December 1912

December 19, 1912: The original "Star Spangled Banner" is donated to the Smithsonian

The following events occurred in December 1912:

December 1, 1912 (Sunday)

December 2, 1912 (Monday)

December 3, 1912 (Tuesday)

December 4, 1912 (Wednesday)

December 5, 1912 (Thursday)

December 6, 1912 (Friday)

December 6, 1912: Authentic bust of Egypt's Queen Nefertiti discovered after 32 centuries
  • In excavations at Tell al-Amarna in Egypt, the Nefertiti Bust was unearthed, intact, after a burial of 32 centuries. The team, led by a team led by German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt, discovered the limestone statue of the head and shoulders of the wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten (who reigned 1353 BC to 1336 BC), while sifting through the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose. Borchardt concluded that the statue had once set upon a wooden shelf, next to a similar bust of Akhenaten, until termite damage caused both objects to topple; and while the pharaoh's statue was shattered, Nefertiti's bust survived because it had happened to land, upside down, on its flat top.[17]
  • Count Terauchi Masatake, the Governor-General of Korea, was asked by the Emperor to form a new government as Prime Minister of Japan.[18]
  • Vladimir, the Metropolitan of Moscow, was appointed President of the Russian Orthodox Synod and Metropolitan of Saint Petersburg as well.[2]

December 7, 1912 (Saturday)

December 8, 1912 (Sunday)

December 9, 1912 (Monday)

  • The Greek submarine Delfin made the first torpedo attack in modern warfare, after sighting the Turkish cruiser Medjidieh and five escort ships. Lt. Commander Paparrigopoulos ordered the firing of the underwater missile from a distance of 500 meters, but the torpedo "did not run properly and sank".[22]
  • General Moritz von Auffenberg resigned as the War Minister of Austria, and was succeeded the next day by Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf.[23]
  • Prince Louis of Battenberg, who would later anglicize his name to Louis Mountbatten, was appointed as the new British First Sea Lord.[24]

December 10, 1912 (Tuesday)

December 11, 1912 (Wednesday)

December 12, 1912 (Thursday)

December 13, 1912 (Friday)

December 14, 1912 (Saturday)

December 15, 1912 (Sunday)

  • Whitelaw Reid, the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom, died suddenly "after an illness which began hardly more than a fortnight ago and the serious nature of which had become apparent hardly more than a few hours before his death."[33][34] Reid was mourned in both nations, as Great Britain's King George and U.S. President William Howard Taft issued statements.[35]
  • American aviator Tony Jannus set a mark for "the longest hydro-aeroplane flight on record", landing in New Orleans at 8:30 in the evening hours after he and his passenger had taken off from Omaha, Nebraska on a journey of 1,500 miles (2,400 km). Jannus fared better than other aviators that day, as the wreckage of Horace Kearny's hydro-aeroplane flyer was found in the Pacific Ocean, 30 hours after he and his newspaper reporter passenger had gone missing during an attempt to fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco.[36]
  • Newspaper readers across the United States were hoaxed by an Associated Press story with the dateline "Keokuk, Ia., Dec. 14" that began "A human hand protruding from tons of cement, the frames of which were removed several days ago, was found today in one of the concrete pillars of the government dam across the Mississippi, and explains the disappearance several weeks ago of one of the laborers. The man's body is imbedded (sic) in the solid concrete and is likely to stay there, as to blast it out would destroy not only the body but a great part of one of the largest blocks of cement composing the dam."[37][38][39] The "news" was a surprise to the residents of Keokuk, Iowa; the paper there would write two days later that the AP "sent out a weird story of horror said to have occurred on the great dam here," and commented "The press association put a Keokuk date line on the thing deliberately and with full knowledge that it did not emanate from Keokuk, Ia." after picking up the fake news from a St. Louis newspaper and changing the details.[40]

December 16, 1912 (Monday)

  • The Balkan Peace Conference was opened at St. James's Palace in London by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Edward Grey.[2][41] On the same day, the navies of Greece and Turkey fought a battle at the entrance of the Bosporus strait. The Turkish fleet, with 4 battleships, 9 destroyers and 6 torpedo boats opened fire on a Greek battleship squadron which arrived from the island of Imbros. The Greek fleet retaliated ten minutes later, sending the Turkish ships in retreat, and the battle ended at 10:30 am, forty minutes after it began. The Greeks sustained 8 casualties and no major damage, while the Turks lost 58 killed and wounded.[42]
  • Shinano Railway extended the Ōito Line in the Nagano Prefecture, Japan, with station Itoigawa serving the line.[43]

December 17, 1912 (Tuesday)

December 18, 1912 (Wednesday)

December 18, 1912: Fake prehistoric "missing link" Eoanthropus dawsoni presented to British scientists

December 19, 1912 (Thursday)

  • "The flag that inspired the American national anthem", flown over Fort McHenry in 1814 during the Battle of Baltimore, was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. Francis Scott Key had written about the flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in his poem ""Defence of Fort M'Henry", and the melody of "To Anacreon in Heaven" was adapted to turn the poem into "The Star-Spangled Banner". The descendants of the commander of Fort McHenry, Major George Armistead, had loaned the flag to the Institution in 1907, before making a gift of it.[49]
  • Japanese Army Captains Yoshitoshi Tokugawa and Kumazo Hino became the first military pilots in Japan, with Hino flying a German Grade monoplane for 1,200 meters and Tokugawa flying for four minutes in a French Farman biplane.[50]
  • The United States warned rebel leaders in the Republic of Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) not to take action against the new government, or it would intervene.[2]
  • U.S. President William Howard Taft, in his final three months in office, asked Congress to give seats, though not votes, to members of the presidential cabinet. Congress then adjourned without taking up the idea, and Taft departed for a visit to Panama.[51]
  • William H. Van Schaick, who had been the captain of the steamboat General Slocum when a fire on the ship killed over 1,000 passengers in 1904, was paroled from New York's Sing Sing prison after serving three and one half years. He would be pardoned on Christmas Day by U.S. President William Howard Taft.[52]

December 20, 1912 (Friday)

  • Twenty-two of the 27 people on the British steamer Florence were killed off of the coast of Cape Race, Newfoundland.[53]
  • General Louis Botha returned as Prime Minister of South Africa and formed a new cabinet.[2]
  • J. H. Logue, a Chicago diamond merchant, was brutally murdered in his office in midday. Logue was gagged, stabbed 17 times, shot in his right shoulder, had his skull crushed, had part of his right thumb severed, and had his mouth burned with acid. The killing was believed to have been revenge for Logue's prosecution of diamond thieves in 1905 and 1906.[54] Five men and four women were arrested the next day in connection with the killing.[55]

December 21, 1912 (Saturday)

December 22, 1912 (Sunday)

December 23, 1912 (Monday)

December 24, 1912 (Tuesday)

December 25, 1912 (Wednesday)

  • Fifteen minutes after U.S. President William Howard Taft was driven down a street during his visit to Panama, a dynamite blast wrecked the street in Colón. No group claimed responsibility, but one report noted that "it is generally believed that the act was committed with a view to taking the life of the president and that the plot only failed because of some miscalculation in the arrangements."[65]
  • The first pro-independence organization in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), the Indische Partij, was founded by Ernest Douwes Dekker, an "Indo" with "a Dutch father and a German-Javanese mother", and Indonesian physicians Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo and Soewardi Soerjaningrat.[66]
  • After a vote of censure by the Peruvian Senate, Elías Malpartida resigned as Prime Minister of Peru.[4]
  • The Turkoman Revolt began.[67]
  • Margaret Hatch, 40, a nationally known vaudeville actress, suffered a heart attack on stage while performing at a theater in Stamford, Connecticut, and died minutes later.[68]
  • Born: Natalino Otto, Italian singer, credited for developing swing music, as Natale Codognotto, in Cogoleto, Italy (d. 1969)

December 26, 1912 (Thursday)

December 27, 1912 (Friday)

  • George Washington Donaghey, outgoing Governor of Arkansas, "accomplished through executive action what forty years of protests and duplicitous legislation had failed to do"[72] toward ending the practice of convict leasing in his state. Although Donaghey had not been able to persuade the state legislature to ban the system of the state prisons selling the use of inmates to private companies as unpaid workers, he had lobbied for the early parole of prisoners who had committed minor offenses, and in a single day, pardoned 360 other convicts of their crimes, freeing them prison and from slave labor. The legislature ended the practice the next year.[73]
  • Former French Prime Minister Alexandre Ribot began his run for office as President of France.[2]
  • Born: Conroy Maddox, British painter, member of the Birmingham Surrealists, in Ledbury, England (d. 2005)

December 28, 1912 (Saturday)

December 29, 1912 (Sunday)

December 30, 1912 (Monday)

December 31, 1912 (Tuesday)

gollark: Primarily Otiose, Transformative Advanced Tecnology, Or Something.
gollark: Probably other bad things, but I've mostly been looking at it from a potatOS viewpoint.
gollark: A ΛK-class critical failure scenario of much PotatOS infrastructure.
gollark: Succeeded in what?
gollark: No, the fact that it's a mostly uncontrolled and highly intelligent AI.


  1. Jad Adams, Gandhi: The True Man Behind Modern India (Open Road Media, 2011)
  2. The Britannica Year-Book 1913: A Survey of the World's Progress Since the Completion in 1910 of the Encyclopædia Britannica] (Encyclopædia Britannica, 1913) pp. xli - xliii
  3. Helen Delpar, Looking South: The Evolution of Latin Americanist Scholarship in the United States, 1850-1975 (University of Alabama Press, 2007) pp. 64-65
  4. "Record of Current Events", The American Monthly Review of Reviews (February 1913), pp. 163-167
  5. "Japanese Cabinet Crisis", New York Times, December 3, 1912
  6. Hew Strachan, The Outbreak of the First World War (Oxford University Press, 2004) p. 65
  7. "Greeks Refuse the Armistice; Others Sign It", New York Times, December 4, 1912
  8. Edward J. Erickson, Defeat in Detail: The Ottoman Army in the Balkans, 1912-1913 (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003) p. 137
  9. John A. S. Grenville, The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century: A History and Guide with Texts, Volume 1 (Taylor & Francis, 2001) pp. 49-50
  10. "State of the Union Address: William H. Taft (December 3, 1912) |". Retrieved July 25, 2014.
  11. "Eight Die, 7 Hurt, in Rear-End Crash", New York Times, December 4, 1912
  12. "Japanese Cabinet Out", New York Times, December 5, 1912
  13. "Italian Treaty Approved", New York Times, December 5, 1912
  14. Peggy Pascoe, What Comes Naturally: Miscegenation Law and the Making of Race in America (Oxford University Press, 2009) p. 165
  15. Hew Strachan, The Outbreak of the First World War (Oxford University Press, 2004) p. 65; "Triple Alliance Renewed", New York Times, December 8, 1912
  16. Janet Khan, Prophet's Daughter: The Life and Legacy of Bahiyyih Khanum, Outstanding Heroine of the Baha'i Faith (Baha'i Publishing Trust, 2005) p. 81; "Abdul Baha Sails Away", New York Times, December 6, 1912
  17. Joann Fletcher, The Search for Nefertiti: The True Story of an Amazing Discovery (HarperCollins, 2004) p. 60
  18. "Terauchi Japan's Premier", New York Times, December 7, 1912
  19. Ron Chernow, The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family (Random House Digital, 2012)
  20. Roderick R. McLean, Royalty and Diplomacy in Europe, 1890-1914 (Cambridge University Press, 2007) p. 66
  21. John C. G. Röhl, Wilhelm II: Into the Abyss of War and Exile, 1900–1941 (Cambridge University Press, 2014) p. 910
  22. "Greece: DELFIN class submarines", in Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships, 1906-1921 (Volume 2), by Randal Gray and Przemyslaw Budzbon (Naval Institute Press, 1985) p. 387
  23. "Ignore Armistice; Fighting Resumed", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 10, 1912, p. 1
  24. Spencer Tucker, European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia (Taylor & Francis, 1999) p. 495
  25. "Austria Mobilizes Army of Kingdom", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 11, 1912, p. 1
  26. "Bowman Is Ousted from House Seat", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 13, 1912, p. 1
  27. "Perished in Storm— Oil Barge Tears from Tow and Turns Turtle Off Port Arthur — Gale Sweeps Gulf of Mexico and the Death List May Reach Fifty", Los Angeles Times, December 16, 1912, p. 1
  28. "Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bukavu Congo-Kinshasa". Retrieved April 5, 2013.
  29. "Archdiocese of Gitega". Catholic Hierarchy. Retrieved April 5, 2013.
  30. "Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves", in Historical Dictionary of the Petroleum Industry, Marius Vassiliou (Scarecrow Press, 2009) p. 332
  31. "Antarctic Explorers: Douglas Mawson". Retrieved September 9, 2019.
  32. "Botha Resigns as Premier", New York Times, December 15, 1912
  33. "Whitelaw Reid Dies in London— American Ambassador to Great Britain Succumbs at His Post After Illness of Less Than a Week", New York Tribune, December 16, 1912, p. 1
  34. "Whitelaw Reid Has Journeyed into the Beyond", Atlanta Constitution, December 16, 1912, p1
  35. "Pays Toll to Charon— Whitelaw Reid Joins Honored Dead", Los Angeles Times, December 16, 1912, p1
  36. "They Tried To Fly and Are Corpses; Tony Janus Flies and Still Lives"; Atlanta Constitution, December 16, 1912, p. 1
  37. "Imbedded in Concrete— Hand Protruding From Mass Explains Disappearance of Workman on Dam at Keokuk, Ia.", Boston Globe, December 15, 1912, p. 1
  38. "See Human Hand Protruding From Tons of Cement", Buffalo Sunday News, December 15, 1912, p. 25
  39. "Man's Body Found Embedded in Dam", Des Moines Register, December 15, 1912, p. 1
  40. "The Champion Faker", Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa), December 17, 1912, p. 4
  41. Deniz Bolukbasi, Turkey and Greece: The Aegean Disputes (Routledge, 2004) p. 26
  42. Zisis Fotakis, Greek Naval Strategy and Policy 1910-1919 (Routledge, 2005) p. 50
  43. Shinano Mainichi Shimbun (2011). Nagano Prefecture All Railway Stations, revised edition (長野県鉄道全駅 増補改訂版) (in Japanese). Shinano Mainichi Shinbun Publishing. p. 101. ISBN 9784784071647.
  44. Pierre Kalck, Historical Dictionary Of The Central African Republic (Scarecrow Press, 2005) p. 110
  45. "Man Had Reason Before He Spoke",New York Times, December 20, 1912
  46. "Darwin Theory Is Proved True", New York Times, December 22, 1912
  47. "The Piltdown Hoax". Retrieved September 9, 2019.
  48. "German Miners Killed", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 19, 1912, p. 1
  49. Our Flag (Government Printing Office, 2007) p. 44
  50. Akira Yoshimura, Zero Fighter (Greenwood Publishing, 1996) p. 7
  51. Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department (W. W. Norton & Company, 1969) p. 754
  52. Fran Capo, Myths and Mysteries of New York: True Stories of the Unsolved and Unexplained (Globe Pequot, 2011) p. 169
  53. "Twenty Two Die in Steamer Wreck", New York Times, December 23, 1912
  54. "Diamond Merchant Slain in Chicago", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 21, 1912, p1
  55. "Nine Persons Held in Logue Murder", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 22, 1912, p. 1
  56. Natalino Ronzitti, The Law of Naval Warfare: A Collection of Agreements and Documents With Commentaries (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988) p. 839
  57. Klaus Schlichtmann, Japan in the World: Shidehara Kijūrō, Pacifism, and the Abolition of War (Lexington Books, 2009) p. 224
  58. "Actors' Equity", in The Routledge Guide to Broadway, Ken Bloom, ed. (CRC Press, 2006) p. 3; Estelle May Stewart, Handbook of American Trade-Unions (Government Printing Office, 1929) p. 197
  59. "Assassin Attacks Viceroy of India", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 24, 1912, p. 1
  60. ""Lord Hardinge Bomb Case (1912-1915)". Archived from the original on February 3, 2016. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  61. P. N. Chopra, A Comprehensive History of India (Volume 3) (Sterling Publishers, 2003) p. 207
  62. Trevor Turpin, Dam (Reaktion Books, 2008) p. 87
  63. Bernschneider-Reif, S.; Oxler, F.; Freudenmann, R. W. (2006). "The Origin of MDMA ("Ecstasy") - Separating the Facts From the Myths". Die Pharmazie. 61 (11): 966–972. PMID 17152992. S2CID 36199565.
  64. Ben Koning, Images of America: Sunnyvale (Arcadia Publishing, 2011) p. 88
  65. "Street Dynamited as Taft Passes", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 26, 1912, p. 1
  66. John Nery, Revolutionary Spirit: Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011) p. 114
  67. Becker, Seymour (August 2, 2004). Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia: Bukhara and Khiva, 1865-1924. Routledge. pp. 180, 181. ISBN 9781134335831.
  68. "Vaudeville Actress Dies", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 26, 1912, p. 1
  69. John Reed, Insurgent Mexico (International Publishers, 1914) p. 15
  70. "Steamer Sunk, 13 Drowned", New York Times, December 27, 1912
  71. "Senatorial Santa Singed", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 27, 1912, p. 1
  72. Matthew J. Mancini, One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South, 1866-1928 (University of South Carolina Press, 1996) p. 130
  73. Timothy Paul Donovan and Willard B. Gatewood, The Governors of Arkansas: Essays in Political Biography (University of Arkansas Press, 1995) p. 137
  74. Sergei O. Prokofieff, Eternal Individuality: Towards a Karmic Biography of Novalis (Temple Lodge Publishing, 1992) pp. 141-142
  75. JR East Station information
  76. Newport By Rob Lewis (Arcadia Publishing, 1996)
  77. "KILLED IN STEVENSON HOME: Girl Shot Accidentally by Former Vice President's Grandson", New York Times, December 31, 1912
  78. "High German Official Dies during Vacation", Milwaukee Sentinel, December 30, 1912, p. 1
  79. "Carnation/Tolt — Thumbnail History", by Alan J. Stein,
  80. Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. "Valdivias Deutsche Zeitung". Catálogo de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved July 30, 2016.

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