Collared by Fashion

Neck turning is optional.
When a collar, may it be the dog collar or the one on clothes, is so large that we cannot see their neck. Showing their neck otherwise is Fan Service.
Not to be confused with Ring Around the Collar, which was done in order for the the animation to be cheaper.
Examples of Collared by Fashion include:
Anime and Manga
- Harribel in Bleach. Funny thing is that her outfit doesn't cover much else.
- Sasuke's first outfit in Naruto
- In DearS, the alien "Ren", as well as other aliens in the series, wear very large metallic collars around their necks, as they are slaves.
- The angelic characters of Sora no Otoshimono have large collars/leashes around their necks.
Comic Books, Comic Strips
- For some reason in comic books, long straight and pointed collars appear to be symbols of martial arts prowess as DC's Karate Kid and Marvel's Iron Fist are often depicted with them.
- Mort from Bazooka Joe comics.
- Mortadelo from Mortadelo y Filemón.
- William Shakespeare is often depicted in one of these.
Live Action TV
- There was an episode of Blackadder II where Percy Percy wore a gigantic collar because (he said) it was fashionable.
Video Games
- The moogles from the Ivalice Alliance will never show their necks. For the exception of Montblanc from the Final Fantasy XII Christmas wallpaper and Sorbet at his staring game Dive II Hunt.
- Shad, in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. You can see part of his neck, just barely, but only if looking at him straight on; his weird, almost Elizabethan collar hides it otherwise.
- Sarutobi Sasuke from Sengoku Basara. At times it covers his mouth and chin as well.
Western Animation
- In the Phineas and Ferb episode "Runaway Runway," a famous fashion designer's latest dress involves a collar so tall that "only someone with a freakishly long neck could fit into it." None of his models fit the bill, but Candace is a perfect match.
- Duncan and his spiked dog collar in Total Drama Island, who also never takes it off. Somewhat justified by the simplistic animation style.
- Saffi on Jimmy Two-Shoes.
Real Life
- Posture collars, now almost exclusively an element of BDSM.
- Some Ruff collars.
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