< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S09

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S09/E03 Puma Man

Film watched: Puma Man

"You know, I have almost no respect for pumas now. I now know that if I ever run into a puma, I can just push it the hell over."


  • Ass Pull: The bots, when convincing Mike of his role as Coatimundi Man, clearly haven't thought out his power suite:

Crow: Yeah...you can shoot....uh....magnetic...uh, laser....beams...from....from your nose! Yeah! Yeah!

Mike: Help, I'm falling at a 60 degree angle breaking all the laws of physics!

Servo: Bold, Mike.

Crow: I'll go mess up, and you save me!

Crow: All times, he has the look of a man who's been hit by a fish.

Crow: (as Tony) Please get off, I'm feeling funny down there.

  • It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": Every time Kobras says "Puma Man" the British way ("Pyooma Man", as opposed to "Pooma Man", Mike and the bots 'correct' him (Mike: "Oh, is that right, Dyonald?"); then when he says "human being", Servo says "That's 'hooman being'... oh, no, wait..."
    • One riff plays on this as well:

Vadinho: I say put it on.
Mike: And you say "pyoot it oon".

  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Despite being a fan favorite, this episode isn't likely to see release any time soon, because Shout Factory have so far found it impossible to get in touch with the film's copyright holders.
    • How about they just release the episode and then see who comes out to sue them? Us MSTies would be happy to pass the hat around and start a legal fund.
  • Mind Control Device: Tom and Crow attempt to mimic the film's method of Brainwashing to make the perfect assassin by building a bust of... folk singer Roger Whittaker!
  • Never Say That Again: Mike tells Servo this after the latter makes a joke related to The Mask.
  • Notable Original Music: Mike and the 'bots add their own lyrics to the jingle-istic "Puma Man Theme:"

Servo: (singing) The fat-free yo-gurt that's not short on fla-vor!
Mike: (singing) Dick's... Red Owl... selection and service...
Servo: (singing) Snyder Drug.. .we're busting up prices!
Crow: (singing) When... you want... the fla-vor of ba-con in a dip!
Crow: (singing) Burn an old man, singe all his flesh off!
Crow: (singing) Now... they're going... to boff in the air...!

  • Rummage Sale Reject: Mike's Coatimundi Man costume quickly turns into this. Justified in that it was all a ploy by the bots to make him look silly.
  • Running Gag: The heroic declaration of "Puma Man!" whenever Tony's being decidedly un-heroic. Also, the spoofing of Pleasence using the British pronunciation of "Puma". Much fun was also had at the expense of "Vadinho's" name sounding like a type of onion[1].

Vadinho: Kneel.
Crow: I told you, my name's Tony!

    • They even do a preview of the pronunciation gag before it's even established:

Vadinho: I say put it on.
Mike: And you say "pyoot it oon".

    • As usual, Mike and the 'bots keep making reference to Pleasence's baldness.

Kobras: Comb the area.
Crow: Donald's only use for the word "comb", right there.

  1. Vidalia, if you didn't know
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