Anthem of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The Anthem of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrug (Russian: Гимн Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа, Gimn Yamalo-Nenetskogo avtonomnogo okruga) is one of the national symbols of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a federal subject of Russia, along with its flag and coat of arms. The Russian lyrics of the anthem were written by Lyudmila Khodunova and the anthem's music was composed by Yuri Yunkerov, both in 2010. It was officially adopted on 17 November 2010.[1]

Gimn Yamalo-Nenetskogo avtonomnogo okruga
English: Anthem of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrug
Гимн Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа
Coat of arms of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

anthem of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
LyricsLyudmila Khodunova, 2010
MusicYuri Yunkerov, 2010
Adopted17 November 2010
Audio sample
Anthem of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
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Russian Transliteration
Среди седых широт полярных,
Где вьюги правят вечный бал,
Героем былей легендарных
Встаёт заснеженный Ямал!
Суровый край! Оплот Державы!
Ты с каждым годом всё сильней.
Ямал — сокровище и слава
И гордость Родины моей!
Девиз твой — всё для человека!
И, к новым подвигам готов,
Решаешь ты задачи века,
Храня традиции отцов!
Земля открытий и дерзаний!
Бескрайней тундры властный зов,
Где спорят с северным сияньем
Огни ямальских городов!
Sredi sedykh shirot polyarnykh,
Gde v'yugi pravyat vechnyy bal,
Geroyem byley legendarnykh
Vstayot zasnezhennyy Yamal!
Surovyy kray! Oplot Derzhavy!
Ty s kazhdym godom vsyo sil'ney.
Yamal — sokrovishche i slava
I gordost' Rodiny moyey!
Deviz tvoy — vsyo dlya cheloveka!
I, k novym podvigam gotov,
Reshayesh' ty zadachi veka,
Khranya traditsii ottsov!
Zemlya otkrytiy i derzaniy!
Beskrayney tundry vlastnyy zov,
Gde sporyat s severnym siyan'yem
Ogni yamal'skikh gorodov!
gollark: Also², UTF-16 for some reason.
gollark: Also, "secure boot".
gollark: It might be slower and it's definitely bigger and more complex.
gollark: Sort of. Not really.
gollark: You put your bootloader there.


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