Lego Minifigures (theme)

Minifigures is a 2010 Lego theme based on a set of collectible Lego minifigures. Each figure is an original character with new clothing and facial designs, and most contain previously unseen accessories. Each series usually contain 16 different minifigures, however some series contain as few as 9 minifigures, while others contain up to 22.

SubjectCollectible minifigures
Total sets549 minifigures (33 series)
CharactersVarious, such as from sports, history, popular culture, etc.
Official website


The series consists of a number of individually themed collectible Lego minifigures based on movies, sports, history, and popular culture.[1] The figures are sold individually in sealed, unmarked packets, giving customers a random chance at obtaining any particular figurine. While considered a novel approach by some, it has raised controversy amongst enthusiasts and collectors, increasing the amount of difficulty in obtaining a complete collection. Purchases from many retailers make no guarantees regarding the contents of a particular packet. Despite attempts to obfuscate the contents of these packets, the bags of Series 1 and 2 have a second figurine-specific bar code on the rear of the packet, next to the EAN/UPC product bar code (which is unique to each series). This has allowed customers to identify individual figures within the packet, significantly decreasing the amount of money and effort required to obtain a complete collection, and eliminates the possibility of unintentionally receiving duplicates.[2] There are also apps for both iPhone and Android devices that utilize these bar codes.[3]

Lego has eliminated the figurine-specific bar codes on all Series 3 and 4 packets and replaced them with a braille-like system of dots embossed in the lower seal of the bag. In theory, this will allow customers to continue identifying the figure enclosed within.[4][5] Later series do not have any markings to indicate their contents.

On average a new series has been released every four months. Release dates sometimes vary between countries.


Comparison of all the different series so far.

# Series Name First Release Date # of Minifigures Notes
1 Series 1 5 March 2010 16
2 Series 2 2 September 2010 16
3 Series 3 14 January 2011 16
4 Series 4 1 April 2011 16
5 Series 5 22 August 2011 16
6 Series 6 December 2011 16
7 Series 7 May 2012 16
8 Team GB Olympic Series July 2012 9 Exclusively in the UK
9 Series 8 September 2012 16
10 Series 9 October 7 2012 16
11 Series 10 6 February 2013 17 Contains Mr. Gold (Only 5000 Produced)
12 Series 11 30 June 2013 16
13 The Lego Movie Series January 2014 16
14 The Lego Simpsons Series May 2014 16
15 Series 12 August 2014 16
16 Series 13 December 2014 16
17 The Lego Simpsons Series 2 April 2015 16
18 Series 14 August 2015 16
19 Series 15 5 December 2015 16
20 The Lego Disney Minifigure Series 1 May 2016 18
21 DFB Series May 2016 16 Exclusively in Europe
22 Series 16 1 September 2016 16
23 The Lego Batman Movie Series 1 January 2017 20
24 Series 17 1 May 2017 16
25 The Lego Ninjago Movie Series 1 August 2017 20
26 The Lego Batman Movie Series 2 1 January 2018 20
27 Series 18 1 April 2018 17
28 Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts Series 1 August 2018 22
29 The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Series 1 February 2019 20
30 Disney Series 2 1 May 2019 18
31 Series 19 1 September 2019 16
32 DC Super Heros Series January 2020 16
33 Series 20 19 April 2020 16
34 Harry Potter Series 2 September 2020 16


The numbering of the figures in each set below is in accordance with the visual guide sheet which is included within the individual packets for each series.

Series 1

The 16 units in Series 1

Series 1 (set number: 8683) was first released on 5 March 2010 in the United Kingdom and was released on 4 June 2010 in the United States. The first series consists the following units:[6]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Tribal HunterBow and arrowThis minifigure is a direct reference to "Indians" Lego Western sub-theme.
2 CheerleaderPom-pom (2)First appearance of the Lego pom-pom piece.
3 CavemanClubFirst appearance of the Lego Caveman hair piece.
4 Circus clownBicycle hornFirst appearance of the Lego Afro hair piece.
5 ZombieChicken leg, Shovel
6 SkaterSkateboard
7 RobotFirst appearance of the Lego Robot helmet piece.
8 Demolition DummyWrench, License plate
9 MagicianWandComes with additional hair piece.
10 Super Wrestler
11 NurseClipboard, Needle
12 NinjaKatanaThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Ninja" Lego Castle sub-theme.
13 SpacemanRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Classic Space" Lego Space sub-theme.
14 ForestmanBow and arrowThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Forestmen" Lego Castle sub-theme, and by extension Robin Hood.
15 Deep Sea DiverThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Divers" Lego Town sub-theme.
16 CowboyRevolver (2)This minifigure is a direct reference to the "Cowboys" Lego Western sub-theme.

Series 2

The 16 units in Series 2

Series 2 (set number: 8684) was first released on 2 September 2010 in both the United Kingdom and the United States. The second series consists of the following units:[7]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Maraca ManMaraca (2)First appearances of the Lego Sombrero, Maraca, and Poncho pieces.
2 Spartan WarriorSpear, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego Spartan helmet and new spear piece.
3 RingmasterWhip
4 WitchBroom
5 VampireBatThis minifigure design would later be reused by Lord Vampyre for the "Monster Fighters" Lego theme.
6 Traffic CopTicket, Handcuffs
7 ExplorerBinoculars, Magnifying glassThis minifigure is a direct reference to Lord Sam Sinister and the "Adventurers" Lego theme. Based on an explorer during the Scramble for Africa.
8 LifeguardRescue buoyFirst appearance of the Lego Rescue buoy piece.
9 MimeFirst appearance of the Lego Beret piece. Comes with 2 other heads for different expressions.
10 Weight LifterDumbbellFirst appearance of the Lego weight piece.
11 Pop StarMicrophoneFirst appearance of the Lego microphone and Pop Star hair piece. Modeled after Britney Spears.
12 SkierSki (2), Ski pole (2)First appearance of the Lego Winter cap piece.
13 Disco DudeRecord disc case
14 Karate MasterTrophyFirst appearance of the Lego trophy piece, later reused for nanofigures.
15 SurferSurfboard
16 PharaohStaff

Series 3

The 16 units in Series 3

Series 3 (set number: 8803) was first released on 14 January 2011 in both the United Kingdom and the United States. The third series consists of the following units:[8]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 FishermanFishing rod, Fish
2 Pilot
3 Tribal chiefSpearThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Indians" Lego Western sub-theme.
4 Samurai WarriorKatanaThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Ninja" Lego Castle sub-theme.
5 SnowboarderSnowboard
6 Space VillainRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Blacktron Future Generation" Lego Space sub-theme.
7 Sumo WrestlerTrophyFirst appearance of the Lego Bun hair piece.
8 MummyScorpionFirst Minifigure in the series to have arm and back printing.
9 ElfLongbow, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego Elf short hair piece.
10 Tennis PlayerTennis racketFirst appearance of the Lego Tennis racket piece.
11 Race Car Driver
12 Gorilla suit GuyBananaA Minifigure in a gorilla suit.
13 Space AlienRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Alien Conquest" Lego Space sub-theme.
14 Hula DancerMaraca (2)First appearance of the Lego long wavy hair and hula skirt pieces.
15 RapperBoombox, Microphone
16 Baseball PlayerBaseball batFirst appearance of the Lego bat piece.

Series 4

Series 4 (set number: 8804) was first released on 1 April 2011 all around the world. The fourth series consists of the following units:[9]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Lawn GnomeFishing rod
2 Kimono GirlHand fanThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Ninja" Lego Castle sub-theme. First appearance of the Lego fan piece.
3 MusketeerRapierFirst appearance of the Lego rapier piece.
4 Punk rockerElectric guitarFirst appearance of the Lego Mohawk hair and guitar pieces.
5 Surfer GirlSurfboardA female variant of the Surfer (Series 2).
6 VikingBattle axe, ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Vikings" Lego theme.
7 The MonsterThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Studios" Lego theme. Modeled after Frankenstein's monster.
8 Hockey PlayerHockey stick, Hockey puckFirst appearance of the Lego hockey stick and helmet pieces.
9 Street SkaterSkateboard
10 SailorTelescopeFirst appearance of the Lego sailor hat piece.
11 Soccer PlayerTrophy
12 WerewolfBoneThe minifigure reuses a recolored Lego elf short hair piece in dark brown.
13 Hazmat GuySpray gunFirst appearance of the Lego Hazmat suit piece.
14 ArtistPaintbrush, PaletteFirst appearance of the Lego paintbrush and palette pieces.
15 Ice SkaterFirst appearance of the Lego ice-skate piece.
16 Crazy ScientistFlaskThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Studios" Lego theme. First appearance of the Lego Erlenmeyer flask and mad scientist hair pieces.

Series 5

Series 5 (set number: 8805) was first released on 22 August 2011 in the United Kingdom and the United States. The fifth series consists of the following units:[10]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 GraduateDiplomaFirst appearance of the Lego graduate hat and robe pieces. His diploma has the text "Certificate of Graduation" written on it.
2 GladiatorSword, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego gladiator helmet piece.
3 Royal GuardRifleFirst appearance of the Lego Queen's Guard hat piece.
4 EskimoFishing rod, Fish
5 Cave WomanClubA female variant of the Caveman (Series 1). First appearance of the Lego cave woman hair piece.
6 Lizard ManA Minifigure in a lizard suit. First appearance of the Lizard suit piece.
7 ZookeeperChimpanzee, BananaFirst appearance of the new Lego chimpanzee piece.
8 LumberjackAxeFirst appearance of the new Lego axe piece.
9 Small ClownCream pieFirst appearance of the Bowler hat and pie pieces.
10 Fitness InstructorBoombox
11 DetectiveMagnifying glassModeled after Sherlock Holmes. First appearance of the Lego detective hat piece.
12 Evil DwarfBattle axe, Shield
13 BoxerFirst appearance of the Lego boxer helmet and glove pieces.
14 Egyptian QueenSnakeModeled after Cleopatra VII. First appearance of the Lego Egyptian long hair piece.
15 GangsterRevolver, Violin caseFirst appearance of the Lego violin case piece.
16 Snowboarder GuySnowboardA male variant of the Snowboarder (Series 3).

Series 6

Series 6 (set number: 8827) was released in the UK in December 2011 and was released on 9 January 2012 in the US. The sixth series consists of the following units:[11]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Classic AlienRaygunBased on a Grey alien. First appearance of the Grey alien head piece.
2 Highland BattlerSword, ShieldThis minifigure is a reference to William Wallace
3 SleepyheadTeddy bearFirst appearance of the Lego teddy bear piece.
4 Lady LibertyTorch, Tabula ansataFirst appearance of the Lego Lady Liberty hair and crow combination piece. The plate has "JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" written on it.
5 BanditRevolver (2)This minifigure is a direct reference to the "Bandit" Lego Western sub-theme.
6 Flamenco DancerHand fanFirst appearance of the Lego short styled hair piece.
7 Clockwork RobotFirst appearance of the Lego clockwork head and windup pieces.
8 MinotaurBattle axeFirst appearance of the Lego minotaur head piece.
9 LeprechaunPot of goldFirst appearance of the Lego small pot piece.
10 Roman SoldierSpear, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego Roman shield piece.
11 SurgeonX-ray, NeedleFirst appearance of the Lego surgeon hat piece.
12 Skater GirlSkateboard
13 Intergalactic GirlRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Classic Space" Lego Space sub-theme. A female variant of the Spaceman (Series 1).
14 ButcherT-bone steak, CleaverFirst appearance of the Lego T-bone piece.
15 MechanicWrench, ToolboxFirst appearance of the Lego greaser hair piece.
16 GenieMagic lampFirst appearance of the Lego genie hat, leg, and lamp pieces.

Series 7

Series 7 (set number: 8831) was released in May 2012. The seventh series consists of the following units:[12]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Swimming ChampionFirst appearance of the Lego swimming cap and medal pieces.
2 Aztec WarriorSpear, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego eagle warrior headdress piece.
3 Bunny Suit GuyCarrotA Minifigure in a rabbit suit. First appearance of the Lego rabbit hat, carrot, and stem pieces.
4 BrideFlowersFirst appearance of the Lego tiara and veil pieces.
5 Ocean KingTridentFirst appearance of the Lego Triton hair and crown combination.
6 BagpiperBagpipesFirst appearance of the Lego bagpipe and bagpiper hat pieces.
7 Daredevil
8 Galaxy PatrolPistolThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Classic Space" Lego Space sub-theme.
9 Tennis AceTennis racket
10 Jungle BoyChimpanzee, KnifeModeled after Tarzan.
11 HippieFlowersFirst appearance of the hippie long hair piece.
12 Computer ProgrammerLaptop, MugFirst appearance of the combed hair piece.
13 Viking WomanSword, ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Vikings" Lego theme. A female variant of the Viking (Series 3).
14 Evil KnightSword, ShieldThis minifigure is a reference to the "Fright Knights", "Knights' Kingdom", and "Knights' Kingdom II" Lego Castle sub-themes.
15 Rocker GirlElectric guitarA female variant of the Pink Rocker (Series 4). First appearance of the rocker hair piece.
16 Grandma VisitorBasketModeled after Little Red Riding Hood.

Team GB Olympic Series

To commemorate the London Olympic games, an exclusive series of minifigures was released exclusively in the United Kingdom to mark the opening of the Olympics.
This series (set number: 8909) was released in July 2012. This series consists of the following 9 units (rather than the typical 16):[13]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Agile ArcherBow and arrow
2 Brawny Boxer
3 Flexible GymnastBalance beam
4 Judo Fighter
5 Tactical Tennis PlayerTennis racket
6 Wondrous WeightlifterBarbell
7 Relay RunnerBaton
8 Stealth Swimmer
9 Horseback Rider

Series 8

Series 8 (set number: 8833) was released in September 2012. This series consists of the following units:[14]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Evil RobotRaygunA variant of the Robot (Series 1).
2 ConquistadorRapier
3 Lederhosen GuyPretzelFirst appearance of the Lego pretzel piece.
4 CowgirlLassoThis skin is a direct reference to the "Cowboy" Lego Western sub-theme. First appearance of the Cowboy hat and long hair combination piece.
5 Football PlayerTrophy
6 DiverSpeargunFirst appearance of the Lego classic diver helmet piece.
7 Downhill SkierSki (2), Ski pole (2)
8 BusinessmanBriefcase, Newspaper
9 FairyWand
10 Santa ClausSackFirst appearance of the Lego Santa hat piece.
11 Vampire batReuses the design (now in black) of Manbat from the "Monster Fighters" Lego theme.
12 DJRecord disc, Record disc case
13 Red CheerleaderPom-pom (2)A variant of the Cheerleader (Series 1).
14 ThespianSkullBased on the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet.
15 Pirate CaptainCutlassThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Pirates" Lego theme.
16 Alien VillainessRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Alien Conquest" Lego theme (a female version of the Alien Commander).

Series 9

Series 9 (set number: 71000) was released in late October 2012 in the UK and January 2013 in the US. This series consists of the following units:[15]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 WaiterTray, Bottle
2 CyclopsClubFirst appearance of the Lego cyclops head piece.
3 Hollywood StarletTrophyModeled after Marilyn Monroe. First appearance of the starlet hair piece.
4 Heroic KnightSword, ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the Lego Castle theme.
5 Roman emperorLetterModeled after Julius Caesar. First appearance of the Lego roman emperor hair and olive branch headdress combination pieces.
6 PolicemanHandcuffs, Warrant cardFirst appearance of the new Lego police officer hat piece.
7 Chicken Suit GuyFirst appearance of the Lego chicken hat and wing hair pieces.
8 Roller derby GirlFirst appearance of the Lego roller skate piece.
9 Fortune TellerCards (2)First appearance of the Lego fortune teller hair piece.
10 JudgeGavelFirst appearance of the Lego judge hair and hammer pieces.
11 Alien AvengerPistolHis name is a reference to 6975 "Alien Avenger" set from the "UFO" Lego Space sub-theme.
12 MermaidStarfish
13 Battle MechThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Galaxy Squad" Lego Space sub-theme.
14 Mr. Good and EvilFlaskModeled after Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
15 Forest MaidenLongbow, ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Forestman" Lego Castle sub-theme. Modeled after Maid Marian. First appearance of the Lego forest maiden hair piece.
16 PlumberPlungerFirst appearance of the Lego plunger head piece.

Series 10

Series 10 (set number: 71001) was released in the UK on 6 February 2013 & in the US on 1 May 2013. This series introduces 17 figures, one being a limited Gold Figure of only 5000 were produced. With reportedly 40,000 boxes of 60 packets distributed worldwide, the probability of finding this figure is approximately 1 in 480 or .2%. This series consists of the following units:[16]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 LibrarianBook, MugFirst appearance of the long straight hair piece.
2 MedusaBased on the character from the Greek myth of Perseus. First appearance of the Lego medusa hair and tail pieces.
3 Roman CommanderSwordFirst appearance of the Lego roman commander helmet piece.
4 Warrior WomanSpear, ShieldModeled after the Amazonians. First appearance of the Lego round shield piece.
5 Tomahawk WarriorTomahawkThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Indian" Lego Western sub-theme.
6 SkydiverFirst appearance of parachute piece.
7 Bumblebee GirlHoneypotA Minifigure in a bumblebee suit. First appearance of the Lego bumblebee hat piece.
8 GrandfatherMug, NewspaperFirst appearance of the Lego bald head piece.
9 Paintball PlayerPaintball markerFirst appearance of the paintball helmet and gun pieces.
10 Sea CaptainGull, BinocularsFirst appearance of the Lego Sea Gull piece.
11 Sad ClownFirst appearance of the Lego Pagliacci hat and tie pieces.
12 Revolutionary SoldierFlintlock musketFirst appearance of the Lego small baroque wig piece.
13 Baseball FielderFirst appearance of the Lego baseball glove piece.
14 TrendsetterChihuahua, SmartphoneModeled after Paris Hilton. First appearance of the Lego phone and chihuahua pieces.
15 DecoratorPaint roller, BucketFirst appearance of the Lego paint roller piece.
16 Motorcycle MechanicWrench
17 Mr. GoldStaffLimited edition gold colored figure in a suit and top hat. Only 5000 produced. He was made to celebrate the 10th series of the Minifigures theme.

Series 11

Series 11 (set number: 71002) was released in the UK on 30 June 2013 and the US on 1 September 2013. This series consists of the following units:[17]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 BarbarianSwords (2)
2 ScarecrowPitchforkComes with a crow that attaches to hat. First appearance of the Lego Scarecrow hat and crow pieces.
3 Pretzel GirlPretzelA female variant of the Lederhosen Guy (Series 8). First appearance of the Lego two braids long hair piece.
4 Evil MechRaygunThis minifigure is a direct reference to "Blacktron" Lego Space sub-theme. A variant of the Battle Mech (Series 9).
5 Island WarriorSpearThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Islanders" Lego Pirate sub-theme. First appearance of the new Lego Tiki mask piece.
6 Gingerbread manMugFirst appearance of the Lego gingerbread head piece.
7 Holiday ElfPresent, Teddy bearFirst appearance of the Lego elf hat piece.
8 YetiIce popFirst appearance of the Yeti head piece.
9 Mountain ClimberRope, PickaxeFirst appearance of the rope piece.
10 WelderBlowtorch with propaneFirst appearance of the Lego welder mask and blow torch pieces.
11 ScientistFlasks (2)
12 Saxophone PlayerSaxophoneFirst appearance of the Lego saxophone piece.
13 Diner WaitressCup of ice cream, TrayFirst appearance of the Lego diner hair piece.
14 GrandmaBasket, CatFirst appearance of the Lego cat piece.
15 ConstableBatonFirst appearance of the Lego constable hat and baton pieces.
16 Lady RobotA female variant of the Clockwork Robot (Series 6).

The LEGO Movie Series

The LEGO Movie Series (set number: 71004) was released in January 2014 and includes characters from The Lego Movie. This series consists of the following units:[18]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Calamity DroneFlintlock rifleFirst appearance of the Lego wavy hair and small hat combination piece.
2 President BusinessMug
3 Hard hat EmmetInstruction manual
4 Wild West WyldstyleHand fan
5 Abraham LincolnManuscript of the Gettysburg AddressFirst appearance of the Lego Lincoln hat and beard combination piece.
6 Mrs. Scratchen-PostCatFirst appearance of the Lego sideway long wavy hair piece.
7 Bad Cop/Good CopHandcuffs, SmartphoneScribble-Face version.
8 William ShakespeareScriptFirst appearance of the Lego bald with long side hair combination head piece.
9 Gail the Construction WorkerJackhammerFirst appearance of the construction hat with long hair combination piece.
10 Larry the BaristaCoffee cupFirst appearance of the Lego barista hair and paper cup piece.
11 Velma StaplebotClipboardFirst appearance of the Lego poofy hair piece.
12 Taco Tuesday GuyPlate of foodA variant of the Maraca Man (Series 2).
13 "Where are my Pants?" GuyPants
14 Wiley FusebotRevolver, Dynamite
15 Panda GuyTeddy bearA Minifigure in a panda suit. First appearance of the Bear mask piece.
16 Marsha: Queen of the MermaidsClam, Gemstone

The LEGO Simpsons Series

The LEGO Simpsons Series (set number: 71005) was released in May 2014 and includes characters from The Simpsons. This series consists of the following units:[19]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Homer SimpsonRemote control, Doughnut
2 Bart SimpsonSkateboard
3 Marge SimpsonBag, Magazine
4 Lisa SimpsonSaxophone
5 Maggie SimpsonTeddy bearTeddy is Bobo the Bear.
6 Grampa SimpsonNewspaper
7 Ned FlandersToolbox, Mug
8 Krusty the ClownCream pie
9 Milhouse Van HoutenComic book
10 Ralph WiggumValentine card
11 Apu NahasapeemapetilonSquishee
12 Nelson MuntzBaseball bat
13 ItchyClub
14 ScratchyAxe
15 Chief WiggumBaton, Speakerphone
16 Mr. BurnsFishbowl, Radioactive materialBlinky the Three-Eyed Fish is printed on fishbowl.

Series 12

Series 12 (set number: 71007) was released in mid-August in the UK and September 2014 in the USA. This series consists of the following units:[20]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 WizardWandThis minifigure is a direct reference to the Lego Castle theme. Modeled after Merlin.
2 Hun WarriorSword, Shield
3 Fairytale PrincessFrogFirst appearance of the new Lego medieval female hat and hair combination piece.
4 Video Game GuyGame controllerThe controller is a reference to the Nintendo Entertainment System.
5 Battle GoddessSpear, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego Goddess hair and helmet combination pieces.
6 Space MinerDrill
7 Life GuardBinoculars, Rescue buoyA male variant of Lifeguard (Series 2).
8 ProspectorPickaxeThis minifigure is a reference to the Lego Western theme. First appearance of the Lego prospector hat piece.
9 JesterPlaying cards (2)This minifigure is a direct reference to the Lego Castle theme. First appearance of the new Lego jester hat piece.
10 Dino TrackerCompound bow, NeedleThis minifigure is a direct reference to Dino Lego theme.
11 Pizza delivery ManPizza box, Pizza
12 Rock StarElectric guitarA variant of the Punk Rocker (Series 4), and a male variant of the Rocker Girl (Series 7).
13 SwashbucklerRapierThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Pirate" Lego theme.
14 Piggy GuyAppleA Minifigure in a pig suit.
15 Genie GirlMagic lampA female variant of the Genie (Series 6). Modeled after Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. First appearance of the Lego Genie long hair piece.
16 Spooky GirlTeddy bear

Series 13

Series 13 (set number: 71008) was released in the UK in early December 2014 and the US around Christmas 2014.[21]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Classic KingSwordThis minifigure is a direct reference to the Lego Castle theme. First appearance of the Lego Crow and hair combination and king robe pieces.
2 SheriffRevolver, Wanted posterThis minifigure is a direct reference to the Lego Western theme.
3 Unicorn GirlA Minifigure in a unicorn suit. First appearance of the Lego unicorn head piece.
4 Snake CharmerCobra, BansuriFirst appearance of the Lego cobra piece.
5 GoblinSword, SackFirst appearance of the goblin hat piece.
6 PaleontologistBone, FossilThis minifigure is a reference to the "Adventurers" Lego theme.
7 Alien TrooperRaygunFirst appearance of the Lego octopus head piece.
8 Egyptian WarriorSword, ShieldFirst appearance of the Lego Egyptian small cap and Khopesh pieces.
9 CarpenterPlank, SawFirst appearance of the Lego saw piece.
10 Evil WizardScepterA variant of the Wizard (Series 12). Modeled after Ming the Merciless. First appearance of the Lego Evil wizard robe pieces.
11 FencerÉpéeFirst appearance of the Lego fencer helmet piece.
12 SamuraiKatanas (2)A female variant of the Samurai (Series 3).
13 Disco DivaMicrophoneA female variant of the Disco Dude (Series 2).
14 Hot dog GuyA Minifigure dressed as a hot dog. First appearance of the Hot dog suit piece.
15 Lady CyclopsClubA female variant of the Cyclops (Series 9).
16 Galaxy TrooperPistols (2)This minifigure is a direct reference to the "Galaxy Squad" Lego Space sub-theme.

The LEGO Simpsons Series 2

The LEGO Simpsons Series 2 (set number: 71009) was released in the UK & the US in April 2015 and includes characters from The Simpsons and is a continuation to the LEGO Simpsons series 1.[22]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Date night HomerHeart-shaped box
2 Date night MargeFlowers, Clutch bag
3 Sunday Best Lisa and Snowball llSnowball ll
4 Maggie and Santa's Little HelperSanta's Little Helper
5 BartmanSlingshot
6 Fallout Boy MilhouseSoda can (Buzz Cola)
7 Comic Book GuyComic book, Slushie (Squishee)
8 Martin PrinceBook
9 Professor FrinkFlask
10 Hans MolemanVoid driver's license
11 SelmaEye chart
12 PattyPurse
13 Groundskeeper WilliePlunger
14 Edna KrabappelMug, Picture frame with Photo
15 Waylon SmithersBox of a doll (Malibu Stacy)
16 Dr. HibbertX-ray

Series 14

Series 14 (set number: 71010) was released in early August 2015 for the UK and mid-August for the USA. This series has a Halloween theme. Several of the character bios make references to the discontinued Monster Fighters theme (more specifically, the Monster Realm in which it took place.) This series consists of the following units:[23]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Wolf GuyBoneShapeshifted variant of the Lumberjack (Series 5). First appearance of the new Lego werewolf head piece.
2 Zombie PirateSwordA zombie variant of the Pirate Captain (Series 8).
3 Monster ScientistFlaskA variant of the Crazy Scientist (Series 4). First appearance of the Lego Mad scientist head and glasses combination piece.
4 Wacky WitchBroom, CatA variant of the Witch (Series 2). First appearance of the Lego witch hat and long hair combination piece.
5 Plant MonsterVines (2)First appearance of the carnivorous plant head piece.
6 Fly MonsterHis appearance resembles that of the insect aliens from the "Galaxy Squad" Lego sub-theme. First appearance of the Lego claw piece.
7 SpecterChainFirst appearance of the Lego specter robe piece.
8 Zombie CheerleaderPom-poms (2)A zombie variant of the Cheerleader (Series 1) and Red Cheerleader (Series 8).
9 Tiger WomanWhipA Minifigure in what appears to be a tiger suit, although her bio suggests it is actually her skin. First appearance of the Lego long hair with cat ears combination and cat tail pieces.
10 GargoyleFirst appearance of the Lego gargoyle horn and wing pieces.
11 Skeleton GuyJack-o'-lantern bucketA Minifigure in a Halloween skeleton costume. first appearance of the Lego pumpkin bucket piece.
12 Monster RockerElectric guitarA variant of the Monster (Series 4) as well as rock variant of the Frankenstein's monster.
13 Zombie BusinessmanBriefcase, NewspaperFirst appearance of the Lego short side combed hair piece.
14 BansheeFirst appearance of the Lego long curly hair and specter leg pieces.
15 Square FootCameraA variant of the Yeti (Series 11).
16 Spider LadySpiderHer appearance is similar to that of Vampyre's Bride from "Monster Fighters" Lego theme.

Series 15

Series 15 (set number: 71011) was released in the UK on 5 December 2015 and in the US on 1 February 2016. The figures is this series consists of:[24]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 FarmerPig, Pitchfork
2 AstronautFlagThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Classic Space" Lego Space sub-theme.
3 Frightening KnightMorning star, ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Fright Knights" Lego Castle sub-theme. First appearance of the Lego morning star head piece.
4 Clumsy GuyCrutches (2)First appearance of the Lego crutch and head bandages pieces.
5 Tribal WomanBaby wrapped in clothThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Indians" Lego Western sub-theme. Modeled after Sacagawea. First appearance of the Lego backpack baby piece.
6 Flying WarriorSpearFirst appearance of the Lego winged helmet and armor pieces.
7 FaunFluteFirst appearance of the Lego faun legs, and horn and hair combination pieces.
8 Animal ControlNet, SkunkFirst appearance of the Lego skunk and net pieces.
9 JanitorMopFirst appearance of the Lego mop head piece.
10 BallerinaFirst appearance of the Lego tutu piece.
11 Laser MechLaser beamA variant of the Battle Mech (Series 9).
12 Kendo FighterSwords (2)
13 Shark Suit GuyA Minifigure in a shark suit. Based on Katy Perry's Left Shark from the Super Bowl XLIX Halftime show. First appearance of the Lego shark head and fin pieces.
14 Wrestling ChampionTrophyModeled after The Ultimate Warrior. First appearance of the Lego Mullet hair piece.
15 Jewel ThiefJewel, Grappling gunShe was originally rumored to appear in 71008 "Minifigures Series 13".
16 QueenThis minifigure is a direct reference to Queen Leonora and the "Knights Kingdoms" Lego Castle sub-theme. A female variant of the Classic King (Series 13). First appearance of the Lego wide dress, royal hair, and queen robe pieces.

The LEGO Disney Minifigure Series

The LEGO Disney Minifigure Series (set number: 71012) was released 1 May 2016. The figures of this series consists of:[25][26]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Stitch
2 Pizza Planet Alien
3 Buzz Lightyear
4 AladdinMagic lamp
5 GenieMagic lamp
6 MaleficentStaff
7 AliceBottle, Cookie
8 Cheshire Cat
9 Daisy Duck
10 Donald Duck
11 Minnie Mouse
12 Mickey Mouse
13 Mr. IncrediblePoster
14 SyndromeBlueprint
15 Peter PanKnives (2)
16 Captain HookRapier
17 UrsulaTrident
18 ArielClam with gemstone

DFB Series

The DFB German Football Team Series (set number: 71014) was released in May 2016 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland as well as LEGO stores across Europe. The figures in this series consists of:[27][28]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Joachim LöwCoaching boardTeam manager.
2 Manuel NeuerFootballShirt No. 1.
3 Jérôme BoatengFootballShirt No. 17.
4 Mats HummelsFootballShirt No. 5.
5 Benedikt HöwedesFootballShirt No. 4.
6 Shkodran MustafiFootballShirt No. 2.
7 Bastian SchweinsteigerFootballShirt No. 7.
8 Mesut ÖzilFootballShirt No. 8.
9 Thomas MüllerFootballShirt No. 13.
10 Toni KroosFootballShirt No. 18.
11 Sami KhediraFootballShirt No. 6.
12 André SchürrleFootballShirt No. 9.
13 Marco ReusFootballShirt No. 21.
14 Christoph KramerFootballShirt No. 20.
15 Mario GötzeFootballShirt No. 19.
16 Max KruseFootballShirt No. 23.

Series 16

The Hiker from Series 16

Series 16 (set number: 71013) was released on 1 September 2016 all around the world. The figures in this series are:[29]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Ice QueenIce shards (2)First appearance of the Lego snow queen robe piece.
2 Desert WarriorScimitar
3 CyborgBlaster
4 Cute Little DevilJack-o'-lantern bucket, TridentA Minifigure in a devil suit.
5 Spooky BoyBook, SpiderA male variant of the Spooky Girl (Series 12).
6 HikerCompass, MapFirst appearance of the Lego hiker backpack piece.
7 Wildlife PhotographerCamera, PenguinFirst appearance of the Lego penguin piece.
8 KickboxerA female variant of the Boxer (Series 5).
9 Scallywag PirateCutlass, MapThis minifigure is a direct reference to the Pirate Lego theme.
10 Penguin BoyA Minifigure in a penguin suit.
11 RogueBow and arrowThis minifigure is a reference to the "Forestmen" Lego Castle sub-theme.
12 Dog Show WinnerDog, Trophy
13 MariachiGuitarFirst appearance of the Lego guitar piece.
14 SpyPistol, RopeThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Alpha Team", "Galaxy Squad", and "Agents" Lego themes. First appearance of the Lego spy hair and night vision goggles pieces.
15 Banana GuyA Minifigure in a banana suit. First appearance of the Lego banana piece.
16 BabysitterBaby, Baby bottleFirst appearance of the Lego baby figure and baby bottle pieces.

The LEGO Batman Movie Series

The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series (set number: 71017) was released on 1 January 2017. It consists of 20 characters instead of the usual 16:[30]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Lobster-Lovin' BatmanPlate with a lobster
2 Glam Metal BatmanElectric guitar
3 Fairy BatmanWand
4 Clan of the Cave BatmanClub
5 Vacation Batman
6 Barbara GordonHandcuffs
7 Commissioner GordonWalkie-talkie, Wanted poster
8 The JokerArkham AsylumHandcuffs
9 Dick GraysonShark repellent
10 Pink Power BatgirlBatarang
11 Red HoodGuns (2)
12 The EraserNotebook
13 Nurse Harley QuinnClipboard
14 Orca
15 Zodiac MasterCrab, Fish
16 CatmanClaws (2)
17 March HarrietThompson submachine gun
18 The Calculator
19 King TutSnake, Staff
20 The MimeLightning bolts (2)

Series 17

Series 17 (set number: 71018) was released on 1 May 2017 all around the world. The figures in this series are:[31]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Pro SurferSurfboardA variant of the Surfer (Series 2) and a male variant of the Surfer Girl (Series 4).
2 StrongmanDumbbellA variant of the Weight Lifter (Series 2). First appearance of the Lego mustache piece.
3 Gourmet ChefPie, WhiskFirst appearance of the Lego chef with long hair combination and whisk pieces.
4 Corn Cob GuyA Minifigure dressed as a corn cob. First appearance of the Lego corn suit piece.
5 VeterinarianRabbitFirst appearance of the new Lego rabbit piece.
6 Hot dog VendorHot dog, Cup with straw, Tray
7 Butterfly GirlFlowersA Minifigure with butterfly wings. First appearance of the new Lego butterfly wing piece.
8 Roman GladiatorTridentA Variant of the Gladiator (Series 5). First appearance of the Lego short curly hair piece.
9 ConnoisseurBaguette, French BulldogFirst appearance of the Lego Baguette and French Bulldog pieces.
10 Battle DwarfBattle axe, War malletA variant of the Evil Dwarf (Series 5).
11 Retro Space HeroRaygunBased on Flash Gordon. First appearances of the Retro helmet and blaster.
12 YuppieMobile phoneA male variant of the Trendsetter (Series 10). First appearance of the Lego retro phone piece.
13 Rocket BoyFlagA Minifigure dressed as a rocket. This minifigure references "Classic Space" Lego Space sub-theme. His bio mentions that the Astronaut (Series 15) is his father. First appearance of the Lego rocket piece.
14 Dance InstructorWater bottleA variant of the Fitness Instructor (Series 5). First appearance of the Lego fitness hair piece.
15 Elf MaidenSword, ShieldA female variant of the Elf (Series 3). First appearance of the Lego long straight elf hair piece.
16 HighwaymanFlintlock pistols (2)Identified as 'The Mystery Man'. First appearance of the Lego coat piece.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie Series

The LEGO Ninjago Movie Series (set number: 71019) was released around the world on 1 August 2017. The figures in the series are as follows:[32]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Kai KendoPoles (2)Comes with additional hair piece.
2 Spinjitzu Training NyaKatanas (2)
3 LloydBlueprint, SwordComes with additional hair piece. Green ninja version.
4 Master WuCorn flakes box
5 GarmadonStaff
6 Jay WalkerSelfie stick
7 Lloyd GarmadonBowl, SpoonFirst appearance of the Lego bowl and spoon pieces.
8 ColeBoombox
9 MisakoPurseAlso known as Koko.
10 ZaneThe shirt is a reference to "Alien Conquest" Lego Space sub-theme.
11 Shark Army General #1Slushee cup with straw
12 Shark Army OctopusBlaster, Fish
13 Shark Army AnglerMorning star with fish shaft
14 Shark Army Great WhiteFish flamethrower
15 Flashback GarmadonCamera, Poster
16 Volcano GarmadonBowl, Spoon
17 Gong & Guitar RockerElectric guitar
18 GPL TechLaptop, MugThe shirt is a reference to Batman.
19 Sushi ChefCleaver, Sushi
20 N-POP GirlTeddy bear

The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2

The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2 (set number: 71020) was released around the world on 1 January 2018. The figures in the series are as follows:[33]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Disco Harley QuinnBased on friends are family song.
2 Disco Alfred PennyworthElectric guitarBased on friends are family song.
3 Clock KingSpears (2)
4 Hugo StrangeGreen flask, Purple flask
5 Mermaid BatmanTrident
6 Swimsuit BatmanDolphin, Rescue buoy
7 Vacation JokerCamera, Ice pop
8 Vacation RobinIce cream cone, Boombox
9 Vacation BatgirlSurfboard
10 Vacation Alfred PennyworthWine glass with cherries
11 Bat-Merch BatgirlBat Bucks (2)
12 Killer MothRaygun
13 Wonder Twin JaynaRecord disc, Record disc caseBased on the Super Friends cartoon series.
14 Wonder Twin ZanBucket of waterBased on the Super Friends cartoon series.
15 Apache ChiefPhoto booth photographsBased on the Super Friends cartoon series.
16 Jor-ElCrystal
17 General ZodNewspaper
18 Doctor PhosphorusGreen flames (2)
19 Black CanaryMicrophone stand with microphone
20 Black VulcanLightning bolts (2)Based on the Super Friends cartoon series.

Series 18

Series 18 (set number: 71021) was released on 1 April 2018 all around the world. This series is party-themed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Lego minifigure. This series consists of the following units:[34]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Elephant GirlMouseA minifigure in an elephant suit. First appearance of the Lego Elephant helmet and mouse pieces.
2 Brick Suit GuyBlue 1x1 plateA minifigure in a brick suit. First appearance of the Lego brick torso piece.
3 Brick Suit GirlRed 1x1 plateA minifigure in a brick suit.
4 Party ClownBalloon Dogs x2 (Green and Purple)A variant of the Circus Clown (Series 1). First appearance of the Lego balloon dog pieces.
5 Firework GuyA minifigure in a Firework suit. First appearance of the Lego firework suit piece.
6 Birthday party GirlPresent with biscuits (2), Purple balloonParty hat clips onto hair piece. First appearance of the Lego balloon and gift package piece.
7 Dragon Suit GuyA minifigure in a dragon suit. Commemorates dragon from Lego set 70403 "Dragon Mountain" from the "Castle 2013" Lego Castle sub-theme. First appearance of the Lego Dragon helmet and tail pieces.
8 Classic Police officerLego set boxCommemorates Lego set 600 "Police Car" (1978). Only 1 per box of 60.
9 Spider Suit BoySpiderA minifigure in a spider suit. This minifigure references the "Monster Fighters" theme. First appearance of the Lego spider helmet and torso pieces.
10 Birthday Cake GuyBirthday cakeParty hat clips onto hair piece. First appearance of the Lego combed short hair with attachment hole and cake suit pieces.
11 Cactus GirlA minifigure in a cactus suit. First appearance of the Lego cactus torso and arm pieces.
12 Cat Costume GirlFishA minifigure in a cat costume. First appearance of the Lego cat helmet
13 Race Car GuyThis minifigure references the Lego Racers theme. First appearance of the Lego car suit piece.
14 Flowerpot GirlA minifigure in a flower costume. First appearance of the Lego flower helmet and pot piece.
15 Cowboy Costume GuyThis minifigure references the Lego Western theme. First appearance of the Lego horse riding suit piece.
16 Birthday party BoyPresent with Lego Minifigure packs (2), Orange BalloonFirst appearance of the Lego combed short hair with attachment hole piece.
17 Unicorn GuySword, ShieldA male variant of the Unicorn Girl (Series 13).

Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series

The Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series (set number: 71022) was released on 1 August 2018 all around the world. The figures in the series include:[35]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Harry PotterWand, HedwigHarry Potter variant from Prisoner of Azkaban.
2 Hermione GrangerWand, CrookshanksHermione Granger variant from Prisoner of Azkaban.
3 Ron WeasleyWand, ScabbersRon Weasley variant from Prisoner of Azkaban.
4 Draco MalfoyWand, Golden Snitch, BroomstickDraco Malfoy variant from Chamber of Secrets.
5 Luna LovegoodWand, Quibbler 2x3Luna Lovegood variant from Half-Blood Prince.
6 Neville LongbottomWand, Mandrake, CauldronNeville Longbottom variant from Chamber of Secrets.
7 Cho ChangWand, OwlCho Chang variant from Order of the Phoenix.
8 Dean ThomasWand, FlagDean Thomas variant from Half-Blood Prince.
9 Lord VoldemortWand, NaginiLord Voldemort variant from Order of the Phoenix.
10 DobbySock 1x2, Riddle's diaryDobby variant from Chamber of Secrets.
11 Professor Sybill TrelawneyWand, Teacup with saucerProfessor Trelawney variant from Prisoner of Azkaban.
12 Cedric DiggoryWand, Triwizard CupCedric Diggory variant from Goblet of Fire.
13 Professor Filius FlitwickWand, MegaphoneProfessor Flitwick variant from Order of the Phoenix.
14 Alastor 'Mad-Eye' MoodyWand, Staff, VialAlastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody variant from Goblet of Fire. Comes with alternate hairpiece to become Barty Crouch Jr.
15 Harry Potter (Invisibility Cloak)WandHarry Potter variant from Philosopher's Stone.
16 Professor Albus DumbledoreWand, PensieveProfessor Albus Dumbledore variant from Goblet of Fire
17 Newt ScamanderWand, Suitcase, NifflerNewt Scamander variant from Where to Find Them.
18 Tina GoldsteinWand, Hot dogTina Goldstein variant from Where to Find Them.
19 Jacob KowalskiSuitcase, Biscuits (2)Jacob Kowalski variant from Where to Find Them.
20 Queenie GoldsteinWand, StrudelQueenie Goldstein variant from Where to Find Them.
21 Credence BareboneFlyer 1x2Credence Barebone variant from Where to Find Them.
22 Percival GravesWandPercival Graves variant from Where to Find Them. Comes with alternate hairpiece to become Gellert Grindelwald.

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part Series

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part Series (set number: 71023) was released on 1 February 2019, and includes characters from The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part. The figures in the series include:[36]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Awesome Remix EmmetCoffee cup, Smartphone
2 Battle-Ready LucyBinocularsApocalyptic version of Wyldstyle.
3 Swamp CreatureWhipApocalyptic version of the "Swamp Creature" from the Monster Fighters theme.
4 Crayon GirlDrawingA Minifigure in a crayon suit.
5 Giraffe GuyFoliageA Minifigure in a giraffe suit.
6 Watermelon DudeWatermelon sliceA Minifigure in a watermelon suit.
7 Sherry Scratchen-Post & ScarfieldCatApocalyptic version of Mrs. Scratchen-Post.
8 Apocalypse BennyToolboxApocalyptic version of Benny the Spaceman.
9 Vest Friend RexBaby Velociraptor
10 Dorothy GaleDog (Toto)Modeled after Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz.
11 Cowardly LionMedalModeled after the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz.
12 Tin ManAxe, HeartModeled after the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.
13 ScarecrowCertificateModeled after the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.
14 Gone Golfin' President BusinessGolf club
15 Flashback LucyMicrophone, Record disc
16 Candy RapperMicrophone, Cassette tape
17 Kitty PopMicrophone, Electric guitar
18 Apocalypseburg AbeBattle axeApocalyptic version of Abraham Lincoln.
19 UnikittyFirst character in the theme that's not a Minifigure.
20 Hula LulaMicrophone, Record disc

Disney Series 2

The Disney series 2 (set number: 71024) was released on 1 May 2019, and includes characters from various Disney films, shows, and musicals. The figures in the series include:[37]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Vintage MickeyShip steering wheelClassic design based on the short film, Steamboat Willie
2 Vintage MinnieLife preserverClassic design based on the short film, Steamboat Willie
3 HueyJunior Woodchuck Chuck guide book
4 DeweySlingshot
5 LouieFlashlight
6 Scrooge McDuckCane, Number 1 Dime
7 ChipAcorn
8 DaleNutsack
9 ElsaSnowflake
10 AnnaLantern
11 JafarStaff
12 JasmineDove
13 HadesFlames
14 HerculesSword, Shield
15 SallyFlower
16 Jack SkellingtonPresent, Snowflakes
17 Edna ModeShopping bag, Mug
18 FrozonePower Blast, Floating disc

Series 19

Series 19 (set number: 71025) was released on 1 September 2019 all around the world. This series consists of the following units:[38]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Video Game ChampGame controller with 2x4 tileThis minifigure a video game box and controller for a "Play-Box" console, which is a reference to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The Cover of the box has a cameo of the Cyborg (Series 16). The shirt has logo references to the "Classic Space", "M:Tron", and "Blacktron" Lego Space sub-themes.
2 Shower GuyBrush and Rubber duck (Green)
3 Fright KnightSword (Transparent Light-Blue) and ShieldThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Fright Knight" Lego Castle sub-theme.
4 Monkey KingStaffThis minifigure is a direct reference to Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. First appearance of the Lego Monkey hairpiece, slim shoulder piece, and inverted V shaped cape.
5 ProgrammerRobot and Laptop (White)A female variant of the Programmer (Series 7). Her shirt has a Binary code when translated spells out "Lego".
6 Mummy QueenScorpion (Pearl Gold)This minifigure is the female version of the Mummy (Series 3).
7 Jungle ExplorerChameleon (Green), Magnifying glass, and BackpackThis minifigure is a direct reference to Johnny Thunder and the Lego "Adventurers" theme. First appearance of the new Lego Chameleon piece.
8 Fire FighterMegaphone (White)First appearance of the Firefighter helmet with long hair headpiece.
9 Dog SitterPoop (2), Pooper-scooper (Green), French Bulldog (White), DachshundFirst appearance of the Lego Dachshund Dog and swirl (poop) piece.
10 Pizza Costume Guy2x4 tileThis minifigure reuses the Watermelon suit (with Pizza printing) from "The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part Series" "Watermelon Dude". His tile is an advertisement for $1 pizza and burgers (with fries).
11 Galactic Bounty HunterWanted poster (Transparent Red) and PistolThis minifigure is a direct reference to the "Blacktron" Lego Space sub-theme. His wanted poster says "Wanted, Built or Broken" with a reward of 300 million Lego studs, a reference to Traveller's Tales Lego games.
12 GardenerPlant (2) and FlamingoFirst appearance of the Lego Flamingo piece.
13 Rugby PlayerRugby ballFirst appearance of the Lego Rugby ball piece.
14 Fox Costume GirlChicken and BagA Minifigure in a fox suit. First appearance of the Lego Fox headgear piece.
15 Bear Costume GuyHeart (2) and Rainbow tileA Minifigure in a bear suit. This minifigure is a reference to the Care Bears.
16 Mountain BikerMountain bike (Blue)First appearance of the Long hair and Bike helmet combination piece.

DC Super Heroes Series

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Mister Miracle
2 Wonder WomanLasso
3 Aquaman
4 StargirlStaff
5 Sinestro
6 Cheetah
7 SupermanNewspaper
8 Green Lantern (Simon Baz)
9 CyborgChain
10 Batman
11 HuntressCrossbow
12 Metamorpho
13 Joker
14 Bumblebee (comics)
15 Flash (Jay Garrick)
16 Bat-MiteComic Book

Series 20

Series 20 (set number: 71027) was released on 19 April 2020 all around the world. This series consists of the following units:[39]

# Minifigure Accessories Notes
1 Green Brick Suit Guy2x2 Tile "10"This is a tenth anniversary minifigure.
2 Electronic MusicianKeytar
3 Sleepy GirlToy Bunny
4 Drone PilotDrone
5 Red RangerSword
6 Nunchaku FighterNunchucksModeled after The Karate Kid
7 Field AthleteJavelin and Discus
8 DiverTurtle
9 PirateCutlass
10 Rocket GirlBlueprint and Rocket
11 Llama Costume GirlCarrot
12 VikingSpear and Shield
13 Pinata BoyPinata
14 Hip Hop GirlBoom Box
15 Peapod Costume GirlApple
16 KnightSword and Shield

Online games

Series Games
Series 1 Track Crasher
Brick Builder
Target Zapper
Street Skater
Dance Master
Series 2 Sea Retriever
Disco Dance Challenge
Karate Champion
Spartan Thrower
Puzzle Hunter
Series 3 Space Trap
Fish Catcher
Sports Mania
Series 4 Brick Builder 2
Fish Catcher
Hockey Player
Series 5 Mountain Ride
Tree Challenge
Series 6 Sleep Roar: Sleepyhead, Minotaur
Space Bricker Race: Intergalactic Girl
Robo Flamenco: Robot, Flamenco Dancer
Surge for Gold: Surgeon, Leprechaun
Series 7 Rock & Blocks
Carrot Rain
Viking Flames
Danger Waters
Series 8 Treasure's Island
Brick's Yards
Fairy in the Sky
DJ Plastic
Series 9 Serving Stars: Hollywood Starlet, Waiter
Mer with Mer: Ocean King, Mermaid
Mech to Peck: Battle Mech, Chicken Suit Guy
Police Trend: Policeman, Trend Setter
Series 10 Mr. Gold

LEGO Minifigures Online

On 29 August 2013, Funcom officially announced a massively multiplayer online game based on the Minifigures theme, in which there are several worlds the player can travel to and fight enemies, as well as dungeons based on the setting. The game uses traditional click-to-move mechanics, allowing younger users to jump into the action. However, for advanced users, there are special abilities activated using the number pad. It is going to be free-to-play, but you can unlock Minifigures by purchasing one and entering a code, however they can also be obtained in-game. It was released in late 2014 for iOS, Android, and PC as either a download client or in-browser on the LEGO website.[40]

Funcom announced that LEGO Minifigures Online will be closing on 30 September 2016. Starting 6 June 2016, new players will be unable to join the game and the in-game chat will be disabled. Existing players will still be able to play up until 30 September 2016.[41]

gollark: That would also look weird. It's not even using the actual CC palette as far as I can tell.
gollark: I don't really like it, it looks weird.
gollark: Falling back to them if there's no other one might make sense, though.
gollark: You could at least make it fallback to the switchcraft ones.


  1. "LEGO Minifigures". Lego shop. Archived from the original on 29 July 2010.
  2. "Barcodes of the Collectible Minifigures".
  3. "Mini Collector". 30 August 2010. Archived from the original on 3 October 2010. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  4. "Dot codes for US Series 3".
  5. "Dot codes sheet for LEGO Minifigures Series 5". 5 August 2011. Archived from the original on 20 August 2016. Retrieved 28 June 2016.
  6. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 01". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  7. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 02". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  8. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 03". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  9. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 04". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  10. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 05". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  11. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 06". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
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  13. "Collectable Minifigures: Team GB". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  14. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 08". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  15. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 09". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  16. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 10". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  17. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 11". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  18. "Collectable Minifigures: The LEGO Movie". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  19. "Collectable Minifigures: The Simpsons". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  20. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 12". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  21. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 13". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  22. "Collectable Minifigures: The Simpsons Series 2". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  23. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 14". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  24. "Collectable Minifigures: Series 15". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  25. "Collectable Minifigures: Disney". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  26. Lego Group (30 March 2016). "New LEGO® Minifigures Series Features First-Ever Disney Character Edition". Lego. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
  27. "Collectable Minifigures: DFB Series". Brickset. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  28. Lego Group (12 April 2016). "This squad will be playing for the LEGO Minifigure Series "DFB – Die Mannschaft"". Lego. Retrieved 12 April 2016.
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  36. "The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part". Brickset. Retrieved 1 February 2019.
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  40. " – LEGO Minifigures Online". Retrieved 30 September 2014.
  41. "LEGO Minifigures Online". Archived from the original on 10 March 2018. Retrieved 10 June 2016.
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