How to list Chocolatey packages already installed and newer version available from the command line



I have the following packages installed with Chocolatey.

choco list --localonly

> choco list --localonly    
Chocolatey v0.9.9.2                                      
adobereader 11.0.10                                      
ccleaner 5.03.5128                                       

One week later the GIMP package updated to 2.9 and the Git package is updated to 1.9.6 on the website, but other packages are not updated.

Two weeks later I need to run a command in cmd to show the following result:

> some command
git current local version (1.9.5), latest version (1.9.6) is available for upgrade
gimp current local version (2.8), latest version (2.9) is available for upgrade

What is the good way to compose such command? (Or if there is a command option built into Chocolatey itself, what it would be?)

Joel Handwell

Posted 2015-03-16T15:26:52.380

Reputation: 1 294



Note: You likely need to do the following commands in an administrative cmd/powershell prompt.

If you have version or below installed:

choco version all

If you have 0.9.9+ installed:

choco upgrade all --noop

If you have choco, you can use the outdated command.

choco outdated

Following that, if you actually want to upgrade - in both versions you can follow with:

cup all -y

Note: -y will only work with


Posted 2015-03-16T15:26:52.380

Reputation: 2 959

choco outdated works perfectly. that's great – Wolfkin – 2020-01-17T20:56:41.243


Addition from @feventcoder

choco version all will result you a warning of

DEPRECATION NOTICE - choco version command is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0.0. Please use choco upgrade <pgkname> --noop instead.

So it mean you should learn that it might not support the version command anymore.

Sure that you need to upgrade your chocolatey version to 0.9.9+ or latest.

By the command choco upgrade chocolatey

And then call cup all -y to install all upgrade to your system.

Natta Wang

Posted 2015-03-16T15:26:52.380

Reputation: 211


Use "cver"

The quickest way if you want to find only the local packages installed is to issue the following command to a DOS prompt:

cver all -localonly

Or even easier to remember and type:

cver all -lo

This avoids unnecessary querying.

Brian Thomas

Posted 2015-03-16T15:26:52.380

Reputation: 161

1The question is to distinguish outdated packages from latest ones. With cver all -localonly this command, we will get outdated packages and latest packages mixed and do not achieve the purpose of finding outdated packages. This answer should for question "how to show local packages?" but not this question. – Joel Handwell – 2017-04-01T19:30:20.747

interesting since i must have missed that, I landed here trying to solve an installed package dilemma, where this question helped but didn't lead to the solution. – Brian Thomas – 2017-04-02T06:25:33.707