That Troper (Darth Wiki)
Describe That Troper here.
Oh, you know him. Don't lie, you've always known him. He's been around long before you were ever here. He uses Red Links to trope titles that he just made up on the spot. He Kicks Dogs, doesn't pot hole correctly, Pimps his own articles and Complains About Shows You Like. He Takes It To The Forums, YKTTW Bashes, uses Spoiler Tags when he really doesn't need to. and needlessly over emphasizes things FULL STOP, he shoves in inane details about himself, he repeats examples. He lurks the wiki, seeking to make your very life miserable. Nobody knows his real name, he can't be narrowed down to a single person, it's likely that he himself doesn't know of his crimes against wikis. Some say he's nobody, some say he's everybody, but we can all agree, he's That Troper. He also overuses spoiler tags, and repeats examples.
See the article, How Not to Write An Example for more information
Nothing like The Other Troper.
I heard that...
- He adds examples at the Top of the list.
- he hangs out at Darth Wiki, always complaining about something or other.
- he posts a lot of Red Links, that cannot be good for the Server.
- he constantly uses Take Thats on the pages of Shows He Hates.
- he links to the Take That page when making (perceived) snarky comments.
- ...or links to the Deadpan Snarker page when being sarcastic.
- ...or links to the Incredibly Lame Pun page when making a... well, you can probably guess.
- Most of his puns Suck Ass too.
- he links to the Insanity Trolling Logic page in reaction to something he thinks is stupid.
- he's always there to delete your edits two minutes after you make them.
- he'll sometimes delete your perfectly valid edits for no given reason other than to be a troll
- he'll also edit your additions to make you sound stupid and then completely own "your" point
- he'll sometimes delete your perfectly valid edits for no given reason other than to be a troll
- he mentions fanfiction that sounds absolutely awesome, but doesn't provide a title or link.
- Not to mention webcomics - there was a hilarious pisstake of that on Pennykcd once. It won awards. You should go check it out.
- he has been using way more Dakka than his share.
- he doesn't have a favorite Magnificent Bastard.
- he adds his new example at the top because he thinks it's better than yours
- he moves around others' examples just because he thinks they look better that way!
- he burnt our crops, hacked our internets, and he called me a doodiehead!
- he uses <<Incorrect Formatting>> and launches That Thing You Know Where's prematurely for tropes we already have.
- he makes plural initialism redirects out of things like NPCS, RPGS, VAS, and RTSS.
- he completely misses the point of the article.
- he natters on about personal anecdotes outside of Troper Tales.
- Like the time That Troper Complained About Shows He Really Didnt Like, and got the page removed?
- Yeah, Just Like That.
- Oh, Cool.
- When he does use Troper Tales, he uses it to brag about his abilities and boosts his ego.
- Like the time That Troper Complained About Shows He Really Didnt Like, and got the page removed?
- he reverts his edits, when seeing they've been removed.
- he deletes Perfectly Valid Examples from tropes because he happens to like the show they come from.
- he writes articles, then constantly goes back to them, changing around others peoples edits to better fit his image of the page.
- he is LEGION.
- he wrote this very article.
- he PLANNED this very article.
- This Troper IS That Troper.
- That troper appears to be this troper that's that troper.
- This troper's That Troper is this troper who thinks he's that troper.
- This troper's that troper is this troper who acts like this troper is that troper who is this troper whose that troper is That Guy!
- He never learns anything from what he watches, and thinks they're heavyhanded when they're Highly Informative.
- Alternate Theory: That Troper is everyone's Grandpa!
- He puts huge sections of text under spoiler tags. Like, ridiculously huge sections of text. Like the entire example, even. Even -- especially -- if the entry is only partly a spoiler, or could be rephrased in such a fashion so that it would no longer be a spoiler, or that the spoiler could be adequately covered without covering a massive chunk of text with spoiler code. Even if the example is from an example that everyone knows the 'spoiler' to anyway, or an example to an entry that announces that it's going to be full of spoilers from the start. And sometimes he'll unspoil certain unnecessary words at random to really break the flow of the text. Fair enough That Troper's trying to avoid spoilers, but the way he does it usually ends up being self-defeating because people have to find out what the spoiler is anyway if they want to see how the example's at all relevant to the page.
- Or alternatively, he blithely spoils plot developments without care for who has seen them or hasn't, like the fact that everyone in "The Mousetrap" is actually a vampire.
- That Troper turned me into a newt!!
- A newt?
- He got better.
- A newt?
- He's in league with The Adbot.
- he made us lose The Games.
- Then claims that he won them shortly after.
- He is the demons.
- "That Troper" is "goblin" spelt backwards.
- ThE MasTer wouLd noT apProvE of ThAt TroPeR.
- The Master actually might.
- Especially since they are both Clock Masters
- The Master actually might.
- eh edtis the wiki and dosen't afraid of anything.
- he uses memes inappropriately and gratuitously, especially in trope titles.
- That Troper. I Am Disappoint.
- His disapproval rating is over nine THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!
- And his balls are inert!
- He lives in SPARTAAAAAAAA!
- He does all this... with the help of KYOJIIIIII!!!!!!
- he's the real author of My Immortal.
- I Knew That Abomination was written by a troper.
- He constantly inserts his politics and opinions into the examples. Occasionally even striking the description.
- He's never seen Citizen Cain, but he knows that It Were His Sled, and he tells you this just before you pop in the DVD.
- X Trope is Older Than He Thinks, while Y Trope is Newer Than He Thinks.
- She- er, I mean, he- constantly refers to himself as This Troper outside of The Troper Tales!
- Even though Troper Tales Were Banned!
- He makes edits that makes you wonder if he's ever seen the show in question.
- They write snarky examples in Troper Tales to prove how cool and edgy they are without realizing that kind of behavior in real life makes them an Ass Hole.
- He drops Atomic F-bombs all the fucking time.
- He always goes full retard.
- He taunts Happy Fun Ball on a regular basis.
- Instead of useing italics for works, he uses bold or Nothing At All.
- He over uses those lines at the bottom.
- This entry is checked out until 06:66 Pacific Standard Time by That Troper.
- The pictures he uses completely miss the point and make you cry if you stare at them!
- He gets offended when you make an error, like saying that Elizabeth I was born in 1926, and then writes long reasons why that is wrong instead of editing it.
- What are your sources? She absolutely WAS NOT BORN in 1926. That is Queen Elizabeth II. How can a perfectly intelligent person not know that?
- Sometimes, he's too lazy to even try to Pot Hole, and instead links to the trope page itself!
- He often forgets how to Pie Hole entirely, so instead he clumsily tries to include the trope name in the sentence itself, because What A Moron.
- He is pissed that This Troper gets a working Red Linked Page, and HE DOESN'T! What Gives?
- He has no idea How To Make A Cool YKTTW.
- He keeps using that word, which nobody thinks means what he thinks it means.
- And personally coined the word 'egregious'.
- He puts rude Edit Reasons and gets himself banned.
- Sometimes, that troper will even insult the other tropers for their mistakes.
- He ruined the only known Completely Blue Entry.
- He doesn't understand that sometimes some of these things can be justified, and gets rid of all of these.
- He sees that he made a Useless Link and doesn't try to go back and fix it.
- He's a man.
- He's also The Man
- He's a Straw Man.
- He kills people with forklifts.
- He uses his own fanon theories and alternate character interpretations when adding examples to a trope.
- Comes up with ridiculously obscure alternate names taken from shows he doesn't like for tropes he deems negative, so he can call said show the Trope Namer.
- Sometimes when he's feeling particularly Genre Smart, while he's Complaining About A Show He Doesnt Like (or a fandom, or a character in the show, or what have you), he'll be sure to add Your Mileage Could Vary just so he can get away with putting his negative opinions as a bullet point to every trope example and act like a large number of people share his opinion, whether they actually do or not.
- And now with the YMCV tabs in place on a lot of pages, he's able to hi-jack the whole Your Mileage Could Vary page with his opinion and go unchallenged. He'd do this more often if he wasn't too lazy to use the YMCV tabs most of the time.
- He also uses the recent site crackdown on subjective tropes being on the main page as an excuse to delete anything subjective on a page that he disagrees with, leaving the subjective tropes he does agree with, and never bothering to create a YMCV page for what he deletes.
- He cannot resist adding inane bullets to spout his own opinion, full of Phrase Cruft and Blatant Passive Aggressiveness.
- To Be Fair, sometimes they're Really Rather Clever.
- Do You Really Believe that anything That One Troper says is clever? Your Mileage Could Vary, of course. I mean, I'm not actually suggesting That One Troper is a raging idiot, just saying A Lot Of People feel that way.
- To Be Fair, sometimes they're Really Rather Clever.
- He doesen't know what's notable or not, and potholes Star War links as "this movie."
- He never misses an opportunity to mention his brilliant web comic, Moose Shreds, the Zany Antics of its Loveable Cast, or its use of Deep Philosophical Symoblism, and removes is from So Bad Its Vile whenever People Who Just Dont Get It add it there.
- He modifies pages so that their grammatical syntax is lost, and does not explain why the changes are necessary.
- He makes snide comments in the 'edit reason' box that are less about explaining why he felt the change was necessary and more about smugly asserting that he's so much cleverer than the person who made the original edit.
- He lies about things he's done In the Troper Tales section, and expects other people to be impressed.
- That is, when he actually uses Troper Tales and doesn't just say it on the main page.
- He writes personal opinions in the examples page and tries to get away with it by preceding it with "Most fans agree..."
- He quotes the Nostalgia Criticizer as a bullet point to every single trope example of a work reviewed by him.
- Then he writes a review on a work within hours of it being reviewed by the Nostalgic Criticizer, basically saying the exact same thing Nostalgic Criticizer said because he's never actually seen the work in question before.
- He was greatly saddened upon finding out he couldn't use the strike-through markup to strike through things instead of editing or deleting them on the main wiki anymore.
- He doesn't realize he was the main reason they were disabled, because he always used them to be snarky.
- Some are beginning to suspect that he may in fact be an Omnicidal Eldritch Abomination who is using this wiki as his tool to turn all of us into the wetware energy particles he needs to fuel his multi-versal Apocalypse Rod.
- He links to pages that read only "Click The Edit Button To Start This New Article".
- He thinks anything "funny" is a meme and posts it in Memetic Mutation
- He complains about your favorite show by making harsh generalizations that you know to be false or greatly exaggerated.
- That Troper censors out entries he doesn't like on It Just Bugs Me Okay, YMMV, and Untamed Mass Guessing pages, and because That Troper knows better than anyone what should go on a subjective page, That Troper does so without giving a reason. Certainly That Troper is under no obligation to edit said entry for better relevance and accuracy, or to move a trope from the main article to the appropriate page.
- He inserts the obligatory semi-related Buffy That Vampire Slayer and Avatar That Last Airbender reference, because heaven knows they're not mentioned on enough pages in this wiki.
- ...right after he goes to every work on the Wild Mass Conjectures page and states that "(Character X) is a Time Lord."
- ...and he jaywalks.
- He chews gum with his mouth open.
- H3 r4nd0m1y ins3r75 num63r5 wh3r3 13773r5 5h0u1d 63
- He calls people chuweros, despite clearly not having Ch Word Privileges.
- He claims how his favourite show is so good that it Kill The Genre until his another favourite show revive it.
- He is thoroughly convinced that all fan fiction is canon. And he'll throw a fit if canon starts to contradict his favorite fan fictions.
- That Troper inserts spoiler tags in what might be otherwise oblique references only understood by familiar viewers, in order to really paste red flags over the phrases and names to look out for. After Example Pimping enough variations into the broadest range of articles, any reader will get more clues that the show would've revealed.
- That Troper has 6 fingers on his left hand.
- That Troper likes to label anyone remotely smartass a Deadpan Snacker, no matter how remote that character's description is from either half of the trope name they've just typed out.
- That troper thinks that any plan that a bad guy makes is a Zanatos Gambit.
- That Troper loves explaining every joke, thus completely Screwing Up the punchline.
- He is Why We Arent Able To Have Have Nice Things.
- He only watches anime and plays Japanese games, unsubtitled, of course. He finds Japanese culture so much more appealing than his own. And he thinks everybody else should too.
- He litters pages with Too Much Japanese and thinks every page should have a Japanese title referencing something from an anime or manga he likes, no matter how obscure.
He doesn't bullet correctly.
- He insists on capitalizing every pronoun, making an example of Himself for some reason He or She or They cannot figure the hell out because there is no reason for Him to do so and It is really annoying when You are just trying to read the wiki.
- sometimes he doesnt capitalize anything at all or even bother to use punctuation
- Or He Capitalizes Every Word As If It's Just A Really Long Title And When He Gets Called Out On It Says "You're Trampling On My Freedom Of Expression!!!" (Yeah, Well, You're Trampling On My Eyes)
- He never resists inserting the notorious meme The Candle Jack Man, and always leaves his sentences hanging like thi because he finds long dead memes hilarious.
- He can't think for himself so he always quotes Too Much Punctuation, MST 40 K, and Riff Roll in whatever he's talking about so people will find his edits witty.
- He needlessly shoehorns the current page he's Pimping The Entries for onto every article that could possibly have anything to do with it, almost as if he's playing the "Six Degrees Of Separation Between Anyone And Kevin Bacon" game, just with whatever he's obsessed with in place of Kevin Bacon. And of course he's under the belief that if he's obsessed with something, everybody else is too.
- He lists Everything As A Subversion because his favorite show couldn't possibly play something straight. Or possibly because Subversions Are Just Cooler.
- And his favorite shows never simply avert a trope. They avert them HARD.
- He writes the same thing under both Movie and Western Cartoons.
- He HyperlinkPotHoles in Understatements everywhere, even when the phrase isn't actually an understatement.
- He uses Double Quotes to italicize "words" that might not "even" need emphasis in "the" first place.
- He thinks even the least remotely sexy things in the world are High Unleaded Fetish Fuel, and will share his fantasies with everyone.
- That Troper. Just... That Troper.
- He lists YMMV as a trope in work pages, or concludes every example with "but of course, Your Mileage May Differ".
- As usual, your mileage may vary.
- He thinks his favorite shows are God's gift to humanity and are a cure for cancer, and deserve to be shoehorned onto every page in the wiki. He thinks your favorite shows are the worst shows ever to appear on television and you're a horrible person for liking them.
- At every opportunity imaginable, That Troper complains about everything, which he doesn't like.
- He adds Take That Redirects to articles of series or tropes he doesn't like.
- He spends all day finding trope examples for his favorite shows in order to make them look creative and Overdosed On Tropes, even when those tropes don't apply to that show at all.
- He wants Troper Tales back.
- He Might Be Autistic.
- He tries to sneak in Real Life examples in articles that explicitly say Do Not Add Real Life Examples, or tries to add them in Troper Tales (which is probably why he wants it back).
- Many articles are in the Forever A Red Link Club because of him.
- He Ruined Those Pages on purpose.
- That Troper!
- He potholes the title of the series in his examples instead of visually naming it.
- He potheads to Strange Uncommon Euphemism whenever he writes a common euphemism.
- =--->He can't quote properly. What a dickhead.
- -- That Troper
- He created That Troper.
- he adds things to Negative Implications Of Apparent Racism Sexism Or Other Such Things that don't actually imply anything
- He Always Posts Absurdly Long Links That Dont Lead Anywhere Because Theyre All Red Links And That Really Screws Up The Server Seriously Whats His Deal Huh?
- He constantly launches new trope pages without posting them first on You Know That Thing What and then defines the trope to appeal to his own personal preference because he thinks that since he's the one creating the trope that he can make the page about his own biased opinions.
- He thinks that scene in Pa Ruto where the lights turned On And Off Repeatedly is Nightstallion Fuel.
- He thinks that every character he likes is an Ensemble Black Horse.
- He thinks every character he doesn't like is The Scrappy Guy.
- He thinks any story element that remotely resembles something done in another work must be a Yell Out.
- He capitalizes a trope's title Wr Ong Bec Ause he's too Laz Y to use Bra Ckets for One Word Trop Es.
- Recently, That Troper said things like In A Recent Episode without telling you when he made the edit. Maybe he's a Time Duke?
- He potholes to Straw Republican or Straw Troper or whatever when he's talking about people/characters he doesn't like, even though they weren't meant to be Straw Men at all.
- That Troper, If You Know What This Troper Means
- He thinks that Disney made every Western Animated cartoon, and that all cartoons are for kids, except, that is, for his more mature and thus superior anime.
- Dont Forget he also believes anime are not cartoons.
- She wants Alice to Die For Her Ship.
- She believes Strong Womyns Dont Wear Skirts, because she is a Stupid Feminist.
- She thinks any interaction between cute male characters is Homo Yay. She never takes her Shipping Googles off.
- He uses every trope possible just to natter against Communism.
- He adds cut pages to The Eternally Redlinked Pages Page for no reason but to gravedance.
- He he has to make sure everyone reading the main page of his favorite work knows that it's Humorous In Hindsight that a voice actor in the Swahili dub later voiced a very similar character in the Swahili dub of some other work. And he finds this either just as or much more important than say, the original English voices.
- He adds his favorite fetish webcomics to every single trope page like it's a classic work everyone can enjoy and is definitely NOT Masturbation Fuel.
- He thinks he's the boss.
- He will always, ALWAYS, shoehorn an example from My Miniature Equid Social Bonds Are Supernatural. He also has a Pony Icon.
- He thinks a Black Character with any flaws is Negative Discrimination.
- And he's racist against African-Americans.
- He thinks it's Getting Sex Past The Radar when Bob Says X Hehehe.
- He thought it was His First Kiss when he Drank Off A Bottle a woman used before.
- He enjoys Moo Over June unironically.
- He likes to list works or creators as tropes.
- He vandalizes every articljfdalsnkazwsexdrcftvgybuhjk.;'ajfkl;a
- He Links To Articles Within The Articles
- He constantly uses Troper Verbal Tics. And that's Terrible.
- Please Elaborate.
Standard Flame Retardant rules apply. Do not name any names, insinuate with the insinuators, or add to the article unless it would contribute in a constructive fashion. Especially you, Adrian.
Or you are, in fact, That Troper or the Adrian in question, in which case, the wiki apologizes for your misfortune.