embodies this, but Makarov is the one who encourages this kind of behavior.
- Team Dad
- What Could Have Been: He was supposed to die during the Tenrou Island arc.
- You Shall Not Pass: Against Acnologia
Macao Conbolt
For more information, see Other Members
Erza Scarlet
For more information, see Team Natsu
Mirajane Strauss
A semi-retired S-Class wizard formerly known as the "She-Devil" who currently acts as Fairy Tail's poster girl and all-purpose employee. She specializes in transformation magic, as well as a frighteningly demonic form of Take-Over magic called Satan Soul, which she temporarily lost the ability to use following a tragic incident involving her younger sister.
Voiced by: Ryoko Ono (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
- Absolute Cleavage: In Satan Soul.
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Alto: Satan Soul.
- Badass Longcoat: Satan Soul: Sitri.
- Badass Long Hair
- Bare Your Midriff: As a child
- The Bartender
- Beware the Nice Ones: Fried found out the hard way.
- Big Sister Instinct: There is a line that no one should cross. As some tropes here say, Fried crossed it.
- Blue Eyes
- The Chick: On Fairy Tail's B Team in the Tournament Arc.
- Cloudcuckoolander: She has her moments.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Completely trashed Fried with her Super-Powered Evil Side. Then did it again against Blue Pegasus' Jenny Realight with an even more powerful one.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Her Take Over, "Satan Soul".
- Dead Little Sister: See the trope below.
- Death Glare: Her "Demon" eyes
- Elemental Powers: Lightning, Water, and Darkness.
- Enfant Terrible: Was one when she was younger, though the death of her sister caused a great shift in her personality.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: After her sister Lisanna was attacked by her brother Elfman, she changed her hair from a ponytail to a forehead tail.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Lucy has been seen looking at her modeling pictures. Of course, since we're talking about Lucy, that's not surprising.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Double Subverted. Many have said that she's a good chef, but she's easily the most feminine out of all of the cast. However, interestingly enough, she was even able to cook when she was a kid.
- Game Face: Satan Soul
- Heroic Sacrifice/Jumping on a Grenade/Tuck and Cover
- Idiot Ponytail
- Kamehame Hadoken: Demon Blast and Soul Extinction
- The Ladette: When she was younger.
- Let's Get Dangerous: As Fried learned the hard way.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Marked Change: In both of her Satan Soul transformations.
- Ms. Exposition: She's often the one explaining things about the guild or guilds in general to Lucy.
- Ms. Fanservice: To the point of winning a fanservice contest against another model in the Games.
- Oh Crap: To anyone who faces her.
- Perky Goth: In her youth, though she wasn't so much "perky" as she was Hot-Blooded.
- Proper Lady: The death of her little sister mellowed her into one of these. The threatened death of her brother turned her into Silk Hiding Steel.
- Power Gives You Wings
- Power Limiter: Her sister's death was such a shock that she hasn't been able to use her full power ever since. Until she is threatened with the loss of her other sibling...
- Powers Via Possession: Her family's trademark magic. Her particular brand is Demonic Possession.
- Red Baron: She used to be called the "She-Devil", and for good reason.
- Red Right Hand: A few of her transformation still have the Idiot Hair ponytail.
- Shipper on Deck: Natsu/Lucy, in an omake.
- Show the Forehead: Her little bang pigtail.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Wears spaghetti straps dresses. As a child, she wore tanktops.
- Sibling Team: Until Lisanna's death. Double subverted when Lisanna comes back.
- Silk Hiding Steel: So sweet and adorable and spacey, its easy to forget she's an S-Class wizard.
- Stripperiffic: Her Satan Soul takeover.
- Team Mom: Is pretty much the entire guild's mother, which is kinda creepy considering she's also their poster girl.
- Tender Tears
- Terrible Artist
- The Rival: Had this relationship to Erza back in her ill-tempered days.
- The Tease: Sometimes turns into pretty women (Lucy usually becomes the unwilling target) and makes sexy poses for the men.
- Fan Disservice: Until she transforms into, well, something else.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy with Lisanna. Averted currently.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: When she was younger.
- Transformation Sequence
- Unstoppable Rage
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Inverted. She's sweet now, but as a kid she walked a line between Hot-Blooded and Jerkass.
- Weakness Turns Her On: In an anime flashback she is seen blushing over the crying Natsu, much to her sister's dismay, who told her to back off.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: As a kid.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Very good at this and acting the roles.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Wreathed in Flames: Satan Soul: Sitri.
- Zettai Ryouiki: When she was younger. Also, her Satan Soul takeover.
For more information, see Former Members
Laxus Dreyar
Makarov's grandson and heir to the title of guild master. He values strength above all else and does not get along well with his fellow guildmates, particularly his grandfather. However, the experiences he goes through that cause him to be expelled and later reinstated in the guild shape him into a much kinder person. He uses lightning magic, and is also the Thunder Dragon Slayer via artificially implanted magic courtesy of his excommunicated father Ivan.
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Patrick Seitz (EN)—Young Laxus is voiced by: Hideyuki Hayami (JP), Mary Morgan (EN)
- Anti-Hero: He's originally a Type V, but after his return he seems to have softened into a Type III.
- Arc Villain:Of the Fantasia arc. He gets better.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: Just when Natsu's about to be killed by Hades, Laxus busts in and smacks the man right in the face.
- Doubles as a He's Back.
- Triples as a Dynamic Entry
- He pulled another one by delivering a power punch in order to buy time for Natsu to deliver the final blow which, at the same time, saved Natsu from Hades' attack.
- Doubles as a He's Back.
- The Big Guy: On Fairy Tail's B Team in the Tournament Arc.
- Character Development: Throughout all his time as a member of Fairy Tail, Laxus has considered strength to be the most important thing in the world. After a few months of traveling and finding himself, he says this after giving Natsu his magical power in a fight against Hades.
Natsu: Why did you give this to me? I'm so much weaker than you.
Laxus: It's not about strong or weak. Who was the one hurt by all this? Someone with the guild's brand needs to handle this...the right way. Take the pain that was caused to your guild and return it 100 fold.
- Walking the Earth: He's a very different man when he returns.
- Tame His Anger: Upon his return this was even lampshaded by Gajeel who pats him on the head and tells him he's become such a peaceful guy.
- Deceptive Disciple
- Duel Boss: Subverted. Natsu wanted to take him down alone so badly ("This is my chance to take the top spot!") but after Laxus almost kills him, he accepts Gajeel's help.
- Expy: To Captain Hardner, of Rave Master. Both of them pull a Face Heel Turn because of a mindset that they later renounce. They start off calm and collected, and get progressively more Ax Crazy the more their plan unravels. And they're both defeated by the combined efforts of The Hero and a dragon who joined them by means of Defeat Means Friendship.
- Freudian Excuse: Parental Abandonment and/or the cause of the scar is what led to him being a Jerkass at the beginning of the story.
- Foil: To Mystogan and to his grandfather.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the red one.
- Foreshadowing: Around the start of the battle against Hades, and even earlier, there was to be a powerful thunderstorm covering the island. Guess whose arrival those strikes of lighting heralded?
- Go Mad from the Revelation: He goes crazy when he realizes that he doesn't hate Fairy Tail enough to kill a single member himself.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: A lightning bolt through his eye.
- Having a Blast: Raging Bolt.
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Tries to destroy Fairy Tail in order to remake it in his own image. After being snapped out of his madness, however, he embraces his kindhearted nature.
- Heroic Build: Holy crap, Laxus is HUGE.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Instead of dodging an incredibly large and powerful attack, he takes it. All so he could give all his magical power to Natsu. Why? Because it was Fairy Tail that was hurt, and a member of Fairy Tail should be the one to return it 100-fold.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Fairy Law
- Identical Grandson: Looks like a tall, muscular version of young Makarov. Hades doubletakes when Laxus charges in, and calls Laxus "boy" which he used to call Makarov.
- It's Personal: Inverted. He gives his power to Natsu instead of fighting Hades himself specifically because he feels that as a nonmember of Fairy Tail, he shouldn't be the one to take out Hades. See Character Development above.
- Jerkass Facade: He refuses to listen to his kind-natured heart, but when he is forced to do so he becomes a much nicer person.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: What his Character Development turns him into
- Leitmotif: The prevalant music from the Fantasia arc/ Becomes very apparent when it starts playing again after he storms in to attack Hades.
- Light Is Not Good: Applies if you go by the alternate spelling of his name: Luxus (Lux is latin for light). Subverted at the end of the Fantasia arc; he was Good All Along.
- Lightning Bruiser: Literally
- Manly Tears: When he is excommunicated, Fairy Tail gives him the send-off of a lifetime to let him know that they still consider him one of their own, causing him to cry on his way out.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Right after Makarov is defeated by Hades.
- Orcus on His Throne: Justified. No matter how much he hates Fairy Tail's reputation, he doesn't have the stomach to directly kill anyone.
- Pride: The reason for his rebellion, and his defining character trait pre-excommunication. After his return, he still has it, but it's majorly toned down.
- Shock and Awe: His main form of magic.
- Ride the Lightning: He can turn himself into lightning to dodge an attack or travel a short distance.
- Psycho Electro: He gets better.
- Smoking Is Cool: At first, but it was dropped early in the manga, and removed entirely in the anime.
- Social Darwinist
- This Is Something They've Got To Do Themselves: He gives his power to Natsu instead of fighting Hades himself because he believes it needs to be a member of Fairy Tail to take him down.
- Use Your Head: In the anime, he delivers a shockingly effective one to Hades immediately following abovementioned case of a doubletake.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: He really did.
- Wave Motion Gun: Thunder Dragon Roar
- Weaksauce Weakness: Like all Dragonslayers he also suffers from motion sickness.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Gildarts Clive
The S-Class wizard regarded by everyone in the guild to be the most powerful member of Fairy Tail, period. His magic, Crash, causes him to vaporize anything he touches as a testament of his strength. He is given permission to take on jobs that have never been completed for dozens, or even hundreds of years, and thus only visits his guild a couple of years at a time for short periods of time. He is also Cana's biological father.
Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (JP)
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parent: Becomes this to Cana after he finds out she's his daughter.
- Artificial Limbs: Lost an arm and leg to Acnologia.
- Badass: The strongest member of Fairy Tail. Debates rage on whether or not that distinction includes Makarov. He's so incredibly powerful and skilled that Natsu considers it a minor accomplishment that one of his attacks forced Gildarts to move his legs in order to block it properly. This was the same special move that Natsu used to finish off Laxus.
- Badass Cape
- Handicapped Badass: Acnologia took his left leg, arm, and one of his organs.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Natsu.
- Big Good: Arguably subverted. Makarov has chosen him to be the his successor and fifth guild master. For about one chapter. After making Laxus a member of Fairy Tail again, he demands that Makarov be made guild master again. Even so, you could say that he's a secondary one to Makarov.
- Big Damn Heroes: He shows up just as Bluenote is about to kill Cana and Natsu.
- Disappeared Dad: To Cana.
- The Ditz: There's a reason why the town has an emergency alarm just for him.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Don't piss him off.
- Doting Parent: To Cana.
- Expy: To Gale Glory.
- He also bears similarities to Shanks.
- The anime lampshades this by making his theme music a pirate shanty.
- He also bears similarities to Shanks.
- It's Personal: His fury against Grimoire Heart, Bluenote in particular:
":It was an important test. It meant more to these kids than any adult could ever imagine. This test represented their determination towards their futures...and you've stepped all over it."
- More than he himself knows as a matter of fact as Bluenote was about to kill Cana when he arrived. Cana. His daughter.
- Luke, You Are My Father: Was on the receiving end of this by Cana at the end of the Tenrou Island arc. Justified in that he was away on another of his many-year-long jobs when she was born, so he didn't know Cana was his daughter, plus Cana was just too painfully shy to reveal the truth to him over the years.
- Manly Tears: After Cana told him that she was her daughter, then it dawned on him.
- Oh Crap: The townspeople's reaction to his arrival. See The Ditz and then Walking Wasteland.
- This was also Bluenote's reaction to Gildarts overpowering him in their head-on first class.
- Gildarts himself gets one when he sees Acnologica attacking Tenrou Island. Everyone Oh Craps at this, but Gildarts gets special mention because Acnologia is the one who tore off his limbs in the past.
- One-Man Army: We haven't actually seen it, but it's implied.
- Battle Aura: One of few characters shown to use one, and with good reason: It was strong enough to bring Natsu to his knees, in tears.
- Complete with Chunky Updraft.
- Pure Awesomeness
- Curb Stomp Battle: To Natsu. He still passes Natsu for the exam, but not before making a point.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Again, the alarm.
- Walking Wasteland: His power is "Crash", which literally destroys everything he touches.
- Battle Aura: One of few characters shown to use one, and with good reason: It was strong enough to bring Natsu to his knees, in tears.
- Papa Wolf: Fridge Brilliance
- Perma-Stubble
- Really Gets Around: When he learns that Cana is his daughter, he tries to figure out who her mother is. He lists of thirteen different women he's been with before guessing the right one.
- Considering how he said the right one, this troper assumed he was joking when he counted all of them off.
- Remember the New Guy?: Anime only. Averted in the manga, where he's mentioned about once every arc before he returns. Justified in that the anime was supposed to end before he was introduced, so they removed any line referencing him.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Natsu/Lisanna.
- Shrouded in Myth: Regarded as the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail. He's the only Fairy Tail wizard allowed to take "SS-rank" requests, and one such mission had been around for 100 years without anyone being able to complete it. We'll never know if Gildarts was good enough to do it, as Acnologia attacked him during the mission, and he had to quit due to his injuries.
- Unstoppable Rage: Gildarts returns to the island while Natsu and co. are about to be killed by Bluenote. He is not amused.
- Walking the Earth: What he left to do after the Tenrou Island arc. He promised to return, however.