Draw the Easter Bunny


This happy individual is known in folklore as the Easter Bunny.

Easter Bunny


It is created using 4 colours:

  • Light pink
  • Dark pink
  • White
  • Black

(I'm happy for these colours to be approximated in your answer. It does not need to be this precise shade)


It is constructed of these shapes:

  • Two tall ellipses in light pink (outer ears). They have the same height and width.
  • Two tall ellipses in dark pink (inner ears). They are smaller than the outer ears and one is drawn on top of each of the outer ears. They are the same height and width.
  • One large circle in light pink (head). It intersects with the bottom third of both outer ears (but no higher).
  • Two circles in white (outer eyes). They are drawn on the head. Their diameter is less than the width of the outer ears. They have the same horizontal position as the outer ears.
  • Two circles in black (inner eyes). They have a smaller diameter than the outer eyes. One is drawn on each of the outer eyes.
  • One vertical line in black (upper mouth). It is drawn on the head and is lower than the bottom of the outer eyes. It is roughly equidistant from each eye.
  • Two arcs in black (lower mouth). They are drawn on the head and arc downwards from a horizontal line. Both intersect with the bottom of the upper mouth, but one goes right and the other goes left.

The Rules

  • Use any language and tools you like.
  • Output can be an image, html, svg, or other markup.
  • It's code golf, so aim to do it in the smallest number of bytes.
  • Please include a screenshot of the result.
  • Please feel free to approximate the colours defined.

Happy Easter!


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 10 466

What size image would you like? – Neil – 2019-04-21T10:46:50.857

@Neil size doesn’t matter, Neil. As long as it meets the requirements for shape and colour. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-21T11:43:26.933

I've got a desmos answer in the works. Is having no white in the eyes acceptable? – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-21T15:47:01.753

@BenjaminUrquhart not really. That considerably simplifies the process. You could make it a grey, if that helps. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-21T15:55:50.170

Eh, I'll figure it out. Maybe a bloodshot bunny. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-21T15:57:14.120

1@BenjaminUrquhart works for me – AJFaraday – 2019-04-21T16:07:24.617

I guess Magenta or Red aren't allowed instead of the dark pink? ;) Would save a couple of bytes. if not, what is the RGB color of your dark pink, then I'll just use that in my answer. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-04-24T14:01:34.300

@KevinCruijssen I'm happy with some different colours here. Incidentally I used (255, 200 200) and (255, 127, 127), if that's of interest to you. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-24T14:35:02.023



T-SQL, 445 439 bytes

@l GEOMETRY='CIRCULARSTRING(3 6,3.3 9,3 12,2.7 9,3 6)',@r GEOMETRY
SET @=@.STBuffer(.6)SET @r=@l.STUnion('CIRCULARSTRING(7 6,7.3 9,7 12,6.7 9,7 6)')
(@),(@),('CIRCULARSTRING(7 0,6 -1,5 0,5 1,5 1,5 0,5 0,4 -1,3 0)'),

This site could use more T-SQL-based drawings!

Run on SQL 2017, but uses SQL geo-spatial storage features added back in SQL 2008. Line breaks are for readability only.


enter image description here

So, this was a pain to do in T-SQL, since spatial objects aren't exactly designed for drawing (no "ellipse" object, for example). Even more, getting the colors even close to right required a bit of trial and error.

Basically I'm constructing the following geometric objects:

  1. The eyes (@), which are points expanded into disks using STBuffer(.6) (the set of all points within 0.6 of those starting points)
  2. The ears (@r), which are generated as pointy curves, but are "puffed out" using STBuffer into either the inner or outer ears
  3. The face, which is a disk plus the ears minus the eyes. I have to construct this and display it as a single object, or SQL would display it in different colors.
  4. The mouth, which is a curve created using CIRCULARSTRING

To get the colors right, I have to SELECT these in the proper order. SSMS has a built-in sequence of colors for objects displayed in the spatial results pane, so the dark pink inner ears had to come 4th, and the light pink face had to come 16th. This required putting in a whole bunch of extra copies of the eyes, which is ok since we want them as close to black as possible (colors are somewhat transparent, so stacking them makes them darker).

Help and inspiration from the following resources:

EDIT: Moved the bunny down by 4 units, which changes some coordinates to a single digit, saving 6 bytes. No change in displayed output.


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 6 099

1Building a rabbit with geometry objects, brilliant! xD – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-04-24T06:57:36.267


Red, 375 340 329 bytes

Red[needs 'View]f: 'fill-pen p: 'pen e: 'ellipse c: 'circle
t:[5x5 0 180]view[base 200x200 #FFF draw
compose[(p)pink(f)pink(c)100x100 30(e)75x25
20x60(e)105x25 20x60(p)#E28(f)#E28(e)79x35 12x35(e)109x35
12x35(p)#FFF(f)#FFF(c)88x92 8(c)112x92 8(p)#000(f)#000(c)88x92
5(c)112x92 5 line 100x108 100x115 arc 95x115(t)arc 105x115(t)]]

enter image description here

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 13 815


Desmos, 262 chars/bytes

I mean, it's shorter than Java :^)

+2 bytes to fill in the ears

// Face

// Ears (outer)

// Ears (inner)

// Pupils

// "Whites"

// Mouth



With the graph lines disabled (I just figured out you can do this): Bunneh

Benjamin Urquhart

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 1 262

I love this answer! Although, if I may be pedantic. The outer ear should be the same colour as the face. The inner should be darker. Also, are the comments included in your char count? You could shave a little off there. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-21T18:08:36.740

1The comments are not included @AJFaraday. Desmos doesn't have a way to make things "darker" or "lighter" other than stacking more equations in the same location (the outer ear is the same color as the face btw). – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-21T18:18:23.600

Is it correct that no bytes are used when selecting colors? Feels a bit unfair...? – Stewie Griffin – 2019-04-21T18:21:23.783

@StewieGriffin I'm not sure how to count the colors. Maybe I'll open/find a meta post on it. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-21T22:25:40.490

Meta post – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-21T22:38:46.343

The whites of the eyes seem to be orange. Also, there are no strokes in the reference image. And why not use solid colours? – Shaggy – 2019-04-22T11:08:17.780

@Shaggy 1: I got permission to make a "bloodshot" bunny from AJFaraday because Desmos doesn't have a "white" color. 2: Consider the strokes a limitation of the language. 3: There are no solid colors in Desmos. Basically, I did the best I could with what I had. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-22T12:26:32.883


Ruby with Shoes, 240 characters

Shoes.app{['fcc',[0,40,60],[5,0,20,50],[35,0,20,50],'f99',[t=10,t,t,h=30],[40,t,t,h],'fff',[t,55,15],[35,55,15],'000',[14,58,7],[38,58,7]].map{|v|stroke fill v rescue oval *v}
line h,75,h,80
arc 25,80,t,t,0,3.14
arc 35,80,t,t,0,3.14}

Sample output:

Shoes window screenshot with easter bunny


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 17 865


Python, 368 bytes

Using matplotlib.

from matplotlib import pyplot as l,patches as p,transforms as t;z=0,;[l.gca().add_patch(p.Wedge(z*2,R,s,360,width=w,color=(r,o,o),transform=t.Affine2D.from_values(X,0,0,9,350+x*n,y*9)))for R,s,w,r,o,X,x,y in zip([11,7,15,4,2,2,99],z*5+(180,359),[None]*5+[.2,.4],(1,)*4+z*3,(.8,.6,.8,1)+z*3,[4,4]+[9]*5,[7,7,0,6,6,2,98.8],[51,51,30,35,35,24,26])for n in[-9,9]];l.show()

Result: enter image description here


from matplotlib import pyplot, patches, transforms
z = 0, # store zero as a tuple for later repetition
for radius, startAngle, width, red, other, xStretch, x, y in \
    zip([11 ,7  ,15 ,4  ,2  ,2  ,99   ],  # radius
        z * 5 +             (180,359  ),  # start angle
        [None] * 5 +        [.2 ,.4   ],  # wedge width (None = full)
        (1,) * 4        +z * 3         ,  # red channel
        (.8 ,.6 ,.8 ,1) +z * 3         ,  # other color channels
        [4]*2 + [9]*5                  ,  # x stretch factor
        [ 7 ,7  ,0  ,6  ,6  ,2  ,98.8 ],  # x
        [51 ,51 ,30 ,35 ,35 ,24 ,26   ]): # y
#        |   |   |   |   |   |   |
#        |   |   |   |   |   |   "straight" line for upper mouth
#        |   |   |   |   |   |   approximated by large radius arc
#        |   |   |   |   |   |
#        |   |   |   |   |   Arc for lower mouth
#        |   |   |   |   |
#        |   |   |   |   Inner eye circle
#        |   |   |   |
#        |   |   |   Outer eye circle
#        |   |   |
#        |   |   Circle for head
#        |   |
#        |   Inner ear ellipse
#        |
#        Outer ear ellipse

    for n in [-9, 9]:        # draw left and right side mirrored
        pyplot.gca().add_patch( patches.Wedge(
            z*2,       # center = (0, 0), actual location set by the transform below
            360,       # end angle
            width = width,
            color = (red, other, other), # only red channel varies from the others
            transform = transforms.Affine2D.from_values( # affine transform matrix
                xStretch,    # x stretch factor
                0, 0,        # unused cross-axis coefficients for skew/rotation
                9,           # y stretch factor
                x * n + 350, # x value reflected by n, centered at 350
                y * 9 )))    # y value



Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 61


Javascript, 381 326 bytes

Thanks Arnold and Epicness.


Johan du Toit

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 1 524

1389 bytes – Arnauld – 2019-04-22T12:38:07.333

1Recently submited an edit for -6. – Epicness – 2019-04-22T17:42:36.880

If you are willing to change your answer HTML+JavaScript you can make the HTML part <canvas id=A> and the first part of the JS b=A.getContext... - I used this in my Flag of Iceland some time ago. This post just saved that that answer 2 bytes :) https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/176852/8340

– dana – 2019-04-23T10:05:04.247

As a bonus you can embed a "stack snippet" :) https://stackoverflow.blog/2014/09/16/introducing-runnable-javascript-css-and-html-code-snippets/

– dana – 2019-04-23T10:08:00.743

1You can save 3 more bytes with (D=document).body.appendChild(a=D.createElement\canvas`)`. – Arnauld – 2019-04-23T16:23:47.773


JavaScript + P5.js, 291 276 273 bytes

A lot of small changes this time around.. that don't change the byte size at all.


Try it online!


setup = _ => { 
    createCanvas(u=400, u);                 // Create basic canvas.
    (e = ellipse, f = fill)`#fcc`;          // Light pink
    e(u /= 2, u, 150, 150);                 // These first few lines end up defining short-hand names for functions.
    e(x += 10, z = 99, 50, z);              // Throughout the code, you will see
    e(w = 240, z, 50, z);                   // lots of variable definitions.
    f`#f77`;                                // Dark pink
    e(x, z, y = 30, 80);                    // Another variable declaration
    e(w, z, y, 80);
    f``;                                    // Empty fill argument = white, apparently? (Eyes start here)
    e(w, v = 180, y, y);                    // I'll just stop commenting on declarations now
    e(x, v, y, y);
    f(0);                                   // fill(x) = fill(x, x, x)
    e(w, v, y = 9, y);
    e(x, v, y, y);
    noFill(line(u, 225, u, 250));           // Last part of bunny starts here.
                                            // Get rid of fill so the bunny doesn't look bad
    arc(195, ...a= [245, y, y, 0, PI]);
    arc(205, ...a)                          // arc() creates something similar to a semi-circle.


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 81

You can use #fcc and #f77 for the colors. – ovs – 2019-04-22T07:21:43.500

Well... I haven't found any new bytes since then. Safe to say I've optimized this too much? – Epicness – 2019-04-27T18:32:11.373


Processing, 388 343 319 chars/bytes

Not very elegant, but here it is. Saved bytes by making the image smaller.

int b=50,c=60,g=70;
//Outer ears
//Inner ears
//Outer eyes
//Inner eyes

enter image description here

Robert S.

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 1 253

I saved a few bytes here and there: 332 bytes

– Zylviij – 2019-04-23T18:41:12.877

279 bytes – Zylviij – 2019-04-23T18:49:02.420

If strokes are allowed, 258 bytes

– Zylviij – 2019-04-23T19:02:16.113

@Zylviij Used some of the ideas you had and got it down to 343 chars. I don't think you can assign functions to variables in Processing. – Robert S. – 2019-04-23T21:15:02.507

I haven't ever personally used or downloaded processing, but I did test my scripts here and they worked without producing errors in the image or console

– Zylviij – 2019-04-23T21:19:10.503

@Zylviij Huh. I don't usually post Processing answers here, so I don't know the meta. I was not able to run your code in the Processing IDE that you can download from the website. – Robert S. – 2019-04-23T22:08:39.690


PostScript, 688 484 468 439 bytes

Golfed version:

80 60 translate 5 5 scale .2 setlinewidth 1 .7 .7 setrgbcolor 0 0 10 0 360 arc closepath fill /h {7 15 moveto 7 25 1 25 1 15 curveto 1 5 7 5 7 15 curveto closepath fill 1 .5 .5 setrgbcolor 6 15 moveto 6 22 2 22 2 15 curveto 2 8 6 8 6 15 curveto closepath fill 1 setgray 4 3 2 0 360 arc closepath fill 0 setgray 4 3 1 0 360 arc closepath fill 0 -3 moveto 0 -5 lineto stroke 1 -5 1 180 0 arc stroke}def gsave h grestore -1 1 scale h showpage

Ungolfed version:

80 60 translate                                     % over-all shift
5 5 scale                                           % over-all scale
.2 setlinewidth
1 .7 .7 setrgbcolor                                 % light pink
0 0 10 0 360 arc closepath fill                     % large circle for head
/h {                                                % procedure for drawing one half
  7 15 moveto 7 25 1 25 1 15 curveto                % ellipse for outer ear
              1  5 7  5 7 15 curveto closepath fill
  1 .5 .5 setrgbcolor                               % dark pink
  6 15 moveto 6 22 2 22 2 15 curveto                % ellipse for inner ear
              2  8 6  8 6 15 curveto closepath fill
  1 setgray                                         % white
  4 3 2 0 360 arc closepath fill                    % circle for outer eye
  0 setgray                                         % black
  4 3 1 0 360 arc closepath fill                    % circle for inner eye
  0 -3 moveto 0 -5 lineto stroke                    % line for upper mouth
  1 -5 1 180 0 arc stroke                           % arc for lower mouth
} def
gsave h grestore                                    % right half
-1 1 scale h                                        % left half



Thomas Fritsch

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 361


Lua + LÖVE/Love2D, 328 bytes

l=love g=l.graphics c=g.setColor e=g.ellipse a=g.arc f="fill" k="line" o="open"function l.draw()c(1,.7,.7)e(f,50,82,40,40)e(f,30,28,10,25)e(f,70,28,10,25)c(1,.4,.4)e(f,30,28,5,18)e(f,70,28,5,18)c(1,1,1)e(f,35,73,8,8)e(f,65,73,8,8)c(0,0,0)g[k](49,90,49,99)a(k,o,45,96,5,.5,2.7)a(k,o,53,96,5,.5,2.7)e(f,35,73,4,4)e(f,65,73,4,4)end

Try it online!

enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 161


HTML, 280 278 bytes

a{color:#FFC8C8;}b{color:#FF7F7F;font-size:6px;margin-left:-10px;}m,n,j,d{display:block;}m{margin:-15px -3px;font-size:40px;}n{margin:-35px 5px;color:#FFF;font-size:15px;}j{margin:-14px 1px;color:#000;font-size:10px;}
<a>⬮<b>⬮</b><a>⬮<b>⬮</b><m>⬤<n>● ●<j>●‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ●<d>‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ w

Here is a screenshot:

enter image description here



Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 2 417


SVG (HTML5), 415 bytes

<svg width=48 height=80><g fill=#fdd><circle cx=24 cy=52 r=24 /><ellipse cx=12 cy=16 rx=8 ry=16 /><ellipse cx=36 cy=16 rx=8 ry=16 /></g><g fill=#f99><ellipse cx=12 cy=16 rx=4 ry=12 /><ellipse cx=36 cy=16 rx=4 ry=12 /></g><g fill=#fff><circle cx=16 cy=44 r=6 /><circle cx=32 cy=44 r=6 /></g><circle cx=16 cy=44 r=3 /><circle cx=32 cy=44 r=3 /><path stroke=#000 fill=none d=M18,60a3,3,180,0,0,6,0v-6v6a3,3,180,0,0,6,0

Keeping the height below 100 to help save precious bytes, but still the longest...


Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 95 035


Java, 508 472 bytes

import java.awt.*;v->new Frame(){Graphics2D G;Color C;void d(int...d){G.fillOval(d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3]);}{add(new Panel(){public void paint(Graphics g){G=(Graphics2D)g;G.setPaint(C.PINK);d(0,65,99,99);d(22,0,24,75);d(58,0,24,75);G.setPaint(C.MAGENTA);d(27,5,14,65);d(63,5,14,65);G.setPaint(C.WHITE);d(24,85,20,20);d(60,85,20,20);G.setPaint(C.BLACK);d(30,91,8,8);d(66,91,8,8);G.drawArc(41,124,9,11,0,-180);G.drawArc(50,124,9,11,0,-180);G.drawLine(50,119,50,130);}});show();}}

This is the resulting bunny:
enter image description here


import java.awt.*;              // Required imports for almost everything
v->                             // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type
  new Frame(){                  //  Create a new Frame
    Graphics2D G;               //   Graphics2D-object on class-level
    Color C;                    //   Color variable to save bytes with static calls
    void d(int...d){            //   Create an inner method with integer-varargs as parameter
      G.fillOval(               //    Draw a circle/oval, filled with the current color:
        d[0],d[1],              //     With the first two integers as starting x,y position
        d[2],                   //     Third as width
        d[3]));}                //     And fourth as height
    {                           //   Then open an initializer-block inside the Frame-class
     add(new Panel(){           //    And add a Panel to the Frame we can draw on
       public void paint(Graphics g){
                                //     Override the Panel's paint-method
         G=(Graphics2D)g;       //      Set the Graphics2D-object with the parameter
         G.setPaint(C.PINK);    //      Set the color to pink (255,175,175)
         d(0,65,99,99);         //      Draw the head circle
         d(22,0,24,75);         //      Draw the left ear
         d(58,0,24,75);         //      Draw the right ear
         G.setPaint(C.MAGENTA); //      Change the color to magenta (255,0,255)
         d(27,5,14,65);         //      Draw the inner part of the left ear
         d(63,5,14,65);         //      Draw the inner part of the right ear
         G.setPaint(C.WHITE);   //      Change the color to white (255,255,255)
         d(24,85,20,20);        //      Draw the left eye
         d(60,85,20,20);        //      Draw the right eye
         G.setPaint(C.BLACK);   //      Change the color to black (0,0,0)
         d(30,91,8,8);          //      Draw the left pupil
         d(66,91,8,8);          //      Draw the right pupil
                                //      Draw the left mouth elipse
                                //      Draw the right mouth elipse
                                //      Draw the line of the mouth
    show();}}                   //    And finally show the Frame on the screen

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 67 575



enter image description here

.bunny {
  width: 107px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  margin-top: 26px;
  margin-left: 37px;
.bunny .ears {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  justify-content: center;
.bunny .ears .ear {
  width: 16px;
  height: 49px;
  background: #ff7f7e;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 7px solid #ffc8c8;
.bunny .ears .ear.left {
  margin-right: 8px;
.bunny .ears .ear.right {
  margin-left: 8px;
.bunny .face {
  width: 107px;
  background: #ffc8c8;
  border-radius: 100%;
  height: 107px;
  margin-top: -8px;
.bunny .face .eyes {
  justify-content: center;
  display: flex;
.bunny .face .eyes .eye {
  width: 9px;
  height: 9px;
  background: #000;
  border-radius: 100%;
  margin-top: 28px;
  border: 4px solid #fff;
.bunny .face .eyes .eye.left {
  margin-right: 12px;
.bunny .face .eyes .eye.right {
  margin-left: 12px;
.bunny .face .mouth-thing {
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  margin-top: 18px;
  margin-right: 2px;
.bunny .face .mouth-thing .v-rule {
  height: 12px;
  width: 2px;
  background: #000;
.bunny .face .mouth-thing .jowls {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  overflow: hidden;
.bunny .face .mouth-thing .jowls .jowl {
  margin-top: -5px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 2px solid #000;
  height: 9px;
  width: 9px;
  <div class="ears">
    <div class="ear left"></div>
    <div class="ear right"></div>
  <div class="face">
    <div class="eyes">
      <div class="eye left"></div>
      <div class="eye right"></div>
    <div class="mouth-thing">
      <div class="v-rule"></div>
      <div class="jowls">
        <div class="jowl"></div>
        <div class="jowl"></div>

Joseph Brown

Posted 2019-04-21T06:53:37.740

Reputation: 17

2Welcome to PPCG! Since this is tagged code-golf, which means that aubmissions should aim to minimize their byte count, we require code-golf submissions to make a serious attempt at reducing their byte count, like reducing whitespace, shortening variable names, etc. Hope you enjoy your stay! – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-04-25T01:40:22.877

1You should also include your bytecount in the header – Jo King – 2019-04-26T03:43:44.940