ISO 3166-1

ISO 3166-1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes. It defines three sets of country codes:[1]

The alphabetic country codes were first included in ISO 3166 in 1974, and the numeric country codes were first included in 1981. The country codes have been published as ISO 3166-1 since 1997, when ISO 3166 was expanded into three parts, with ISO 3166-2 defining codes for subdivisions and ISO 3166-3 defining codes for former countries.[1]

As a widely used international standard, ISO 3166-1 is implemented in other standards and used by international organizations[1] to allow facilitation of the exchange of goods and information.[1] However, it is not the only standard for country codes. Other country codes used by many international organizations are partly or totally incompatible with ISO 3166-1,[1] although some of them closely correspond to ISO 3166-1 codes.

Criteria for inclusion

Currently 249 countries, territories, or areas of geographical interest are assigned official codes in ISO 3166-1. According to the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA), the only way to enter a new country name into ISO 3166-1 is to have it registered in one of the following two sources:[1]

  • United Nations Terminology Bulletin Country Names, or
  • Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use of the UN Statistics Division.

To be listed in the bulletin Country Names, a country must be at least one of the following:[2]

The list of names in Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use of the UN Statistics Division is based on the bulletin Country Names and other UN sources.

Once a country name or territory name appears in either of these two sources, it will be added to ISO 3166-1 by default.

The ISO 3166/MA may reserve code elements for other entities that do not qualify for inclusion based on the above criteria.[3] For example, because the European Union is not a country, it is not formally included in ISO 3166-1, but for practical reasons, the ISO 3166/MA has "reserved the two-letter combination EU for the purpose of identifying the European Union within the framework of ISO 3166-1".[4]

Information included

ISO 3166-1 is published officially in both English and French. Since the second edition of ISO 3166-1, the following columns are included for each entry:

  1. Country Name – English (or French) short name (all upper-case)
  2. English (or French) short name lower case (title case)
  3. English (or French) full name
  4. Alpha-2 code
  5. Alpha-3 code
  6. Numeric code
  7. Remarks
  8. Independent
  9. Additional information: Administrative language(s) alpha-2 code element(s)
  10. Additional information: Administrative language(s) alpha-3 code element(s)
  11. Additional information: Local short name(s)

Naming and code construction

Naming and disputes

The International Organization for Standardization uses the country names chosen by the United Nations, some of which are disputed.

The country names used in ISO 3166-1 are taken from the two UN sources mentioned above. Some country names used by the UN, and accordingly by ISO, are subject to dispute:

Short name upper case in ISO 3166Short name lower case in ISO 3166Listed as independent in ISO 3166Local short nameLanguage(s)DisputesLinks to ISO 3166-2 with details
CHINAChinaYes[5]ZhongguoChineseDisputed sovereigntyISO 3166-2:CN
Disputed sovereigntyISO 3166-2:CY
FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]No[7]Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]EnglishDisputed sovereignty and namingISO 3166-2:FK
PALESTINE, STATE OFPalestine, State ofNo[8]Dawlat FilasţīnArabicDisputed sovereigntyISO 3166-2:PS
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINATaiwan (Province of China)No[9]TaiwanChineseDisputed sovereignty and naming[4]ISO 3166-2:TW
WESTERN SAHARAWestern SaharaNo[10]Aş Şaḩrā' al GharbīyahArabicDisputed sovereigntyISO 3166-2:EH


The codes are chosen, according to the ISO 3166/MA, "to reflect the significant, unique component of the country name in order to allow a visual association between country name and country code".[4] For this reason, common components of country names like "Republic", "Kingdom", "United", "Federal" or "Democratic" are normally not used for deriving the code elements. As a consequence, for example, the United Kingdom is officially assigned the alpha-2 code GB rather than UK, based on its official name "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (although UK is reserved on the request of the United Kingdom). Some codes are chosen based on the native names of the countries. For example, Germany is assigned the alpha-2 code DE, based on its native name "Deutschland".

Current codes

Officially assigned code elements

The following is a complete ISO 3166-1 encoding list of the countries which are assigned official codes.[11] It is listed in alphabetical order by the country's English short name used by the ISO 3166/MA.

Note: Each country's alpha-2 code is linked to more information about the assignment of its code elements.

English short name (using title case) Alpha-2 code Alpha-3 code Numeric code Link to ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes Independent
Afghanistan AFAFG004ISO 3166-2:AFYes
Åland Islands AXALA248ISO 3166-2:AXNo
Albania ALALB008ISO 3166-2:ALYes
Algeria DZDZA012ISO 3166-2:DZYes
American Samoa ASASM016ISO 3166-2:ASNo
Andorra ADAND020ISO 3166-2:ADYes
Angola AOAGO024ISO 3166-2:AOYes
Anguilla AIAIA660ISO 3166-2:AINo
Antarctica AQATA010ISO 3166-2:AQNo
Antigua and Barbuda AGATG028ISO 3166-2:AGYes
Argentina ARARG032ISO 3166-2:ARYes
Armenia AMARM051ISO 3166-2:AMYes
Aruba AWABW533ISO 3166-2:AWNo
Australia AUAUS036ISO 3166-2:AUYes
Austria ATAUT040ISO 3166-2:ATYes
Azerbaijan AZAZE031ISO 3166-2:AZYes
Bahamas BSBHS044ISO 3166-2:BSYes
Bahrain BHBHR048ISO 3166-2:BHYes
Bangladesh BDBGD050ISO 3166-2:BDYes
Barbados BBBRB052ISO 3166-2:BBYes
Belarus BYBLR112ISO 3166-2:BYYes
Belgium BEBEL056ISO 3166-2:BEYes
Belize BZBLZ084ISO 3166-2:BZYes
Benin BJBEN204ISO 3166-2:BJYes
Bermuda BMBMU060ISO 3166-2:BMNo
Bhutan BTBTN064ISO 3166-2:BTYes
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BOBOL068ISO 3166-2:BOYes
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQBES535ISO 3166-2:BQNo
Bosnia and Herzegovina BABIH070ISO 3166-2:BAYes
Botswana BWBWA072ISO 3166-2:BWYes
Bouvet Island BVBVT074ISO 3166-2:BVNo
Brazil BRBRA076ISO 3166-2:BRYes
British Indian Ocean Territory IOIOT086ISO 3166-2:IONo
Brunei Darussalam BNBRN096ISO 3166-2:BNYes
Bulgaria BGBGR100ISO 3166-2:BGYes
Burkina Faso BFBFA854ISO 3166-2:BFYes
Burundi BIBDI108ISO 3166-2:BIYes
Cabo Verde CVCPV132ISO 3166-2:CVYes
Cambodia KHKHM116ISO 3166-2:KHYes
Cameroon CMCMR120ISO 3166-2:CMYes
Canada CACAN124ISO 3166-2:CAYes
Cayman Islands KYCYM136ISO 3166-2:KYNo
Central African Republic CFCAF140ISO 3166-2:CFYes
Chad TDTCD148ISO 3166-2:TDYes
Chile CLCHL152ISO 3166-2:CLYes
China CNCHN156ISO 3166-2:CNYes
Christmas Island CXCXR162ISO 3166-2:CXNo
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCCCK166ISO 3166-2:CCNo
Colombia COCOL170ISO 3166-2:COYes
Comoros KMCOM174ISO 3166-2:KMYes
Congo CGCOG178ISO 3166-2:CGYes
Congo, Democratic Republic of the CDCOD180ISO 3166-2:CDYes
Cook Islands CKCOK184ISO 3166-2:CKNo
Costa Rica CRCRI188ISO 3166-2:CRYes
Côte d'Ivoire CICIV384ISO 3166-2:CIYes
Croatia HRHRV191ISO 3166-2:HRYes
Cuba CUCUB192ISO 3166-2:CUYes
Curaçao CWCUW531ISO 3166-2:CWNo
Cyprus CYCYP196ISO 3166-2:CYYes
Czechia CZCZE203ISO 3166-2:CZYes
Denmark DKDNK208ISO 3166-2:DKYes
Djibouti DJDJI262ISO 3166-2:DJYes
Dominica DMDMA212ISO 3166-2:DMYes
Dominican Republic DODOM214ISO 3166-2:DOYes
Ecuador ECECU218ISO 3166-2:ECYes
Egypt EGEGY818ISO 3166-2:EGYes
El Salvador SVSLV222ISO 3166-2:SVYes
Equatorial Guinea GQGNQ226ISO 3166-2:GQYes
Eritrea ERERI232ISO 3166-2:ERYes
Estonia EEEST233ISO 3166-2:EEYes
Eswatini SZSWZ748ISO 3166-2:SZYes
Ethiopia ETETH231ISO 3166-2:ETYes
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FKFLK238ISO 3166-2:FKNo
Faroe Islands FOFRO234ISO 3166-2:FONo
Fiji FJFJI242ISO 3166-2:FJYes
Finland FIFIN246ISO 3166-2:FIYes
France FRFRA250ISO 3166-2:FRYes
French Guiana GFGUF254ISO 3166-2:GFNo
French Polynesia PFPYF258ISO 3166-2:PFNo
French Southern Territories TFATF260ISO 3166-2:TFNo
Gabon GAGAB266ISO 3166-2:GAYes
Gambia GMGMB270ISO 3166-2:GMYes
Georgia GEGEO268ISO 3166-2:GEYes
Germany DEDEU276ISO 3166-2:DEYes
Ghana GHGHA288ISO 3166-2:GHYes
Gibraltar GIGIB292ISO 3166-2:GINo
Greece GRGRC300ISO 3166-2:GRYes
Greenland GLGRL304ISO 3166-2:GLNo
Grenada GDGRD308ISO 3166-2:GDYes
Guadeloupe GPGLP312ISO 3166-2:GPNo
Guam GUGUM316ISO 3166-2:GUNo
Guatemala GTGTM320ISO 3166-2:GTYes
Guernsey GGGGY831ISO 3166-2:GGNo
Guinea GNGIN324ISO 3166-2:GNYes
Guinea-Bissau GWGNB624ISO 3166-2:GWYes
Guyana GYGUY328ISO 3166-2:GYYes
Haiti HTHTI332ISO 3166-2:HTYes
Heard Island and McDonald Islands HMHMD334ISO 3166-2:HMNo
Holy See VAVAT336ISO 3166-2:VAYes
Honduras HNHND340ISO 3166-2:HNYes
Hong Kong HKHKG344ISO 3166-2:HKNo
Hungary HUHUN348ISO 3166-2:HUYes
Iceland ISISL352ISO 3166-2:ISYes
India ININD356ISO 3166-2:INYes
Indonesia IDIDN360ISO 3166-2:IDYes
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRIRN364ISO 3166-2:IRYes
Iraq IQIRQ368ISO 3166-2:IQYes
Ireland IEIRL372ISO 3166-2:IEYes
Isle of Man IMIMN833ISO 3166-2:IMNo
Israel ILISR376ISO 3166-2:ILYes
Italy ITITA380ISO 3166-2:ITYes
Jamaica JMJAM388ISO 3166-2:JMYes
Japan JPJPN392ISO 3166-2:JPYes
Jersey JEJEY832ISO 3166-2:JENo
Jordan JOJOR400ISO 3166-2:JOYes
Kazakhstan KZKAZ398ISO 3166-2:KZYes
Kenya KEKEN404ISO 3166-2:KEYes
Kiribati KIKIR296ISO 3166-2:KIYes
Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) KPPRK408ISO 3166-2:KPYes
Korea, Republic of KRKOR410ISO 3166-2:KRYes
Kuwait KWKWT414ISO 3166-2:KWYes
Kyrgyzstan KGKGZ417ISO 3166-2:KGYes
Lao People's Democratic Republic LALAO418ISO 3166-2:LAYes
Latvia LVLVA428ISO 3166-2:LVYes
Lebanon LBLBN422ISO 3166-2:LBYes
Lesotho LSLSO426ISO 3166-2:LSYes
Liberia LRLBR430ISO 3166-2:LRYes
Libya LYLBY434ISO 3166-2:LYYes
Liechtenstein LILIE438ISO 3166-2:LIYes
Lithuania LTLTU440ISO 3166-2:LTYes
Luxembourg LULUX442ISO 3166-2:LUYes
Macao MOMAC446ISO 3166-2:MONo
Madagascar MGMDG450ISO 3166-2:MGYes
Malawi MWMWI454ISO 3166-2:MWYes
Malaysia MYMYS458ISO 3166-2:MYYes
Maldives MVMDV462ISO 3166-2:MVYes
Mali MLMLI466ISO 3166-2:MLYes
Malta MTMLT470ISO 3166-2:MTYes
Marshall Islands MHMHL584ISO 3166-2:MHYes
Martinique MQMTQ474ISO 3166-2:MQNo
Mauritania MRMRT478ISO 3166-2:MRYes
Mauritius MUMUS480ISO 3166-2:MUYes
Mayotte YTMYT175ISO 3166-2:YTNo
Mexico MXMEX484ISO 3166-2:MXYes
Micronesia (Federated States of) FMFSM583ISO 3166-2:FMYes
Moldova, Republic of MDMDA498ISO 3166-2:MDYes
Monaco MCMCO492ISO 3166-2:MCYes
Mongolia MNMNG496ISO 3166-2:MNYes
Montenegro MEMNE499ISO 3166-2:MEYes
Montserrat MSMSR500ISO 3166-2:MSNo
Morocco MAMAR504ISO 3166-2:MAYes
Mozambique MZMOZ508ISO 3166-2:MZYes
Myanmar MMMMR104ISO 3166-2:MMYes
Namibia NANAM516ISO 3166-2:NAYes
Nauru NRNRU520ISO 3166-2:NRYes
Nepal NPNPL524ISO 3166-2:NPYes
Netherlands NLNLD528ISO 3166-2:NLYes
New Caledonia NCNCL540ISO 3166-2:NCNo
New Zealand NZNZL554ISO 3166-2:NZYes
Nicaragua NINIC558ISO 3166-2:NIYes
Niger NENER562ISO 3166-2:NEYes
Nigeria NGNGA566ISO 3166-2:NGYes
Niue NUNIU570ISO 3166-2:NUNo
Norfolk Island NFNFK574ISO 3166-2:NFNo
North Macedonia MKMKD807ISO 3166-2:MKYes
Northern Mariana Islands MPMNP580ISO 3166-2:MPNo
Norway NONOR578ISO 3166-2:NOYes
Oman OMOMN512ISO 3166-2:OMYes
Pakistan PKPAK586ISO 3166-2:PKYes
Palau PWPLW585ISO 3166-2:PWYes
Palestine, State of PSPSE275ISO 3166-2:PSNo
Panama PAPAN591ISO 3166-2:PAYes
Papua New Guinea PGPNG598ISO 3166-2:PGYes
Paraguay PYPRY600ISO 3166-2:PYYes
Peru PEPER604ISO 3166-2:PEYes
Philippines PHPHL608ISO 3166-2:PHYes
Pitcairn PNPCN612ISO 3166-2:PNNo
Poland PLPOL616ISO 3166-2:PLYes
Portugal PTPRT620ISO 3166-2:PTYes
Puerto Rico PRPRI630ISO 3166-2:PRNo
Qatar QAQAT634ISO 3166-2:QAYes
Réunion REREU638ISO 3166-2:RENo
Romania ROROU642ISO 3166-2:ROYes
Russian Federation RURUS643ISO 3166-2:RUYes
Rwanda RWRWA646ISO 3166-2:RWYes
Saint Barthélemy BLBLM652ISO 3166-2:BLNo
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHSHN654ISO 3166-2:SHNo
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNKNA659ISO 3166-2:KNYes
Saint Lucia LCLCA662ISO 3166-2:LCYes
Saint Martin (French part) MFMAF663ISO 3166-2:MFNo
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PMSPM666ISO 3166-2:PMNo
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCVCT670ISO 3166-2:VCYes
Samoa WSWSM882ISO 3166-2:WSYes
San Marino SMSMR674ISO 3166-2:SMYes
Sao Tome and Principe STSTP678ISO 3166-2:STYes
Saudi Arabia SASAU682ISO 3166-2:SAYes
Senegal SNSEN686ISO 3166-2:SNYes
Serbia RSSRB688ISO 3166-2:RSYes
Seychelles SCSYC690ISO 3166-2:SCYes
Sierra Leone SLSLE694ISO 3166-2:SLYes
Singapore SGSGP702ISO 3166-2:SGYes
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXSXM534ISO 3166-2:SXNo
Slovakia SKSVK703ISO 3166-2:SKYes
Slovenia SISVN705ISO 3166-2:SIYes
Solomon Islands SBSLB090ISO 3166-2:SBYes
Somalia SOSOM706ISO 3166-2:SOYes
South Africa ZAZAF710ISO 3166-2:ZAYes
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GSSGS239ISO 3166-2:GSNo
South Sudan SSSSD728ISO 3166-2:SSYes
Spain ESESP724ISO 3166-2:ESYes
Sri Lanka LKLKA144ISO 3166-2:LKYes
Sudan SDSDN729ISO 3166-2:SDYes
Suriname SRSUR740ISO 3166-2:SRYes
Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJSJM744ISO 3166-2:SJNo
Sweden SESWE752ISO 3166-2:SEYes
Switzerland CHCHE756ISO 3166-2:CHYes
Syrian Arab Republic SYSYR760ISO 3166-2:SYYes
Taiwan, Province of China TWTWN158ISO 3166-2:TW[lower-alpha 1]No
Tajikistan TJTJK762ISO 3166-2:TJYes
Tanzania, United Republic of TZTZA834ISO 3166-2:TZYes
Thailand THTHA764ISO 3166-2:THYes
Timor-Leste TLTLS626ISO 3166-2:TLYes
Togo TGTGO768ISO 3166-2:TGYes
Tokelau TKTKL772ISO 3166-2:TKNo
Tonga TOTON776ISO 3166-2:TOYes
Trinidad and Tobago TTTTO780ISO 3166-2:TTYes
Tunisia TNTUN788ISO 3166-2:TNYes
Turkey TRTUR792ISO 3166-2:TRYes
Turkmenistan TMTKM795ISO 3166-2:TMYes
Turks and Caicos Islands TCTCA796ISO 3166-2:TCNo
Tuvalu TVTUV798ISO 3166-2:TVYes
Uganda UGUGA800ISO 3166-2:UGYes
Ukraine UAUKR804ISO 3166-2:UAYes
United Arab Emirates AEARE784ISO 3166-2:AEYes
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GBGBR826ISO 3166-2:GBYes
United States of America USUSA840ISO 3166-2:USYes
United States Minor Outlying Islands UMUMI581ISO 3166-2:UMNo
Uruguay UYURY858ISO 3166-2:UYYes
Uzbekistan UZUZB860ISO 3166-2:UZYes
Vanuatu VUVUT548ISO 3166-2:VUYes
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VEVEN862ISO 3166-2:VEYes
Viet Nam VNVNM704ISO 3166-2:VNYes
Virgin Islands (British) VGVGB092ISO 3166-2:VGNo
Virgin Islands (U.S.) VIVIR850ISO 3166-2:VINo
Wallis and Futuna WFWLF876ISO 3166-2:WFNo
Western Sahara EHESH732ISO 3166-2:EHNo
Yemen YEYEM887ISO 3166-2:YEYes
Zambia ZMZMB894ISO 3166-2:ZMYes
Zimbabwe ZWZWE716ISO 3166-2:ZWYes

Reserved and user-assigned code elements

Besides the officially assigned codes, code elements may be expanded by using either reserved codes or user-assigned codes.[1]

Reserved code elements are codes which have become obsolete, or are required in order to enable a particular user application of the standard but do not qualify for inclusion in ISO 3166-1. To avoid transitional application problems and to aid users who require specific additional code elements for the functioning of their coding systems, the ISO 3166/MA, when justified, reserves these codes which it undertakes not to use for other than specified purposes during a limited or indeterminate period of time. Codes are usually reserved for former countries, overseas territories, international organizations, and special nationality status. The reserved alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes can be divided into the following four categories (click on the links for the reserved codes of each category):

User-assigned code elements are codes at the disposal of users who need to add further names of countries, territories, or other geographical entities to their in-house application of ISO 3166-1, and the ISO 3166/MA will never use these codes in the updating process of the standard. The following codes can be user-assigned:[12]

  • Alpha-2: AA, QM to QZ, XA to XZ, and ZZ
  • Alpha-3: AAA to AAZ, QMA to QZZ, XAA to XZZ, and ZZA to ZZZ
  • Numeric: 900 to 999


The ISO 3166/MA updates ISO 3166-1 when necessary. A country is usually assigned new ISO 3166-1 codes if it changes its name or its territorial boundaries. In general, new alphabetic codes are assigned if a country changes a significant part of its name, while a new numeric code is assigned if a country changes its territorial boundaries. Codes for formerly used country names that were deleted from ISO 3166-1 are published in ISO 3166-3.

ISO used to announce changes in newsletters which updated the currently valid standard, and releasing new editions which comprise a consolidation of newsletter changes. As of July 2013, changes are published in the online catalogue of ISO only, and no newsletters are published anymore. Past newsletters remain available through the search option on the ISO website.[13]

Edition/Newsletter Date issued Contents
ISO 3166:1974 1974 First edition of ISO 3166
ISO 3166:1981 1981 Second edition of ISO 3166
ISO 3166:1988 1988-08-15 Third edition of ISO 3166
ISO 3166:1994 1994-02-10 Fourth edition of ISO 3166
ISO 3166-1:1997 1997-09-25 First edition of ISO 3166-1 (ISO 3166 expanded into three parts)
Newsletter V-1 1998-02-05 Change of official name (Samoa)
Newsletter V-2 1999-10-01 Inclusion of new country name and code elements (Palestinian Territory, Occupied)
Newsletter V-3 2002-02-01 Change of alpha-3 Code Element (Romania)
Newsletter V-4 2002-05-20 Name changes (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fiji, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Macao, Niue, Somalia, Venezuela)
Newsletter V-5 2002-05-20 Change of names and alphabetical code elements of East Timor
Newsletter V-6 2002-11-15 Change of names of East Timor
Newsletter V-7 2003-01-14 Change of official name of Comoros
Newsletter V-8 2003-07-23 Deletion of "Yugoslavia"; inclusion of "Serbia and Montenegro" with new alphabetical code elements
Newsletter V-9 2004-02-13 Inclusion of an entry for Åland Islands
Newsletter V-10 2004-04-26 Name changes (Afghanistan, Åland Islands)
Newsletter V-11 2006-03-29 Inclusion of an entry for Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man. Change of remark for the United Kingdom
Newsletter V-12 2006-09-26 Inclusion of the new entries for "Serbia" and "Montenegro" (replacing Serbia and Montenegro)
ISO 3166-1:2006 2006-11-20 Second edition of ISO 3166-1
ISO 3166-1:2006/
Cor 1:2007
2007-07-15 First Technical Corrigendum to ISO 3166-1:2006
Newsletter VI-1 2007-09-21 Assignment of code elements for Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin and update of France and other French Territories (French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Guadeloupe, Réunion)
Newsletter VI-2 2008-03-31 Name changes for Moldova, Montenegro and other minor corrections (Madagascar, Palestinian Territory, Occupied, Saint Barthélemy)
Newsletter VI-3 2008-09-09 Name change for Nepal and other minor corrections (Greenland, Guernsey, Moldova, Nigeria)
Newsletter VI-4 2009-01-07 Name change for the Republic of Moldova and other minor corrections (Central African Republic, Comoros)
Newsletter VI-5 2009-03-03 Name change for Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other minor corrections (Kiribati, Tuvalu)
Newsletter VI-6 2009-05-08 Name change for Plurinational State of Bolivia
Newsletter VI-7 2010-02-22 Name change for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Newsletter VI-8 2010-12-15 Code elements for Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten (Dutch part), update of other territories (Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles) and minor corrections (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia)
Newsletter VI-9 2011-06-12
Name changes for Fiji and Myanmar as well as other minor corrections (Åland Islands, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Niue)
Newsletter VI-10 2011-08-09 Code elements for South Sudan (and new numeric code for Sudan)
Newsletter VI-11 2011-11-08 Name change for Libya
Newsletter VI-12 2012-02-15 Name change for Hungary and other minor corrections (Bangladesh, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Germany)
Newsletter VI-13 2012-08-02 Name change for Eritrea and other minor corrections (Germany, Sri Lanka)
Newsletter VI-14 2013-02-06 Name change for State of Palestine and other minor corrections (Bulgaria, Bouvet Island, Jersey, Saint Martin (French part), Seychelles, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Viet Nam)
Newsletter VI-15 2013-05-10 Name change for Papua New Guinea
Newsletter VI-16 2013-07-11 Name change for Somalia
ISO 3166-1:2013 2013-11-19 Third edition of ISO 3166-1 (changes are published in the online catalogue of ISO only and no newsletters are published anymore)
gollark: Did you know? Some things in games do not have easy real-life counterparts!
gollark: I should probably test the new SPUDNET more but meh.
gollark: No. Only after infinite time, which doesn't really work.
gollark: pjals: the admin UI bit will require a valid admin-level SPUDNET key.
gollark: That is not how it works.

See also


  1. See also the table in § Naming and disputes above.


  1. "Country Codes - ISO 3166". International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  2. "Qualifying top-level domain strings: Eligible categories of top-level domains". Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Retrieved February 25, 2014.
  3. "ISO 3166 FAQs General Questions". ISO. Archived from the original on 2007-03-06.
  4. "ISO 3166 FAQs Specific". ISO. Archived from the original on 2012-06-16.
  5. "ISO 3166 information for CN". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30.
  6. "ISO 3166 information for CY". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30.
  7. "ISO 3166 information for FK". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30.
  8. "ISO 3166 information for PS". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30. Remark: Conventional names.
  9. "ISO 3166 information for TW". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30.
  10. "ISO 3166 information for EH". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 2020-01-30. Remark: Provisional name.
  11. "Country names and code elements". ISO.
  12. "Glossary for ISO 3166 - Codes for countries and their subdivisions". ISO.
  13. "ISO 3166-1 - New access". ISO.

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