< Mystery Science Theater 3000 < Recap < S02

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S02/E02 The Sidehackers

Film watched: The Sidehackers

The film is particularly notorious for containing a brutally graphic depiction of a rape/murder -- a little tidbit Best Brains were unaware of and unprepared for when they elected to feature the movie. So horrified were they, in fact, that they altered the process for screening films; from this point forward, all potential movies would be screened in their entirety before being elected for inclusion on the show.

The MST3K treatment provide examples of:

  • Call Back: Several in future experiments, such as:
    • "That's a #5!"
    • "He hit Big Jake!"
    • "Chili Peppers burn my gut!" a callback that's used A LOT.
  • Did Not Do the Research: Frank Conniff selected the film without watching the whole thing, and when the whole crew sat down to start writing, they were horrified at the brutal scene of Rita's rape and murder. It was too late to take the film off their schedule, so they just cut the scene out and had Crow quickly blurt out "For those of you playing along at home, Rita's dead!" to address the plot hole caused by her sudden disappearance.
  • Never Heard That One Before: Joel and the 'bots see the "prison joke" story's punchline coming a mile away.
  • Running Gag: Calling Rommel a Magnificent Bastard, often adding, "I read your book!"
  • With Lyrics: "Nothing lasts forever / only love / pads the film."
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