Manually Coded Malay

Kod Tangan Bahasa Malaysia (KTBM), or Manually Coded Malay, is a form of sign language recognized by the government in Malaysia and the Malaysian Ministry of Education to be used in aiding teachers to teach the Malay language to deaf students in formal education settings. It is not itself a language, but a manually coded language, a signed form of oral Malay. It is adapted from American Sign Language (or perhaps Manually Coded English), with the addition of some local signs, and grammatical signs representing affixation of nouns and verbs as used in Malay. It is used in Deaf schools for the purpose of teaching the Malay language.

The official Malaysian Sign Language, known as Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia is the official sign language recognised by the Malaysian government used to communicate with the deaf community, including on official broadcasts. It is a language on its own and not a manual coding of the Malay language like KTBM.

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