List of Indonesian ambassadors

This is a list of current ambassadors from Indonesia.

Current Indonesian ambassadors

Host country Ambassador Confirmed Website List Ref.
 Afghanistan Arief Rachman 13 March 2017 Kabul [1]
 Albania[2] Sri Astari Rasjid 13 Januari 2016 Sofia [3]
 Algeria Safira Machrusah 13 Januari 2016 Algiers [4]
 Andorra[5] Arrmanatha Christiawan Nasir 7 Januari 2019 Paris [6]
 Angola[7] Eddy Basuki 25 Februari 2016 Windhoek [8]
 Antigua and Barbuda[9] Priyo Iswanto 13 Maret 2017 Bogota [10]
 Argentina[11] Niniek Kun Naryatie 20 Februari 2018 Buenos Aires [12]
 Armenia[13] Yuddy Chrisnandi 13 Maret 2017 Kyiv [14]
 Australia[15] Yohanes Kristiarto Soeryo Legowo 13 Maret 2017 Canberra List [16]
 Austria[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina [18]
 Azerbaijan Baku
 Bahamas[19] Alfred Tanduk Palembangan 25 Februari 2016 Havana [20]
 Bahrain Nur Syahrir Rahardjo 13 Maret 2017 Manama List [21]
 Bangladesh Rina Soemarno 18 Mei 2017 Dhaka [22]
 Belarus[23] Moscow
 Belgium[24] Yuri Octavian Thamrin 13 Januari 2016 Brussels [25]
 Belize[26] Cheppy Triprakoso Wartono 7 Januari 2019 Mexico City [27]
 Benin[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Bhutan[30] Sidharto Reza Suryodipuro 18 Mei 2017 New Delhi [31]
 Bolivia[32] Marina Estella Anwar Bey 20 Februari 2018 Lima [33]
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Amelia Achmad Yani 13 Januari 2016 Sarajevo
 Botswana[34] Salman Al Farisi 2 Mei 2018 Pretoria [35]
 Brazil Edy Yusup 7 Januari 2019 Brasilia [36]
 Brunei Sudjatmiko 20 Februari 2018 Bandar Seri Begawan [37]
 Bulgaria[2] Sri Astari Rasjid 13 Januari 2016 Sofia [3]
 Burkina Faso[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Burundi[38] Ratlan Pardede 18 Mei 2017 Dar Es Salaam [39]
 Cambodia Sudirman Haseng 20 Februari 2018 Phnom Penh [40]
 Cameroon[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Canada[41] Abdul Kadir Jaelani 7 Januari 2019 Ottawa [42]
 Cape Verde[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Chile Muhammad Anshor 7 Januari 2019 Santiago [45]
 China[46] Djauhari Oratmangun 20 Februari 2018 Beijing [47]
 Colombia[9] Priyo Iswanto 13 Maret 2017 Bogota [10]
 Comoros[38] Ratlan Pardede 18 Mei 2017 Dar Es Salaam [39]
 Democratic Republic of the Congo[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 Republic of Congo[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Costa Rica[50] Budhy Santoso 23 Desember 2015 Panama [51]
 Croatia Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam 13 Maret 2017 Zagreb [52]
 Cuba[19] Alfred Tanduk Palembangan 25 Februari 2016 Havana [20]
 Cyprus[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome [54]
 Czech Republic Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih 13 Februari 2019 Praha [55]
 Denmark[56] Muhammad Ibnu Said 25 Februari 2016 Copenhagen [57]
 Djibouti[58] Al Busyra Basnur 7 Januari 2019 Addis Ababa [59]
 Dominica[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Dominican Republic[19] Alfred Tanduk Palembangan 25 Februari 2016 Havana [20]
 Ecuador Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono 13 Januari 2016 Quito [62]
 Egypt Helmy Fauzy 25 Februari 2016 Cairo List [63]
 El Salvador[26] Cheppy Triprakoso Wartono 7 Januari 2019 Mexico City [27]
 Eritrea[64] Rossalis Rusman Adenan 20 Februari 2018 Khartoum [65]
 Estonia[66] Wiwiek Setyawati Firman 13 Januari 2016 Helsinki [67]
 Ethiopia[58] Al Busyra Basnur 7 Januari 2019 Addis Ababa [59]
 Fiji[68] Benyamin Scott Carnadi 20 Februari 2018 Suva [69]
 Finland[66] Wiwiek Setyawati Firman 13 Januari 2016 Helsinki [67]
 France[5] Arrmanatha Christiawan Nasir 7 Januari 2019 Paris [6]
 Gabon[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Gambia[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Georgia[13] Yuddy Chrisnandi 13 Maret 2017 Kyiv [14]
 Germany Arief Havas Oegroseno 20 Februari 2018 Berlin [70]
 Ghana[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Greece Ferry Adamhar 18 Mei 2017 Athens [71]
 Grenada[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Guatemala[26] Cheppy Triprakoso Wartono 7 Januari 2019 Mexico City [27]
 Guinea[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Guinea-Bissau[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Guyana[72] Julang Pujianto 7 Januari 2019 Paramaribo [73]
 Haiti[19] Alfred Tanduk Palembangan 25 Februari 2016 Havana [20]
 Honduras[50] Budhy Santoso 23 Desember 2015 Panama [51]
 Hungary Abdurachman Hudiono Dimas Wahab 7 Januari 2019 Budapest [74]
 Iceland[75] Todung Mulya Lubis 20 Februari 2018 Oslo [76]
 India[30] Sidharto Reza Suryodipuro 18 Mei 2017 New Delhi [31]
 Iran[77] Octavian Alimudin 13 Januari 2016 Tehran [78]
 Iraq Bambang Antarikso 25 Februari 2016 Baghdad [79]
 Ireland[80] Rizal Sukma 23 Desember 2015 London [81]
 Italy[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome [54]
 Ivory Coast[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Jamaica[19] Alfred Tanduk Palembangan 25 Februari 2016 Havana [20]
 Japan[82] Vacant since 23 October 2019[83]
Tri Purnajaya, Chargé d'Affaires a.i.[84]
Tokyo [85]
 Jordan[86] Andy Rachmianto 13 Maret 2017 Amman [87]
 Kazakhstan[88] Rahmat Pramono 13 Maret 2017 Astana [89]
 Kenya[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 Kiribati[68] Benyamin Scott Carnadi 20 Februari 2018 Suva [69]
 Kuwait Tri Tharyat 7 Januari 2019 Kuwait City [90]
 Kyrgyzstan[91] Sunaryo Kartadinata 7 Januari 2019 Tashkent [92]
 Laos Pratito Soeharyo 20 Februari 2018 Vientiane [93]
 Latvia[94] Stockholm
 Lebanon Hajriyanto Y. Thohari 7 Januari 2019 Beirut [95]
 Lesotho[34] Salman Al Farisi 2 Mei 2018 Pretoria [35]
 Liberia[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Libya Tripoli
 Liechtenstein[96] Muliaman Dharmansyah Hadad 20 Februari 2018 Bern [97]
 Lithuania[56] Muhammad Ibnu Said 25 Februari 2016 Copenhagen [57]
 Luxembourg[24] Yuri Octavian Thamrin 13 Januari 2016 Brussels [25]
Macedonia[2] Sri Astari Rasjid 13 Januari 2016 Sofia [3]
 Malawi[98] Tito Dos Santos Baptista 13 Januari 2016 Maputo [99]
 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
 Maldives[100] I Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa 13 Maret 2017 Colombo [101]
 Mali[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Malta[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome [54]
 Marshall Islands[102] Sinyo Harry Sarundajang 20 Februari 2018 Manila [103]
 Mauritania[104] Hasrul Azwar 13 Februari 2019 Rabat [105]
 Mauritius[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 Mexico[26] Cheppy Triprakoso Wartono 7 Januari 2019 Mexico City [27]
 Micronesia[82] Vacant since 23 October 2019[83]
Tri Purnajaya, Chargé d'Affaires a.i.[84]
Tokyo [85]
 Moldova[106] M. Amhar Azeth 20 Februari 2018 Bucharest [107]
 Monaco[5] Arrmanatha Christiawan Nasir 7 Januari 2019 Paris [6]
 Mongolia[46] Djauhari Oratmangun 20 Februari 2018 Beijing [47]
 Montenegro[108] Mochammad Chandra Widya Yudha 13 Februari 2019 Belgrade [109]
 Morocco[104] Hasrul Azwar 13 Februari 2019 Rabat [105]
 Mozambique[98] Tito Dos Santos Baptista 13 Januari 2016 Maputo [99]
 Myanmar Iza Fadri 20 Februari 2018 Yangon [110]
 Namibia[7] Eddy Basuki 25 Februari 2016 Windhoek [8]
 Nauru[68] Benyamin Scott Carnadi 20 Februari 2018 Suva [69]
 Netherlands I Gusti Agung Wesakapuja 23 Desember 2015 Den Haag [111]
 New Zealand[112] Tantowi Yahya 13 Maret 2017 Wellington [113]
 Nicaragua[50] Budhy Santoso 23 Desember 2015 Panama [51]
 Niger[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Nigeria[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 North Korea Berlian Napitupulu 13 Februari 2019 Pyongyang [114]
 Norway[75] Todung Mulya Lubis 20 Februari 2018 Oslo [76]
 Oman Musthofa Taufik Abdul Latif 23 Desember 2015 Muscat [115]
 Pakistan Iwan Suyudhie Amri 13 Januari 2016 Islamabad [116]
 Palau[102] Sinyo Harry Sarundajang 20 Februari 2018 Manila [103]
 Palestine[86] Andy Rachmianto 13 Maret 2017 Amman [87]
 Panama[50] Budhy Santoso 23 Desember 2015 Panama [51]
 Papua New Guinea[117] Andriana Supandy 13 Februari 2019 Port Moresby [118]
 Paraguay[11] Niniek Kun Naryatie 20 Februari 2018 Buenos Aires [12]
 Peru[32] Marina Estella Anwar Bey 20 Februari 2018 Lima [33]
 Philippines[102] Sinyo Harry Sarundajang 20 Februari 2018 Manila [103]
 Poland Siti Nugraha Mauludiah 7 Januari 2019 Warsaw [119]
 Portugal Ibnu Wiwoho Wahyutomo 20 Februari 2018 Lisbon [120]
 Qatar Muhammad Basri Sidehabi 23 Desember 2015 Doha [121]
 Romania[106] M. Amhar Azeth 20 Februari 2018 Bucharest [107]
 Russia[23] Moscow
 Rwanda[38] Ratlan Pardede 18 Mei 2017 Dar Es Salaam [39]
 Saint Kitts and Nevis[9] Priyo Iswanto 13 Maret 2017 Bogota [10]
 Saint Lucia[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Samoa[112] Tantowi Yahya 13 Maret 2017 Wellington [113]
 San Marino[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome [54]
 Sao Tome and Principe[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Saudi Arabia[122] Agus Maftuh Abegebriel 13 Januari 2016 Riyadh [123]
 Senegal[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Serbia[108] Mochammad Chandra Widya Yudha 13 Februari 2019 Belgrade [109]
 Seychelles[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 Sierra Leone[43] Mansyur Pangeran 23 Desember 2015 Dakar [44]
 Singapore I Gede Ngurah Swajaya 23 Desember 2015 Singapore [124]
 Slovakia Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady 18 Mei 2017 Bratislava [125]
 Slovenia[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina [18]
 Solomon Islands[117] Andriana Supandy 13 Februari 2019 Port Moresby [118]
 Somalia[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 South Africa[34] Salman Al Farisi 2 Mei 2018 Pretoria [35]
 South Korea Umar Hadi 13 Maret 2017 Seoul [126]
 Spain Hermono 20 Februari 2018 Madrid [127]
 Sri Lanka[100] I Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa 13 Maret 2017 Colombo [101]
 Sudan[64] Rossalis Rusman Adenan 20 Februari 2018 Khartoum [65]
 Suriname[72] Julang Pujianto 7 Januari 2019 Paramaribo [73]
 Swaziland[34] Salman Al Farisi 2 Mei 2018 Pretoria [35]
 Sweden[94] Stockholm
  Switzerland[96] Muliaman Dharmansyah Hadad 20 Februari 2018 Bern [97]
 Syria Wajid Fauzi 7 Januari 2019 Damascus [128]
 Taiwan Didi Sumedi 27 Agustus 2018 Taipei[129] [130]
 Tajikistan[88] Rahmat Pramono 13 Maret 2017 Astana [89]
 Tanzania[38] Ratlan Pardede 18 Mei 2017 Dar Es Salaam [39]
 Thailand[131] Ahmad Rusdi 25 Februari 2016 Bangkok [132]
 Timor Leste Sahat Sitorus 13 Maret 2017 Dili [133]
 Togo[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja [29]
 Tonga[112] Tantowi Yahya 13 Maret 2017 Wellington [113]
 Trinidad and Tobago[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Tunisia Ikrar Nusa Bhakti 13 Maret 2017 Tunis [134]
 Turkey Lalu Muhammad Iqbal 7 Januari 2019 Ankara [135]
 Turkmenistan[77] Octavian Alimudin 13 Januari 2016 Tehran [78]
 Tuvalu[68] Benyamin Scott Carnadi 20 Februari 2018 Suva [69]
 Uganda[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi [49]
 Ukraine[13] Yuddy Chrisnandi 13 Maret 2017 Kyiv [14]
 United Arab Emirates Husin Bagis 25 Februari 2016 Abu Dhabi [136]
 United Kingdom[80] Rizal Sukma 23 Desember 2015 London List [81]
 United States of America Vacant since 25 October 2019[137]
Iwan Freddy Hari Susanto, Chargé d'Affaires[138]
October 2019 Washington, D.C. [139]
 Uruguay[11] Niniek Kun Naryatie 20 Februari 2018 Buenos Aires [12]
 Uzbekistan[91] Sunaryo Kartadinata 7 Januari 2019 Tashkent [92]
 Vanuatu[15] Yohanes Kristiarto Soeryo Legowo 13 Maret 2017 Canberra [16]
  Vatican Antonius Agus Sriyono 13 Januari 2016 Vatican [140]
 Venezuela[60] Mochammad Luthfie Witto'eng 25 Februari 2016 Caracas [61]
 Vietnam Ibnu Hadi 23 Desember 2015 Hanoi [141]
 Yemen Sana'a
 Zambia[142] Dewa Made Juniarta Satrawan 7 Januari 2019 Harare [143]
 Zimbabwe[142] Dewa Made Juniarta Satrawan 7 Januari 2019 Harare [143]

Ambassadors to international organizations

Current ambassadors from Indonesia to international organizations:

Host organization Ambassador Confirmed Website Host country List Ref.
African Union[58] Al Busyra Basnur 7 Januari 2019 Addis Ababa  Ethiopia [59]
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Ade Padmo Sarwoni 20 Februari 2018 Jakarta [144]
Caribbean Community[72] Julang Pujianto 7 Januari 2019 Paramaribo  Suriname [73]
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
Economic Community of West African States[28] Usra Hendra Harahap 21 Maret 2019 Abuja  Nigeria [29]
European Union[24] Yuri Octavian Thamrin 13 Januari 2016 Brussels  Belgium [25]
Food and Agriculture Organization[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome  Italy [54]
International Atomic Energy Agency[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
International Civil Aviation Organization[41] Abdul Kadir Jaelani 7 Januari 2019 Ottawa  Canada [42]
International Fund for Agricultural Development[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome  Italy [54]
International Maritime Organization[80] Rizal Sukma 23 Desember 2015 London  United Kingdom [81]
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome  Italy [54]
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation[122] Agus Maftuh Abegebriel 13 Januari 2016 Riyadh  Saudi Arabia [123]
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
OPEC Fund for International Development[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
United Nations Dian Triansyah Djani 23 Desember 2015 New York City List [145]
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific[131] Ahmad Rusdi 25 Februari 2016 Bangkok  Thailand [132]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization[5] Arrmanatha Christiawan Nasir 7 Januari 2019 Paris  France [6]
United Nations Environment Programme[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi  Kenya [49]
United Nations Human Settlements Programme[48] Soehardjono Sastromihardjo 25 Februari 2016 Nairobi  Kenya [49]
United Nations Industrial Development Organization[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
United Nations Office at Geneva[146] Hasan Kleib 13 Maret 2017 Geneva
United Nations Office at Vienna[17] Darmansyah Djumala 13 Maret 2017 Wina  Austria [18]
World Food Program[53] Esti Andayani 13 Maret 2017 Rome  Italy [54]
World Trade Organization[146] Hasan Kleib 13 Maret 2017 Geneva

Notes and references

  1. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  2. One ambassador, resident in Sofia, is accredited to Albania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia.
  3. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  4. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  5. One ambassador, resident in Paris, is accredited to Andorra, France, and Monaco, and UNESCO.
  6. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  7. One ambassador, resident in Windhoek, is accredited to Angola and Namibia.
  8. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  9. One ambassador, resident in Bogota, is accredited to Antigua and Barbados, Colombia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  10. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  11. One ambassador, resident in Buenos Aires, is accredited to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
  12. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  13. One ambassador, resident in Kiev, is accredited to Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine.
  14. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  15. One ambassador, resident in Canberra, is accredited to Australia and Vanuatu.
  16. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  17. One ambassador, resident in Wina, is accredited to Austria and Slovenia, and CTBTO, IAEA, OPEC, OFID, UNIDO, and UNOV.
  18. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  19. One ambassador, resident in Havana, is accredited to the Bahamas, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica.
  20. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  21. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  22. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  23. One ambassador, resident in Moscow, is accredited to Belarus and Russia.
  24. One ambassador, resident in Brussels, is accredited to Belgia and Luxembourg, and EU.
  25. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  26. One ambassador, resident in Mexico City, is accredited to Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico.
  27. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  28. One ambassador, resident in Abuja, is accredited to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, and Togo.
  29. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  30. One ambassador, resident in New Delhi, is accredited to Bhutan and India.
  31. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  32. One ambassador, resident in Lima, is accredited to Bolivia and Peru.
  33. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  34. One ambassador, resident in London, is accredited to Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, and Swaziland.
  35. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  36. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  37. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  38. One ambassador, resident in Dar Es Salaam, is accredited to Burundi, Comoros, Rwanda, and Tanzania.
  39. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  40. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  41. One ambassador, resident in Ottawa, is accredited to Canada and ICAO.
  42. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  43. One ambassador, resident in Dakar, is accredited to Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Malie, Ivory Coast, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.
  44. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  45. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  46. One ambassador, resident in Beijing, is accredited to China and Mongolia.
  47. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  48. One ambassador, resident in Nairobi, is accredited to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mauritius, Seychelles, Somalia, and Uganda, and UNEP and UN-HABITAT.
  49. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  50. One ambassador, resident in Panama, is accredited to Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
  51. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  52. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  53. One ambassador, resident in Rome, is accredited to Cyprus, Italy, Malta, and San Marino, and FAO, IFAD, UNIDROIT, and WFP.
  54. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  55. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  56. One ambassador, resident in Copenhagen, is accredited to Denmark and Lithuania.
  57. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  58. One ambassador, resident in Addis Ababa, is accredited to Djibouti and Ethiopia, and the African Union.
  59. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  60. One ambassador, resident in Caracas, is accredited to Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago.
  61. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  62. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  63. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  64. One ambassador, resident in Khartoum, is accredited to Eritrea and Sudan.
  65. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  66. One ambassador, resident in Helsinki, is accredited to Estonia and Finland.
  67. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  68. One ambassador, resident in Suva, is accredited to Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu.
  69. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  70. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  71. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  72. One ambassador, resident in Paramaribo, is accredited to Guyana and Suriname, and CARICOM.
  73. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  74. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  75. One ambassador, resident in Oslo, is accredited to Iceland and Norway.
  76. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  77. One ambassador, resident in Tehran, is accredited to the Iran and Turkmenistan.
  78. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  79. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  80. One ambassador, resident in London, is accredited to Ireland and the United Kingdom, and IMO.
  81. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  82. One ambassador, resident in Tokyo, is accredited to Japan and Micronesia.
  83. Akhdi Martin Pratama (2019-10-23). "Ditunjuk Jadi Menteri ESDM, Bagaimana Kiprah Arifin Tasrif?" [Appointed as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, How is Arifin Tasrif's Past Experience?]. Kompas (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2019-10-23.
  84. @KBRITokyo (2019-10-24). "Dengan diangkatnya Duta Besar Arifin Tasrif sebagai Menteri Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral RI pada 23/Okt maka Bapak Tri Purnajaya menjadi Kuasa Usaha ad interim KBRI Tokyo hingga tibanya Duta Besar baru RI untuk Jepang" [With the appointment of Ambassador Arifin Tasrif as Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia on 23 / Oct, Mr. Tri Purnajaya became the ad interim Chargé d'Affaires of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo until the arrival of the new Indonesian Ambassador to Japan.] (Tweet) (in Indonesian) via Twitter.
  85. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  86. One ambassador, resident in Amman, is accredited to Jordan and Palestine.
  87. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  88. One ambassador, resident in Astana, is accredited to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
  89. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  90. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  91. One ambassador, resident in Tashkent, is accredited to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
  92. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  93. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  94. One ambassador, resident in Stockholm, is accredited to Latvia and Sweden.
  95. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  96. One ambassador, resident in Zurich, is accredited to Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
  97. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  98. One ambassador, resident in Maputo, is accredited to Malawi and Mozambique.
  99. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  100. One ambassador, resident in Colombo, is accredited to Maldives and Srilanka.
  101. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  102. One ambassador, resident in Manila, is accredited to the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Philippines.
  103. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  104. One ambassador, resident in Rabat, is accredited to Mauritania and Morocco.
  105. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  106. One ambassador, resident in Bucharest, is accredited to Moldova and Romania.
  107. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  108. One ambassador, resident in Beograd, is accredited to Montenegro and Serbia.
  109. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  110. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  111. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  112. One ambassador, resident in Wellington, is accredited to New Zealand, Tonga, and West Samoa.
  113. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  114. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  115. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  116. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  117. One ambassador, resident in Port Moresby, is accredited to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
  118. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  119. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  120. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  121. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  122. One ambassador, resident in Riyadh, is accredited to Saudi Arabia and the OIC.
  123. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  124. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  125. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  126. "Ambassador Umar Hadi". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  127. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  128. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  129. Named the Indonesian Office of Trade and Economy (or Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia (KDEI))
  130. "Organizational Structure of KDEI in 2019". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  131. One ambassador, resident in Bangkok, is accredited to Thailand and UNESCAP.
  132. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  133. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  134. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  135. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  136. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  137. Ahmad Faiz Ibnu Sani (2019-10-25). "Jokowi Tunjuk Mahendra Siregar Menjadi Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri" [Jokowi Appoints Mahendra Siregar as Deputy Foreign Minister] (in Indonesian). Tempo. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  138. @KBRIWashDC (2019-10-31). "Charge d'Affairs Iwan F.H. Susanto attended the #ASEAN Committee in Washington (ACW) meeting hosted by Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam in Washington D.C., Thursday, (31/10)" (Tweet) via Twitter.
  139. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  140. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  141. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  142. One ambassador, resident in Harare, is accredited to Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  143. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  144. "Ambassador Ade Padmo Sarwoni". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  145. "Official and Staff". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  146. One ambassador, resident in Geneva, is accredited to the UN and WTO.
gollark: Anyone want a CB chrono xenowyrm in five hours?
gollark: I'm all for not having so many commons, but it's probably much more effective to just breed them into the Ap.
gollark: I've somehow been managing to consistently miss each 5min egg drop by about 30 seconds for the past half-hour.
gollark: Just put it in more hatcheries.
gollark: Ah.
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