List of government space agencies

This is a list of government agencies engaged in activities related to outer space and space exploration.

As of 2018, 72 different government space agencies are in existence; 14 of those have launch capability. Six government space agencies—the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA or Roscosmos)—have full launch capabilities; these include the ability to launch and recover multiple satellites, deploy cryogenic rocket engines and operate space probes.

The name given is the English version, with the native language version below. The acronym given is the most common acronym: this can either be the acronym of the English version (e.g. JAXA), or the acronym in the native language. Where there are multiple acronyms in common use, the English one is given first.

The date of the founding of the space agency is the date of first operations where applicable. If the space agency is no longer running, then the date when it was terminated (i.e. the last day of operations) is given. A link to the Agency's primary website is also given.

List of space agencies

The capabilities of the space agencies are color-coded as follows
  Human Lunar Exploration + Operates Space Station + Human Spaceflight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites
  Space station + Human Spaceflight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites
  Human spaceflight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites
  Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites
  Launch Capability + Operates Satellites
  None Of The Above
Name Initialisms/Acronym Country Founded Terminated Capabilities of the space agency Ref(s)
Astronauts Operates Satellites Sounding Rockets capable Recoverable Biological Sounding Rockets capable
Australian Space Agency ASA  Australia 1 July 2018NoYesYesNo [1][2]
Belarus Space Agency BSA  Belarus 2009NoNoYesNo [3]
Central American Association for Aeronautics and Space (Asociación Centroamericana de Aeronáutica y el Espacio) ACAE  Costa Rica 2010NoYesNoNo [4]
Croatian Space Agency (Hrvatska Svemirska Agencija) CROSA
 Croatia 2007NoYesNoNo [5]
Mexican Space Agency AEM  Mexico 30 July 2010YesYesYesNo
Algerian Space Agency
ASAL  Algeria 16 January 2002NoYesYesNo
Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization APSCO 28 October 2005NoYesNoNo
Austrian Space Agency ALR  Austria 12 July 1972NoNoNoNo [6][7]
Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency[8] AMAKA  Azerbaijan 21 February 1974NoYesNoNo
National Space Science Agency NSSA  Bahrain 9 April 2014NoNoNoNo [9]
Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy BIRA
 Belgium 25 November 1964YesNoNoNo [10]
Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities ABAE  Venezuela 1 January 2008NoYesNoNo [11]
Brazilian Space Agency AEB  Brazil 10 February 1994YesYesYes[12]No [13]
UK Space Agency UKSA  United Kingdom 1 April 2010YesYesYesNo
Bolivian Space Agency ABE  Bolivia 2012 NoYesNoNo [14][15][16]
Bulgarian Space Agency ИКИ-БАН
 Bulgaria 1987YesYesNoNo [17]
Canadian Space Agency CSA
 Canada 1 March 1989YesYesYesNo [18]
China National Space Administration CNSA  China 22 April 1993YesYesYesYes [19]
Colombian Space Commission CCE  Colombia 18 July 2006NoYesNoNo [20]
Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing CRISP  Singapore 1995NoYesNoNo
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CCSDS
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
British National Space Centre (BNSC)
Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES)
China National Space Administration (CNSA)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR)
European Space Agency (ESA)
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA)
Committee on Space Research COSPAR 1958NoNoNoNo [21][22][23]
Czech: Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky
(Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic - Space Technologies and Satellite Systems Department[24])

Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
 Czech Republic 2003YesNoNoNo [24]
Danish National Space Center DRC
 Denmark 1 January
31 December
Danish Space Research Institute DRKI
 Denmark 1 January
31 December
European Space Agency ESA
31 May 1975YesYesYesYes [25][26]
Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency GISTDA
 Thailand 3 November 2002NoYesNoNo [27]
Serbian Office for Space Sciences, Research and Development SERBSPACE  Serbia August 2016NoYesNoNo
German Aerospace Center DLR  Germany 1969YesYesYesNo [28]
Hungarian Space Office MŰI
 Hungary January 1992NoYesNoNo
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
 India 15 August 1969YesYesYesYes [29][30][31]
Greek: Ελληνικό Κέντρο Διαστήματος
(Hellenic Space Center)
 Greece 9 August 2019NoNoNoNo
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial INTA  Spain 1942YesYesYesNo [32][33][34]
Iranian Space Agency ISA  Iran 2004NoYesYesYes [35][36][37]
Israeli Space Agency
 Israel April 1983YesYesYesNo
Italian Space Agency ASI  Italy 1988YesYesYesNo [38][39]
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA  Japan 1 October 2003YesYesYesYes [40][41]
Luxembourg Space Agency
LSA  Luxembourg September 2018NoNoNoNo [42]
National Space Agency (KazCosmos);
Kazakh Space Research Institute
NSA (KazCosmos);
 Kazakhstan 1991YesYesNoNo
New Zealand Space Agency
NZSA  New Zealand April 2016NoNoNoNo
Korean Committee of Space Technology KCST  North Korea 1980s2013NoYesYesNo [43][44][45]
National Aerospace Development Administration NADA  North Korea 2013NoYesYesNo [46]
Korea Aerospace Research Institute KARI  South Korea 10 October 1989YesYesYesNo
Lithuanian Space Association LSA  Lithuania 2007NoYesNoNo [47]
Malaysian Space Agency MYSA  Malaysia 2002YesYesNoNo [48]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA  United States 1 October 1958YesYesYesYes [49]
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences NARSS  Egypt 1994NoYesNoNo [50]
National Space Program NSP  Australia 1986 1996 No Yes No No [51]
CNES CNES  France 19 December 1961YesYesYesNo [52]
Paraguayan Space Agency (Agencia Espacial de Paraguay) AEP  Paraguay 26 March 2014NoNoNoNo
National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development CONIDA  Peru 11 June 1974NoYesYesNo [53]
Philippine Space Agency PhilSA  Philippines 8 August 2019NoYesNoNo [55][56]
Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Espaciales CNIE  Argentina 19611991NoNoYesYes [57][58]
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales CONAE  Argentina 28 May 1991NoYesYesNo [57]
National Institute of Aeronautics and Space LAPAN  Indonesia 27 November 1964YesYesYesNo
National Remote Sensing Center of Mongolia NRSC  Mongolia 1987NoNoNoNo [59]
French: Centre national de la cartographie et de la télédétection
(Arabic: المركز الوطني للإستشعار عن بعد)
(National Remote Sensing Center of Tunisia)
CNCT  Tunisia 1988NoNoNoNo
Uzbek State Space Research Agency (UzbekCosmos) USSRA (UzbekCosmos)  Uzbekistan 2001NoNoNoNo [60]
State Space Agency of Ukraine ДКАУ
 Ukraine 2 March 1992YesYesYesNo
National Space Organization NSPO  Republic of China (Taiwan) 3 October 1991NoYesYesNo [61]
National Space Research and Development Agency NASRDA  Nigeria 1998NoYesNoNo
Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON  Netherlands 1983YesYesNoNo
Norwegian Space Centre NRS
 Norway 1987NoYesYesNo [62]
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission SUPARCO
 Pakistan 16 September 1961NoYesYesNo
Portugal Space  Portugal 2019NoNoNoNo[63][64]
Romanian Space Agency ASR
 Romania 1991YesYesNoNo
Egypt Remote Sensing Center (defunct) EASRT-RSC  Egypt 19711994NoNoNoNo [50]
French: Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale
Berber: Ammas Amrrukan n Tallunt
(Arabic: المركز الملكي للإستشعار البعدي الفضائي)
(Royal Center for Remote Sensing)
CRTS  Morocco December 1989NoNoNoNo
Russian Federal Space Agency ROSCOSMOS  Russia c.1992YesYesYesYes
Turkish Space Agency TUA  Turkey 2018NoYesNoNo [65][66]
Soviet space program СССР  Soviet Union ca. 1955ca. 1991YesYesYesYes
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization SPARRSO  Bangladesh 1980NoNoNoNo [67]
Polish Space Agency POLSA
 Poland 2014YesYesNoNo
South African National Space Agency SANSA  South Africa 9 December 2010NoNoNoNo [68]
Space Research Institute of Saudi Arabia
(Arabic: معهد بحوث الفضاء)
KACST-SRI  Saudi Arabia NoYesNoNo
Space Technology Institute (Viện Công nghệ vũ trụ Việt Nam) CNVT or STI
 Vietnam 20 November 2006YesYesNoNo [69]
Swedish National Space Agency SNSA  Sweden 1972YesYesYesNo
Swiss Space Office SSO   Switzerland 1998NoNoNoNo [70][71]
Turkmenistan National Space Agency TNSA  Turkmenistan 2011NoYesNoNo [72]
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs UNOOSA  United Nations 13 December 1958 [73]
United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNCOPUOS 12 December 1959[74]
United Arab Emirates Space Agency UAESA  United Arab Emirates 2014NoYesNoNo [75]
Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre MBRSC Dubai,  United Arab Emirates 6 February 2006 (as EIAST)
2015 (as MBRSC)
YesYesNoNo [76]
United States Space Force USSF  United States 20 December 2019YesYesYesYes [77][78][79]
Syrian Space Agency SSA  Syria 18 March 2014NoNoNoNo [80][81][82][83]

List of space agencies with launch capability

Space agency Country Founded Terminated Capabilities of the space agency Ref(s)
Name Acronym Launch capable Multiple Satellites Launch capable Developed and Deployed Cryogenic Rocket Engines Operates Extraterrestrial Probe Recoverable Satellites capable
Australian Space Agency ASA  Australia 1 July 2018YesNoNoNoNo [1][2]
China National Space Administration CNSA  People's Republic of China 22 April 1993YesYesYesYesYes [19]
European Space Agency ESA
31 May 1975YesYesYesYesYes [25][26]
Iranian Space Agency ISA
 Iran 2004YesNoNoNoNo
Israeli Space Agency ISA
 Israel April 1983YesNoNoNoNo
Italian Space Agency ASI  Italy 1988YesYesNoYesNo [84]
National Aerospace Development Administration
KCST  North Korea 1980sYesNoNoNoNo
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
 South Korea October 1989YesNoNoNoNo
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
 India 15 August 1969YesYesYesYesYes [29][30][31]
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA  Japan 1 October 2003YesYesYesYesYes [40]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA  United States 1 October 1958YesYesYesYesYes [49]
French: Centre National d’Études Spatiales CNES  France 19 December 1961YesYesYesNoNo [52]
State Space Agency of Ukraine ДКАУ
 Ukraine 2 March 1992YesYesNoNoNo
Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) ROSCOSMOS
 Russia ca. 1992YesYesYesYesYes
Soviet space program СССР  Soviet Union ca. 1955ca. 1991YesYesYesYesYes
United States Space Force USSF  United States 20 December 2019YesYesYesNoYes [77][78][79]

List of space agencies with human spaceflight capability

Space agency Country Founded Terminated Accomplished tasks by the space agency Ref(s)
Name Acronym Human Spaceflight capable Human Space launch capable Spacewalk capable Space Rendezvous and Docking capable Operates Space Station
China National Space Administration CNSA  People's Republic of China April 22, 1993YesYesYesYesYes [19][85]
Russian Federal Space Agency ROSCOSMOS
 Russia December 26, 1991 Dissolution of Soviet UnionYesYesYesYesYes [86]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA  United States October 1, 1958YesYesYesYesYes [49]
Soviet space program СССР  Soviet Union July 22, 1951December 26, 1991 Dissolution of Soviet UnionOctober 2, 1991 (1991-10-02) lastOctober 2, 1991 (1991-10-02) lastJuly 27, 1991 (1991-07-27) lastDecember 26, 1991 (1991-12-26) lastDecember 26, 1991 (1991-12-26) last [86]

List of space agencies with lunar landing capability

Space agency Country Founded Terminated Accomplished tasks by the space agency Ref(s)
Name Acronym Circumlunar Crewed Spaceflight Controlled impact with Lunar surface Uncrewed Moon Soft Landing Uncrewed (automated) lunar rover operation Automated Lunar sample return mission Crewed Moon Landing and sample return
China National Space Administration CNSA  People's Republic of China 22 April 1993NoYesYesYesNoNo [19]
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
 India 15 August 1969NoYesNoNoNoNo [29][30][31]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA  United States 1 October 1958YesYesYesNoNoYes [49]
Soviet space program СССР  Soviet Union ca. 19551991NoYesYesYes[87]Yes[88][89]No [90]

Expected and proposed future space agencies

Space agency Country/Countries Expected date of formation Current status Ref(s)
Name Acronym
Sri Lanka Aeronautics and Space Agency SLASA  Sri Lanka 2021 Immediate goal is to construct and launch two satellites. Sri Lankan Telecommunications Regulatory Commission has signed an agreement with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd to get relevant help and resources. [91]
African Space Agency AfSA  African Union 2023 Proposed in 2015. AU plans to launch the agency by 2019 with a proposed headquarter in Cairo, Egypt. Funded by Egypt. See the stamp issued by Egypt on 19 September 2019. [92]·[93]·[94]·[95].[96]
Armenian Space Agency ArmCosmos  Armenia Proposed in 2013 with the goal to launch satellites. Negotiating with the International Telecommunications Union to clear the path for its prospective launch. [97]
Australia-New Zealand Space Agency ANZSA Australia
New Zealand
Proposed in 2020, status unknown. [98]
South American Space Agency South America Proposed in 2011, at progress stage [99]
Caribbean Space Agency Caribbean Community Proposed in 2017, at progress stage [100]
Cambodian Aeronautics and Space Agency  Cambodia Proposed in 2016, at progress stage [101]
Haiti Space Agency HSA  Haiti Proposed in 2018, at progress stage [102]


The annual budgets listed are the official budgets for national space agencies available in public domain. The budgets are not normalized to the expenses of space research in different countries, i.e. higher budget does not necessarily mean more activity or better performance in space exploration.[103][104] Budget could be used for different projects: e.g. GPS is maintained from the US defence budget, whereas ESA's money is used for developing the European Galileo positioning system. The data for authoritarian countries are unreliable. For European contributors to ESA, the national budgets shown include also their contributions to ESA.

Budgets of different space agencies.
Agency (country/region) Budget (in millions of US $)
CNSA (China)
ESA (Europe)
DLR (Germany)
CNES (France)
Roscosmos (Russia)
ISRO (India)
ASI (Italy)
JAXA (Japan)
KARI (South Korea)
ISA and ISRC (Iran)
ASA (Algeria)
CSA (Canada)
ISAB (Belgium)
INTA (Spain)
SSO (Switzerland)
NSO (Netherlands)
SNSA (Sweden)
NOSA (Norway)
SSAU (Ukraine)
ALR (Austria)
AEB (Brazil)
CONAE (Argentina)
ISA (Israel)
Agency Budget
(in millions of US $)
Reference Year
 United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration 22,629 [105][106] 2020
 China China National Space Administration 11,000 [107] 2018
European Space Agency 7,430 [108] 2020
 Germany German Aerospace Center 4,233 [109] 2017
 France French Space Agency 3,024 [110] 2020
 Russia Russian Federal Space Agency 2,530 [111] 2020
 India Indian Space Research Organisation 1,900 [112] 2020
 Italy Italian Space Agency 1,800 [113] 2016
 Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 1,699 [114] 2017
 South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute 583 [115] 2016
 United Kingdom UK Space Agency 500 [116] 2017
 Iran Iranian Space Agency and Iranian Space Research Center 393 [117] 2018-19
 Algeria Algerian Space Agency 360 [118] 2015
 Canada Canadian Space Agency 246 [119] 2018
 Belgium Interfederal Space Agency of Belgium 224 [120] 2018
 Spain Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial 211 [121] 2018
  Switzerland Swiss Space Office 177 [108] 2019
 Netherlands Netherlands Space Office 110 [122] 2013
 Sweden Swedish National Space Agency 100 [123] 2011
 Norway Norwegian Space Agency 97 [124] 2014
 Ukraine State Space Agency of Ukraine 80 [125]
 Austria Austrian Space Agency 75 [126] 2018
 Poland Polish Space Agency 61.5 [ref] 2019-2021
 Brazil Brazilian Space Agency 47 [127] 2018
 Israel Israel Space Agency 14.5 [128] 2019
 Argentina Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales 45 [129] 2019
 Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission 45 [130][131] 2018-19
 Philippines Philippine Space Agency 38 [132] 2019
 Nigeria National Space Research and Development Agency 32.3 [133] 2019
 South Africa South African National Space Agency 11.8 [134] 2014-15
 Mexico Mexican Space Agency 8.34 [135] 2010
 Australia Australian Space Agency 32 [136][137] 2019
 Turkey Turkish Space Agency 4.3 [138] 2019
  World All space agencies (Total of listed budgets) About 60,482
gollark: There is actual work involved in spriting though, to be fair.
gollark: Yes, that would also be good.
gollark: The value is dropping. It's still at least a CB copper or so every week on average.
gollark: Well, prize or not, it creates massive imbalances in trading and causes Problems™ given that they're randomly handed out.
gollark: I can never get the stupid GoNs.

See also


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