How do I press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in VirtualBox?



I'm running VirtualBox with Windows Vista as host OS and Windows Server 2008 as guest OS. To login to Windows Server I have to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, but my host OS reacts on that so I can not send it to VirtualBox. How can I do it?


Posted 2010-03-06T17:41:56.510

Reputation: 21 007

on a mac host OS, with xp as the guest OS, how do you do control alt delete to log in? – None – 2010-12-19T07:43:01.653



Usually there is an entry in a menu somewhere. Host key+Del1 should work too, though.

If you're using Remote Desktop, then use Ctrl+Alt+End instead.

1 You should know what your host key is, but it's configurable. Mine usually was Right Ctrl.

If you want to know what your Host Key is, open VirtualBox and go to File → Preferences → Input. If you don't like the current key, you can change it to whatever you wish.


Posted 2010-03-06T17:41:56.510

Reputation: 36 381

@nhinkle, Just press edit to get the source. editedsource also works. – Pacerier – 2015-02-28T15:18:30.280

@Joey, What does a "host key" mean anyway? What's the equivalent of that in VMware? – Pacerier – 2015-02-28T15:19:00.353

1@Pacerier: The host key is the modifier that is used for shortcuts in the VM software itself and are not passed to the VM inside. And I have no idea. – Joey – 2015-02-28T16:57:03.143

@Pacerier wow, and award for "digging up a comment from 5 years ago for something I no doubt know now" goes to.... you! – nhinkle – 2015-02-28T18:26:35.630

@Pacerier I had 826 reputation points on May 13th, 2010, and at that time suggested edits weren't a thing, so there would not have been any edit button available. Back then the only way to view source was to know the URL to see the source view, there was no button for it exposed in the UI. – nhinkle – 2015-02-28T18:31:01.900

@nhinkle, Ic.͏͏ – Pacerier – 2015-03-02T04:08:29.613

@Joey, What if we wanted to pass the "host key" into the VM? – Pacerier – 2015-03-02T04:08:58.927

@Pacerier: You cannot. That's why it's usually bound to a key you have a spare of, e.g. Right Ctrl or Right Shift. – Joey – 2015-03-02T14:03:33.963

@Joey, But when you host a VM inside a VM, you'll need a way to pass the "host key" into the VM. There got to be a way to do it even without unlimited keys. – Pacerier – 2015-03-08T23:37:29.950

3@Pacerier: Don't do that to a level where you run out of keys, then. Seriously, what's the point of this discussion? – Joey – 2015-03-09T07:23:46.523

@Joey, To figure out how to send a host key into a VM within a VM. That's definitely useful. I'm currently remote-desktoped on a server through a client which is itself host to a remote-desktop session of which the client is this physical laptop. – Pacerier – 2015-03-11T09:46:18.483

1Just curious, how did you get the keystrokes in the answer to look like keys? I looked in the markdown documentation and couldn't see any way to do it... – nhinkle – 2010-05-13T05:15:22.127

6@nhinkle: Stack Overflow's (and Super User's) style sheet abuses the <kbd> tag for that purpose. It's not part of Markdown. – Joey – 2010-05-13T10:04:17.153

Ahh, ok. I've never seen that used before. Thanks for the info! – nhinkle – 2010-05-13T15:44:32.593

2@Corporate Geek, please use proper arrows when editing my posts. -> is an ugly abomination I don't want to have associated with my name. – Joey – 2012-02-24T18:31:15.270


On an OS X host, try

  • control+alt/option+fn+delete or

  • cmd+fn+delete

I used the onscreen keyboard in Windows 7 which showed the guest OS receiving ctrl and alt/option, but not delete. By adding the fn key to the combination, it seems the Mac's idea of "delete" (normally like Windows' "backspace") becomes Windows' "delete".


Posted 2010-03-06T17:41:56.510

Reputation: 191

There is no delete button on 13" MacBooks :( – Petr Peller – 2017-01-21T23:42:41.460


In the menu called Input, click Keyboard then Insert Ctrl+Alt+Del:

virtualbox ctrl-alt-del

A reminder of the shortcut is also visible there.

Note: In older versions it used to be in the Machine menu.

Nicolas Raoul

Posted 2010-03-06T17:41:56.510

Reputation: 7 766

What if you are in fullscreen.... – Pacerier – 2015-02-28T15:19:23.450

@Pacerier: If you are in fullscreen, then the solutions of Joey and Christian are more convenient, you just have to remember the keys combination. – Nicolas Raoul – 2015-03-01T08:04:58.183

In more recent versions of Virtualbox, this option is found in the "Input" menu rather than the "Machine" menu – Henrik Kjus Alstad – 2016-05-10T08:01:35.903