Tag: windows

127 Is it safe to delete from C:\Windows\Installer? 2009-08-16T21:29:58.353

127 How do I view the contents of a PFX file on Windows? 2013-04-10T04:59:30.763

126 Hex editors for Windows? 2009-07-28T14:57:05.230

126 How can I mass rename files? 2009-07-30T20:31:17.027

126 How to disable Ctrl+Shift keyboard layout switch (for the same input language) in Windows? 2010-02-15T10:37:49.173

126 Apostrophes and double quotes don't show up until I type the next letter 2010-03-22T06:45:45.760

125 How to make Outlook Calendar reminders stay on top in Windows 7 2011-03-01T21:14:47.637

121 How to set the default program for opening files without an extension in Windows? 2009-07-27T13:07:38.020

121 Can I use my laptop as a second monitor? 2009-07-29T20:09:05.373

121 How to prevent Windows 10 from automatically adding keyboard layouts (i.e. US keyboard) 2016-06-22T13:36:38.453

120 Git Bash Here in ConEmu 2012-07-27T14:07:21.907

119 What is the $WINDOWS.~BT folder? 2015-03-05T22:11:43.497

119 How to list Chocolatey packages already installed and newer version available from the command line 2015-03-16T15:26:52.380

117 How can I add an item to the 'new' context menu? 2009-09-03T02:28:46.373

117 Where are the shortcuts for the Windows 7 Taskbar stored on disk? 2009-10-21T20:44:33.123

116 How can I open a command prompt in current folder with a keyboard shortcut? 2010-10-31T05:54:15.220

113 Can you zip a file from the command prompt using ONLY Windows' built-in capability to zip files? 2010-02-19T19:46:23.680

113 How to stop jucheck from running? Java won't remember "Check for Updates Automatically" setting 2010-04-14T18:19:34.017

113 If DOS is single-tasking, how was multitasking possible in old version of Windows? 2014-03-08T14:28:46.893

110 Is there a shortcut command in Windows command prompt to get to the current user's home directory like there is in Linux? 2010-07-28T09:47:26.973

108 How do I install a VSIX file in Visual Studio? 2009-11-22T01:21:55.677

108 Troubleshoot High CPU usage by the "System" process 2013-01-03T03:52:20.500

107 Securely erasing all data from a hard drive 2009-07-16T05:59:28.753

106 Quick way to tell if an installed application is 64-bit or 32-bit 2010-01-31T21:34:22.430

106 Where does Putty store known_hosts information on Windows? 2010-10-08T17:10:39.377

106 Change default action on connecting a USB device 2012-03-15T15:11:23.373

105 How can I determine which process owns a hotkey in Windows? 2009-07-23T09:49:19.220

105 How to add command line options to shortcut? 2009-08-25T17:33:35.093

104 Why the heck does NTFS allow invisible executables? 2009-07-23T23:44:21.113

104 Dual monitors on Windows - How do I set a different DPI or text size on each monitor? 2009-08-26T03:39:38.783

104 Multi-tab command prompt in Windows? 2009-08-27T14:35:05.047

104 How can I prevent a policy-enforced screen lock in Windows 7? 2011-08-30T08:32:07.737

103 How can I make a Windows PC bullet-proof for home users? 2009-07-28T13:56:01.340

103 How can I identify what application is using a given file? 2012-03-12T03:30:35.483

103 What are all the Windows 7/8/8.1 updates (KBs) I must skip to avoid Windows 10 upgrading -and nags-? 2016-03-10T17:26:31.490

102 Good on-screen ruler application for Windows? 2009-08-06T20:20:44.083

102 See available drives from Windows CLI? 2010-05-11T12:01:44.770

101 How do I edit text files in the Windows command prompt? 2010-09-10T03:41:43.813

100 Recursively delete empty directories in Windows 2009-09-11T13:38:58.557

100 A command-line or batch cmd to concatenate multiple files 2010-02-22T01:59:20.953

99 Why can't you uninstall multiple programs at once in Windows? 2014-03-19T15:31:21.093

98 How do I set Notepad++ as the default editor? 2012-09-14T11:23:29.907

98 Windows 10 "Enable NTFS long paths policy" option missing 2016-09-01T10:55:54.730

97 Should I disable swap file if I have lots of RAM or should I move it to a virtual RAM drive? 2014-09-11T08:34:47.017

93 How to avoid keyboard layout automatically changing on windows 2008-10-02T13:56:39.623

93 How do I modify my Git Bash profile in Windows? 2013-06-02T20:08:32.720

92 Can't copy and paste in Remote Desktop Connection session 2010-01-14T03:26:24.327

92 How do I escape spaces in command line in Windows without using quotation marks? 2011-05-04T12:54:50.817

91 What is Windows' equivalent of the "which" command in Unix? Is there an equivalent PowerShell command? 2010-11-05T02:55:43.323

91 Mapping drive letters to local folders 2013-09-13T03:51:26.497

91 Windows Unable to Delete ._. File 2015-11-08T04:14:48.627

90 Can I delete MSOCache? 2010-11-29T15:59:27.377

89 Why does Windows only show about 3.5 GB of my 4 GB of RAM? 2009-08-21T10:38:18.020

89 Restart a Windows service from the command line 2011-06-24T17:54:59.380

89 Can one take a partial screen shot in Windows 7? 2012-03-24T02:16:09.470

89 My colleague often shuts down my machine through the LAN - how do I prevent it? 2014-02-15T07:06:53.153

88 What is the difference between “Size” and “Size on disk?” 2009-11-06T17:56:36.220

88 How do I locate the MAC address of my computer? 2009-11-07T01:49:48.830

88 How do I add Python to the Windows PATH? 2010-05-19T21:54:19.123

88 Why does Windows use backslashes for paths and Unix forward slashes? 2010-08-16T13:37:39.620

87 How to monitor a folder and trigger a command-line action when a file is created or edited? 2010-12-29T08:06:29.883

87 How can I remove a forkbomb from the Startup folder? 2015-08-22T16:46:10.563

87 Why does "cd.." work in the Windows command line? 2016-06-06T10:32:56.857

87 What is the name of the 8 white squares surrounding resizable views? 2017-02-09T16:22:12.467

86 How to force Windows to rename a file with a special character? 2009-08-28T19:46:36.863

86 Run cURL commands from Windows console 2010-04-26T02:09:21.563

86 Way to limit bandwidth of programs on Windows? 2010-04-28T22:55:18.163

86 Windows 7 ALT-TAB - How to turn off previewing the window 2010-08-27T20:16:05.490

86 How to echo contents of file in a DOS/Windows command prompt 2011-03-12T12:56:23.180

86 How do I find out command line arguments of a running program? 2012-04-22T14:36:24.837

85 How to open Windows CMD so that it starts in the current folder? 2015-07-29T12:10:05.340

84 What does "delayed start" do in startup type for a Windows service? 2010-10-27T23:36:51.067

84 Windows 10 high memory usage (unknown reason) 2015-08-02T06:16:36.143

83 Is there a way to fake a dual (second) monitor 2009-10-27T13:21:21.700

83 How do I type the tick and backtick characters on Windows? 2011-03-06T22:58:36.937

83 How do I determine if my Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit using a command? 2011-08-11T17:44:11.570

83 Opened a JPG picture with notepad, pasted all the "text" to a new notepad file, changed to .JPG and it no longer opens. Why? 2014-07-13T20:50:32.143

83 Windows 10 - How to move window to other monitor by using keyboard shortcuts? 2016-10-08T15:58:14.597

82 Why is System process listening on Port 80? 2009-09-18T14:25:24.813

82 Should I keep my swap file on an SSD drive? 2009-10-06T14:33:42.273

82 How to search for only folders in Windows 7 instead of folders AND files 2010-03-05T13:56:08.027

82 Windows 10, 'System' process taking massive amounts of RAM 2015-08-07T04:17:19.997

81 Insert Unicode characters via the keyboard? 2009-09-27T08:10:58.760

81 How do I press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in VirtualBox? 2010-03-06T17:41:56.510

81 How to pick a color from an image 2011-03-10T09:22:44.117

81 How to make a shortcut from CMD? 2012-02-20T18:24:10.937

81 How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards? 2012-09-16T13:59:11.777

80 How to install Windows 7 from the network? 2009-09-16T18:41:24.893

80 Does this exist: software for noise cancellation 2009-10-28T08:50:48.213

80 Windows 7, file properties, date modified, how do you show seconds? 2010-01-04T21:08:06.547

80 Setting and using variable within same command line in Windows cmd.exe 2010-12-17T15:04:06.730

80 What is the difference between Symbolic Link and Shortcut? 2011-03-06T16:21:45.923

80 How can I change the timestamp on a file? 2011-06-03T18:41:33.067

80 What's the difference between 'C' and 'CE' functions on Windows calculator? 2012-07-16T17:49:27.643

80 How can a computer/OS tell what kind of RAM is in the machine? 2013-03-27T18:55:25.523

79 Looking for MD5 utility that integrates to Windows 2009-12-30T00:51:23.273

79 Extremely simple web server for Windows? 2011-01-09T20:13:46.727

79 Keep cmd.exe command history between sessions? 2011-03-15T13:34:19.993

79 How can I produce high CPU load on Windows? 2012-03-03T13:18:23.980