< Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail/YMMV

Cobra's last thoughts: My prayer...I...just wanted to hear the voice of my one friend...Cuberos...

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Zeref. Was a he once a Jerkass Complete Monster before something changed him into the meek person he is today? Does he have a Super-Powered Evil Side that forced him to do it or did The Black Dragon, Acnologia make him do these things while Zeref was powerless to resist?
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The anime coming out, and later when FUNimation decided to dub it.
    • The Jiggle Butt Gang is back
  • Anticlimax Boss: Jellal was much easier to defeat (in fact the anime has the 2nd part of the fight not being the main focus) compared to Gajeel who took 3 episodes.
    • That's due to anime pacing, though. Natsu's fight with Gajeel is extended in the anime, but it's no longer than the battle with Jellal in the manga-and Gajeel only gets the one fight while Jellal battles Erza first.
    • Brain seemed to be this until his personality, Zero was released
  • Ass Pull: The X-Balls. What a convenient way for everyone to get their magic back in Edolas! Even worse when Lucy totally forgot she had one herself before coming to Edolas.
    • Apparently Mashima has never been one for planning ahead plot-wise. There's no way to tell for sure, but many of the developments or twists so far could have been skillfully covered-up ass pulls.
  • Base Breaker: Jellal. Fans typically either like him a lot or think he's the biggest mistake of the series.
    • There's also a middle ground who considers him a great addition to the series, but one who's overstayed his welcome.
  • Broken Base: Lisanna was a better character when she had a dramatic death and was greatly missed VS Now that she's not actually dead, everything is awesome.
    • Oh Jellal, where to begin with him. First he is thought as someone who's necessary to bring out Erza's more feminine side and heartwarming moments to the fray; then we have people who absolutely bash him for being connected with too many intertwined plots after his debut arc, it doesn't matter if some were his or by his Expy Mystogan, if he has Jellal's face on him, it was Jellal's fault. Also better not even begin with Die for Our Ship (more like stay dead in his case) centered around him, Erza and Natsu.
    • Cana, after she knocks out and abandons Lucy in the S-Class Exam because she is so eager to win. It should be noted that Lucy was the sole reason why Cana came as far as she did in the test, and was her partner, to boot, which excluded her from being an actual exam candidate. Some think that she redeemed herself when she obtained Fairy Glitter and protected Lucy, Natsu and Wendy against Bluenote with it, while others think that this isn't nearly enough to make up for what she did.
    • And now there's a new one: The Time Skip is either the greatest plot twist Mashima has ever planned, or the most anticlimactic and blatant One Piece/Naruto/Bleach ripoff ever. Some were relieved over the fact that none of the characters had aged up, while some were clamoring for new character designs.
  • Crazy Awesome: Quite a few characters:
    • Fukurou is a cross between an owl and a man, sees himself as a superhero, has Mega Manning powers and, most of all, uses two missiles as a jetpack.
    • Also Gajeel, here's a short list of problems and his solutions:
      • Want to be accepted by friends? Hijack the stage and sing a song of friendship in a silly Nice Hat.
      • Encountered one of the most badass furries ever? Tell him you are going to make him your cat.
      • A freaking Humongous Mecha? Eat the damn thing!
    • Natsu as well:
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: See its page.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: See its new page.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: See the new page.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: See it's new page.
  • Designated Villain: Type IV: Erza's old friends from Tower of Heaven, Freed Justine, Coco and Pantherlily.
    • Invoked by the Dragon Slayers in order to unite Edolas under Mystogan.
  • Dueling Shows: With One Piece.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Naturally, there's quite some. Notably:
    • Laxus and Gildarts seem quite popular among the western fandom.
    • They're joined by Azuma, the single most Badass member of Grimoire Heart.
    • And let's not forget Mavis, the first Guild Master of Fairy Tail, who manages to be kind, cute, mysterious and hilarious at the same time, and badass enough to master and cast one of the most powerful protection spells in the Fairy Tail universe from beyond the grave, Fairy Sphere. On top of that she created and can probably cast Fairy Glitter and Fairy Law.
    • Wendy Marvell as well. Enough for the anime to consider her as a main character.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Cobra, Angel, Knightwalker, Daphne, Azuma, Rustyrose, Zeref, Jellal and Ultear until the latter two turned.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Cobra and Cuberos.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Once the anime began airing, Fairy Tail has quickly garnered comparisons with One Piece, Naruto and Bleach. If you're a fan of Fairy Tail in particular, you could see it as a good thing that Fairy Tail is considered right up there with the Big 3.
  • Ho Yay: We have a page for this now. It's surprisingly long.
  • Memetic Badass: Erza and Gildarts stand out of the crowd of badasses.
  • Memetic Molester: Flare comes across as a creepy Psycho Lesbian during her fight with Lucy. In fact, Lucy tends to fight a lot characters who give off rapist vibes.
  • Memetic Mutation: "It's all Sting's fault."
  • Nightmare Fuel: Exteria in general and Minister of State Nadei in particular are really, skin-crawlingly creepy.
    • Midnight.
    • The Gorn that was Gajeel's fight against Yomazu and Kawazu.
      • All the way through and then he grabs it and auuugh...
    • Wendy hanging out with a guy who was thinking about pushing her off a cliff. The Dissonant Serenity in his face.
    • In chapter 228, Juvia hears that Meredy wants to kill Gray. This is her response.
    • The ending of Chapter 249, when Zeref finally starts acting like an apocalyptic monster of legend.
    • Everything that Monsieur Sol did to Elfman during their battle in the anime.
    • Zero is really, really creepy. From the omnicide to how he beat up Team Natsu with a big Slasher Smile on his face.
    • Flare, unlike most of Raven Tail, is drawn normally and is a pretty redhead to boot... except when you see her eyes. Those eyes.
  • The Scrappy: RAVEN TAIL!!!
  • Ship Tease: Very much. Lately, Levy × Gajeel and Elfman × Evergreen are most prominent.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: Was always a minor thing until Lisanna came back into the picture, giving the Natsu/Lisanna fans a fighting chance against the Natsu/Lucy shippers. Ron the Death Eater accusations against Lisanna began already, while Lucy is being bashed for "being in the way."
  • Ships That Pass in the Night: Zeref/Mavis has recently gotten a following. They are never shown interacting. Ever. It seems to be based on the idea that Zeref was found on the same island as Mavis' grave, and the 10th opening where clips of the two (seperate) are shown back to back.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Much of Natsu's fight with Gildarts in the S-Class Exam was a big anvil drop on his tendency to Leeroy it up.
    • Considering that Gildarts had just come back from fighting the black dragon, it was probably also dropped the anvil that if Natsu couldn't beat Gildarts on his own, he has no chance against the black dragon.
  • Squick: What would have happened after that if Lucy didn't find a way to free herself? Of course, for some this could be Fetish Fuel.
    • The anime has been extremely careful in sidestepping the incredible volume of rape subtext in the manga, extending that particular scene to have Taurus attempting to punch her repeatedly.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: In Chapter 228. Maybe the healthier mages could hang around, but shouldn't they begin removing the injured from the island at this point?
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: After a Time Skip that's happened recently, you'd think that the main cast would grow up, looking more mature and badass and taking a level in badass in power. Instead we got the lame Fairy Sphere, a defense spell that stops time for everyone on the island by the first Fairy Tail master, meaning everyone looks and acts the same and no visible power-ups, though it does present the possibility on how they react to a world that's changed drastically.
    • Looks to be heading in the latter direction, starting with the death of Lucy's father.
  • Tear Jerker: See its page.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: It's not 100% apparent whether Midnight is a tomboyish woman or a somewhat feminine man. The only time anyone referred to him/her with pronouns they used female ones ('her', 'daughter', etc.) but that's obviously not complete proof... and in fact, more recent chapters have switched to using male pronouns. This is a translation confusion. Midnight refers to himself using a pronoun only used by men and boys, and the times that the translator has used him and daughter were actually gender-neutral phrases like person and father and child.
    • He's a guy as seen his illusion form.
  • Villain Sue: Some have pegged Hades, the Big Bad of the Tenrou Island arc, as this. He can certainly be called an Invincible Villain.
    • One could argue that Grimoire Heart was an entire guild of Villain Sues. Incredible good fortune (or what could be arguably deemed Ass Pulls) were needed for most of the Seven Kin of Purgatory to go down.
  • The Woobie: Aries.
  • World of Woobie
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