Tag: graphical-output

24 Fill the Screen with Wang Tiles 2014-08-04T06:08:06.217

24 Enclose 1009 pixels 2014-09-30T11:38:59.843

24 Flip It, Flop It, Mean It 2016-01-10T04:52:34.477

23 Recreation of Piet Mondrian Composition 2013-09-21T03:57:21.173

23 Place a Carcassonne tile 2014-11-07T15:51:31.937

23 Seamless conversion from square to hexagon 2015-10-16T15:08:56.980

23 Plumbing Random Paths 2015-11-04T05:28:10.550

23 Build a chessboard 2016-02-04T16:59:26.427

23 Draw a random hexa-glyph 2016-04-02T19:29:28.210

23 Rainbowlify An Image 2016-05-03T00:44:07.297

23 A Rather Knotty Conundrum 2016-12-07T23:20:34.363

23 It's factors all the way down! 2016-12-27T15:45:30.803

23 The Image of the Dragon 2017-04-23T20:03:16.460

23 The Chroma Key to Success 2017-07-16T19:14:55.030

22 Hello World window 2013-11-26T15:03:07.763

22 Drawing Epicyclogons 2014-08-24T04:32:11.590

22 Tile the plane with this modified circle 2015-05-08T21:50:27.217

22 Generate a modulo rosace 2016-10-28T13:25:16.173

22 Two-Coloring Overlapping Circles 2017-03-12T05:39:45.797

22 Extract an RGB channel of an image 2017-03-29T16:57:24.483

21 "Sorry, young man, but it's Turtles all the way down!" 2012-12-31T11:26:04.890

21 Draw a regular polygon 2014-04-16T01:10:18.407

21 Tension on a Graph, Part I: A Wavy String 2014-09-29T15:13:51.257

21 Print all colorings of a 3x3 grid 2015-06-08T17:55:27.710

21 Circular ​Blues 2015-10-28T07:02:08.633

21 Packing Circles 2015-11-22T19:35:44.090

21 Make the PPCG Favicon 2015-11-25T15:06:27.810

21 Triangular Ulam spiral 2016-01-15T11:15:06.947

21 Borders of overlapping circles 2016-07-01T14:38:37.870

21 Arnold's Cat Map 2017-01-02T18:13:36.297

21 The strange attraction of the logistic map 2017-05-29T14:34:01.477

20 Parallel projected voxel terrain generator 2014-02-28T19:28:45.227

20 Draw the Utah Teapot 2014-03-02T06:26:09.463

20 Pixel art, episode 2: Display the map 1-1 of Super Mario Bros 2014-10-18T18:23:23.890

20 Remove an unobstructed rectangle 2015-03-30T03:49:00.560

20 Golf Your Favorite Minecraft Tool 2015-06-11T01:15:36.663

20 Force an Average on an Image 2015-07-23T05:06:30.723

20 Generating Picture Mazes 2015-09-28T23:28:37.530

20 The Death Of Low-Resolution Pixel Art (Or, Draw That Death) 2015-11-17T21:01:59.073

20 Random Pixel Poking 2016-12-24T17:34:50.260

19 Generating PBM bitmap files from ASCII text 2012-01-14T13:02:30.797

19 Golfing Flower of Life 2016-11-14T03:23:55.640

19 Draw a Dragon Curve 2016-11-20T18:23:47.447

19 Carpet an Airport 2017-02-12T02:24:30.247

19 Penrose Triangle Codegolf 2017-02-28T17:33:53.707

18 Help Mr Jones to enjoy his bicycle round-trip 2011-03-30T17:32:07.563

18 stupid restrictions and desert 2014-01-18T21:30:27.027

18 QR Codes... and all that Jazz! 2014-02-03T23:30:30.330

18 Draw A Snowflake 2014-12-18T19:58:36.523

18 String to Image 2015-04-13T20:13:19.297

18 Binary Images of Triangle Counts 2015-04-22T21:37:37.477

18 Proto space invaders (can you blit it?) 2015-10-31T14:21:16.047

18 Fill the holes in letters 2016-02-13T15:06:47.260

18 Find the identity sandpile 2017-01-15T22:07:56.743

18 Implement the Boids algorithm 2018-01-28T22:09:58.627

17 I like Pythagorean trees 2014-03-29T20:30:47.043

17 Tracing the Hues of an Image 2015-03-15T11:08:42.677

17 Compress your code in an image 2016-05-17T14:36:27.120

17 A 2D Traffic Jam 2016-12-27T04:32:06.437

16 Valentine's day greetings card generator 2014-01-31T23:48:36.133

16 Construct n-gons with a ruler and compass 2014-10-09T14:28:24.770

16 Mondrian painting description language 2014-10-31T04:50:56.387

16 Chute-A-Pearing 2015-06-03T03:42:30.353

16 Antiferromagnetic ordering 2015-07-10T05:38:00.963

16 Regular Polygrams 2015-10-13T11:39:58.323

16 Make America(n Maps) Great Again 2015-11-19T16:59:31.243

16 Draw the Ingress glyphs 2017-02-08T02:32:07.557

15 Create a fractal tree 2014-01-17T23:59:46.310

15 Fake the forecast 2014-09-24T09:42:55.263

15 Ray-trace a shiny sphere 2014-10-08T12:12:35.663

15 Output 2015 as QR code 2014-12-29T11:05:38.213

15 Invert png image 2016-03-28T22:33:56.237

15 How to code colors in hex 2017-11-03T13:14:38.990

14 Drawing 3d nets - Platonic solids 2013-02-10T19:34:10.100

14 Render a version of the BBC Micro owl logo 2014-01-23T13:40:58.640

14 Spirograph Time! 2014-05-23T17:00:57.367

14 Go and make it starry 2015-01-09T12:06:28.013

14 ICS Maritime Flag alphabet 2015-03-05T09:04:20.893

14 Randomize points on a disc 2015-09-06T16:41:59.597

14 Create a pie chart 2016-04-14T09:43:58.290

14 Algebraic curve plotter 2016-07-29T15:03:54.700

14 Steganographic Squares 2016-11-12T15:40:21.467

14 Draw the Easter Bunny 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

14 Bridge the Gaps 2019-08-05T14:36:54.993

13 Frogger-ish game 2014-05-08T19:21:40.383

13 Courier Ception 2014-07-18T19:28:22.947

13 Tension on a Graph, Part II: A Rubber Band 2014-10-06T11:49:48.267

13 Graphical Representation of Koch Snowflake 2014-11-05T05:13:10.233

13 Short drawing programme 2014-11-20T22:28:09.180

13 Draw a spiral in a box 2016-04-09T22:29:24.847

13 Little Boxes on the Hillside 2017-09-21T16:38:39.853

13 Drawing the Peano curve 2018-11-17T23:18:29.097

13 Create the least compressible picture 2019-08-13T16:49:48.573

12 Histogram generation 2013-12-11T00:21:48.707

12 What do you see in an inkspot? Rorschach generation' 2014-03-13T15:01:08.300

12 Make a word cloud from a text 2014-03-20T10:28:05.717

12 building circuit for divisibility by 3 2014-03-25T00:02:01.407

12 9 Holes of Code Golf - Kickoff 2014-10-12T23:02:09.657

12 Golf Wars Episode I: The Phantom Lightsabers 2015-08-13T11:31:48.913