Country code

Country codes are short alphabetic or numeric geographical codes (geocodes) developed to represent countries and dependent areas, for use in data processing and communications. Several different systems have been developed to do this. The term country code frequently refers to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or international dialing codes, the E.164 country calling codes.

Map of Oceania with country codes.

ISO 3166-1

This standard defines for most of the countries and dependent areas in the world:

The two-letter codes are used as the basis for some other codes or applications, for example,

For more applications see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Other country codes

The developers of ISO 3166 intended that in time it would replace other coding systems in existence.

Other codings

The following can represent countries:

  • The initial digits of International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) are group identifiers for countries, areas, or language regions.
  • The first three digits of GS1 Company Prefixes used to identify products, for example, in barcodes, designate (national) numbering agencies.

Lists of country codes by country

A - B - C - D–E - F - G - H–I - J–K - L - M - N - O–Q - R - S - T - U–Z

gollark: Sure?
gollark: Just ask for the answers to physics or something.
gollark: Wait, why are you not using this omniscient god for ultimate cosmic power?
gollark: Cool!

See also


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