< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S04

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S04/E16 Fire Maidens From Outer Space

Film watched: Fire Maidens from Outer Space

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation provides examples of:

Crow (in thick Texas accent): Welcome to London, Ma'am.
Servo: No, it's not Spooner, Wisconsin; still London... Maybe it's just Canada pretending to be London.
Crow: Keep left! On the LEFT!! DICKWEED!

  • Dark Is Evil: Timmy. The Timmy puppet is actually Crow's body double when watching the movies.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: Timmy the Dark Crow. Only Servo is wise to Timmy's antics, and Joel seems particularly oblivious. It's not until Servo is kidnapped by Timmy that Joel and Crow decide to take action.
  • Double Entendre: parodied:

Say, does this TV have a remote?
As far as I know, Lincoln's not president any more!
She came home from the store, with a bag of apples... and a loaf of bread!
And now a word from our sponsor! POOM!

    • Crow doesn't quite get the concept.

Crow: Grind her in the hi--
Joel & Tom: CROW!

  • I See London: After Crow invokes this by name (during a blatantly fanservicey dance number), Tom pipes in with:

Tom: [singing] Watching Underoos is fun! I can see the dancers' buns!

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