
Aiaaira (Abkhazian: Аиааира; "Victory") is the de facto anthem of the partially recognized state of Abkhazia.[note 1] It was adopted in 1992. The lyrics were written by poet Gennady Alamia, and the music composed by Valery Chkadua.[1]

English: Victory

National anthem of Abkhazia
LyricsGennady Alamia
MusicValery Chkadua
Adopted24 October 2007
Audio sample
National Anthem of Abkhazia - Аиааира
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The lyrics were written after Abkhazia's proclamation of independence in 1992. They used as inspiration the Abkhazian revolutionary song "Kiaraz" (Abkhazian: "Кьараз") that originated during the short-lived Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921).[2]

In 1994, after the war for independence with Georgia, Valery Chkadua composed the anthem at the personal request of the first Abkhazian President Vladislav Ardzinba. Chkadua, who studied under Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitry Shostakovich, included various folk motives in the anthem. Chkadua, who refused royalties for the work, had written the anthem in the winter in a freezing, unheated house, but received housing as a thank you from the president.[3] Chkadua was sentenced by the Abkhaz court to 20 years imprisonment for pedophilia in 2018.[4]

After his election as second president of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh issued a decree "On the State Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia" that formally adopted "Aiaaira" as the national anthem on 24 October 2007.[2]


Abkhaz lyrics[5] Latin transliteration (modified KNAB 1997)[6] IPA transcription[7] English translation
First verse

Шәнеибац, шәнеибац,
Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа!
Аԥсны азыҳәан,
ашьа казҭәаз,
Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа!
ашьа казҭәаз,
Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа!

Šwnejbac, šwnejbac,
Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa!
Apsny azyhwan,
aśa ḳaztwaz,
Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa!
aśa ḳaztwaz,
Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa!

[ʃᶣnɛjbat͡sʰ ǀ ʃᶣnɛjbat͡sʰ ǀ]
[apʰswaː rɨt͡ʃʼkʼʷɨnt͡sᵛʰa ǁ]
[apʰsnɨ azɨħᶣan]
[aʃa kʼazt͡pʰaz ǀ]
[apʰswaː rɨt͡ʃʼkʼʷɨnt͡sᵛʰa ǁ]
[aʃa kʼazt͡pʰaz ǀ]
[apʰswaː rɨt͡ʃʼkʼʷɨnt͡sᵛʰa ǁ]

March on, march on,
sons of Abkhazia!
Shed our blood
for Abkhazia,
sons of Abkhazia!
Shed our blood
for independence,
sons of Abkhazia!

First chorus

Ажәҩан мрадоуп, еҵәадоуп!
Уара уда Аԥсынра!
Еҵәа-бырлаш Аԥсынтәла,
Улԥха згәаҵақәа ирҭыԥхо,
Геи-шьхеи рыԥшӡара заԥшнылаз.
Жәлар ламысла иҳаракоит!

Ažwjwan mradouṗ, eċwadouṗ!
Uara uda Apsynra!
Ec̣wa-byrlaš Apsynṭwla,
Ulpxa zgwac̣akwa irtypxo,
Gej-śxej rypšʒara zapšnylaz.
Žwlar lamysla iharaḳojṭ!

[ɔħɔħɔʔɔ ħɔʔɔrada]
[ɔħɔħɔʔɔ ħɔʔɔradara ǁ]
[aʒᶣɥan mradɔwpʼ ǀ ɛt͡sʼᵛadɔwpʼ]
[wara wɨda apʰsɨnra ǁ]
[ɛt͡sʼᵛa bɨrlaʂ apʰsɨnt͡pʼla ǀ]
[wɨlpʰχa zɡʷat͡sʼakʷʰa jɨrtʰɨpʰχɔ ǀ]
[gɛj ʃχɛj rɨpʰʂd͡zara zapʰʂnɨlaz ǁ]
[ʒᶣlar lamɨsla jɨħarakʼɔjtʼ ǁ]

Like the sun in the sky,
you are always Abkhazia!
Your love has warmed countless hearts,
with mountains and seas put on you.
Men's conscience also puts on you,
Starry, sacred Abkhazia!

Second chorus

Рада, Реида, Рарира!
Рада, Рерама, Рерашьа!
Нарҭаа риира-зиироу,
Афырхацәа Ран-Гуашьа!
Аԥсынтәыла-иԥшьоч атәыла!
Зхы здиныҳәалаз Анцәа,
Зқьышықәасала имҩасхьо гылоуп,
Рыжәаҩа еибырҭоит уԥацәа!

Rada, Reida, Rarira!
Rada, Rerama, Reraśa!
Nartaa rijra-zijrou,
Afyrxacwa Ran-Guaśa!
Apsynṭwyla-ipśoć aṭwyla!
Zxy zdinyhwalaz Ancwa,
Zkjyšykwasala imjwasxjo gylouṗ,
Ryžwajwa ejbyrtojṭ upacwa!

[rada ǀ rɛjda ǀ rarɨra]
[rada ǀ rɛrama ǀ rɛraʃa ǁ]
[nartʰaː rɨjra zɨjrɔw]
[afɨrχat͡sᵛʰa ran gwaʃa]
[apʰsɨnt͡pʼɨla jɨpʰʃɔt͡ʃʰ at͡pʼɨla]
[zχɨ zdɨnɨħᶣalaz ant͡sᵛʰa]
[zkʲʰɨʂɨkʷʰasala jɨmɥasχʲɔ gɨlɔwpʼ]
[rɨʒᶣaɥa ɛjbɨrtʰɔjtʼ wɨpʼat͡sᵛʰa ǁ]

Rada, Reyda, Rarira!
Rada, Rerama, Rerasha!
Mother of the hero,
where Nart is born – how sacred!
Abkhazia, may the world bless you
for thousands more of years to come.
Children unite as one people,
Brothers shoulder to shoulder.

Second verse

Шәнеибац Аԥсныжәлар!
Аишьцәа, шәнеибац!
Нхыҵ-аахыҵ ҳаицуп!
Ҳазшаз илаԥш
ҳхыуп иаҳхымшәо
Ԥеԥш лаша ҳзышуп!

Šwnejbac Apsnyžwlar!
Ajścwa, šwnejbac!
Nxyc̣-aaxyc̣ hajcuṗ!
Hazšaz ilapš
hxyuṗ jahxymšwo
Pepš laša hzyšuṗ!

[ʃᶣnɛjbat͡sʰ apʰsnɨʒᶣlar ǁ]
[ajʃt͡sᵛʰa ǀ ʃᶣnɛjbat͡sʰ ǁ]
[nχɨt͡sʼ aːχɨt͡sʼ ħajt͡sʰwɨpʼ ǁ]
[ħazʂaz jɨlapʰʂ]
[ħχɨwpʼ jaħχɨmʃᶣɔ]
[pʰɛpʰʂ laʂa ħzɨʂwpʼ ǁ]

March on, Abkhazians!
Brothers, march on!
In Transcaucasia,
we're always here,
God's watching here,
for a better future!

Third verse

Шәнеибац Аԥсныжәлар!
Игылеит ҳамра,
Иақәым ҭашәара!
Шьардаамҭа, Аԥсынра!

Šwnejbac Apsnyžwlar!
Igylejṭ hamra,
Jakwym tašwara!
Śardaamta, Apsynra!

[ʃᶣnɛjbat͡sʰ ǀ apʰsnɨʒᶣlar]
[jɨgɨlɛjtʼ ħamra ǀ]
[jakʷʰɨm tʰaʃᶣara ǁ]
[wɨrɨlaɡʷɨrɡʲa ǀ]
[anra aħʂara]
[ʃardaːmtʰa ǀ ajaːjra ǁ]

March on, Abkhazians!
The sun is rising!
What a bright future!
Love forever,
that's God's bless to
Victory's bright future![8]

Sample text of Abkhaz in the Georgian script (1938–53)

შჿნეიბაც, შჿნეიბაც,
აფსუაა რჷჭკჿჷნცჿა.
აფსნჷ აზჷჰჿან
აშა კაზთჿაზ,
აფსუაა რჷჭკჿჷნცჿა.
აშა კაზთჿაზ,
აფსუაა რჷჭკჿჷნცჿა.

ო-ჰო-ჰო-ო ჰო-ო-რადა
ო-ჰო-ჰო-ო ჰო-ო-რადა-რა!
აჟჿჳან მრადოუპ, ეწჿადოუპ
უარა უდა აფსჷნრა!
ეწჿა-ბჷრლაშ აფსჷნტჿლა,
ულფხა ზგჿაწაქჿა ირთჷფხო,
გეი-შხეი რჷფშჾძარა ზაფშჾნჷლაზ.
ჟჿლარ ლამჷსლა იჰარაკოიტ.

რადა, რეიდა, რარირა
რადა, რერამა, რერაშა.
ნართაა რიირა-ზიიროუ
აჶჷრხაცჿა რან-გუაშა
აფსჷნტჿჷლა-იფშოჩ ატჿჷლა
ზხჷ ზდინჷჰჿალაზ ანცჿა
ზქჲჷშჾჷქჿასალა იმჳასხჲო გჷლოუპ
რჷჟჿაჳა ეიბჷრთოიტ უფაცჿა.

შჿნეიბაც აფსნჷჟჿლარ!
აიშცჿა, შჿნეიბაც!
ნხჷწ-აახჷწ ჰაიცუპ!
ჰაზშჾაზ ილაფშჾ
ჰხჷუპ იაჰხჷმშჿო
ფეფშჾ ლაშჾა ჰზჷშჾუპ!

შჿნეიბაც, აფსნჷჟჿლარ,
იგჷლეიტ ჰამრა,
იაქჿჷმ თაშჿარა!
შარდაამთა, აფსჷნრა.

gollark: Your osmarksUUID, if you're curious, is `36d29cdb-55dd-4217-b371-67c0d578a639`.
gollark: They are equally real. Your osmarksUUID™ is more realerer.
gollark: Your UUID.
gollark: If I eventually migrate to or something instead, will the universe just implode under the weight of the references which will need updating?
gollark: Hmm, so your REAL real name is REALLY lukas?

See also


  1. Abkhazia is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Abkhazia and Georgia. The Republic of Abkhazia unilaterally declared independence on 23 July 1992, but Georgia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. Abkhazia has received formal recognition as an independent state from 7 out of 193 United Nations member states, 1 of which have subsequently withdrawn their recognition.


  1. "National Anthem Downloads, Lyrics, & Information: - Republic of Abkhazia". 2009-03-19. Retrieved 2011-01-13.
  2. "Гимн" (in Russian). Abkhazian Embassy in Russia. Retrieved 9 July 2015.
  3. Kubatian, Grigory (14 January 2013). "Discovering a home of eccentrics". Russia Beyond the Headlines. Retrieved 9 July 2015.
  4. "Abkhaz pedophile caught in the act, mothers sold him their children". JAMnews. 12 October 2018. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  5. "State Symbols". Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Abkhazia. Archived from the original on 2017-04-21. Retrieved 9 July 2015.
  7. "IPA Converter". BaltoSlav. Archived from the original on 2018-08-19. Retrieved 26 August 2018.
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