< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S10 < E05 The Blood Waters of Dr. Z

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S10/E05 The Blood Waters of Dr. Z/YMMV

Crow: No love! Love is gone! So lost! Feeling panicky! No sense of self! Developing stress-disorders and inability to work with others!

    • During one of the side sections, when Mike and the bots are fishing from space:

Crow: Whoa, nelly. What kinda lure were you usin' Mike? A grenade? Or...
Mike: Well, sometimes when you bring 'em through high orbit they'll freeze n' go through explosive decompression.
Tom Servo: Oh, that'll wreck your catch.
Mike: Yeah.
Tom Servo: Better throw it back.

    • Riff-wise, this just may be one of the greatest lines ever done:

Voiceover of Dr. Leopold's Former Boss: Your theory is insane, doctor! Turning a man into a fish? I cannot approve funding for such an outrageous experiment!
Crow: ...Now pull up your pants and get out of my office!

  • Squick: The chew tobacco scene.
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