Self-Demonstrating Article
You DON'T say?
Any Trope belongs in this index if the description is written as though the description itself is an example. For instance, Blind Idiot Translation is written as if it is translated by a blind idiot.
Related Indexes:
- Circular Definition
- Describe Topic Here
- Example as a Thesis
- Index of Exact Trope Titles
- This Trope Name References Itself
- Book Ends
- Absent-Minded.... What did I forget again? I knew there was something....
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle
- Accentuate the Negative is a terrible article and those who like it have no taste in quality content.
- Alliteration
- I can't be on this page. It's Against My Religion.
- All Lowercase Letters
- All Blue Entry
- All Blue Entry
- All Red Entry
- All Red Entry
- And these other colored links with all entry in their color:
- All Brown Entry
- All Black Entry
- All Cyan Entry
- All Gold Entry
- All Gray Entry
- All Green Entry
- All Indigo Entry
- All Magenta Entry
- All Navy Entry
- All Pink Entry
- All Purple Entry
- All Silver Entry
- All Teal Entry
- All White Entry
- All Yellow Entry
- All Your Colors Combined of course
- All the Tropes? More Like All the Quotes!
- Amanda McKittrick Ros
- Ancient Keeper
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Apologises a Lot (sorry for being self-demonstrating).
- Applied Mathematics = This
- Archy and Mehitabel
- Armchair Psychology is obviously too intimidating for you to click on, because you have a fear of failure
- Asian Speekee Engrish
- Attack of the the Eye Creatures
- Auction
- Authors of Quote
- Egregious Author Vocabulary Calendar
- Front To Back
- The Backwards Я
- Bad Liar has no link on this page. I swear.
- The Beast of Yucca Flats
- Beige Prose. It's simple and plain. That's what it is.
- Better Than It Sounds - The folder names.
- Big Brother Is Employing You
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Bizarro Universe isn't on this page.
- Blackout is a word association game show hosted by Bob Goen and created by Jay Wolpert.
- Blackout Basement
- This does not link you to Blatant Lies.
- Bl**p Dammit
- Decoy Movement Simple[1]
- Bigger Is Better
- Bold Inflation
- Brainiac
- Hey, you with the computer! Stop just browsing this index and click on Breaking the Fourth Wall!
- Broken Record Broken Record Broken Record Broken Record Broken Record
- Brooklyn Rage!!!
- Buffy-Speak
- But He Sounds Handsome-This isn't the actual page, but I heard that the actual page is really great. Probably the best page ever.
- The list above this line is a great value! But Wait! There's More!
- Caligula's Horse
- CamelCase
- Canada, Eh?
- Candle Jack
- Canis Latinicus
- Captain Obvious - This links to the Captain Obvious trope.
- cat planet!
- Character Pages
- Hello I'm Adam West.
- Come one, come all and see the walking Dead Man.
- This is MY page! The Merc with a Mouth, the Regenerating Degenerate, The Crimson Comedian, the one and only Deadpool!
- Doom's page. Be thankful that he shares it with you.
- HehehehaHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Joker will make ya smile!
- Either CEO Luthor or President Luthor will do, thank you.
- Visit the page of Loki, Midgardian.
- Will you puny Homo Sapiens visit the page for the master of magnetism, Magneto?
- The Main Man Lobo's page
- Read my page and join the Sinestro Corps. We will bring order to the universe.
- I, Thanos of Titan, your executioner.
- The AI of Aperture SCIENCE Enrichment Center, GLaDOS.
- Chekhov's Pun
- Circular Redirect: go here instead!
- Class Clow- ROBERT! Stop throwing paper planes!
- Close on Title
- Fuck the Fucking Cluster Fucking Bomb
- Colon Cancer: The Article: The Link
- Compliment Fishing
- This has never not been a link to anywhere except Confusing Multiple Negatives
- Sorry, you didn't win the big prize, but here's our Consolation Prize.
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Copyright©
- We wish we could talk about Could Say It, But..., but...
- Counting to Three - I'll give you to three to click that link. One...
- One and a half...
- "cough" Cough-Snark-Cough "cough"
- Crazy Survivalist
- Cue Card Pause
- Dada is egg
- Dateline
- Dead Line News
- "Dear John" Letter
- This is the Department of Redundancy Department trope. Click on it to access the Department of Redundancy Department trope. To click on the Department of Redundancy Department trope ...
- Describe Describe Topic Here here.
- Derailed for Details
- Dialogue Tree
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research, arse.
- Did You Actually Believe? there would be no link here?
- Dinosaur Comics
- Disorganized Outline Speech is four. Now G or possibly B is....
- The Dissimile page is kinda like a dog that talks, only it's not a dog, doesn't talk, and is actually a trope.
- Distracted by My Own Sexy
- Doctor Who: The Gunfighters/At the Last Chance Saloon
- Rassilon Who 20th AS The Five Rassilons
- Do not go to this cool Trope!
- Don't Explain the Joke. (Get it? This link takes you to Don't Explain the Joke.)
- Double Post
- Double Post
- Dramatic Ellipsis
- / (You can't get to that page from there. You can from Dummied Out, though.)
- Ear Trumpet: ("Huh?! WHAT!?) EAR TRUMPET!!!
- Easter Egg
- This link is Egregious.
- Either or Title, or: A Title by Any Other Name
- The Elmuh Fudd Syndwome page is a gweat exampo, as wehw.
- Emphasize Everything Everything
- Example As a Thesis
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
- Nothing to see here.
- The End
- Eversion
- Evil Makeover
- Evil Twin
- Excited Show Title!!
- Fahrenheit 451
- Fang Thpeak
- <trope>Faux HTML Tags</trope>
- Filk Song
- Finnegans Wake
- Fire Is Red
- First-Person Smartass
- Footnote Fever[2]
- Forced Tutorial
- For Inconvenience Press One
- Framing Device
- Freudian Slit... er, Slip.
- Freudian Slippery, Slope.
- From the Latin "Intro Ducere"
- Funetik Aksent
- Fun with Subtitles
- Gadsby
- Glad You Thought of It
- Gradius
- Gratuitous Vreemde Lingua
- Altum Videtur
- Español Gratuito
- Français gratuit
- Italiano Gratuito
- Gratuitous English, what ho!
- Russkiy Yazyk Bez Povoda (Русский язык без повода)
- Unentgeltiches Deutsch
- Gratuitous Iambic Pentameter - This trope may be found in the link at left.
- Gray Tropes
- Groundhog Day Loop
- Heavy Metal Umlaut
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?
- Heh Heh, You Said "X"
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue
- Hey, maybe you should go into the Hiimdaisy article. Hmm...
- Hint Dropping
- Hollywood Apocrypha
- > Begin reading excessively verbose document regarding Homestuck.
- Hostile Show Take (see Brawl In The Family)
- How Do I Used Tense. Oh that'll was right! I am use tense like this!
- Hurricane of Excuses
- Is Husky Russkie, da?
- H Of Leaves
- Laconic Hulk Speak page self-demonstrating, too!
- If on a winter's night a traveler
- Ikaruga
- Image Links Wiki's own Image Links Wiki
- Index Decay
- Index Index
- Inheritd Iliteracy Titel
- In Soviet Russia, Link Clicks You!
- Internet Cold Reader
- Interrupted by the End
- Interrupting MeWROOOONNNGGG!!! {see Superman Returns}
- In Which a Trope Is Described
- Irreversible
- Is This Thing Still On? is a self demonstrating trope.
- boy this is a lot of tropes...
- It's All About Me
- Its Pronounced Tropay
- I've Got an X and I'm Not Afraid to Use It
- This is not I Was Never Here, and there was never an entry made to link to it.
- Japanese Ranguage
- Jeff... um... er... Goldblum... yeah...
- Jews Love to Argue
- No, we don't!
- Just a Face and a Caption
- Just a Minute. I'll get back to you.
- Just for Pun
- Haha, very punny.
- Yo, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Kanye West is the best Self-Demonstrating Article of All Time!
- Kazuhiko Inoue
- Killed Mid Sent-- GAKKK!!
- Krazy Kat
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall
- Legends of the Hidden Temple
- Let Me Get This Straight... There's a page about this?
- Let's Duet
- Letters 2 Numbers
- Like a Broken Rec—Like a Broken Rec—Like a Broken Rec—
- Like Is, Like, a Comma
- Lingo. L-I-N-G-O.
- Loads...(buffering)...and Loads...(buffering)...of...(buffering)...Loading
- A Title That Has a Rather Large Length at About Two Standard Deviations Above the Average Title Length
- Lost In Tran
- Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra....
- Mark Does Stuff
- Mark Reads Harry Potter
- You'll Find Self-Demonstration of the Modern Major-General Song...
- Malaproper
- Mordin's portion of Mass Effect 2 character sheet. Idiosyncratic speech patterns. Tough to describe, takes too long! [sharp inhale] Demonstration faster. Enjoy.
- Metaphorgotten is an article which explains why how the process of explaining metaphors can be derailed like an unwitting pedestrian failing to take the one true path through one of those hedge-maze things which are always home to a variety of small but surprisingly vicious wildlife which you have to set poison and traps on a regular basis; case in point, that horrific accident Bob had last Thursday when he was distracted while using the lawnmower - just goes to show that steel-capped boots are a vital necessity in the gardening profession, if they're not already provided by your employer as part of some sort of a uniform like the one they give you at Alice's gardening centre which is getting far too hot to be worn in daylight hours at this time of year.
- Michael McConnohie
- Microtransactions
- Mind Control Conspiracy
- Mission Control Is Off Its Meds
- The Fakepicture
- Motor Mouth is a page on this wiki butI'mnotsureyou'dknowbecauseThisTroperistalkingsofastthatit'sstartingtogethardtounderstandwhatthey'resaying butitdoesn'treallymatter becausewhyintheworlddidIwriteThisTroperanywaythat'scompletelybadforminthewikiifI'mnotonaTroperTalespagewhichI'mcertainly notsowhyintheworlddidIwritelikethatohdoesitreally matteranywayno'OF COURSE'''''it'''''doesn't!...(GASP...Deep breath...)
- The Mousetrap
- Museum of the Strange and Unusual
- Whoah, New Age Retro Hippie, man!
- Nicky the Nickmaster
- N Bud et
- No Indoor Voice
- No Fame, No Wealth, No Service
- Look above
- No One Sees the Boss
- Would you like to see Non-Interactivity?
- NO!
- You would? Then let's Go, Go, Go!
- NO!
- [[wikipedia:Grelling�80�Nelson paradox|Non-Self-Demonstrating Article]]
- Non-Promotion
- No Punctuation Period
- Normality - part of the natural population.
- Note to Self: Edit more articles on All The Tropes.
- Nothing Is Scarier
- Now Do It Again Backwards drawkcaB niagA tI oD woN
- Obsessed Are the Listmakers
- Olympus Mons want to fight!
- Ominous Save Prompt
- Only Revolutions
- Orwellian Editor does not exist. There was never an Orwellian editor. Such a trope could not exist, ever.
- Opium Den
- Yad Etisoppo
- Our lawyers advised us to mention that Our Lawyers Advised This Trope.
- Overly Long Gag
- Out of Order
- Overly Long Gag
- Overly Long Gag
- Overly Long Gag
- Overly Long Gag
- Overly Long Name is a trope that lists examples of overly long names from all types of media on the Television Tropes and Idioms website.
- Overused Running Gag
- Pardon My Klingon, petaQ
- This link to [CENSORED] is classified Security Clearance VIOLET.
- Patter Song
- Pictures for Sad Children
- Peace and Love Incorporated
- Ig-pay Atin-lay
- Please Subscribe to Our Channel
- Plot Bunny
- Pluralses
- Pokémon-Speak: All The Tropes, trope All The The rope All The All ope. Trope All. The, trope!
- P-p-porky P-p-p-p-ig Pron-n-n Pronun-nun-un Pron-n-n Talking
- Precision Fucking Strike
- Present Day: Right now, the moment you read examples of this trope, the examples are happening as we speak.
- "Previously On..." All The Tropes: An article about "Previously On..."
- This Product Placement link is brought to you by All The Tropes!
- Prompt Fic
- Protection From Editors: Go ahead, try to change the description. We'll wait.
- Pungeon Master
- Purple Prose!
- Pygmy
- Rage Against the Author, you bastards!
- Are you happy now?
- Are you happy now?
- Rainbow Speak is k to be o of these t.
- Rapid-Fir- Rapid Fire Interrupting
- Rambling Old Man Monologue
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud. New bullet.
- Realistic Diction is, err, sounds fake
- Recursion
- Red Alert -- This Is Not a Drill!
- The R G Show
- Recycled in Space
- Referential Mania
- Don't click on Reverse Psychology.
- Rhymes on a Dime
- Rhyming List. So it doesn't work here. Don't get pissed. hey! a
- Ridi ... I'll do it later
- Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They Roar
- Rouge Angles of Satin
- Rule of Three
- Rule of Three
- Rule of Three
- Running Gag (Overly Long Gag; please report to the Department of Redundancy Department.)
- Said Bookism extrapolated All The Tropes eagerly
- Sarcasm Mode
- Saw
- The Schizophrenia Conspiracy
- Do Not Click
- SCP Foundation
- The Scottish Trope: Don't say the name!
- Screamer Trailer
- Sdrawkcab Name
- Sean Connery
- Second Person Narration
- Are you sure?
- Self-Demonstrating Article
- Die Sendung mit der Maus
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness is a multifaceted and indubitably verbose entry concerning an infamous phenomenon well-documented among editors and fictional characters alike.
- Shaft
- Shameless Self Promoter
- Shaped Like Itself is a page about tropes that resemble how they're described
- Shoo the Dog, go on, Shoo!
- A Fascinating Margin
- Hello, this is Sir Ron Lionheart and welcome to my page! Haha! FANTASTIC!
- Smurfing
- Sssssnaketalk
- Snark Bait, hoo hah hah!
- So Good We Mentioned It Twice
- So Good We Mentioned It Twice
- Song Fic
- *RING!*Sound *HONK!* Effect *DING!* Bleep *CHOP!*
- Strange of Speaker Syntax
- Speech Bubbles
- S-S-S-Speech Impediment
- Spelling Song
- Spell My Name with a Blank
- The Spell My Name with a "The"
- Spoiler
- Stages of Monster Grief
- Star Scraper
- The Stinger
- Stop Poking Me. I mean it! STOP IT!
- Strangers on a Train Plot Murder
- Sublime Rhyme
- Subliminal Seduction
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion
- Move along; there's no link here. '
- Surfer Dude
- Streisand Effect: Don't click here! Don't look at this picture! Stop! No! Don't do it.
- There is no Suspiciously Specific Denial link here. It does not exist in any which way, so you can't even try to look for it.
- hear i a (page) FOR the halarious cortoon stripper Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
- $ymbol $we@ring
- Arr, Talk Like a Pirate, maties!
- Talks Like a Simile
- Talk to the Fist *punch*
- Telegraph Gag STOP
- Telepathy
- Temporal Paradox, a page that was created before All The Tropes even existed by people who haven't even been born yet, and who wouldn't have been born if their grandfathers hadn't been killed.
- Terse. Talker.
- > Parse Text
- Textless Album Cover (besides the link, of course)
- The Alcatraz
- Theme Tune Rap, yo!
- There Is No Rule Six (Take a look at the "Radio" subsection)
- Time Bomb, exploding in 10...9...8...
- Time Travel Tense Trouble is listed here.
- Tiny Tropes
- All The Tropes Title Drop
- Osiyo, Tipis and Totem Poles, mitakuye oyasin
- That Troper
- There are Three Certainties in Life: Death, Taxes, and Self-Demonstrating Articles.
- I shouldn't be telling you this, but These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!
- This Is My Story
- This! Is! All The Tropes!
- This Trope Name References Itself
- Those Two Bad Guys
- The Toblerone! Ha Ha!
- Thread Mode/Self Demonstrating.
- Top Ten List
- Tradesnark™©
- Traduction Idiot Aveugle (French version of Blind Idiot Translation: It's an autotranslated version of the page)
- Wreck of the train of the transfer
- Translation: "Yes"
- This is not a link to The Treachery of Images.
- Trigger Phrase
- Trope Co
- Trope Name
- Trope Name Injokes
- Trrrilling Rrrs
- Truman Show Plot
- Tsundere
- Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
- Two Worlds
- Tyop on the Cover
- Unstuck in Time
- Unusual Smegging
- Click here to upgrade the Upgrade Complete trope page
- heh... Vader huuuh... heh... Breath HRRR...
- Like, Valley Girl, y'know? As if!
- Vampire Vords
- Van (guitar solo) Halen
- Vanity Plate I2 5U AWSM
- Verbal Tic
- Viewers Are ... what's that word, on the tip of my tongue? Begins with a ... Now what letter was it? Swims in fish bowls ... What were we talking about, again?
- Visual Pun
- Voice of the Resistance
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma (The examples, are Self Demonstrating, not the description).
- W is...erm, we mean Water Is Blue.
- Wario Ware (ENTER!)
- Weasel Words
- We Didn't Start the Billy Joel Parodies, They Were Always Burnin' Since the World's Been Turnin'
- Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis!
- What is What Did I Do Last Night? doing here?
- What the Heck Is An Aglet? So that's what that trope's called!
- Wikipedia|syntaxer
- W is... uh... Green
- World of Ham
- Would Be Rude to Say Genocide: Urges extreme caution on Real Life examples.
- A sultry dame walks in and says "So you want to write a Film Noir." I could tell she'd be trouble.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
- You Can't Get Ye Flask
- This index may be obsolete! You Can Panic Now!
- You!
- You No Take Candle
- Zalgo, Ḩ͘e͘ ͢c̢҉o̵͘̕m͞ȩ͘̕s!̧
- You are on your way to Zero Wing
- Zork
- Book Ends
- These Uncyclopedia articles. Lampshaded by the title of the category.
- Not included on the list is the site's article about anti-humor which demonstrates itself by delivering a straight-forward article on the subject of anti-humor (for Uncyclopedia, this is anti-humor in and of itself.)
- Look mindfully at an illustration of this topic from our sort-of rival wiki. (Sadly, following a drawn-out discussion and conflict of contributors, its particular lipogrammatic quality is now lost in favor of "clarity").
- The first paragraphs of this Transformers Wiki article.
- The entire articles on G1 Wheelie, who Rhymes on a Dime (The article is also written like a poem), Canada (eh?), the Void[3] and Animated Thundercracker, who has a big ego, but not the article on Animated Ramjet
- This Fanfic Rant about blind synonym usage.
- Also, The Department of Redundancy Department.
- Also, The Department of Redundancy Department.
- This video about the conventions of British television news stories.
- This video about the conventions of (American) film trailers that expect to win awards.
- In The Science Of Discworld, the chapter on the human brain describes it as self-referential, then leads the reader to consider how they are experiencing the reading of The Science of Discworld.
- This article about the conventions of newspaper articles that report scientific papers.
- On the Kingdom of Loathing wiki, the page for the Haiku Katana item is written entirely in haiku.
- This article[4] from The Economist about The Other Wiki.[5]
- The other Wiki's article on Interventions is evidently in need of one.
- The BBC's guide to scripting a Radio Drama.
Last Words
Oh no, here we go again..
- ↑ Blind Idiot Translation
- ↑ An article that uses footnotes.
- ↑ A nod to this comic page.
- ↑ Unreliable Source?
- ↑ Unreliable Source?
This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.