Hymn of Crimea

Hymn of Crimea (Crimean Tatar: Qırım Gimni; Ukrainian: Гімн Криму; Russian: Гимн Крыма) is the official anthem of the Crimea. The anthem was composed by Alemdar Karamanov, and the text was written by Olga Golubeva.

Гимн Крыма
English: 'Hymn of Crimea'

anthem of Crimea
Also known asНивы и горы твои волшебны, Родина (English: Your fields and mountains are enchanting, o Motherland)
LyricsOlga Golubeva
MusicAlemdar Karamanov

The anthem was adopted after a contest held by the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea on 26 February 1992. It was officially adopted on 18 October 2000.

The anthem has been and is currently used by both the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Crimea.


Russian[1] Russian – Latin transliteration Ukrainian[2]Ukrainian – Latin transliteration English translation

Нивы и горы твои волшебны, Родина,
Солнце и море твои целебны, Родина.
Эту землю мы сохраним
И внукам оставим цветущий, как сад, Крым,
Цветущий, как сад, Крым!

Зори свободы тебя согрели, Родина,
Братья-народы тебя воспели, Родина.
Эту землю мы сохраним
И вместе, крымчане, прославим в веках Крым,
Прославим в веках Крым!

Славься, Крым!

Nivy i gory tvoi volšebny, Rodina,
Solnce i more tvoi celebny, Rodina.
Etu zemlju my sohranim
I vnukam ostavim cvetušcij, kak sad, Krym,
Cvetušcij, kak sad, Krym!

Zori svobody tebja sogreli, Rodina,
Bratjja-narody tebja vospeli, Rodina.
Etu zemlju my sohranim
I vmeste, krymčane, proslavim v vekah Krym,
Proslavim v vekah Krym!

Slavjsja, Krym!

Ниви і гори твої чарівні, Батьківщино,
Сонце і море твої цілющі, Батьківщино.
Цю землю ми збережімо
І онукам залишімо квітучий, як сад, Крим,
Квітучий, як сад, Крим!

Зорі волі тебе зігріли, Батьківщино,
Брати-народи тебе оспівали, Батьківщино.
Цю землю ми збережімо
І разом, кримчани, прославімо в століттях Крим,
Прославімо в століттях Крим!

Слався, Криме!

Nyvy i hory tvoyi charivni, Batʹkivshchyno,
Sontse i more tvoyi tsilyushchi, Batʹkivshchyno.
Tsyu zemlyu my zberezhimo
I onukam zalyshimo kvituchyy, yak sad, Krym,
Kvituchyy, yak sad, Krym!

Zori voli tebe zihrily, Batʹkivshchyno,
Braty-narody tebe ospivaly, Batʹkivshchyno.
Tsyu zemlyu my zberezhimo
I razom, krymchany, proslavimo v stolittyakh Krym,
Proslavimo v stolittyakh Krym!

Slavsya, Kryme!

Your magical fields and mountains, o Motherland,
Your salubrious Sun and sea, o Motherland.
This land we preserve
And will leave to grandchildren blooming, like a garden, Crimea,
Blooming, like a garden, Crimea!

Dawns of freedom warmed you, o Motherland,
Brothers-peoples glorified you, o Motherland.
This land we preserve
And together, crimeans, we will praise Crimea in centuries.
Praise Crimea in centuries!

Glory to Crimea!

gollark: If you transistor goes brrrr, you are doing it wrong.
gollark: My device was not doing audio output on the headphone jack. I had to muck around with ADB (as root because of course) and change some mysterious setting in a config file and it worked.
gollark: Also, I had an unfathomable Android issue and it turned out to actually be quite fathomable, so I'm happy?
gollark: I have no idea, I just saw its existence.
gollark: Er, there's some challenge-y app on Android for building circuits or something? I've seen it.

See also


  1. Verkhovna Rada of Crimea resolution 1461-2/2000 of 18 October 2000; rada.crimea.uaArchived March 24, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  2. http://www.pisni.org.ua/songs/6354454.html
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