Index of underwater diving

The following index is provided as an overview of and topical guide to underwater diving:

Surface-supplied divers riding a stage to the underwater workplace
See the Glossary of underwater diving terminology for definitions of technical terms, jargon, diver slang and acronyms used in underwater diving
See the Outline of underwater diving for a hierararchical listing of underwater diving related articles
See the Index of underwater divers for an alphabetical listing of articles about underwater divers
See the Index of recreational dive sites for an alphabetical listing of articles about places which are recreational dive sites

Underwater diving can be described as all of the following:

  • A human activity intentional, purposive, conscious and subjectively meaningful sequence of actions. Underwater diving is practiced as part of an occupation, or for recreation, where the practitioner submerges below the surface of the water or other liquid for a period which may range between seconds to order of a day at a time, either exposed to the ambient pressure or isolated by a pressure resistant suit, to interact with the underwater environment for pleasure, competitive sport, or as a means to reach a work site for profit or in the pursuit of knowledge, and may use no equipment at all, or a wide range of equipment which may include breathing apparatus, environmental protective clothing, aids to vision, communication, propulsion, maneuverability, buoyancy and safety equipment, and tools for the task at hand.

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  • Canadian Armed Forces Divers  Underwater divers employed by any of the Canadian armed forces
  • Canoe and kayak diving  Recreational diving from a canoe or kayak
  • Carbon dioxide retention  A tendency to retain abnormally high tissue carbon dioxide levels
  • Carbon dioxide scrubber  Device which absorbs carbon dioxide from circulated gas
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning  Toxic effects of carbon monoxide
  • Carleton CDBA  Military rebreather by Cobham plc
  • Cascade filling system  Filling pressurised gas from a series of storage cylinders
  • Cave Divers Association of Australia (CDAA)  Association to represent cave divers and administrate and support cave diving in Australia
  • Cave diving  Underwater diving in water-filled caves
  • Cave Diving Group (CDG)  UK based cave diver training and certification agency
  • Cenote  A natural pit, or sinkhole, that exposes groundwater underneath
  • HMS Challenger K07  Royal Navy saturation diving support vessel
  • Chamber operator  A person who operates a diving chamber
  • Charles's law  Relationship between volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure
  • Checklist  An aide-memoire to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task
  • Christ of the Abyss  A submerged bronze statue of Jesus Christ in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Circulatory system  Organ system for circulating blood in animals
  • Cis-Lunar  Manufacturer of electronically controlled closed-circuit rebreathers for scuba diving
  • Civil liability in recreational diving  Legal duty of care, negligence and liability in recreational diving
  • Clarke, John R.  American scientist and underwater breathing apparatus authority
  • Clearance diver  Navy diver specialist with explosives
  • Clearance Divers Life Support Equipment (CDLSE)  British military electronically controlled closed circuit rebreather
  • Clearance Diving Branch (RAN)  Diving unit of the Royal Australian Navy
  • CMAS* scuba diver  Entry level recreational diving certification from CMAS
  • CMAS Europe  Non-profit branch of the world underwater federation representing European affiliates
  • CMAS Scientific Committee  International organisation for underwater activities in sport and science, and recreational diver training and certification
  • Code of practice  A set of written rules which specifies how people working in a particular occupation should behave
  • Cold shock response  Physiological response to sudden exposure to cold
  • Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori Teseo Tesei  Italian special forces diving unit
  • Combat Rubber Raiding Craft  Rubberised fabric tactical inflatable boat used by the US Navy
  • Combat sidestroke  Variation of side-stroke swimming used by United States Navy SEALs
  • Combined gas law  Combination of Charles', Boyle's and Gay-Lussac's gas laws
  • Comhairle Fo-Thuinn (CFT)  governing body for recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland
  • Commandos Marine  Special operations forces of the French Navy
  • Commercial diver training  Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely for industrial applications
  • Commercial diving  Professional diving on industrial projects
  • Commercial offshore diving  Professional diving in support of the oil and gas industry
  • Competitive apnea  Competitive breathhold diving
  • Compression arthralgia  Joint pain caused by fast compression to high ambient pressure
  • Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS)  International organisation for underwater activities in sport and science, and recreational diver training and certification
  • Constant weight apnea  Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming with the use of fins
  • Constant weight without fins  Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming without the use of fins
  • Controlled buoyant lift  A technique used by scuba divers to raise an incapacitated diver to the surface
  • Controlled emergency swimming ascent  A technique used by scuba divers to return to the surface in an out-of-gas emergency in shallow water
  • Cosmos CE2F series  Italian swimmer delivery vehicles
  • Counterlung  Variable volume component in a rebreather to take up and release gas during a breathing cycle
  • Cryogenic rebreather  Rebreather that removes CO2 by freezing it out using heat exchange with liquid oxygen
  • CUMA  Canadian military diving rebreather
  • Current (stream)  Flow of water in a river due to gravity


  • Dalton's law  Gas law describing pressure contributions of component gases in a mixture
  • The Darkness Beckons  A history of UK cave diving by Martyn Farr
  • Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus  Early submarine escape oxygen rebreather also used for shallow water diving.
  • Dead space (physiology)  The volume of inhaled air that does not take part in the gas exchange
  • Decima Flottiglia MAS  Italian naval commando frogman unit of the Fascist era
  • Decompression buoy  Inflatable surface marker buoy deployed from underwater
  • Decompression (diving)  The reduction of ambient pressure on underwater divers after hyperbaric exposure and the elimination of dissolved gases from the diver's tissues
  • Decompression equipment  Equipment used by divers to facilitate decompression
  • Decompression illness  Disorders arising from ambient pressure reduction
  • Decompression practice  Techniques and procedures for safe decompression of divers
  • Decompression sickness  Disorder caused by dissolved gases in the tissues forming bubbles during reduction of the surrounding pressure
  • Decompression theory  Theoretical modelling of decompression physiology
  • Decompression trapeze  Horizontal bars suspended at decompression stop depths
  • DeepC  Autonomous underwater vehicle powered by a fuel cell
  • Deep diving  Underwater diving to a depth beyond the norm accepted by the associated community
  • Diamond Reef System  System for training divers in buoyancy, trim and maneuvering skills
  • DEPTHX  Autonomous underwater vehicle for exploring sinkholes in Mexico
  • Diffusion  Net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of high concentration (or high chemical potential) to a region of low concentration (or low chemical potential)
  • Distance line/dive reel/guide line  Line deployed by scuba divers for navigation
  • Dive boat  Boat used for the support of scuba diving operations
  • Dive computer, also known as Decompression computer  Instrument to record dive profile and calculate decompression obligations in real time
  • Dive guide
  • Dive leader  International minimum standard for a person professionally leading a group of certified recreational divers
  • Dive light  Light used underwater by a diver
  • Dive log  Record of diving history of an underwater diver
  • Divemaster  Recreational dive leader certification and role
  • Dive planning  The process of planning an underwater diving operation
  • Dive team  A group of people working together to enhance dive safety and achieve a task
  • Diver certification  Certification as competent to dive to a specified standard
  • Diver communications  Methods used by underwater divers to communicate
  • Diver down flag  Flag signal indicating divers are in the water nearby
  • Diver navigation  Underwater navigation by scuba divers
  • Diver propulsion vehicle (DPV|Diver propulsion vehicle]] (DPV]]
  • Diver rescue  Rescue of a distressed or incapacitated diver
  • Diver training  Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely underwater
  • Diver trim  Balance and orientation skills of an underwater diver
  • Divers Alert Network (DAN)  International group of not-for-profit organizations for improving diving safety
  • Diver's attendant  The member of a dive team who assists the diver at the surface and tends the diver's umbilical or lifeline
  • Divers Institute of Technology  A private, commercial educational institution for the training of commercial divers
  • Diver's pump  Manually powered surface air supply for divers
  • Diver's umbilical  A hose and cable bundle which supplies breathing gas, communications and other services to a diver
  • Diving air compressor, also known as Diving compressor  Machine used to compress breathing air for use by underwater divers
  • Diving bell  Chamber for transporting divers vertically through the water
  • Diving chamber  Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations
  • Diving cylinder  High pressure compressed gas cylinder used to store and supply breathing gas for diving
  • Diving Diseases Research Centre (DDRC)  British hyperbaric medical organisation
  • Diving disorders  Physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
  • Diving equipment  Equipment used to facilitate underwater diving
  • Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA)  International trade association for the recreational diving equipment industry
  • Diving hazards  The agents and situations that pose a threat to the underwater diver
  • Diving helmet  Rigid head enclosure with breathing gas supply worn for underwater diving
  • Diving instructor  Person who trains and assesses underwater divers
  • Diving mask  Watertight air-filled face cover with view-ports for improving underwater vision
  • Diving Medical Advisory Council (DMAC)  Independent organisation of diving medical specialists from Northern Europe
  • Diving medical examiner  A medical practitioner registered to assess medical fitness to dive
  • Diving medical practitioner  A medical practitioner registered to assess medical fitness to dive, manage diving accidents, plan safety for professional diving operations, provide advanced life support, acute trauma care and general wound care.
  • Diving medical technician  a member of a dive team who is trained in advanced first aid and fit to provide treatment in a hyperbaric chamber in an emergency
  • Diving medicine  Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders caused by underwater diving
  • Diving physics  Aspects of physics which affect the underwater diver
  • Diving reflex  The physiological responses to immersion of air-breathing vertebrates
  • Diving regulator  Mechanism that controls the pressure of a breathing gas supply for diving
  • Diving safety  Safety of underwater diving activities
  • Diving Science and Technology (DSAT)  PADI affiliate and developer of recreational decompression planning tools
  • Diving shot, also known as Shot line  Substantial weighted near-vertical line with buoy
  • Diving stage  A platform on which one or two divers stand which transports them vertically through the water
  • Diving suit  Garment or device designed to protect a diver from the underwater environment
  • Diving supervisor  Professional diving team leader responsible for safety
  • Diving support vessel  A ship used as a floating base for professional diving projects
  • Diving systems technician  A competent person who maintains and repairs diving life-support equipment
  • Diving weight  Ballast carried by a diver to counteract buoyancy or adjust trim
  • Diving weighting system  Ballast carried by underwater divers to counteract buoyancy
  • Doing It Right (scuba diving) (DIR)  Technical diving safety philosophy
  • Dräger Dolphin  Semi-closed circuit recreational diving rebreather
  • Dräger Ray  Semi-closed circuit recreational diving rebreather designed to use standard nitrox breathing gas mixtures
  • Drift diving  Scuba diving where the diver is intentionally transported by the water flow
  • Drill Master diving accident  Fatal diving bell accident off Norway in 1974
  • Drowning  Respiratory impairment resulting from being in or under a liquid
  • Dry suit  Watertight clothing that seals the wearer from cold and hazardous liquids
  • Duty of care  A legal obligation to provide a standard of reasonable care when performing an activity that could foreseeably harm others
  • Dynamic apnea  Freediving disciplines where the breath-hold diver swims horizontally under water with or without fins
  • Dysbaric osteonecrosis  Ischemic bone disease caused by decompression bubbles
  • Dysbarism  Medical conditions resulting from changes of ambient pressure.




  • Gas blending  Producing special gas mixtures to specification
  • Gas blending for scuba diving  Mixing and filling cylinders with breathing gases for use when scuba diving
  • Gas exchange  The process by which gases diffuse through a biological membrane
  • Gay-Lussac's law  Relationship between pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume.
  • Global Underwater Explorers (GUE)  Recreational/technical scuba training and certification agency
  • Goldfinder  Autobiography of British diver and treasure hunter Keith Jessop
  • Gradient factor in decompression modelling  A way for users to adjust the conservatism of a decompression algorithm in software
  • Green Fins  Organisation in South East Asia for preservation of coral reefs by improving diver behavior
  • GRUMEC, also known as Brazilian commando frogmen  Brazilian Navy special forces diving unit
  • Gyrojet  Firearm that fires small rocket projectiles




  • Job safety analysis (JSA)  Procedure to integrate safety practices into a particular task
  • Johnson Sea Link accident  Manned submersible incident in which two divers died
  • Jonline  A short line used by scuba divers to clip themselves to something



  • Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit  Early closed circuit oxygen diving rebreather
  • Lambertsen, Christian J.  American environmental and diving medicine specialist and developer of an early rebreather
  • LAR-5 represented by Drägerwerk German manufacturer of breathing equipment
  • LAR-6 represented by Drägerwerk German manufacturer of breathing equipment
  • LAR-V represented by Drägerwerk German manufacturer of breathing equipment
  • Laryngospasm  Involuntary contraction of the vocal folds restricting inhalation
  • The Last Dive  Non-fiction book by Bernie Chowdhury about a double wreck diving fatality
  • Latent hypoxia  Tissue oxygen concentration which is sufficient to support consciousness at depth, but not at surface pressure
  • Life support technician  A member of a saturation diving team who operates the surface habitat
  • Lifting bag  Airtight bag used for underwater buoyant lifting when filled with air
  • Limpet mine  A type of naval mine which is attached to a target by magnets
  • Line marker  Marker used on cave guide lines to provide safety information to divers
  • Lipid  A substance of biological origin that is soluble in nonpolar
  • List of diver certification organizations  Agencies which issue certification for competence in diving skills
  • List of diving environments by type  The variety of environments that people may dive in
  • List of diving hazards and precautions  List of the hazards to which an underwater diver may be exposed, their possible consequences and the common ways to manage the associated risk
  • List of legislation regulating underwater diving  List of national and state legislation regulating underwater diving
  • List of military diving units  A list of links to articles on notable military diving units
  • List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders  The signs and symptoms of physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
  • List of United States Navy SEALs  Notable current and former members of the United States Navy SEALs and Underwater Demolition Teams
  • Liveaboard  Way of using a boat
  • Lockout–tagout (LOTO)  A safety procedure to isolate dangerous equipment and render it inoperative during maintenance or repair work
  • Longshore current  A current parallel to the shoreline caused by waves approaching at an angle to the shoreline
  • Low impact diving  Scuba diving that has minimal environmental effect


  • Marine Commandos  Special operations group of the Lebanese Navy
  • Master diver (United States Navy)  Senior diver rating in US Navy
  • Master Instructor  A certificate given in recognition of a minimum level of experience in training divers after certification as a Diving Instructor, issued by PADI and SSI
  • Master Scuba Diver  The highest non-leadership recreational scuba diver certification issued by some agencies
  • Maximum operating depth  Depth of seawater at which a specified breathing gas mixture will have a limiting maximum oxygen partial pressure
  • Maya AUV India  Autonomous underwater vehicle from National Institute of Oceanography, India
  • Media diving  Underwater diving in support of the media industries
  • Medical fitness to dive  The medical fitness of a person to function safely underwater under pressure
  • Membrane gas separation  Technology for splitting specific gases out of mixtures
  • Metabolism  The set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of organisms
  • Metre sea water  Unit of pressure equal to one tenth of a bar
  • Military diving  Underwater diving in a military context by members of an armed force
  • Minedykkerkommandoen  Norwegian Navy clearance diver unit
  • Minentaucher  Mine clearance divers of the German Navy
  • Mitchell, Simon  New Zealand physician and author on diving medicine
  • Mk 1 Underwater Defense Gun  Underwater firearm developed by the United States during the Cold War
  • Molecular diffusion  The thermal motion of liquid or gas particles at temperatures above absolute zero
  • Momsen, Charles  American pioneer in submarine rescue for the United States Navy
  • Monofin  Single blade swimfin attached to both feet
  • Moon pool  An opening in the base of a hull, platform, or chamber giving access to the water below
  • Motorised Submersible Canoe  WWII British frogman delivery vehicle
  • Muck diving  Recreational diving on a loose sedimentary bottom



  • Occupational diving, also known as Professional diving  Underwater diving where divers are paid for their work
  • Occupational safety and health, also known as Occupational health and safety  Field concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people at work
  • Ocean current  Directional mass flow of oceanic water generated by external or internal forces
  • Open Water Diver  An entry-level autonomous diver certification for recreational scuba diving
  • Open-water diving  Diving in unrestricted water when the diver has unrestricted vertical access to the surface
  • Operation Algeciras  Argentine plan to sabotage a British warship in Gibraltar
  • Operation Thunderhead  American amphibious mission during the civil war
  • Operations manual  Authoritative document of how things should be done in an organisation
  • Oxygen compatibility  Use of equipment and materials that are suitable for service with a high partial pressure of oxygen
  • Oxygen therapy  Use of oxygen as a medical treatment
  • Oxygen toxicity  Toxic effects of breathing in oxygen at high concentrations
  • Oxygen window in diving decompression  Physiological effect of oxygen metabolism on the total dissolved gas concentration in venous blood


  • Partial pressure  Pressure attributed to a component gas in a mixture
  • PASKAL  Special operations force of the Royal Malaysian Navy
  • Patent foramen ovale  A congenital heart defect in which blood can flow through an opening between the atrial chambers of the heart
  • Pearl hunting  Collecting pearls from wild molluscs
  • Penetration diving  Diving under a physical barrier to a direct vertical ascent to the surface
  • Performance Freediving International (PI)  Freediver training agency
  • Perfusion  Passage of fluid through the circulatory or lymphatic system to an organ or tissue
  • Permeation  The penetration of a liquid, gas, or vapor through a solid
  • Permit To Work
  • Petrel HUG  A Chinese hybrid underwater glider
  • Physiological response to water immersion, also known as Diving reflex  The physiological responses to immersion of air-breathing vertebrates
  • Physiology of decompression  The physiological basis for decompression theory and practice
  • Pillar valve represented by Scuba cylinder valve  Valve controlling flow of breathing gas into and out of a scuba cylinder
  • Polespear  Basic rubber launched underwater fishing spear
  • Police diving  A branch of professional diving carried out by police services
  • Pony bottle  Small independent scuba cylinder usually carried for emergency gas supply
  • Porpoise  Australian scuba manufacturer
  • Powerhead  Specialized firearm used underwater that is fired when in direct contact with the target
  • Pressure  Force distributed continuously over an area
  • Pressure swing adsorption  method of gas concentration using selective adsorbtion under pressure
  • Psychrometric constant  Relation of the partial pressure of water in air to temperature
  • Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)  Recreational diver training and certification agency
  • Professional diving, also known as Occupational diving  Underwater diving where divers are paid for their work
  • Professional Diving Instructors Corporation (PDIC)  Recreational diver training and certification agency
  • Public safety diving  Underwater work done by law enforcement, rescue and search and recovery teams
  • Pulmonary barotrauma  Lung over-pressure and squeeze injuries
  • Pulmonary circulation  The part of the circulatory system which carries blood from heart to lungs and back to the heart
  • Pyle stop  A series of short deep decompression stops in addition to the standard profile



  • Safety culture  The attitude, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to risks in the workplace
  • Safety data sheet, also known as Material safety data sheet  System for cataloging information, potential hazards and instructions for safe use associated with a material or product
  • Salvage diving  The diving work associated with the recovery of vehicles, cargo and structures
  • Saturation diving  Diving for periods long enough to bring all tissues into equilibrium with the partial pressures of the inert components of the breathing gas
  • Save Ontario Shipwrecks (SOS)  A provincial heritage NGO in Ontario, Canada
  • Scientific diving  The use of diving techniques in the pursuit of scientific knowledge
  • Scottish Sub Aqua Club (ScotSAC)  Scottish recreational diver training and certification agency
  • Scuba cylinder valve  Valve controlling flow of breathing gas into and out of a scuba cylinder
  • Scuba diving  Swimming underwater breathing gas carried by the diver
  • Scuba diving fatalities  Deaths occurring while scuba diving or as a consequence of scuba diving.
  • Scuba Diving International (SDI)  Recreational diver training and certification agency
  • Scuba diving tourism  Industry based on recreational diver travel
  • Scuba Educators International (SEI)  Recreational diver training and certification agency
  • Scuba gas planning  Estimation of breathing gas mixtures and quantities required for a planned dive profile
  • Scuba manifold  Scuba component used to connect two diving cylinders
  • Scuba Schools International (SSI)  Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency
  • Scuba set  Self contained underwater breathing apparatus
  • Scuba skills  The skills required to dive safely using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
  • Sea Research Society  American non-profit educational society
  • Sea Trek (diving system)  Recreational underwater diving system using helmets
  • SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV)  Manned wet submersible for deploying Navy SEALS
  • Seasickness, also known as Motion sickness  Nausea caused by motion
  • Sentry (AUV)  Autonomous underwater vehicle made by Woods Hole Oceanographic institution
  • Shadow Divers  Book by Robert Kurson recounting the discovery of a World War II German U-boat wreck
  • Shallow Water Combat Submersible  A manned submersible and a type of swimmer delivery vehicle
  • Shark tourism  Tourism industry based on viewing sharks in their natural habitat
  • Shayetet 13  Special operations unit of the Israeli Navy
  • Shilling, Charles Wesley  US Navy physician and decompression and hyperbaric medicine researcher
  • Ships husbandry diving  Diving related to the maintenance and upkeep of ships
  • Sidemount diving  Diving using an equipment configuration where the scuba sets are clipped to the sides of the harness
  • Siebe Gorman CDBA  A type of diving rebreather used by the Royal Navy
  • Silt out  Reduction of underwater visibility by disturbing silt deposits
  • The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure  Book by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Frédéric Dumas
  • Siluro San Bartolomeo  Italian manned torpedo design of late WWII
  • Single point of failure  A part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working
  • Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior  Covert attack by French military frogmen on a civilian ship in peacetime
  • Siva  Military diving rebreather
  • Skandalopetra diving  Freediving using a stone weight at the end of a rope to the surface
  • Snell's law, also known as Law of refraction  The relation between the angles of incidence and refraction of waves crossing the interface between isotropic media
  • Snoopy loop  Short circular elastic length of rubber and latex, commonly used to hold objects together
  • Snorkel  Short, curved tube for breathing face down at the surface of the water
  • Snuba  Limited depth airline breathing apparatus towed by the diver
  • Solo diving  Recreational diving without a dive buddy
  • Solubility  Capacity of a substance to dissolve in a solvent in a homogeneous way
  • Solution  A homogeneous mixture which assumes the phase of the solvent
  • South African Department of Employment and Labour  Department of the South African government responsible for matters related to employment
  • South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON)  A network of people, organisations and observation platforms, that perform Long-Term Ecological Research in South Africa and surrounding waters
  • South African Underwater Sports Federation (SAUSF)  The official World Underwater Federation representative body in the Republic of South Africa.
  • South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS)  A publisher for diving and hyperbaric medicine and physiology
  • Southern African Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Association (SAUHMA)  A special interest group of the Council of the South African Medical Association
  • Spearfishing  Hunting for fish using a spear
  • Speargun  Underwater fishing implement
  • Special Boat Service  Special forces unit of the Royal Navy. Formed originally from the RMBPD
  • Special Duties Unit  Hong Kong Police tactical unit
  • Special Service Group (Navy)  Pakistan Navy special operations force
  • Spindle (vehicle)  Ice penetrating two-stage autonomous underwater vehicle
  • SPURV  Self propelled underwater research vehicle built in 1957 for the US Navy
  • SPURV II  Special purpose underwater research vessel built to srudy submarine wakes
  • Sponge diving  Diving to gather natural sponges
  • Sport diving (sport)  Underwater sport using recreational open circuit scuba equipment in a swimming pool
  • SPP-1 underwater pistol  Soviet four-barreled underwater dart pistol
  • Standard diving dress  Rubberised canvas diving suit with copper helmet and weighted boots
  • Standard operating procedure  A set of detailed instructions compiled by an organization Or a manager to help workers carry out operations safely and effectively
  • Stand-by diver  A member of a dive team who is ready to assist or rescue the working diver
  • Star Canopus diving accident  Fatal offshore diving bell accident in 1978
  • Static apnea  A discipline in which the diver holds their breath underwater for as long as possible, and does not need to swim any distance
  • Stratification  Stable water layers of different properties that act as a barrier to vertical mixing
  • Sub-Aqua Association (SAA)  British recreational diver training and certification organisation
  • Subsurface (software)  Open source dive log program
  • Supersaturation  State of a solution that contains more solute than can be dissolved at equilibrium
  • Supervised diver  Minimum requirements for a recreational diver to dive in open water under direct supervision
  • Surface marker buoy  A buoy towed by a scuba diver to indicate the diver's position
  • Surface-supplied diving  Underwater diving breathing gas supplied from the surface
  • Surface-supplied diving equipment  Equipment used specifically for surface supplied diving
  • Surface-supplied diving skills  Skills and procedures required for the safe operation and use of surface-supplied diving equipment
  • Surface tension  Tendency of a liquid surface to shrink to reduce surface area
  • Surfactant  Substance that lowers the surface tension between a liquid and another material
  • Surfer's ear  The common name for an abnormal bone growth within the external ear canal
  • Surge (wave action)  The component of wave motion close to and parallel with the bottom
  • Sustained load cracking  Metallurgical failure mode of cracking under a prolonged static load
  • Swimfin  Finlike accessories worn on the feet, used for swimming, snorkeling and diving propulsion
  • Systemic circulation  The portion of the cardiovascular system which transports oxygenated blood away from the heart (between heart and body cells)


  • Taifib  Indonesian amphibious reconnaissance unit
  • Taravana  Decompression sickness after breath-hold diving
  • Task loading  The relationship between operator capacity and the accumulated activities that must be done
  • Technical diving  Extended scope recreational diving
  • Technical Diving International (TDI)  Technical diver training and certification agency
  • Technical Extended Range (TXR)  Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency
  • Testing and inspection of diving cylinders  Periodical inspection and testing to revalidate fitness for service
  • Thalmann algorithm  Recent US Navy algorithm for modelling of inert gases entering and leaving body tissues as pressure changes
  • Thalmann, Edward D.  American hyperbaric medicine specialist and decompression researcher
  • Therapeutic recompression  Recompression to reduce symptoms of decompression illness
  • Thermocline  A distinct layer in a large body of fluid in which temperature changes more rapidly with depth than it does in the layers above or below
  • Thermodynamic model of decompression  Early model in which decompression is controlled by the volume of gas bubbles coming out of solution
  • Theseus (AUV)  Large autonomous underwater vehicle for laying fibre optic cable
  • Tidal race  A fast-moving tidal flow passing through a constriction, forming waves, eddies and strong currents
  • Tide  Rise and fall of the sea level under astronomical gravitational influences
  • Timeline of diving technology  A chronological list of notable events in the history of underwater diving
  • Tissue (biology)  Cellular organization level
  • Torricellian chamber  An air space in a cave chamber with pressure below atmospheric
  • Towboard  Underwater survey equipment used to tow a diver
  • Tremie  Equipment for underwater concrete placement
  • Triger, Jacques  French geologist who invented the pressurised caisson
  • Trimix (breathing gas)  Breathing gas consisting of oxygen, helium and nitrogen
  • Trimix Scuba Association (TSA)  Recreational technical scuba training and certification agency
  • Trongle  Device used on submarines to help swimmers to locate a submerged submarine
  • Turbidity  The cloudiness of a fluid caused by large numbers of particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye
  • Türkiye Sualtı Sporları Federasyonu (TSSF)  Turkish national governing body for underwater sport and lifesaving



  • Variable weight apnea  Deep freediving using a weighted sled for descent, pulling along the depth rope for ascent
  • Varying Permeability Model  Decompression model and algorithm based on bubble physics
  • Venture One diving accident  Saturation diving fatality in the North Sea in 1977
  • Vertigo  Type of dizziness where a person has the sensation of moving or surrounding objects moving
  • Vintage scuba  Early model scuba equipment and the ongoing activity of diving with it
  • Viper  Electronically-controlled closed circuit mixed gas military rebreather
  • Voyage to the Edge of the World  1976 French nature documentary



gollark: <@787746801800577034> is now declared isomorphic.
gollark: You must have copied it off the interwebs.
gollark: Ideally² we would also be able to test things like this in test subnations, but nobody seems very interested in doing that.
gollark: Troubling.
gollark: I would support a UBI which provides enough money to at least live off, if it wouldn't cause horrible inflation.

See also


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