Tropes That Will Never Happen (Darth Wiki)

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    This is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek approach to certain tropes that will never be agreed upon by the community, either due to being absolutely universal, pointless, far too subjective, Complaining About Shows You Don't Like, or The Same but More.

    Compare Lousy Alternate Titles for titles that will never happen.

    Too Universal / People Sit on Chairs

    Tom Siddell: It's when a character says something to another character in a story, and then later a different character says a thing that has nothing to do with that other thing.

    "Alright, I see your quarter and raise you a stick of gum."
    "Ooh, high roller!"

    Too Obscure/Bizarre

    Too Specific

    Complaining About Shows You Don't Like

    Too Subjective

    The Same but More

    X Meets Y Tropes

    ABC Meets XYZ

    Silly Puns, Often on Other Trope Names

    • Chuck Norris Goes To Candy Mountain
    • Discredited Tropes Whose Time Has Come Again
    • Couldnt Think Of A Trope
    • Made Of Vin (Diesel)
    • The Trope Never Happen
    • Xanatos Supper
    • Xanatos Trip To The Bathroom
      • Xanatos Random Happenstance
    • Working That Way Does Not Work That Way
      • Performing A Task In Such A Manner Does Not Work That Way
      • Don't Work That Way
    • So Below Average That Its Not Even Bad Enough To Complain About
    • Xanatos Can't Be Bothered
    • Did Not Need To Bother To Do The Research
    • Did In Fact Do The Research
      • Did The Research But Ignored It
      • Did The Research But Did Not Cite Sources And Now Has To Repeat The Course
      • Did The Research On The Wrong Thing
      • Did The Research But The Research Is Obsolete
      • Did The Research But He Got It From Encyclopaedia Dramatica
      • Did The Research, But The Source Was Wrong
    • Done Over By The Research (Once you investigated the details, the story fell apart.)
    • Honestly Intended To Do The Research, But Just Started Browsing And All The Tropes Instead
    • Xanatos Chuck Norris (Hey, if Gilligan gets one...)
      • Whatever happens, the result is that Xanatos comes out ahead and Chuck Norris looks like a badass. Whoever wins, we lose.
    • Describe Describe Topic Here Here
    • Generally Inconsequential Or Unimportant
    • Dirt Is More Expensive
    • High Octave Nightmare Fuel
    • Xanatos Fails Grade School Forever
    • Crowning Moment Of Nothing
      • Crowning Moment Of Everything
        • Which is where Crowning Moment Of Awesome was going, anyhow.
    • Crowning Moment Of 'Huh?'
    • Crowning Moment Of Whatever
    • Crowning Moment of What
    • Crowning Moment Of Doom
      • Doom needs no crown, minion.
    • Title Been Rejected Mmmmhmmm
    • In A Minute You Won't Be Alive
    • Clowning Moment Of Funny
    • Lord Cthulhu's Punch-Out!!!
    • Epic Yale
    • Deus Ex Machinima
    • Deus Ex Micro Machina
    • Hand Canon
    • Heroic Open Tray Error
      • Heroic Paper Jam
    • Villainous Breakdown Rescue
      • Villainous Breakbeat
      • Villainous Breakfast
    • Die Cute
    • Absurdly Specious Sewer
    • Macaronic and Cheese
    • Spotlight-Stealing Squid (probably also Too Rare to trope)

    Too Dangerous

    Attracts the "Context" tag

    Because somebody is going to disagree.

    • And How
    • Explanation is in my head
    • No Explanation Needed
    • No Points For Guessing
    • Nuff Said
    • That's What Nuff Said
    • That Is All
    • I Would Rather Not Discuss It
    • And That's All You Need to Know
    • Do I Need To Say It?

    Attracts Pot Holes

    • I Wish I Was Making This Up
      • I Am Totally Making This Up
    • Oh, and ...
    • Quipping - Because You Fight Like a Cow really shouldn't be the trope's name.
    • So There You Go
    • The - with specific instructions to link to The page every time you use The word "The" on The wiki.
    • Full Stop
    • Well Then
    • I Love You
    • This Is Awesome
    • Overstatement
    • I Know Already!
    • What a Shame
    • The Best
    • The Worst
    • But Why?
    • Think again!
    • Brutal Subversion


    • Seen It Exactly Zero Times
    • Did The Research At The Last Minute
      • Forced Someone To Do The Research For Him
    • Will Never Be Remade
    • Secretly Nonfictional
    • Index Of All Indices That Do Not Contain Themselves (think about it)
      • That's not Unknowable so much as Impossible.
        • Well, it's possible to make, just not to be complete. But how many pages on a wiki can be said to be complete?
    • Tropes That Pass In The Night
    • Tropes in Ultraviolet

    Articles That Will Never Self-Demonstrate

    Tropes That Will Never Be On Echo Chamber

    1. particles that is, as most other stuff is made of multiple particles.
    2. Actually, there are steps in between. You click "start", and then "shut down" - you click "start" to do a lot of things. You can also use ALT+F4, the shutdown command, etc.
    3. No it doesn't.
    4. Also known as: Needs More Hate
    5. I meant History
    6. Let's assume that any article about self-demonstrating articles does self-demonstrate. Therefore Self-Demonstrating Article is a self-demonstrating article, proving the assumption true. Now, let's assume that any such article doesn't self demonstrate. Therefore Self-Demonstrating Article is not self-demonstrating, and the assumption is again true.
    7. Boxer shorts notwithstanding
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.